Can adenoids cause headaches? Adenoids in a child - who should be contacted for inflammatory processes in the nose? What awaits the child in the operating room

Adenoids are found mainly in children from 3 to 12 years old and cause a lot of discomfort and trouble for both the kids themselves and their parents, and therefore require urgent treatment. Often the course of the disease is complicated, after which adenoiditis occurs - inflammation of the adenoids.

Adenoids in children can occur in early preschool age and persist for several years. In high school, they usually decrease in size and gradually atrophy.

In adults, adenoids do not occur: the symptoms of the disease are characteristic only for childhood. Even if you had this disease in childhood, it does not return in adulthood.

Reasons for the development of adenoids in children

What it is? Adenoids in the nose in children are nothing more than an overgrowth of the tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil. This is an anatomical formation that is normally part of the immune system. The nasopharyngeal tonsil holds the first line of defense against various microorganisms seeking to enter the body with inhaled air.

With illness, the amygdala enlarges, and when the inflammation passes, it returns to normal. In the event that the time between diseases is too short (say, a week or even less), the growths do not have time to decrease. Thus, being in a state of constant inflammation, they grow even more and sometimes "swell" to such an extent that they block the entire nasopharynx.

Pathology is most typical for children aged 3-7 years. Rarely diagnosed in children under one year old. The overgrown adenoid tissue often undergoes reverse development, therefore, adenoid vegetations practically do not occur in adolescence and adulthood. Despite this feature, the problem cannot be ignored, since an overgrown and inflamed tonsil is a constant source of infection.

The development of adenoids in children is facilitated by frequent acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract:,. The starting factor for the growth of adenoids in children can be infections - influenza, etc. A syphilitic infection (congenital syphilis) can play a certain role in the growth of adenoids in children. Adenoids in children can occur as an isolated pathology of lymphoid tissue, but much more often they are combined with tonsillitis.

Among other reasons leading to the appearance of adenoids in children, there is an increased allergization of the child's body, hypovitaminosis, nutritional factors, fungal invasions, unfavorable social conditions, etc.

Symptoms of adenoids in the nose of a child

In the normal state, adenoids in children do not have symptoms that interfere with normal life - the child simply does not notice them. But as a result of frequent colds and viral diseases, the adenoids, as a rule, increase. This happens because, in order to fulfill its immediate function of holding and destroying microbes and viruses, the adenoids are strengthened through growth. Inflammation of the tonsils is the process of destroying pathogenic microbes, which is the reason for the increase in glands in size.

The main signs of adenoids the following can be named:

  • frequent prolonged runny nose, which is difficult to treat;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing even in the absence of a runny nose;
  • persistent mucous discharge from the nose, which leads to irritation of the skin around the nose and on the upper lip;
  • breaths with an open mouth, while the lower jaw sags, the nasolabial folds are smoothed out, the face acquires an indifferent expression;
  • poor, restless sleep;
  • snoring and sniffling in a dream, sometimes - holding the breath;
  • lethargic, apathetic state, decrease in academic performance and working capacity, attention and memory;
  • attacks of nocturnal suffocation, characteristic of adenoids of the second or third degree;
  • persistent dry cough in the morning;
  • involuntary movements: nervous tic and blinking;
  • voice loses sonority, becomes dull, hoarse; lethargy, apathy;
  • complaints of headache, which occurs due to a lack of oxygen supply to the brain;
  • hearing loss - the child often asks again.

Modern otolaryngology divides adenoids into three degrees:

  • 1 degree: adenoids in a child are small. At the same time, during the day the child breathes freely, difficulty in breathing is felt at night, in a horizontal position. The child often sleeps with his mouth open.
  • Grade 2: adenoids in a child are significantly enlarged. The child is forced to breathe through the mouth all the time, and snores quite loudly at night.
  • Grade 3: adenoids in a child completely or almost completely cover the nasopharynx. The child does not sleep well at night. Not being able to restore his strength during sleep, during the day he easily gets tired, attention is scattered. He has a headache. He is forced to constantly keep his mouth open, as a result of which facial features change. The nasal cavity ceases to be ventilated, a chronic runny nose develops. The voice becomes nasal, speech becomes slurred.

Unfortunately, parents often pay attention to deviations in the development of adenoids only at stages 2-3, when difficult or absent nasal breathing is pronounced.

Adenoids in children: photo

How adenoids look in children, we offer detailed photos for viewing.

Treatment of adenoids in children

In the case of adenoids in children, there are two types of treatment - surgical and conservative. Whenever possible, doctors tend to avoid surgery. But in some cases, you can't do without it.

Conservative treatment of adenoids in children without surgery is the most correct, priority direction in the treatment of pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy. Before agreeing to the operation, parents should use all available methods of treatment to avoid adenotomy.

If the ENT insists on surgical removal of the adenoids, take your time, this is not an urgent operation, when there is no time for reflection and additional observation and diagnosis. Wait, watch the child, listen to the opinion of other specialists, make a diagnosis after a few months and try all conservative methods.

Now, if drug treatment does not give the desired effect, and the child has a constant chronic inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, then for advice, you should contact the operating doctors, those who do the adenotomy themselves.

Adenoids of the 3rd degree in children - to remove or not?

When choosing - adenotomy or conservative treatment, one cannot rely solely on the degree of growth of the adenoids. With 1-2 degrees of adenoids, most believe that it is not necessary to remove them, and with 3 degrees, an operation is simply mandatory. This is not entirely true, it all depends on the quality of the diagnosis, there are often cases of false diagnosis, when the examination is performed against the background of an illness or after a recent cold, the child is diagnosed with grade 3 and the adenoids are advised to be removed promptly.

A month later, the adenoids noticeably decrease in size, as they were enlarged due to the inflammatory process, while the child breathes normally and does not get sick too often. And there are cases, on the contrary, with 1-2 degrees of adenoids, the child suffers from constant acute respiratory viral infections, recurrent otitis media, sleep apnea occurs - even 1-2 degrees can be an indication for the removal of adenoids.

Also, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky will tell about grade 3 adenoids:

Conservative therapy

Complex conservative therapy is used for moderate uncomplicated enlargement of the tonsils and includes drug treatment, physiotherapy, and breathing exercises.

The following drugs are usually prescribed:

  1. Antiallergic (antihistamine)- tavegil, suprastin. Used to reduce the manifestations of allergies, they eliminate the swelling of the tissues of the nasopharynx, pain and the amount of discharge.
  2. Antiseptics for local use- collargol, protargol. These preparations contain silver and destroy pathogenic microflora.
  3. Homeopathy is the safest of the known methods, which goes well with traditional treatment (however, the effectiveness of the method is very individual - it helps someone well, someone weakly).
  4. Washing. The procedure removes pus from the surface of the adenoids. It is performed only by a doctor using the “cuckoo” method (by introducing a solution into one nostril and sucking it out of the other with a vacuum) or by a nasopharyngeal shower. If you decide to do washing at home, drive the pus even deeper.
  5. Physiotherapy. Quartzization of the nose and throat, as well as laser therapy with a light guide into the nasopharynx through the nose, are effective.
  6. Climatotherapy - treatment in specialized sanatoriums not only inhibits the growth of lymphoid tissue, but also has a positive effect on the child's body as a whole.
  7. Multivitamins to strengthen the immune system.

From physiotherapy, heating, ultrasound, ultraviolet are used.

Removal of adenoids in children

Adenotomy is the removal of the pharyngeal tonsils by surgery. The attending physician will best tell you how adenoids are removed in children. In a nutshell, the pharyngeal tonsil is grasped and cut off with a special instrument. This is done in one motion and the whole operation takes no more than 15 minutes.

An undesirable way to treat the disease for two reasons:

  • Firstly, adenoids grow rapidly and, if there is a predisposition to this disease, they will become inflamed again and again, and any operation, even as simple as adenotomy, is stressful for children and parents.
  • Secondly, the pharyngeal tonsils perform a barrier-protective function, which, as a result of the removal of adenoids, is lost for the body.

In addition, in order to carry out an adenotomy (that is, the removal of adenoids), it is necessary to have indications. These include:

  • frequent recurrence of the disease (more than four times a year);
  • recognized ineffectiveness of ongoing conservative treatment;
  • the appearance of respiratory arrest during sleep;
  • the appearance of various complications (, glomerulonephritis,);
  • nasal breathing disorders;
  • very frequent recurring;
  • very frequent recurring SARS.

It should be understood that the operation is a kind of undermining the immune system of a small patient. Therefore, for a long time after the intervention, it must be protected from inflammatory diseases. The postoperative period is necessarily accompanied by drug therapy - otherwise there is a risk of tissue re-growth.

Contraindications to adenotomy are some blood diseases, as well as skin and infectious diseases in the acute period.

I don’t know the details, but I remember exactly that the child had already gone to school on May 5, i.e. turns out recovery took less than 2 weeks. Everything will be fine. I don't think any pipes are damaged. Get well soon.

The eldest daughter's tonsils were cut at the age of 16 and there was an ass, she almost sobbed for a week under painkillers. She had a sore throat and ears and head, to the point that she did not eat, drank through a straw, could not speak, wrote to us on paper. Then the throat healed and all the pain went away.

It seems to depend a lot on age. The kids who were operated on the same day with her came away from anesthesia and jumped, but she could not raise her head. And the doctor warned that because the girl is big, it will hurt more.

Both of my children also often had otitis from 3 to 6 years old (from 4 to 6 times a year). My daughter had antibiotics about 5 times for this, my son was treated with antibiotics a couple of times. Now they have outgrown + connected a competent immunologist. Found the cause of the problem. We managed without adenotomy.

Recovery period after removal of adenoids in children

The main task of all postoperative therapy is to provide certain conditions for the damaged tissues at the surgical site to regenerate as soon as possible. To slightly speed up the recovery period after the removal of adenoids in children, you should strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. Otherwise, various complications may occur, which will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the health of the baby.

How long does it take for a patient to be discharged after surgery?

After excision of the overgrown pharyngeal tonsil, the child is discharged after a few hours, but only if the doctor does not observe complications. In order to prevent serious complications, which include purulent sore throat and severe postoperative bleeding, parents should constantly monitor the child after the operation. The recovery period after excision of the tonsils lasts about 3 weeks.

What to do in the first hours

With an abnormal growth of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx, the doctor removes it. Although the operation takes place literally in a matter of minutes, there is a risk of inflammation and severe postoperative bleeding. Almost immediately after the adenotomy, the patient is placed in the ward, where he is constantly under the supervision of health workers.

To prevent aspiration of outgoing blood, after excision of the adenoids, the following measures must be taken:

  • The patient in bed is turned on its side so that the blood drains out.
  • A thick towel is placed under the patient's head, on which blood and mucus can drain.
  • To alleviate the condition, gauze is applied to the face of a sick child, which is moistened with cold water.

After 3 hours, the doctor who performed the operation performs a pharyngoscopy, during which the condition of the mucosa is assessed. If there is no severe swelling and bleeding, then the child is discharged from the department.

After discharge from the hospital, the child should be regularly shown to the ENT doctor for 2 weeks.

What to look out for

After the operation to remove the adenoids, parents should carefully listen to all the complaints of the child. This is necessary in order to timely contact a specialist and prevent the development of dangerous complications. For 3 weeks, it is necessary to monitor both the regimen and the nutrition of a sick child. After performing adenotonsillotomy, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • Do not give your child food that can irritate the throat. These foods include foods that are overly seasoned or salty. Food for the patient should be slightly warm.
  • The baby must be protected from excessive physical exertion, as this can cause severe bleeding.
  • You must follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Use prescribed medications to treat the patient and be sure to use vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • In the recovery period, after removal of the adenoids, you can not take drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid;
  • The room in which the patient is located is often ventilated and humidified by all available means.

After excision of the adenoids, the child is forbidden to give aspirin to lower the temperature. This drug thins the blood, which can cause severe bleeding.

During the day, after the operation, an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees can be observed. You can not use antipyretic drugs, as this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to the surgical intervention. In the event that the fever persists for several days, it is necessary to inform the doctor, as this indicates the onset of an acute inflammatory process in the damaged tissues.

Diet food

In the postoperative period after the removal of adenoids in children, it is very important to follow a sparing diet. Removal of the overgrown adenoid tissue leads to a significant swelling of the throat mucosa, therefore, the risk of injury increases. To prevent damage to the mucous layer in the pharynx, any irritating and solid food should be excluded from the menu of a sick child.

The diet after adenotomy includes the following foods:

  • mashed vegetables and sweet fruits;
  • lean meat broths;
  • vegetable and various herbal decoctions;
  • porridge with milk, oatmeal or semolina;
  • light vegetable soups;
  • steamed cutlets and meatballs.

After eating, the throat should be rinsed from food debris with a decoction of chamomile, sage or oak bark. These medicinal herbs contain special phytoncides, which prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Thanks to this rehabilitation of the pharynx, the risk of developing septic inflammation is reduced.

Food for a sick child should not be very hot and very cold. Ideally, if the food is heated to body temperature.

After removal of the adenoids, you can start eating after 4-5 hours. At first, the child is allowed to drink only the broth, and after a few hours, a baked apple or banana can be added to the diet. I write salt on the first day is not necessary.

What foods should not be given

Improper nutrition can not only provoke an inflammatory process, but also contribute to the occurrence of an abscess on the back of the pharynx. Even if a small child has tantrums and wants his usual food, parents should not indulge these whims, as this can cause dangerous consequences. During the rehabilitation period after surgery, spicy, hot and seasoned foods, soda and low-quality juices are excluded from the diet.

You need to understand that any food colors and flavors that are in many foods can cause severe irritation of the mucosa. This leads to a significant swelling of the walls of the larynx and a decrease in local immunity.

For at least 10 days after the removal of the adenoids, the following foods are removed from the child's diet:

  • any vegetable preservation;
  • confectionery;
  • canned fish or meat;
  • highly acidic vegetables and fruits.

It is especially undesirable to give the patient any confectionery. There is too much sugar in the composition of cakes, pastries, cookies and sweets, which is considered an excellent breeding ground for many pathogenic bacteria.

If the child wants something sweet, you can offer him a puree of sweet apples and bananas, in which a little honey is added.

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics after removal of adenoids is the most optimal method for restoring physiological nasal breathing. Exercises are carried out daily, for a couple of weeks. When performing breathing techniques, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. During bends and squats, the child should take fairly deep breaths.
  2. When spreading your arms to the sides, as well as at moments of rest, you should take deep breaths.
  3. Breathing should be smooth, sharp breaths and then exhalations are unacceptable.

You can start performing breathing exercises no earlier than 5 days after the adenotomy. Every day, the load is increasing more and more in order to quickly restore the functions of the nasopharynx.

Rehabilitation after removal of adenoids in children includes a set of such exercises:

  1. The child stands straight and places his arms along the body. Next, you need to take a deep breath so that the upper part of the peritoneum is drawn in.
  2. They take a deep, long breath through the nose, while the chest should rise, and the stomach, on the contrary, should be drawn in. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then slowly exhale through your nose.
  3. Take a deep, slow breath through the nose, while the stomach should protrude forward. After that, a slow exhalation is made, and the stomach is pulled in as much as possible.

Each breathing technique of exercise therapy is performed at least 10 times in three sets. If during classes the baby complains of dizziness or weakness, it is better to postpone classes for three days.

If a child has symptoms of a respiratory disease, then breathing exercises should not be performed, as this will significantly worsen the patient's condition.

What are the possible complications

  • Severe nosebleeds begin if the patient does not drip the nose with vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Inflammation of the larynx can be with poor rehabilitation of the throat after eating, as well as during the day.
  • Allergic reactions. Severe swelling of the mucous throat can occur with the abuse of drugs.
  • Paresis of the palate - surgical intervention reduces the elasticity of the walls of the throat, which can be the cause of rhinophony.

Due to the peculiarities of the location of the adenoids, the surgeon is not always able to completely remove the lymphoid tissue. This can lead to a relapse of the disease, then another operation may be necessary.

What else is needed during the rehabilitation period

After the adenotomy, the child must be protected from any physical activity for a month. At this time, the patient should not take hot baths, go to the bath, swim in the pool. In addition, you need to limit the baby's exposure to the sun.

After surgery, the child's immunity becomes reduced, so there is a high risk of infection. To avoid this, you need to limit the contact of the baby with a large number of people.

After removal of the adenoids, the child should rest more, during the rehabilitation period, daytime sleep is required.

To speed up recovery, it is imperative to use nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. If the patient is allergic to them, then the doctor will select a more gentle treatment option.

pain in the neck and head after adenotomy


What a blessing to have found your post. We also did it in Morozovskaya for a fee on the 20th, and yesterday my neck got sick and does not bend in any direction. At least know how many days it can be

yes, she then searched the entire Internet, it’s normal how long it lasts. don't be sick 🙂

How is your child in general after removal?

better. at least we go to the garden much more often. Truth about three weeks ago otitis found us. but the ENT said that our auditory tubes do not work well, I give chewing marmalade to train them 🙂

))))))) we removed it just because of the ears, at the slightest runny nose he stopped hearing (((

It was the same nonsense.

Sveta, tell me how long it took you. We are 10 days after the operation, still complaining about the neck. The speech became terrible, he speaks indistinctly 🙁 The neck is especially worried at night, until I give painkillers. He sleeps very badly.

my neck hurt for two weeks for sure, maybe a little more. when we went to the surgeon at the local clinic, the son was so frightened of the doctor that he said: Mom, nothing hurts me, look - and he lifted his head. but when she lifted her head unexpectedly for him, he twitched, maybe out of habit, of course, or maybe it still ached. Our speech was also completely slurred, I asked 100 times, he was angry. I recovered three weeks after the operation, the ENT said it was normal (slurred speech in the sense)

Thank you very much for your answer! Today we were at the local ENT, he scared us, said that pus was flowing along the back wall and the Neck might hurt from this. I called our operating doctor in Morozov, she said that it should be so - everything is fine

Well, if suddenly, you show yourself to the Morozov reception. we did just that when we got hysterical during the day - the duty officers and the ENT and the surgeon immediately looked at us there.

Sveta, tell me, was the operation done locally or under anesthesia?

Under general anesthesia

DD, tell me in which hospital did you do it? for free?

Dd! In Morozovskaya, for a fee. All gone in 2 weeks

Is your son doing well now? do not regret the operation. I worry terribly ((, we also need to do it, all in thought: where and for free

Thank you!! And can you also write what time everything came out to you (you can in PM)? And how long did you wait for the surgery? did you immediately go to the paid department in Morozovskaya?

I will write a little later in a personal all the details

And the pain in the neck from the effects of anesthesia or from the fact that the head is thrown back?

The ENT in the clinic told me that due to the fact that they throw a strong

mine doesn’t throw up .. because it hurts, so the reason is some other

Thrown during the operation. to get to the adenoid. after that, it’s clear mine didn’t move his head at all

Oh, there it is, I didn’t know how they do it .. but did yours speak normally while your neck hurt? Mine began to speak indistinctly, I think from pain in the neck, but somehow it’s scary, you never know what anesthesia affected there ..

Yes, there were also problems with speech, gundosil cortavil then everything went away

Fuf, thank God that we are not the only ones and that everything has passed. Thanks for answers!

yes, who would know. in general, after the operation, the doctor said that pain in the neck is possible, because the wound in the throat, as I understand it, is inflamed, it can hurt the neck muscles, so they can hurt. I studied the Internet - I found information that this could be from anesthesia, but I'm leaning towards the first option

We also had 2 weeks to retreat, then it became easier. Ketanal smeared on the neck and nurofen. there was also a terrible smell from the mouth and the ears ached, they drank an antibiotic

Elya, was the temperature for a long time too?

Yes. somewhere for a week

because of nurofen, I can’t understand whether it rises with us or not: I give it as an anesthetic, but it also brings down the temperature

Thank you so much for not passing by! how old was the child smeared with nurofen? otherwise they can write a rally on them, I give Nurofen inside, but it’s probably better on the neck, locally. We also have a bad breath, but it will definitely pass, but the pains terrify me, because I scream like crazy. And the antibiotic began to drink on the day of discharge immediately. so there are still problems with the stomach 🙁

Child 6 years old, nurofen inside, and smeared ketanal ointment

Girls, and we have the same thing. On November 28, an adenotomy was performed in Morozovskaya under general anesthesia, everything went well, and she was discharged the next day. Antibiotics were prescribed from day one. And on Saturday, 3.12, headaches and pains in the neck began, with some kind of attacks, more often in a dream. The temperature rises during an attack to 37.5, after nurofen it goes away like a charm. Yesterday we were at the doctor's office in Morozov, I looked through the endoscope, everything is fine. Changed the antibiotic. And tonight another attack..

After the operation to remove the adenoids, the patient is discharged from the hospital. The time after discharge is as important as the operation itself. The main thing is the further timely compliance with the recommendations for carrying out activities, which are based on monitoring the health of the child and proper prevention of the disease.

Postoperative period

Particular attention should be paid to the diet, daily routine and hardening.

Depending on what the operation was, the recovery period will be different for each child. Small operations (for example, adenotomy) are special in that further adherence to bed rest is not provided. However, one of the adults (mother, grandmother or the person who cares) must constantly monitor. At home, it is important to create such conditions so that the child can observe a strict regimen.

When the child is at home after the hospital, he needs to lay out clean bed linen, ventilate the room and let it warm up a little, if necessary, turn down the bright light. If the doctor prescribed temperature measurement, then this should be done in the morning from 7 to 9, and in the evening - from 18 to 20 hours. All temperatures must be recorded. If the temperature exceeded 38C, then it is worth resorting to an antipyretic.

After several outpatient surgeries, relatives often rush to pick up the child from the hospital. But it must be remembered that in order to prevent swelling, a compress of cold water or an ice pack should be applied to the site of the surgical wound. In the first days of the postoperative period, edema of the upper eyelid may form in the sinuses, so you need to monitor the eyes of the child. in case of swelling, you need to rinse your eyes with a warm solution of albucid (20%). The procedure is done at home and is safe.

What should the patient remember after the operation?

If the operation to remove the adenoids was performed in the clinic, then it is allowed to pick up the child a couple of hours after the procedure in the ENT doctor's office. But this is allowed when there is a medical aid station in the settlement.

In order to prevent bleeding that may occur after surgery, the child must remain in bed during the first day, and in the next few days limit physical activity (physical education, outdoor games, etc.). You can not overheat, take a shared bathroom and stay in the bath. It is necessary to bury the nose with vasoconstrictor drops (1-2% ephedrine solution, 2% protargol solution or 0.05% naphthyzinum solution) twice or thrice a day. In the first couple of days, spicy and hot dishes should be excluded from the diet.

The room where the child is located must be clean, well ventilated, and cleaned with a wet method. If bleeding occurs, immediate hospitalization is required, preferably in the ENT department where the operation was performed.

If after the operation nasal nasality appears, you should seek help from a speech therapist. In case of prolonged difficulty breathing through the nose after adenotomy, the child should be shown to the surgeon who operated on him. Many children after removal of the adenoids breathe through the mouth, while there are no difficulties in breathing through the nose. In this case, there are some special exercises that help strengthen the respiratory muscles and rid the child of the habit of breathing through the mouth. Such gymnastics is performed under the supervision of a doctor or a specialist in physical therapy, or at home after certain recommendations.

Breathing exercises in the postoperative period

First, the exercises are carried out 3-4 times each for 5-6 days. Next, you should increase the load by more times.

When performing, the following rules should be taken into account: when the child bends to the side, forward, crouches, then you need to exhale. When the arms are raised in front of you or spread apart to the side, a breath is taken. When raising your hands in front of you, up and down - exhale.

Initial exercises

  1. The position of the legs is shoulder-width apart, the head is tilted back, hands on the belt. Take a slow breath in through the mouth, while lowering the lower jaw, then exhale through the nose (raise the lower jaw). Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  2. The position of the legs together. Rise on your toes, raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands - exhale. Do the exercise again.

Exercises for the shoulder girdle and neck muscles

  1. The head and torso are held straight, the shoulders are slightly laid back and lowered, the position of the legs is shoulder width apart. Hands along the body, tilt the head to the chest. Spread your arms to the side, and tilt your head back. Repeat exercise once.
  2. Put your head on the right shoulder, then move it to the left. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat 12 times.
  3. Clasp your hands behind your back, slowly tilt your head back and gradually open your mouth, inhaling, and exhaling through your nose. Complete the exercise.
  4. Perform circular movements of the head alternately in both directions.

Breathing training

  1. For complete breathing. Take the starting position as in the previous group of exercises. Take a long breath through the nose, while sticking out the stomach, and then expanding the chest. Exhaling through the nose, do the opposite: reduce the chest, and then draw in the stomach. The number of repetitions - times.
  2. For chest breathing. Exhale, followed by a long nasal inhalation. In this case, the chest will increase, and the stomach will be drawn in. With a nasal exhalation, everything will happen in the opposite order. Repeat up to 15 times.
  3. For abdominal breathing. Exhale, and after it - a long nasal breath. At this time, you need to stick out your stomach. As you exhale, the front of the abdominal wall will retract. Carry out the exercise up to 15 times.

Nose breathing exercises

  1. Take a standing position, legs slightly apart, hands at the seams. Slowly raise your hands with your palms to the top inward, while inhaling, then lower your hands already through the sides, exhaling. Breathing is done only through the nose. During the exercise, you need to bend in the lower back and chest. Do the exercise.
  2. Put your feet together, place your hands along the body, and do quick deep squats. At the same time, hands should be stretched forward with palms to the bottom and exhale, and while straightening, inhale. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  3. Spread to the sides of the legs. Slowly take turns inhaling and exhaling through one nostril, and press the other with your finger. The mouth is closed during execution. Do 5-6 times.
  4. Take a standing position, legs together. Pinch your nose with your fingers. Count loudly to 10 in your voice, then take a deep breath and exhale completely through your nose, while closing your mouth. Do the exercise 5-6 times.
  5. Run in place on your toes, raising your knees high. Breathing may be voluntary. "Run" for a few minutes.

Carrying out all the above exercises for one and a half to two months helps to improve nasal breathing and the rapid recovery of the child's body.

Headache after adenoid removal

really everything and everywhere, there would be a desire.

then you need to come to the lore for a check, our reb. It was not possible to examine, she was not given to the doctors for more than a year, a terrible hysteria with a rash and blisters.

It hurts only for a few seconds, while the doctor spends with an adenotomy, this is one or two movements. But that experienced fear and horror was remembered for a lifetime.

the same childhood memories. By the way, it didn't work for me. Adenoids were removed at the age of 4 - up to 6 years she continued to get sick constantly. until they were taken out to sea.

But the older one was recommended to remove adenoids at the age of 5 - he went to the garden at 4 years old, so he was constantly sick for a year. and the nose did not breathe at all. But there were problems with the lack of registration. While they were thinking, he stopped hurting, although he did not breathe through his nose as before. And if you don't get sick - why operate? Now he breathes normally through his nose and does not get sick often.

My eldest also wanted to have adenoids removed. The operation was scheduled almost from today to tomorrow. But I refused. Tried homeopathy - helped. For more than a year there were no problems, now the runny nose has returned again, but not the same as it was before.

By the way, the removal did not help me, as I was sick, it continued to hurt, and at the age of 14 again alenoids of 2-3 degrees, no one treated them, only a couple of times we went to the sanatorium, there are salt mines, herbal medicine and all that and everything passed itself.

Due to the low efficiency of the methods, these methods are not currently used.

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Postoperative period in children after removal of adenoids

In childhood, hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoid vegetations) often creates a serious problem - nasal breathing worsens, adenoiditis occurs, frequent rhinitis and pharyngitis are noted.

If conservative treatment of adenoiditis does not bring results, they resort to surgical removal of the adenoids.

Surgery to remove adenoid growths (adenoids) in children is called adenotomy.

In order for the recovery after surgery to be successful, you should know how the postoperative period proceeds.

After leaving the operating room, the child should immediately be laid on the side of the bed. He is given a towel into which he can spit saliva. It is necessary to ensure that there are no blood impurities in the saliva.

An hour or two after the operation, the doctor performs a pharyngoscopy to exclude blood from running down the back of the throat. Pieces of adenoid tissue visible in the nasopharynx are removed with forceps. Scalped strips of mucous membrane are carefully cut off with scissors.

On the day of surgery, any solid food should be excluded from the child's diet.

Parents should be aware that the child's throat will hurt in the early days. If the temperature has not risen above 38 C, no antipyretics should be given.

Since there is swelling of the mucous membranes after the operation, nasal breathing may be difficult for several days. If necessary, vasoconstrictor drops or sprays are used, saline is instilled into the nose 3-4 times a day.

The postoperative period after adenotomy may be complicated by bleeding, since parts of the adenoid tissue usually remain in the nasopharynx. If this is observed, the doctor repeats the curettage of the nasopharynx.

Since with overgrown adenoids (adenoiditis) the child often breathes through the mouth, this habit may remain after the operation.

Academician Sergey Bezshapochny (Ukraine) and co-authors proposed a specific set of exercises to restore nasal breathing after adenotomy.

Exercises should be performed in the morning and evening in a well-ventilated room, before breakfast and after dinner, respectively, within minutes.

Initially, the exercise is repeated 3-4 times, every 4-6 days the load increases by a factor of 1 for each in the end.

There are several general rules for this complex. If the child leans forward, to the side, crouches, exhale. When he raises his hands up in front of him, spreading them to the sides - inhale. If he raises his hands up, in front of him, lowers them - exhale.

I. Preparatory exercises

  1. Legs shoulder width apart. The child's head is slightly thrown back, hands are placed on the belt. A slow breath is taken through the mouth - the lower jaw drops, exhalation through the nose - the lower jaw rises. Inhale - for 4 counts, exhale - for 2. Repeat 5-6 times.
  2. Put your feet together, rise on your toes, hands up - inhale, lower your hands - exhale. Repeat times.

II. Exercises for the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle

  1. Starting position: head and torso should be kept straight, shoulders should be slightly pulled back and lowered, legs shoulder-width apart. Hands at the seams, head tilted to the chest. Hands to the sides - the head deviates back. Repeat times.
  2. Moving the head from the left shoulder to the right and vice versa. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Repeats times.
  3. Hands in the castle behind the back, the head slowly leans back, the gradual opening of the mouth - inhale, exhale - through the nose. Repeat times.
  4. Circular movement of the head. Repeats times.

III. Proper breathing training

Starting position: the same.

1. Full breath. A long breath is taken through the nose. While inhaling, stick out the stomach, then expand the chest. When exhaling (through the nose), the opposite is true: first, the volume of the chest decreases, then the stomach is drawn in. Repeats times.

2. Chest breathing. Exhale, then take a long breath through the nose. At this time, the chest expands and the stomach retracts. When exhaling (through the nose) - vice versa. Repeats times.

3. Abdominal breathing. Exhale, then take a long breath through the nose. At this point, stick out your stomach. When exhaling through the nose, the anterior abdominal wall retracts. Repeat times.

IV. Nasal breathing training

  1. The child is standing, legs apart, arms along the body. Straight arms slowly raise up with palms inward (inhale), lower your arms through the sides down (exhale). Breathe only through the nose. In this case, it is necessary to bend well in the lumbar and thoracic spine. Repeat times.
  2. Legs together, arms along the body, perform deep squats at a fast pace. While squatting, stretch straight arms forward, palms down (exhale), while straightening - inhale. Repeat 5-6 times.
  3. Spread legs apart. Slowly alternately inhale and exhale air through the nostril, press the other with your finger. The mouth is tightly closed. Repeated 5-6 times.
  4. Standing, bring your legs together. Pinch your nose with your fingers. Count slowly and loudly to 10, then inhale deeply and exhale completely through the nose, while tightly closing the mouth. Repeat 5-6 times.
  5. Run on your toes in place, while raising your knees high. Breathing is arbitrary. Perform within 2-3 minutes.

V. Exercises for training the mimic muscles of the perioral region.

  1. Close the lips, stretch the corners of the mouth and inhale through the mouth, teeth closed, exhale through the nose. Repeated 5-6 times.
  2. Close the lips, stretch the corners of the mouth and inhale through the mouth, exhale through the lips folded into a tube. Repeat 7-10 times.
  3. Close the lips, stretch the corners of the mouth and inhale through the mouth, exhale alternately through the right and left corners of the mouth. Repeat 7-10 times.
  4. Place the bent little fingers in the corners of the mouth and, slightly stretching them, squeeze the lips, making sure that the lips do not turn out.
  5. Close your lips and puff out your cheeks, then press your fists to your cheeks, slowly squeeze out the air through pursed lips. Repeated 7-10 times.
  6. Inflate the air under the upper lip. Repeat 5-6 times.

To develop the circular muscle of the mouth in a child, teach him to whistle with his lips, which are folded into a tube. It is also useful to blow on a special children's turntable or make one yourself.

If you regularly, within 1.5 - 2 months, carry out this set of exercises, then nasal breathing will improve, and the circular muscle of the mouth will begin to work better.

What happens after the removal of adenoids in a child?

Of great importance in the postoperative period is not only the care of the patient, but also his nutrition. For this reason, parents should seriously address this issue for the speedy recovery of the child. Read more about removal of adenoids in children →

After surgery to remove the adenoids, the child needs parental care. Their main task is, first of all, to prevent the aspiration of blood (its entry into the respiratory tract). To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Lay the child on the bed and turn him to the side.
  2. A towel or clean cloth should be placed under the head of a small patient, into which he will spit blood and mucous secretions.
  3. A cold towel should be applied to the face, on the side where the adenoids were removed (for example, with wrapped ice, or dipped in ice water). Such manipulation will have a hemostatic effect.

3 hours after the procedure, the otolaryngologist conducts a follow-up examination using a pharyngoscope. If the patient does not have bleeding and swelling of the mucous membranes, he is discharged from the hospital.

From the moment the child is discharged, all responsibility for his condition and well-being lies entirely on the shoulders of the parents. For 2 weeks after the removal of adenoids in children, they must be taken to an appointment with an ENT doctor to monitor their health and assess the wound healing process.

In order for wounds to heal faster, and the child is not at risk of developing serious complications, parents should:

  • exclude all hard, spicy and too salty foods from the baby's diet, as they irritate the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • monitor moderate physical activity in a child - its sharp increase can provoke postoperative bleeding in the ENT organs;
  • strictly follow the instructions given by the doctor regarding drug therapy;
  • timely use vasoconstrictor drops prescribed by an otolaryngologist;
  • do not forget about regular ventilation and humidification of the air in the room where the child is.

After surgery, babies and older children often have a fever. To reduce it, you should not use drugs that include acetylsalicylic acid. This substance thins the blood, which can cause profuse nosebleeds.

What can and cannot be eaten after surgery?

For the speedy healing of wounds in the nose, the child should drink and eat more:

  • fresh fruit and vegetable purees or juices;
  • light soft broths;
  • herbal decoctions or teas;
  • soups and steamed meatballs.

In this case, you should avoid eating:

  • canned vegetables and fruits;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • confectionery products;
  • different types of canned food;
  • acidic fruits and vegetables.

You should not give your child sweets, as they contain a large amount of sugars, which create favorable conditions for the reproduction of putrefactive microflora.


When giving consent to an operation to remove adenoids, parents must necessarily take into account the possibility of developing complications of this type of surgical intervention.

The most common adverse effects of adenotomy include:

  • The opening of nosebleeds, which occurs due to the premature cessation of the use of vasoconstrictor drops.
  • The occurrence of an inflammatory process in the larynx and pharynx, which can lead to the formation of abscesses. The main symptom is an unpleasant, putrid odor from the mouth. In the presence of purulent exudate in the tissues of the laryngopharynx of a child, it is necessary to immediately contact an otolaryngologist, since such a condition is fraught with the development of a pharyngeal or paratonsillar abscess (abscess).
  • An allergic reaction to drug abuse, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the nasopharynx.
  • Paresis of the soft palate. The operation to remove adenoids in children has a negative effect on the elasticity of epithelial tissues, as a result of which it is significantly reduced. Because of this, open rhinophony can develop with accompanying disorders of swallowing, nasal breathing, and even speech.

For many parents, the fact that the postoperative period with removed adenoids in a child is accompanied by a putrid odor from the mouth and nose causes panic. Unfortunately, this happens often, and may indicate that there is atrophic epipharyngitis. This pathology is accompanied by thinning of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which causes the patient to have dry mouth, as well as difficult and painful swallowing.

If the smell is very strong and long enough, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the child has not yet had time to form a purulent abscess, so the situation needs to be corrected as soon as possible.

Other complications of adenotomy are:

  • febrile or pyretic fever;
  • the beginning of the inflammatory process due to infection;
  • lymphadenitis or lymphadenopathy;
  • cicatricial stenosis of the nasopharynx caused by damage to the soft tissues of the adenoid (an instrument for removing adenoids).

Causes of relapse

Sometimes it happens that the tissues of the nasopharyngeal tonsil begin to grow again. This happens rarely - in about 2-3% of cases. Most often, the cause of recurrence of adenoiditis is an inflammatory process caused by a powerful allergic reaction.

Also, children with:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • hives;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • recurrent bronchitis.

In children who are prone to developing allergic reactions, the tissues of the tonsils grow much more intensively than in babies who do not suffer from such disorders. For this reason, the removal of adenoids in this category of patients is prescribed only as a last resort. In the absence of strict indications, the operation is impractical, and sometimes even dangerous.

Re-growth of adenoids can occur 3 months after their removal. At this time, it is very important to notice the first alarming signs of pathology and promptly contact a pediatric otolaryngologist. The child begins to suffer from severe nasal congestion, and it is observed not only at night, but also during the day.

Parents should remember that the younger the child, the higher the risk of adenoid recurrence. At the same time, difficult nasal breathing is the lesser of evils. In severe cases, tonsil tissues can become malignant, leading to the onset of an oncological process in the nasopharynx. Only a qualified otolaryngologist can save a child from this, who will prepare the patient for the adenoid removal procedure and perform the operation with minimal risk to his health.

Every parent at least once in their life faced such a problem as difficulty in nasal breathing in a child. And before taking their child to the doctor, parents, as a rule, ask themselves the question - how to treat adenoids at home. It is important to remember that alternative methods of treatment for adenoids can be used after consulting a doctor in the early stages of the development of the disease, provided that it is not accompanied by complications. The most effective method is to wash the nasal cavity with saline or herbal decoctions that have anti-inflammatory effects. When using herbal decoctions, it must be taken into account that an allergic reaction may occur, which can aggravate the course of the disease.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what symptoms with adenoids exist. As a rule, this is difficult nasal breathing and often recurring prolonged runny nose. Often with adenoids, a child may experience sleep disturbance, the child sleeps anxiously, with his mouth open. In a dream - snoring, the child may sniffle, there may be breath holding and asthma attacks in a dream. Because of mouth breathing, the mucous membrane in the throat can dry out, which provokes a dry cough in the morning. Often with adenoids in a child, the timbre of the voice changes and nasality is noted. Frequent headaches are also possible for no apparent reason. In the presence of adenoids, the child has a decrease in appetite. Parents usually report hearing loss in their children. With adenoids, pain in the ear, frequent inflammation of the middle ear can disturb. Children with adenoids are lethargic, get tired quickly, irritable and capricious. If you can’t cope with this condition on your own, you need to show the child to an otorhinolaryngologist. The doctor will examine the child, ask you in detail about his condition and how the disease developed, and prescribe the necessary tests and additional examination methods.

So, what to do if the doctor found adenoids? First of all, don't panic. The doctor will definitely choose an effective treatment tactic that is right for your child.

Treatment of adenoids with folk remedies is not always effective. The most common cause of an increase in adenoid tissue is an inflammatory process that occurs as a result of a bacterial infection. And here, decoctions of herbs and other "grandmother's" methods can only aggravate the situation.

Adenoids - treat or can go away on their own?

This question comes up a lot more often than others. They are not in a hurry to take the child to the doctor, “just think, a runny nose…”. And so day after day, month after month. Dear parents, remember! the sooner the correct diagnosis is made and the cause of the inflammation is identified, the faster and more effectively the treatment of adenoids can be carried out.

If adenoids were diagnosed, can it be cured without consequences?

If treatment is started on time and the doctor observes the child, controls his condition and test results, in a word, if the treatment is carried out correctly, then the consequences of adenoids will not occur. There are many complications of this seemingly simple disease. This is hearing loss, and impaired speech function, and malocclusion, and abnormal development of the facial skeleton, and even bedwetting.

Adenoids - what types of treatment are there?

Treatment is carried out according to indications - conservative (medications and procedures) or surgical - removal of adenoids. Drug treatment is effective if the degree of adenoids is 1st, less often - 2nd, when the size of the adenoids is not too large and if there are no pronounced breathing disorders through the nose. With the 3rd degree of adenoids, drug treatment is carried out only if the child has contraindications to surgical treatment. Drug therapy is prescribed to relieve inflammation, stop the runny nose, it helps to clear the nasal cavity of the contents and strengthen the immune system. In this case, various groups of drugs are used: vasoconstrictor nasal drops; hormonal nasal sprays; saline solutions for cleaning the contents and moisturizing the nasal mucosa; means to maintain immunity; antihistamines; nose drops with antiseptic and antibacterial action.

An increase in adenoid vegetations in children is caused by an allergic reaction of the body. In this case, for a successful recovery, the child needs the help of an allergist, he will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Often, homeopathic drug regimens are prescribed for the treatment of adenoids. But do not rely on homeopathy. The effectiveness of this method, as a rule, is possible only with regular use in the initial stage of the disease or as a preventive measure. In a situation where there is a 2nd or 3rd degree of adenoids, homeopathy does not bring the expected effect.

Physiotherapy treatment for adenoids increases the effectiveness of conservative treatment.

The most commonly used laser therapy. The usual course of treatment is 10 sessions. It is recommended to carry out 2-3 courses of laser therapy per year. UHF is also used on the nose area and ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis and ozone therapy.

What operations do I do for adenoids?

Currently, the standard for removing adenoids is an operation in a hospital under general anesthesia, using a shaver (special instrument).

What examination is performed for adenoids?

To determine the degree of adenoids, an endoscopic method is used, or an x-ray of the nasopharynx is performed. Endoscopic diagnostics is the most informative, as it allows you to see all the nuances of the anatomy of the nasopharynx and adenoid vegetations.

Can adenoids be cured without surgery?

If adenoid vegetations of a large degree and nasal breathing in a child are very difficult, then in this situation the only way out is to remove them.

Does it hurt to remove adenoids?

If there are no contraindications to general anesthesia during the operation, then such an operation should be performed only under general anesthesia. Under local anesthesia, such treatment is pain and stress for the child.

What is the most effective treatment for adenoids?

As ancient medical wisdom says, a correct diagnosis is already 70% of effective treatment. Therefore, if a conservative treatment tactic is chosen, medications are prescribed that eliminate the cause of inflammation of the adenoids. As a rule, these are antibacterial drugs, antiviral, antifungal; allergy medications; special drops and sprays. Universal treatment for adenoids is a utopia.

When can I return to normal life after removal of the adenoids?

Immediately after the operation, the child is active after 2-3 days and stays at home. As a rule, within 7 days after the operation, the child can adhere to the protective regime - without active physical exertion and thermal procedures for 10-20 days.

Are adenoids the result of infectious diseases?

Adenoids are essentially an enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. And, as a rule, this is a consequence of an infectious process caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Epstein-Barr virus and an allergic background may also be the cause.

First of all, with adenoids, doctors do not recommend relying on “maybe it will pass by itself”, to carry out treatment regimens prescribed according to the principle “but it helped the neighbor's son”. It is also not recommended to avoid the scheduled examination. Believe me, dear fathers and mothers, effective treatment is prescribed only according to the results of the tests.

How to avoid adenoids?

Competently and under medical supervision to carry out all colds, this is the first thing. There are no frequent and prolonged inflammations in the nasopharynx - there is no enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsil.

Can adenoids go away without treatment?

If the adenoid tissue is not hypertrophied, i.e. did not grow, but simply increased in volume due to edema during inflammation, then the main role is played by the treatment of adenoiditis, that is, the elimination of inflammation. Inflammation is gone - swelling is gone, and the volume of adenoid tissue has also decreased. If there are no signs of inflammation, but there are all signs of an increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which are confirmed by endoscopic or x-ray methods, then a miracle will not happen.

At what age do adenoids occur most often?

If there are indications for removal, then at any age. As a rule, the age of children with such a problem is 3-7 years. Some are younger, some are older.

Do you believe this statement? Well, in vain. Adenoids, and scientifically - nasopharyngeal tonsils, are created by nature from a special lymphoid tissue to protect the child's body from infections. When a child gets the flu or an acute respiratory disease, the adenoids take the brunt of the infection - they swell, grow and help the body cope with harmful microorganisms. If the child catches a cold often, too many pathogens accumulate in the folds and bays of the adenoids, and the adenoids cease to cope with them. Harmful microorganisms, in turn, begin to hit weakened adenoids, and they themselves become a focus of chronic inflammation. Growing, diseased adenoids cannot return to their original size. They need to be treated urgently. We'll talk about how they do it a little later...

Most often, adenoids grow in children aged 3 to 5 years. The earliest manifestation of this is difficulty in nasal breathing. At first, it seems that the child is practically healthy: well, just think, his nose is a little stuffy, but who didn’t this happen to in childhood?

But remember how you feel when you have a cold. The worst thing is not even that the nose is running, but the inability to breathe normally. And at the same time, the head hurts, everything irritates, tires, the efficiency drops. But with a runny nose, this condition lasts for several days, and a child with swollen adenoids experiences similar sensations for months and even years! All this time, his brain and all organs do not receive enough oxygen. He constantly has a headache, he feels weak, he quickly gets tired even from not much physical activity. At the same time, they require him to behave approximately in the classroom in kindergarten, to master the program, and if he is already a schoolboy, to study well, be assiduous in class, go in for physical education, help you around the house, etc. That is, you you want your child to lead a normal life for his age, but he, as it seems to you, does not want to. You "work" him out, scold him, even punish him. But believe me, he can not meet your requirements!

The absence of nasal breathing affects the activity of the central nervous system, causing venous stasis of blood. The child learns worse and worse, becomes nervous, capricious, irritated. Starts to be rude to adults. With adenoids of the 2-3rd degree, he constantly breathes through his mouth, often suffers from otitis media and SARS, and snores in his sleep. 15% of children suffering from adenoiditis (inflammation of the adenoids) develop bedwetting. Many have epileptic seizures, laryngospasms and bronchial asthma occur, the activity of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, vision and hearing deteriorate.

And with chronic adenoiditis, the child noticeably lags behind in physical development, his chest can be deformed - the so-called "chicken" chest is formed, and the normal growth of facial bones is disrupted. Over time, it becomes "adenoid", or "horse". Imagine: an overly elongated narrow skull with a huge wedge-shaped jaw and protruding forward, randomly growing teeth. Doctors also call this type of face Fernandel's syndrome. Remember the famous French actor? Agree, with his appearance, you need to have a truly great talent in order to become not only famous, but also a favorite of the public. Such talent is, unfortunately, rare. For ordinary people, resemblance to Fernandel does not seem to bring happiness.

What to do with the appearance of adenoids?

Adenoids should be treated without bringing the disease to the point at which a "chicken" chest and a "horse" face are formed. This happens already at the 3rd and 4th stages of the disease. So, there is no need to start the disease. And it is possible to cure it in a conservative way, that is, with medicines and medicinal herbs. But only with small sizes of adenoids, that is, at the 1st and 2nd stages of the disease. In these cases, a collargol solution is applied topically, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor drops, immunostimulants, vitamins, and respiratory exercises are prescribed. Carry out hardening procedures.

From folk remedies, instillation into the nose 2-3 times a day, 3 drops of red beet juice helps well. The pharmacy sells thuja oil - it is instilled 2-3 drops 3 times a day. It is useful to rinse the nose with sea water or its substitute, which is easy to prepare yourself: dissolve 1 teaspoon of table salt in 1 glass of warm water and add 5-7 drops of pharmacy iodine. Rinse your child's nose 2-3 times a day.

Another available recipe is from horsetail: 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped horsetail grass, pour 200 g of hot water, put in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, then remove from heat, let

Cool the broth a little, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials and add boiled water to the broth to the original volume. You need to drink a decoction of horsetail 50-100 g 3 times a day.

If conservative treatment does not help and the disease continues to progress, you will have to resort to adenotomy, that is, the surgical removal of the adenoids.

Is it possible to do an operation to remove adenoids in children?

This question worries almost all parents whose children suffer from adenoids. Pediatric otolaryngologists do not agree on this issue. The fact is that the nasopharyngeal tonsils in children by the age of 12-14 wrinkle, become smaller, and by the age of 16 they completely disappear. Therefore, doctors, if possible, are in no hurry to remove overgrown tonsils. Moreover, in young children after surgery, they have the ability to quickly return.

And, nevertheless, when the adenoids grow so that they block the nasopharynx, it is best to part with them. In this case, surgery is the only effective method of treatment.

What awaits the child in the operating room?

Believe me, it's okay! And convince your child. You have time for this. The child needs to be prepared for the operation three weeks in advance. During this period, all tests must be submitted. It happens that a day or two before the operation, the child for some reason has a fever or a slight runny nose. It is unacceptable to operate on him even at the slightest sign of a cold. But parents sometimes hide the true state of the child, so as not to be tested again. And as a result, the operation may fail, with complications. Therefore, the child is placed in the hospital on the eve of the surgical intervention, so that the doctor can see his condition.

The operation is usually performed by two - a surgeon and a nurse. The patient is seated in a special chair, his arms and legs are fixed. General anesthesia is not done, because constant contact with the child is needed. He must hear and do everything he is told. Therefore, first the child is given an anesthetic, then an injection is given. The injected drug acts on the cerebral cortex in such a way that the child will be calm during the operation, will be able to answer questions, but then will not remember anything that happened to him during the operation.

And everything happens quickly and painlessly. The nurse stands behind the chair, holds the child's head with both hands, the doctor opens his mouth ... and the patient barely has time to gasp, as the doctor takes out the removed tonsils and puts them in a special vial for sending for histology. This does not mean that the child is suspected of having cancer. It's just that now it's accepted: everything that is cut out of the body is sent for histological examination.

After surgery: the first days

Immediately after the operation, the little patient is forced to blow his nose well so that the blood stops flowing. There is little blood, because pre-administered hemostatic drugs act. After that, the child is taken to the ward. And on the second day they are discharged home. Home mode is recommended for 5-7 days: the child is forbidden to walk, run and jump these days. The most important thing is not to let him catch any infection. Food and drink should be slightly warm, but in no case hot - this can provoke bleeding. In the first days after the operation, the child should not be bathed or washed. Sunbathing is not allowed. Do not forget to give medicines on time, which the doctor will prescribe before discharge from the hospital.

The course of adenoid vegetation in children is accompanied by a wide range of painful manifestations. In addition to stable, traditional signs, such as constant nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, fever, this includes headaches.

Pain in the head has a variety of pathoetiology, can symptomatize diseases not associated with hypertrophy of the tonsils (adenoid growths). But the fact that they are a common pathology, a concomitant and characteristic feature of adenoiditis, with inflamed adenoids in children no doubt.

What is the opinion of the medical community, specialists in pediatric visceral medicine in the field of ENT (otolaryngological pathogenesis) on the aspect - "Headaches in adenoiditis in children, why they arise, what danger they contain, how headaches in children with adenoiditis are treated."

The feeling of "pain", "nausea", "heartburn", "vomiting" have a certain physiological explanation. This is a biological and organic reaction of a person to certain stimuli that introduce pathological dysfunction into the well-functioning work of any anatomical system. As a rule, first of all, local, local neuroreceptor bundles react to a pathogenic invasion, which send a signal of danger to the central “headquarters” - the brain.

Each organic structure of a person is controlled by its own separate area in the gray medulla. Here, a complex neuro-sensory system analyzes the degree of danger of the information received about an infiltrated malicious agent, makes a decision, and sends a response in the form of neuroimpulses to this sector - “compress muscles”, “spasm the walls of blood vessels”, “mucous rejection”, “peristalsis (contraction) epidermis".

Related Articles Streptococcal adenoiditis: causes, features, treatment

Therefore, headache, with its various manifestations (stabbing, throbbing, squeezing, strong or weak) is a manifest response of the brain in emerging diseases, including, in particular, during adenoid vegetation.

Pediatric otolaryngology clinicians have differentiated and classified emerging headaches in adenoids in children. A consolidated catalog of clinical guidelines (protocols) for practicing physicians was developed, which included research materials, methods for diagnosing and treating nasopharyngeal adenoid pathogenesis with an accompanying headache syndrome.

The catalog describes diseases of the tonsillar organs, the craniofacial region, which can develop against the background and with the degree of severity, stages of adenoid pathogenesis (tonsillitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis, rhinitis/sinusitis category, acute otitis media, sialadenitis).

It should be noted that in the general clinical context, the classification of the manifestation of pain is integrated according to two parameters:

  • Primary modification, which does not occur periodically, and does not carry pathological signs;
  • Secondary, regular pain symptoms that have pathoetiology associated with diseases, pathological processes in the child's body.

What characteristic pains do children complain about, how do they describe them, and what can the painful picture that appears in a child with a sick (adenoids) nasopharynx mean? Is adenoiditis always accompanied by headaches in everyone, without exception?

Of course not. It has been established that pain syndrome (cephalalgia) is especially pronounced and intense in weakened children, with a low threshold of immune resistance to adenoid-virus intoxication, infectious pathogenic microflora, with frequent respiratory diseases that provoke adenoiditis. Even in the initial stages of adenoid disease in such children, pain manifestations are recorded, which they describe in their own way - “twitching in the temples”, “the head hurts badly everywhere”, “it hurts to look, presses on the eyes”. Along with a growing headache (in the frontal, occipital, temporal part of the head), children experience:

  • nausea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • They have a shaky, unsteady gait, uncoordinated movements;
  • Sharply turn pale on the face, sweat (sticky, bright sweat);
  • Possible facial painful "tics", involuntary tremor (twitching) of the maxillo-chin locations.

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Treatment of headaches with adenoiditis

It is necessary to immediately put an end to the “I”, once again emphasize an important point - headaches, as a disease-causing phenomenon, as in essence, reflux is a cerebral physiological reaction, has an extensive etiology. Which, in most cases, is identified as a pathological, concomitant symptomatology of many diseases, not only in the tonsillar sector, with otolaryngological, ENT pathologies.

With an accurate, unmistakable diagnosis, with the right treatment and the selection of medications, therapeutic methods of physiotherapy, cephalalgia, as a painful manifestation, disappears. Therefore, if a child has tonsils inflamed by adenoid vegetation, and he has headaches (immediately or after some time), a medical consultation, consisting of neuropathology specialists, the attending otolaryngologist, together with homeopathic colleagues, will select an individual treatment plan. Be sure to take into account the painful syndrome, assign the appropriate anabolics, which will alleviate the condition of the child.

Carefully! Independently apply to a child, give him potent analgesics - in no case is it impossible! Only by passing laboratory and instrumental, tomographic examinations, it is possible to establish a causal relationship - for what reason headaches arose. Otherwise, parents can cause irreparable harm to children!

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