Methods and technologies of personnel selection. Recruitment methods - studying important nuances

Modern methods of personnel selection

Searching and assessing employees for a particular position is an important stage in the formation, development and improvement of any organization. The professional suitability and level of qualifications of the selected employees depend on the amount of time and attention devoted to assessing candidates.

Recruiting agencies can help employers in the employee selection process.

Recruitment agencies

The best option for resolving the issue of hiring employees is to contact a recruitment agency. Modern recruitment methods allow agents to achieve the best results, regardless of the complexity of the task.

Solving the issue of hiring employees by contacting a recruitment agency gives results in the shortest possible time, saves the employer money and has excellent quality indicators.

Recruitment methods

Which method is used for personnel selection depends primarily on the employer’s requirements and the characteristics of the vacant position. Also, the choice of methodology is influenced by the massiveness of recruitment, the type and scope of activity of the customer’s organization and other nuances.

Basically, recruitment methods can be divided into two broad categories:

  • Mass selection. Selection of a large number of working personnel for junior positions. This method is also called recruiting. It is used in cases where it is necessary to recruit the maximum number of employees in the shortest possible time. As a rule, it is not used for the selection of mid-level specialists and is never used for hiring for senior and managerial positions.
  • Active, targeted search for candidates. Can be used for workers in many strategic positions. Typically used for executive selection. The most common method used, as a rule, by recruitment agencies. The advantage of the method is that the most suitable candidate is targeted for the position, rather than evaluating and selecting the most suitable option from the list of submitted resumes, as in the previous method.

Specific methods for assessing the suitability of employees for a position depend on the details of the contract, the employer’s requirements, labor market offers and other nuances. An individual approach and flexibility in personnel selection and assessment methods ensures the achievement of the best results for any variations and positions.

The successful development of any company largely depends on its personnel: hardworking, talented employees who are able to work in a team are the engine of progress. It is very difficult to form such a team from scratch; at a minimum, you need a suitable base. Therefore, it is impossible to fill vacancies according to the “advertise - talk - accepted” scheme - untested employees often “do not catch on”, instead of the engine of progress, the employer receives staff turnover. To create a team without “weak links”, you need to apply a scientific approach and use HR recruitment techniques.

HR Strategy or Human Resource is translated as “human resources”. This Western method of working with personnel has long proven its effectiveness. The bottom line is that staff do not work on their own, they are managed as a valuable business resource and receive maximum dividends. First of all, the company does not accept employees simply by advertisement; even certified and experienced specialists are selected - the best of the best are motivated, work successfully and, together with the team, move the company forward.

In our country, HR methods of personnel selection and further personnel management are just being introduced. Competent managers understand the advantages of this approach, but there are obstacles. For example, having your own HR department is expensive; it requires managers with expert knowledge and, accordingly, high salaries. Medium and small businesses, where the company's teams are relatively small, often refuse additional expenses - why spend money, because vacancies do not appear every day. The position is understandable, but not correct. At a minimum, we need to abandon the outdated hiring by advertisement and single conversation. There are experienced recruiters in Moscow and other large cities - employment agencies specialize in professional search and assessment of personnel, and have expert knowledge of the field. For a one-time payment for the service, the employer receives competent, verified candidates.

Methods of personnel selection at the search stage

The recruiting company uses search strategies that vary in results and price. The method is tailored to the customer's needs.

Screening– formalized search, lowest costs. The method is used to recruit junior unskilled personnel, for example, laborers or salespeople. The agent selects suitable resumes from its own database and/or mass sources, and conducts telephone interviews with candidates.

Mass recruiting– search and assessment of line workers. There are quite a lot of certified experienced accountants, lawyers, and managers in the labor market. The recruiter’s task is to select applicants according to the customer’s requirements. Personal meetings and events to assess candidates for professional suitability and personal qualities are necessarily held here.

Exclusive recruiting– attracting experienced managers and narrow eminent specialists. The agent finds candidates among the customer’s competitors and takes measures to ensure their transition to a new job. An extreme manifestation of this personnel selection technique is “headhunting”: the employer indicates a specific specialist, the recruiter does the recruiting. The service is expensive and the process is usually lengthy. But eminent experts are priceless.

Recruitment techniques at the assessment stage

A thorough screening of candidates is relevant for mass recruiting, where it is necessary to select the best from the masses.

Development of a vacancy. The recruiter personally meets with the customer, finds out all the requirements - education, experience, competence, job responsibilities, schedule, personal qualities. To motivate valuable applicants, offers are also important - salary, career prospects, corporate brand values.

Evaluation of applicants. The first conversation gives a general idea of ​​candidates with suitable resumes. All those who pass (about 10%) undergo a thorough check. Recommendations must be confirmed. Detailed personal data is compared with a professiogram (a sample of a specialist in a specific professional position). Targeted conversations and testing clarify qualifications, psychological profile, ability to solve problems and work in a team. Only those who have successfully passed all the tests get to meet with the customer.

Internship. A very useful service, but usually only niche agents (accounting, finance, sales and other narrow areas) practice it. An almost 100% ready employee comes to the employer. For example, during an internship, an accountant gets acquainted with the latest versions of legislation, gains in-depth knowledge in some area (accounting, reporting, material group, etc.), practices working with software, and demonstrates personality traits.

Progressive recruitment methods are used by large agencies with experience and reputation, that is, before expert recruitment of employees, you need to choose a truly reliable partner. Contact the RosCo company - we have a license, we have been working since 2004, we have proven ourselves well in the capital’s labor market. The main areas are finance, accounting, sales, management (accountants undergo a 6-month internship). By agreement, we will find personnel for enterprises in any field of activity.

For more information, call, request a call or ask a question via chat.

The success of a business and successful organization of work directly depends on proper capital management. No less important are competent methods of personnel selection, thanks to which you can significantly save budget and time.

Many recruitment agencies provide high-quality staff selection services using a number of modern techniques.

With the right people selection techniques, you can:

  • initially weed out unsuitable candidates, saving your time on conducting interviews;
  • correctly evaluate those who passed the test or interview;
  • at the stage of primary selection, reduce the role of subjective assessment;
  • minimize the risk of incorrect hiring and reduce costs.

Modern methods of personnel selection

Modern methods include 4 main ways, which have become firmly established in the work of HR service specialists. Some methods are already outdated, some are innovative. HR managers must be able to choose a reasonable and correct solution, relying on all the tools for finding highly qualified employees.

When choosing the right methodology, you need to take into account the urgency of the vacancy, the state of affairs in the company, the vacancy and the economic situation in the labor market. Further in the article you will find the most effective methods of personnel search.

Method No. 1 Preliminaring

Preliminaring is considered the most promising.

The key to successful business management in a company can be not only highly qualified employees with extensive experience, but also young people - university graduates and specialists who are offered internships and work in production.

Of course, this process is painstaking, since instead of an employee with established skills and experience, the company gets newbies who should be supervised and taught at all times. But if a training system is organized in production, preliminaring is an excellent method and chance for young, loyal specialists.

Methods No. 2 Head hunting

The main task of headhunting is the highly effective selection of qualified specialist.

This method is more suitable for luring rare personnel and middle and senior management personnel. There is no specific name listed for this position and there may be more than one person available to fill the position.

There is a shortage of competent specialists in the labor market - production directors, heads of enterprises, financial managers, managers, technologists, accountants.

It will take a lot of time to train them; it is much easier to attract an experienced professional from another company, offering him a place in your production.

The difficulty of head hunting lies in the preliminary collection information about specialists specific organizations and a thorough analysis of competing firms.

This is a responsible and lengthy procedure, and also not cheap, since high-level qualified staff are usually valued in their workplace.

Direct search, unlike recruiting, is not associated with searching for advertisements for a given vacancy. Highly qualified specialists do not send out resumes, so it will be more effective contact a recruitment agency, where professionals in their field will analyze the market segment, help you choose the right option and establish contacts.

Method No. 3 Exclusive search

Elite targeted search and selection of unique specialists with a narrow focus and management personnel.

This method is characterized by a complex, targeted search for a specific personnel and recruiting him to move to another enterprise.

Exclusive search is usually resorted to if frames are needed that can provide implementation of company policies and have an important impact on the company's business. This may be working staff or free employees.

Luring them from one company to another has a high cost, which is associated with a high level of positions.

A valuable employee has an important impact on the business, knows all the strategies for its development and increase in profits. When luring such a specialist, you should be familiar with the level of his salary and offer him an amount that is more than what he is paid at his enterprise.

Method No. 4 Recruiting

Passive search for low- and mid-level employees for work positions in the company. Recruiting is carried out by HR services for the selection of line personnel, HR agencies or specialized sites.

Typically, selection is carried out among applicants who are in a random search for a job and purposefully consider vacancies in advertisements and hiring sites.

Proper selection of employees can improve the efficiency of an enterprise. This is an important element of running any business.

With the right staff, you can increase productivity and increase the flow of finance. Without using recruiting, you will receive insufficiently competent candidates and staff turnover, which can lead to bankruptcy of the organization.

Methods for assessing the best candidates.

Such methods form their own selection system, which is suitable for each specific company and more effectively achieves its goals. How to choose the best candidate for a job? The definition of “best” differs significantly for each organization.

Someone needs conscientious specialist, which exactly meets the punctual requirements of the company, so that a full result can already be obtained in the first days of work. There are only a few such candidates, since in a new organization a newcomer still needs time to adapt.

For other employers, experience and skills are not so important, but necessary human qualities. Somewhere they are ready to complete the training of a new employee themselves, accepting the lack of certain skills, but demanding quick adaptation in the team.

There are no universal methods here, but you must be able to use all methods of value judgment in order to make the right choice that meets the company’s needs.

Usually, the screening of applicants occurs even before personal communication - at the stage of reviewing the resume. Anyone who wants to get a job knows how to compile it correctly, and it is not difficult for HR specialists to evaluate it.

But then they don’t read the list so carefully, missing interesting employees. This stage should be done more carefully, reading between the lines so as not to miss a valuable candidate.

Method No. 1 Screening

High-quality selection of candidates and testing of working personnel can be carried out using a lie detector, which has recently become popular, especially in America. It is hardly possible to obtain the most complete and truthful information obtained using a polygraph using other methods.

Typically, with this method, you can get answers to 50-60 questions that will help you avoid problems with the employee in the future.

The employer is mainly interested in:

  • the reliability of the resume or application form;
  • the applicant's criminal history;
  • gambling addiction, alcohol or drug abuse;
  • emotional stability and mental adequacy;
  • the true motives for joining this company;
  • identification of theft from previous jobs, the likelihood of receiving bribes or personal gain in a new place;
  • the real reasons for dismissals from previous jobs (lack of professionalism, information leaks, conflicts, absenteeism).

Any organization has the right to attract the best employees. If you do not find out the nuances in advance, this can lead to unpleasant situations causing material damage to the company.

It is unlikely that such information will be obtained by other methods; the data will still not be as accurate, and the process itself will take a long time.

The advantages of this method include minimal material costs, and screening does not take much time (2-3 hours). The staff becomes much more disciplined, employees begin to be wary of committing illegal actions.

Method No. 2 Interview

When selecting an applicant, various interview methods are used according to a predetermined schedule. This method does not take much effort and time, and is perfect for various vacancies.

After reviewing the written data, the HR employee conducts a short interview in mobile mode, during which you can understand whether the candidate can work in this company by clarifying the information specified in the resume.

It is better to prepare for the interview in advance: think about a rough list of questions, make notes on your resume. The interview should not sound like an interrogation. The questionnaire must contain correctly formulated and correct questions, they must contain logic, and the applicant for the position must be given time to answer and provide clarifying explanations.

Method No. 3 Interview

The most common method of selecting an employee is an interview. It refers to the basic and important stage of the recruitment system. Many recruiters claim that a quality interview is more effective than all other methods combined. The experience of successfully conducting interviews is gained only through practice. They are recommended to be carried out from the position of equality of partners.

The procedure may be as follows:

  1. Greetings and a brief summary of the order of the conversation.
  2. A short story about the company and comprehensive information about the position.
  3. In the main part, the applicant is asked questions to which he answers.
  4. At the end, you should thank the applicant for the position and outline the next steps.

Some Internet site managers prefer to use network blogs and online correspondence by mail, believing that negotiations with a candidate may not be informative. During a personal conversation, an applicant can pretend to be an intelligent and successful employee, exaggerating his abilities.

There is a situation when an experienced, qualified professional does not impress the interviewer, because he turns out to be an overly modest person, begins to get lost and looks unsociable.

The interview takes place in several formats:

Situational interview. A psychological test for which there are several possible answers, which, in fact, are close to the correct one, but with nuances.

This makes it possible to obtain important data about a future employee, especially if it concerns managerial vacancies or a leadership position with a high level of responsibility.

Unstructured free-form conversation. Such an informal interview is acceptable when selecting an employee for a creative position or when there are not very many applicants. Standard questions may not be suitable for assessing a candidate.

Structured interview. A list of questions has already been approved for it, which allows you to compare answers to identical tasks from different applicants and objectively select the best one.

During the interview process, it becomes clear:

  • education, interests and experience;
  • intellectual level, sociability and demeanor;
  • family circumstances and degree of responsibility;
  • ambitions, level of self-esteem;
  • desire to perform work on the employer's terms.

Testing skills and abilities

Reliable methods for determining the professionalism of personnel include testing the skills and abilities identified by a company expert. For a translator vacancy, this could be determining the level of knowledge of a foreign language or the typing speed for a secretary. This method is almost 100% objective.

Managers may be interested in such skills:

  • ability to organize work process;
  • business communication skills;
  • communication and ability to show flexibility;
  • make decisions and be responsible for their results independently;
  • think critically, effectively look for ways to solve problems;

Track record check

Positive information usually contained in testimonials and letters of recommendation from a former employer should be viewed with doubt.

Usually they are issued at the request of employees, and often managers themselves do not know anything about their employee or, on the contrary, want to get rid of him, so they draw up positive reviews.

It would be more correct to check the reference through colleagues or a former manager by phone or in person.

Requests to evaluate employees have already begun to be practiced at enterprises. Usually, in a conversation with previous superiors, questions about the employee’s behavior, conscientiousness, absences, tardiness, as well as relationships with colleagues are clarified. Recruiters are also interested in the reasons for changing jobs.

Group interview

An expert interview in a group, when several specialists communicate with the candidate. For the applicant, the maximum possible tense situation to assess how well he can withstand pressure.

This need usually arises when a position may require highly specialized knowledge that an HR specialist cannot evaluate.

In this case, representatives of the organization where this vacancy is required are invited. A group interview also provides an opportunity to assess the candidate’s personal qualities in order to reduce the risk that a newcomer will not be able to fit into the team.

Assessment center. An unconventional method of personnel assessment refers to one of the mass interview methods. Used in the West for the selection of reconnaissance groups in America and junior officers.

This method has been adopted by various companies, as it is excellent for group selection of candidates, when you need to quickly select the best one from a huge number of applicants.

Assessors observe the behavior of candidates who are asked to complete tasks in real work realities. This assessment method is close to tests; it has its own assessment system and specific indicators of the procedure.

When conducting an interview, you should not ignore other highly effective techniques, such as cases or self-presentation of candidates.


This method is quite common among methods of selecting applicants. Testing to evaluate a candidate must be fit for purpose, be objective, professionally drawn up and have a high degree of adequacy.

The HR department may ask you to take a psychological test. Personnel officers should remember that there are some limitations to this method.

It should only be carried out professional psychologist and only in cases of extreme necessity. There are rules of ethics; the applicant must undergo a psychological examination voluntarily.

Professional surveys

Questionnaires save time for HR employees, as they identify incompetent job applicants already at the first stage of the interview. The head of the organization, together with the staff, develops questions to assess the thoroughness of the applicant’s knowledge in the professional field.

Such surveys highly effective when selecting specialists of various professions - IT employees, programmers, lawyers, economists, accountants. The questionnaire allows you to find out what type of activity the applicant is most inclined to and is considered to be approximately 80% objective.

Table on recruitment methods with characteristics

Method name Characteristic Flaws
InterviewDoesn't take much time or effort.Possibility of missing individual criteria.
InterviewReceiving complete information directly in communication with the candidate.High requirements for the applicant. It takes a lot of time to conduct an interview.
TestingImportant characteristics of the applicant’s professional suitability are identifiedTime spent on analysis.
RecommendationsIt is possible to clarify all the nuances about an employee at a previous place of work over the telephone.Not always true information about the real success of the candidate.


Having considered the primary personnel search technologies, it can be noted that there are no good or bad methods . There are appropriate and inappropriate ways to select an employee for any given position or company.

The selection procedure includes a set of methods that are tied to the situation on the labor market. To create a flexible personnel composition system, each recruitment agency can choose search tools that would correspond to the interests of their company.

The talent of an HR specialist lies in putting into practice exactly those methods that will be usefully disclosed and used to achieve a working agreement between the employer and the applicant.

The successful operation of any company largely depends on the talent, competence and dedication of its employees. That is why the search for personnel is a very important issue for any manager. However, this task requires an integrated approach that takes into account the features that a specific field of activity of the organization has.

Personnel policy

This concept is relevant in any organization, even if its main provisions are not set out on paper. Personnel policy is a certain set of rules and principles that determine the effectiveness of personnel management. Moreover, its main features directly indicate how attractive the company is to potential employees in the labor market.

The main goal of any personnel policy is to provide all enterprise structures with the employees they need with certain qualifications. Moreover, such activities include the following areas, which include:

Hiring employees;
- selection and further promotion of personnel;
- training of qualified workers and their ongoing education;
- placement of personnel in accordance with the existing production system;
- analysis of the labor potential of employees.

Hiring staff

One of the most important directions of the personnel policy pursued by the enterprise is the formation of the necessary personnel. And the first stage of this process is hiring staff. It can be described as a series of activities aimed at attracting certain candidates whose qualities are necessary for the organization to achieve its goals.

Recruitment is a whole complex of organizational activities, which include such stages as recruitment and assessment of personnel, selection of applicants, as well as their further admission to the staff of the enterprise.

List of necessary procedures

Organizational arrangements involving staffing activities consist of:

1. Set. This process is the creation of a data bank of candidates most suitable for vacant positions. In other words, it is a mass attraction of applicants.

2. Selection. At this stage, the most suitable candidates are selected from the reserve created during recruitment. Selection is part of the recruitment process and involves selecting a number of candidates from a large number of people who want to fill the position. The goal that personnel services pursue at this stage is to assess the compliance of the candidate’s personal and professional suitability with the requirements imposed by this vacant position. Such a problem can be solved in the shortest possible time using legally, ethically and economically justifiable means.

3. Selection. This stage represents the choice of a position or activity that contributes to the fullest realization of all the employee’s capabilities. When selecting personnel, the identity of the characteristics of the candidate and the requirements of the position, as well as the organization as a whole, is established.

4. Choice. This stage involves making a commission decision on the preference of a certain candidate, based on the results of public procedures.


This stage is the most critical in the work of personnel services. After all, mistakes made today will cost the organization dearly tomorrow. In order to hire people suitable for the enterprise, the person involved in personnel selection must have a certain talent. After all, when hiring worthy employees, the company will certainly work well, and bad ones, in addition to their unsatisfactory work, will begin to negatively influence others.

That is why personnel selection is a continuous and painstaking work that will require special character traits and abilities, skills and knowledge. High professionalism of the employee involved in hiring personnel presupposes deep knowledge in the field of economics and law, psychology and sociology. In this case, certain methods of personnel selection should be used. The organization decides which one to choose. However, as a rule, personnel services use the most common methods of personnel selection. Let's take a closer look at them.

Intra-organizational search

Sometimes, when an organization operates successfully, it expands or there is a certain movement of employees within the company itself. What recruitment methods can be used in such cases? One of them is intra-organizational search. Its main goal is to recruit employees for senior and middle management positions.

In such cases, management appoints those employees who are already working in the organization to fill the available positions. This method has a number of advantages. It helps to increase the level of loyalty to the organization, and is also attractive because candidates do not have to go through the process of integration into the team. Among the disadvantages of the intra-organizational method, one can highlight restrictions in the selection of applicants, the absence of the possibility of the arrival of new forces, as well as the encouragement of localism among the heads of structural divisions.

Employee assistance

Often, organizations require employees for ordinary positions, as well as unqualified personnel. What recruitment methods can be used in such cases? In this case, personnel services can use the help of employees. The advantages of this method include a high degree of compatibility. Among the shortcomings, the employees who offered their help do not know the specifics of the vacancy, as well as their lack of experience in personnel selection.

Appeal to the media

Methods of searching and selecting personnel sometimes involve the use of media space. This provides the greatest possible coverage of the audience of potential applicants. Moreover, when using this method, the organization will require small financial costs. The success of such an event, as a rule, depends on the frequency of publication, circulation, ease of registration on the site, ease of use, etc. But, be that as it may, when placing an advertisement in the media, personnel services must be prepared for the appearance of a large number of candidates.

There are two ways to find employees to perform a particular job in a company: turn to the human resources already available in the company or hire a new specialist. Both methods of recruiting and selecting personnel are effective.

Internal human resources are employees already working in the company who can be assigned new work, promoting certain specialists up the career ladder. This method of recruiting personnel is good from all points of view: it is quite cheap for the manager, and for people working in the company it serves as inspiration and incentive to work harder.

However, hiring new employees should not be neglected. After all, new people mean fresh ideas, views and thoughts that can be very useful to the company.

Classic methods of recruiting employees

What methods of selecting personnel to work in an organization are often applied to new applicants?

  1. Interview. The most common of all modern methods of personnel selection. During a short conversation, the employer can get answers to all his questions. Find out about a person’s personal qualities, range of interests, resistance to stress, professionalism, etc. An interview is good because with its help you can also obtain non-verbal information about a person - evaluate his gestures, postures, intonation - and draw more accurate conclusions than based on other personnel selection methods.
  2. Questioning. It is used to obtain accurate information about a person: first name, last name, patronymic, address, information about education, professional skills, etc.
  3. Testing. One of the most effective methods of recruitment and selection of personnel, on the basis of which the general level of human properties required for a given job is revealed.
  4. Assessment Centers. This is a method of selecting personnel in a game that simulates a real work environment. During a game or training, a person may be asked to make a speech in front of an audience, analyze a fact, justify an opinion, etc.
  5. Summary. Brief information about the candidate that he himself will want to provide to the employer.

These are traditional methods of recruiting and selecting personnel, tried and tested on applicants from a huge number of companies. The choice of one method or another depends on the nature of the position the person plans to get into, the company’s strategy, its traditions, etc.

However, more and more employers who want to acquire truly “worthwhile” personnel for their company are now resorting to non-traditional methods of personnel selection. A person going for an interview may not even have an idea of ​​what awaits him there. Traditional interview methods in some companies are giving way to non-standard psychological methods of personnel selection. Here are just a few of them:

Of all the listed non-traditional methods of selecting candidates, there is not a single one that would guarantee 100% correctness of choice. True, traditional selection methods also do not have such a guarantee. That is why managers “try” absolutely everything they can think of on applicants.

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