A blood vessel burst in the eye, what should I do to treat it? Why does this happen? Acute attack of glaucoma

120 03/08/2019 6 min.

A burst vessel in the eye is a common occurrence, and it is impossible not to notice this fact. When even the smallest capillary ruptures, the white of the eye inevitably turns reddish, and sometimes the hemorrhage is more intense, local, and point-like.

This problem can occur in both an adult and a child - you need to know what to do in this case. This is exactly what we will talk about in the article: we will find out the reasons why blood vessels burst in the eyes, we will find out what treatment and prevention measures can be taken.

Let's consider the most probable reasons, due to which we can observe burst blood vessels in the eyes.

Pressure surges

schematic drawing of the structure of the eye

People suffering from hypertension most often experience burst blood vessels in the eyes for this very reason. Under the influence of increased pressure, small blood vessels They can't stand it and burst.

This reason is very serious, since in some cases it may indicate the onset of hypertensive crisis- Very dangerous condition leading to serious consequences.

Injuries and mechanical damage

Various types of bruises, blows to the head and eyes of sufficient force in most cases lead to the appearance of burst blood vessels. Moreover, sometimes similar phenomenon also occurs as a result of trauma to blood vessels during surgery. You can find out what types of glaucoma there are.


If a person, for example, engages in strenuous sports, strength training, then you may well observe burst blood vessels in the eyes resulting from overexertion. The same applies to lifting heavy objects in everyday life, but women experience similar stress during childbirth.

Diabetes mellitus

This endocrine disease - common reason burst vessels. The fact is that diabetes leads to fragility and thinning of the vascular walls.

Work and reading

As a result of long and intense work at the computer, reading, and long-term watching of television, the eyes become very tired. As a result of this, several small capillaries in the eyes may rupture.


An unpleasant phenomenon in the form of burst blood vessels in the eye can also be observed by people suffering from weather dependence. When atmospheric pressure increases, sudden changes in temperature, etc. weather conditions capillaries may not withstand and burst. You can find out what eye blepharitis is.


signs of keratitis

This disease is often accompanied by an unpleasant symptom in the form of burst blood vessels in the eyes.


If a neoplasm appears in the organs of vision, it will put pressure on nearby tissues and compress blood vessels. The result is burst capillaries. Note that for this reason it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible, since the consequences can be serious.

Taking medications

Some medications can cause a temporary change in the composition of the blood, which leads, among other things, to the appearance of burst blood vessels. These medications most often include antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants.


If the body lacks ascorbic acid and routine, this leads to thinning and fragility of the vascular walls, and loss of elasticity. As a result, blood vessels in the eye burst.

In addition to those listed, there are other possible reasons for this phenomenon, less common. To cope with the problem, you need to find out exactly what caused it in your case. unpleasant symptom. Information on how to treat demodicosis of the eyelids can be found on our website.


redness of the eyes due to conjunctivitis

Quite a common cause of the problem. Conjunctivitis is inflammatory eye disease caused by both viruses and bacteria and fungi. help relieve redness of the conjunctiva.


The main sign of a ruptured vessel in the eye is the coloring of the protein in a reddish color. Sometimes the protein is not stained evenly, but in a dotted spot. If only one vessel has burst, the area of ​​redness will be slight. But if several capillaries burst at once, the entire white of the eye may turn red. You can find out what binasal hemianopia is.

IN in rare cases When quite a lot of blood vessels have burst, a person may feel a slight heaviness in the area of ​​the eyes and head. However, this symptom, if it happens, it almost always goes unnoticed.

In children

Vessels can burst not only in adults; children are also susceptible to this problem. IN in this case It is important to pay attention to the symptom in time and, if it recurs repeatedly, be sure to consult a doctor for help.

The following factors can cause burst blood vessels in a child’s eye:

  • prolonged severe cough;
  • hysterical crying (the reason is especially relevant for infants);
  • physical overstrain;
  • rubbing the eyes with hands, especially dirty ones;
  • eye diseases with inflammatory manifestations;
  • diabetes;
  • eye contact foreign body;
  • injury.

In addition to the above, the following can lead to the appearance of burst blood vessels in a child’s eyes:

  • dust ingress;
  • prolonged exposure to bright sun;
  • “sticking” on TV, computer, tablet.

Having discovered this symptom in a child, the first step is to find out the cause of the phenomenon. There is no need to panic - most likely, this is a one-time phenomenon and is caused either by the baby’s crying or coughing. However, if the symptom recurs regularly, it is already serious reason visit a doctor and thoroughly examine the baby. In this case, diseases that affect the condition of blood vessels and blood pressure are possible. You can find out what to do if your eyes fester.


Let's find out how to deal with this unpleasant problem with the help drug treatment And traditional methods.

Traditional medicine

If burst vessels appear as a consequence of an underlying serious disease, it is necessary to treat it. So, for glaucoma, special drops are prescribed that are injected into the eyes every 15 minutes (for example, Pilocarpine). If burst capillaries appear due to a surge in pressure, it is necessary to take medications that lower blood pressure. accompanied by headaches, itching, burning in the eye area.

If redness is accompanied painful sensations, drops with an analgesic effect will help.

What drops can help?


The drug can have both a vasoconstrictor and an anti-edematous effect. The drops have a pronounced local effect, and quite quickly. In addition, the effect of their use lasts 8 hours. Visine can also be used if redness of the eyes is caused by conjunctivitis or allergies, which is quite common. The drug is also suitable for people who use contact lenses.


This remedy is effective in relieving broken capillaries due to conjunctivitis, cataracts, damage and trauma to the cornea.


The effect of the product is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels, due to which the risk of redness in the eyes can be significantly reduced. must contain antibacterial substances.

If the problem is caused by overwork, you need to put aside work, reading and other activities and rest. The redness in the eyes will go away on its own after rest.

Traditional medicine

You can use folk and home methods of treatment only when additional remedy, but in no case as the main thing. Moreover, it is strongly recommended to inform your doctor about the use of this or that unconventional method treatment - before this method use. Below we give examples of several quite effective folk methods for eliminating the problem of burst blood vessels in the eye. Today they use laser.

Cold compresses

If you apply gauze or a bandage soaked in cold water or with ice, this will help relieve the condition. Cold affects vasoconstrictor, due to which bleeding from burst capillaries stops.

Both the bandage and the water for such compresses must be clean. It is important not to get an infection in your eyes.


To quickly restore the health of the affected eye, you can make lotions with decoctions medicinal herbs. Chamomile and linden are especially suitable in this case: these herbs are sold in dry form in every pharmacy. In addition, you can use lotions with strong tea leaves. This remedy, widely known among the people, is quite effective and helps, among other things, to cope with inflammatory processes in the eye. accompanied by pressing pain.

Applying vegetables

To quickly clear redness from the whites of your eyes, and at the same time strengthen blood vessels, you can apply circles of fresh cucumber or potatoes. Do not forget to wash the vegetables properly before the procedure. Keep the circles on your eyes for about 20 minutes.

Video: treatment for red eyes

Why blood vessels burst and how to avoid redness of the eyes is presented in our video.


To prevent the appearance of burst blood vessels in the eyes, it is necessary to adhere to several recommendations that are quite easy to follow. They do not guarantee 100% protection, but they will help to significantly reduce the risk of this symptom.

You should improve your health by taking special vitamins and mineral complexes. M You can use both universal formulations and those designed specifically for the visual organs. In addition, it is recommended to include more fortified foods, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

It is important to give up or minimize bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative impact on the entire body, including the condition of the eyes and blood vessels.

It is also better to minimize the consumption of strong tea and coffee, since in large quantities these drinks have a destructive effect on blood vessels.

It is important to get enough sleep, normalize your daily routine, and rest properly. During a stressful time long work or reading, take breaks, exercise for the eyes, massage.

It is better to minimize physical activity associated with excessive overexertion.

If you have dry eye syndrome, you should regularly use moisturizers such as artificial tears.

Visit an ophthalmologist regularly: at least once a year, it is necessary to undergo an examination by this specialist for preventive purposes. Eye diseases recognized in time are faster and easier to eliminate when they have not yet caused harm to health and reduce the level of vision.

We found out why blood vessels burst in the eyes, and also found out what to do about this problem. As you can see, there can be many reasons for this phenomenon - in order to stop the problem at the root, you need to determine exactly why the vessels burst in your case. Only an accurate diagnosis will help eliminate the problem completely and avoid its subsequent repetitions and relapses.

The capillary-venous network is responsible for normal work retina, supplying it with oxygen and micronutrients.

If a red spot is found in the eyeball, this indicates that a blood vessel in the eye has burst.

The causes of this condition can be both harmless and serious pathological conditions.

If a person notices that blood vessels in his eyes often burst, he should urgently consult a doctor to diagnose the disease.

Why do blood capillaries burst?

The duration of action of the drops is about eight hours. The drops are also suitable for those affected by allergic reactions and conjunctivitis, as well as for patients with contact lenses.

The drops are used several times a day until the inflammatory processes are completely eliminated..

After drops get into the eye, you may experience pain, tearing, burning and a desire to scratch the eye. Blurred vision often occurs.

If used for longer than two days and lack of effectiveness, other drops must be prescribed.


These drops have the property of strengthening the eye vessels, as well as protecting the eyeballs from irritants.

The drug effectively reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels in the eye and stimulates normal fluid circulation inside the eye. Emoxipine helps to effectively resolve hemorrhages.

Indications for use are glaucoma, retinopathy, myopia and corneal burns.

These drops can be used for preventive purposes to prevent rupture of eye capillaries and normal blood circulation. Allowed when using lenses.
Application occurs at least twice a day.

If you feel discomfort in the eyes, redness, burning, etc., you need to change the drug.

If a person wears lenses, they must be removed before instillation and put on within half an hour after instillation. Simultaneous use with other types eye drops not recommended.


The drug has a low price, but great efficiency actions for burst blood vessels, cataracts, corneal disorders, conjunctivitis.

Helps restore normal blood circulation, stimulating metabolic processes. It also restores cell membranes and normalizes pressure inside the eye.

What's the forecast?

Prognosis in case of a burst vessel in the eye depends on the factor that provoked this condition. If it is external, then it is enough to simply eliminate it and the condition will be restored in 2-4 days.

When provoking hemorrhages in the eyeball pathological conditions body, the original disease must be treated.

If left untreated, serious consequences may develop with vision loss or complete loss.

Do not self-medicate and be healthy!

Sometimes people have a problem such as bursting blood vessels in the eyes. This pathology is accompanied eyeball, burning and hematoma formation due to blood leakage. This can significantly ruin appearance, and sometimes frighten the patient and others. In this regard, a person strives to eliminate this defect as soon as possible. How to do this in as soon as possible and why such a condition may occur. You can learn about this from the article.

Causes of bursting capillaries

Cause of integrity violation vascular wall or a capillary can only be determined by a doctor after a thorough examination and examination of the patient. However, every person should know the most likely provoking factors in order to pay attention to the state of their health in time.
Most often, blood vessels begin to burst as a result of banal fatigue and prolonged strain on the visual organs. Almost every person living is susceptible to this active life. This influence is associated with several factors:

  • The influence of bright lamps in the office and other premises at work, under the lighting of which a person remains almost all day.
  • Air pollution from dust, tobacco smoke leads to negative influence on the condition of the eyes. Certainly modern society is aimed at combating tobacco smoking, but there are plenty of smokers around. This leads to the fact that even a person who does not suffer from this bad habit, forced to be exposed to smoke in public places.
  • The third negative factor that affects the condition of blood vessels and can provoke hemorrhage is the computer. More and more people spend more and more time in front of a monitor screen, and not only in working hours. Many people also relax with the help computer games or movies. Such active use of technical innovations leads to deterioration not only of vision, but also of health in general. To protect yourself, it is advisable to follow the work regime. To do this, it is enough to take short breaks every half hour at work, go outside, breathe fresh air. It is also useful to perform short exercises for the organ of vision.

Among the causes of bursting capillaries may be not only external influences. For example, hemorrhage often occurs as a result of increased fragility of the vessel walls. This sign is usually a symptom of some systemic diseases or occurs as a result of the prescription of a number of medications. In this case, it is necessary to conduct an examination with a doctor and find out the root cause.

Insufficient intake of a number of substances into the body, in particular vitamins P and C, can lead to rupture of capillary walls. Vitamin deficiency is especially common in spring period, since it is by this time that the supply of summer vitamins is depleted and a person experiences an acute shortage fresh vegetables and fruits. If this is the reason for the fragility of blood vessels, then it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency by changing the diet and taking complex dietary supplements. It is best to enrich your food with vegetables and fruits, but if this is not possible, then you should add natural dietary supplements, and as a last resort- synthetic vitamin complexes.

Sometimes hemorrhage from the capillaries of the eye can occur due to anatomical individual characteristics. More often, however, this symptom results various diseases eye, for example, in which intraocular pressure increases and there is a decrease visual function. If there is a suspicion of such anomalies, then a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Excessive physical activity can also cause bleeding from the capillaries of the eyeball. For example, visiting gym or lifting weights. Overheating in a bathhouse or sauna has the same effect.

When there is always dilation of blood vessels in the eyeball. Sometimes these altered vessels burst and lead to hemorrhage, this is especially typical for the advanced course of the disease. It is almost impossible to miss conjunctivitis, since it causes suppuration, redness and severe or discomfort.

Another reason for such changes is head trauma. Doctors have found that as a result of a serious blow to the head, a person experiences a change in blood circulation in this part of the body. The outcome of such an injury is migraine, insomnia, chronic fatigue. If such symptoms appear, an MRI should be performed to clarify the diagnosis.

What to do?

If you do experience a hemorrhage in the eye from burst vessels, do not panic, since most often the cause of this condition is overstrain and eye fatigue. In this case, the appearance will soon return to normal. Usually a couple of weeks is enough for full recovery. Unfortunately, there are no ways to disguise this cosmetic defect has not been invented to date. The main condition for stabilizing the condition is proper rest of the eyes. To do this, you should stop watching TV, working on the computer, etc. Instead, it is better to take a walk and do eye exercises. It is also important to get enough sleep, that is, sleep at least nine hours a day. You also need to adhere the right image life, do not drink alcohol and coffee, stop smoking.

Due to the fact that a burst vessel can be one of the manifestations of a serious eye pathology, you should see an ophthalmologist. In this case, the doctor will accurately determine the cause and be able to prevent the formation of complications. In addition, drugs may be prescribed to stabilize protective properties immune system body. This will help in the future to cope with the influence of external factors.

To get qualified help, you need to contact a truly experienced specialist in a good multidisciplinary or eye clinic. Below is a list of institutions that will provide you with professional help if a capillary in your eye has burst.

It is impossible to imagine a person who would never encounter such a problem as burst blood vessels in the eyes. This problem is common and has many causes. Everyone at least once in their life, approaching the mirror, noticed obvious redness in their eyes. This condition is accompanied by burning, itching, and sometimes pain. In this article we will look at why blood vessels burst in the eyes. What is the cause of this phenomenon, and can it be prevented?

Vessels in the eyes burst due to fatigue

The most common cause of red eyes is frequent and prolonged time spent at the computer. The influence of unfavorable conditions for the eye can provoke rupture of thin eye capillaries. Harmful to the eyes bright light halogen lamps and sleepless nights.

Vessels in the eyes burst due to injury

Direct contact with the eye in the form of some kind of injury can cause the blood vessels in the eye to rupture. This can occur when the eye is irritated by a foreign body (such as small particles such as dust or grains of sand), usually causing the eye to rub. Which is strictly contraindicated. Vascular rupture can occur from a blow with a sharp object.

Vessels in the eyes burst due to extreme stress

Another reason that blood vessels can burst is tension. Rupture sometimes occurs during body functions such as sneezing, coughing or vomiting. When doing weightlifting or simply during heavy physical activity. Separately, constipation should be noted. It is a common cause of subconjunctival hemorrhage.

Eye blood vessels burst due to diabetic disease

Some people with diabetes may suffer from an eye condition that is characterized by increased fragility blood capillaries eyes. Sometimes patients instantly lose vision in the affected eye. For this reason, people with diabetes should visit eye doctor regularly to prevent this condition from occurring.

Burst of blood vessels in the eyes due to high blood pressure

This is a common cause of burst blood vessels in the eyes. Arterial hypertension, as a rule, is accompanied by vasoconstriction. This greatly increases the pressure on their walls. Since the capillaries of the eye are thin and delicate, they are very sensitive to pressure changes. These are the first vessels that can burst in hypertension. Particularly dangerous sudden changes blood pressure.

Vessels in the eyes burst due to stress

Stress accompanies us everywhere: at home, at work, on the road. Often difficult to avoid stressful situation. However, we should strive to minimize its impact on our body.

Blood vessels burst in the eyes due to contact lenses

If contact lenses If not selected correctly, they can injure the eye. Which leads to hemorrhage. Be sure to keep your eyes moist.

Blood vessels burst in the eyes due to medications

Medicines containing aspirin increase the risk of bleeding. Hazardous to eyes and allergic reactions for medications.

Adjust your diet to prevent blood vessels from bursting in your eyes

Proper nutrition is very important in the value of vascular health. To have healthy and strong vessels, you should eat more vegetables and fruits. Lettuce, spinach, dill, and broccoli are very healthy. They contain large number substances that strengthen the blood vessels of the eye. Rupture of capillaries is sometimes associated with vitamin deficiency.

Burst of blood vessels in the eyes due to smoking

Often, complaints about capillary fragility can be heard from heavy smokers. This is not surprising, since in this case there are two negative factors: acrid smoke that dries out mucous membranes and nicotine, which makes blood vessels brittle.

Broken capillaries in the eyes are only a cosmetic problem in most cases, but can sometimes be a symptom of a serious medical condition. Don't panic! This does not mean that you are at immediate risk of a stroke or that you have a brain tumor. In fact, this can happen without any apparent reason at all. It may look a little unsightly for a while, but soon disappears without leaving a trace.

Contact your doctor if you experience pain due to subconjunctival hemorrhage, notice any changes in your vision, have a history of bleeding disorder, or have high blood pressure, or you have injured your eye.

A vessel in the eye may burst upon exposure various factors. This includes a blow and, as a result, eye injury, physical activity, infections, as well as more serious causes.

A person, looking at himself in the mirror, sees that one of his eyes has turned red. The cause of this redness is usually a burst vessel or capillary.

The most basic sign of a burst vessel is the appearance of a bright red spot on the white.

It is important to understand that such hemorrhage does not provoke any changes in vision, there is no discharge from the eyes and there is no severe pain either.

Vessels in the eye have burst, is this dangerous?

The capillary may burst as a result various reasons. Some of them may not be dangerous, but there are others that require immediate treatment. Let's look at both cases.

Non-hazardous reasons

If a vessel or capillary bursts in the eye, this is not necessarily a symptom of a dangerous disease.

TO for non-dangerous reasons the following factors include:

  • muscle strain as a result of heavy physical exertion;
  • prolonged eye strain (prolonged reading, computer work);
  • hysterical crying in children;
  • severe vomiting;
  • severe cough;
  • taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • low indoor air humidity;
  • poor sleep;
  • overwork;
  • natural factors ( sharp jumps temperatures, wind, sand and dust);

All this can cause damage to blood vessels and capillaries in the eyes. But they are not dangerous to your eyesight, so you don’t need to immediately run to the hospital, you just need to rest.

However, sometimes a burst vessel can be a harbinger of some disease; let's look at in what cases burst capillaries in the eyes are dangerous.

Dangerous reasons

Below is a list of diseases that can cause a vessel or capillary to burst:

  1. Injuries to the eye and head often provoke an increase in intracranial pressure, which is why the delicate vessels of the eyeball suffer. If you hit your eye hard, then...
  2. Hypertension. During an attack of hypertension, intraocular pressure increases, the vessels and capillaries of the eyes receive excessive stress, as a result of which they can burst;
  3. Allergy attacks cause excessive lacrimation and damage to capillaries.
  4. Diabetes mellitus manifests itself in the form of dry and itchy skin, as a result of which the mucous membrane of the eyes is irritated and the capillaries burst;
  5. A foreign body in the eye mechanically damages the walls of the eye vessels;
  6. Ophthalmic diseases are a group of pathologies that can damage the vessels and capillaries of the eye, causing hemorrhage. These include conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, etc.;
  7. Damage to blood vessels that can affect the integrity of the capillary wall and can lead to hemorrhage in the eyes (vasculitis, arthritis);
  8. Sjögren's Syndrome - Amazing lacrimal glands which stop producing fluid. The eyes “dry out” and the surface capillaries are damaged. Treatment consists of keeping the eyes moist;
  9. The cause of burst capillaries can be hyperthermia (increased body temperature), as a consequence of the body's fight against infection (ARVI, influenza).

How can you tell if a blood vessel has actually burst in your eye?

The most obvious manifestation of a burst vessel is redness of the eye. However, this is not the only way understand that a vessel or capillary has burst, since this phenomenon can occur in any part of the eye, including those hidden in the skull. Below are the main places in the eye where blood vessels can burst.

Eye diagram

  1. Sclera and conjunctiva. If blood seeps into the sclera, the white of the eye turns red locally or throughout. When hemorrhaging into the conjunctiva, blood appears on the lower or upper eyelid. In both cases, redness is immediately visible, because these sections are on the surface. If a vessel has burst in the sclera or conjunctiva, you feel dry eyes, are afraid of light, and blurred vision is also present.
  2. Vitreous body. Usually hemorrhage in vitreous occurs due to serious injury to the eye or head, and vision is severely affected. Only capillaries can burst, but vascular ruptures are also possible. After injuries, you need to go to an ophthalmologist so that he can prescribe correct treatment.
  3. Eye socket. Penetration of blood into the orbit also occurs due to injury. Blood enters the eye tissue, which causes exophthalmos (bulging eyes). In addition, the sick person cannot move his eye, he is worried severe pain and double vision.
  4. Anterior chamber of the eye. Blood can enter here due to glaucoma or eye injury. Hemorrhage into the anterior chamber (or hyphema) can spread to 1/3 or ½ of the eye; in rare cases, blood can fill the entire eye and lead to temporary blindness. Usually in this case the blood resolves on its own within 7-10 days. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  5. Retina. If blood enters the retina of the eye, visual acuity decreases, visual fields may fall out, spots flash before the eyes, and in some cases blindness occurs. Retinal hemorrhage can occur when diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, attack of hypertension.

A blood vessel burst in a child's eye

Parents should be aware that capillaries in a newborn's eye may burst. This happens in 20% of babies born naturally and in 40% of births using stimulation of labor.

Important! A burst vessel in a child does not require treatment. This type of injury goes away on its own in about two weeks.

Emergency conditions

Some situations in which hemorrhage occurs require emergency care, because the consequences are too long wait can be catastrophic. So, in what cases do you need to urgently call ambulance:

  • impact or injury to the eye;
  • blood vessels burst in the eye for no apparent reason;
  • capillaries burst frequently;
  • In addition to burst blood vessels, the gums also bleed.

In addition, the following conditions require immediate medical attention:

Hypertensive crisis

When a person suddenly becomes weak and complains of headache, dizziness, pain in the heart, and you notice a burst vessel in his eye, you need to immediately call an ambulance!

Next, you need to sit or lay the patient down (depending on the condition). We give medicine that lowers blood pressure; it is advisable to ask this person what medications he usually takes. If he can't speak, we give him any antihypertensive drugs that you currently have on hand (captopril, dopegide, nifedipine). The main thing is to follow the dosage and not push pills thoughtlessly. If you don't know or are afraid, it's better to wait for the ambulance to arrive.

These are the actions that can be taken before the ambulance arrives.


Many people are prescribed anticoagulants (blood thinners). They are prescribed for the prevention of arrhythmias, thrombosis and other heart diseases. These include: heparin, dicoumarin, warfarin.
If you are taking one of these medications and notice red eyes, bleeding gums, or hemorrhagic rash on the body, you must contact your doctor to adjust the dose of the prescribed drug. This must be done urgently, due to the high risk of bleeding quickly from a minor injury.

Glaucoma attack

Glaucoma – severe increase intraocular pressure which needs urgent treatment.
Acute attack glaucoma is usually provoked severe stress. The attack itself begins unexpectedly. The patient's vision becomes blurred, severe pain occurs in the eyes, which gradually spreads throughout the head. May occur negative reaction to light (photophobia), problems with the cardiovascular system.
If not accepted urgent measures, this attack can lead to permanent vision loss.
Emergency: Call an ambulance immediately! Give the patient a diuretic (diuretic) and drop anesthetic drops into the eyes with a hypotensive effect.

Symptoms of glaucoma


How to treat burst capillaries? Let's look at all the most basic methods.

These funds are used to provide first aid for a burst vessel. The main task is to compress the damaged capillary to reduce the volume of blood in it. This will make the redness go away.

Here is a list of the most common vasoconstrictor drops:

  1. Visine – this drug not only relieves redness, but also moisturizes the eye. It is enough to instill 1-2 drops twice a day.
  2. Hyphenosis is an artificial tear that relieves dryness and irritation of the conjunctiva, and eliminates discomfort in the eyes.
  3. Taufon - these drops constrict blood vessels very well, relieve fatigue from the eyes, and have a quick healing effect. Instill 1-2 drops 3 times a day.
  4. Emoxipin - copes well with microtraumas, quickly dissolves blood, strengthens capillaries. Instill 1-2 drops of the drug into the damaged eye three times a day.

Important! Use eye drops This is possible only if you are sure that you or your child do not have diseases that can cause rupture of the vessel (mentioned above). You can also use eye drops if you have already consulted a doctor and these medications have been prescribed to you.

When to see a doctor

If this is your first time encountering the problem of a burst vessel, then you need to consult an ophthalmologist. So that the doctor can quickly determine the cause of the hemorrhage and prescribe the correct treatment, you need to fully describe the problem, paying attention to the causes.

Tell your doctor:

  • when it all started;
  • what caused the rupture of blood vessels;
  • what medications you were taking before you noticed the redness.
  • do you have any in your family hereditary diseases(don’t forget to tell us about them, even if they haven’t shown themselves up to this point).

It is important to remember that if you have burst blood vessels, you should not self-medicate, since such attempts can lead to serious consequences, especially if the disease is infectious.

Treatment of burst blood vessels with folk remedies

When you already know why the vessels or capillaries burst in you or your child and the appropriate treatment has been prescribed, you can try to eliminate the redness with improvised means.

  • The simplest and safe way treatment of damaged blood vessels - cold. You can apply wipes moistened to your eyelids cold water or a piece of ice.

    Important! Water must be boiled or filtered. Cold eliminates the cause of redness - vasodilation. It does not treat the underlying problem, but it does help temporarily relieve the redness.

  • Many people cope with this problem with the help of cucumber and potato compresses. Cucumber and potato help relax and moisturize the eyes.
  • There are also herbs that help cope with the cause of redness. These include chamomile, mint and parsley. You need to brew a decoction of the selected herb, moisten gauze or a cotton pad and make compresses.

Remember, all this can be done at home, but it will not help cure the underlying problem. If you do not know why a blood vessel burst in your or your child’s eye, then you need to consult a doctor.


So what should you do to avoid this problem?

  1. Humidify the air in the room. Now there is a large selection of air humidifiers to suit every taste, they do their job perfectly. Your eyes will no longer suffer from dryness.
  2. Don't sit too close to the computer or TV.
  3. Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands.
  4. Read in normal lighting and do not hold the book too close to your eyes.
  5. Wear in windy and sunny weather sunglasses, they will protect your eyesight from harmful ultraviolet radiation, dust and wind.
  6. Take a break from work every 25-30 minutes and do some simple eye exercises.
  7. Do not eat a lot of salty foods and do not drink drinks that lead to an increase in blood pressure.
  8. Eat healthy food, vegetables and fruits, especially rich in vitamin A. It helps improve vision. There are entire vitamin complexes, the intake of which has a beneficial effect on vision.
  9. Correct use of lenses: do not wear them for too long, especially do not sleep in them. Apply moisturizing drops in a timely manner, because lenses often cause dryness and burning in the eyes.
  10. Avoid allergens that can cause excessive tearing, or take anti-allergy medications on time.

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