A man wants to return after a breakup. Reborn like a Phoenix. Relationships after the return of a loved one

Has it ever happened that the ex pops up like the devil out of a snuffbox? He writes again, sends flowers, calls to meet, but not a word about what he wants to return you to. Usually, it's just a "need to talk" or a chance meeting on the way to work.

But you suffered for a year and threw it away in tears! And he, as if nothing had happened!

First, indignation passes in a wave, and then the thought returns on repeat: “Why not? And suddenly changed? Maybe he loves? And this is the biggest meanness of the situation.

The former, like a boomerang, flies unexpectedly and rarely by.

I'll tell you what happened to you, and why he needs you again. Read, understand, memorize!

So, 5 reasons for his comeback, which do not need to be conducted:

1. Revenge

Was it a chance meeting or he saw a new photo in your profile - it doesn't matter.

Such a man will sit on your head and dangle your legs.

2. Good sex

On the one hand, even a compliment addressed to you. You may even think that you were his “best”. But on the other hand ... yes, when he is in a new relationship, or has already stepped over after breaking up.

Many want sex, but few enjoy it.

If he felt good with you, and then was not impressed, he will come for more. And, most likely, he knows what you want, what you fantasize about.

Women's gloss for the most part claims that such a nostalgic is not a crime at all. Even the norm.

And he gives a bunch of arguments: convenient, safe, you can experiment, take the initiative.

But let's be honest... You broke up because there was a reason. In men and women, one of the leading roles is also taken over by emotional intimacy.

Yes. Maybe convenient. But pleasure as then - no one promised you. People are changeable not only in views, but also in preferences.

And nobody guarantees you safety. God alone knows who he slept with after you.

To warm up his interest can also be something that you chose to forget. And it encourages some to prove that he can still do it like no other.

Think carefully before agreeing. He will play enough and quit, and then you have to close another gestalt.

3. He is lonely

If we compare life, then the second often wins in the storyline.

Maybe he is bald (of course, not as cool as me :)). Or he got fat, fell into depression, his life does not add up as a whole (this, fortunately, bypassed me).

They knocked down his arrogance, because they want better, and you liked something more about him than “clothes”.

There are a couple of nuances. And let's be honest. He realized that you were generally good and wants to return to this state at YOUR expense.

Often this impulse is unconscious. Like happy childhood memories that you keep coming back to.

Honey, there's no need to save anyone. Everyone needs to work on themselves and on relationships at the same time. This is the whole point of personal growth.

4. You became successful

You got what you long dreamed of without his participation and help. This point is slightly different from the first point, although they are similar in one thing: success, like happiness, is different for everyone.

She wanted to travel, promoted a blog, organized an exhibition of her paintings and sold each for a million, and he insisted that there was no talent, that you couldn’t earn money from this.

I doubted, underestimated, instead of support and encouragement ...

“Sveta has already opened a beauty salon, Masha paints pictures, but not as cheap as you, but Irka, my classmate has already traveled all over Europe, where are you before her! Do you have any ideas?"

This is a success!

It doesn't matter who dumped who. He made me doubt myself - you can’t stay with such a man and return to him too.

Such men usually count themselves among the witnesses of your triumph. They believe that their pseudo-motivation became the main impetus to success.

If you have already tried on the role of "strong and independent" and the former suddenly appeared on the horizon - think about it. It's time to work hard on yourself.

Bring back the lost and forgotten femininity to attract worthy and strong men.

5. He wants to start over

Relations with the former develop as with an old frying pan.

You see a brand new and beautiful one in the window - with a non-stick coating and a heat-resistant handle, but you pass by. Because on an old woman, eggs are fried easier and tastier.

Likewise with men, you have two options: create and develop in new relationships with a new man, or get stuck in those that are easier and more familiar with the old one.

Honey, everything that is connected in the past takes energy to create the present. Think about it!

What are you missing?

If you look at his profile on Facebook again and remember before going to bed “how good it was then” - it's time to diversify life. Remember a forgotten hobby, go to, upgrade your personality, meet friends.

But, most importantly, live in the present!

Yes, there are good reasons why you can and sometimes even need to get in touch after breaking up. For example, you have a common child.

But this is a topic for another article. The approaches and psychology of interaction are also completely different. And a relationship is not even necessary for this.

Remember, you have a thousand chances to become happier.

With faith in you
Yaroslav Samoilov.

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Exes always come back - just like herpes😁😜 Most men will try to get back to their girlfriend after a breakup, even if it doesn't happen right away. And, frankly, the reasons why they do this are not the most noble.

1. Good s*x

Most guys don't want to miss out on a good s*x, and if the relationship doesn't work out, they'll try to keep at least the s*x. Then they begin the bagpipes: "I miss you, but I'm not ready for anything else yet." Almost unmistakable: he doesn't miss you, he misses you. Which, of course, is flattering, but to no avail.

2. He became less attractive and lost his arrogance.

Maybe he got fat or bald. Maybe he lost a lot of friends who used to boost his ego, and a lot of potential lovers who found themselves a better match. And you, on the contrary, have become prettier, acquired a bunch of fans. And then many men will want to return you in order to return some attention to themselves.

3. He thought you were a failure, but now you are successful.

He left you because he thought you didn't deserve his time. Maybe he was even ashamed of you in front of others. And now he noticed that you were successful, remembered how much you loved him, and decided that not everything is so bad.

4. You were his second choice and his new girlfriend dumped him.

The most popular reason for cheaters. They are torn between several options, but in the end they are left with nothing. They come with the words: "I had a difficult period" or "I did not appreciate what I had." Don't fall for it.

5. You make good money, but he has a crisis

He could leave you because you didn't earn as much as he wanted. But after the breakup, he himself lost his job, and now your earnings seem not so small compared to his lack of money. A typical hunter for a purse, and a woman's.

6. He wants to control you.

If he comes back just when you started to forget him, then he simply does not want to let you out of his control. It doesn't give you anything more, but it actively prevents you from living your life. This is not love.

7. He does not want to start all over again, but realized it too late

It is very difficult for men to meet new girls. At first, it seems to them that “the grass is greener” in the neighboring yard, but in fact, after parting, he realizes how much effort was spent on that relationship, and he does not want to spend so much energy on a new unknown person again.

8. You have become cooler

Maybe you lost a lot of weight after the breakup. Or she just took care of herself, changed her style, became more confident. Then the ex will definitely want to know the “new you”. But this is only a superficial, physical desire.

9. He misses all the good things that happened between you.

It seemed to him that he missed the bachelor life, but in fact, becoming lonely again, he understands what he lost and how good it was.

10. You became inaccessible.

As we often say, as hunters, men love the taste of the chase. When you were together, you were completely at his disposal. But now you are not available, and this is a new challenge for him.

11. He really changed

This is the rarest reason of all, but it still happens if a man really wants to change.

12. He wants to flatter himself

He wants to prove to himself that he can get you back if he wants to. He wants to flatter himself that you can’t forget him and are ready to take him back, no matter what. It's cruel, but it happens.

13. He regrets how he behaved with you

Guys often don't realize how badly a girl has been treated until she leaves. And then they start to regret. But the reunion after that still will not lead to anything. At first he can be good, but then, when he gets used to it again, he will start acting the same again.

Any person in his life went through such a test as parting with a loved one. It is very insulting and sad when you are abandoned, and you are deprived of the feelings that you had for a person.

But in order to better survive the moment of parting, there should be friends nearby who will calm you down in difficult times and always support you. Many ladies say: "do not worry, work up and come back." And in most cases, that is exactly what happens. A man leaves a girl, and then he realizes that he loves her and therefore returns.

Reasons for leaving

In fact, there are many reasons why a guy can leave and leave a girl. In some cases, the girl herself is to blame, sometimes it happens at the initiative of the guy. So, the reasons that encourage a man to end a relationship are as follows:

  • Tired of domestic relationships.
  • The guy found himself another.
  • He no longer likes his companion and passion has faded.
  • The man realized that it was love.
  • A man cannot support such a woman.
  • The man realized that he did not want to live a long life with you, you are not his man.
  • Your partner is scared by your relatives or friends.

Many women after a breakup begin to blame themselves for the fact that they behaved wrong. But you should not blame only yourself for parting, most often both partners are to blame for this.

What needs to be done to get a man back

Very often it depends on the behavior of a woman whether a man will return to her or not. The woman herself must push her chosen one to reconsider whether he really wants to continue the relationship. But in order to return the relationship, you need to act competently, calculating your every step and action.

To return a man to the family, you need to listen to the following recommendations:

  • After parting, you need to find a reason and meet a man. But only the meeting should go in a positive way, from which only positive emotions should remain. You can remember the joint pleasant moments and stories from life. You need to open up to a man on the other side so that he falls in love with you again and wants to continue the relationship.
  • A woman should show a man how beautiful she is and who he has lost. To do this, you need to change your image and buy new clothes.
  • If after parting a man is alone, then you need to provide him with warmth and tenderness, which he lacks so much.

But if a man left for another woman, then it is unlikely that he will be returned b. You just need to come to terms with it and understand that this is fate, and it’s better for you if you break up with a man now.

Why do men return

Life is complicated, and situations can be different in it. And when a man returns after a breakup, the woman begins to puzzle over the questions: why did he return? Is it worth it or not to take him into the family?

The following will describe common reasons why a man returns back to his family:

  • Having lived alone, a man understands that it is hard for him without his woman, and therefore, after weighing all the pros and cons, he nevertheless decides to return all relationships.
  • If a man left you just because of boredom, when he starts dating his mistress, he starts comparing two women. And when he realizes that the one he left is better, he leaves his mistress and returns to his beloved and unique.
  • If, after parting, a man finds out that someone has appeared with his ex, then he will want to return to her and achieve the location of the lady, as he understands what kind of woman he missed.
  • Men may return out of curiosity to see how their former companion lives. Typically, these relationships don't last long.
  • Rarely, but still, there are cases when a man realizes that he made a mistake and wants to return all previous relationships and correct mistakes.
  • If a man loves you very much, then even after parting, he will want to return to you, and he simply cannot imagine life without you.

Whether or not to accept a former life partner, every woman must decide. You need to understand what kind of relationship between you will be after the break. In general, it all depends on the specific situation and the behavior of partners in it. The reason for the separation of lovers must also be taken into account.

Relationships after the return of a loved one

If you nevertheless accepted back the man who left you, you need to prepare for the fact that your relationship may be somewhat different than those that proceeded before the breakup. But a woman must show her wisdom in order not to make the same mistakes.

Before accepting a loved one, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. Do you really love your partner?
  2. Do you confuse pity with love.
  3. You definitely need the person who once left you.
  4. Are you ready to change yourself and learn to compromise.
  5. Are you confident in your partner.

It should be borne in mind that for a good relationship, you need to work on yourself and change so that a man does not have a desire to leave you again.

For a relationship to be perfect, you need to adhere to the following tips:

  • No need to complain about your problems so as not to become boring for your partner.
  • You do not need to often argue with your partners and annoy him.
  • You need to be restrained and learn to be silent at the right moments.
  • You need to be sexy and satisfy your supper so that he feels good next to you.

First of all, a woman must love and respect her partner, only in this way the union will be long and strong.

There are situations when a man leaves forever, but you should not worry about this. You need to be glad that fate took you away from such a person and wait for a meeting with a partner worthy of you. No need to get hung up on one person, maybe he is not as good as you think. You need to reconsider your attitude towards your partner and understand that he is simply not worthy of you.

Quite often, women have a question, why do men always come back? Their psychology is like this. Firstly, by nature, the stronger sex is a hunter who is important to achieve love, and then, having reached the goal, lose interest in the conquered object in order to get what he wants again after a while. And secondly, they are selfish, believing that all women are at their feet, and even more so those who have already known his love. Although there are other reasons for the return of men to their ex. Here we'll talk about them.

10 reasons men return

  1. I don't want to start over. Relationships from scratch is a rather complicated process. First of all, you should always look decent - clean, shaved, smelling good and well dressed, because this is the only way to attract a beautiful person. Then she needs to be interested - look for topics for conversation, go on dates, etc., after that find common ground, establish friendships, gain trust, and after that you can talk about love. In a word, continuous problems. But men by nature try to avoid them as much as possible. Therefore, they strive to return to the place where everything is already established, to their comfort zone.
  2. He knows you best. He knows very well your habits, views on life, as, in principle, you know him. He will compare every woman with you, because you are a kind of starting point for him. And even your shortcomings for him can become virtues when he starts dating someone else. Since you have become his ideal.
  3. Memories. People usually remember only the good, so all the events associated with you pop up in his memory only in a positive way. That is, for him, you are a bright spot in his current gloomy life, full of troubles and worries. You made him happy, and he wants to repeat these moments again and again.
  4. He follows you on social media. It is believed that these are only women who love to spy on the lives of their exes. In fact, men also carefully read what his former passion publishes. But the most interesting thing is your photos, in which you are surprisingly attractive (thanks to photoshop). He admires you, notices how beautiful, fashionable, stylish and successful you are. He didn't know you like that. And to be convinced of this, he really wants to see you in order to hear firsthand about the successes.
  5. He has changed for the better and wants to brag about it. Perhaps you were with him for several years, during which you tried to make him more successful, more respectable, more beautiful, smarter, etc. But he resisted as best he could. But years passed, and he became what you wanted him to be. And now he wants to show you an improved version of himself, so that you realize who you lost and regret it very much.
  6. He misses you. Men can have a lot of reasons for breaking up with you, perhaps even very valid ones. Now he is very remorseful and admits his mistake. After all, we always dream about what we do not have. When he was with you, he dreamed of another, but, having lost you, he realized that you had become his dream.
  7. Others are no better than you. He broke up with you thinking he would be happier with someone else. After all, there are so many beautiful women around him and all of them need to be known. But literally after several unsuccessful experiences with the fair sex, he comes to the conclusion that no matter how many beautiful and interesting people of the opposite sex are around, you are the best, because he was so happy with you.
  8. Intimacy After all, he already had an intimacy with you, so why not repeat it again? This is how every man argues, by nature they skillfully separate intimacy and close spiritual relationships. Even if he has a pretty and interesting partner, and you are happy with another guy, he still sees nothing wrong with meeting and getting close a couple of times. After all, you are such relatives ...
  9. Jealousy. If you broke up many years ago, he still considers himself your main man in life, to whom you must be faithful until the end of your days. He is especially annoyed by the fact that you can be happy with another. Men do not like to lose, and even if he no longer loves you, he is simply infuriated that someone can please and delight you. After all, only he can do it.
  10. You can't resist his charm. Well, at least he thinks so. No matter how long ago you broke up with him, he believes that at any moment he can return to you, because you will always love him. Perhaps, in some ways, the man is right: all the same, each of us has memories of how it was once good with him: you were younger, more carefree and more attractive, you were loved, wanted and desired.

Most likely, there are other reasons why men return to their exes, but the fact that each of them wants to return the former beautiful moments is a fact. Such is the male psychology. And, perhaps, you will even agree to meet him and in the depths of your soul you will be happy, but on the other hand, does it make sense to enter the same river twice? Decide yourself…

When a man does something that a woman can't explain, she starts asking questions, trying to find answers and get good advice. Psychologists do not recommend following all the advice given by others, as they may be incorrect and inapplicable in a particular case. Still, every woman must independently answer the question of why the former man who first left her wants to return to her.

They say that male psychology is different from female. The specialists of the women's site site will simply say that men and women find different motives in specific situations, although by and large they would do the same. If we consider the reasons for the man’s departure and desire to return, then it can be noted that the woman would do the same if she were guided by his views on the world.

Why do exes come back?

There were relationships. Separated. Time has passed - and suddenly a former partner calls you or comes to visit. What's happened? Why did you return? Why to you and not to another person? Similar questions arise for all women who are faced with the situation of the return of an ex-man. Unfortunately, even the most harmless partners cannot give full confidence that something else, more selfish and humiliating, is not hidden behind their words about love and the desire to renew friendly relations. The return of an ex who has been absent from your life for some time will undoubtedly raise doubts, suspicions and questions.

In order to understand the reasons for the return of a former man into your life, you should be attentive to any of his manifestations. Often people return to a past life only because real events do not give them the warmth, comfort and love that they received earlier. Thus, any former partner returns because his real life does not please him with the same positive colors as past relationships.

More specific reasons for the return can only be learned from the words or actions of the person himself. Unfortunately, partners do not always return because they love, have realized their mistakes and want to improve by renewing the relationship. Rarely can an ex be called a loving person who sincerely wants to return his love. They often come back because you can get some benefit from communication. Perhaps you are successful, rich, famous, you have good business connections, you can love, you are good at intimate caresses, etc. Most likely, they returned to you precisely because you know how to do something much better than your current partner Yours Therefore, do not believe the sweet speeches of the returnee, since you may suffer very much from your gullibility.

Often people try to return past relationships because they are lonely. They do not have favorite partners now, and being alone is unbearable. So they are looking for someone to shelter in order to warm up, fall in love, and then leave again to look for true love.

How to understand why your ex returned to you? Literally from the first minutes of the meeting, be attentive to absolutely any words, actions and reactions of a person. Don't overlook any of the positive and negative flaws.

If your ex really wants to return because he loves you, corrects his mistakes in order to renew the relationship, then he will not only talk about it, but also demonstrate it vividly. He will respectfully communicate with you, listen to you and answer your questions without any concealment. He will be patient and calm. If you see that a person has really changed, removed those actions that he did next to you, you can say that he really wants to renew his lost love with you.

If the man returned not out of love, but for some selfish motives, then by his behavior and actions you will notice that he has not changed at all. He can be rude to you and immediately apologize, blame your gender, complain about his miserable life, or even manipulate you with how good it once was that children need both parents, etc. Remember that this is just the beginning, which is clumsily hidden. But when a person relaxes, he will take up the old things that once divorced you, and new negative habits that he has developed with other partners will also be added.

If you want to know the real motives for returning a loved one, follow two important rules:

  1. Give yourself time. Don't take your ex back literally on the first day. Give yourself at least a month to connect with the person, get to know their motivations, and get to know them in a new way, because they have changed, just like you, in the time you have not seen each other.
  2. Try to refuse a person. Refuse to return to the former partner! A person who loves will be upset, but will behave calmly, respectfully, with the intention that he will still try to win you back. A person who returns to you because you are comfortable with him in some way may behave inappropriately (he will start screaming, insulting, looking for ways to leave quickly, offended, etc.).

The return of an ex is a joyful event, especially if you love him. However, such a holiday can end quickly if you do not find out the real reasons for the return of a loved one. In addition, you can become even more disappointed or drive yourself to depression, deep suffering, and even suicide if you return to an ex who eventually leaves you again. Love yourself! Respect yourself! Protect your personal space until you are sure of the intentions of the other person! Don't let some loser or selfish person ruin the life you've been building for so long.

Why did the ex-boyfriend come back?

Consider the most common reasons why an ex-man returned:

  • He remembered how good he felt. Either he is lonely, so he missed the female affection and care, or he was disappointed in the new lady, to whom he left the former. The most interesting thing is that soon a man can again leave the one to which he returned.
  • He is jealous of other men. If a woman is not discouraged and does not miss her ex, and he considers her property, then he can come with her, as if they are still dating.
  • He took a walk and returned home. Here the reason lies in the fact that the man left in order to have fun, be free, work up. However, when he gets tired of fun and noise, he again returns to the house, where it is warm and cozy. As soon as a man licks all his wounds, eats, sleeps off, he will again leave his cozy house for a walk.
  • He changed his mind and realized that the former was his destiny. This option is quite rare. However, often a man who considers his ex to be destiny then changes his mind and leaves again when he is faced with the problems that caused him to leave her.

Once in the period after a breakup, a woman often thinks about whether she should return her ex-lover. This desire is most often a desire to get rid of the oppressive pain that overcomes right now, and the loneliness that is so unbearable. But in fact, she may even understand that nothing good will come of the resumption of relations. So, is it worth getting your ex back?

To answer this question, remember everything that hurt you in a relationship with him. He cheated, insulted you, went out with friends, came home drunk, beat you. You didn't know what else he could do to bring you heartache. And now you are sitting and still thinking about whether it is worth returning all that why fate has now taken you away?

Understand that everything that has happened to you before will continue to happen if your relationship is renewed. A person very rarely changes, and even more so if he sees some interest in those actions that bring you pain. He can tell you that he does not want to do something. But when a person does not want to do something, he does not do it! Then why does your partner keep doing what he wants to get rid of? All right, because he gets some interest from his actions. This means that he will never change, because they do not refuse what brings at least some.

Stop feeling sorry for your ex-lover. Pity, unfortunately, is inherent in women, since they are still mothers, present or future. But remember that you are not your man's mother. He and you are adults, which means that it makes no sense for either of you to show your pity towards the other. If each of you does something, then he does it only because he himself decided so. Each of you makes your own choice - and there is no need to show pity for anything.

You create your own life. And if you want to return to the one who hurt you, then you voluntarily give your happiness into the hands of someone who does not know how to make others happy. Do not be afraid to hurt a loved one, because otherwise it is sometimes impossible to give another understanding that you need to be respected and loved. Nothing good comes out of not hurting you, and you've probably learned this already when you put up with your loved one's antics. You did not talk about your desires, did not limit him, did not deprive him of communication with you. You just endured in the hope that things would change. But a person will never change anything if he has not already done so at your very first request.

Therefore, do not rely on the fact that separation has changed anything in the mind of your loved one. Most likely, upon the resumption of your relationship, all the pain will return. And you will again endure in regret that you nevertheless allowed yourself to return, and did not give yourself the opportunity to suffer and forget.

Why does a man want to return in the end?

A man can also leave and then try to return to a woman. He does this because so far this woman suits him more than those whom he still knows. Since a man can rarely be alone, he still looks for that breast on which he can lean.

However, quite often a man leaves the one to which he returned. This will happen sooner or later, when problems arise again in the relationship, because of which the lovers first parted. After all, returning is not a solution to the problem that caused the partners to part. If the lovers reconciled, but did not eliminate the problem that caused them to part, then the separation will happen again.

The man will come back and then leave again. This suggests that in fact he is looking for temporary comfort, and not a permanent beloved, whom he misses. You can make a mistake the first time. But if there was a repeated gap, then for the second time it definitely should not converge. A man no longer appreciates the feelings of that woman, whom, like a boomerang, he either throws, then returns back. This means that he does not perceive her at all as a person who needs to be respected.

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