General urine test cito. What does cito mean on a referral for a blood test? General concept of Cito analysis

Thanks to Cito, you can quickly establish the diagnosis and etiology of the disease, as a result of which therapy can be prescribed in a timely manner.

Purpose of Cito study

There are several situations in which Cito analysis is recommended, these could be:

  • urgency in quickly diagnosing the disease in order to determine effective treatment;
  • detection of pregnancy (test for beta-chorionic gonadotropin)
  • incorrect and ineffective previous treatment;
  • if the patient has allergic reactions before the upcoming therapy in order to avoid side effects;
  • diagnosis and prevention of childhood diseases;
  • making the right decision on the use of certain drugs to treat children;
  • in case of emergency ambulance;
  • upcoming emergency surgery.

Conducting a quick laboratory test increases the patient’s chances of recovery several times.

Cito research can be carried out in different directions; its scope is quite extensive. Includes the following tests:

  • general and extended blood tests;
  • microscopy of the urinary system;
  • immunology tests;
  • detailed urine analysis, as well as its general examination;
  • determination of blood gas components.

There are exceptions to assays that are not performed in Cito mode. For bacterial culture, it is not possible to use urgent research; such a procedure requires at least several hours, preferably several days. The Cito mode cannot influence the speed of bacterial sowing.

What is convenience?

In the modern world with an increased pace of life and a constant lack of time, urgent and quick Cito tests are becoming a solution to many problems with going to the hospital and standing in queues there.

Medical institutions create comfortable conditions for collecting biomaterial. In this case, the patient does not experience any discomfort or stress. In addition, this procedure is often carried out not only in laboratory conditions, but can also be performed at home, which is especially convenient for pregnant women and young children. Results can also be obtained in person, rather than at a hospital.

How is the technique carried out?

The Cito test is the same as any other laboratory procedure, but the test requires urgency, so laboratory technicians conduct it using special reagents and out of turn. The quality of the results obtained is no different from other analyzes that require additional time. The cost of Cito is high, this is due to the use of additional chemicals and the immediate execution of the test.

The medical word Cito is of Latin origin and translates as “urgent.” Medical professionals use this concept very often in their daily work. The Cito inscription on the test form means that this test must be completed as soon as possible.

What is the reason for the Cito label?

The direct indication for prescribing Cito tests is an emergency situation. When a patient is taken by ambulance to a hospital, there are symptoms that threaten the patient’s life, but there is no definite diagnosis. Or when emergency surgery is needed. The same applies to analyzes that are needed to assess the effectiveness of treatment for severe pathology. This is necessary to correct already prescribed therapy. Lack of control in this situation can lead to irreparable consequences (diabetes mellitus, kidney or liver failure).

A frequent study in a medical laboratory of three main hematological indicators is the number of red blood cells, leukocytes and hemoglobin in the blood. This is carried out to evaluate the results of treatment of acute or chronic inflammatory processes. Monitoring is also carried out after the transfusion of blood components or before it, for example, during an operation in the presence of blood loss and the need to urgently resolve the issue of correcting hemostasis in the patient.

Can the Cito marking be used as you wish?

At present, with high technologies and a total lack of time, this question is not so rare. There are different situations. For example, when the need to take tests as soon as possible is due to geographical reasons, that is, the distance of the laboratory from the patient’s place of residence. Prolonged stay of a limited group of patients without specialized care can also lead to a worsening of their condition (mental illness, drug addiction). For these reasons, tests can and will be performed urgently.

Most often, patients request Cito tests simply on a whim, not wanting to waste time waiting. But this reluctance is not an emergency situation, so such a requirement will not be met in public clinics. The only way in this situation is paid tests.

Execution Features

The only difference between this group of studies is the timing of their implementation. The technique, quantity and quality of chemical reagents are the same as in conventional analyses. However, their high cost is due to the fact that the laboratory does not wait for a certain number of tests to perform them, but uses the reagents immediately, while excess chemicals are thrown away.

It is worth knowing that not all types of analyzes can be accelerated. These include laboratory tests related to determining the causative agent of the disease (bacteriological culture). Accelerating the latter will lead to a false result.

In medicine, the term “Cito” is often used, which can be found on prescriptions and referrals for research. What does it mean and in what cases is it used?

Cito concept

Translated from Latin, “Cito” means “urgently”, “urgently”, “quickly”. And tests marked Cito are carried out out of turn, in the shortest possible time.

This may be due to both the urgency of the situation, when there is a threat to a person’s life, and, for example, the patient’s lack of time. In the latter case, urgent Cito analyzes are carried out on a paid basis and are an order of magnitude more expensive than analyzes in the usual queue mode.

Reasons for performing Cito tests

There are several reasons why a patient is given a referral for a particular test labeled “Cito”:

  • the patient is undergoing surgery, before which it is necessary to collect all relevant data on the physical condition of the body;
  • it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis if a complex disease is suspected that requires immediate treatment;
  • the patient needs constant monitoring of his health, which takes into account the slightest fluctuations in one direction or another, for example, during the rapid progression of the disease or after undergoing a major operation;
  • it is necessary to prevent the development of complications and allergic reactions to medications (for example, during pregnancy or for emergency surgery).

Advantages of urgent tests

In a regular clinic, examinations in the Cito mode are carried out exclusively as prescribed by the attending physician and strictly if there are medical indications.

But there are situations when a person urgently needs results. For example, if it is necessary to undergo a medical examination as soon as possible when applying for a job, or the patient lives in another area and does not have the opportunity to travel to the hospital frequently. In this case, it would be advisable to contact a paid medical center, where this service is included in the price list.

Advantages of Cito urgent tests:

  • no queues;
  • speed of obtaining results;
  • comfortable collection conditions;
  • saving personal time;
  • kind and helpful attitude of the staff.

Depending on the type of study, the waiting time for results can range from 10 minutes to 8 hours. But it should be remembered that some tests cannot be carried out in a short time, for example, bacteriological culture for microflora.

Cito test flow chart

The technology for conducting regular and urgent analysis is the same. The difference lies in the following points, due to one or another type of research:

  • in their work they use catalysts - special substances that accelerate chemical reactions;
  • the biomaterial is immediately placed in a special environment for study, activating the necessary reagents and without waiting for a complete set for research to be collected.

Thus, urgent analyzes marked Cito are a convenient and comfortable alternative to conventional analyzes and allow you to save precious minutes of time, and sometimes nerves.

Every person knows that Latin is the professional language of health workers. Special terms emerge from Latin, sometimes understandable only to doctors. They are difficult to pronounce, especially the names of studies.

However, Latin words and figures of speech are used in the vocabulary of doctors, laboratory technicians and nurses. Ordinary patients do not understand them because of the unfamiliar language. Often what is more important to the patient is not what the procedure is called, but how the health workers perform it. What is more important in this case is the attitude of doctors and a quick cure for the pathology.

Latin in medicine

Explanation of the term Cito! in medicine has a translation - urgent. This means that the doctor needs to quickly, as quickly as possible, find out the results of the examination. When is it necessary to urgently examine a patient? There are many medical indications here.

Factors when urgent clinical examination is required:

  • a person is brought to the hospital in serious condition and urgently needs to provide the necessary assistance. Which one? Shows Cito examination!
  • a sick person has a disease when the use of certain medications is questionable by the doctor. Then the CITO TEST is quickly carried out. An experienced specialist will not use the drug until he is sure that the patient is not allergic to the drug to be used.
  • a person comes to the doctor from another city who does not have the opportunity to stay for treatment. It is urgent to establish a diagnosis and prescribe supportive therapy so that the person has the opportunity to get to his hospital.
  • Each hospital always has its own laboratory that conducts tests for inpatients. This is important for every doctor so that he constantly monitors the progress of treatment and promptly makes the necessary adjustments, for example, to the dosage of the medication.

Translation of "Cito!" in medicine it means that you need to provide emergency care, which is often used in hospitals.

Use of the term Cito for doctors

When preparing for surgery, the patient undergoes Cito tests so that doctors receive a complete clinical picture of the well-being of the person preparing for surgery. Even during long-term surgical interventions, the Cito examination is used! The speed of the laboratory assistant’s work and the issuance of examination results often simply saves a person’s life.

Sometimes the doctor sees that the prescribed drugs do not bring the effect that he expects from the therapy. Cito tests help correct treatment, allowing the doctor to see the picture of the therapy, increase the dose of the medicine, or cancel it completely, replacing it with an analogue. Cito helps with this! clinical examination of blood and urine.

Features of the Cito examination

Appointment of examination in Cito mode! in medicine, it provides a translation of only a quick study of analyzes by laboratory assistants. The examination itself is carried out using classical techniques, with commonly used chemical reagents. There is only one change - the examination is carried out without a queue.

This gives an acceleration in obtaining results, but does not change the speed of the study. The doctor usually receives test results a day after the patient submits the material, and in the “Cito!” mode. the results are sent to the doctor immediately after the examination is completed. This often happens 2-3 hours after submitting biomaterials for research.

Almost all analyzes can be done in Cito mode! In practical medicine, there are at least half a thousand different examinations.

This is how it is done:

  • autoimmune and biochemical studies;
  • allergy diagnosis;
  • tests to determine the type of infection, viruses and bacteria;
  • clinical examinations;
  • research on tumor markers and many others.

But there are exceptions. These are bacterial cultures, which require several hours or days to obtain results, depending on the purpose of the study. In such analyses, urgency mode is not applied. After all, it is necessary to obtain the most reliable results, and the flow of biological processes here cannot be accelerated.

Cito is here! will mean that laboratory technicians urgently begin to take action, begin to do cultures, and establish analysis regimes.

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