Can a dog eat almonds? Can a Yorkshire Terrier have nuts? Can dogs eat hot dogs? In moderation

Everyone knows from childhood that nuts are very useful. So why not include a protein- and vitamin-rich product in your pet's diet? Everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, sometimes nuts that are healthy for humans can be a mortal danger for dogs. It should be borne in mind that below we will talk about healthy animals. If your pet suffers from any chronic disease, then before giving your pet a new food, you should consult a veterinarian.

Can dogs have peanuts?

Are Peanuts Safe for Dogs? however, sometimes animals, like humans, are allergic to this product. In addition, this walnut is added to cookies or pastries. These treats are high in fat. High-fat foods can cause diarrhea and vomiting in your pet. You should not give your dog too much peanuts, as in large quantities the product negatively affects the pancreas and can even lead to pancreatitis. It is best to give preference to unsalted nuts.

If you decide to give your dog peanut butter or any treat containing this nut, be sure to read the ingredients on the package. The fact is that the sugar substitute xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always list the name of this sugar substitute, preferring to refer to it as "natural sweetener" or "sugar alcohol". Even a very small amount of xylitol can cause hypoglycemia in a dog - a dangerous drop in blood sugar, in addition, this ingredient destroys liver cells.

Signs of xylitol poisoning: disorientation, staggering gait, heavy breathing, convulsions. In this case, urgent veterinary care is needed. It should be remembered that peanuts should only be a treat, but not a replacement for the main meal.

Should you give your dog almonds?

In addition, you can periodically treat your pet with almonds. Here are a few recommendations that you should follow if you decide to give your dog this nut:

  • It is advisable to give your pet chopped or ground almonds, this is necessary so that the animal does not choke.
  • Nuts should only be given in small amounts and should never be included in a dog's daily diet.
  • Do not give almonds to animals that suffer from diseases of the stomach or intestines.

It is important to clarify that we are talking about sweet almonds, bitter almond kernels contain cyanide, which is poisonous to both humans and animals, of course, such a product should not be given to a dog.

Benefits and harms of nuts for dog health

Are nuts good for dog health? Almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts and hazelnuts contain protein, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins. In addition, hazelnuts contain substances that help eliminate toxins from the liver. Almonds have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, coat and teeth. Hazelnuts help strengthen the immune system. Cashews contain iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, phosphorus and nicotinic acid.

Wild dogs that live near the forest often gnaw Pine nuts. The reason for this is the high content of boron, iron, calcium, vanadium, iodine and copper in this product. These substances have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, metabolism and the condition of the coat. True, you should not exceed the recommended dose of 1-2 nuts per day, the pet will be quite enough.

Nuts dangerous for dogs

Can nuts hurt? Of course, nuts that are toxic to dogs should not be given to an animal under any circumstances. Even a small amount of such products can cause irreparable harm to health. Small breed dogs should not be given whole nuts. Especially dangerous for dogs macadamia nut. It should not be given to the dog not only in its pure form, but also as part of cookies, cakes and other pastries. If a puppy or an older dog eats a macadamia nut, it can be fatal.

Clinical signs of poisoning may occur within 12 hours of ingestion, but are more likely to occur sooner. They may include ataxia - a wobbly gait, lethargy, muscle tremors, fever, weakness, increased heart rate. Sometimes the animal begins to feel bad, even after eating one or two nuts. Of course, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. The dog will most likely be prescribed a drug that induces vomiting.

Do not give pistachios to your pet. A large amount of this product can lead to pancreatitis. You should not allow your pet to swallow a nut shell, this can injure the intestinal walls and cause inflammation and diarrhea. In addition, sometimes mold fungi appear on pistachios, releasing a harmful substance - afloktoksin. Its ingestion can lead to liver failure. In addition, the systematic consumption of pistachios can provoke the development of urolithiasis.

Very dangerous for dogs nutmeg. This product causes convulsions, seizures in dogs and can cause serious damage to the nervous system. Veterinarians also advise against giving walnuts to dogs. They are very difficult to digest and can cause gastrointestinal ailments. Owners of small breed dogs should be especially careful, too large a nut can cause intestinal obstruction in the animal.

Hazelnuts should not be regularly given to a dog Its regular use leads to the formation of stones in the bladder. In general, nuts should be given with caution, especially if the dog has never tried them before. These products are not suitable as training rewards. It is better not to give your pet several types of nuts at once, so you can better track the reaction to the product.

Almonds contain a lot of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, rich in B and E vitamins, iron, zinc. Almonds perfectly maintain healthy coat, skin and teeth of the animal, promote metabolism, cleanse the internal organs. However, it must be given very carefully to a dog with a weak stomach and intestines. In addition to these nuts, you can give your dog hazelnuts or hazelnuts.

Especially for an animal with cardiovascular problems. The substances contained in hazelnuts help to remove toxins from the body (especially from the liver), strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body. Sometimes a dog can be given a couple of walnut kernels, useful vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iodine.

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are also useful for the dog. They do not need to be fried, it is better to give the dog raw and peeled. Pumpkin seeds have an additional useful property - they provide prevention from worms. They are also rich in protein, zinc, iron and phosphorus.

Nuts to Avoid for Dogs

There are nuts that are dangerous to the health and even the life of a dog. First of all, it is nutmeg, which can cause convulsions and seizures. It can cause irreparable damage to the central nervous system of an animal.

Also, you should not give your dog a toxic Australian nut - macadamia.

A dog has always been a man's best friend, and therefore a good owner does everything so that his pet does not need anything. Caring for the health of the pet is also part of the task of the dog owner..

The problem, of course, is the question of nutrition. The dog often puts everything it sees into its mouth. What Nuts Should Your Pet Not Eat? What is their harm? What to do if the dog ate it and choked?

So, let's figure out for a start what kind of nuts contraindicated for dog food. The list is short and not particularly difficult to remember:

  • walnut;
  • pistachios;
  • hazelnut;
  • macadamia;
  • pecan;
  • acorns;
  • nutmeg.

And now those nuts that won't hurt your pet:

  • cedar;
  • coconut;
  • almond;
  • chestnut;
  • Brazilian;
  • cashew nuts;
  • peanut.

More about the benefits and harms


The best choice of all. Pine nuts relatively safe and they are well absorbed. These nuts contain calcium, boron, iron, vanadium, iodine and copper - all these substances have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, coat condition and metabolism.

Important! The only thing the owner should remember is that the nuts themselves are very high in calories. So 100 grams of pine nuts contain 620 calories. This means that, even if the use of this product does not cause much harm, it is still not worth abusing it.

Dogs should eat them in moderation. one or two nuts a day. If the pet does not get worse, then you can try to give more often.


Coconut itself is not very useful, but coconut milk has a lot of value. It is made up entirely of saturated fats. Coconut oil heals wounds, has a positive effect on the dog's skin, helps get rid of fleas and makes the coat brighter.

At the same time, coconut oil increases energy and prevents many diseases in the dog. It is important to follow the dosage. Take the ratio of one teaspoon to 10 pounds of the pet's weight. You can feed once a day. If you accidentally overdo it with the dosage, then diarrhea can be a side effect.


Peanuts are called nuts, although it is more correct to attribute them to the legume family. Peanuts contain protein, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins, which favorably affect the general condition of the animal. This product is safe, but if the dog has an allergy, it can harm the pet.

Peanuts are contraindicated in dogs with kidney and gallbladder problems. When fresh, it is poorly absorbed, and when fried, it is even harmful. As for peanut butter, you can give it, but the daily rate should not exceed one teaspoon.


Because Since cashews contain calcium and magnesium, this nut strengthens the dog's bones well and often acts as a top dressing. Compared to peanuts and pine nuts, cashews can be consumed more frequently and in larger quantities.

However, they should not be abused either. Although cashews are not as nutritious as other nuts, eating them too much can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and allergies.


Almonds are less toxic, but their consumption in large quantities leads to vomiting, diarrhea, and often to pancreatitis. Norm: 2-5 nuts in two days. You can give almond milk, but again it is important to monitor the amount.

Attention! Almond oil is strictly prohibited.


Daily rate: 1-2 nuts, but no more. Otherwise, a large amount of pecan eaten leads to death. Pecans are very high in calories and have a bad effect on the dog's body as a whole.


Allowed no more than one per day, otherwise you will have to deal with diarrhea and vomiting one way or another. The brazil nut is high in calories and often leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


Strictly prohibited. Because Hazelnuts contain a lot of iron, which leads to the formation of bladder stones.


Often covered in mold, which contains neurotoxins dangerous for dogs. Pistachios are salty, and salt, as you know, has a bad effect on the animal's body.


Whole swallowed walnut can cause intestinal obstruction. Because it contains a lot of phosphorus, it is not uncommon for the formation of stones in the bladder. The mold causes tremors and convulsions.

You can hear that dogs often eat walnuts along with the shell without any consequences. However, it's not worth the risk. The shell can get stuck in the throat, and the pet will choke.


Macadamia is native to Australia and is rare in Russia. Walnut causes severe poisoning, manifested primarily in the form of convulsions, weakness, palpitations and paralysis of the limbs. For a puppy or an old dog, an attempt to eat such a nut can be fatal.

Important. Even 5-6 macadamia nuts can harm a pet.


If the dog eats it, then she risks getting severe poisoning which can lead to coma. Nutmeg causes paralysis of the limbs, trembling, and sometimes leads to death.


Dangerous high content of halotannin, which causes poisoning and leads to kidney failure.

Dogs are forbidden to eat not only the acorns themselves, but even oak leaves and bark. The content of the poisonous substance in acorns is so high that even a puddle with oak leaves floating in it is a great danger.


horse chestnut cannot be used. If speak about common chestnut, then it usually acts as a rare treat, but eating it in large quantities leads to stomach diseases, diarrhea and pancreatitis.

Who are contraindicated?


They are the first to fall into this category. Not all nuts are contraindicated for puppies. So it is permissible to give:

  • cedar;
  • cashew nuts;
  • peanut.

Puppies have a very weak body, and nuts can have a negative effect on their stomach, so if you feed a puppy with them, then very rarely, reducing the norm of an adult dog by almost two to three times. This product is contraindicated for very young puppies (less than a year old).

Pregnant and lactating

It is forbidden to give nuts to pregnant dogs. Lactating dogs are allowed to eat 3-4 pieces to enhance lactation. It is better, of course, to give the same nuts as puppies: this way you can reduce the risk of disease for the dog and its offspring.

Nuts are of great danger to small dogs, such as pugs, spitz, chihuahuas. Also, this product is contraindicated in dogs with kidney and gallbladder problems. And of course, dogs are prohibited if they are allergic to them.


If the dog nevertheless ate a forbidden nut and he became ill from it, then you need to urgently take the pet to the veterinarian. You should not self-medicate.

If it is not possible to show the dog to a specialist or help is urgent, you can try to give the dog Activated carbon and try to induce vomiting.

It happens that a dog chokes on a nut that is allowed to her. This happens due to the fact that the fetus is too large and gets stuck in the throat of the dog.

To prevent this, you should pick small nuts or grind those to avoid unnecessary risk. In the event that the animal still chokes, you need to help him cough up food.

It is necessary to grasp the body of the dog, placing one fist under the chest and squeezing the body in a forward and upward direction. 6-7 repetitions are enough for the pet to spit out the nut. If the number of attempts exceeds 10 times, then you need to urgently take the pet to a specialist.

The question of which nuts are useful for a pet, and which can harm, must be approached with all responsibility. Because these fruits are very high in calories, and often poisonous, then even a small amount can have a detrimental effect on the health of a four-legged comrade.

Outcome: keep an eye on the number of nuts eaten by your pet and do not allow eating species that contain poison.

In contact with

You might think that nuts are a harmless and healthy food product that can be given to animals in reasonable quantities. However, not everything is so clear. Let's see if nuts can be used by dogs and whether they will harm the health of pets.

One day our youngest child spilled a handful of peanuts on the floor. While the one-year-old kid was picking nuts with his fingers, developing fine motor skills, two assistants ran to his aid: a dog and a cat. Murysya drove funny balls around the apartment, and the miniature schnauzer greedily ate peanuts. That's how we learned that our picky eater has a lot of respect for this food item.

On the forums, some dog breeders advocate pampering their pets with them, that nothing bad will happen from a handful of almonds, hazelnuts, or if the dog herself finds a nut under a tree and deals with it. Others warn of danger. But walnut is different.

What nuts can you give dogs

  • pine nut relatively easy to digest and safe. This does not mean that it can be given to a pet in large quantities. Moderation is essential everywhere. Treat your pet with a small handful of pine nuts, but not every day.
  • Almond also on the list of allowed products. But its excessive use will cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea. Eating almonds regularly will not approve of the animal's pancreas and may result in inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
  • Chestnut(the kind that people eat) will again fall under the unfriendly attitude of the pancreas. Therefore, chestnuts can sometimes only be pampered by a pet. And eating it once in large quantities causes diarrhea.
  • Brazilian nut offer in very small quantities. Given the size of this nut, treat no more than one per day. Otherwise, you will again have to meet with diarrhea.
  • Cashew not as fatty as its counterparts and this nut can be given in slightly larger quantities. It contains magnesium and calcium. But I do not recommend giving cashews only for feeding. It is better to buy vitamins or feed the animal with super-premium food, where the amount of vitamins is balanced.
  • Peanut- not a nut, but a fruit of the legume family. That is why peanuts are the most harmless type of "nuts" on the list. Dogs respect peanuts themselves and peanut butter (not salty). We make such a paste at home on our own and sometimes spoil our zwergschnauzer with a small ball (the size of a teaspoon) of this delicacy. Treating your pet with peanuts for the first time, see if there is an allergy to this product.

What nuts should not be given to dogs

Why nuts are dangerous for dogs

P.S. As you can see from the article, eating nuts in large quantities causes diarrhea. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of fats in nuts and the pancreas cannot withstand the load. Nuts are a heavy product. There is not so much benefit from them as nuts can be harmful. Vitamins are best obtained from other sources. Therefore, if you want to pamper your four-legged pet, treat him with pieces of fruit or a cracker.

And now watch a fascinating video of how a certain squirrel is trying to hide a nut in the fur of his dog friend.

Nuts are a very useful and even valuable food product, including for dogs. And you can diversify the menu of the animal, including some of the nuts, but not all.

First of all, it is worth remembering that nuts are very high-calorie foods, due to the high content of vegetable fat in them. Therefore, you need to give them very little. In addition, not all nuts are really useful for a dog.

What nuts are good for a dog

Pine nuts, peanuts and almonds are most suitable for dogs. Pine nuts contain, strengthen the immune system. They normalize blood composition and are recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, regulate metabolic processes and help with respiratory diseases.

Peanuts are actually not a nut, but a legume. It is the richest source of vegetable oils, protein, folic acid, amino acids, vitamins C, D, A, E, K, B1, B2, PP, as well as important minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. . Peanuts are beneficial for:

  • on the tissue of the heart,
  • nervous system
  • liver,
  • promotes cell renewal and growth,
  • It is used as a choleretic agent and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Almonds contain a lot of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, rich in B and E vitamins, iron, zinc. Almonds perfectly maintain healthy coat, skin and teeth of the animal, promote metabolism, cleanse the internal organs. However, it must be given very carefully to a dog with a weak stomach and intestines. In addition to these nuts, you can give your dog hazelnuts or hazelnuts.

Especially for an animal with cardiovascular problems. The substances contained in hazelnuts help to remove toxins from the body (especially from the liver), strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body. Sometimes a dog can be given a couple of walnut kernels, useful vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iodine.

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are also useful for the dog. They do not need to be fried, it is better to give the dog raw and peeled. Pumpkin seeds have an additional useful property - they provide prevention from worms. They are also rich in protein, zinc, iron and phosphorus.

Nuts to Avoid for Dogs

There are nuts that are dangerous to the health and even the life of a dog. First of all, it is nutmeg, and seizures. It can cause irreparable damage to the central nervous system of an animal.

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