Could it be an injury at the site? bruises. Additional tests to detect brain contusion

Bruises: symptoms, complications, treatment

However, despite this, soft tissue bruises require serious attention, which is explained by the possibility of complications. In addition, the diagnosis of a bruise is not obvious in all cases: more severe organ damage can be hidden under this mask.

Causes of bruises

A bruise occurs when the body is hit with a blunt object or as a result of a fall. The severity of an injury is determined by several factors:

1.characteristics of the traumatic agent:

impact speed;

2.features of injured tissues:

the extent of the area of ​​damage;

tissue elasticity;

the age of the patient;

the degree of blood supply to the organ;

proximity to other organs (large vessels, bone, nerve, etc.).

bruise symptoms

Manifestations of a bruise are characterized by pain of varying intensity, swelling, bruising, and often a hematoma - a local accumulation of blood. The severity of edema is greatest in places with loose subcutaneous tissue - on the face, in the area of ​​​​the joints, on the back of the hand. The pain persists for 3 or more days - it depends on the extent and depth of the damage, as well as on the involvement of a nearby organ, such as a joint, in the process.

Microscopically, with a bruise, damage to the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, and small vessels is determined. Violation of the integrity of the vessels leads to interstitial bleeding, which, along with reactive edema, further compresses the tissues and can increase their damage.

How to distinguish a bruise from a fracture, dislocation, sprain or rupture of ligaments?

Soft tissue injury can lead to limited movement, especially when it comes to trauma to the limbs. Not always a bruise can be easily distinguished from a more serious injury, but there are a number of characteristic signs.

1. With a bruise, pathological joint mobility never develops, when, for example, the knee or elbow joint can unbend excessively.

2. The shape of the joint does not change significantly, but edema may occur, visually increasing its volume.

3. A bruise never leads to a change in the shape of the bone: there should be no unnatural bends of long bones.

4. Pain with a bruise tends to fade. In some cases, in the first hours after the injury, the pain may increase, which is explained by continued bleeding into the soft tissues and compression of the nerve endings.

5. As a rule, on the second or third day, a person can already actively use the injured limb.

However, it can be quite difficult to differentiate between a bruise and a fracture (torn ligament or muscle, sprain, dislocation).

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

1. The joint is unnaturally twisted.

2. The correct geometry of the long bone is broken: its bend is visible to the eye.

3. Trauma to the head was accompanied by loss of consciousness, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting.

4. Chest contusion led to severe pain when breathing.

5. Abdominal injury caused vomiting (especially with blood), black stools, intense pain in the abdomen, dizziness, loss of consciousness, no stool for 3 or more days.

6. The pain is intense, analgesics practically do not help.

7. Injury to the limb led to the impossibility of using it - the pain does not allow to step on the leg, bending the limb in the joint is extremely painful.

8. Symptoms No. 6 and 7 do not go away within 2-3 days.

Complications of bruises

Although bruises are not serious injuries in themselves, in some cases they can lead to serious consequences.

When exposed to a traumatic agent obliquely, a massive exfoliation of subcutaneous fat and skin can occur with the formation of a cavity. The cavity is filled with exudate - an inflammatory fluid mixed with lymph and blood.

The accumulation of blood - a hematoma - in the absence of adequate treatment can suppurate.

If, as a result of a bruise, blood accumulates in the joint, hemarthrosis develops, requiring qualified surgical care.

Bruising of the soft tissues of the head may be accompanied by a concussion or contusion of the brain.

Bruising of the neck in some cases can lead to impaired blood flow through local vessels and signs of insufficient blood supply to the brain.

Bruising of the back, in which there was involvement in the process of blood vessels, can lead to a violation of the blood supply to the spinal cord.

Severe bruising of the chest can cause cardiac arrest and respiratory failure.

It should be remembered that a bruised abdomen is fraught with damage to internal organs - the intestines, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.

Violation of the integrity of the skin with a bruise is often complicated by infection and suppuration.

Treatment of bruises

Depending on the severity of the injury, conservative or surgical treatment is used.

Conservative treatment

In the first day or two, you need to try to ensure the rest of the injured limb. Immediately after injury, you can use irrigation with chlorethyl - a cooling agent. In the future, cold is applied to the site of the bruise, but it is worth remembering the need to remove it every 2 hours and take a break for 30-60 minutes - this will prevent cold damage to tissues and blood vessels.

Applying a pressure bandage will help limit the spread of swelling and bleeding. If you apply such a bandage yourself, do not overdo it - do not pass on the supply vessels of the underlying organs.

With severe pain, you can take analgesics - painkillers. In a surgical hospital, blockades can be used (appointed and performed by a doctor). Pain can also be reduced by giving the bruised limb an elevated position.

On the second or third day, the therapeutic effect changes fundamentally: the cold is canceled and therapy is prescribed aimed at resolving hemorrhages and restoring damaged tissues. Already during this period, the use of UHF is possible; a little later, when the pain becomes minimal, - other thermal procedures. Rubbing, baths, compresses are used. Gradually, the development of the injured limb begins, while sharp and forced movements should be avoided.

To enhance the resorption processes, you can use ointments with anti-inflammatory effects, such as diclofenac. Prevents the spread of bruising and relieves swelling lead water in the form of lotions. It is worth remembering that external agents are not recommended for use on the area of ​​​​wounds and abrasions.


Surgical treatment may be required in the presence of hematomas or large cavities filled with fluid. The fluid is sucked off with a needle and syringe, and antibiotics are injected into the resulting cavity to prevent inflammation.

Hemarthrosis - accumulation of blood in the joint cavity - also requires surgical treatment. After the puncture of the joint, as a rule, resort to the imposition of a plaster bandage. In the future, therapeutic exercises are used, aimed at preventing contractures - restrictions on movement in the joint.

Treatment of bruises with folk remedies

There are many traditional medicine recipes that can be used in addition to the treatment prescribed by a doctor.

arnica flowers

Take a teaspoon of arnica flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, wrap and leave to infuse for 2 hours. The finished infusion is filtered and drunk in a tablespoon before each meal. The same infusion can be used for local treatment: for this, gauze or a cotton cloth is moistened with the composition and applied to the site of the bruise.

Spirit of camphor

It is used to rub a bruise on the second or third day after the injury.


Bodyaga can be used immediately after an injury. This method of treatment will significantly reduce the size of bruising and swelling, and therefore reduce pain. The bodyaga is prepared as follows: the grass is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2 until a slurry is obtained. The resulting slurry is applied to the bruised place and covered with gauze, fixing it in the injured place.

Epsom salt

It is used for hot baths. To do this, 400 g of Epsom salts are placed in 8 liters of water and, after waiting for it to dissolve, the injured limb is lowered into the salt composition for 40 minutes.

Ledum flowers

Alcohol tincture or decoction of wild rosemary flowers can be used for rubbing.


The most common white cabbage can also reduce swelling and inflammation. Cabbage leaf is tightly fixed to the bruised place for 30-50 minutes. Several cabbage leaves can be used throughout the day.


To reduce pain and swelling, slices of raw potatoes are applied to the sore spot.


The beans are boiled, mashed and put hot on the bruise.

Honey and aloe

Aloe slurry is prepared, mixed with honey in approximately the same proportions and a compress is made.

In traumatology, bruises of internal organs are common. They occur when falling, as a result of a car accident, blunt abdominal trauma. This condition is quite dangerous, because it disrupts the functioning of internal organs and can lead to the development of complications. How to diagnose a bruise and what methods of treatment are used to eliminate its consequences?


In medicine, there are several classifications of bruises of internal organs.

According to the first differential feature, pathologies are divided into injuries without violating the integrity of the organ and with damage (cuts, tears, rupture of the parenchyma, etc.).

Depending on the localization, an isolated bruise is isolated (only the chest or abdominal cavity is affected) or polytrauma (there are symptoms of trauma in several areas).

Pathologies are also classified into types depending on the damaged organ. There are contusion of the lung, heart, stomach, spleen, liver, kidney, bladder and intestines.


Signs of pathology depend on the strength of the mechanical impact and the area of ​​the lesion. So, when the chest is hit, the lungs, trachea, and heart suffer. With a mechanical impact on the stomach, there is a risk of contusion of the stomach, kidneys and liver.

With a bruise, the patient immediately experiences pain at the site of the lesion, which only intensifies over time. A hematoma appears on the skin, soft tissues swell. Blood pressure decreases due to circulatory disorders, and the pulse also slows down significantly.

With damage to the lungs, a characteristic symptom is cyanosis - a change in the color of the skin to blue. First of all, cyanosis appears on the face, in the area of ​​​​the lips, nose and chin. The breathing process is also disturbed, it becomes rapid and superficial, hemoptysis is often observed. With a fracture of the ribs, the patient experiences severe pain, to alleviate which novocaine blockades are used.

In the event of a bruise of the abdominal organs, nausea, vomiting and a feeling of fullness in the stomach appear. In this case, the victim experiences severe pain in the abdomen. In case of intestinal rupture, its contents are released into the abdominal cavity, which provokes the development of peritonitis.

If the liver is damaged, acute pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, and jaundice may develop after a few days. Kidney injury is manifested by hematuria - the appearance of blood in the urine. This symptom may also indicate a bruised bladder.


In order to assess which of the organs was damaged in a fall or during a blow, the doctor after hospitalization conducts a thorough diagnosis. Be sure to perform an x-ray (to check the condition of the lungs), ECG (to detect cardiac pathologies), CT and MRI (to examine the abdominal organs).


It is important to properly provide first aid to the victim. He needs to ensure complete physical rest, apply dry ice to the site of the lesion, and, if necessary, apply a tight bandage. Be sure to call an ambulance and hospitalize the patient - this will avoid complications.

Treatment of bruised internal organs can be conservative and surgical. In the first case, the patient is provided with complete rest and a cold compress is used, which relieves swelling. With severe pain, the patient is given drugs that block them. The use of analgesics is prohibited in the presence of peritonitis or intestinal obstruction.

To improve the process of blood clotting, aminocaproic acid or Vikasol is introduced. The food of the victim should be frequent and in small portions. To normalize intestinal motility and prevent constipation, it is recommended to enrich the diet with vegetable fiber. In some cases, physiotherapy is indicated to improve the patient's condition.

Surgical intervention is performed in particularly difficult cases in order to stop bleeding and restore the integrity of the bruised organ. Below are the main indications for the operation.

  • The presence of internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity.
  • The development of peritonitis as a result of intestinal rupture.
  • Severe abdominal pain and increased muscle tension.
  • The appearance of signs of general heart failure: tachycardia, thready pulse and pallor of the skin.
  • Severe bloating.
  • Violation of intestinal motility, which may indicate internal bleeding or the development of obstruction.

Laparoscopy is used in most cases for surgery. With timely assistance, you can avoid the formation of blood clots or infectious lesions of the body.

In everyday life, sometimes, there is such an annoying misfortune - traumatism. Bruises, as always, happen inopportunely, ruin our plans, spoil our nerves. But is it all that scary? Let's try to figure it out. We will give advice on how best to cope with a bruise and help the body heal itself.

Types of leg injuries

The most common leg injury is a bruise. Usually some part of the leg is injured: Thigh, Lower leg, Knee, Toe.

A bruise is a closed tissue injury (connective, muscular, nervous, vascular) without a bone fracture.

foot injury photo

As a result of an injury, you can get:

  • Bruising only soft tissues;
  • bruised bone;
  • Joint injury.

With a bruise, the integrity of the skin is not violated, but the tissues lying under it can be significantly affected. There is a rupture of blood vessels, fatty tissue, connective fibers. This is accompanied by inflammation of a traumatic nature: pain, swelling, redness.

Stages of the post-traumatic process

  • It begins with a local reaction of the body to a bruise - vasospasm, which is quickly replaced by expansion. Fluid from the bloodstream begins to seep into the interstitial space and impregnate the tissues. A bruised leg will give swelling, which will increase. Therefore, at this moment, cold is appropriate to constrict the vessels again and stop the tissue around the vessel from soaking.
  • If a rupture of small and medium-sized vessels occurs, then the blood enters the surrounding tissues and stains them blue. Impregnation of nearby structures and the formation of bruising is a characteristic sign of a bruise. Blood will ooze from small vessels for 5–10 minutes, from large vessels for about a day. At first (three days) the site of the bruise with the presence of blood will be bluish-purple, then yellow blotches will appear and in a week the skin will clear up.
  • If the blood only impregnates the surrounding tissues, we see a bruise, if it accumulates in them, a hematoma forms. It is dangerous by the progression of tissue stratification. This is rare because the muscles surrounding the bone are designed to withstand significant pressure and act as a shock absorber to protect the bone and periosteum.
  • If the anterior surface of the lower leg is damaged, where the bone is not covered by muscle and lies immediately under the skin, severe pain is observed, and a hematoma quickly forms. Large hematomas require aspiration. For this, a puncture is used, if the blood is not extracted with a needle, then an autopsy is shown under local anesthesia. A pressure bandage is then applied.
  • Also, blood can pour into the bags of the joints, forming hemarthrosis. Severe bruising of the leg can cause crushing or tissue necrosis.

Hip bruises. There is a lot of loose subcutaneous fat, so extensive hematomas can form. If the injury is strong and oblique, then the skin with fiber is torn off the fascia, cavities are formed. There is a lot of blood pouring out. In this case, the function of the limb suffers little. There is no pain at rest, it appears only when walking.

Bruises on the anterior surface of the leg very painful, especially in the area of ​​the periosteum, up to loss of consciousness. It contains a large number of pain receptors. If the pain has taken on a constant pulsating character, this is a sure sign of a hematoma under the periosteum.

A bruised shin leg can be confused with a fracture due to severe pain, especially on palpation. It can be excluded by the absence of pain during the load along the axis (in the standing position). X-ray required.

Bruised toe. There is an opinion that this type of injury is not dangerous, and a person, despite the pain, continues his work. Bruising of the toes usually occurs in motion, sometimes at considerable speed, so the fingers receive a strong blow.

Small, fragile bones and tendons do not withstand and are damaged - this threatens to complication when walking in the future. Therefore, do not neglect a medical examination to exclude a fracture. And only then carry out the necessary course of treatment.

A bruised thumb is especially unpleasant, because it will take much longer to fully recover, which can take up to 6 weeks. The main condition is peace and time. In order not to say later: “here I hurt my toe, and problems began, now I need orthopedic shoes.”

Symptoms accompanying a leg injury

A bruise is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • swelling (edema);
  • seal;
  • inflammation with redness;
  • movement restriction.

The first symptom of a bruise is pain. Then there is swelling. The pain usually gets worse when walking. A few days of rest and restriction of motor activity, involving the injured area, lead to a weakening of the manifestations of symptoms and the person recovers. This is if we are dealing with a slight leg injury.

The situation is more complicated when the vessels are damaged. In this case, a severe bruise of the leg is accompanied by a hematoma. Its dimensions depend on the force of impact. In this case, the terms of compliance with the rest regimen and careful attitude to the limb increase. Swelling and soreness persist for up to a month.

First aid for bruises at home

Since ordinary bruises are treated on their own, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Provide complete peace;
  • Raise a limb
  • The first two hours are cold;
  • A day later, thermal compresses, ointments, gels;
  • Painkillers (in case of severe pain);
  • Seek medical attention if unable to move;
  • Movements are possible only with the help of a cane and fixation with an elastic bandage (to reduce the load).

Physiotherapy helps to relieve a bruised leg. This should be taken advantage of as soon as possible. UHF and electrophoresis have not lost their significance. If pharmacies have therapeutic mud, then a weekly course will be very useful.

Thermal procedures, absorbable and anti-inflammatory drugs do well with this. Heating pads with hot water, paraffin are suitable as heat. We remove inflammation and swelling with ointments, gels, alcohol compresses.

They are applied four times a day, liberally covering the injured area. It is also important to follow a simple principle: the more puffiness, the thicker the layer of ointment.

The ointments used should be with a different mechanism of action: anti-inflammatory, decongestant (heparin-containing) and absorbable (Traumeel, Zeel T). You can combine ointments: Ketorol gel, Dolobene.

Ointment is not used if the skin is damaged. Severe tissue swelling makes it difficult for the drug to penetrate deep into. To enhance the effect, we increase the amount of the drug applied to the skin and the frequency of lubrication.

Approximate treatment regimen: "Fastum" gel, "diclofenac" ointment or "ketorol" gel is applied to intact skin, it can be wrapped with cling film and fixed, so we will increase the depth of penetration and the strength of the impact.

After 4 hours, remove the bandage, wipe the place and apply another ointment "Lioton", "Troxevasin" - to relieve swelling. So we alternate during the day. At least 4 times a day.

If the hematoma is large, then the body is fenced off from it. Creates a dense film (a bag is formed). Then you can not do without the help of a doctor. The hematoma is opened, and the contents are removed.

Possible consequences and prognosis

With bruises with or without bruising, the prognosis is favorable. Time, rest, and simple healing actions will quickly remove the effects. This is within the power of the body. He alone can handle it. Our task is to help him reasonably in this.

The situation is more complicated when hematomas occur. The larger it is, the longer the resorption period. It compresses the nerve trunks, blood vessels, suppuration occurs due to the attachment of an infection. Time in this case does not bring relief, pain and swelling do not go away, fever joins. Need help from a surgeon.

With very severe bruises, necrosis (necrosis) of tissues may occur and emergency care will be required.

Another unpleasant complication is periostitis (inflammation of the periosteum). That is why a bruise of the lower leg in the periosteal region is not only painful, but also dangerous.

Alertness should cause bruises of the leg joint. Its complex structure predisposes to various complications: hemarthrosis, ligament rupture, damage to the joint capsule.

How to distinguish a severe leg injury from a fracture?

A severe bruise can be confused with a fracture. You can often hear that your leg has been hurt and it is swollen. What is it, isn't it a fracture? You can try to determine the signs of a fracture yourself.

It is typical for him:

  • The presence of vegetative symptoms: darkening in the eyes, dizziness, tachycardia. Which indicates the involvement of the whole organism in the process with the release of stress hormones.
  • Displacement of bones along the axis. The leg may be arched at an unnatural angle. Especially noticeable in the first minutes of the injury. Then there is swelling and it is difficult to see any displacement.
  • Pain and swelling are increasing all the time.
  • The leg cannot be moved. It is impossible to step on it, let alone move.

When bruised, a person can move the leg, although this is painful. This sign indicates the integrity of the bone.

How dangerous is an injury?

An ordinary bruise is not dangerous to health, it only causes inconvenience. Fear is caused by severe bruises, in which it is easy to miss a rupture of the ligaments, a fracture of the toes. They are fraught with partial loss of function in the future. If the knee joint is injured, arthrosis can quickly appear.

A massive hematoma and an open wound threatens with infection. In any case, if the pain during a bruise increases every day or stays at the same level, then a doctor's examination and x-rays are required.

I hurt my leg, what to smear?

If there is confidence that there is a bruise, then after a cold, the leg can be lubricated with Fastum gel, Ketoprofen, Nise gel, Diklak, Diclofenac 5% ointment, Olfen gel. All of them have a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The tumor after a leg injury will quickly subside if treated with Lyoton ointment.

It should be remembered that anesthesia allows you to load the sore leg, and this is not desirable. Therefore, after applying the ointment, the leg needs rest.

Bruises are the most common type of injury, and they can be obtained in a variety of conditions and fields of activity. Elementary knowledge about the features that provide first aid for bruises simply must be learned without fail to alleviate the fate of the victim as a result of this type of injury.

As a bruise, it is customary to define such a mechanical damage in which there is no visible violation of the integrity of tissues and organs. As for the main causes of bruising, they, as can be assumed, can be extremely diverse. So, it can be a blow or a fall, an unsuccessful maneuver, etc. Most often, soft tissues of a superficial location (in particular, skin and subcutaneous tissue) are bruised. Meanwhile, situations are not uncommon in which a bruise affects internal organs (liver, lungs, brain, heart, etc.).

bruise symptoms

The severity of symptoms in bruises corresponds to the nature of the specific object that was injured (speed, mass, direction of the force of action, material, etc.), as well as the type of tissues of the affected organ, the characteristics of the elasticity of a particular area, its general condition. As the leading symptoms accompanying bruises, pain, swelling, impaired functionality and hemorrhage are determined.

Pain sensations appear directly at the moment of injury, its localization is concentrated in the area of ​​influence of a specific influencing factor. As for the intensity of pain, it is directly proportional in manifestations to such influencing factors as the force of impact, tissue mass and area of ​​damage.

Bruises of the periosteum become especially painful. Be that as it may, in the next few hours from the moment of receiving a bruise, the pain sensations subside, which also provides the first aid necessary for bruises, after which their appearance becomes possible already with the formation of a hematoma.

The characteristic swelling of the bruised area is noticeable almost immediately after the injury. Its increase occurs in the next few hours (before the end of the first day), which is caused by the process of increasing edema. Based on the looseness of the subcutaneous tissue, it is determined how pronounced the edema will be - the looser it is, the greater the swelling, respectively.

As for the bruise, it is red immediately after being injured with a bruise, then it gradually turns purple, and then, after a few days (3-4) it turns blue, after 6 days it turns green. A little later, its yellowing and gradual disappearance are noted. Based on such color features of bruises, it is possible to determine the duration of the bruise, and this is especially important for forensic examination.

First aid for bruises

  • the victim must be provided with an appropriate comfortable position of the body (depending on the injury, he is seated or laid down);
  • then a pressure bandage is applied;
  • the injured limb should be provided with a somewhat elevated position in relation to the body;
  • cold is applied directly to the affected area (ice, products from the freezer - what is at hand), this is done alternately, for up to a day with breaks every 2 hours up to 40 minutes;
  • if it is a sports injury, the affected area is sprayed with chloroethyl;
  • you can anesthetize a bruise using analgin or ketorol (tablets or injections), ointments for the affected area (diclofenac, ketorol, ibuprofen, etc.) help well;
  • towards the end of the second day, during the next day, already dry heat can be used for the affected area, physiotherapy, warming ointments (fastum, etc.);
  • when hematomas form, they cannot be opened, otherwise infection and suppuration of the affected area will occur;
  • if necessary (in case of a serious bruise, discomfort in the bruised area after the assistance provided), you should visit a doctor.

A bruise is the most common type of injury. When bruised, soft tissues are damaged, but the integrity of the skin at the site of injury is not violated. There is only damage to various vessels and cells.

A bruise can cause injury to any part of the human body, not excluding internal organs.

Causes of bruises and their features

You can get injured anywhere. It can be a bruise when falling from a height onto a flat surface, a blow with a blunt object is possible. There are no breaks in the skin during a bruise, but the tissues under the skin suffer, and she herself.

Usually, a bruise is combined with such injuries as concussions, abrasions, scratches, ruptures of internal organs, fractures and dislocations.

Types (degrees) of bruises

Types of bruises are usually systematized as follows:

  • 1 degree. In case of injury, slight skin damage occurs in the form of small wounds and abrasions. They go away on their own in three or four days.
  • 2 degree. In this case, the injury is characterized by tissue rupture, which causes edema and hematoma. A patient after a bruise may experience sharp pain.
  • 3 degree. In this case, damage to the tendons, muscles occurs, and dislocations are also possible. Especially such injuries are dangerous when the head, knees or tailbone are damaged.
  • 4 degree. Violations are caused, which are characterized by a complete change in the work of all human organs and systems. The condition may become critical.

bruise symptoms

The main symptoms that characterize bruises:

  1. pain in the area of ​​injury;
  2. the occurrence of hematomas and edema;
  3. hemorrhage that occurs as a result of an injury.

The main symptom that causes a bruise is pain. The intensity of pain depends on the extent of the injury. Severe damage can cause prolonged and significant pain. Usually, these injuries cause hematomas (bruising) in most cases. The color of a hematoma after a bruise can vary from dark red to purple, after a while it becomes blue or blue-black.

After injury, traumatic edema occurs, causing an increase in the affected tissues at times. The manifestation of a bruise largely depends on the location of the injury. So, if the joint is damaged, its mobility may be limited due to edema.

Consequences of a bruise

The consequences of a bruise depend on the nature of the injuries and the part of the body that has suffered as a result of the injury. The most significant are:

  • Severe bruising of the head, which can cause more significant damage - bruising of the brain. This can lead to disruption of the vital functions of the whole organism.
  • A bruise that occurs in the neck area, in some cases, leads to impaired blood circulation in the vessels, which can cause brain hypoxia.
  • If the spine is damaged, serious consequences can occur that disrupt the motor activity and sensitivity of the legs due to compression of the tissue of the spinal cord.
  • Bruising of the abdomen can lead to rupture of the internal organs of a person, which can cause a life-threatening condition due to profuse blood loss and the resulting peritonitis.
  • Injury to the chest leads to disruption of the heart. When hit in the reflexogenic zone, death occurs.
  • A bruise of the hand, finger, knee, leg is one of the most common injuries and does not threaten a person's life. After injury, the patient may experience pain and limitation in movement for some time.
  • A bruised nail is a very painful injury depending on the force of the blow. This leads to the accumulation of a large amount of blood under the nail and the complete rejection of the nail plate.
  • Coccyx injury refers to mild injuries, but is accompanied by significant pain, so it can put the patient to bed for several days. The pain is especially aggravated by sitting.

First aid for bruises

For the treatment of a slight bruise, in which the pain disappears quickly, and the hematoma is small, you can apply cold to the damaged area. The compress can be: a cloth soaked in cold water, a container of cold water, or pieces of ice. Cold helps stop bleeding faster, thereby reducing swelling.

If there was a bruise of the leg or arm, then the affected limb should be deprived of the opportunity to move. This position should be maintained until examination by a traumatologist or until an x-ray is taken.

Assistance for bruises, when there is significant damage, should be provided to the patient in a medical institution. Only a doctor can correctly assess the consequences of an injury. Symptoms of damage that need immediate medical attention:

  • if the victim has weakness and loss of consciousness;
  • pain increases;
  • pain appears with any attempts caused by movement;
  • there is a gradual deterioration.

Medications should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor, especially painkillers.

Diagnosis of bruises

Initially, the specialist examines the place where the blow fell. In case of injuries of the leg, foot, ankle or knee, qualified as contusion ICD 10 (International Classification of Diseases) , Depending on the nature of the damage, an X-ray is prescribed.

If internal organs have been injured due to an injury, then an ultrasound scan may also be prescribed.

If the abdomen is damaged, the doctor suggests the patient to take urine and blood tests. In addition to x-rays or ultrasound, the patient is prescribed tomography if necessary.

If necessary, a laparoscopy method is used to determine the presence of internal bleeding and the need for surgery.

Treatment in hospital and at home

Inpatient treatment is necessary in case of significant damage. If a bruise is an injury to the head, lower back, abdomen and chest, then patients are subject to urgent hospitalization in the surgical department. After the diagnosis, the specialists decide on further methods of treatment. In the case of surgical intervention, torn tissues or organs are sutured, blood clots are removed.

If the patient was examined, and after it no serious injuries were found, then he is credited with painkillers, cold compresses and a sparing regimen for the damaged organ.

The following medicines can be used to treat injuries:

  • Preparations with anti-inflammatory properties for external use: Dikul's Balm, Deep Relief, Indovazin.
  • Ointments and creams that can assist in the removal of hematomas: "Rescuer", "Lyoton 1000", etc.
  • Ointments with vasodilating properties: "Apizatron", "Kapsicam".

For mild injuries, they can be treated independently by applying a few of the following recipes:

  1. Put lotions in place of the bruise, which are prepared on decoctions of St. John's wort, plantain, wormwood.
  2. Tea leaves can be used to treat injuries.
  3. To relieve pain from bruises, you can do a light massage using essential oils of fir, lemon or geranium.
  4. You can gently rub the bruised area with the Asterisk balm.
  5. Badyaga is an effective remedy for removing a tumor. The powder is diluted with water in the form of a slurry and placed on the site of damage, wrapped in a cloth or scarf.
  6. Grate the potatoes and put the resulting mass on the site of the bruise for several hours.

Using such recipes, you can get rid of edema and bruising in a short period, because a bruise is primarily damage under the skin and on the skin.

Prevention of bruises

Prevention of bruises primarily comes down to the prevention of injuries that occur in everyday life and at work.

Special precautions must be taken by the elderly, children and pregnant women.

Various types of bruises that a person receives are always easier to prevent than to treat later in case of particularly severe injuries to various organs.

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