Copious discharge in the morning. Treatment of pathological whitish discharge. Which doctor should I contact if I have abnormal vaginal discharge?

White vaginal discharge does not always indicate a disease. All women should learn to distinguish normal from pathological vaginal discharge. We will look at the situations and reasons that cause white vaginal discharge and write down approximate instructions for action.

When leucorrhoea is normal

Normally, a woman always has discharge, but in most cases it is so light and unnoticeable that she does not pay attention to it. In some cases, leucorrhoea becomes more pronounced.

1. During sexual arousal and after sexual intercourse. Leucorrhoea discharge from the vagina after intimacy can last for about a day. If nothing else bothers you, there is no need to see a doctor, especially since a gynecological examination in this case will not be very informative.

2. White-yellow vaginal discharge appears in large quantities in the second phase of the cycle, closer to ovulation. During ovulation itself, the discharge becomes abundant, watery, and mucous. This lasts 1-2 days and does not require any treatment, as it is caused by normal cyclic hormonal changes in the body.

3. During pregnancy. Especially in the first trimester. Due to changes in hormonal levels, the amount of leucorrhoea in expectant mothers increases sharply. Many of them cannot do without daily sanitary pads. This should not cause concern and will go away on its own. Only the appearance of blood or brown streaks in the leucorrhoea is dangerous.

When to see a doctor:

  • white vaginal discharge accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • itching appeared against the background of leucorrhoea;
  • Ulcers appeared on the mucous membrane of the labia.

How to help yourself before consulting a doctor, preventive measures

Female genital organs require careful care. Many of us do not perform the toilet of the genital organs correctly, which is why various types of inflammatory processes occur. Firstly, about washing. You need to wash from front to back and no other way, otherwise you risk introducing discharge from the rectum into the vagina.

You need to wash with plain water. Only baby soap can be used. No housekeeping! As an option, use special intimate care products that can be purchased at pharmacies.

Frequent douching for no reason. Douching will not protect against pregnancy and is completely unnecessary for a healthy woman. This way you can only harm the vaginal microflora.

However, if white, curd-like discharge from the vagina appears, severe itching, and you cannot get to a doctor immediately, you can use douching as an emergency measure with solutions to normalize the vaginal microflora, they are also sold in the pharmacy. But you can use different herbs only at your own peril and risk, since herbs are the strongest allergens.

Let's talk more about allergens. Lubricants - products that are used to moisturize the labia before sexual intercourse - can be a strong allergen. Even water-based lubricants can cause white, thick discharge and itching.

Another common allergen is condoms. Allergy to latex is not uncommon.

And another provocateur of allergic reactions is soap and other products that are used for intimate care, but are not intended for this.

If you have a regular partner, you are confident in your health and in his, then you can think about what could cause such a reaction and exclude the influence of the allergen.

But in any case, consulting a doctor will not hurt, since the causes of white discharge are most often candidiasis and gardnerellosis, which require treatment.

Pathogenic microflora of the vagina

Candida and gardnerella - the causative agents of candidiasis (thrush) and gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis) are normally found in the vaginal microflora. They are opportunistic microorganisms. However, under certain conditions their number begins to increase sharply, and then the woman develops unpleasant symptoms in the form of heavy discharge and itching. The development of both the first and second diseases can be provoked by douching, taking antibiotics, sexually transmitted infections, and various conditions in which a decrease in immunity is observed.

Candidiasis and gardnerellosis are similar in symptoms, but require different treatment, so it is very important not to try to diagnose yourself. Even a doctor will not be able to tell “by eye” what is wrong with you, only based on the results of a smear on the flora. Speaking of test results. It often happens that women come to see a gynecologist with one problem, but during the examination the doctor notices “pathological” discharge, takes a smear, which ultimately turns out to be normal, but still prescribes treatment. It is not right. The disease needs to be treated. The diagnosis of candidiasis and gardnerellosis is made only on the basis of positive symptoms and abnormalities as a result of a smear on the flora.

If we talk about external differences in the course of these two pathologies, they consist in differences in the consistency of discharge, color and smell. With candidiasis, the discharge looks like cottage cheese, is snow-white in color with a sour odor. With gardnerellosis, the discharge is thick, very abundant, with a greenish tint and the smell of rotten fish.

If you want to get reliable information about your health, before going to the doctor, do not douche, do not treat with suppositories and vaginal tablets, and do not have sex. Gynecological examination and testing should be performed outside of menstruation. By the way, about menstruation. It helps to temporarily get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but the relief is usually temporary, and very soon, if treatment is not carried out and the cause of the growth of pathogenic vaginal microflora is not identified, itching and discharge return.

Liquid discharge in women are the result of the physiological activity of glandular structures located in the genital tract. The presence of liquid vaginal discharge is not a pathology, but an increase in its volume, change in color and consistency sometimes implies the development of a local pathological process.

Complaints about vaginal discharge are the leading (90%) among others when visiting a doctor. Meanwhile, not every patient with a similar complaint is diagnosed with pathology after examination.

Any discharge is the result of the secretion of glandular structures located in the submucosal layer of the vagina, as well as the glands of the cervix of the cervical canal. Vaginal discharge is necessary for the genital tract, as it performs several important functions:

- Moisturizing. Moist mucous membranes are not subject to damaging mechanical effects when the body is in motion. Also, moisturizing the epithelium allows you to avoid the unpleasant feeling of discomfort and injury during intimacy.

- Exchange and nutrition. The glandular secretion that washes epithelial cells is involved in metabolic processes so that the cells can receive the necessary nutrients and be freed from unnecessary waste products.

- Cleansing. The vaginal epithelium has a layered structure (stratified squamous epithelium). The surface layer is in a state of constant renewal, when “old” cells are exfoliated and new ones appear in their place. With the help of vaginal secretions, dead cells are eliminated from the surface of the mucous membranes.

- Protection. The vaginal environment has a constant microbial composition and acidity level. This consistency protects the mucous membranes from infectious aggression and inflammation. With good immune protection, the mucous membranes successfully cope with incipient inflammation with the help of secretions. To prevent unwanted microbes from penetrating into the deeper layers and causing disease, the glandular structures begin to produce more secretion, which “washes away” the microbes and prevents them from penetrating deeper.

The contents of the vagina consist not only of transudate of stratified epithelium. It also contains the secretion of the cervical glands; it has a thicker, mucus-like consistency and forms the so-called mucous “plug”. Cervical mucus performs several important tasks:

— The cervical “plug” is a mechanical obstacle to unwanted microbes and substances that can penetrate the uterine cavity.

— Thanks to the alkaline reaction, cervical secretion has a bactericidal effect.

— The viscosity of cervical mucus directly depends on the amount of estrogen and changes according to the phases of the menstrual cycle. By the time of ovulation, the contents of the cervical canal become less viscous.

So, liquid discharge in women is a normal, physiologically based phenomenon.

The concept of “normal” for discharge is very conditional. As a rule, a woman herself determines the nature of the discharge, comparing it with her individual norm.

Sometimes heavy fluid discharge is associated with natural causes: stress, changes in climatic conditions, sexual arousal and the like. Most women notice an increase in the amount of discharge on the eve of menstruation. As a rule, an increase in the amount of discharge of a physiological nature is episodic and goes away on its own.

There are indirect signs of pathological liquid discharge. As a rule, they often differ from “normal” ones in appearance and/or smell, and may also contain unusual inclusions in the form of streaks of blood, white flakes or lumps, or pus.

It should be noted that for the diagnosis of gynecological pathology, it is not the quantity of discharge that is important, but its bacterial and cellular composition, which are determined in the laboratory.

Causes of liquid discharge

As mentioned above, the secretory function of the vagina and cervix is ​​a physiological process that ensures the normal functioning of the mucous membranes of the genital tract. In fact, the glands are an integral part of any mucous membrane lining the genital tract and organs, and often the presence of pathology can be judged by the nature of their functioning.

For the first time, liquid discharge appears in girls on the eve (about a year before) the start of menstruation, when the ovaries complete their development and begin to function fully. If discharge appears in girls aged 10–12 years, it is impossible to talk about “the norm”. Gradually, vaginal discharge acquires individual characteristics and practically does not change them until menopause.

Copious liquid discharge does not correlate with pathology if it:

- do not have an unpleasant “stale” smell;

- look homogeneous, transparent or whitish;

The amount of discharge is affected by emotional stress, hormonal status, climatic conditions and even age. Abundant liquid discharge can be caused by harmless natural causes, namely:

— Changes in the concentration of sex hormones, especially estrogens. Estrogen peaks in the middle of the cycle, so during ovulation the amount of discharge increases to its maximum.

— Incorrect intimate hygiene. Excessive enthusiasm for all kinds of douching, contrary to the expected positive effect, often harms the vaginal epithelium, as it contributes to the “washing out” of not only unwanted, but also beneficial microflora.

Pathological abundant liquid discharge is often provoked by an infectious process, including one of a specific origin. They also accompany hormonal dysfunction.

It should be noted that it is quite difficult to establish the reliable etiology of heavy discharge based on appearance, since there is no clear relationship between the color, amount of leucorrhoea and its cause, therefore a laboratory study of its composition is necessary.

White liquid discharge

The white color of heavy discharge cannot indicate its cause, and it is also not always associated with pathology. Both natural and pathological discharge can be white.

Normal secretions contain lactobacilli and surface epithelial cells, which are constantly renewed. When there are a little more epithelial cells, the discharge looks white.

Abundant white liquid discharge may indicate a disturbance in the composition of the vaginal microflora. A healthy vaginal microenvironment has a constant composition and is represented by lactobacilli and opportunistic microorganisms: streptococci, staphylococci, anaerobes, mycoplasmas, gardnerella, E. coli, and so on. Each woman has her own unique composition of microbial associations, but the quantitative ratio of lactic acid and opportunistic flora is always constant. Lactobacilli outnumber (98%) the rest of the microflora and maintain a constant acidity of the environment (pH 3.8 - 4.5) through the synthesis of lactic acid.

Opportunistic microflora is not able to multiply intensively in an acidic environment, and also due to its small number, so it does not cause harm to the mucous membranes. If the number of lactobacilli decreases, the vacated space is filled by other, unwanted microorganisms, and a change in acidity provokes their proliferation. Thus, a dysbiotic disorder of non-inflammatory origin is formed.

Bacterial vaginosis does not have pronounced clinical manifestations, since it is not accompanied by inflammation. More often it has only one symptom - copious white liquid discharge like water, with the smell of rotten fish. If the processes of dysbiosis in the vagina are present for a long time, the discharge becomes thicker and, accordingly, somewhat darker.

The vaginal microflora is constantly exposed to the negative influence of various factors that change its quantitative composition. This can be stress, temperature fluctuations (hypothermia or, on the contrary, overheating), infectious diseases, frequent changes of sexual partners, short-term hormonal dysfunction, and others. Possessing the ability of self-regulation, healthy mucous membranes restore microbial balance without outside interference, so short-term disruption of microbiocenosis does not lead to negative consequences and does not require therapy. However, long-term exposure depletes the protective properties of the mucous membranes and inevitably provokes the development of local inflammation.

Since bacterial vaginosis does not have specific symptoms and is not accompanied by local inflammatory phenomena, its diagnosis is sometimes difficult. To distinguish normality from pathology, it is necessary to study the state of the vaginal microflora. The fastest and most reliable method of primary diagnosis is rapid testing of vaginal contents to determine the acidity level. The degree of pH deviation is correlated with a specific pathology. The microbial composition of secretions, including the content of lactobacilli, can be determined using laboratory tests (cultures, smears).

Violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora can provoke excessive growth of fungal microflora, in particular Candida fungi. Mushrooms are present in small quantities in the vagina of healthy women. When the composition of the microenvironment changes and local immune defense mechanisms decrease, fungi begin to vegetate intensively and provoke an inflammatory process -.

Among the complaints of patients with candidal inflammation, the leading ones are vaginal itching and copious white liquid discharge. They often contain specific inclusions in the form of white flakes or lumps, so they look like sour milk or cottage cheese. Their consistency varies from liquid to very thick.

Yellow liquid discharge

Physiological liquid discharge sometimes turns yellow when it leaves the vagina and ends up on underwear. However, similar traces remain with pathological leucorrhoea, if an infectious-inflammatory process develops in the epithelium of the vagina and/or cervical canal.

To reliably find out the color of the leucorrhoea and assume its true origin, a visual assessment of the condition of the mucous membranes is necessary. As a rule, leucorrhoea containing pus has a yellow and yellow-green tint. They appear during infectious inflammation, including those of a specific origin (,).

Pathological yellow liquid discharge with an odor is often accompanied by inflammatory changes in the mucous membranes: swelling, hyperemia, purulent plaque. Severe inflammation is always provoked by unpleasant sensations in the form of discomfort, burning, pain, itching. If such symptoms were preceded by unprotected sexual intercourse, this inflammation is often associated with a sexually transmitted infection.

The secretion of the cervical glands flows into the vaginal cavity, which, in the presence of inflammation in the cervical canal, provokes an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge. A similar situation occurs when a lot of discharge from the uterus enters the vagina, when an infection in its cavity causes the uterine glands to secrete intensely.

Thus, copious liquid yellowish discharge may appear against the background of infectious inflammation of the vagina (), cervix (exo- and) and uterus ().

Liquid brown discharge

The brown color of the leucorrhoea indicates the presence of blood in it. Blood, depending on the amount, can color vaginal discharge red, pink and brown. If the source of bleeding is minor, on the way out the blood has time to oxidize and decompose (coagulate) and therefore acquires a dark, brown tint.

Liquid brown discharge may appear:

- After mechanical damage to the mucous membranes: douching, gynecological manipulation (especially), abortion, birth injuries. If the “culprit” of brown liquid discharge is the doctor performing a certain procedure, he always warns the patient about the possibility of unusual discharge. As a rule, brown discharge after injury to the mucous membranes goes away on its own after the epithelium regenerates.

- During the intermenstrual period or as a continuation of the next menstruation. More often their presence is associated with hormonal dysfunction or the use of hormonal contraceptives.

- Against the background of inflammatory changes, when the mucous membranes are easily injured and may bleed slightly.

- Because of the intrauterine device. In the endometrium at the site of attachment of the spiral, there is a slight local inflammation, so the epithelium is easily injured. If the brown liquid discharge against the background of the intrauterine device is constant, it is necessary to decide on its removal from the uterine cavity.

— Against the background of pseudo-erosion. The mucous membranes of the cervix at the site of ectopia are often inflamed and may bleed a little.

- Because of pregnancy. If brown discharge appears after a missed period, you should make sure there is no pregnancy.

- As a symptom of gynecological diseases - endometriosis,.

— In the process of regeneration of mucous membranes in women who have given birth. Physiological postpartum discharge () gradually changes its color from scarlet to brown, and then goes away on its own. Their presence is not associated with pathology.

Sometimes liquid brown discharge appears against the background of pelvic pain, fever, or deterioration of health. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of such a condition, much less cure it.

Regardless of the origin and the presence of accompanying negative symptoms, liquid brown discharge does not correspond to the norm, therefore, when it appears, an examination is necessary.

Liquid transparent discharge

As already mentioned, copious odorless and colorless liquid discharge may have natural causes and not be a pathology. They often resemble egg whites or clear mucus, but if the viscosity changes, they may become thinner. Vaginal discharge becomes transparent if its composition is dominated by lactobacilli rather than epithelial cells.

Liquid discharge such as water may also correspond to the normal variant. The viscous consistency of vaginal discharge is due to the cervical glands. Cervical mucus can be very thick and, when it enters the vagina, it increases the viscosity of the discharge. In turn, the cervical secretion changes its parameters under the influence of cyclic hormonal fluctuations, as a result, the transparent secretions either become liquid or resemble viscous mucus.

If you observe the nature of the discharge in different phases of the cycle, you can see how its quantity, color and consistency changes. It should be noted that the amount of discharge, determined by the woman herself, is very subjective. The same volume of vaginal discharge by two women can be interpreted differently, because each uses its own “norm” as a criterion. Therefore, in order to equalize all existing ideas, the number of leucorrhoea is conventionally measured by the size of the spot that they leave on the underwear or pad.

In the first phase, there is little discharge (spot diameter 2-3 cm), they are colorless or whitish, watery or mucous in nature. By the middle of the cycle, coinciding with the period of ovulation, vaginal discharge increases noticeably (the spot increases to 5 cm), it becomes similar to viscous whitish or grayish mucus. In the days following ovulation, vaginal discharge becomes light again, the consistency may resemble cream, and some patients compare it to jelly. A similar change in vaginal discharge occurs every menstruation.

Liquid discharge during pregnancy

A pronounced dependence of vaginal discharge on hormonal status also manifests itself during pregnancy. After pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum is born from the remains of the destroyed follicle in the ovary; it should facilitate the proper development of pregnancy. Biphasic cycles no longer occur, and the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum, begins to play a leading role. Changes in hormonal levels affect not only the sexual sphere; the entire body adapts to the onset of pregnancy.

In the first weeks, when the body adapts to new conditions, a pregnant woman may experience more abundant clear or whitish odorless liquid discharge. They are normal if they are not accompanied by signs of inflammation and do not cause discomfort.

Bloody or brown liquid discharge, especially accompanied by pelvic pain, against the background of early pregnancy is an alarming pathological symptom; it may indicate a spontaneous termination of pregnancy. Similar symptoms occur in women with.

By the middle of pregnancy, vaginal discharge becomes the same as it was before pregnancy. Sometimes the discharge is thicker and more viscous.

It should be remembered that the presence of pregnancy does not exclude the possibility of developing infectious inflammation or local dysbiosis. Therefore, if the discharge becomes too abundant, acquires an unpleasant, stale odor, or changes color to yellow or yellow-green, it signals trouble.

Due to physiological reasons, namely a decrease in the concentration of estrogen and a decrease in the number of lactobacilli in the vagina, the risk of developing bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginitis (including special etiology) or vaginal candidiasis in pregnant women increases significantly.

Many representatives of the fairer sex experience changes in the condition of their genital organs throughout their entire lives. This can happen due to hormonal changes or due to some diseases. This article will tell you why women have white liquid discharge. You will learn about the causes of the problem and how to make the correct diagnosis. It is also worth saying how white liquid discharge is treated in a particular case. Some drugs will be presented to your attention.

White liquid discharge: expert opinions

Doctors say that sometimes representatives of the fairer sex exhibit similar signs. They can be normal, physiological, or pathological. Only a specialist can determine what exactly a woman is faced with. It is impossible to independently determine why white liquid discharge appears. You can only guess whether this is a pathology or the norm.

If you experience this symptom, you should pay attention to additional signs. These may include itching, pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and so on. They will help the doctor correctly prescribe treatment for you.

Establishing diagnosis

To determine the reason why you have white liquid discharge, you need to see a doctor. carried out through some diagnostic manipulations. First, the doctor conducts a survey. All the patient’s complaints are entered into the card. It is with their help that the doctor can narrow down his range of assumptions about the appearance of the symptom.

After this, an examination is performed on a gynecological chair. If a woman is not sexually active, the doctor examines her on the couch. At the same time, the doctor takes a smear for analysis. It is the examination of the discharge that will help to correctly identify the problem and make a diagnosis.

After laboratory analysis, a correct diagnosis can be made. And only then is appropriate treatment prescribed. There are times when a study shows that a woman is healthy. Let's look at the main reasons why liquid white discharge appears in women.

Second phase of the cycle

Liquid white discharge in women may occur in the second phase of the cycle. Immediately after ovulation, the active work of the corpus luteum begins, which secretes progesterone. Under the influence of this process, the state of cervical mucus also changes. It takes on a white tint and looks like a cream. It is worth noting that such liquid white discharge is not itchy. Also, the mucus does not have an unpleasant pungent odor. This process should not cause the woman any discomfort.

Treatment in such situations is not required. During the examination and smear analysis, no pathology is detected. The vaginal microflora is normal and does not require any correction.

Pregnancy, including those developing outside the uterus

Pregnancy can also be the reason for the appearance of white, liquid, odorless discharge. You already know that after ovulation it is formed. It is this that maintains the uterus in normal tone and does not allow it to reject the fertilized egg. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone, which is necessary for the development of pregnancy. Moreover, this happens during the first three months.

During this entire period, a woman can detect liquid whites. Representatives of the fairer sex report that their number at this moment increases sharply. Doctors recommend expectant mothers to use sanitary pads for their own convenience and comfort.

Candidiasis, or thrush

Why do some women have white, runny discharge and itching? The cause of this symptom is most often thrush. It is worth noting that every second expectant mother develops it. Also, those representatives of the fairer sex who are not pregnant often face a problem. Pathology is diagnosed during vaginal examination and smear analysis. In a laboratory, a specialist can detect yeast in vaginal mucus. A woman complains that the discharge has lumps and is somewhat similar to kefir. Mucus is sour

This problem should be treated with antifungal drugs. These include “Diflucan”, “Flucostat”, “Diflazon” and so on. At the same time, a woman may be recommended to douche with a soda solution. It is worth clarifying that the correction should be carried out not only by the woman, but also by her partner. A man may not suffer from thrush himself, but may be a carrier of it.

Genital tract infections

Liquid ones can occur during the inflammatory process. In this case, a woman often feels pain or pain in the lower abdomen, she is worried about an increase in body temperature and general malaise. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to take a vaginal smear to check for certain infections. Most often, the pathology is bacterial in nature. For proper treatment, it is necessary to sow the mucus. The sensitivity of detected microorganisms to certain antibiotics is also determined.

Correction of such conditions is carried out using antimicrobial and antibacterial therapy. After this, it will be necessary to make a restorative correction using a complex of beneficial microorganisms. Doctors report that treatment should also be carried out by the woman’s partner. Otherwise, re-infection will occur at the first sexual contact. The following medications are most often prescribed for the treatment of this pathology: Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Sporobacterin, Terzhinan, Vilprafen, Kipferon, and so on.

Viral lesion

White and liquid discharge from the genital tract may occur due to a decrease in the body's immune defense. At the same time, the woman is very vulnerable to viral diseases. If pathology is added, then it occurs. As a result, the discharge changes in character and consistency. To get rid of this problem, you need to perform immunomodulatory therapy.

Most often, women are prescribed drugs such as “Viferon”, “Isoprinosine”, “Licopid” and many others. Also, a representative of the fairer sex should use medications to restore microflora - “Bifidumbacterin”, “Sporobacterin”, “Linex”, “Lactonorm”, etc. The condition of the woman’s sexual partner must be examined, and if pathology is present, treatment is carried out.


Many women are confident that douching will help get rid of the problem. At the same time, representatives of the fairer sex use a variety of medicinal compositions and herbal decoctions. Doctors say that such treatment cannot be carried out. Its consequence is an increase in the inflammatory process.

When fluid is inserted into the vagina, it can enter the uterus. In the same way, the fallopian tubes and then the ovaries are affected. At the same time, a bacterial infection is introduced there. It is worth saying that curing an infection in the vagina is much easier than eliminating it in the uterus. This often leads to more serious problems. For example, infertility, adhesions.

A short conclusion of the article

Now you know why a woman may experience discharge from the genitals that is white in color and has a liquid consistency. Remember that pathology should be treated only as prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, you may encounter complications that will be much more difficult to get rid of. Often women have to deal with the consequences of self-medication throughout their lives. Use the services of gynecologists and always be healthy!

The appearance of mucous discharge (leucorrhoea), which looks like snot, is part of the normal physiology of the female body. A variant of the norm is vaginal discharge of a mucous nature, which is transparent or white in color and does not have an unpleasant odor.

The secreted secretion takes part in the prevention of drying out of the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls, as well as protection against the penetration of pathogens, while helping the female body. The reasons why these symptoms may develop are very varied.

Causes of mucus secretion in women

What does this mean? Natural mucous discharge from the vagina occurs for various reasons:

  1. The secretion of mucus is provoked when excited.
  2. Experiencing any stress.
  3. Abrupt climate change.
  4. Treatment with hormone-containing medications.
  5. Allergy of local or general manifestation.
  6. Improper intimate hygiene.
  7. . Before and after menstruation, the amount and structure of mucus changes significantly.
  8. , increasing the amount of estrogens in the body, which affects the quantitative and qualitative composition of secretions.

Clear vaginal discharge

If the mucus has a transparent structure, without emitting a pungent odor or causing discomfort, then this is simply proof of the proper functioning of the reproductive system, i.e. ovaries. Up to 2 ml of such secretion can be released per day, while a slightly whitish tint does not indicate pathology. This is simply the process of cleansing the vagina.

The volume and structure of discharge changes according to the phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • From 1 to 5-7 days – the period of menstruation. First, spotting pink or brown secretions appear; on days 2-4 they include the maximum volume of blood in the form of lumps or clots; on days 5-7 they again decrease to spotting.
  • From 5-7 to 13-14 days is the period of egg maturation. Copious mucus is not secreted at this time - only about 2 ml of watery, mucous or thick particles with lumps. Don't worry if the color changes from clear white to yellowish.
  • Day 14-15 is the time of ovulation. Estrogen reaches its maximum level, so mucus comes out up to 4 ml. Its structure is stretchy, but sometimes it can be watery, and often even sticky. The hue during this period is the most saturated.
  • Days 16-28 – the period before menstruation. The reproductive system calms down a little - there is less discharge, but just before the end of the cycle a sudden surge is possible due to an increase in the amount of hormones.

Sign of the disease

The smell and color of the discharge, similar to snot, changes when inflammatory processes occur in the body after surgery, as a result of decreased immunity, hypothermia of the body, or disruption of the vaginal microflora due to taking antibiotics. The peculiarity of pathological discharge is that it appears without any connection with the processes of the cycle and continues after menstruation, when the mucus should be the thickest and produced in an insignificant volume.

Also, discharge in the form of snot, which has an unpleasant odor, is colored yellow, green or gray, is foamy, abundant, and cheesy, indicates diseases of the genitourinary system, including those transmitted through sexual contact.

These include:

  1. or mycoplasmosis;
  2. Genital herpes is a snot-like, watery discharge accompanied by the formation of painful blisters on the surface of the external genitalia;
  3. – clear or white discharge in the form of snot in large quantities with accompanying symptoms of the disease;
  4. Gardnerellosis - copious, mucous, gray discharge with an unpleasant fishy odor;
  5. – thick mucous discharge in large quantities in the form of curd flakes with a characteristic sour odor;
  6. – discharge is abundant, mucous, green or yellow in color, due to the admixture of pus;
  7. – copious mucous discharge in the form of foamy snot, colored yellow or green.
  8. Vulvovaginitis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis - all these are inflammatory diseases of the internal and external genital organs, the manifestation of which is the presence of copious foul mucous discharge of yellow or green color.

If any signs of pathology appear in the discharge, you must visit a gynecologist. Here an examination will be carried out to determine the cause, and adequate treatment will be prescribed.

Bloody discharge

Discharge in women, like snot with blood, indicates the appearance of a source of bleeding in the genitals. Most often, this is minor damage to the vasculature of the uterus and its cervix, localized in the mucous layer. It does not yet lead to the development of full-fledged bleeding not associated with menstruation.

The causes of discharge of this nature can be either cancer of the cervix, tumor processes of the uterus (fibroids), etc. In any case, the development of just such a symptom is a good reason for an urgent visit to a gynecologist. In a pregnant woman in the early stages, the appearance of vaginal discharge of this nature usually indicates a potential threat of spontaneous abortion.

In the period after 22-25 weeks of pregnancy and later, an admixture of blood in the mucous secretion may lead the doctor to think about the threat of premature placental abruption or its possible previa (placental tissue is connected to the internal cervical os - a variant of pathology).

When is it considered normal?

Discharge that occurs after sexual intercourse does not belong to deviations from the norm. For example, the normal function of the reproductive system may have the following features:

  1. Clear or slightly white clots appear within 1-4 hours after sexual intercourse without using a condom.
  2. Liquid, abundant white sputum is released in the morning and is evidence of evening or nighttime contact without the use of barrier contraception.
  3. Scanty white creamy discharge that occurs as a response to sexual intercourse with a condom is also normal.

Quite often, women experience discharge with a brownish tint, similar in consistency to snot. This is a sign of the presence, in addition to mucus, of bloody impurities. They may appear after taking hormonal contraceptives. If they are not accompanied by pain, discomfort, unpleasant odor and itching, then this should not cause concern to a woman, as it is considered normal.

If the discharge is mucous and has a brown tint, in addition, there is an unpleasant, pungent odor, then you should consult a doctor, who can pronounce a verdict of chronic endometritis.

When is a doctor needed?

If vaginal discharge in the form of clear mucus is not accompanied by pathological symptoms such as an unpleasant odor, impurities of pus or blood, increased body temperature, pain and discomfort, then this is considered a variant of the physiological norm.

The following signs are reasons to contact a medical specialist:

  1. Increased body temperature;
  2. Aching and cutting sensations in the perineum;
  3. Discomfort and pain during intimacy;
  4. Menstrual dysfunction;
  5. Redness, rash and itching on the mucous membrane of the external genitalia;
  6. Drawing pain in the lumbar region.

If one sign or a combination of them appears, the woman is recommended to immediately undergo a medical examination. The choice of diagnostic and treatment tactics is carried out by a specialist gynecologist or dermatovenerologist. If an infectious disease of a bacterial nature is detected, the patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial therapy with broad-spectrum drugs. If pathological discharge is caused by the genital herpes virus, then this problem can be solved with the help of antiviral agents. A striking example is the drug Acyclovir.

How to treat?

Normal healthy discharge should not be a concern, you just need to maintain the required level of personal hygiene. You should wash it twice a day with plain water, change your underwear every day, preferably it should be made from natural fabrics. If you have to use panty liners, it is advisable to choose ones without various flavors and fragrances, as they can provoke microflora disturbances.

If the discharge increases in volume or acquires an unhealthy hue or smell, you should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible. Treatment will depend on the disease that provoked the changes in the secretion. The main thing is not to delay contacting a specialist; some diseases can be extremely dangerous, they lead to infertility and can even threaten a woman’s health.


Pathological mucous clear discharge in women is treated depending on what is causing the problem. For example, yeast infections are usually treated with antifungal medications, which are injected into the vagina in the form of a gel or cream. Bacterial vaginosis is treated with antibiotic tablets or ointments.

Most vaginal infections and other diseases of the internal genital organs can be prevented with simple preventive measures:

  1. Practice good personal hygiene and regularly wash your outer labia with mild soap and warm water.
  2. Whenever possible, limit the use of scented soaps and intimate hygiene gels.
  3. Wear 100% cotton underwear and avoid overly tight clothing.
  4. Always use a condom during sexual intercourse, and be sure to wash yourself after sex.

The female body is designed in such a way that, in addition to monthly menstruation, clear vaginal discharge is also observed. Often, such leucorrhoea is the absolute norm and should not be a cause for concern, especially if all preventive measures are followed. But any changes should force the woman to consult a doctor at least for a consultation. Be healthy!

Vaginal discharge that is not accompanied by odor or itching and does not cause discomfort is normal. If you detect the slightest deviation from the norm, you should consult a gynecologist, undergo an examination and make sure that there are no inflammatory processes or infections in the genitourinary system.Not every type of vaginal discharge is pathogenic. Density, color and character are the main criteria for determining the severity of diseases of the reproductive system.


The glands in the cervix normally produce a secretion daily to “clean” the genital tract, moving along the walls to the vaginal opening. The consistency of the secretion is transparent, colorless or whitish-pink and does not have an unpleasant odor or is slightly sour.

The volume of secretion changes according to the phases of the menstrual cycle. At the beginning of the cycle, you may notice a stain no more than 5 mm in diameter on the laundry. The middle of the cycle is characterized by an increase in the density of discharge and the diameter of the spot (up to 7 mm), which indicates the approach of ovulation. The last days before the onset of menstruation are accompanied by creamy, sour discharge. The same phenomenon occurs during and after sexual intercourse, when a thick lubricant is released for smooth penetration of the penis.

Origin of heavy discharge

The formation of thick and white vaginal secretion, which is not accompanied by odor and itching, occurs when:

  • Taking antibiotics when the normal intestinal microflora is disrupted
  • Contraceptive use
  • The use of vaginal tablets and suppositories as prophylaxis during the prenatal period
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Frequent stress and anxiety
  • Acclimatization.

If there is no elevated body temperature, itching, fishy smell and other signs of diseases of the reproductive system, then there is no cause for concern.

In some cases, white, thick, abundant discharge is the first sign of pregnancy, when hormones begin to be produced in large quantities to protect the uterus and vagina from infectious diseases.

Should I see a doctor?

For any changes in the consistency and color of vaginal secretions, you should consult a gynecologist. An examination in a gynecological chair, taking smears and interviewing a woman will help identify the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system at an early stage and avoid serious consequences, such as infertility.

Based on bacterial culture, the gynecologist will determine the presence of activation of opportunistic flora and the number of leukocytes. In this case, abundant and thick discharge is called leucorrhoea. Additionally, the patient will be referred for PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests, colposcopy or ultrasound.

The causes are infections of the genitourinary system, which are not always transmitted through sexual contact, but require treatment. With vaginitis, vulvitis and endometritis, white and thick leucorrhoea indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the cervix.

Early stage thrush

95% of women around the world have encountered candidiasis, especially in its initial stages, when the formation of a thick, white and abundant secretion is not accompanied by abdominal pain, inflammation, itching and odor.

Normally, the fungus that causes thrush lives in the vaginal environment, but under the influence of microflora it is not activated and does not harm the woman. With worries, stress, disruption of sleep and rest patterns, poor diet and colds, the vaginal microflora is disrupted, and Candida fungi begin to cause concern. An increase in their number can be observed during pregnancy in the first and third trimester due to an increase in the amount of hormones. It is extremely rare for thrush to be transmitted from a sexual partner.

In a short period of time, leucorrhoea can become abundant, cheesy, and acquire a whitish-yellow hue. The woman begins to feel a sour smell in the intimate area, and a dull and nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen when going to bed.

Without treatment, the disease becomes chronic, and the smell and pain recede. The consistency of the discharge changes to viscous. They become white and thick. And this is far from a sign of recovery. It is then that the cervix becomes inflamed, which is easily visible during colposcopy.

Treatment of leucorrhoea

Diseases of the reproductive system, unlike colds, are prohibited from being treated at home!

Every problem in the intimate area associated with white secretion formations must be solved comprehensively and step by step.

Stage 1: Eliminating the source

Consists of taking antibacterial drugs, surgical interventions and/or using vaginal tablets and suppositories. In this way, the activity of conditionally pathogenic flora in the vagina is suppressed.

Stage 2: Restoring natural healthy vaginal flora

It consists of taking hormones, using vaginal suppositories with lactic acid, introducing fermented milk products into the diet and taking drugs to restore intestinal flora, where most pathogens of vaginal diseases are located.

Stage 3: Correcting the immune system

Consists of taking vitamins and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Stage 4: Improving blood circulation in the intimate area

It consists of the attending physician prescribing a set of exercises and visiting the pool.

Using a set of procedures will not only get rid of leucorrhoea, but also prevent it in order to avoid relapse.

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