Tumor of the adrenal glands - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods. Causes, symptoms and treatment of tumors of the adrenal glands Secondary tumors of the adrenal gland are treated with pills

The adrenal glands in the human body play an important role in the normalization of metabolic processes and help the body adapt to stressful conditions. It is a paired organ of the endocrine system. They can be exposed to various pathologies and serious diseases, one of which is cancer.

Tumors of the adrenal glands are pathological uncontrolled growth of cells of the endocrine glands. The growth process is either benign or malignant. The disease is dangerous, it is not easy to diagnose, as it is located in a hard-to-reach area of ​​​​the body, has a small size.

Causes of adrenal tumors

The causes of the disease can be several:

  • genetic, hereditary program inherited from parents with chromosomes;
  • burn of the body, resulting in a violation of the vital activity of internal organs;
  • being under stress for an extended period of time;
  • poor malnutrition;
  • penetration of pathogenic microbes into the circulatory system;
  • increased growth of defective bone marrow cells;
  • the effect of toxic substances on the body;
  • radiation therapy in the treatment of cancerous neoplasms;
  • internal purulent inflammatory process.

In each individual case, the causes of the disease are different, sometimes inexplicable.

Causing factors for the onset of the disease

The adrenal glands consist of cortex and medulla (outer and inner layers). Tumors of the adrenal glands can appear in any of these layers, but outwardly the neoplasms are different. The development of the disease depends on the degree and location of new formations. The most dangerous is a tumor, which entails a violation of the activity of biologically active substances that affect the psychological and physical state of health. Many factors are capable of provoking cell proliferation, among them the following are most clearly highlighted:

  • congenital change in the system of regulation of the functions of internal organs with the help of hormones (lower cerebral appendage of the pituitary gland, secretory glands);
  • close relationship with people who suffered from lung cancer or breast cancer;
  • inherited high blood pressure;
  • diseases of internal organs (liver, kidneys);
  • damage to organs and tissues of the human body (bruises);
  • being under prolonged stress and other diseases.

A serious cause of adrenal tumors is an unhealthy, unhealthy lifestyle.

Symptoms of the disease

It is difficult to detect symptoms of the development of benign tumors. They are asymptomatic. Malignant neoplasms give external manifestations in the form of:

  • fatty formations that have appeared on different parts of the body (neck, hips, etc.);
  • sharp weight loss;
  • pathology of the skin in the form of thinning, stretch marks;
  • convulsive manifestations, spasm and weakness in muscle tissues;
  • suffocating pain in the chest and abdomen;
  • insulin deficiency ();
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • malfunctions of the urinary system;
  • decrease in bone density with the risk of fractures (osteoporosis);
  • premature maturation of the reproductive system;
  • nervous breakdowns, overexcitation.

Symptoms in women are accompanied by an uncharacteristic appearance of facial hair, a violation of the monthly cycle, sometimes its complete cessation, and suppression of sexual desire. In men, in addition to loss of attraction, dysfunction occurs. In people with a tumor, the timbre of the voice changes, panic attacks, overexcitation are observed.

Tumors in the form of myelolipoma of the adrenal glands are composed of adipose tissue, reminiscent of the bone marrow - not malignant. Adrenal pheochromocytoma is a cancer. But a benign formation or cancer of the adrenal gland is accompanied by the production of hormones that most affect blood pressure, stress reactions. The affected medulla of the organ becomes the source of all kinds of indicators of the disease. For example, frequent hypertensive crises may be a consequence of the proliferation of cells in the medulla. Crises in such cases are accompanied by an increase in pressure up to 250/120 mm Hg and even up to 300/150 mm Hg. When the pressure drops sweating profusely, loss of consciousness, involuntary urine output may occur. The danger of the condition lies in the consequences in the form of hemorrhages in the brain. A tumor of the adrenal gland in some cases can be palpated through the abdominal cavity.

The choice of treatment depends on the correctness of determining the degree of oncological disease, which gives real hope for victory over the disease, for a successful outcome. For example, in Germany, on the basis of improved techniques, it is possible to practically defeat cancer in the initial stage. With the transition of cancer to other stages, a special restraining therapy is used, thanks to which the patient returns to a tolerable threshold of life.

Classification of adrenal tumors

An accurate determination of the stage of cancer development is necessary not for classification, but for diagnosis, the correct approach to treatment, and a successful outcome. For example, knowing that a tumor of the right adrenal gland strikes the lymph nodes that are located next to the renal vessels, it is assumed that a kidney tumor may be found here. A tumor of the left adrenal gland threatens to cause an ovarian tumor. Modern pediatrics have to diagnose a tumor of the adrenal glands in children.

The medical literature describes the classification of malignant neoplasms by types according to the histogenetic principle:

  • disturbing metabolic processes - corticosteromas;
  • the appearance of signs of the second sex - androsteroma;
  • violating the water-salt balance in the body - aldosteroma;
  • combining andosteric and corticosteromic features - corticoandosteromas;
  • developing in children - neuroblastoma;
  • affecting the adrenal medulla - pheochromocytomas;
  • common type - carcinomas.

For the convenience of conducting clinical events, a classification by stages is used:

  • Stage I - the size of the tumor does not exceed 5 cm;
  • Stage II - the tumor is larger than 5 cm, but without invasion;
  • Stage III - tumors of different sizes with local invasion without penetration into neighboring organs;
  • Stage IV - tumors invade other organs, regardless of size.

There is an international system for determining the stage of malignant neoplasms, which is based on three components of TNM. The symbols T, N and M correspond to the meaning of T - tumor, N - nodes (lymphatic), M - displacement. In general, the TNM formula denotes a tumor of any size with or without metastases, with or without invasion to other organs. Numbers from 0 to 4 indicate the degree of damage to the organ, the spread of the tumor. At the end of the formula, the name of the sick body is indicated.

In addition to these TNM formulas, a diagnosis base (encrypted explanation) is indicated to confirm the validity of the diagnosis. For example, a record of the form C4 T1N1M0 means stage 1 of tumor development and penetration of metastases into the lymph nodes, and the conclusion is based on data from a study of the pathology of objects that were obtained surgically. This diagnosis is trustworthy and is recognized as final.

The final diagnosis is important when prescribing further treatment:

  • chemical therapy;
  • irradiation techniques;
  • immune or hormonal therapy and other methods.

Each type of neoplasm can be non-cancerous and cancerous.


A patient who is suspected of having an adrenal tumor is given a medical examination by all possible methods. Of the visual examination routes, reliable, achievable and inexpensive is ultrasonography. CT scan allows you to make a conclusion about the structure of this tumor. Data MRI supplement the process of examination of the patient.

Radionuclide diagnostic methods are also used:

  • radiological diagnostics;
  • PET (positron or two-photon emission tomography) with 18-FDG.

Hormonal studies are carried out:

  • urine tests for the presence of cortisol, for metanephrines;
  • blood for adrenocorticotropic hormone.

In each individual case, the choice of a specific examination method is made by a diagnostician.

Therapeutic measures

Symptoms and treatment regarding the adrenal glands are closely related.

Modern medicine knows different practices:

  • innovative and conservative
  • radical and forgiving.

But medical solidarity lies in the fact that in any case it is necessary.

Treatment of a tumor of the adrenal glands begins after a thorough study of the state of the body, the development of education. Benign newly formed tissues of the adrenal glands do not need treatment and any invasion. Small-focal neoplasms that do not produce hormones need only regular examination, repeated at a certain period of time. As a rule, such tumors have a favorable prognosis.

Modern medicine has several methods of treatment, in some cases complex treatment is used. The most common way is the surgical removal of the focus of the disease.

The method of irradiation of cancer of the adrenal cortex is used to prevent the introduction of cancer cells into bone tissue. The method is ineffective without direct irradiation of the immediate tumor.

Medical treatment

The most common method of treatment and preventive measures is drug therapy. With the help of drugs, the hormonal secretion of newly formed cells is regulated, their growth is inhibited. Drugs are prescribed in cases where it is impossible to operate on the adrenal glands with metastases, as well as when the oncological formation is partially removed. Recognized as the main drug Mitotan which can be combined with chemotherapeutic procedures. The drug can destroy cancerous growths. Other means are also assigned ( Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone).

Of the new generation drugs, it is considered effective Medrol, which is recommended in combination with other drugs in cases of insufficiency of the functions of the adrenal cortex. Another medicine called Polcortolon contains the hormone Glucocorticoid necessary for the body, and Cortef.

Radioisotope therapy and drug treatment requires a regular study of the state of the blood regarding the indications for the presence of hormones.

Chemical preparations are common to help the patient in the later stages of tumor treatment:

  • Cisplatin;
  • doxorubicin;
  • Etoposide;
  • Streptozocin;
  • Vincristine.

Chemotherapy gives a 35% chance of successful completion of therapeutic measures.


Adrenal cancer is a serious medical conclusion, in such a situation, the intervention of a surgeon is required. The operation is carried out in a specialized medical center. At the same time, the existing competence in this surgical field is important.

Surgical practice has been enriched by the method laparoscopy, in which adrenal cancer of 1-3 stages is extracted through special punctures in the peritoneal cavity. An undesirable point in this type of treatment is the possibility of recurrence of the disease. Micro metastases can persist during operations, and then grow throughout the body. Under such circumstances, repeated surgical intervention is required.

Treatment methods at home

Our body works smoothly and normally when the activity of internal organs is regulated. Such a kind of regulator is the hormonal system, which is controlled by endocrine cells. The adrenal glands play an important role in this harmonious combination. The right one looks like a triangle, the left one looks like a crescent. And together they produce the necessary hormones.

However, too much production of them causes a disease - Cushing's syndrome (photo below).

Cushing's syndrome

Insufficient hormonal production leads to Addison's disease. And in one, and in another option, help is required for the body. Folk remedies - herbal medicine can help, for example:

  • snowdrop tincture;
  • infusion of horsetail herb.

A stimulant for the adrenal glands, as folk practice shows, is geranium.

In restoring the body, it is important to establish proper nutrition, provide vitamins, and choose the right foods. Under the concept of proper nutrition, one must mean the consumption vegetables, fruits. The balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats should combine low-fat varieties of fish and meat, dairy products and food greens.

Fatty and fried foods are allowed in minimal quantities. With great care, dried fruits, legumes and nuts should be considered due to their excess potassium content.

The diet of a sick person is supplemented vitamins B1 and ascorbic acid. Since these vitamins are present in nature's gifts, citrus fruits, apples, garden berries, and rose hips will be essential in the diet. In addition, we should not forget about wheat products with the addition of bran and beef liver.

Traditional medicine recipes

In the recipes of traditional medicine, there are various herbal preparations that contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels, improve people's well-being. An example of such a collection:

  • take herbs field horsetail - 50 g,
  • nettle and knotweed herbs - 100g each,
  • annual with the name common pikulnik - 75 g,
  • add dry Icelandic moss - 40 g.

For a medicinal decoction, 2 tablespoons of herbal collection are taken. This mixture must be poured with water in a volume of 500 ml and boiled over a fire for 10 minutes. After cooling the broth, you need to strain it. It is recommended to drink the resulting decoction 2 hours after eating 4 times a day, 100 ml for 2 weeks.

Important! The decoction should be fresh every day.

Noteworthy are recipes from affordable blackcurrant. Fragrant berry has a special effect on the human body. Leaves in the form of a decoction and juice from berries are equally useful. Regular use of blackcurrant as a food product improves the activity of the endocrine glands, relieves painful symptoms.

For currant broth:

  • 20 g of dried leaves are taken per 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 3 hours;
  • strained broth to drink 100 ml after meals 4 times a day.

Hormonal imbalance contributes to the reproduction of cells, the appearance of a disease with the terrible name of adrenal cancer. Therefore, any attempt to use alternative medicine can only be resorted to after consultation with specialists. It is possible to treat the disease with herbal remedies only with the approval of specialists and within reasonable limits.


Timely treatment of a tumor of the adrenal glands responds in the future with a favorable life prognosis. However, one must be prepared for the fact that adrenal cancer will bring the patient a lot of suffering.

In patients who got rid of pheochromocytoma by surgery, tachycardia remains, persistent hypertension that needs drug correction persists, 70% of patients who have removed aldosteromas live with normal blood pressure, in the other 30% of cases hypertension is observed, which responds well to drug therapy.

After removal of the corticosteroma, recovery begins in 1.5-2 months:

  • pressure normalizes;
  • there are positive changes in appearance;
  • childbearing function returns to normal;
  • the content of insulin is normalized;
  • the body weight decreases.

In the future, it is necessary to establish a diet, a healthy lifestyle and go for examinations to the doctor.

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Adrenal cancer is a dangerous disease. Because the neoplasm is inaccessible and can be very small, it is difficult to diagnose using traditional methods. The disease is difficult to treat conservatively, and therefore the most common and effective method of struggle is surgical removal of the tumor.

What is an adrenal neoplasm

Adrenal cancer is a rare disease. For example, about 300 cases are diagnosed annually in the United States. This is a relatively small number. Most patients are between the ages of 45 and 50, but no one is safe from a tumor, even children. Cancer of the cortex of the organ, as statistics show, is more often manifested in women, and neoplasms of the adrenal medulla equally affect both men and women.

Pathological changes on the left are the same as on the right. As a result of adrenal cancer, a variety of changes can occur in the body. Small glands perform an important function for all systems - the synthesis of hormones (adrenaline, aldosterone, norepinephrine, cortisol).

The true cause of the development of the disease has not yet been found.

Some scientists, based on numerous studies, suggest that mutational changes in DNA become the main provocateurs.

As a result, oncosuppressors are excluded and oncogenes are turned on. Hereditary diseases that can affect the development of cancer include:

  • endocrine neoplasia;
  • Li-Fraumeni syndrome;
  • adenomatous polyps;
  • Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.

Additional factors may include:

  • smoking;
  • obesity;
  • external exposure to carcinogens;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Patients with a local (within the gland) type of disease have more chances for recovery. Five-year survival in their case is typical for 65% of patients. With the regional variant (cancer spreads to the lymph nodes and nearby tissues), this figure decreases to 44%. In severe form - distant (active metastasis and cancer of other organs) - the prognosis is unfavorable: the survival rate is only 7%.

Removal of the aldosteroma, along with the affected adrenal gland, provides good indicators in terms of hypertension. BP normalizes in 70% of cases, and another 30% of patients have moderate hypertension, but without crises. Elimination of the androster may further lead to short stature.

After complete removal of a pheochromocytoma, moderate hypertension and tachycardia can be observed for a long time, which are relatively easy to treat.

How is pathology classified?

In accordance with the exact location of the tumor, they are divided into 2 main groups, which differ significantly from each other:

  • neoplasm on the cortex of the organ;
  • neoplasm of the brain.

Each of these groups has its subspecies. The first one can include:

  • Corticosteromas are neoplasms that are capable of producing glucocorticoids (causing Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome) and disrupt metabolic processes. Among the tumors of the adrenal cortex are the most common.

  • Androsteromes cause the production of androgens, lead to adrenogenital syndrome, and have a masculinizing effect. Most often they occur between the ages of 20 and 40 years and are diagnosed 2 times more in women. They are rare and occur in only 1-3% of all patients with adrenal cancer.
  • Aldosteromas - neoplasms that contribute to the active production of the hormone aldosterone (in excess causes muscle pain, hypokalemia, hypertension), lead to a violation of water-salt metabolism. Such neoplasms can be single or multiple, occur on the same gland or affect both adrenal glands.
  • Corticoestroms that produce estrogen and have a feminizing effect.

The second group includes:

  1. Ganglioneuromas are mostly benign tumors that consist of nerve fibers and do not contain a capsule.
  2. Pheochromocytomas - neoplasms that most often occur in people aged 30 to 50 years, can be hereditary in nature, cause autonomic crises.

Tumors of the adrenal glands can be benign or malignant. In the first case, the neoplasms are not large and do not cause any special symptoms. Quite often they are discovered quite by accident. Signs of a malignant tumor are clear, intoxication is observed. The tumor is growing very fast.

Formations can be primary (in this case, the tumor occurs in different parts of the adrenal glands) and secondary (when the neoplasm enters the adrenal glands from other organs).

The tumors themselves can provoke an increased production of a hormone (in this case they are called hormonally active) or, conversely, inhibit the production of substances in the adrenal gland (“silent”, or hormone-inactive). The latter are more often benign and become companions of obesity, diabetes mellitus or hypertension.

How the disease manifests itself

With a tumor of the adrenal glands, the symptoms can be very different. It depends on the type of education and its location. If the cortex is affected, Cushing's syndrome may develop. Its main symptoms are:

  • fat deposits that are constantly increasing (especially on the hips and back of the neck);
  • thinning of the skin;
  • muscle pain;
  • severe fatigue;
  • headache.

Such signs are characteristic, including for corticosteroma. It can lead to diabetes. Some patients develop osteoporosis or kidney disease (pyelonephritis). Adrenal cancer can cause sexual dysfunction. In men, obvious symptoms of feminization are noticed, in particular:

  1. deterioration of potency;
  2. testicular hypoplasia;
  3. gynecomastia;
  4. oligospermia;
  5. atrophy of the penis;
  6. lack of facial hair;
  7. high voice tone.

In women, on the contrary, masculine signs appear:

  • lowering the voice timbre;
  • male pattern hair
  • cessation of menstruation;
  • hypertrophy of the clitoris, mammary glands;
  • increased libido;
  • reduction in body fat.

If adrenal cancer occurs in childhood, then puberty in girls is greatly accelerated, and in boys it is greatly slowed down. Against the background of sharp hormonal changes, mental disorders can also occur, for example, excessive irritability, depression.

Symptoms of damage to the medulla

When the medulla of the organ is damaged, hormones begin to be produced that affect the increase in blood pressure. Hemodynamic disorders can occur in three forms:

  • Paroxysmal. It occurs very often, in about 50-85% of patients. It is recognized by the following signs: a sudden increase in blood pressure to 220–300 mm Hg. Art., dizziness, vomiting, loss of consciousness, polyuria, tremor, feeling of panic, a sharp rise in temperature. The crisis lasts for several hours, stops suddenly. After it there is a strong sweating, reddening of the face. As a rule, a paroxysmal crisis does not occur spontaneously. This is preceded by physical activity, stress, urination, alcohol consumption.
  • Constant. Blood pressure in this case is constantly elevated and is not very well corrected with medication.
  • Mixed. Against the background of prolonged high blood pressure, hypertensive crises are observed.

Features of diagnostics

Complaints of the patient and general blood tests already allow the doctor to suspect in which place (cerebral or cortical layer) the neoplasm is located.

All additional methods that make it possible to establish a diagnosis more accurately can be divided into 2 groups:

  • laboratory;
  • instrumental.

The first includes, first of all, a general and biochemical blood test, urinalysis. The level of free cortisol, vanillylmandelic and homovanillic acids, aldosterone, catecholamines in the daily urinary portion may indicate the activity of the tumor. For greater accuracy, the analysis for the presence of catecholamines is performed immediately after a hypertensive crisis.

The results of blood tests for ACTH levels help to identify how much the tumor has spread and plan treatment tactics.

It is important to find out how actively estradiol, estrogens, renin are produced. In stationary conditions, special tests can be used for this purpose. To identify adrenal dysfunction, special tests are sometimes performed:

  1. Identification of pathology due to a change in clinical blood parameters. Often suggest the use of Captopril.
  2. Adrenal cancer is defined as a result of a sharp increase in blood pressure. It is supposed to use such means as Tyramine, Tropafen, Clonidine and some others.

The second group of diagnostic methods is not complete without ultrasound. Modern equipment makes it possible to see large tumors and the fuzzy structure of organs. In the early stages of the disease, this method is not always advisable to use.

How active the neoplasm is, it is possible to find out with the help of phlebography (vein catheterization). Obtaining information becomes possible thanks to radiography. After performing phlebography, a blood test is taken from the patient to determine the level of hormones.

Detection of a virilizing tumor of the adrenal glands with a diameter of 0.5 to 6 cm is carried out using computed tomography. Today, this method is very popular, because it makes it possible to obtain reliable information about the size of the neoplasm, its exact location, contours, shapes, and structure. The same data can be obtained by specialists using the MRI method. In order to exclude or confirm the fact of metastasis, radioisotope bone scans and lung radiography are used.

Conservative treatment

In cases where the tumor is not large and there is no evidence of its malignant nature, constant monitoring of the neoplasm is needed. In this case, symptomatic treatment is carried out if the signs of the disease prevent a person from living a normal life. Pheochromocytoma crisis can be reduced through the use of such medications:

  • Nitroglycerine;
  • Regitin;
  • sodium nitroprusside;
  • Phentolamine.

Treatment with a radioactive isotope may be carried out. Once through the vein into the bloodstream, this fluid causes the destruction of tumor cells, and then its reduction. A proven fact is that a radioactive isotope is able to fight metastases to a certain extent.

The patient is often prescribed medications that make it possible to control hypertensive crises.

To prevent a stroke, vasodilators, drugs for strengthening and elasticity of blood vessels are appropriate.

Since they can no longer perform their main function, the patient receives the hormones necessary for normal life in the form of tablets. It is appropriate for the disease to use drugs that can reduce the level of hormones produced by the tumor itself:

  • Fareston and Tamoxifen reduce the amount of estrogen;
  • Aldactone lowers aldosterone levels.

Having found the expression of antibodies to Ki-67 in the tumor of the organ, doctors suggest treatment with Chloditan. This drug has been used for more than 40 years in the fight against adrenal cancer and has good efficacy. At the same time, this is a very toxic agent, so the concentration of Chloditan in the blood must be constantly monitored. Other drugs that are used in chemotherapy are Lysodren (Mitotan).

It should be noted that as an independent method, chemotherapy in the fight against adrenal cancer is not used. Most often, it is resorted to after surgical removal of the neoplasm. In this case, chemotherapy successfully fights metastases and is able to prevent recurrence of the disease.

An auxiliary method of treatment is radiation therapy, in particular, such a type as brachytherapy is one of the options for internal radiation. Radioactive material is temporarily injected into the human body closer to the tumor. Subsequently, it is surgically removed.


In each case, when the size of the neoplasm is more than 3 cm, doctors recommend a surgical method of treatment. At the same time, it makes no sense to remove only the tumor itself, so the entire adrenal gland is removed.

If the symptoms of a tumor of the adrenal glands and laboratory data indicate a malignant nature of the formation, it is necessary to remove both the tissues closest to the adrenal gland and the lymph nodes.

In some cases, the question arises of removing the kidney (if there is a possibility that it is affected by metastases). The operation is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy (low-traumatic or closed method). Access to the affected area is through the lumbar region. The incision in this case is small.
  2. open operation. It involves cutting the abdominal muscles, diaphragm and chest. It is considered more traumatic, after such an operation a noticeable scar remains. When opening the abdominal cavity, the doctor has the opportunity to better see and assess how much the disease has spread. Another advantage of this variant of surgical intervention is that, having noticed the damage to other organs, the doctor can simultaneously remove them. No additional operation required.

There are cases when the disease spreads to the inferior vena cava. The best method of treatment in this case would be a large-scale operation, during which the doctor must perform a resection of the adrenal gland and maintain the integrity of the vein. During the entire period of the operation, the patient is connected to the artificial circulation system. In each of these situations, surgery should be performed at an endocrine surgery center. The work is performed under general anesthesia.

Particularly difficult is the surgical treatment of pheochromocytoma. The likelihood of developing a hypertensive crisis at this point is very high. The anesthesiologist has to accurately calculate the dose of anesthetic substances. To successfully perform the operation in modern surgery, ultrasonic scalpels, endoscopic electrocoagulators with feedback, and computed tomography are especially often used.

Left without an adrenal gland, the patient actually has to undergo hormone replacement therapy for life, that is, take pills that replace their own hormones.

After an adrenalectomy, the patient should be examined every 6 months.

As with other cancers, a tumor in the adrenal glands can cause relapses. To prevent this, the patient needs to give up strong physical and nervous overload, alcoholic beverages, sleeping pills.

Adrenal cancer often causes severe consequences for the patient. At any moment, a hypertensive crisis can occur, which leads to a stroke, the kidney can be affected and urination completely stops, heart failure can develop. With untimely treatment, the disease leads to death. Given this, already at the first signs of the disease, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

In pathologies of the adrenal glands, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the symptoms of the disease in order to prescribe adequate treatment.

Of particular danger are gland tumors detected by instrumental diagnostic methods, since they can be malignant, which increases the risk of serious complications.

The endocrine gland, located at the tops of the kidneys, consists of two morphologically different layers.

One of them, cortical, occupies most of the adrenal glands and produces:

  • three mineralocorticoids;
  • three glucocorticoids;
  • two androsteroids.

The medulla secretes the following hormones:

  • dopamine;
  • norepinephrine;
  • adrenalin.

The functions of the organ in women also include the reproductive system. As in any gland, tumors can form in the adrenal glands, which occur both in the cortical layer and in the medulla.

In this case, lesions may occur that will entail a change in the hormonal background or will be completely hormone-independent.

Examination and therapy should be carried out as soon as possible in order to save the life and health of the patient.

Tumors of the adrenal glands

Volumetric education of the adrenal gland is a kind of proliferation of cells of the parenchyma of the gland.
In endocrinology, there is a classification of types of neoplasms on the adrenal glands:

  • hormone-producing;
  • hormone-independent;
  • adrenal cancer.

As a rule, the first two types are not dangerous and do not have signs of malignancy, but with a large size and influence on the hormonal status of a person, tumors can affect the state of the whole organism.

With a size of 5 cm or more, such neoplasms begin to compress neighboring organs, which is manifested by pain symptoms.

Species by cell types

According to the location of focal formations of the adrenal gland, two types are distinguished: cortical and cerebral.
In this case, the first type is divided into several subgroups:

  • aldosteromas;
  • corticosteromas;
  • corticoestroms;
  • androsteromas;
  • mixed.

Such tumors occupy up to 15% of the total number of neoplasms encountered.

Tumors that arise from the tissue of the medulla of the gland are found in all other cases. As a rule, these are pheochromocytomas and ganglioneuromas, which are often hereditary.

Neoplasms affect the synthesis of hormones, therefore, cause characteristic signs and health disorders. They are called hormonally active adrenal tumors.


Neoplasms that increase the synthesis of aldosterone and cause a pathology called.
The symptoms of aldosteroma are as follows:

  • hypertension;
  • atrophy of muscle tissue;
  • alkaloid changes in the blood;
  • decrease in the content of potassium in the blood.

In 9 out of 10 cases, these are single tumors. In almost 100% of cases, these are benign formations.


Such neoplasms synthesize glucocorticoids. The disorder they cause is called.
This tumor causes the following symptoms:

  • a set of fat mass;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • early onset of sexual characteristics in adolescents;
  • decreased sexual activity in adults.

As a rule, these adenomas in equal proportions can be benign and malignant.


They cause an oversaturation of the body with estrogen. Most often it appears in childbearing age.

It is dangerous due to its malignant nature and is manifested by aggressive behavior.


Increases the level of androgens, most often occurs in young patients, in 50% of cases it becomes malignant.
Causes the following symptoms:

  • untimely onset of the appearance of sexual characteristics;
  • children's pseudohermaphroditism;
  • virilization in the fairer sex.

This pathology is very rare, occurs in women of childbearing age.

With this disease, women need to be treated by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist.

Symptoms of a tumor in the adrenal glands

Regardless of benignity and malignancy, they are manifested by the following clinical picture:

  • tremor of the limbs;
  • hypertensive crises;
  • heart rhythm disorder, its acceleration;
  • state of mental excitement;
  • inexplicable fears;
  • painful cramps in the abdominal cavity;
  • frequent urination.

The risk of developing this disorder is due to the appearance of signs of diabetes mellitus and renal failure.

A tumor of the adrenal glands is manifested by such symptoms in women as the development of obesity and infertility against the background of amenorrhea.

Children can also develop tumors of the adrenal glands. In this case, early sexual development is observed. In adults, the voice may change and libido may decrease.

Cancer and its symptoms

Adrenal cancer in the initial stages of development is detected when there is pressure on neighboring organs or when a hormonal disorder occurs.
In this case, the following signs of the disorder appear:

  1. Localized deposition of fat on the neck, on the back above the shoulder blades.
  2. Flabbiness of the muscles and skin of the abdomen.
  3. The appearance of edema, even with minor bruises.
  4. Destruction of bones.
  5. Increasing the lethargy of muscle tissue.
  6. Rapid obesity.

Tests of patients will indicate the presence of a tumor marker and an increase in the blood serum.

This increases the level of blood pressure, and also increases the feeling of thirst.

Hormonally inactive adrenal tumors

Hormonally inactive tumors of the adrenal glands are called incidentalomas. Among all neoplasms of the endocrine gland, their number reaches up to 9% of cases.

Hormonally inactive adrenal tumors, unlike other adenomas, do not cause specific consequences.

They appear as they increase in size. Symptoms of hormonally inactive adrenal tumors:

  • some increase in blood pressure;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • myalgia;
  • arthralgia.

In some cases, they may accompany diabetes mellitus. According to statistics, adenomas without any consequences occur on the left adrenal gland, but can also be bilateral.


The diagnosis is made by the following methods:

  1. Clarification of hormonal status by blood test.
  2. Blood screening for potassium, sodium.
  3. Instrumental examination of the abdominal cavity using ultrasound or CT to visualize hypodense formation of the adrenal gland.
  4. Doppler study of the state of the endocrine gland.

If malignancy is suspected, an organ biopsy and a kidney test for tumor markers are performed.


The tumor process in the parenchyma of the gland may be accompanied by some forms of complications.
Here are some of them:

  1. Development of malignancy in a good process.
  2. Metastasis of cancerous tumors to neighboring organs. The prognosis for metastases to the adrenal glands is poor.
  3. The development of a crisis in pheochromocytoma, which may be accompanied by a change in high and low blood pressure. Such jumps are not amenable to treatment. They occur mainly in children.

In addition to acute complications that lead to death in the shortest possible time, long-term complications can also occur, such as the development of infertility or diabetes mellitus.


Treatment tactics depend on the type of tumor and its symptoms. There are several types of treatment regimens for the disease:

  1. An adrenal tumor that affects hormonal synthesis, as well as any neoplasm larger than 2.5 cm, is removed promptly.
  2. Small hormonally inactive adrenal tumors are controlled in dynamics, in this case hormonal treatment is used.
  3. Operations on the adrenal glands are performed by laparoscopy or by the abdominal method, while the degree of damage affects the type of surgical intervention. The entire gland is removed when cancer occurs.
  4. Pheochromocytomas, in addition to removal, are treated by the introduction of radioactive isotopes, which are designed to reduce the tumor and metastases in size.
  5. The crisis in pheochromocytoma is stopped with the use of the drug Phentolamine or Nitroglycerin.

After surgery, the patient, especially with the complete removal of the adrenal gland, is prescribed hormone therapy for the rest of his life.

Malignant tumors of the adrenal glands - therapy

Treatment of adrenal cancer involves, first of all, surgery to remove the tumor.

According to the types of stages, the following types of medical care are distinguished:

  1. At the first degree pathologies, when the size of the neoplasm is less than 5 cm, and the lymph nodes are normal, a method such as laparoscopy can be used.
  2. The second degree is manifested by the excess of the tumor size of 5 cm, abdominal surgery and treatment with chemotherapy drugs are already being performed.
  3. At the third stage adrenal cancer is manifested by the penetration of the tumor into the cavity of neighboring organs, while metastases appear in neighboring lymph nodes. Abdominal surgery can be used up to the removal of the adrenal glands and treatment with rays.
  4. At the fourth stage when metastases are spreading everywhere, surgery may not help, as well as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

After surgery, the person's condition is supported with the help of painkillers and hormone replacement agents.

Adrenal cancer should be observed in dynamics by an oncologist, while the prognosis at grade 3-4 is unfavorable, since the survival rate in this case is extremely low.

This is the second most common organ after the thyroid gland. Key questions for patients are related to tumors. This is a rare disease for endocrinologists and surgeons. In some cases, against the background of arterial hypertension, a tumor of the adrenal glands may not manifest itself in any way.

These thin organs, 2–6 mm thick, are located above the kidneys. Hence they got their name. They are indirectly related to the kidneys.

The adrenal glands are an endocrine organ that secretes its own hormones.

The adrenal glands are paired organs

Classification of adrenal tumors

There are benign and malignant tumors. They come from the cortical or medulla. In this process, certain functional hormones are modified. Sometimes the tumor affects both parts of the adrenal glands. In this case, serious violations are observed.

A malignant tumor differs from a benign one by its uncontrolled expansive growth. In this case, the cells metastasize to the lymph nodes and further throughout the body. If the tumor is small and does not grow, then it is considered benign.

Very rare formations of the cortical layer. Among them are such diagnoses as:

  • androsteroma;
  • aldesteroma;
  • corticosteroma;
  • corticoestroma.

From the inner layer of the adrenal glands, tumors of the nervous tissues, ganglioneuromas, and pheochromocytoma begin their development.

Separately, incidentolomas are distinguished - neoplasms found by chance. They are detected during computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging performed for another disease or condition.

Benign tumor of the adrenal gland - photo during surgery

There are also tumors that do not have specific manifestations. They are very rare.

Hormonally active adrenal tumors

Normally, stress hormones are released. In the process of critical situations, they dilate the vessels of the heart, brain, muscles. If there is a sharp increase in hormones, then such tumors are called hormonally active.

In the group of rare diseases, there are those that are more common. First of all, these are tumors such as pheochromocytoma and aldesteroma. Glucosteroma is a tumor of the adrenal cortex, better known as Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome.

The most dangerous is pheochromocytoma.

Catecholamines, which include adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, play an important role in the lives of men and women. These hormones are especially helpful in stressful situations. But when they are not needed, they can cause very serious disorders and conditions.

Pheochromocytoma is different in that it results in very high blood pressure. The manifestation of this is most often short-lived: the attack lasts 5-7 minutes. During this time, the pressure can rise sharply to indicators not determined by the tonometer. Then it suddenly drops as low as possible to the unconscious state of the patient. This is a characteristic feature of pheochromocytoma.

Symptoms of a tumor of the adrenal glands that produce aldesterone have a different character:

  • persistent high blood pressure that cannot be treated with antihypertensive drugs;
  • easy tolerance by patients of hypertension;
  • frequent nighttime urination;
  • muscle weakness.

According to these main signs, an aldesteroma tumor of the adrenal glands can be suspected in patients.

Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome in adrenal tumors

An increased content of cortisol in the blood leads to all the effects that occur with Itsenko-Cushing's disease. This adrenal tumor has characteristic symptoms:

  • increased weight with an increase in the abdomen;
  • thinning of the skin;
  • the appearance of purple-violet stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs;
  • an increase in the size of the face and a change in its color: it becomes purple-bluish;
  • moderate increase in blood pressure.

This classic appearance occurs in patients with excess cortisol.

Symptoms of adrenal tumors

This disease is characterized by the diversity of its clinical picture. This is due to the structure of the adrenal tumor and the manifestation of its hormonal activity. The main symptoms by which the disease is determined:

  • increased blood pressure - it is not treatable, not felt and easily tolerated by patients;
  • cessation of menstruation in women of childbearing age;
  • excessive sweating;
  • panic feeling of fear;
  • frequent nighttime urination;
  • sexual disorders;
  • an increase in the size and weight of the abdomen - the upper and lower limbs remain thin:
  • puffiness and cyanosis of the face;
  • fragility of bones;
  • muscle weakness.

Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. In some cases, signs inherent in carcinomas appear. These are pain syndromes, digestive disorders, cardiovascular weakness and general malaise.

Classification of neoplasms

Neoplasms of the adrenal glands of the cortical, inner and medulla - proliferation of cells of the hormonal organ. They are rare, most often they are benign neoplasms.

Among the causes of adrenal tumors, there is a genetic predisposition, multiple neoplasia syndrome.

The risk group consists of patients who have undergone sarcoma, lung cancer, breast cancer. Tumors metastasize to lymph nodes, bones, liver, kidneys, spleen.

Giant adrenal tumor removed from a patient

Neoplasms develop on any part of the gland. Benign tumors are adenomas, malignant tumors are carcinomas. The most common type of tumor of the medulla is pheochromocytoma. It affects one adrenal gland, less often its development occurs in both.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the type of steroid that is produced in excess. In cases where the tumor does not affect the hormonal background, signs of deterioration in health status depend on the size of the formation.

Causes of the growth of tumor tissues inside the adrenal glands

A certain pattern leading to the growth of tumor tissues has not been established by medicine. The causes of pathology are not fully understood. Genetic predisposition is considered an important factor in the growth process.

The risk group is made up of people with:

  • with congenital pathologies of the endocrine glands;
  • hereditary hypertension;
  • the structure and pathology of the kidneys;
  • oncological diseases.

Complications of adrenal tumors

The human body system is not ready for a sudden and sharp jump in pressure. Hypertensive crises can provoke a hemorrhagic stroke. Neoplasms cause the development of myocardial infarction. Complications include severe pulmonary edema and sudden death.

Any benign tumor can turn into a malignant formation, so this issue requires a radical solution.

Most often, neoplasms should be removed, with the exception of very small ones that are not hormonally active.

Surgery is necessary in cases of malignancy. Endoscopic removal is preferred. This method allows minimally traumatic removal of a deeply located formation through three small incisions.

Diagnosis of MRI tumors of the adrenal glands

Classification according to the physiological pathologies they cause

The adrenal glands produce the hormone cortisol, which regulates glucose metabolism, blood pressure and general well-being. They release mineralocorticoids into the blood, the main of which is aldosterone, which is responsible for the regulation of water-salt balance. Adrenal adenoma is characterized by a triad of signs: hypertension, hypernatremia, alkalosis.

Too much cortisol in the blood leads to:

  • carbohydrate-protein, lipid metabolism;
  • water-salt balance;
  • work of the cardiovascular system.

Such patients are characterized by excessive fat deposits in the abdomen, changes in the size and color of the face.

Adrenal tumor removal surgery

The nature of the changes in the increased secretion of androgens and estrogens depends on the gender and age of the patients. In women, accelerated development of muscles is observed, the physique becomes masculine. In the same way, changes occur in the psyche. In men, an anabolic effect is manifested, the physique and voice change. They gain weight quickly. Adolescents experience precocious puberty and physical development.

All visible disorders in the human body associated with the function of the adrenal glands require research and diagnosis in medical institutions. The endocrinologist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Which is characterized by benign or malignant (less often) neoplasms from the adrenal cells.

The adrenal glands are rather complex endocrine glands in structure and function, which consist of 2 layers: cortical (external) and cerebral (internal). The adrenal cortex, as well as their inner medulla, synthesize a huge amount of various hormones that provide homeostasis of the body.

Tumors of the adrenal glands disrupt the hormonal balance of the body, which is manifested by various pathologies.

Tumor of the adrenal glands: causes

Unfortunately, the cause of these neoplasms is still not fully known. It was revealed only that the genetic factor and hereditary predisposition play some role in the occurrence of tumors of the adrenal glands.

There are provoking factors:
- chronic endocrine diseases;
- dysfunction of the nervous system (stress and depression);
- arterial hypertension;
- various injuries (including as a result of surgical intervention);
- various congenital pathologies of the adrenal glands.

Tumor of the adrenal glands: classification

Tumors of the adrenal glands are divided into two groups according to their localization:
- neoplasms of the adrenal cortex;
- Neoplasms of the adrenal medulla.

Tumors of the cortex (outer layer) of the adrenal glands are rare. Here they are:
- aldosteroma;
- corticoestroma;
- corticosteroma;
- andosteroma;
- their various mixed forms.

Tumors of the medulla can come from the nervous or chromaffin tissue:
- ginglioneuroma;
- pheochromocytoma (common variant).

Also, tumors of the adrenal glands can be benign, which are usually difficult to detect, and malignant, which develop quite quickly.
These neoplasms are also primary (developing from their own elements) and secondary (developing "on the basis" of foreign elements).

Primary adrenal tumor can be hormonally active (produces any of the hormones) and hormonally inactive ("dead").

Hormonally inactive tumors, as a rule, are benign neoplasms, for example, they are fibroids, fibromas, lipomas. But there are also malignant hormonally inactive tumors of the adrenal glands: pyrogenic cancer, teratoma, melanoma.

Hormonally active neoplasms are corticosteroma, corticoestroma, andosteroma, aldosteroma, pheochromocytoma.

Further, adrenal tumors are distinguished by the nature of the pathologies caused:
- tumors that disrupt metabolic processes in the body (corticosteromas);
- violating water-salt metabolism (aldosteromas);
- causing a musculinizing effect (androsteromas);
- causing a feminizing effect (corticoestroms);
- causing mixed exchange-viril symptoms (corticoandrosteromas).

Hormonally active adrenal tumors

The most important for a person are hormonally active neoplasms, because. as a result of their secreting activity, the hormonal balance of the body is disturbed, which leads to various kinds of diseases.

They are the most common tumor of the adrenal cortex producing glucocorticoids. Glucosteroma causes Itsenko Cushing's disease, is one of the causes of obesity, early puberty, early extinction of sexual functions, arterial hypertension.

It produces aldosterone, which causes a violation of the regulation of mineral-salt metabolism and is the cause of Conn's syndrome, as well as aldosteroma causes arterial hypertension, alkalosis, hypokalemia, muscle weakness. In the vast majority of cases, it is a benign neoplasm (96-98%).

This adrenal tumor produces estrogen, which causes sexual weakness in men. Unfortunately, corticoesteroma is most often malignant, but it is rare.

This adrenal tumor produces androgens. In half of the cases it is malignant, but it is rare - in 1-3% of all adrenal tumors (women get sick more often than men 2 times). Androsteroma causes very rapid puberty in childhood and a rapid decline in sexual function in adults.

This adrenal tumor produces catecholamines. Pheochromocytoma in nine cases out of ten is a benign neoplasm. It causes an adrenaline crisis, various complications of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, and is sometimes the cause of the development of diabetes mellitus.

Tumor of the adrenal gland: symptoms

The symptoms of adrenal tumors are very extensive and depend on the type of hormone they secrete.

Aldosteroma symptoms may include:
1. Cardiovascular group of symptoms
- arterial hypertension;
- Heart arythmy ;
- shortness of breath;
- headache ;
- hypertrophy and dystrophy of the myocardium;
- ophthalmology of the optic nerve;
- a crisis may occur, which sometimes leads to a stroke and coronary insufficiency.
2. Kidney symptoms
- developing hypokalemia;
- thirst;
- alkaline reaction of urine;
- nocturia;
- polyuria.
3. Neuromuscular symptoms
- muscle weakness;
- convulsions;
- dystrophy of muscular and nervous tissues.

Symptoms of corticosteroma are characterized, first of all, by the manifestation of hypercortisolism (Itsenko Cushing's disease):
- Cushingoid type of fat deposition is manifested;
- there is arterial hypertension;
- severe headaches;
- steroid diabetes;
- Rapid fatigue and muscle weakness.
With corticosteroma, dysfunction of the reproductive system is manifested:
- in men, gynecomastia and testicular hypoplasia appear, as well as a decrease in potency;
- in women, a male type of body hair appears, a decrease in the timbre of the voice and an increase in the clitoris.
Also, with this tumor of the adrenal glands, problems with the kidneys (urolithiasis or pyelonephritis), malfunctions of the nervous system (depressive states and frequent stresses), and osteoporosis appear.

Androsteroma is characterized by excessive secretion of androgens (androstenedione, testosterone, etc.). With this tumor of the adrenal glands, there is a very rapid puberty in children and adolescents and a rapid extinction of sexual functions in adults.

Pheochromocytomas are characterized by the following symptoms:
- arterial hypertension against the background of severe headaches;
- cardiopalmus;
- increased sweating, which causes various skin problems;
- retrosternal pain;
- polyuria;
- paroxysmal crisis;
- frequent nervous disorders.

Tumors of the adrenal glands: complications

The most severe complications of adrenal neoplasms are their transformation into malignant tumors, after which they “trigger” metastases to the lungs, liver ...

Tumor of the adrenal glands: diagnosis

First of all, urine is analyzed for the content of cortisol, aldosterone, vanillylmandelic and homovanillic acids, catecholamines. This analysis determines the functional activity of tumors.

The localization and size of neoplasms, as well as the presence of metastases, is determined using instrumental diagnostics:
- Ultrasound of the adrenal glands;
- computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

Selective adrenal phlebography is performed to determine the hormonal activity of the adrenal tumor. By the way, this diagnostic method for pheochromocytoma is contraindicated, because. can cause a crisis.

Tumor of the adrenal glands: treatment

There is a conservative method of treating neoplasms and an operative (surgical) one. Removal of an adrenal tumor carried out only if its size exceeds 3 cm and it is hormonally active. If the tumor, moreover, is malignant, then the lymph nodes located nearby are also removed.

The most difficult operations for pheochromecytoma, because. the likelihood of severe hemodynamic disturbances is high. Therefore, in these cases, preoperative preparation is carried out to raise the immune status of the patient.

Often, chemotherapy or intravenous administration of a radioactive isotope is used to treat adrenal tumors.

All these methods of treatment are very difficult, because when they are used, the human immune system, which bears the main burden in ensuring the normal functioning of the whole organism, invariably suffers. But it is precisely the failures of the immune system that underlie any disease, incl. and adrenal tumors. And therefore, the doctor faces a very difficult task: during therapy, to maintain the patient's immune status at a fairly high level. The body must, first of all, fight for its own survival. Even after removal of the adrenal tumor, immunity is the only thing he can "lean" on.

It is precisely for these purposes that the immunomodulator Transfer factor should be used in the complex therapy of these neoplasms. It should also be used during conservative treatment. and during the rehabilitation period after removal of adrenal tumors.

The basis of this drug is made up of immune molecules of the same name, which, once in the body, perform three functions:
- eliminate failures of the endocrine and immune systems, and contribute to their further normal development and formation;
- being information particles (of the same nature as DNA), transfer factors "record and store" all information about foreign agents - pathogens of various diseases that (agents) invade the body, and when they invade again, "transmit" this information to the immune a system that neutralizes these antigens;
- eliminate all side effects caused by the use of other drugs while enhancing their therapeutic effect.

There is a whole line of this immunomodulator, of which Transfer Factor Advance and Transfer Factor Glucouch are used in the Endocrine System program for the prevention and complex treatment of endocrine diseases, incl. and adrenal tumors.

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