Dairy products for psoriasis. Foods with a high level of gluten. Do's and Don'ts for Psoriasis

Diet for psoriasis food table for every day

Alkaline foods (70%) Acidic products (30%) What foods can not be consumed, prohibited foods
What can you eat with psoriasis? You can use berry or fruit platter.

You can also eat assorted vegetables. Legumes, cabbage, and mushroom dishes should be taken in limited quantities. The same goes for pumpkins.

Fresh fresh juices are allowed, prepared on the basis of carrots and celery, beets with spinach.

Fruit can also be used as a base for juices. Pineapple with lemon, grapes with apple are ideal. Also fruit platter can be supplemented with papaya and mango. Mineral water rich in alkali with significant acidity is allowed.

You can cook dishes from perch, sturgeon, salmon and trout. Also allowed are sardine, flounder, mackerel, ray-finned fish from the cod family, Bluefish.

If a patient is diagnosed with psoriasis, nutrition should include dietary lamb, partridge, stewed chicken or quail, turkey. It is advisable to choose meat exclusively dietary, the so-called white meat.

Cereals are also useful: you can eat oatmeal, millet, corn, barley porridge.

The patient is allowed to eat some sour-milk or dairy dishes with a low percentage of fat (but not fat-free).

Dishes can be cooked in sunflower, corn, or any other oil known in cooking. With butter, it is better to be careful because of the high concentration of fat. Sesame, linseed, pumpkin, olive oils are ideal.

A diet for psoriasis should exclude Foods that contain sucrose in any form.

Prohibited products that are sold in canned food, in which dyes or flavors are added.

Dishes can not be fried, pre-marinated, smoked.

It is forbidden to take alcoholic drinks or even concentrated juices.

It is forbidden to use not only fried potatoes, but also potatoes in any form, you will also have to give up tomatoes, eggplants, plums, prunes and currants, blueberries, cranberries.

It is better to refuse flour dishes, use not white, but rye flour in baking.

Diet and Nutrition for Psoriasis

The diet for psoriasis of the scalp has not yet been determined, more precisely, there is no unambiguous theory that would indicate which foods should be consumed with the disease in question. This is because, in addition to products that can or cannot be consumed, there is also their individual tolerance: for some, mackerel will be a salvation, for others, vice versa. That is why doctors and nutritionists during the treatment of the disease use an exclusively personal approach.

According to general recommendations, a person should refuse pickled, smoked, heavily fried foods, and alcoholic beverages. The human body should receive a maximum of useful elements daily. Dishes for psoriasis can be varied, the main thing is that the menu should be tailored to the individual needs of the body.

What not to eat with psoriasis

  1. Dishes with a specific aroma and taste. According to many years of experience in studying the problems of this disease, scientists and nutritionists have come to the conclusion that people suffering from the disease in question are forbidden to eat spicy foods, even if their concentration is negligible.

It's all about the high concentration of aromatic substances that can be toxic not only for the patient, but also for a healthy person who has a predisposition to psoriasis. A person immediately begins to itch the skin and scarlet inflamed foci appear on it. Spices activate the blood supply to the body, which leads to even more irritation. The most dangerous are grains with a sharp burning taste, red capsicum, nutmeg.

If we consider the spice in more detail, then the maximum concentration of allergic substances is contained in the flower and its derivatives: seeds and buds. What can not be said about the leaves and roots, they contain aromatic substances in a very low concentration. Therefore, the patient can season his dish with garlic or onions. Ginger for psoriasis is strictly prohibited.

  1. Fruits of some plants with an edible core and a hard shell. Walnuts, nuts of any of the 20 types of hazel, underground or peanuts are strictly prohibited. The latter is considered to be the most dangerous product not only for patients with psoriasis, but also for people with allergies. Such fruits should be avoided not only in their pure form, but also in the form of various additives. It is worth avoiding peanut butter because the treatment of psoriasis can be difficult. Nuts for psoriasis are best avoided altogether.
  2. Various smoked meats, pickles and spicy dishes. These products become the reason that the nutrients begin to be absorbed very poorly, respectively, all the organs of the gastrointestinal tract begin to react negatively to what is happening and provoke the development of a skin reaction.
  3. Do not eat citrus fruits. The peel of these fruits contains the maximum amount of essential oils. As a result, even citrus juices are strictly prohibited. This can be explained by the technological features of the production itself, because before squeezing the juice, the zest from the fruit is not removed.
  4. Fried, fatty meat dishes. An organic compound, omega-6 unsaturated fatty acid, is found in high concentrations in meat dishes. This becomes the main provocateur in order for the inflammatory reaction to start.
  5. Alcoholic drinks. Doctors recommend completely eliminating alcohol and in particular wine and other grape-based drinks. Even at the stage of their production (namely, fermentation), aromatic components begin to be actively produced, which causes itching. Substances resulting from fermentation adversely affect the liver. It cannot fully cope with its cleansing functions, and, accordingly, toxins accumulate in the body, psoriasis is actively developing.
  6. Blue cheese. For the production of such a product, fungi are used, which will become like a green color at a traffic light for psoriasis.

For quick and effective relief from psoriasis, our readers recommend the cream" PsoriControl". The remedy eliminates psoriasis in one course, quickly and without pain, consists only of their natural components. PsoriControl is completely safe. Has no side effects.

What can you eat with psoriasis, foods for psoriasis

For human health, it is important to maintain its acid-base balance, then all organs will function harmoniously. Nutrition for psoriasis for a woman, absolutely, as for a man, should be complete.

What foods can treat or at least stop the development of psoriasis, what diet for psoriasis will be optimal?

  1. Fruits for psoriasis are very useful. Pineapple juice, cherry juice, grape juice, porridge with raisins are especially useful. If the patient wanted to treat himself to something sweet, his choice may be nectarines and mangoes. Banana, apple platter is better to use separately.
  2. Vegetable plate. Here you need to know the measure, especially when it comes to legumes or cabbage. The patient will have to eat soups without potatoes, refuse tomato and eggplant salad. The patient can use other available vegetable platter without fear. The only rule: products must be fresh, boiled or stewed.
  3. The menu for psoriasis should include meat dishes. From meat it is better to use chicken breast or turkey. Food should be properly cooked, it is better to eat exclusively dietary meats. Regarding pork - it is strictly prohibited, but it can be replaced with lamb. It is only important to remove all fatty layers before cooking. Meat dishes can be consumed two to four times in 7 days.
  4. Eating with psoriasis can be dishes based on dairy products. They are considered an important source of calcium. Suitable cottage cheese casserole or kefir.
  5. Eggs can be consumed exclusively in boiled form, and then, no more than 2 pieces per day.
  6. Green vegetables are allowed, which, as a rule, housewives add to the salad.
  7. Water is the key to health! It is important to drink her norm. Do not replace water with fresh juices, tea or coffee.

fasting for psoriasis

Some scientists argue that the best treatment for psoriasis is food restriction. More precisely, its complete absence for at least a day and a half is better. Patients often set aside one day a week for themselves, during which they completely restrict themselves in eating and drinking. Everything is prohibited except ordinary drinking water. After 24 hours of such a regimen, beet or carrot salad is eaten in the morning, herbal tea is drunk, and then all dishes are eaten according to the scheduled diet. Few people know, or even do not realize that compliance with such restrictions can greatly alleviate the form of the course of the disease.

In those patients who have chosen this method for themselves, the color of the skin and face improves significantly, as if they do not feel any more unpleasant signs of psoriasis. Fasting for several days is prohibited.

Diets for psoriasis: Pegano Diet for psoriasis and Svetlana Ogneva's Diet, a unique medical nutrition for psoriasis

If you pay attention to the rules of nutrition and restrictions that John Pagano brought out, then you can come to the conclusion that all foods consumed should work to maintain the natural microflora. Therefore, most of the products should supply the body with alkali, and others with acids. The expert believes that a high concentration of alkali will cause psoriasis. With proper adjustment of the contents of the refrigerator, medication can be avoided.

Diet for psoriasis John Pagano. The nutritionist has reduced his teachings to a few simple steps:

  • Cleansing processes of the body from Monday to Friday, the patient should eat a multi-fruit diet, then from Saturday to Monday it is recommended to use only apples. If necessary, you can take sorbents for a week.
  • Special nutritional regime. Any food prepared and eaten must follow the acid-base rule. Such a nutrition scheme can be used for life, this is not a diet, but recommendations for restoring the body and normalizing its vital activity.
  • Sport. It should be moderate, it is important to pay maximum attention to the spine.
  • The patient should not forget to take care of his body, for this you need to undergo a series of cosmetic procedures, as a result of which the skin will quickly recover. You can start with a trip to the bath or sauna.
  • You should always think positively, abstract yourself from stress as much as possible.

Main teachings.

  1. Whole grain and milk products should not be mixed with fruit.
  2. Meat is forbidden to eat with starchy foods.
  3. Flour, cereals and fruit platter should always be consumed separately.
  4. In order for the body to cleanse itself faster, it is important to drink plenty of herbal teas.

Svetlana Ogneva. The doctor also pointed out the rationality of creating an ideal state in the body, where acid and alkali will not prevail over each other. Svetlana, like John Pagano, shares products, and claims that it is better to take exclusively alkaline-forming ones. Dietary restrictions should be combined with other treatment regimens.

The doctor described in detail in her book the importance of eliminating all prohibited foods. He also emphasized that the basis of the diet should be a vegetable and fruit plate, and weekly you need to cleanse the body by fasting. Proper nutrition is also important for psoriasis.

Days of the week First reception Second reception Last reception
Mon Different types of porridge, baked apple, herbal decoction. Beet soup, boiled meat. Vegetable plate with stewed mushrooms and fresh juice.
WT W Porridge based on permitted cereals, a glass of fresh. Vegetable soup, any steamed fish from the list, chamomile tea Chicken with stewed vegetables.
SR Several boiled eggs, a piece of whole grain bread and fresh juice. Oven-cooked fish, black tea and fruit salad. Pearl barley porridge, steamed rosehip decoction.
Thu Rice-based porridge with raisins and dried apricots, fresh. Remember that coffee with psoriasis is prohibited. Soup based on beets, turkey meat, herbal tea. Boiled fish, cucumber and herb salad, linden tea.

Food on Fri-Sun days may repeat Mon-Wed.

Recipes for psoriasis

1. Fish on a vegetable pillow. For cooking you need:

  • Fish.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Greenery.
  • A mixture of vegetables available on the list.

How to cook:

Vegetables should be finely chopped, steamed until half cooked. Then the fish is laid on the foil, and vegetables are laid on top. The dish is baked until the fish is ready, useful elements are preserved in it. Before serving, season the dish with herbs.

Summing up, it can be noted that the table for psoriasis may well consist of a variety of delicious dishes. The main thing is an individual approach and the desire to make your diet as useful and rational as possible. Using the usual products and combining them correctly, you can alleviate the manifestations of the disease and minimize its consequences.

Do you still think that getting rid of psoriasis is impossible?

If nothing is done, the plaques will only increase and soon cover the entire body. Psoriasis reaches a critical danger by 3-4 years after the onset and leads to irreversible consequences, such as the manifestation of psoriatic arthritis or psoriatic erythroderma. In no case should you start the disease! A very good article on this subject was published by the head of the Institute of Dermatology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences of Russia Vladimir Nikolaevich Abrosimov.

An important role in the treatment of psoriasis is played by a diet, the principles of which should be familiarized in detail. Only proper nutrition allows you to establish a metabolic process in the body, relieve acute manifestations of scaly lichen during exacerbation and prolong periods of remission. The first visible results, namely the elimination of itching, the resorption of psoriatic plaques, are observed after a week of following the diet.

Proper nutrition for psoriasis

With exacerbation of psoriasis, dietary nutrition is used only as part of complex therapy, but this does not detract from its importance. Refusal of products that affect the body in a negative way allows you to get rid of the visible symptoms of the pathology in just a few days. And, adhering to the rules of nutrition, even during periods of remission, you can forget about psoriasis for a long time.

Any dietary food is selected by doctors individually, taking into account the form of psoriasis, the characteristics of the patient's body and testing for the tolerance of various types of food. However, any of the diet systems for psoriasis is based on the following principles:

  • Exclusion from the diet of marinades, sweets and smoked foods;
  • Refusal of any highly allergenic foods (citrus, chocolate, etc.);
  • Prohibition of smoking and refraining from alcoholic beverages;
  • Minimizing salt intake (especially with eczema and the development of psoriasis);
  • Small but frequent meals. So, patients are advised to eat at least 5 times a day, but in small portions;
  • It is impossible to include in the diet products that contain dyes, emulsifiers, preservatives and other harmful substances;
  • It is recommended to focus on fiber, which is found in large quantities in raw vegetables;
  • The daily menu should include low-fat dairy products.

By following all the prescriptions of the diet chosen by the specialist, you will quickly be able to achieve the following results:

  • Normalize the work of the digestive system;
  • Stabilize and improve the condition of the dermis, including getting rid of psoriatic plaques.

In addition, patients are advised to drink at least 6 glasses of purified drinking water per day, consume plenty of fresh plant foods. All this allows you to cleanse yourself of harmful substances (toxins and slags), enrich the body with vitamins.

The only drawback is the presence of contraindications. It is not recommended to follow a diet for people with vascular, nervous, cardiac pathologies.

Product table

What products can and cannot be used for psoriasis, we will consider for convenience in the table:

Allowed Forbidden
Boiled chicken eggs (no more than once a day) High fat meat varieties
Dark pasta Tea (black strong) and coffee
Greens (parsley, lettuce, dill, onion) Alcohol (strictly prohibited even a little)
Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet) Any flour products made from white flour
Fresh vegetables and fruits, almonds and pine nuts Legumes, cereals (rice and semolina)
Vegetable oil Marinade, hot spices, vinegar, pickles
Steam or boiled fish Fish caviar, smoked fish, canned fish
Lingonberries or blueberries (1 handful per day) Butter and any fatty cheeses, margarine
Compotes and jellies from fresh fruit Sugar, honey, chocolate, confectionery
Dairy products (fat-free or low-fat) Tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, paprika
Meat without fat Meat broths and sauces (canned), fatty lamb and beef, offal

What can you eat

Any diet in the treatment of psoriasis is aimed at establishing and maintaining the desired acid-base balance in the body. Above, we examined foods that are unacceptable to eat and those of which the diet should consist, but you need to pay attention to both the quantity and the combination.

So, with psoriasis, you can:

  • Berries and fruits allow you to create the desired alkaline environment. But, baked apples, bananas and melons should be consumed separately from other foods. But it is better to refuse cranberries, blueberries, currants and prunes altogether. The most useful during the period of exacerbation of psoriasis are raisins, mangoes, cherries, pineapple and mangoes. From vegetables, sweet potatoes, broccoli, beets, cucumbers and carrots will bring maximum benefit. Beans, Brussels sprouts, rhubarb, and pumpkin should be eaten in moderation.
  • Poultry meat (turkey and chicken) - should be consumed no more than 3 times a week.
  • Fish. The most beneficial are halibut, tuna, trout, sturgeon, sardines, mackerel, salmon, sardines.
  • Cereal crops. The basis of the diet should consist of millet, rice, corn, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  • Lamb is a product that can be on the table no more than twice a week. Before cooking, the meat must be cleaned of all fat.
  • Dairy products. Since they are the main sources of calcium, the menu for the day should include low-fat varieties of cottage cheese, as well as sour-milk products.
  • Boiled chicken eggs, but not more than 4 pieces per week.
  • Vegetable oils: corn, from olives and sunflower seeds, almond and cottonseed oils have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, which helps to quickly eliminate the manifestations of psoriasis.
  • Fresh herbs (parsley, green onion, dill, lettuce).
  • Freshly squeezed juices, mainly from beets, carrots, parsley, and even spinach.
  • Herbal teas without sugar.

In addition to the use of permitted products, one should pay attention to the fact that during the period of exacerbation it is extremely important to nourish your body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. These include:

  • Vitamin C - strengthens the body's defenses. It is found in large quantities in rose hips, kiwi, and bell peppers.
  • Vitamin E - has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, helps to eliminate the acute manifestation of psoriasis. The vitamin is found in sunflower seeds.
  • Vitamins B - contributes to the normal metabolic process. They are found in abundance in wholemeal bread and buckwheat.
  • Calcium - accelerates the healing of affected skin areas. Cottage cheese, ryazhenka, kefir are rich in calcium, but these products should not be consumed more often 2-3 times a week.
  • Zinc - protein synthesis depends on it, which is important for the healing of the skin. Available in sesame, pumpkin, seafood.

What not to eat

Fats, carbohydrates, cholesterol and proteins are prohibited. So, from the diet should be removed:

  • Fatty meats. It provokes the development of inflammation.
  • Bread and any white flour products that contain gluten.
  • Fried and smoked, spicy and salty dishes.
  • Nuts are a highly allergenic product.
  • Spices. Since they contain aromatic substances, they can irritate the skin, and, accordingly, exacerbate psoriasis. Pepper, nutmeg, cloves are strictly prohibited. In small quantities, you can onion, horseradish and garlic.
  • Citrus.
  • Alcohol-containing and other alcoholic drinks.
  • Blue cheese.
  • Sugar - it is recommended to replace with fructose.
  • Sausages and canned goods.
  • Sweets, carbonated drinks and easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Products containing leavening agents, stabilizers, preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers.

Refusal of these products can significantly speed up the healing process.

Approximate nutrition for psoriasis for every day

A weekly menu is useful even for healthy people. A pre-planned diet allows you to immediately purchase the necessary products, and in case of psoriasis, avoid unexpected snacks with forbidden dishes.

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge and dried fruits; milk oatmeal with raisins and a glass of compote; scrambled eggs, cocoa and black bread with a slice of hard cheese; cottage cheese (fat-free) with sour cream and freshly squeezed juice; pumpkin milk porridge and dried fruit compote.
  • 2nd breakfast (2 hours after the main one): apple; low-fat kefir; fresh fruits; fruits and dried fruit compote; egg omelet.
  • 3rd breakfast (after another 2 hours): cottage cheese with sour cream (products should not be fatty); 1 boiled egg; a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: salad (vegetables and vegetable oil), vegetable soup, a piece of boiled meat and compote; salad (vegetables and lemon juice), soup with low-fat poultry broth, mashed potatoes and steamed fish fillet, bread; salad, lean borscht, rice porridge, steam cutlet, bread; fish soup, vinaigrette, steam cutlets, chamomile tea.
  • Snack: cottage cheese with fresh fruit; fruits; baked apples; compote and marshmallows without chocolate; a glass of yogurt and baked apples.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole and chamomile tea; oatmeal, a piece of steamed salmon, weak green tea; vegetable stew and rye bread; buckwheat porridge and steamed vegetables.

Between each meal, you need to drink a glass of water (preferably more). Three hours before going to bed in the evening, eating is not recommended.

Detailed menu for the week (table)

The table shows the menu for the week, on the basis of which you can make your own diet:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Monday Porridge (preferably buckwheat) with butter and dried fruits, hard cheese (50 gr.), unsweetened green tea. Salad (vegetables and olive oil), vegetable soup, boiled lean meat (150 gr.), cereals, bread, dried fruit compote. Green apple or other permitted fruit, fat-free cottage cheese (100 gr.). Stewed or baked vegetables (200 gr.), black bread, a glass of curdled milk.
Tuesday Oatmeal with butter (200 gr.), Wholemeal bread, unsweetened tea (preferably green and weak) Vegetable salad, borsch on the second broth, boiled fish (170 gr.), crackers, tea without sugar. A glass of natural yogurt and one green apple. A glass of kefir and buckwheat (180 gr.).
Wednesday Cottage cheese 0% fat (150 gr.), Raisins (30 gr.), A glass of green apple juice. Fish soup (180 gr.), vinaigrette, steam cutlet, black bread, dried fruit compote. 1 boiled egg, dried fruit compote. Cottage cheese casserole (200 gr.), Chamomile tea (1 cup).
Thursday Omelette from one egg, 50 gr. cheese, bread, weak tea. Salad (vegetables and a few drops of lemon juice), beetroot, wheat porridge (150 gr.), steamed fish cutlet, bread, dried fruit compote. 2 baked green apples. Vegetable stew (200 gr.), fat-free fermented baked milk, bread.
Friday Milk pumpkin porridge with raisins and dried apricots (180 gr.), compote, bread. Soup with young zucchini (200 gr.), buckwheat with butter, compote. Yogurt / fermented baked milk / kefir (200 gr.), 2 baked green apples. Boiled salmon (120 gr.), Sugar-free green tea.
Saturday Pumpkin porridge with milk, decoction of dried fruits. Lenten borscht (you can use secondary broth), salad with fresh vegetables, steamed chicken cutlet, bread, fruit drink. Unsweetened tea and cookies. Zucchini with chicken, fresh fruits, weak green tea.
Sunday Oatmeal with almonds, green tea. Chicken broth (200 ml.), rye bread crackers, buckwheat porridge (180 gr.), fresh berry juice. One green apple. Steam chicken cutlet, lettuce, chamomile tea.

Diet of Svetlana Ognevoy

Like other doctors, it is aimed at achieving an optimal acid-base balance. The basic principles of proper nutrition are as follows:

  • The daily diet should mainly consist of alkaline-forming foods;
  • The diet is used only as part of complex therapy.
  • The prohibited products discussed above should be completely excluded from the patient's menu.
  • The entire daily menu is based on spinach, cabbage, carrots, cereals, zucchini, pumpkin, onions.
  • One day a week should be unloading. You can only eat vegetables, apples or dairy products.

John Pegano Diet

By the same principle as the diet of Svetlana Ogneva, it is built. The patient's diet for psoriasis should consist of 30% acid-forming products and 70% alkali-forming products.

An American doctor is sure that with the dominance of an alkaline reaction in the body, it is possible to get rid of psoriasis without even taking medications.

The whole diet involves the sequential implementation of five stages:

  1. Cleansing the body - 5 days to follow a multi-fruit diet and another 3 apple. Additionally, patients take enterosorbents.
  2. A special diet based on the percentage of acid-forming and alkali-forming products. This stage is recommended not to be limited to specific terms, but to adhere to it throughout life.
  3. Adequate physical activity aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Cosmetic procedures designed to restore the skin.
  5. No stress and positive attitude.

We list the basic principles of the Pegano diet:

  • Citrus fruits and juices should not be consumed at the same time with dairy products and whole grains.
  • It is unacceptable to combine meat dishes and foods high in starch.
  • It is impossible to combine fruits, cereals and flour products.
  • Regular consumption of teas and herbal infusions without sugar - allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
  • All food should be steamed, stewed or boiled.
  • Overeating is not allowed.

Recipes from useful products for psoriasis

Salmon with vegetables

Required: 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice, 2 salmon steaks, 30 gr. dill, a mixture of zucchini, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. Cooking:

  • Vegetables are finely chopped and cooked until half cooked in a double boiler;
  • The vegetable mixture is laid out on foil, fish steaks are laid out on top, poured with lemon juice.
  • The dish is baked at a temperature of 10 minutes (temperature 160 gr.).

Steamed turkey cutlets

Required: Turkey fillet 300 gr., one chicken egg, medium carrot, bell pepper, dill and salt. To prepare minced meat, you need to mix meat, salt and beat an egg into it. Then cutlets are formed, inside of which pepper is added, and they themselves crumble in dill and grated carrots. The dish is steamed for 15-20 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

You will need: 4 chicken eggs, a kilogram of cottage cheese (preferably fat-free), a glass of semolina, a handful of steamed raisins, 5 tablespoons of sugar, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Cooking:

  1. Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, sugar, beaten with eggs, is added to it. The mixture is infused for 30 minutes.
  2. The curd mass is laid out on a greased form and baked for about 30 minutes under a closed lid.

Pumpkin porridge with raisins in milk

For a dish, you need 0.5 kg of pumpkin, two thirds of a glass of fox, 0.5 liters. milk, salt, sugar and half a glass of raisins. The recipe is simple:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, chop finely and cover with water. Hold until soft.
  2. Mash the softened pumpkin with a fork and pour milk into it, add rice (pre-soak for 2 hours), sugar and salt.
  3. Before removing from the stove, add vanilla and raisins to the dish.

Diet in psoriasis plays a significant role in the treatment of the disease. Eating according to the recommendations of experts, it will be possible to cleanse the skin of psoriatic rashes and get rid of other painful symptoms in 10-14 days, as well as extend the remission period.

The role of nutrition in psoriasis

The key objectives of the diet for illness are:

  • restoration of metabolism;
  • normalization of redox reactions;
  • increased immunity;
  • restoration of the functions of the digestive tract;
  • removal of toxic substances from tissues;
  • reduction in the frequency and severity of exacerbations;
  • reduction of skin rashes.

Therapeutic diet is effective for any kind of skin disease. However, the diet should be selected individually, assessing how the disease proceeds. Only a doctor can prescribe a therapeutic diet.

General dietary rules for illness

  • eat small (150-200 g) portions, arrange 3 main meals and 1-2 snacks;
  • eat unsalted food;
  • focus on herbal products;
  • refuse food that contains a lot of quickly digestible proteins, fats;
  • exclude all products with synthesized additives;
  • make the basis of the diet of cereals, dairy products, plant foods;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • drink 2 to 3 liters of fluid per day;
  • show high physical activity;
  • develop a bowel movement, avoid constipation.

Table: what you can eat with psoriasis

Acceptable products for illness should maintain a normal pH level of the body and be hypoallergenic.

Table of products allowed for psoriasis:

MeatRabbit, beef (without fat), chicken and turkey without skin.
FishHalibut, roach, cod, herring, pollock, mullet, hake. All types of shellfish and crayfish.
vegetable cropsPumpkin, carrots, rhubarb, broccoli, cucumbers (not overripe), beets, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, celery root, green beans (all in small quantities). Fresh greens. A small amount of baked potatoes is allowed.
Fruits and berriesRipe fruits. Apples - exclusively baked.
Dried fruitsAny up to 10 pcs. in a day.
dairy productsMilk (rarely - mare, goat), cottage cheese, yogurt, low-fat kefir, shubat, unsalted cheeses.
CerealsHercules, buckwheat, millet, rice (preferably brown), corn grits.
Bakery productsBread with bran, whole grain bread.
PastaFrom durum wheat.
EggsExceptionally twisted.
OilsVegetable. Exclusively as a dressing for ready meals.
BeveragesTeas of all kinds without additives, vegetable juices (rarely), fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes (unsweetened), chicory.

Table: fully or partially restricted products

A list of what not to eat with psoriasis is presented in the following food table:

MeatHigh-calorie species, lard, skin, offal. Broths.
FishOily. Fish broths.
vegetable cropsSour vegetables, as well as tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants.
Fruits and berriesSour species, citrus fruits.
nutsProhibited, because they are a strong allergen.
dairy productsContaining a high percentage of fat.
Bakery productsMuffin.
EggsFried, boiled "in a bag" and soft-boiled.
BeveragesCoffee, strong tea, carbonated water, alcohol, shop nectars.
Other productsSmoked meats, spicy food, snacks, condiments, mayonnaise, canned food, vinegar, convenience foods, fast food.

Description and principles of diets for illness

The most famous and effective for psoriasis are the diets of the doctor from Russia S. M. Ognevoy and the American doctor D. Pegano. In some moments, the methods differ, but their principles are the same.

Pegano diet for psoriasis

The technique of this specialist is based on an important rule: the diet should be based on 70% alkaline-forming components and 30% acid-forming. According to the American doctor, when the body is alkalized, it will be possible to quickly achieve cleansing of the affected areas of the body from rashes and peeling.

The Pegano diet contains 5 stages:

  1. Cleansing tissues with apples and drinking plenty of water. At this stage, you should put cleansing enemas and take enterosorbents. Lasts 4-5 days.
  2. Elimination of the imbalance of acid and alkali. Introduction to the diet of a large amount of alkaline-forming foods (long-term diet).
  3. Gymnastics (especially for all parts of the back).
  4. Wellness procedures: bath (you can steam for no more than 5 minutes), baths with aromatic oils and medicinal herbs, cleansing and toning the skin, nourishing masks, relaxing massage (without touching the inflamed areas).
  5. Restoration of the functioning of the nervous system. Strengthening psycho-emotional health.

Diet of Svetlana Ognevoy

The Fire Diet is based on the same principle: making up a diet of 80% alkalizing foods and 20% acidifying the body.

  • eat food in small portions;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • reduce the time spent under ultraviolet rays;
  • weekly arrange 1 fasting day (it is only permissible to drink).

Sample menu for psoriasis patients

Adjusting the therapeutic diet is easy, based on the following example. The weight of any portion should not exceed 200 g.

Day 1:

  • breakfast (20-30 minutes after waking up): porridge from medium-ground wheat, half a pear;
  • lunch: 100 g of figs;
  • lunch: soup with zucchini, white beans and baby spinach, an appetizer of germinated wheat germ and grated carrots, pollock from a double boiler;
  • snack: banana;
  • dinner: chicken with pineapples, cucumber and greens salad with natural yogurt.

Day 2:

  • breakfast: porridge with rice and pumpkin;
  • lunch: 2 hard-boiled quail eggs;
  • lunch: beetroot, halibut dumplings;
  • snack: 3 apricots;
  • dinner: boiled cauliflower, a piece of grilled beef.

Day 3:

  • breakfast: cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole, unleavened cheese;
  • lunch: 4 pieces of melon;
  • lunch: vegetarian borscht, chicken breast meatballs;
  • snack: 200 g green grapes;
  • dinner: cottage cheese with raisins.

Day 4:

  • breakfast: wheat porridge, bread;
  • lunch: mango;
  • lunch: milk soup with noodles, steamed flounder, spinach puree;
  • snack: baked apple;
  • dinner: cottage cheese dessert with berry sauce.

Day 5:

  • breakfast: herculean porridge with dried apricots;
  • lunch: pear;
  • lunch: zucchini soup, pilaf with turkey;
  • snack: egg;
  • dinner: baked rabbit leg, cabbage and cucumber salad;

Day 6:

  • breakfast: cottage cheese and carrot casserole,
  • lunch: cutting of allowed fruits;
  • lunch: cereal soup with egg, cod baked with vegetables;
  • snack: 3 pieces of melon;
  • dinner: milk soup with pasta.

Day 7:

  • breakfast: corn porridge, 2 multi-cereal loaves;
  • lunch: bread with avocado paste;
  • lunch: vitamin salad, turkey neck soup with oatmeal;
  • snack: banana;
  • dinner: steamed cauliflower omelette, low-fat milk yogurt.

Recipes for healthy meals

Rice porridge with pumpkin:

  1. 120 g of rice is washed and poured with water for 2 hours.
  2. 500 g pumpkin is peeled, cut into small strips, soaked in water and put on medium heat.
  3. When the vegetable softens, add 0.5 l of milk, prepared rice, a pinch of salt and 1 g of vanillin.
  4. After 15 minutes, a handful of black raisins are added to the porridge.
  5. The dish is brought to readiness for another 15 minutes.

- a chronic non-infectious skin disease characterized by the appearance of reddish-silver plaques on the human body. A diet for psoriasis helps regulate metabolic disorders and prevent relapses. It is developed on a strictly individual basis, but is always built taking into account general recommendations. We will talk about them in this article.

Nutrition for psoriasis

With psoriasis, patients are prescribed a diet based on the following principles:

  • From the daily diet, first of all, products that can provoke allergic manifestations are excluded.
  • It is important to completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • The basis of proper nutrition that helps to overcome psoriasis is fractional nutrition. The patient is advised to learn to eat in small portions several times a day. It is important to arrange meals in such a way that the pause between them is no more than three hours.
  • Minimize salt intake as much as possible.
  • Refuse to eat spicy, sour, spicy, fatty and salty foods.
  • Do not eat foods that contain additional chemical elements (dyes, flavor enhancers, flavors or preservatives).
  • Minimize the consumption of carbohydrates, which are absorbed by the human body as easily as possible. Under the ban should fall the use of sweets, flour products from baking, sugar in its pure form.
  • It is good to include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. They (with rare exceptions) are all useful. The restrictions will be discussed below.
  • Every day, fermented milk products should be on the table of a patient with psoriasis.
  • Four times a week, instead of meat, you need to eat fish.
  • Instead of beef or lamb, it is better to eat chicken or turkey meat.

It is good if the attending physician develops a diet for a patient with psoriasis. Only he, after a complete diagnostic study, will be able to understand how the patient's body reacts to the existing variety of products. As a rule, along with a prescription that displays the drug treatment of psoriasis, patients receive tables in their hands that detail what a sick person can eat and what not. Similar developments will be presented below, but they will be of a generalized nature.

What not to eat with psoriasis

The answer to the question of what can not be eaten with psoriasis, and why, is given by the following table.

Product NamesReason for the ban
SpicesAll spices contain high concentrations of essential oils, tannins, and other compounds that can provoke the formation of toxins. The use of spices, shows the experience of many years of research, leads to increased itching of the skin, and this aggravates the course of the described disease. In addition, any spice significantly enhances the blood supply to the skin affected by rashes. And this increases her irritation.
nutsAlmost all nuts also contain essential oils, in addition, many nuts (peanuts, for example) belong to the group of allergenic products that can increase the manifestation of psoriasis. It is important to completely avoid the use of nuts in any form during the diet.
Spicy dishes, smoked sausages, salty, sour, bitter foodsSuch food disrupts the absorption of nutrients inside the digestive tract. In the presence of such problems, the skin reacts with the appearance of rashes characteristic of psoriasis.
Fatty beef or lamb meatIt contains a large amount of arachidonic acid. It is the main factor provocateur in the development of the inflammatory process, which gives rise to the appearance of psoriasis as a disease.
Alcoholic drinksUnder a special strict ban, alcoholic beverages made from grapes. During the fermentation of the berries, substances are formed that can provoke the appearance of allergies. Alcohol also affects the functioning of the liver. It disrupts the operation of the main cleaning filter. As a result, the blood is poorly cleansed of toxins, so the acute phase of the disease becomes possible. It has been noticed that alcohol taken in small doses interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals, thereby lowering immunity and disrupting metabolic processes.
Blue cheeseSome cheese varieties are able to ripen if Penizillium fungi are added to the whey. Their use is strictly contraindicated for those who suffer from psoriasis.

Psoriasis is difficult to treat if the patient is overweight. It noticeably slows down metabolic processes, so recovery is extremely slow.

But doctors warn that when following a diet for psoriasis, you do not need to starve. Practice shows that each organism reacts in its own way to the products listed in the table. That is why it is so important, under the supervision of the attending physician, to conduct individual testing of each product separately. This should be done only in moments of remission. If the reaction to the use of certain products is an exacerbation of the disease, the indicated products should be completely excluded.

What can you eat with psoriasis

In the daily diet of all patients with psoriasis, it is necessary to include products containing the following beneficial compounds:

Useful ConnectionsThe products they are inWhy are these products so useful for psoriasis?
Saturated omega-3 fatty acidsSea fishAntagonists of arachidonic acid, which provokes the development of the inflammatory process.
Vitamins of group C, E and PP, as well as group B, carotenoidsAll fruits and vegetablesVitamins and carotenoids improve the state of the immune system, prepare the body for the ability to resist factors that can provoke psoriasis. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system.
ZincFruits and cerealsStabilizes the nervous system, enhances the function of skin regeneration.
CalciumDairyPatients with psoriasis are allowed only fat-free foods. They help to reduce the intensity of the manifestation of allergic reactions and the inflammatory process. Dairy products have a calming effect on the central nervous system.
Aminobenzoic acidVegetables and fruitsActively takes part in skin pigmentation, and also nullifies inflammatory processes.

Given all this, it is easy to draw up a general menu that can be taken as a basis during the treatment of the described disease.

Sample menu for one day

BreakfastLunchDinnerafternoon teaDinnerFor the night
Porridge cooked from cereals on the water, fruits, weak tea or compote. Once a week it is allowed to eat a boiled egg or scrambled eggs.Cottage cheese without sugar and sour cream or low-fat cheese of soft varieties without mold, weak green teaVegetable or cereal soup (borsch, cabbage soup or pickle, cooked in water or low-fat chicken broth). For the second meat or fish dish with a vegetable or cereal side dish. Vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil. Weak tea or compote.Vegetable fresh or fruit juice, any fruit.Vegetable stew, steamed fish, vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oilKefir in any quantity.

You can make a menu for a week based on a summary table, which details what you can eat with psoriasis and what you can’t.

Product table

With a mild stage of the course of the disease, doctors use non-drug methods of treating psoriasis. Most often they are based on the experience of the American doctor D. Pegano, a specialist nutritionist who has been studying the features of the development of the described disease for a long time. It is based on strict observance of the acid-base balance, which is formed in the intestines during the digestion of food. His constant control is a new lifestyle that everyone with psoriasis needs to get used to.

D. Pegano believes that during digestion, some foods form an acidic or alkaline environment in the intestines. If the balance of acidity increases, psoriasis returns in the acute phase. Provided that 70% of the diet forms an alkaline environment, and 30% acidic, a reaction occurs that can suppress the symptoms of psoriasis.

The following table will help you find out which foods can be consumed by patients with psoriasis according to the D. Pegano system, and which are not.

The implementation of the principle of D. Pegano's program takes place in five stages:

  • The first stage is the cleansing of the body . It is carried out by following a mono-fruit diet, the duration of which is five days. Throughout the diet, it is necessary to drink enterosorbents and produce intestinal colon therapy.
  • The second stage is the construction of a special diet . It should help create a barrier to the penetration of harmful substances and toxins from the outside, heal the joints, stop the accumulation of toxins, and increase overall immunity. The patient learns to make a daily diet of products that allow you to maintain the proportions of the acid-base environment. Every day it is necessary to control the processes of bowel movement. Such eating behavior should become the norm.
  • . Since exacerbation of psoriasis leads to disruption of the joints of the arms and legs, as well as the spine, physiotherapy exercises should also become the norm. A set of exercises is developed, as a rule, by the attending physician.
  • The fourth stage - cosmetic procedures . During this stage, it is necessary to cleanse the skin, restore the structure of the epidermis, cleanse it of toxins. A bath or sauna, steam baths, hardware cosmetology will help to implement all this.
  • The fifth stage is the prevention of stress . It is important to exclude from your life situations that injure the nervous system and psyche. You need to relax more, learn to relax, find a hobby to your liking.

D. Pegano's technique is very effective. It helps to improve the general condition of the patient, slows down the process of death of the upper layer of the skin, eliminates itching, and prevents relapses. More detailed information about the new technique will tell the video.

As you can see, you can successfully fight psoriasis with a special diet. The first part of the article presents a diet that is used in conjunction with drug treatment. It is advisable to use the D. Pegano method when the treatment of psoriasis can be done without medication.

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Most reactions on a person's skin in one way or another depend on his nutrition and the state of the gastrointestinal tract. With a skin disease such as psoriasis, it is very important to follow the rules for combining foods in order to achieve recovery and alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Diet is a mandatory item in the treatment of this disease. What can not be eaten with psoriasis, and what foods will help cleanse the body and skin, everyone who is faced with the disease should know.

What is psoriasis

A skin disease called psoriasis is a scaly lichen of a chronic nature. With a disease, the skin is affected by red dry spots, which are distinguished by a large area. Areas of damage to the integument are also called papules. They are areas of the skin in a state of chronic inflammation. The disease is considered chronic, not amenable to final healing, often relapsing. A significant role in the treatment and prevention of recurrence is played by the diet for patients with psoriasis.

Nutrition for psoriasis

There is a basic principle by which a diet for psoriasis should be built. This is the maintenance of the acid-base balance in the body. The effect is achieved by eliminating from the diet what can not be eaten with psoriasis. Refusal in the diet of harmful foods is not the main goal of the diet. The patient's menu should consist of ¾ of products that have an alkaline reaction in the body, and only ¼ of acid-forming products. So how to determine what you can not eat with psoriasis?

Basic principles of nutrition for patients with psoriasis

Before planning your diet, you should consult your doctor. The general principles of the diet are the same for all types of psoriasis. The diet of patients with chronic dermatosis is similar, therefore, the diet for psoriasis of the scalp, as well as for its pustular or non-pustular forms, is subject to the following general principles.

  1. The vast majority of food in the diet - vegetables, fruits, grains. Fiber-rich white cabbage, beets, carrots, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, green beans, pumpkin are especially useful. Among fruits, it is better to give preference to apples, peaches, citrus fruits. Useful berries are both fresh and dried - grapes, apricots, cherries. It should be noted that fresh berries, fruits, sour juices are best consumed separately from other meals.
  2. You can eat cereals such as buckwheat, peas, oatmeal, beans - this is the main source of silicon, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, contributing to rapid healing.
  3. Drink at least 6 cups of pure water per day.
  4. At least 4 times a week you need to eat fish. You can't fry it.
  5. Eat boiled chicken eggs, poultry meat, liver - 2-4 times a week.
  6. Include vegetable oils (rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, almond, olive) in the diet. It is permissible to consume no more than 3 teaspoons per day.
  7. Dairy products as a source of protein and fat should be included in the diet. It is allowed to eat fat-free foods: yogurt, milk, kefir, cottage cheese. Butter is allowed.
  8. In addition to completing the above points, you should try to allocate 1 day a week for fasting. If you fast properly, the body will be cleansed of toxins, which will lead to better absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.

The healing process for psoriasis is long and requires a lot of effort. The key to a quick recovery is not only the right diet. For medicinal purposes it is useful:

  • use additional lecithin (can be in granules of 1 tablespoon three times a day);
  • drink warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • replace seasonings and spices with natural herbs - parsley, dill, green onions, basil, arugula - fresh herbs are rich in vitamins, mineral salts;
  • enrich the diet with foods that contain vitamin C in large quantities (citrus fruits, black currants, fresh peppers, cauliflower, sorrel, rose hips).

What not to do with psoriasis

The most popular diet for people who have skin conditions is developed by Dr. Pegano. The dietary rules selected by the doctor include a number of recommended dishes that can be consumed and prohibited foods for psoriasis, which can cause an exacerbation. Based on this list, everyone can develop an individual diet, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

A group of forbidden foods remains common to all patients. What can not be eaten with psoriasis? The ban applies to the following:

  • seasonings and spices, food additives, preservatives, food acids - clog the intestines, can cause an acute individual reaction;
  • fried, fatty and spicy foods - makes digestion difficult;
  • alcohol - causes exacerbations;
  • fatty dairy products - regular use leads to weight gain, problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, sugars - negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, lipid metabolism may be disturbed.

Based on these recommendations, everyone can plan a safe daily diet for themselves. Based on the general advice from Dr. Pegano, it is possible to avoid exacerbation of unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, inflammation. If you treat your diet with an understanding of how a particular dish can affect your health, then it is possible to maintain an acceptable state of health in the norm without drug treatment and forced starvation.


You can not eat with psoriasis those foods that are related to a number of allergenic. Leaders among such products are peanuts and many nuts. Such fruits contain a large amount of aromatic substances, the effect of which can affect the condition of the skin. Both processed and raw nuts should be avoided to prevent possible skin reactions. In particular, potential allergens should be avoided when coming out of a fast.


The prospect of giving up coffee may seem like an impossible task to many people, if only because hypotensive patients use this drink in order to increase pressure. Coffee is useful not only for low blood pressure, but also for anyone who needs caffeine to stimulate the nervous system. Unfortunately, this wonderful drink will need to be abandoned for people with exacerbation or severe psoriasis. In the absence of a pronounced reaction on the skin, it is possible to limit the use of this drink to 1 cup per day. Only natural ground coffee without sugar is allowed.


Health is in balance and simplicity. This statement is appropriate to describe a diet that will help a person with psoriasis feel good. The simplicity of the diet is expressed in the absence of spices, preservatives and seasonings. Food additives are by their very nature potent ingredients that can contain various allergens. In addition to a possible allergic reaction, spices can disrupt the digestive tract, which can immediately affect the skin condition. There are better most natural dishes that you have prepared yourself.

Video: menu for psoriasis

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