Features of visceral therapy, abdominal massage according to the Ogulov method: indications and contraindications, reviews. Editing the abdomen (visceral massage) - how does it help to gain health? Self-massage of the abdomen old Russian massage of the abdomen visceral

“Gnawing, gnawing a hernia,” the old women in the village used to say when an umbilical hernia, which often appeared in restless babies, was set through a diaper with their teeth through a diaper.

Without knowing it, the healer grandmothers performed visceral massage sessions, because they treated the internal organs of the child, exerting a direct mechanical effect on his anterior abdominal wall.

Perhaps it was the technique of hernia reduction that formed the basis of this technique. It is believed that it goes back to the ancient Slavs - this is one of the few massage methods that is of Slavic origin. But it was widely used in eastern countries (in particular, China and Korea), as well as in Tibet and the Philippines.

Today, a new wave of interest in visceral massage has risen, which is largely due to the active work in this direction by Professor and Academician A. T. Ogulov. Visceral massage according to Ogulov is currently the most relevant technique.

The technique of performing visceral massage differs from the classical one and is based on manual (manual) impact on the connective tissue formations surrounding the organs.

Such formations are: ligaments, capsules, peritoneum, and on the very tissue of organs located in the abdominal cavity, through the front wall of the abdomen. Squeezing the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as the abdominal muscles, the massage therapist:

  • activates blood flow;
  • normalizes the outflow of lymph;
  • irritates nerve receptors;
  • stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
  • promotes the promotion of food bolus and gases through the intestines.

As a result of his actions, the course of various metabolic processes is accelerated. Blood delivers nutrients and oxygen faster from one organ to another, from one cell to another.

At the same time, metabolic products of cells are formed faster - in particular, enzymes and hormones. They are better evacuated from the cells, easily move along the ducts. All unnecessary substances are removed from the body faster. The process of self-healing of tissues, resorption of fibrous formations, adhesions, connective tissue strands is stimulated.

When the internal organs of a person work normally, and no pathological processes develop in them, then feeling (palpation) of the abdomen does not cause discomfort.

Doctors in such cases write in the medical history and medical card: "The abdomen is soft, painless, accessible to deep palpation."

If the function of some organ is impaired, if its tissues or surrounding tissue are inflamed, then palpation of the abdomen in the projection of the inflamed area will be accompanied by pain. According to the location of the pain, doctors determine what exactly hurts at the moment: the liver, stomach, intestines, bladder, etc.

When the inflammation stops, the pain will subside, but there will be a seal, slight discomfort. And the liver or gallbladder may remain enlarged. The local therapist is unlikely to detect these changes during the examination of the patient. But the visceral therapist will easily identify them during a massage session: areas of compaction and changes in the structure of the tissue serve as the main target for its effects.

By kneading around the organ space, a masseur, chiropractor or chiropractor seeks to eliminate these changes. Thus, it contributes to the improvement of the abdominal organs and the improvement of the patient's health in general.

The result of mechanical action is an increase in the tone of the deep muscles, strengthening of the ligaments.

Therefore, with the help of visceral massage, such anatomical defects as age-related omission of organs (in particular, the uterus) and anomalies in their location (omission of the kidney, displacement of the organ, etc.) are corrected.

Restoration of natural anatomical relationships in the abdominal cavity ensures the normalization of the functions of displaced organs, improves overall blood flow.

Please note that this massage in the bath can be carried out as a preventive procedure.

Important! If during the massage there is a sharp pain or discomfort, be sure to tell the doctor about it. Perhaps treatment should be postponed until the diagnosis is clarified.

Influence on various organs and systems

The techniques that are used in visceral massage regulate the work of internal organs:

  • increase or decrease the secretory activity of the stomach, that is, normalize the level of acidity of gastric juice;
  • stimulate the outflow of bile, accelerate or slow down its formation;
  • relieve spasm from the ducts of the pancreas and prostate, ensuring the excretion of enzymes and secretions;
  • slow down or stimulate intestinal motility;
  • improve the process of formation and excretion of urine;
  • promote the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs;
  • restore the hormonal activity of the prostate gland, ovaries.

As a result, blood circulation and lymph flow are accelerated, the degree of the body's immune defense increases. A normal hormonal background is formed, favorable conditions are created for self-healing.

General well-being and even appearance improves: skin rashes disappear, a healthy glow appears on the face. The lost feeling of health, joy of life and readiness to act is returned.

If you want to get rid of toxins, then honey massage will help you very well.

Main indications

The benefits of visceral massage of internal organs in the presence of diseases such as:

  • chronic cholecystitis (including against the background of biliary dyskinesia);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • dysfunction of the liver and pancreas, hepatosis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • chronic gastritis with increased and decreased secretory activity;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • spastic or atonic colitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation, unstable stool, irritable bowel syndrome);
  • renal failure, nephrolithiasis;
  • omission of the kidney;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • frequent cystitis;
  • non-infectious (congestive) prostatitis;
  • stagnation of blood in the pelvis and its consequences: chronic inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, reduced fertility, infertility;
  • functional ovarian cysts;
  • omission and bending (retroflection) of the uterus;
  • infantile uterus;
  • painful menstruation, irregular menstrual cycle;
  • unimpaired inguinal, umbilical, femoral hernias.

This type is not an anti-cellulite massage, and does not directly contribute to weight loss.

Important! By improving the work and general condition of the abdominal organs, the visceral therapist affects the functioning of the body as a whole. Therefore, abdominal massage can be useful for chronic and frequent diseases of the endocrine, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, migraine and vegetovascular dystonia, as well as pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Any chronic disease affects the state of other organs and systems. Normalizing the work of the affected organ, the doctor strengthens the health of the patient as a whole.

For example, by massaging the kidneys, it helps to cope with arterial hypertension that has developed as a result of malfunctions in the renin-angiotensin system.

And by normalizing intestinal digestion, it creates optimal conditions for the development of intestinal microflora, which, in turn, takes an active part in the formation of the immune barrier.

There are also conditions in which there is no obvious disease, but there are prerequisites for its development. These include:

  • excess weight;
  • lack of weight (exhaustion, dystrophy);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • irrational or special nutrition (for example, vegetarianism, which, with the wrong approach, can lead to anemia and weakness of the connective tissue);
  • high physical activity (of a professional nature or associated with intense sports);
  • menopause (hormonal changes in the body);
  • puberty, especially in the stage of rapid growth;
  • increased mental activity (at work, school, etc.).

Preventive massage of the abdominal organs in this case will help to avoid possible health problems.

Main contraindications

Visceral massage: contraindications play an important role, while their number is quite small. First of all, you should exclude the presence of:

  • tuberculosis;
  • tumor processes (oncology), including uterine fibroids, prostate adenomas, etc.;
  • pathology of internal organs in the acute stage (stage of exacerbation);
  • infectious diseases (including ARVI, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, etc.);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • blood clotting disorders (increased tendency to bleed or vascular thrombosis);
  • pregnancy;
  • internal bleeding (gastric, intestinal, etc.), as well as menstruation;
  • mental illness.

It is advisable to undergo a complete examination, including laboratory tests, ultrasound and x-rays. to clarify the nature and stage of development of certain diseases, as well as to make sure that there are no contraindications.

You can not start a massage when the patient is in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication. It is necessary to warn the doctor about taking any medications.

Important! Visceral massage has a strong effect on all body systems. Therefore, in the presence of any chronic disease, it is recommended to discuss the possibility and expediency of its use with your doctor.

Performing at home

Theoretically, it is quite possible to master the technique of visceral self-massage of the abdomen. But you need to understand that in the process of conducting a massage to yourself, the line between objective and subjective sensations will be lost.

And this will prevent an adequate assessment of the situation, the calculation of the force and time of pressure, and the determination of the nature of movements. Therefore, at home, it is recommended to limit visceral massage sessions to light strokes of the anterior abdominal wall in a clockwise direction.

Stroking should begin in the iliac region on the right, then rising up (to the ribs) and, smoothly bending around the navel, going down to the left iliac region. With each movement, you need to get a little closer to the navel.

For a more competent self-massage, it is recommended to take a special training course.

Self-massage is not performed after meals and on an empty stomach. The optimal time for its implementation is one to two hours after a meal.

Video lesson: how to do in isceral abdominal massage

Watch a useful video about abdominal massage:

Salon choice and cost

Often, when choosing a clinic or salon for a massage course, patients are guided by the average cost of the service. Today it can range from 1,500 rubles to 5,500 rubles per procedure. A full course usually includes 5 to 12 procedures.

The lower cost should not be the basis for choosing the institution in which it is installed. It is necessary to pay attention to the level of training and experience of the specialist performing the massage. Preference should be given to masseurs and chiropractors with medical education.

Visceral massage in the hands of a skilled specialist can be a powerful tool in the fight against various pathologies of the abdominal organs.

But in case of violation of the technique of its implementation, ignoring contraindications, it can lead to a result opposite from the desired one. Therefore, you need to seriously approach the choice of a massage parlor, trusting your health only to professionals.

Depending on the tasks to be solved, you can choose other types of massage procedures that are better suited for you.


The technique of visceral chiropractic has been known since ancient times. In modern medicine, abdominal massage has been undeservedly forgotten and has not been used for the treatment or prevention of ailments for many years. In Russia, visceral chiropractic was revived by Alexander Ogulov, professor and doctor of folk medicine, member of the International Academy of Natural Sciences in Germany, president of the Professional Association of visceropaths, general director of the Predtech educational and health center.

His technique is unique, based on the knowledge of ancient Slavic healers. In this article I will tell you what is Ogulov's belly massage or old Russian visceral belly massage. You can find the principles, indications, contraindications for visceral chiropractic in my.

Method of visceral massage according to Ogulov

According to visceral therapy, diseases develop due to the displacement of internal organs. As a result, the blood supply and innervation of one or another part of the body is disturbed, which disrupts metabolic processes and impairs the functioning of the body as a whole. Professor Ogulov, referring to the ancient Slavic knowledge of medicine, put forward a visceral theory of the development of diseases. According to the theory, there are 3 brain centers in the body.

Two of them are well known to official medicine - the brain and spinal cord. However, there is another regulatory nerve center that influences the functioning of the visceral organs and distant parts of the body. This is the abdominal brain - an accumulation of nerve cells in the area of ​​\u200b\u200borgans covered with the peritoneum: the esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, intestines, pancreas. Violation of their topographic location leads to a change in the work of not only the digestive system, but also the work of the heart, blood vessels, joints, spinal column, brain.

The internal organs of the abdominal cavity are closely connected with each other and with other functional systems of the body through blood vessels and nerve trunks. A change in one system will inevitably lead to disturbances in distant parts of the body. The technique of visceral chiroplasty according to Ogulov is based on this postulate. Massaging the abdomen with deep pressing movements in a certain sequence causes the healing of the whole organism.

Massaging the internal organs is carried out with the fingers, less often with a fist, or with improvised means. During the procedure, the patient feels pain and discomfort in those parts of the body where there are stagnation of blood and lymph, and nerve fibers are overstretched and strained. The naturopath pays special attention to these problem areas of the body. After kneading and pressing the organ, the pain disappears within one or more sessions. The procedure takes an average of one hour. Visceral massage allows you to diagnose diseases and conduct effective therapy without the use of expensive drugs.

According to Alexander Ogulov, the ancient Russian technique can cure almost all diseases, even those organs that are far from the abdominal cavity. This is facilitated not only by the general system of blood flow, lymph flow, nerve fibers, but also by endocrine communication through endocrine hormones. Correctly influencing the abdominal brain, you can restore the work of all functional systems of the body. The versatility, high efficiency and accessibility of the visceral technique allows you to maintain health and avoid the aggressive effects of drugs of chemical origin on the body.

Self-massage technique

I suggest you try the technique of self-massage, which everyone can master. The procedure is quite simple and effective, provided that the recommendations on the massage technique are strictly followed. The use of independent techniques does not give such a quick result as after a session with a specialist, but with regular use it can maintain health and prevent the development of diseases.

The center of the abdominal brain, according to the author, is located in the gallbladder. The session starts from the projection of the organ onto the abdominal wall. It is necessary to press hard enough, a feeling of soreness in problem areas of the abdominal cavity is allowed, but the pain syndrome should not be intense. At the point of discomfort, it is necessary to linger for 2-3 minutes, then continue the procedure according to the proposed method. With minor violations, the pain disappears after the first session. In advanced cases, 2-7 procedures or more may be required.

Starting position on the back, legs bent at the knees, the stomach is relaxed.

  1. The first point is the gallbladder. On 2/3 of the line between the lower end of the sternum and the navel, we retreat 2 finger widths to the right. Press with two fingers until discomfort appears. Under the fingers you can feel the murmur (movement of bile).
  2. The second point is the pancreas. We squeeze two fingers along an oblique line in the direction of the left hypochondrium. Massage of the organ will not work immediately due to its deep location. In the first sessions, it is necessary to relieve the tension of superficial tissues (muscles, aponeurosis, ligaments).
  3. The third point is the liver. We retreat two finger widths from the bottom of the right rib. We place two fingers under the right hypochondrium and squeeze it twice. If nausea occurs, weaken the pressure, then continue to massage.
  4. The fourth point is the spleen. We move the fingers in the same projection, but already under the left hypochondrium. We push the tissue under the lower left edge twice. With severe pain, we stop, then continue the procedure.
  5. All of these points form the "roof of the house" on the anterior abdominal wall.

  6. The fifth point is the region of the ileocecal valve, where the small intestine passes into the small intestine. Valve insufficiency leads to disruption of the movement of the food bolus through the digestive tract, impaired absorption of nutrients, and migration of microflora from the large to the small intestine. The fingers are placed on a line between the navel and the angle of the pelvic bone (protruding bone) one third from the iliac prominence. We press until discomfort, rumbling, bowel movements at hand (peristalsis) appear.
  7. Spiral. We press fingers in a spiral from the projection of the ileocecal canal to the right hypochondrium, then the left hypochondrium, then down to the iliac region, making a circle in the umbilical region. The pressure of the hand should be in the direction of the navel.
  8. The sixth point is the navel. We press vertically on the navel.

The last three points are combined into a "big spiral" and are the second stage of visceral massage. For convenience, the procedure can be done using a plastic bottle (preferably with a capacity of 0.5 liters) with a cork. It is necessary to press on the stomach with a narrow end with a cork. The procedure is carried out every day, lying in bed before going to bed. Before self-massage, you need to calm down, relax, let go of negative thoughts. This will make the therapy more effective.

I suggest watching a video on the topic of the article.

As well as two videos, with two massage techniques. Watch and you yourself will learn how to massage yourself.

Visceral massage according to Ogulov is a simple and effective tool for strengthening the body and achieving longevity. Learn the technique of massage, do not be lazy to apply it regularly, and you will be healthy.

Soon I will tell you about two wonderful techniques that, in terms of healing effect, are not inferior to Ogulov's massage and even surpass it in some ways. These are nauli and uddiyana bandha.
See you soon on the blog pages.

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People have always taken care of their health. In past centuries, the treatment of many diseases with medicines was not available, so you had to turn to traditional medicine. One of the folk methods of treating a certain number of pathologies is visceral massage. This technique is still used today, but to a much lesser extent than it was before.

The development of pharmacology has led to the emergence of a large number of drugs that have replaced traditional methods of treating diseases. Synthetic medicines have come to replace folk remedies, which most people suffering from ailments take without thinking about possible negative side effects. The use of massage has faded into the background. However, in some cases, doctors, in order to avoid the appointment of potent and at the same time dangerous drugs, prescribe a course of massage.

Visceral massage is an impact on the abdominal cavity through manual manipulation. The specialist probes the peritoneum, examining the cavity for damage or inconsistencies, so the visceral massage technique is sometimes used as a diagnostic measure.

This method of manual therapy is the most commonly used among other types. Due to the rough effect, it is possible to return the organ to the correct position, improve peristalsis, normalize blood circulation, etc.

Important! To perform such a massage, you need to select a qualified specialist. The technique of influencing organs is complex, errors should not be made during execution, as there is a risk of damaging internal organs. Therefore, it is recommended to contact only professionals.

In addition, you should discuss this method of treatment with your doctor, because massage has contraindications for certain diseases.

Indications for carrying out

The main indications for the use of manual therapy are:

  • Pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature.
  • Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract.
  • Problems with the endocrine system, in particular, diabetes.

Also, the technique is used for cosmetic purposes. For example, it is used for acne or cellulite. This method of therapy is recommended if a person suffers from skin diseases. Massage is prescribed for frequent migraines, diseases of the heart muscle, blood vessels, with hernias, if they are not infringed.

In certain cases, massage is allowed for obese people if the ailment is associated with metabolic disorders or endocrine problems.

A useful technique will be for people suffering from respiratory diseases. First of all, this applies to those pathologies that are characterized by insufficient blood flow and sputum discharge.

Such manipulations help to get rid of the ailments of the genitourinary system, regardless of the gender of the person. The procedure will be equally effective for prostatitis in men and, for example, for bending the uterus in women.


Among the main contraindications are:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Acute tuberculosis.
  • Any process of an infectious nature at elevated body temperature.
  • The presence of syphilis.
  • developing gangrene.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Thrombosis.

The procedure should be abandoned for women during pregnancy, although it is believed that early terms are not a strict prohibition, but the load on the abdomen will not benefit either the mother or the unborn child.

Do not use this type of treatment for a heart attack or stroke. Severe degrees of pathologies of internal organs can be considered a contraindication.

As you can see, there are not so many contraindications, but they should be taken into account. If there are individual characteristics of the body, you must immediately tell the doctor about them in order to avoid possible difficulties during the session.

Preparation for the procedure

This type of therapeutic event will require a little more preparation than some other types of manual therapy.

The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. Strong manipulation will not only aggravate the process of digestion, but can also damage the intestines or stomach. In addition, you should empty your bowels or use a cleansing enema.

These simple preparatory measures will avoid difficulties during the procedure and significantly reduce the risk of complications.

The specialist in advance asks the client about pain tolerance, the frequency of bowel movements, and possible diseases of the genitourinary system.

An obligatory measure before carrying out a massage is the passage of an ultrasound examination procedure. This helps to identify the presence of abnormalities and allows the doctor to examine in detail the location of the organs in the abdominal cavity, as there are cases of unusual location, which makes it difficult to carry out therapy.


The main principle of visceral massage is the impact on the abdominal cavity. The degree of impact depends on which organ will be massaged, and what result is expected after the procedure.

  • First of all, the massage begins with the upper part of the peritoneum. The movements are performed shallow, while light. The specialist works on such organs as the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen. Carefully moving through the abdominal cavity, it affects the rest of the organs. The emphasis is on the organs of the genitourinary system and intestines. The aorta of the abdominal cavity is necessarily affected.
  • The manual conducts all massage movements with the tips of the fingers or the palm of the hand.
  • First of all, the center of the upper abdomen is subjected to palpation, gradually the movements become deeper, but smooth. After any deep pressure, the client needs a rest of up to 5 seconds.

Massage is carried out only when the stomach is relaxed. With tense muscles of the peritoneum, it will not be possible to influence the organs, the procedure will be useless for health.

The technique for all abdominal organs is the same, but there are some differences. First of all, this applies to movements that can be circular or rectilinear, the pressure force, the direction of movement is different. This must be taken into account before contacting a manual therapy specialist.

Technique for pathologies of the stomach and pancreas

From the initial position of the fingers, there is a gradual movement towards the navel. To massage the pancreas, only two thumbs are used. The location of the pancreas is about two fingers above the umbilical region. At the moment of the greatest relaxation of the client, a deep degree of pressure is performed. Then you can go to the stomach. To improve peristalsis and blood circulation, the hands should be fixed on the abdominal cavity.

It is important to remember that the impact on the peritoneum should be carried out 2-3 hours after eating. During the massage, the client's rumbling intensifies, but this is a normal, natural reaction of the body.

Impact on the gut

From the stomach, movements should move smoothly into the intestinal area. Massage begins from the iliac region, going under the bone with the fingers, while the specialist moves his fingers along the large intestine. The area of ​​the sigmoid area is gradually pressed through. Then you will need to return to the study of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach and pancreas. To process the area of ​​the small intestine, it is enough to make slow, shallow movements around the navel in a clockwise direction.

It is important that both hands are involved, only then will it be possible to fully massage.

To work out the organs of the genitourinary system, the area below the navel, closer to the pubic bone, is affected. The movements do not change, but if severe pain occurs in the hip area, it is recommended to immediately tell the manual so that the specialist reduces pain in this area with certain manipulations.

Kidney work

The kidneys are located on either side of the navel. It is necessary to make movements carefully so as not to disrupt the functioning of the organs. The impact is on the area near the kidneys, while all pressure should be intense, but slow. Often, the pain during a kidney massage becomes unbearable, so the specialist will leave this area for a while and return to the stomach or other organs, then continue to massage the kidney area in a circle. In this case, several approaches of 3-5 minutes will be required, otherwise there will be no benefit from the massage, and it will be difficult for a person to agree to the procedure again.

After a repeated circle of pressure on the liver and intestines, additional movements are required. In this case, all manipulations are performed with the palm of your hand, and the second hand will be used as a burden.

The massage effect ends with standard vibrations or strokes to relax the abdominal cavity. The first session is basically an introductory session. The specialist probes the abdominal cavity, notes deviations and features for himself, so that there are no problems during the procedure. The massage therapist needs to detect in advance the foci of spasms and points that cause pain.

Self massage

When performing a visceral massage of the abdomen on your own, you should remember that it will not be possible to fully massage the entire abdominal cavity. Even if a person is a manual specialist, then it is problematic to carry out manipulations with his hands over the abdominal cavity, since movements must have a certain strength and depth. In addition, the impact from the outside will have a significant effect than an independently performed procedure.

In rare cases, exceptions are made, but such a massage cannot be called therapeutic, rather, it will be to maintain the effect of professional therapy.

You can use the ball for self-massage. To perform this technique, you need to put the ball on the floor and lie on it with the peritoneum. The procedure is very painful, but in terms of the degree of pain, it is not much different from the work of a massage therapist.

Features of the

Many are interested in how this type of manual therapy differs from classical massage, for example. The main difference between visceral massage and other varieties is that the classical method helps to get rid of superficial problems. Its main task is to increase blood circulation. If we consider the visceral form of exposure, then it works in the deeper layers of the body, therefore it is considered more effective.

Visceral massage is a painful procedure, so not everyone can bear it. Sometimes this method is assigned to children, but the session is carried out with less effort, but maintaining the depth of impact.

It is more difficult for babies to endure severe pain, so doctors, if possible, try to avoid this method of therapy.

It is important to consider that only a massage therapist with extensive experience can use a fist in the technique. Otherwise, such pressure threatens serious damage.

The chiropractor Ogulov, who opened the Forerunner chiropractic center, recommends increasing the effectiveness of the massage by placing a special needle mat under the back or using leeches to improve blood circulation in the body. Ogulov's visceral massage involves the use of various additional techniques.

To achieve the desired effect of visceral massage, at least 10 sessions are required. The maximum number of sessions is no more than 20. The first session lasts about an hour. After the first course of therapy, you should give your body some time to recover. In this case, the speed of getting used to the procedures plays a role. If you do not allow to recover and wean, then the effectiveness of the procedures is reduced several times.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of ogul-massage, first of all, is considered to be high efficiency after a course of therapy. This technique is suitable for many, with the exception of people suffering from pathologies that are included in the list of contraindications. Visceral abdominal massage promotes weight loss, which is a great way for many people.

Among the shortcomings, the pain of the procedure is noted. That is why the “internal” massage was given such a name. It is thanks to the deep impact on the organs through the outer tissues that it is possible to achieve positive results. It is recommended to take into account your pain threshold when choosing this kind of procedure, since pain intolerance can become a serious obstacle to the session.

The disadvantage can be considered a small number of specialists who can properly conduct this type of massage. Only if a person does massage according to all the rules, it is possible to achieve results. Otherwise, it is better to refuse the services of a master, otherwise you can get a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Benefits of the procedure

Thanks to the correct massage, after the first session, the client feels a noticeable relief. First of all, blood circulation improves, metabolism accelerates, which is indispensable for people with an increased body weight. This method allows you to remove toxins and toxins from the body, get rid of problems with the spine, functional disorders, and edema. The abdominal cavity after the session becomes soft, constipation disappears. The general condition of the person improves.

For many women, this procedure helped to recover from infertility and gave a chance for motherhood. After childbirth, massage allows you to quickly get in shape and avoid organ prolapse.

It is important not to overdo it, as excessive pressure on the organs can cause serious complications that are difficult to get rid of.

Opinions of specialists and clients

Ogulov's visceral massage is popular among specialists, as its positive effect on the body has been proven in a number of studies. Professionals recommend combining a course of manual therapy with taking medications or multivitamins to get the best effect. Complex treatment of diseases is considered more effective than the use of one of the therapeutic methods. Therefore, before starting such therapy, additional measures should be discussed with the attending physician to achieve a high effect from the procedure.

Most clients who have tried this method of therapy for themselves note noticeable improvements in their overall well-being. The quality of sleep improves, the mood rises. Some people say that after a session, there is a feeling of lightness throughout the body. Some are embarrassed by pain during massage movements, but if you mentally prepare yourself in time for the fact that the procedure is painful, then the sensation of pain becomes less noticeable.

It is important to remember that the procedure is effective only if all the prescribed rules were taken into account during its implementation. The specialist must take into account the individual characteristics of the client, about which the massaged person must inform the massage therapist in advance. Movements that cause severe pain should be stopped for a while, and if pain reappears, stop the session, as one of the organs may have been damaged. A complete examination may be required.

Do not count on a quick result from one massage. Even though it greatly relieves most of the symptoms, massage cannot cure the body completely. It will not be possible to get rid of the cause of the development of the pathological process through one course. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful when choosing a method of treatment and prevention of ailments.

You should not neglect your health. If you suspect a pathological process in the body, it is recommended to seek help from doctors. In the form of prevention, it is necessary to examine the body at least once a year, since timely detection of the disease will help to start treatment as early as possible, which means that the risk of complications will decrease.

Visceral massage is a massage of the internal organs directly. The author of this technique is Alexander Ogulov, doctor of traditional medicine. He believes that absolutely all diseases can be cured by this massage. This type of massage has proven itself especially well in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Who is Alexander Ogulov?

Alexander Ogulov is a doctor of traditional medicine, who is the direct founder of visceral massage. He first proposed this technique, the purpose of which is to normalize the functioning of the body, in particular the internal organs. Ogulov began to develop in 1985, today his technique is popular both here and abroad. Ogulov today is the President of the Professional Association of Visceral Therapists.


As mentioned earlier, the massage must be given to a specialist in this field, since only then will there be a result. The bottom line is this: a chiropractor massages the internal organs through the skin at a certain angle, thereby relieving tension from them.

The first session is usually easy, without any discomfort. It is imperative that the specialist who conducts the session monitors the condition of his patient and his reaction to pressure. With each subsequent procedure, the degree of pressure increases, therefore, the intensity of the massage increases. However, do not mistakenly believe that the stronger the pressure, the better.

The duration of one session is on average 1 hour. Relief in the body can be felt after 2-3 procedures. However, if the disease is chronic, then the number of sessions is likely to require more. The specialist produces pressure with his fingers, however, if the patient is not in pain, then for the purpose of the result, pressure with a fist is possible. Particular attention is paid to areas where pain occurs when pressed. They should be worked out completely until the pain disappears during the entire course.

Various negative manifestations, such as constipation, for example, affect the color of the skin, and, therefore, this type of massage improves the condition of the body up to the elimination of skin defects.

Otherwise, visceral massage is called visceral chiropractic. Visceral massage is characterized by the following features:

  • the specialist affects the stomach;
  • massage of internal organs;
  • through the internal organs, the impact is directly on the joints, blood vessels and brain of a person.

These basic postulates radically distinguish visceral massage from other techniques. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that there is an effect on the nerve endings located on the abdomen.

Experts consider this area of ​​the body the second brain, which has its own explanation. The abdomen directly interacts with the brain, responds to all its impulses. That is why Ogulov proposes to eliminate various diseases through the stomach, proving that pain in one place responds to pain in another place in the body. In particular, Ogulov claims that the pain of the gallbladder is reflected in the temples. Accordingly, and vice versa, the elimination of gallbladder pain will positively affect, for example, epilepsy, until it is eliminated.

Indications for use

It must be remembered that a good specialist is the key to success, since only he can properly perform the massage. Otherwise, such manipulations can only harm the body. Indications for the use of this technique are:

  1. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, constipation;
  2. endocrine diseases;
  3. pain in the kidneys;
  4. heart diseases;
  5. spine diseases;
  6. diseases of the pathways;
  7. liver disease;
  8. gynecological diseases;
  9. prostatitis, impotence.

Separately, we note that improper massage can help with breathing difficulties: up to the elimination of bronchitis and asthma. Many use massage as a prevention of acne, cellulite.

How massage affects the body

During the session, the chiropractor, by palpation, detects a seal in the body. Most often, one or two, less often the entire abdomen is compacted - this is a particularly serious case. Such seals indicate the presence in the body of stagnation, clogged vessels. It is the influence of the chiropractor that releases from stagnation, due to which relief comes.


Like all medical procedures, visceral massage has contraindications for use:

  1. the presence of infectious diseases in the body;
  2. tuberculosis;
  3. oncology;
  4. mental illness;
  5. various bleeding;
  6. thrombophlebitis.

Experts recommend taking a break after the first massage session, because a person must, in a sense, adapt to changes, but at the same time not get used to manipulation. If the patient gets used to pressure, then the therapeutic effect of massage is minimal.

Before the first session, it is recommended to visit a doctor and do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. To achieve the maximum effect of visceral massage, after completing each procedure, you need to perform one exercise. It consists in the following: it is necessary to sit down and strain the abdominal muscles, as if pulling them from the left side to the right and vice versa.

Compatibility with other types

In Ogulov's clinic, this type of massage is not used as an independent procedure, there is always an accompanying technique to achieve the best result. Especially popular is the effect in combination with a massage with jars or honey.

Another popular type of combination is psychovisceral massage: additional psychological work is carried out with the patient. It is necessary to resolve all psychological problems, since it is in emotional disorders that the cause of the disease of the body lies. During such a session, the specialist must literally get used to the problems of patients, so the duration of one session is 3-4 hours. In combination with manual exposure, the patient's nervous system can be said to be completely resting, and therefore this combination is especially effective.

Is it possible to conduct independent sessions on your own?

Of course, you can carry out visceral massage, but only if you have sufficient knowledge, which consists in particular in knowledge of human anatomy and the relationship of organs to each other. In this case, self-massage is acceptable, but undesirable. If you decide to massage yourself at home, it is recommended to choose a gentle technique.

But, in any case, it must be remembered that performing visceral massage is the work of a specialist in this field, which is a professional chiropractor. Do not forget that you cannot joke with the body: it is better to give all the moments for permission to a specialist. Experimenting at home means putting yourself in danger, which obviously should not be done.

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