Breasts hurt very badly after menstruation. Tumor formations in the body. Causes of chest pain on other days

Menstruation is almost always accompanied by painful breast swelling. This is explained by the activity of estrogen, the hormone responsible for preparing the body for pregnancy. But many women who complain that they are absolutely sure that they are not pregnant. In this case, the cause of this condition may be quite serious.

Often, pain bothers a woman before the onset of menstruation. As soon as the period begins to pass, the chest pain disappears. There should be no pain between menstruation.

If menstruation has ended, but the breasts still continue to hurt, this may indicate serious problems in the female body. In some cases we are talking about functional
disorder, but sometimes organic pathology cannot be excluded.

What symptoms appear

Painful sensations in the chest that occur immediately after the end of menstruation are sometimes only one of the symptoms of the pathology. A woman must seek help from a doctor as soon as possible if she discovers the following signs:

  • altered menstrual cycle;
  • change in the shade of the skin of the breast;
  • pain in the mammary gland upon palpation.

Another serious sign indicating the development of a possible pathology is swelling of the nipples and breasts. You need to see a doctor if you notice at least one of the symptoms. This will help the specialist to identify a dangerous disease in time and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Main provoking factors

The main reasons for the appearance of pain in the chest despite the past menstrual cycle include the following:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • development of mastopathy;
  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • mechanical damage;
  • development of cancer.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made after using additional methods.

Failure at the hormonal level

If your period comes and ends safely, but your breasts continue to ache, this may indicate a malfunction at the hormonal level. Often this condition is associated with the use of hormonal medications.

Often, painful sensations in the chest appear in women going through menopause. Usually this condition occurs at the beginning of menopause, but many representatives of the fairer sex periodically experience aching sensations even ten years later.

In addition, the chest may hurt due to strong experiences or stress. This condition also occurs with poor nutrition. Sometimes the cause of pain is a genetic factor.

Onset of pregnancy

The most common cause of occurrence is pregnancy. In addition, this symptom may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

This condition is very dangerous for a woman. If the temperature increased,
nausea and severe dizziness, it is recommended to immediately visit a doctor.

Development of mastopathy

If the incoming menstrual cycle has already ended, but the chest still continues to hurt, we may be talking about the progression of mastopathy. Recently, young nulliparous women have begun to complain of specific symptoms.

Mastopathy is characterized by thickening of the mammary gland. The main provocateur of this pathology is hormonal imbalance. The main symptom of mastopathy is a feeling of heaviness in the chest area. If the pain does not disappear at the end of menstruation, we are talking about the nodular form of the disease. It is also characterized by the appearance of transparent discharge from the nipples.
You should contact a mammologist for help. In some cases, a woman is prescribed surgery, but more often the doctor resorts to drug therapy. Many doctors believe that it is completely impossible to cure mastopathy: it can “fall asleep” even for decades, and then make itself felt again.

Mechanical damage

This may be due to excessive compression. Often women who wear too tight a bra come to the doctor with complaints of discomfort in this area. Many ladies do not take it off even at home, which is extremely harmful for the mammary gland.

A nagging pain in the chest area may indicate a severe bruise or blow. In this case, the woman should examine the skin for the presence of an abrasion or bruise. If the pain syndrome was provoked by a bruise, then the discomfort will go away as soon as the bruise heals.

Development of cancer

The condition, when, may indicate the development of oncological pathology. Breast cancer is very tricky. At first, it does not manifest itself in any way, so many women learn about the terrible diagnosis only when the disease progresses to the second or third stage.

You should seek medical help if you notice the following signs:

  • changes on the skin;
  • abnormal nipple discharge;
  • breast deformities;
  • inverted nipple;
  • dense, painless “ball”;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes.

To avoid adverse consequences, a woman should regularly examine her breasts on her own. If you detect at least one of the listed symptoms, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. These signs do not always indicate the development of oncology, but it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

Establishing a diagnosis

The diagnosis can be clarified using the following diagnostic methods:

  • clinical examination;
  • objective examination;
  • palpation of glands and lymph nodes.

A woman must undergo an ultrasound, mammography and other studies of breast tissue. If cancer is suspected, a tissue biopsy is taken.

How to prevent pain

If painful sensations are present every month after the end of menstruation, then a set of measures must be taken to relieve symptoms. Preventive treatment includes the following aspects:

  • smoking cessation;
  • refusal of alcohol;
  • avoiding stress and emotional turmoil.

When your period is about to arrive, you need to dress warmly and avoid drafts. Warm baths with the addition of herbs or sea salt bring great benefits to the body. It is equally important to keep a schedule of your periods and know exactly when they should come and go.

Underwear must be selected according to size.

You need to eat well. A woman’s diet must include meat, as well as milk and vegetables. It is advisable to regularly eat fish and foods containing fiber.


You can’t take heavy weights or play strenuous sports these days. Light aerobics is indicated only when menstruation is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, you need to take vitamins. For severe chest pain, painkillers are indicated, but only a doctor can prescribe medications.

Every month, the fair half of humanity experiences temporary hormonal changes in the body due to the onset of the menstrual cycle. Women experience this period differently. Some ladies are concerned about a painful condition in the chest at the end of menstruation. We will look into why this happens in the article.

Causes of chest pain after menstruation

Chest pain at the end of the monthly cycle can be divided into four categories:
  • Acute pain. The breast continues to hurt very much after menstruation, which indicates the possible development of cancer.
  • Burning pain. At the end of the menstrual cycle, the breasts hurt even in a calm state. The pain intensifies when touched and radiates to the neck and back.
  • Stitching pain. The reasons may vary. In this case, it is easy to determine the location of the pain.
  • It's a dull pain. A dangerous type of pain that may indicate serious illness.
The main causes of chest pain after menstruation:
  • unstable sex life;
  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • mastopathy, characterized by compaction of internal tissues;
  • consequences of mechanical damage or surgical intervention;
  • side effect from taking contraceptives and antidepressants;
  • oncology.
The painful state of the mammary glands after menstruation may be associated with diseases of other organs:
  • ovarian diseases;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • shingles.
Women suffering from these diseases may experience hormonal changes in the body, accompanied by chest pain at the end of the cycle.

There are reasons not related to serious problems:

  • hypothermia;
  • depression;
  • poor nutrition;
  • uncomfortable underwear that squeezes the chest.
If the mammary glands begin to bother you a week after the end of the cycle, then the following possible reasons are identified:
  • Stressful situations. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system affect hormonal changes in a woman’s body.
  • Infectious diseases mammary glands.
  • Pregnancy. When the uterus is fertilized, the mammary glands continue to ache after menstruation. In some cases, chest pain occurs a week after the end of menstruation.

If, at the end of the female cycle, breast pain does not stop for a long time, it is better to consult a gynecologist or mammologist.

In addition to pain in the mammary glands, it is sometimes observed swellingmastalgia, which greatly worries the fair half of humanity. Let's look at the possible reasons:

1. Pregnancy. In 15% of cases, when the uterus is fertilized, the first menstruation still comes. Increased content estrogen in the blood of a pregnant woman leads to thickening of breast tissue.

2. Hormonal disorders due to the following reasons:

  • the onset of menopause;
  • irregular intimate relationships;
  • venereal diseases;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • heredity;
  • side effect from taking other medications;
  • development of cancer.

Hormonal changes in the body can lead to a painful condition even after the end of the menstrual cycle.

In young girls under 18 years of age, chest pain after menstruation is due to their growth and development. So there is no need to worry too much here.

If mastalgia after menstruation occurs against the background of pain in the lower abdomen, this is the first signal about the development of diseases of a gynecological and other nature:

  • Adnexit. Inflammation of the uterine appendages - fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  • Vulvitis. A dangerous disease of the external female genitalia, complicated by inflammation of the vagina and cervix with the formation of ulcers on the surface.
  • Endometriosis. A disruption of the inner layer of the uterus, when cells begin to grow beyond this layer, which can trigger the development of uterine fibroids.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Osteocondritis of the spine.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
Structural changes in the breast can also serve as a prerequisite for its swelling and pain after menstruation. The main reasons for this condition:
  • consequences of the operation;
  • injuries and mechanical damage;
  • cyst formation.

When the sun is scorching, the chest must be covered with a cloth. Ultraviolet rays are dangerous for the health of the mammary glands!

In addition to swelling, chest pain can occur with nausea and vomiting. First you need to check for pregnancy - buy a test. Such symptoms may indicate fertilization of the uterus, resulting in toxicosis.

In some women, the uterus is constructed with deviations from the norm, which is associated with the individual characteristics of the body or heredity. During the menstrual cycle, the uterus enlarges and begins to influence the centers of the nervous system more than usual. At the end of menstruation, when the female organs return to normal, nausea or vomiting may occur.

Against the background of such indicators in the body, the following disorders are observed:

  • headache and migraine;
  • excessive irritability;
  • heavy sweating;
  • changes in emotional state.
Pain accompanied by nausea may appear cyclically every month. Therefore, there is no need to tolerate them. Be sure to contact your doctor for help.

If your periods are not as heavy as usual, and at the end of the cycle your breasts continue to hurt, this indicates pregnancy. As we have already said, in some cases, menstruation comes despite the fertilization of the uterus.

Discharge during this period meager– the uterus begins to prepare for motherhood. Feel free to buy a pregnancy test. This is most likely the reason.

In older women, a decrease in cyclic discharge is usually associated with the onset of menopause. In addition to chest pain during scanty periods, women may experience nausea, weakness, and profuse sweating.

There are cases when, against the background of chest pain at the end of menstruation, the discharge does not stop completely - it “smears” for a long period of time. The woman feels constant discomfort. The unpleasant smell of discharge begins to bother you.

Such symptoms indicate the possible development of cancer. But don't panic right away.

Possible causes of bleeding at the end of the menstrual cycle may be hormonal changes while taking contraceptives and the development of certain diseases:

  • consequences of mechanical damage to the genital organs (for example, after curettage of the uterus);
  • polyps;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis or endometritis.
We also cannot rule out pregnancy. The initial period after fertilization may be accompanied by painful swelling of the mammary glands, accompanied by unpleasant discharge after menstruation for up to two weeks.

What to do if your breasts hurt after menstruation

First of all, you need to visit a gynecologist and get a consultation. You may have to undergo an examination: take tests and undergo an ultrasound of the female organs.

For preventive purposes, in order to get rid of breast pain after menstruation, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Take care of your nervous system - try to worry less.
  • Don't get too cold or overheated.
  • Switch to proper nutrition. Dairy, meat, fish and vegetable dishes are considered beneficial for women's health.
  • Wear comfortable, loose underwear.
  • Avoid sports activities during your period.
  • Don't lift heavy objects.
  • Take vitamins to support your immune system.
  • Regulate your sex life if possible.
  • Do not tolerate severe pain in the chest and abdomen. See your doctor for a prescription for pain medications.
  • In the evenings, you can take a warm bath with sea salt solution.
  • Visit your gynecologist every six months for a preventive examination.

Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands during menstruation is a phenomenon that almost all representatives of the fairer sex encounter. However, if a woman feels discomfort when her period has already ended, this sign may signal serious disorders in the body’s functioning. The reasons why this symptom may occur are described in the article.

Normal phenomenon

Should a girl who feels discomfort in her mammary glands be worried? If this feeling is observed shortly before monthly bleeding, it does not pose a danger to the body. Many women are interested in the question of whether they should worry about their health if their breasts hurt after menstruation?

Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands can be of a different nature: burning, squeezing, tingling. They often occur as a result of fluid accumulation within tissues. If, after the end of menstruation, a woman notices this phenomenon, the development of several conditions can be suspected:

1. Conception.

2. Hormonal imbalance.

3. Tumors of various types (including breast cancer).

4. Other changes occurring in the tissues of these organs.

Only a doctor can clearly determine which pathology caused such a symptom. In some cases, the answer to the question of why breasts begin to hurt after menstruation is due to natural processes occurring in the body.

Gamete maturation

It is known that at a certain stage of the cycle, a girl’s body prepares for the birth of a new life. In this case, the germ cell is excreted from the ovarian tissue. During this period, a representative of the fairer sex may feel some discomfort in the mammary glands. This phenomenon passes quickly and does not cause much concern. However, if your breasts hurt a week after your period, you should consult a specialist and undergo diagnostic procedures.

Sometimes patients complain of discomfort in the area of ​​one gland. This phenomenon is often triggered by tumors of various types, bacterial infection, and abscess formation. Naturally, in such conditions the girl needs medical help.

Normal or pathological process?

A feeling of discomfort in the chest can be caused by changes in hormone levels that occur before the onset of menstruation. This phenomenon is also accompanied by an increase in the volume of the glands. If the pain still persists for a week after the bleeding has stopped, it indicates the presence of certain disorders. Naturally, a single symptom gives the doctor grounds to make an accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to conduct an examination of the patient, as well as a number of medical measures.

Additional signs indicating the development of the disease

Many people are concerned about the reasons why breasts hurt after menstruation. Reviews of this phenomenon indicate that discomfort in the mammary glands is often accompanied by changes in their structure, size, shape, as well as cycle disorders. These symptoms include the following:

1. An unpleasant feeling in the area of ​​these organs, which becomes stronger during palpation.

2. Tissue swelling.

3. Irregularity of critical days.

4. The appearance of nodules and swelling.

5. Changes in the skin of the mammary glands (its tone, shade).

Main factors contributing to the appearance of the symptom

There are several general reasons that can cause such discomfort, for example:

1. Tumors.

2. Infections transmitted through intimate contact.

3. Fading of the functions of the reproductive organs (after 45 years).

4. Use of means that protect against unwanted conception.

5. Irregular sexual intercourse.

6. Factors caused by heredity.

7. Use of medications for depression, anti-anxiety pills.

8. An infection that develops in the tissues of the glands themselves.

9. Emotional stress.

Disorders associated with hormone imbalance

Sometimes the answer to the question of why breasts hurt after menstruation lies in the changes that occur when using drugs for unplanned conception. Such disorders can also cause mental overload and menopause.

After 45 years, when the activity of the internal genital organs gradually weakens, a woman may experience discomfort in the mammary glands. In this situation, this symptom is accompanied by a feeling of heat, severe sweating, increased heart rate and constant fatigue. The severity of the manifestations depends on the general condition and characteristics of the fairer sex.


Often, girls of different ages experience breast pain after menstruation due to the development of tumors. In such a case, heaviness and pronounced swelling in the area of ​​this organ may be observed. If such a symptom persists for a long period, the woman should contact a medical facility. After all, neglected pathology often leads to the development of cancerous tumors. And the patient’s future life largely depends on how timely diagnosis and therapy are.

Other Possible Conditions

A woman who turns to the doctor with a question about why her breasts began to hurt after her period is recommended to undergo examinations to rule out pathologies of an infectious nature. Such diseases include the following:

1. Inflammatory processes in the appendage area.

2. Proliferation of the walls of the uterus.

3. Viral diseases of the cervical canal.

4. Inflammation in the vaginal area.

In addition, mechanical damage, diseases of the lymph glands under the arms, pathologies of the heart muscle, joints, and bones can provoke a feeling of pain in the mammary glands.

Such discomfort also occurs when there are disorders in the functioning of the PVS.

Discomfort as a result of conception

When a new life is born in a girl’s body, her body reacts to this process by changing the production of hormones. Therefore, after sex without contraception, if your breasts hurt a week after your period, you should do a pregnancy test.

You need to pay special attention to your condition if additional signs of conception appear (fatigue, vomiting in the morning, slight bleeding from the genital tract, abdominal discomfort). This phenomenon can also be suspected in the case when an unpleasant feeling in the mammary glands is accompanied by a delay in menstruation.

Malignant tumors

This condition is considered one of the most dangerous pathologies and poses a danger to a woman’s life. A doctor may suspect cancer in a patient whose breasts hurt after menstruation if there are accompanying signs:

1. Change in the skin tone of the mammary glands, the formation of rough areas.

2. Swelling of the lymph glands located under the arms.

3. Flattening of the surface of the nipples.

4. The appearance of hard areas inside this organ (they are noticeable when palpated).

5. Discharge from the mammary glands.

This pathology requires timely diagnosis and therapy.

Fortunately, cancers of these organs are highly treatable. You just need to not put off visiting a specialist.

Diagnostic measures

If a girl is bothered by severe discomfort, as well as an increase in temperature and discharge, she urgently needs to go to the clinic. After examination and conversation with the doctor, the patient is sent for examination. Thanks to modern diagnostic methods, a specialist can give an accurate answer to the question of why breasts hurt after menstruation. Medical procedures in this situation include:

1. Research using ultrasound.

2. Laboratory blood tests.

3. Assessment of the nature of tumors in tissues.

4. Examination of the mammary glands using an X-ray machine.

Therapy for this pathology is determined by the cause that provokes it. For tumors, it is recommended to take special medications and undergo surgery. If the pain occurs due to an imbalance of certain substances, the girl is prescribed medications that contain hormones. The patient’s nutrition plays an important role. She needs to eat enough vegetables, fresh berries, and fruits. You should avoid drinks containing caffeine, as well as chocolate and spices. Doctors recommend getting rid of addictions. Underwear should be made from natural fabrics and match the size and shape of the glands. Having regular sex, stopping pills that prevent conception, and taking warm water baths can reduce discomfort.

To prevent pathological phenomena, any woman should undergo regular breast examination in a medical facility.

Typically, pain in the mammary glands present during menstruation decreases during or after the complete completion of the cycle. However, there are often cases when the pain persists or even increases many times. The reasons for this phenomenon require detailed study and search for answers to the question of why breasts hurt after menstruation.

Chest pain is known to medicine under the term “mastalgia.” The disease is quite common among people of different ages; up to 70% of women have experienced it at different periods of life. The pain may be cyclical or non-cyclical. Cyclic pain occurs during the menstrual cycle, and non-cyclic pain occurs regardless of it.

Non-cyclical pain has a considerable number of causes. Often their predecessors are injuries. Both the adjacent muscles and tissues can hurt, and not the breast itself. Non-cyclical pain develops less frequently and is more difficult to determine the root cause.

Menstruation and the period after it are often accompanied by pain. Soreness after your period ends can be caused by numerous factors. The intensity of pain in both mammary glands may be uneven. In some cases, one of them may hurt more than the other.

Breast pain and its causes

Discomfort and pain in the mammary glands associated with menstruation are considered normal. They arise due to physiological changes in tissues that occur due to the action of sex hormones. Normally, at the end of the menstrual cycle, the pain must stop. However, many women wonder why it continues to bother them.

After the end of menstruation, painful sensations may persist due to:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal dysfunction and abnormal increase in estrogen levels;
  • diseases of the mammary glands and female reproductive organs;
  • wearing uncomfortable, tight underwear;
  • excessive physical activity

Each of these reasons requires more detailed consideration.


It often causes swelling and tenderness of the breasts after menstruation. Hormonal changes in the entire body of the expectant mother certainly affect the condition of the mammary glands. Mastalgia often develops as a symptom of ectopic pregnancy. To find out the cause of the pain, a pregnancy test should be performed. If the result is negative, it is necessary to continue searching for the root cause of the pain.

Hormonal dysfunction (failure)

Significantly affects the condition of the mammary glands. It occurs in the female body due to diseases of the reproductive system, thyroid gland, the onset of menopause, taking certain oral contraceptives or antidepressants, and severe stress.

Diseases of the mammary glands and reproductive organs

These may include mastitis, mastopathy, cystic formations, and gynecological diseases.


Involves the development of an inflammatory process in the breast tissue. It develops as a result of their defeat by a bacterial infection. Often diagnosed in nursing mothers.


Appears due to hormonal imbalance. Symptoms often include pain in the mammary glands, a feeling of heaviness and tightness in them. Such phenomena appear before, during or after menstruation.

Cystic formations and malignant tumors in the mammary glands Provoke intense pain. They often grow quickly and reach considerable sizes.

Problems of this nature require professional consultation and assistance from a mammologist (a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of female mammary glands).

Gynecological and other diseases

The development of such diseases often entails breast pain. Gynecological diseases can cause hormonal imbalance, which significantly affects not only her condition, but also her overall well-being. Discomfort occurs in the presence of endometritis, adnexitis, vulvitis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries.

Pain can also occur as a result of the development of diseases not related to the reproductive system of the body. These may include inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits, heart disease, mechanical effects (impacts, bruises, compression).

Wearing incorrectly selected underwear and abnormal physical activity

Such factors can provoke unpleasant consequences. The bra should not put too much pressure on the mammary glands, and the cup should not be an inappropriate, too small size.

As a result of abnormal physical activity, for example, when visiting the gym or lifting weights, it also becomes possible for pain in the chest to appear after menstruation.

It is useful to know that diet largely affects the condition of the mammary glands. Its deterioration is observed as a result of abuse of certain types of foods and after taking certain medications. These are:

  • caffeine;
  • methylxanthine derivatives;
  • foods high in salt;
  • fatty foods and dairy products;
  • oral contraceptives

Caffeine and methylxanthine-based drugs have significant vasodilatory properties. They affect the vessels supplying blood to the mammary glands. This effect certainly leads to pain, swelling after the end of the menstrual cycle, and increased sensitivity.

Foods high in salt can also cause chest pain. This is due to their tendency to retain water. This feature often leads to pain in the chest and abdomen after menstruation.

Fatty foods and dairy products significantly affect the tone of the mammary glands. Due to the presence of animal fat in food, swelling and the development of pain symptoms are often observed. The mechanism of its effect has not been reliably elucidated, but there is an assumption that it is associated with the hormones of dead animals. In addition to fatty foods, dairy products can have a certain negative effect. This is due to its allergenicity.

Oral contraceptives (pills) often contain additives that lead to breast pain after menstruation.

How to identify the causes of pain

Every woman needs to have the skills to examine her own breasts for lumps and other manifestations of disease. If you have pain after menstruation, you should examine the condition of the mammary glands yourself. Then you need to seek medical help. A mammologist, using mammography, ultrasound, biopsy and other examination methods, will reconstruct the course of the disease, explain to the patient why the pain occurred, make the correct diagnosis and select effective treatment methods.

Diseases of the mammary glands most often require treatment with anti-inflammatory or hormonal drugs. In some cases associated with the presence of neoplasms, emergency surgery is indicated.

You should remember that self-medication and taking hormonal drugs without a prescription from a specialist are inadmissible. Particular caution must be taken during pregnancy.

Effective prevention is always the best way to avoid the occurrence and development of the disease. In this regard, the importance of the following points should be remembered:

  • choosing the right underwear to prevent compression on the breasts;
  • complete cessation of bad habits;
  • use of hormonal contraception only under the supervision of a physician;
  • rational planning of the daily routine and proper nutrition (limiting the consumption of smoked, spicy and excessively salty foods);
  • minimal consumption of coffee and chocolate on the eve of the menstrual cycle

Everyone is familiar with the situation: just before the start of menstruation, the breasts are swollen and painful. It hurts with every unnecessary sudden movement, if it gets caught somewhere. After your period ends, your breast size returns to the same size and the pain decreases or goes away completely. Sometimes swelling and pain can accompany a woman for a month or more, then it becomes interesting or exciting why the mammary glands hurt after menstruation.

When swollen breasts are normal

Breasts may become engorged on different days associated with the menstrual cycle. She can become engorged and sick during ovulation. This phase occurs in the middle of the cycle; in a normal menstrual cycle, this date is 12–14 days after menstruation. Also normal and natural is swollen breasts a few days before, the period of menstruation and a few days after.

This process is explained by the fact that the body prepares for pregnancy not only in the pelvic organs, but also in general. These days, estrogen production increases. They are contained in adipose tissue, and accordingly, they enlarge organs rich in these cells. They are also contained in subcutaneous fatty tissue, but there it happens unnoticeably, since it is distributed evenly throughout the body. And in the mammary gland there is a whole accumulation of it, so the breasts become enlarged, which leads to disruption of blood flow. This provokes an even greater increase in breast size due to swelling. It becomes pasty and painful.

On days other than those described above, the breasts should not become engorged and sore, the reason for this is the increased level of estrogen.

Causes of chest pain on other days

Estrogen levels may remain high for the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Mastopathy
  • Mechanical damage
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Oncology


The first thing a woman immediately thinks about if her breasts hurt after her period is pregnancy. In most cases, this is true. For some women, menstruation may continue for several months after conception. Then swollen and painful breasts after menstruation become one of the few signs of a future addition to the family.

Estrogens help the body prepare for motherhood. Constant swelling and pain accompanies this period. Since estrogens and progesterone ensure the attachment of the egg to the uterus, growth and formation of the placenta. Thanks to them, the blood volume increases, since now the mother has 2 circulatory systems, and 1 heart pumps blood for two. Estrogen also stimulates the growth and formation of new blood vessels for the child. And progesterones prepare the mammary glands for feeding. In this case, new ducts grow and the mammary gland itself grows. The ratio of adipose tissue to gland changes. Now there are more ducts.

When the preparatory work is completed, the hormonal level decreases and the breasts stop hurting, but remain enlarged in size due to the formed milk ducts.

Hormonal disbalance

If the test is negative, your period has already passed, and your breasts still hurt, the cause may be a hormonal imbalance.

The main factors of hormonal disorders can be:

  • Taking hormonal contraceptives
  • Stress and nervous fatigue
  • Age (chest pain during menopause, when the body tries to accumulate as much estrogen as possible)
  • Some sexually transmitted infections (often high estrogen levels with syphilis)
  • Heredity
  • Hormone-producing ovarian tumors

In these cases, estrogen levels can be very high. It can be produced as reserves for the future, as the body anticipates that normal hormone production will soon end. Estrogen can be produced in large quantities in response to stress and illness. This is how the female body fights excessive pain and emotional overload. Thanks to this hormone, women are more resilient. Nature arranged it this way, which is also a kind of preparation for the birth process.


Mastopathy occurs when the mammary gland becomes infected with an infectious agent. The microorganism can enter through damage to the integrity of the skin or through the blood if there is inflammation of another organ. For mastopathy to appear, suppression of the immune system is necessary. A decline in immunity can occur when a woman is ill or takes immunosuppressive drugs - glucocorticoid hormones, cytostatic drugs. They are used for various autoimmune diseases to prevent the body from producing antibodies against its own cells and destroying itself. Also, a weakened immune system can occur after hypothermia.

Mechanical damage

There is always the possibility of falling or bruising your chest. And this moment may coincide with the end of menstruation. If proper attention was not paid to a fall or blow, then a woman may think that her breasts have not stopped hurting after menstruation. An incorrectly chosen bra can compress the breasts, rub and irritate the skin of the mammary glands.


This insidious disease can cause pain along the nerves in any organ. In fact, the organ is completely healthy, but irritation of the nerve that is pressed causes pain in the place that innervates the affected nerve. So many can be deceived and think that they have a diseased heart, stomach, pancreas, gland, lower back and other organs. More often, with thoracic osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia is tormented. They cause pain in the mammary glands. To distinguish intercostal neuralgia from true gland pain, you need to observe whether the pain is associated with movements. With neuralgia, the pain decreases or intensifies with exhalation and inhalation, intensifies with sudden movements, while wearing tight clothes.


Swelling and pain after menstruation can be caused by a hormone-producing ovarian tumor. Then a lot of estrogen and progesterone are produced. The natural reaction of the gland to high levels of hormones is similar symptoms. Such problems can also be caused by a tumor in the mammary gland itself. A tumor can be malignant or benign. The tumor grows, blocks blood vessels, and blood flow in the tissue is disrupted. And ischemia occurs. This causes pain and swelling. Also, the new tissue pushes aside the gland and puts pressure on it, which is accompanied by discomfort and visual enlargement. In any case, if there is a tumor, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In order to notice this terrible disease in time, you need to love yourself and monitor possible changes. You should not skip annual gynecological examinations. You need to feel your breasts every day while using the toilet. You need to start from the periphery to the center and palpate the gland with soft massage movements. If you find a lump or changes in sensations, immediately run to the doctor. The tumor is also characterized by some symptoms:

  • Pad symptom - if you take the mammary gland and stretch it, you will notice a certain area, similar to a pad, that stands out and catches your eye in relation to the soft consistency around it
  • Symptom of nipple retraction - When you pull on the found lump, the nipple is pulled inward and, as it were, follows the tumor
  • Orange peel symptom - at the site of tumor attachment, skin tightness and excessive lumpiness are formed, very reminiscent of an orange peel.

You should always remember them and if you have any of them, contact a mammologist and not delay it. The sooner you cure, the greater your chances of winning.

What to do if your chest hurts

Breasts during and after menstruation can also hurt due to poor nutrition, work habits, and excessive physical and emotional stress during the cycle.

If this is the reason and there are no organic or hormonal changes that cause symptoms, you can try to normalize the regimen and give up bad habits. To do this you need:

  • Refusal to drink alcoholic beverages
  • Quit smoking
  • Don't get too cold
  • Visit your doctor on time
  • Treat diseases at an early stage, rather than allowing them to become chronic
  • Avoid emotional stress, do not succumb to stress - fight it. Yoga and hobbies (embroidery, wrestling, knitting) will help with this.
  • Taking soothing baths with the addition of sea salt and various herbs
  • Proper nutrition that will provide the right amount of proteins, fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. To do this, you need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, change different types of meat, and include fish in your diet.
  • Take a course of vitamins in autumn and spring
  • Buy underwear according to size and comfort

If everything is normal in the body, knowing your characteristics, you can prepare for the onset of pain and swelling of the breast. To reduce these unpleasant sensations during menstruation, you can apply several tips:

  • To reduce swelling during menstruation, you need to avoid coffee and strong tea, chocolate, Pepsi
  • Wear soft, non-compressive bras
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and sports
  • Stay in one position as little as possible, take frequent walks in the fresh air
  • Drink more than 2 liters of still water, juices, compotes
  • Herbal teas are useful for reducing pain. It is recommended to brew tea from St. John's wort, chamomile, lemon balm and thyme
  • A decoction of strawberry leaves is useful. To do this, you need to brew strawberry leaves per 200 ml 1 teaspoon
  • Warm compresses through clothing relieve pain well
  • Reduce intake of fatty foods for the period of menstruation, eliminate smoked foods

When to see a doctor

It’s not for nothing that doctors recommend being examined by a gynecologist once a year, or twice a year when taking hormonal contraceptives. No matter how scary it may sound, oncology of the breast, ovaries, and cervix are in the forefront. Recovery is possible if a woman contacts her as soon as she notices a change in the normal functioning of these organs. And in most cases, cancer takes years to develop, so an annual visit can reduce the complication and progression of the disease many times over.

  • If you notice the symptoms of a tumor listed above, go to the doctor
  • Before taking OK, be fully examined by a doctor. If you take OK for a hormone-producing tumor that is just developing undetected, we will only help its rapid growth
  • If you notice breast tension, excessive pain, redness, local hyperthermia - this may be mastitis, and you need medical treatment
  • If your cycle changes or there is a hormonal imbalance, you should also contact a gynecologist so that your normal cycle and hormone levels can be restored as soon as possible, then the glands will stop hurting
  • If your breasts have not previously hurt after menstruation, that is, this is not due to heredity and a normal reaction, you need to go to a gynecologist

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