Urinary incontinence in older dogs treatment. Urinary incontinence: causes and treatment

Urinary incontinence in puppies is a fairly common pathology, manifested by the release of urine during sleep, urination in inappropriate places, between walks, involuntarily during physical activity. Occurs in puppies of any gender, starting from 3-4 one month old. The following diseases are usually associated with urinary incontinence:

  • urocystitis or other urinary tract infection;
  • diseases that are accompanied by polydipsia (high fluid intake) and polyuria ( increased secretion urine) occurs secondarily;
  • weakness of the bladder sphincter, often found in females;
  • ectopic ureter - a pathology in which the ureter originates in the kidneys and flows into the urethra or vagina, and not into bladder. This pathology is characteristic of puppies (mainly Labrador retrievers) and is treated surgically;
  • spinal injury in the lower lumbar region and spinal cord, mainly due to injury. Pathology requires surgical treatment, which consists of decompressing the pinched area directly responsible for the innervation of the sphincter and bladder.

Causes of urinary incontinence in puppies may include:

Uncleanliness that arose due to improper training or training of the puppy.

Males mark territory or females during sexual activity. Don't forget that puberty in dogs it can begin before one year of age.

True incontinence is its spontaneous separation, leakage of urine or stress incontinence, predominantly occurs in overly impressionable and nervous puppies. This condition goes away with age and proper training.

Can't be called incontinence constant urination puppy in a living area, conscious urination in in the wrong place, which is the result of poor upbringing. If such phenomena are repeated too often, then it is necessary to contact veterinarian to exclude possible illness which was given above. This may require additional diagnostics:

  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity for exclusion urolithiasis, urocystitis and ectopic ureters;
  • X-ray examination for the diagnosis of urolithiasis and spinal injuries.
  • Submission of urine for general clinical examination to detect inflammation (urocystitis) or urolithiasis.

Treatment of urinary incontinence is mainly symptomatic and pathogenetic: therapy using antibiotics when inflammation is detected, antispasmodics for urolithiasis or urocystitis. If there are stones (uroliths) in the bladder, surgery. To restore the tone of the bladder sphincter, the sympathomimetic Propalin is prescribed. In case of excessive nervous excitability and impressionability, anti-stress medications are used and the puppy’s training is adjusted.

The article was prepared by doctors of the therapeutic department "MEDVET"
© 2016 SEC "MEDVET"

Involuntary or inappropriate urination or defecation in dogs should not always be considered as behavioral problem resulting from poor training. In this article you will find information about the main causes of this problem.

Did you know?

Urinary incontinence is especially common in female dogs after. About 10-20% of dogs experience urinary incontinence after surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries.

The terms urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence refer to the involuntary loss of bladder and bowel control. Despite the fact that 30% of dogs defecate indoors due to behavioral basis, owners must understand that the cause of this can also be disease. When loss of bladder or bowel control is caused by illness, these symptoms can only be relieved by proper treatment.

Urinary incontinence in dogs

There are certain medical conditions that can increase the risk of incontinence in dogs. These are some of the factors that contribute to loss of bladder control.

Infections: Loss of control bladder, may be a sign of a bladder infection. Bladder infections, in medical environment called cystitis, are characterized by inflammation of its mucous membrane. Bacterial infections can enrich urine with alkalis. This can lead to the formation of struvite stones. These stones irritate the bladder, increasing the risk of incontinence.

Treatment: Treatment options depend on the nature of the infection. Before collecting a urine sample through cystosynthesis, antibiotics may be recommended wide range. To diagnose stones, an x-ray or ultrasound is required. If stones are still found in the bladder, surgery may be required to remove them.

Prostate problems: Prostatitis means inflammation prostate gland in male dogs. The development of a prostate abscess can also make the dog susceptible to loss of bladder control. Sometimes recommended for the treatment of prostate problems surgical removal prostate gland. This surgery may cause urinary or fecal incontinence.

Treatment: Treatment of infections and inflammation may require a course of pharmacotherapy. In some cases, sterilization is recommended to relieve symptoms of prostate inflammation.

Hormonal incontinence: It is also called sphincter incontinence. This condition is characterized by weakness of the sphincter or valva muscles located at the neck of the bladder. This valve controls the flow of urine. Urine leakage occurs because the muscle stops contracting while the dog is resting or sleeping. Because estrogen helps maintain muscle tone sphincter, surgical removal of dogs' ovaries and uterus may increase the risk of incontinence. In addition, the older the dog, the higher the chance of this disease occurring.

Treatment: The drug phenylpropanolamine can effectively enhance the muscle tone of the urethra. In particular severe cases a combination of estrogens and alpha-adrenergic agonists may be prescribed. Small doses of diethylstilbestrol are recommended for sterilized female dogs.

Ectopic ureters: Congenital anomaly, in which the ureter, instead of the bladder, opens into the uterine cavity, urethra or vagina. Dogs belonging to breeds such as golden retriever, Labrador Retriever and wheaten terrier, are more susceptible to this. More than half of dogs suffering from ureteral ectopia have a weak bladder sphincter. This disease is characterized by constant or periodic leakage of urine.

Treatment: This disease requires surgery. During the operation, a new hole is made through which urine will enter the bladder and then be removed from the body.

Dog owners need to understand that incontinence is a disease. Punishment or training will not help here. Of course, the problem of indoor defecation can be solved with diapers, but to find out the real reason incontinence, you should consult your veterinarian.

P.S.: All information provided in this article is intended solely to broaden the reader's horizons. It is not a substitute for advice from a qualified veterinarian.

Uncontrolled involuntary urination– Urinary incontinence in dogs occurs for various reasons.

If you domestic dog When such a problem begins, it cannot but disturb the owner and make him suspect the worst. The opinion that incontinence is characteristic only of older dogs is largely erroneous, which is why owners often turn to veterinary clinic. It is much easier for them to transfer the animal to street keeping, or many even insist on euthanasia, believing that this is the only method of solving the problem.

Incontinence is not a death sentence; with the help of modern veterinary medicine treatment methods, this disease is very easy to cure.

Forms of pathology

It is customary to distinguish several groups of diseases that are accompanied by urinary incontinence:

Cystitis or other genital tract infection;

Diseases that are accompanied by polydipsia (high fluid intake);

Bladder sphincter weakness, common in females;

Ectopic ureters. A condition where the ureter originates in the kidneys and drains into the rectum or vagina. This pathology is typical of puppies (mainly Labradors and retrievers) and can be treated surgically;

Damage to the spine in the lower lumbar region and spinal cord. An operation is required, which consists of decompressing the pinched area, which is directly responsible for the innervation of the sphincter and bladder.

Causes of urinary incontinence in dogs

True incontinence is spontaneous separation, leakage or stress incontinence, mainly occurring in overly impressionable and nervous dogs.

Uncleanliness that arose due to improper training or training of the dog.

Males mark territory or females during sexual activity.

Senile, age-related incontinence, which is associated with weakening reflex activity urinary system.

Constant soiling by a dog in a living room cannot be called incontinence; conscious elimination of need is the result of poor upbringing. If such phenomena are repeated too often, then you should observe the dog, and of course consult a veterinarian to rule out a possible disease.

Urinary incontinence in older dogs or other age category, requires determining the cause; for this it is necessary to conduct a number of studies:

A general urine test is taken several times for diagnosis. inflammatory processes in the urinary tract, diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus;

General and biochemical blood test (diagnostics of chronic renal failure);

Blood test for diagnosing endocrine diseases;

Ultrasound. Exclusion of urolithiasis, prostatitis and ectopic ureters;

X-ray examination for the diagnosis of urolithiasis and spinal injuries.

When your dog shows the first signs of urinary incontinence, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian before complications arise, which manifest themselves in the form of dermatitis and bedsores.

Urinary incontinence in old dog may be due to weakness of the bladder sphincter. This is treated symptomatically with hormone therapy and the use of sympathomimetics.

Therapy and problem solving

Treatment for urinary incontinence in dogs.Mainly symptomatic therapy using antibiotics, antispasmodics for urolithiasis or cystitis. If there are uralite stones in the bladder, surgical intervention is performed. To restore the tone of the bladder sphincter, the sympathomimetic propalin is prescribed. In case of excessive nervous excitability and impressionability, complex anti-stress drugs are used.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor.

Is it possible to do something if a dog pees with joy when it sees its owner?

It is possible, this condition usually manifests itself in impressionable and excitable dogs. Sedatives are usually prescribed.

How quickly can urinary incontinence be cured?

It all depends on the timeliness of contacting a doctor; only in this case can the cause be established and urinary incontinence eliminated.

Veterinary center "DobroVet":

An adult dog must endure and learn to ask to go outside. But, voluntary urination can be a behavioral abnormality in the relationship between owner and dog. Sometimes an animal makes a puddle to spite its owner.

Determining the cause of urinary incontinence allows you to choose effective treatment, which can save the owner and the dog from troubles.

If you have a yard and the possibility of equipping an insulated kennel, it may seem that the problem is easily solved. But a change of residence will kill a sick dog. The decision to contact a veterinary specialist in this situation seems to be the only correct one.


There are pathological urinary incontinence and abnormalities of the dog's character. Among the indisputable reasons are the following:

  • Cystitis. Occurs due to hypothermia or infection of the urinary bladder.
  • Bladder sphincter paresis.
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract.
  • Obesity.
  • Old age.
  • Congenital anomaly of the structure of the ureters. They fall into rectum or vagina, bypassing the bladder.
  • Sterilization. Caused by changes in hormone concentrations.
  • Damage to the spine or spinal cord.
  • Oncological disease.
  • Mental disorder.
  • Polydipsia. Excessive water consumption. It is a symptom of the following diseases:
  1. Purulent inflammation of the uterus.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Hypercortisolism is increased secretion of pituitary hormones.
  4. Renal failure.

If urinary incontinence is caused by a disease, then paruria (pain) or pollakiuria (increased urge) occurs. The dog sits down to excrete, but it does not occur.

Behavioral urination occurs when marking territory during the rutting period, as well as to greet the leader of the pack in the person of the owner. Similar behavior also manifests itself in relation to other members of the pack, to whom the dog obeys. IN the latter case the dog can control the process.

If a dog makes puddles to spite its owner, there are two options for correction: patient training or sterilization. Enuresis during the first heat does not require treatment. A young bitch should be taken for walks more often and not scolded.


Establishing the causes of enuresis requires studying the anamnesis, standard and biochemical tests urine and blood, specific studies. In most situations, it will be necessary to exclude diseases with similar symptoms. For polydipsia, an ultrasound is required.

If diagnosis is difficult, an examination of the vagina, rectum, urography with contrast agent. If behavioral enuresis is suspected, a neurological examination is performed.


Timely seeking veterinary help eliminates enuresis in 70% of cases. In obese, old and

Dog urinary incontinence (incontinence) is a condition in which a domesticated, trained dog loses control of its bladder. It varies in severity from the occasional appearance of a small puddle to regular urination indoors.

Characteristic symptoms

To distinguish the disease from embarrassment or disobedience, remember that with enuresis, the same symptoms appear in dogs of any breed.

No guilt

When urinating due to pranks or unwillingness to go outside, the dog knows that it has violated the ban. Her behavior shows signs of fear or remorse. With incontinence, dogs do not feel guilty for the appearance of a puddle. They can urinate even in the room where the owner is.

Wet bed

A healthy dog ​​will never relieve himself in a place to sleep. If he feels the urge to urinate at night, he will whine near his owner or make a puddle on the floor near the door. A damp bed and the smell of urine on the fur - characteristic features enuresis.

Redness of the genitals

During illness urinary system In dogs, the composition of urine changes. It increases the concentration of substances that irritate delicate skin genitals. To reduce pain, dogs constantly lick the external genitalia. As a result, they swell a little and turn bright pink.

Causes of incontinence

Urinary incontinence in 1-2 one month old puppy- a common occurrence. At this age, the baby has not yet learned to control the urinary apparatus. In addition, he is not taken outside until the first vaccination. Over time, a healthy dog ​​will get used to the new daily routine. Uncontrollable urination in adult dogs it has its own reasons.


The joy of meeting the owner or fear of enemies is often manifested by the release of a small amount of urine. This behavioral feature cannot be cured or corrected. The dog will leave puddles in stressful situations for the rest of his life. This is especially true for dog breeds with a nervous temperament:

  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Labrador;
  • Doberman Pinscher;
  • Airedale;
  • poodle.

During a dog's heat, urinary incontinence is common. So, during the period of estrus, the bitch feels nagging pain lower abdomen. Urination helps her relieve pressure and prepare for mating. To keep your apartment clean, you need to buy special diapers for animals.


The most common acquired causes are: age-related changes body. Older pets of any breed often suffer from weakened smooth muscles. The sphincter of the bladder can no longer fully retain urine. In this case, owners should adjust the diet and be patient with physiological characteristics elderly friend.

In addition to old age, acquired causes include castration of a pet. After an animal has been spayed or neutered, it hormonal background has changed dramatically. Lack of sex hormones leads to weakened tone internal muscles. Treatment includes taking medicines, sphincter suturing surgery.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Uncontrolled urination in dogs can be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • pyometra;
  • spinal injuries;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

But most often, veterinarians identify the following diseases.


When an infection gets into the bladder, urethra or kidneys, the animal develops cystitis. The reasons for its appearance are hypothermia, constipation, circulatory pathologies, low immunity. Symptoms of the disease - frequent urge to urination, the appearance of blood, mucus, pus in the urine. The dog becomes restless and runs away when trying to feel the stomach.

After evaluating the test results, the veterinarian prescribes antibacterial agent to inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Next, you can use homeopathy recipes and strengthen your pet’s body with decoctions medicinal herbs. At severe pain Analgesics and antispasmodics will help.


Inflammation urethra affects males more often due to anatomical features reproductive system of dogs. Their urethra is more sensitive to various infections.

Urethritis is considered extremely dangerous disease, since the inflamed mucous membrane causes stagnation of urine. Because of this, intoxication of the animal’s entire body develops.

First aid is provided by a veterinarian in a clinic setting. He catheterizes the urethra to force urine out. Next, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic tablets are prescribed. After completing the course, you can be treated using traditional medicine.


This is the name of the condition in which salt crystals form in the cavities of the excretory system. The cause of the disease is an untreated infection, poor nutrition, obesity, lack of exercise. In addition to urinary incontinence, symptoms include the appearance of blood in urine, painful urination, lethargy, lack of appetite.

Urolithiasis is treated complex therapy. To relieve inflammation, the veterinarian prescribes antibiotics, antispasmodics, and painkillers. Physiotherapeutic procedures are used to crush stones and facilitate the outflow of urine. A special diet And drinking regime help restore health and strengthen immunity.

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