Treatment with water procedures. Types of therapeutic water procedures: shower, bath, sauna. Hardening and winter swimming

Water procedures- These are hygienic and health procedures that are associated with the external use of water. Water has a very high heat capacity. By comparison, the heat capacity of water is 28 times higher than the heat capacity of air. To better compare these indicators, it should be said that at the same temperature of air and water, our body in water will lose 30 times more heat than in the open air.

Due to the fact that water has a high heat capacity, is capable of exerting a mechanical effect on our body, and also dissolving various mineral salts that enhance its beneficial effects, it is used for medicinal purposes.

Before moving on to the main fundamental features of water procedures, let’s briefly get acquainted with some of their types.


There are two types of therapeutic pool: open (outdoors) and indoor (indoors). It is filled with either sea water or water with mineral salts dissolved in it. The purpose of the pool is to conduct various types of therapeutic gymnastic exercises (aqua fitness), underwater spinal traction (traction therapy), etc.


The action of a hydrotherapy bath is based on the chemical composition and temperature of the bath water. Mechanisms can be used to create artificial water movement. Hydrotherapy baths are:

  • mineral

There are also hydrotherapy baths for skin care (cosmetic), with the addition of essential oils (aromatic), etc. One way or another, all hydrotherapy baths are classified depending on the desired result.


In other words, baths or thermal (hot) baths. The therapeutic effect is based on the effect of heat on the body, which stimulates sweating processes. This cleanses the skin pores and improves blood flow. In addition, inhaling hot air has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Thermal baths can be combined with aromatherapy and a contrast shower or swimming pool. Changing exposure to heat to exposure to cold pool water has a positive effect on the human nervous system and increases tone.


There are many types of shower. Among them it is worth noting Charcot's shower– from a distance of 3-5 meters, a hot stream of water is first directed at a person, and then a cold stream of water. Scottish shower- similar to a Charcot shower, but two hoses are used: one with cold water, the other with hot water. The jets are alternately directed at a person from different directions, thus creating a constant contrast of hot and cold water. This type of shower is only suitable for trained people. Steam shower– a steam generator turns water into steam, which is scattered onto the human body. Shower Vichy– creates the effect of natural rain due to a large number of thin streams of water, which create zones of high ionization on the body. Rising shower– water jets are directed from bottom to top; used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. As can be seen from the above, the therapeutic effect of the shower is achieved mainly due to the contrast in the temperatures of the water jets, due to their strength and frequency.

It's also worth noting wraps, compresses, bathing, dousing, hardening.

Wraps and compresses are based on thermal effects (hot and cold compress, hot and cold wrap), as well as on the property of moist skin to better absorb healing ointments and medicinal substances.

Bathing combines the thermal effects of water (swimming in hot and cold waters), physical activity (swimming movements), and the mechanical effect of water on the body.

Pouring is based on a gradual decrease in the temperature of the water used for dousing. The main purpose of dousing is to prepare the body for water procedures that are more irritating.

Hardening in itself has a beneficial effect on our health. However, you should know that to achieve maximum effect (especially when it comes to longevity), you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. There is no point in hardening yourself if the principles of proper nutrition are not followed, there is no physical activity, and smoking and alcohol are an integral part of our lives. By the way, maintaining a healthy lifestyle concerns not only hardening, but also all other water procedures.

Principles of water procedures

As we already know, there are many different types of water procedures. But in order for all of them to really benefit health, it is necessary to know their basic principles of their implementation. It should be added that all of them are common and universal for any type of water procedures.

  1. Any water procedure is prescribed as a course

To get results from water procedures, you need to carry them out regularly or in courses, depending on the type of procedure and the desired result. If you carry out water procedures with so-called “swoops”, then there will be no benefit from them, but there may be harm. One water procedure by itself will not have a strong effect and will not immediately bring the desired healing effect, while a course of water procedures has a therapeutic effect due to its systematic effect on the body and its response to the influence. It is important to understand here that even skipping one procedure can negate previously performed ones. Also, you cannot stop water treatments early without good reason. You must be confident in yourself and that you can complete the started course of water procedures to the end.

  1. The water procedure is carried out at the appointed time

Water procedures are different. For example, water treatments can have both a tonic and relaxing effect. It is better to carry out relaxing water procedures shortly before bedtime, so that your sleep becomes deeper and more sound, and tonic ones - in the morning to get a charge of vigor for the coming day. A hot bath, for example, should not be taken after a meal, especially if the meal was heavy. In general, it is better to carry out any water procedure 45 – 60 minutes after eating. It is not recommended to carry out water procedures after severe emotional overload. Physical overload is also undesirable before water procedures. On the other hand, it is useful to combine hardening water procedures with moderate physical activity.

  1. Duration of the water procedure

The water procedure, like any other, has its own duration, during which a positive effect on the body is created. Going beyond these limits to a lesser or greater extent reduces the positive effect to zero. But going beyond the limits can also have a negative impact on the body.

For example, let's take the effect of entering cold water. With the external influence of cold water on the body, we may notice that our skin turns pale. At this time, the vessels narrow, and blood from the periphery goes to the internal organs. This state of the body is called primary chills. This is a short-term phenomenon that soon passes. The blood returns to the periphery again, the vessels dilate, and the skin turns red. However, if you remain in the water after this, secondary chills. Unlike the primary chill, which had a positive effect on our body, the second one has already had a negative impact on it. If we often allow secondary chills, we risk acquiring chronic fatigue.

  1. Water procedures and emotional state

A state of rest is recommended during most procedures. In order for the body to concentrate all its forces on the response to the effects of the water procedure, it is necessary to try to exclude other irritants. Nothing should interfere, distract or cause discomfort during the procedure. After completing the water procedure, you should give yourself some time to rest. It is important to understand that any water procedure is stress for the body, to which it must respond appropriately. Therefore, keeping the body in a calm state during and after the procedure will allow you to achieve a greater therapeutic effect.

  1. Water procedures and sequence

When practicing water procedures, you should have patience and do everything gradually, consistently. This means that you should not immediately organize a shake-up. Do not think that the faster you start water procedures, the more effective they will be for your body.

For example, you decide to start hardening by dousing with cold water. To do this, you filled a bucket with cold water, went outside into the cold and tipped the entire bucket over yourself. After such a procedure, the average adult, accustomed to “greenhouse” conditions, will, at best, end up with a runny nose; at worst, he will suffer from pneumonia.

It is better to start with rubbing with a wet towel, and then move on to dousing, gradually reducing the temperature of the water. After this, you can start taking a shower, gradually lowering its temperature and increasing the time taken.

Getting the body used to certain water procedures is a long-term process, not a momentary one.

And one more thing: in order to achieve maximum effect, it is advisable to cleanse the skin before starting any water procedure, using, for example, a scrub or peeling.

Warnings and contraindications

When carrying out one or another water procedure, you always need to monitor your condition. The water procedure has a beneficial effect if after it (depending on the type of procedure) you are cheerful and cheerful or calm and relaxed, pain is reduced or completely eliminated.

If headaches, pain in the heart area, insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue occur, the inflammatory process is activated, pain intensifies - this is a reason to take a number of measures. Firstly, you should reduce the time of the water procedure. Secondly, the interval between water procedures should be increased. If these measures do not lead to the elimination of unpleasant sensations, then you should cancel the water procedures and contact a specialist.

Water procedures also have their contraindications. They can only be determined by a doctor in each specific situation, but by default the general contraindications are: heart attack, stroke, hypertensive crises, infectious diseases, thrombophlebitis.

Any of these water procedures will not only give you the desired coolness on the hottest day, but will also noticeably tighten the contours of your body.

Turning to the healing powers of water was common and natural even in the most ancient centuries. In our age of advanced cosmetics and plastic surgery, the demand, including water ones, does not lose its leading position.

And this is understandable: water has truly magical properties. It not only relaxes and refreshes, but also tightens and rejuvenates. There is no life without water, especially in summer. will tell you which water treatments to prefer within the city or at a resort!

Water procedure: baths (sea water, mineral water, turpentine)

The simplest SPA procedure, but no less effective, is a warm bath, familiar to city sissies. There are a huge variety of types of therapeutic baths - these include sea water baths, turpentine baths, soda baths, relaxing and tonic baths. Each of them has its own effect.

Depending on what goal you want to achieve, choose the appropriate one. For example, baths with sea salt and algae extract not only help fight excess weight and sagging skin, but also perfectly relax and calm the nervous system.

You can do this water procedure at home. To do this, dissolve 500 grams of sea salt in water and pour in the concentrated algae extract. The water temperature should not exceed 35–37 degrees, and the taking time should not exceed 15 minutes. After swimming, rinse with a cool shower and rest for half an hour.

Turpentine baths are not so much a refreshing as a therapeutic type of SPA procedures. Such baths are very effective for weight loss. Thanks to turpentine (a mixture of essential oils from coniferous trees), toxins are removed from the body, which means cellulite and sagging skin disappear. In addition, metabolism improves due to the expansion of capillaries and normalization of blood flow. However, be careful: turpentine baths have contraindications. Therefore, before plunging into warm and fragrant water, consult a specialist. It’s better to sign up for the procedure at a professional medical institution.

Water procedure: Charcot shower

This water procedure is named after the famous French neurologist Jean Martin Charcot. Its main meaning is that the active points of the body are affected by jets of water of varying power. The sensations are peculiar. It feels like thousands of little arrows are piercing your skin. It hurts and tickles at the same time. However, such a fee is nothing compared to the result that remains after several sessions. Namely: it increases, and at the same time your well-being and mood. As for aesthetics, here as a bonus you will get an elastic body and toned skin without a hint of the notorious “orange peel”. However, you will see the result no earlier than after 10 procedures.

Water procedure: contrast douches

A contrast shower is an urban version of the good old Russian tradition of diving from a hot steam room into a cold ice hole. Behind such a simple and accessible water procedure lies a magical therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Immediately after bathing, an angelic lightness appears in the body.

If you make it a rule to take a contrast shower, the first results will not be long in coming. Within a week you will notice that your appetite has decreased, body contours have become clearer, and your skin has become elastic. All this is easily explained: a contrast shower activates metabolism, strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

How to perform the procedure? It’s very simple: first rinse your body with warm water, then turn on the hot water for a minute (as much as you can tolerate), then suddenly change to cold. The contrast shower time is approximately 15 minutes.

Water procedure: hammam

In fact, the Turkish “hammam” is the famous Roman “therms”. The ancient Romans knew a lot about health procedures, including water ones.

The Roman-Turkish steam room is fundamentally different from the Russian one. Here, soft, moist steam is held in high esteem: the bathhouse has 100% humidity. In the hammam, time flies by, the body is completely relaxed and rested. In addition, the pores open, impurities and toxins come out, the skin is cleansed and acquires a healthy color and tone.

Ideally, a specialist will give you a relaxation massage right in the steam room. Even in the heat of the day, when leaving the hammam you feel freshness and lightness throughout your body.

Water procedure: sauna

Unlike the southern, humid, relatively “cool” hammam, the Finnish bath has a more serious character. The temperature in the steam room reaches 100 degrees. The hot air slightly burns the lungs, so breathe slowly and calmly in the sauna. People who frequently visit the sauna note that this procedure significantly improves their overall well-being and appearance. Of course: the sultry air opens the pores, removing all toxins through sweat, the metabolism improves and works like clockwork. After the steam room, you can dive into the cool pool and freshen up a little. Do you think that going to the bathhouse in the hot summer is closed? But no! In the sauna, the temperature is much higher than outside, which means that you will always feel cool, even if the thermometer shows “only” +35 C.

Water procedure: hydromassage

The use of hydromassage is most often included in complex programs for losing weight and getting rid of cellulite. Professional “water massage” should not be confused with household hydromassage baths, which provide aesthetic pleasure rather than a pronounced therapeutic effect.

After 30 minutes of this water procedure, the skin feels about the same as after a classic manual massage - it is pink and hot to the touch, but without bruising or swelling. The main advantage of hydromassage is that, unlike a massage therapist’s table, you bask in warm water; the effects of the jets are gentle, but very effective. At the same time, the effectiveness is not inferior to other types of corrective massage.

You will need about seven water procedures to smooth out unevenness in problem areas. To relax your body and muscles after a busy day, visit the hydromassage once a week.

You can see each of these water procedures in the list of any SPA salon. It doesn’t matter where it is located, within your city or at a foreign resort.

Hydrotherapy (synonymous with hydrotherapy) is the external use of water for therapeutic and preventive purposes. has a temperature, mechanical and chemical effect on the body. The temperature and hydrostatic pressure of water, as well as the salts dissolved in it, irritate the thermo-, baro- and chemoreceptors embedded in the skin; volatile and gaseous substances, as well as ions, iodine, bromine, etc. penetrate through the skin and respiratory tract, affecting blood vessels and internal organs. The effect of hydrotherapy procedures on various organs and systems of the body is carried out through the neurohumoral route.

Depending on different water temperatures and methods of application, water procedures have a very diverse effect: they cause redistribution of blood in peripheral vessels and internal organs, promote the resorption of foci of chronic inflammation, remove pathological metabolic products, affect the functional state of the nervous system and muscles, etc. d. Procedures with warm water (t° 37-39°) generally have a calming effect, cold (t° below 20°) and cool (t° 20-33°) tone the body and harden it. Due to this versatile effect, hydrotherapy is used for many diseases.

Technique of water procedures. General dousing. The naked patient is doused with 2-3 buckets of water (Fig. 1), the procedure is carried out daily for 4-6 weeks, gradually lowering the water temperature from 34-33° to 22-20°. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes. After dousing, the patient is wiped with a sheet.

The procedure has a stimulating and tonic effect, increases metabolism.

Partial douches, often with cold water (t° 16-20°), are carried out from a rubber hose, jug or watering can.

They douse not the whole body, but only some part of it: the back of the head (Fig. 2) - in order to improve breathing and blood circulation; arms and legs (Fig. 3) - for sweating, vasomotor disorders, etc.; back (Fig. 4) - for neurasthenic conditions, etc.

General rubdowns. A naked patient standing in a basin of warm water is wrapped in a canvas sheet moistened with water at a temperature of 32-30° (at the end of the course of treatment at a temperature of 20-18°) and wrung out well; Rub quickly and vigorously over the sheet (Fig. 5) until you feel warm. The procedure lasts 2-3 minutes, then the patient is wiped with a dry sheet. Sometimes after wiping, it is doused with 1-2 buckets of water at a temperature 1-2° lower than the previous one, then wiped dry (rubbing with dousing). The patient can carry out the procedure independently, wiping the entire body piece by piece in a certain sequence with a sponge or a special mitten, and then wiping dry with a towel.

Partial rubdowns are performed on weakened patients. The patient lies in bed, covered with a blanket (Fig., b), one leg is opened alternately, then the other, arm, back, etc., a towel moistened with water and wrung out is placed on them and thoroughly rubbed over it (rubbing can be done with a special mitten soaked in water), and then wipe dry and cover with a blanket again. To enhance the skin irritating effect, you can add salt, alcohol, or hygienic cologne to the water. The procedure has a refreshing and tonic effect, improves and increases metabolism.

Wet wraps (wraps). Having laid out a large blanket on the couch and a sheet on top, moistened with water t ° 30-25 ° (rarely lower) and wrung out well, wrap the naked patient first in the sheet, and then in the blanket (Fig., 7). Depending on the duration, the procedure can have a stimulating and antipyretic (10-15 minutes), calming (30-40 minutes) and diaphoretic (50-60 minutes or more) effect.

Souls. The supply of water of various temperatures and pressures to shower installations is carried out by a shower pulpit (see). Jet showers (Fig. 8) include Charcot and Scottish showers.

Steam shower (Fig. 12): steam under a pressure of 1 -1.5 am is directed through the tip to the patient located at a distance of 0.5-1 m. The temperature of the steam near the patient’s skin is 40-50°. Procedures lasting 10-15 minutes. carried out daily, for a course of treatment 12-15 procedures.

Saunas (Finnish dry-air baths) are specially equipped rooms with high temperature (70-90°) and low humidity (relative 10-15%), in which hygienic and partly therapeutic procedures are carried out.

Water procedures also include baths (see).

Indications: cold and cool water procedures are used as a general tonic to stimulate the nervous and cardiovascular systems, increase metabolism in case of obesity, for the purpose of training and; warm - for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, etc.; procedures with water at the so-called indifferent temperature (34-36°) - with increased excitability of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, disorders of vascular tone, to combat itching, etc.; procedures with hot water - for violation of certain types of metabolism, as well as certain kidney diseases.

Contraindications: acute inflammatory processes, advanced stages and, severe decompensation of cardiovascular activity, severe and frequently recurring attacks, malignant neoplasms, benign with a tendency to grow, bleeding and hemoptysis, in the destruction phase in the presence of a temperature reaction, infectious diseases, some skin (wetting, pustular diseases), etc.

The role of nursing staff during hydrotherapy is to control the preparation and dosage of water procedures by junior medical staff (bath attendants, showers, etc.) in accordance with the doctor’s prescription, to monitor the tolerability of the procedures, the reaction to the procedure, to provide emergency pre-medical care if necessary, in registration and accounting of water procedures, in supervising the sanitary condition of the hydropathic clinic. See also Balneological hospital,.

1-4 - dousing: 1 - general, 2 - back of the head, 3 - legs, 4 - back; 5 and 6 - rubbing: 5 - general (a and b - successive stages), 6 - partial, with a special mitten (a - hands, b - legs); 7 - general wet wrapping (a - d - successive stages); 8 - jet shower (a - control panel, biv - exposure to a fan jet); 9 - rain shower; 10 (a and b) - circular shower; 11 - rising shower; 12 - steam shower.

Rubbing. It is carried out with a terry mitten or a terry towel dipped in water, in the following sequence: arms, legs, chest, stomach, back. The direction of movements when wiping is from the periphery to the center (from the hand to the shoulder, from the foot to the thigh, etc.). Each part of the body is wiped separately and then wiped dry. The duration of the entire procedure is 1 – 2 minutes.

The water temperature decreases by 1 - 2 degrees every 10 days. For younger schoolchildren, the initial temperature in winter is 32 - 30 degrees, in summer - 28 - 26 degrees; the final temperature is 22 - 20 and 18 - 16 degrees Celsius, respectively. For middle and older schoolchildren in winter it is 30 - 28, in summer - 26 - 24 degrees Celsius; the final value is 20 – 18 and 16 – 14 degrees Celsius, respectively. Rubbing is recommended to be done in the morning after exercise or after exercise after sleep: in winter - indoors, in summer - outdoors (with open windows).

Pouring. It is made from a jug, watering can, shower, holding them at a distance of 20 - 25 cm from the body to avoid the strong mechanical impact of the water flow, in the following order: back, chest, stomach, left, right arm, left, right leg. You don't have to wet your head. The initial water temperature for primary schoolchildren in winter is not lower than 30 degrees Celsius, in summer – not lower than 28 degrees Celsius, and the final water temperature is 20 and 18 degrees Celsius, respectively. Its reduction is carried out gradually every 10 days. For middle and junior schoolchildren, the initial water temperature in winter is 28, and in summer - 24 °C, the final water temperature is 20 and 15 °C, respectively. The total duration of the procedure is 1 – 1.5 minutes. After dousing, you need to wipe the body dry. For children who are weakened or have suffered a serious illness, for adolescents during puberty, it is recommended to replace dousing with rubbing. It is better to start these procedures in the second half of summer, when, as a result of even passive hardening, the body’s resistance to cold will increase somewhat. You should not rub your body very vigorously after the procedures. This is explained by the following reasons. The purpose of hardening is to train the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation, and vigorous rubbing until the skin turns red causes an influx of warm blood from the deep parts of the body. In this way, the time of cold exposure is stopped and limited, and the physiological mechanism of thermoregulation is weaned from independently combating cooling. The effect of hardening procedures is reduced.

Rubbing can be used at the beginning of the course when hardening children, people with poor health, and with an insufficient level of physical development. But there is no need to abuse it and use it after each hardening procedure.

Swimming in open water– one of the most potent forms of hardening. After all, it includes sun and air baths, as well as the effects of all the above water procedures. The body is affected by a whole complex of natural factors - sun, air and water.

Summer swimming has a beneficial effect on the body: the functioning of the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory systems (kidneys, skin) improves, and muscle tone increases. Positive emotions create a feeling of cheerfulness, lightness, and increase performance. Already in the first 3–4 weeks of systematic bathing, sleep improves and appetite increases.

Swimming in indoor pools. Swimming and bathing in kindergartens with indoor pools are one of the most powerful water hardening methods used year-round. The hardening factors in this case are water, which has a mechanical, cooling effect, and air, which ensures the evaporation of moisture from the skin. This type of hardening is carried out under the supervision of a swimming instructor and the supervision of a nursery school doctor. You can start it from the age of 3. In this case, the temperature of the air in the room should be at least +25 degrees and water at least +23 degrees. The duration of bathing is from 3 to 8(?) minutes no more than once a day.

Physical exercises and hardening.

It is advisable to use healthy running in the open air in lightweight (!) clothes as part of your daily routine all year round. It is recommended to carry it out during outdoor physical education or morning exercises.

Hydrotherapy or hydrotherapy is the use of water in general and local procedures carried out for therapeutic and preventive purposes. The therapeutic effect is due to the temperature, mechanical and chemical influence of water and depends on the method of administration.

Water procedures are not recommended for hypothermia and fatigue. In this case, you should warm up and rest.The degree of thermal effect of water depends on its temperature. According to this indicator, cold procedures are distinguished (below 20 °C), cool (20–33 °C), indifferent (34–36 °C) and hot (over 40 °C).

The use of water procedures should be strictly individual, i.e., determined by the patient’s underlying disease, as well as concomitant diseases. The water procedure must be carried out quickly, for this you also need to have appropriate clothing with you.

For weakened and elderly patients, it is better to limit themselves to a warm bath and shower.Water procedures must be coordinated and discussed with your doctor!

Medicinal recipes


Cold compress: soak a towel in cold water and wring it out. Apply to the sore joint. The duration of the procedure is 15–20 minutes.

Hot compress: soak a towel in hot water and wring it out. Apply to the sore joint. The duration of the procedure is 15–20 minutes.

Epsom salt bath: Add 2 handfuls of Epsom salts to a hot water bath for 15-20 minutes. Such baths are contraindicated for elderly people or those suffering from hypertension.


Baths with increasing water temperature: immerse your arms up to your elbows in the bath. The initial temperature is 36–37 °C. Add hot water every 2 minutes so that the temperature rises by 0.5 °C. Finish the procedure after 20 minutes, pour cold water over your right hand, then your left hand, starting from the fingertips to the shoulders. Dry your hands and lie down for 30–40 minutes.

Such baths have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the bronchi, preventing and relieving an asthmatic attack.


Sitz cold bath: pour water into the bath so that it reaches the lower abdomen. The duration of the procedure is 1–2 minutes.

Baths with a gradual increase in water temperature for the lower body: fill the bath with water (water temperature – 36–37 °C). After 2 minutes, gradually add hot water. Raise the temperature of the bath water until it reaches 39–42 °C. The water temperature must be increased so slowly that you do not feel any burning or chills. After 20 minutes, it is recommended to douse yourself with cold water or take a cold shower, then rest.

A sore throat

Wrapping the neck: wipe the neck with a damp towel, then wrap it with a dry, rough bandage in 3-4 turns so that there is no access to air. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour.

Neck wrap: Wrap a soft towel soaked in cold water around your neck. Wrap a dry towel over it, and then a woolen bandage. The duration of the procedure is no more than 1 hour.


Hot compress: To relieve pain from muscle strains and sciatica, you can apply a towel soaked in hot water and wrung out.

Alternating hot and cold compresses: apply a towel soaked in hot water and wrung out to the sore spot for 2 minutes, then replace it with a towel soaked in cold water for 1 minute. Alternate compresses for 15 minutes.

Warm baths: place a mattress made of porous material or a terry towel at the bottom of the bath. Fill the bath 10 cm with water (water temperature – 36–37 °C). Lie down on the mattress with a rubber pillow under your head. Add hot water at intervals of 2-3 minutes, increasing the temperature by 0.5 °C each time. Carry out the procedure for 10–15 minutes, when finished, take a cold shower and lie down for 30 minutes.

Pain in the neck

Hot compress: soak a towel in hot water, fold and squeeze well. Unfold the towel and place it on your upper back, neck and shoulders. Cover with a dry towel. Keep the compress for 10 minutes. This procedure is primarily useful for pain caused by muscle stiffness.


Alternating hot and cold compresses: Apply compresses to affected areas for 30 seconds. Repeat the sequence 3 times. The last compress should be cold. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a day.


Compress on the body: moisten the blanket with water, cover it so that the body is covered, then wrap it in a woolen blanket on top. Carry out the procedure for 30–40 minutes.

Compress on the torso and back: place the soaked blanket on a bed covered with oilcloth. Lie down on it, apply another compress to your torso and cover yourself with a woolen blanket. The duration of the procedure is 30–40 minutes.

Alternating hot and cold compresses: place a towel soaked in hot water on your stomach, then put a towel soaked in cold water for 1 minute. Repeat the procedure several times.


Alternate hot and cold baths: each bath should last approximately 1–2 minutes.


Cold foot bath: pour cold water into a basin (in some cases you can start with cool water), lower your feet into the basin. The duration of the procedure is 5–7 minutes.

Warm foot bath: pour warm water, add 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. Place your feet in the water. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes.

Alternating hot and cold foot baths: pour hot water into one container and cold water into the other. Soak your feet in hot water for 3 minutes and then in cold water for 1 minute. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times.


Alternating hot and cold compresses: wring out a towel soaked in hot water and apply to the back of the head for 2 minutes. Then replace it with a towel soaked in cold water for 1 minute. Alternate for 10–15 minutes.

Spinal diseases

Pouring the back: first, pour from the heels to the back of the head, then from the neck down to the lower edge of the sacrum and on the other side from the right to the left shoulder blade. Pouring the back should always be accompanied or ended with a quick wash of the chest, abdomen and arms.


Alternating hot and cold compresses: soak a towel in hot water, wring it out, apply it to the stomach for 3 minutes, then replace it with a towel soaked in cold water, which should be held for 1 minute. Alternate compresses for 10-15 minutes.

Stones in the kidneys

Hot baths with oat straw decoction: boil the straw for 30 minutes, use the decoction to prepare a warm bath with a water temperature of about 30 °C. It is recommended to take this bath no longer than 25 minutes. After completing the procedure, you should wash your body with cold water and wipe dry with a towel.

Intestinal colic

Compress on the abdomen: place a thick cloth soaked in warm water on the lower abdomen and cover with a warm blanket on top. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Alternating hot and cold compresses: hold a hot compress (towel soaked in hot water, wrapped over a dry towel) for 3 minutes, then replace it with a cold compress for 1 minute. Alternate cold and hot compresses for 20 minutes. Finish with a hot compress.


Steam foot bath: fill a basin with boiling water, place your feet on the edge of the basin and cover with a thick blanket. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes. It is not recommended to do such baths more than once a week.

Muscle tension

Cold compress: To reduce pain, it is recommended to apply a bandage soaked in cold water to the affected area every 30 minutes. Keep the compress for 5 minutes.

Hot compress: To reduce pain, it is recommended to apply a bandage soaked in hot water to the affected area every 30 minutes. Keep the compress for 5 minutes.


Compress on the back: place a blanket soaked in warm water on a bed previously covered with oilcloth, lie on your back and cover yourself with a wool blanket. The procedure takes 45 minutes. This compress has a beneficial effect on back pain and osteochondrosis.


Pouring hands: Pouring should begin with the hands, moving up to the shoulders. Usually a similar procedure is carried out for both hands. To pour each hand you will need approximately 15 liters of water.


Leg wraps: wrap your legs in a wet linen bandage to the knees, wrap tightly on top with a dry piece of woolen material. Go to bed for 2–3 hours.

A warm bath helps with fatigue caused by stress.

Alternating cold and hot showers improves blood circulation and restores strength, increases muscle tone, gives strength, and improves immunity.

Tired legs

Alternating hot and cold compresses: apply a hot compress to your feet for 2 minutes, then a cold compress for 1 minute.

Cold foot baths: keep your feet in a basin of cold water for 1-2 minutes.

Alternating hot and cold foot baths: pour hot water into one basin, cold water into the other. Soak your feet in hot water for 2 minutes and then in cold water for 1 minute. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

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