Inguinal fungus in men: the essence of the problem and methods of treatment. How and how to treat inguinal fungus Inguinal fungus in men

Inguinal fungus or dermatophytosis is a skin disease with localization in the groin, pubic area and thighs. The fungus mainly affects men. Treatment of inguinal dermatophytosis includes the use of local, systemic drugs and alternative methods.

Brief information about inguinal fungus in men

Fungus or mycosis inguinal, inguinal epidermophytosis, Tinea cruris - a skin disease with damage to the pubic, inguinal region and skin of the thighs. Adults are ill, mainly men.

The disease can be caused by:

  • wearing tight trousers;
  • obesity;
  • long-term use of certain topical drugs, in particular corticosteroids;
  • hot climate;
  • transfer of infection by hands with dermatophytosis of the feet, onychomycosis.

Inguinal mycosis in men can last for years. The patient experiences itching. In the affected area, plaques are observed, flaky, having clear boundaries, diaper rash. The penis and scrotum are usually not affected. After the diagnosis is established, the treatment of inguinal fungus in men is prescribed.

Methods for the treatment of inguinal dermatophytosis in men

Starting the treatment of the disease, you should get rid of dermatophytosis of the feet or mycosis of the nails, if any. Prevention plays an important role: the use of slippers when visiting public places with excessive humidity, treatment of the inguinal zone and feet with antifungal powder.

Treatment of inguinal mycosis is complex, including external agents and systemic drugs, as well as topical therapy. When the fungal process is in the initial stage, it is sufficient to use external antifungal agents. In practice, both monotherapy and a combination of different drugs can be used.

Treatment of inguinal fungus in men with medications

When treating the traditional method of inguinal fungus in males, use:

  • antimycotics;
  • ointments and creams;
  • other antifungal drugs.

Antimycotics- These are antifungal drugs with a fungistatic effect. Used for the treatment and prevention of fungal infections. Treatment of inguinal fungus in men is carried out with the use of systemic and topical azoles. Systemic azoles include voriconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, and fluconazole. Topical drugs in this group include isoconazole, miconazole, bifonazole, econazole, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, oxiconazole.

Ointments and creams used in the treatment of inguinal mycosis:

The drugs of this group also include ointments and creams Mifungar, Terbiks, Travogen, Travocort, Triderm, Trozid, Fungoterbin, Exoderil.

Other medical preparations.

Such remedies for the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in men include:

  • tablets Griseofulvin, Mikoflukan, Nizoral, Fungoterbin;
  • capsules for internal use - Diflazon, Diflucan, Mikomax, Mikosist, Nofung, Fluconazole, Flucostat;
  • solutions - Nitrofungin, Nihldofen solution, Exoderil;
  • sprays - Terbix, Fungoterbin.

The use of folk methods in the treatment of male inguinal mycosis

Treatment of inguinal fungus in men with folk methods is carried out using simple affordable means. One way is to lubricate problem areas with tincture of iodine. The procedure is performed daily - 14 days. This is not a very pleasant manipulation for the patient, since the skin in the groin area is extremely sensitive. This method is used in the treatment of the initial stage of the disease, without the presence of areas of inflammation and ulcers. Also practice compresses with tar ointment and iodine.

Used for the treatment of inguinal fungus and herbal compresses based on oak bark, flax seeds, yarrow herb. Pour the herbal mixture with a liter of boiling water, insist.

Mycoses can affect the hands, palms, nails, abdomen, feet, scalp, and oral mucosa. Very often, men and women are faced with an inguinal fungus, which is accompanied by painful sensations during movement.

The main reasons for the growth and reproduction of the fungus in the groin area:

  • High humidity;
  • Strong sweating;
  • Heat;
  • Violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids;
  • Excess weight;
  • Damage to the epidermis: scratches, abrasions, weeping surfaces;
  • Hygiene failure.

Most often, infection occurs after close bodily contact with a person suffering from inguinal fungus, or his things (pants, towels, washcloths, etc.). The group of fungal diseases that affect the groin area includes rubromycosis, candidiasis, erythrasma. Each of them has its own distinctive features, but the symptoms, especially at the initial stage, are very similar.

Epidermophytosis inguinal

The disease is more common in men, in women, children and adolescents is rare. The groin area, inner thighs, anus, buttocks, the fold between them are affected.

Epidermophytosis in large folds, including in the groin, is a fungal infection of the surface layer of the skin. The disease manifests itself with convex borders, on which small and more can be seen, the center of the spot can be clear. The entire surface of the lesion has peeling. Microscopic examination of the surface scales reveals characteristic fungal colonies.

Infection with the pathogen occurs in everyday life through direct contact with the patient. The fungus is transmitted through bedding, towels, washcloths, you can get infected in public places: a bath, sauna, pool, self-infection is also considered possible if the fungus is localized on the nails or feet. The first symptoms begin with the appearance of pinkish circles up to 1 cm, the surface of which is flaky. Over time, the spots begin to grow towards the periphery, gradually their size reaches 10 cm in diameter or more. If untreated, the disease can last for several years, with alternating stages of exacerbation and remission.

To confirm the diagnosis, a scraping is done for pathogenic fungi, which is taken from the affected areas of smooth skin. For treatment, ointments with clotrimazole and betamethasone are used, lotions with a 0.25% silver solution are also applied topically. Treatment lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Inguinal fungus photo


The disease is caused by the fungus Candida, a yeast-like fungus. Normally, the fungus is present in the body of any person, it does not manifest itself in any way until certain conditions occur:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • digestive pathology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Candidiasis of the skin begins in places of folds, inguinal intergluteal, in obese people on the pubis or abdomen. First, there is a slight reddening, then small bubbles form, they open, forming ulcers, the entire surface peels off. Patients complain of itching, discomfort in the affected areas.

The most common habitat for Candida fungus is the vaginal mucosa or external genitalia in women. If personal hygiene is not observed, the fungus can get there from the intestines, and you can also become infected through accidental sexual contact. The fungus does not always cause disease. This happens only when the immune forces of the body decrease or hormonal disruptions occur. Therefore, pregnant women are often exposed to candidiasis.

Inguinal fungus in women causes the following symptoms:

  • itching of the small and large labia intermittent or constant;
  • the appearance of bubbles on the floor of the lips, sores, cracks, erosion and;
  • liquid secretions of a mucous or cheesy nature;
  • in severe cases, the discharge may be thick, greenish pasty;
  • there is also an unpleasant sour smell.

Superficial acute candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes is effectively cured only by external preparations. The chronic form with large foci can be cured with the use of complex therapy.


When contact with spores of the fungus has occurred, a person may not get sick for a long time. The disease can manifest itself under certain conditions: with a decrease in immunity, with impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities.

This is a skin disease that affects the inguinal-femoral folds of the skin or the nail plates. The causative agent of the disease Trichophyton rubrum is transmitted through contact with a sick person or through common household items. The pattern of the lesion is dense, has clear intermittent boundaries, the skin becomes dry with noticeable peeling, scales are located from the center to the edge, diffuse redness is noted. If a person is overweight, all skin folds may be affected.

In order to prescribe the correct treatment, a dermatologist must conduct a differential diagnosis, it is necessary to distinguish rubromycosis from psoriasis, eczema, trichophytosis, microbial eczema and other diseases. Inguinal mycosis of smooth skin is treated with antifungal ointments, drugs are also prescribed orally. During treatment, it is necessary to follow a diet, eat foods with vitamins A E, protein foods for rapid regeneration of the dermis.


This is pseudomycosis of the skin, which is more common in overweight people. If the patient is overweight, he has excessive sweating, not only the groin area is affected, but also the nails, the pubic hair growth zone, and the armpits. Symptoms of erythrasma are similar to many fungal diseases. Previously, it was confused with microsporia, epidermophytosis and was considered one of the types of fungal infection, but the disease is caused by Corynebacterium minufissimum, the pathogen belongs to bacteria.

The disease begins to manifest itself with the appearance in the groin area with a brick tint. Single spots gradually increase, merge together into large circles. The spots have clear boundaries from healthy areas of the skin, their surface is smooth with the smallest scales.

Inguinal fungus in men usually affects the inner thigh, the crease between the buttocks, the anus, and the scrotum. In women, the pubic area, thighs, buttocks, the area around the navel are affected, often the lesion is formed under the mammary glands. The main goal of therapy for this disease is the drying of spots and the fight against secondary infections that have joined.

Those who have encountered a fungus in the groin need to remember that timely treatment, the selection of effective drugs and personal hygiene will help to quickly and painlessly get rid of any type of mycosis. Otherwise, the clinical picture may be complicated by the addition of a secondary infection or an allergic reaction to the fungus itself or an incorrectly selected drug for its treatment.


A disease such as inguinal epidermophytosis, it is also “jockey itch”, is common not only among men, but also among women. The infection can be transmitted: through close contact with an infected person (intimate relationship) or by using things, personal hygiene products of a carrier of pathogenic bacteria. Inguinal fungus is practically not diagnosed in children, and among the adult population it often affects men. What are the reasons for its appearance?

Causes of the disease

Dermatomycosis inguinal manifests itself due to the ingestion of the fungus Epidermophyton (hence the name "epidermophytosis"). Other pathologies associated with fungal infection are more correctly called ringworm. The infection poses the maximum danger for men, which is explained by the peculiarities of their lifestyle. Create favorable conditions for the spread of the fungus (warm and humid environment):

  • serious physical exertion, accompanied by active sweating;
  • visiting saunas / baths;
  • regular sports.

Under suitable conditions, the fungus remains viable for a long time. With improper personal hygiene, using someone else's clothes or shoes, rugs or mats in the gym, bacteria easily penetrate into the steamed human skin. In addition, it is possible to get infected with epidermophytosis even in a hospital through bed linen or shared vessels, or in hotels using provided towels, slippers, and other things.

Female inguinal fungus is a relatively rare phenomenon, which, as a rule, is accompanied by a mixed infection. For example, ringworm develops simultaneously with candidiasis (the causative agent is yeast fungi). In addition, among women, mycosis of the inguinal type in almost 100% of cases causes inflammation of the skin, which is absolutely unusual for men.

Main signs and symptoms

At the initial stage of the manifestation of epidermophytosis, the inguinal zone is affected. Developing, the fungus spreads to the inside of the thigh, abdomen (up to the chest). Sometimes epidermophytosis diverges into almost the entire body of the patient, capturing even the scalp. For a typical fungus of inguinal localization, only polymorphic spots are characteristic, and irritation (inflammation) and diaper rash can occur with the simultaneous manifestation of secondary pathogenic flora, for example, candida or pyococci. Common for men and women are the following symptoms:

  • the spots are slightly raised above the level of the skin (similar to seals);
  • the spots gradually darken (from pink to brown);
  • over time, they merge into one continuous pattern;
  • along the edges of the spots there are rashes of different sizes and shapes (vesicles, scales, pimples, pustules);
  • the rash is very itchy, often a burning sensation of the fungal lesions begins;
  • healing is characterized by the transformation of the color of the spots into a less bright color and the onset of peeling with the appearance of cracks on dry skin.

In men

The primary lesion of the inguinal fungus in men, as a rule, occurs in the scrotum. Moreover, at first it does not have a pronounced expression, which is why it remains unnoticed for a long time. Later, pathogenic bacteria spread to the genital area and thighs. However, the fungus on the penis is a rare phenomenon. Itching in the groin in men is the first symptom of epidermophytosis. For representatives of the stronger sex, the simultaneous manifestation of pathology near the genitals and on the feet is typical. Redness in the groin in men, characteristic of epidermophytosis, is more common:

  • in the area of ​​inguinal folds;
  • in the perineum;
  • near the anus.

Among women

Often the symptoms of inguinal fungus are confused with dermatitis, so it's worth knowing how to distinguish one disease from another. Epidermophytosis in women is more often localized between the buttocks, in the inguinal folds, and from below the mammary glands. A characteristic primary symptom of the fungus is severe itching of the genitals, gradually becoming almost unbearable. The rash that appears on the genitals has a red or brown tone, it soon fills with liquid. The areas of the body infected with the fungus begin to peel and turn red.

Diagnostic methods

If you experience symptoms similar to those described above, you should consult a doctor. Dermatophytosis is the responsibility of a dermatologist, but a urologist (for men) or a gynecologist (for women) can also help you. A mycological analysis is prescribed, in which a small piece of skin will be taken from you for laboratory research. The type of fungus that stimulated the pathological process is determined. The sampling procedure is painless, and the results in modern clinics can be collected within a few minutes.

How and how to treat a fungus in the groin

To get rid of inguinal fungus, it is necessary to use medications, including antihistamine tablets, anti-itch creams, antifungal ointments. Treatment of the fungus with folk remedies also shows good results, but alternative medicine should not be a substitute for a full-fledged therapy for the disease. The average course of treatment for inguinal epidermophytosis lasts 1.5-2 months, it should be completed completely to prevent relapse.

Medical treatment

Fungus of the inguinal type is treated mainly with anti-inflammatory drugs. Serious inflammatory processes on the skin require the additional use of antifungal ointments, creams that contain soda and glucocorticoid components. Drugs are prescribed according to the severity of epidermophytosis, the type of fungus that caused the disease and the danger of symptoms. As a rule, the specialist prescribes:

  • fungicides (tablets for the complete destruction of the fungus);
  • fungistatics (drugs that block the reproduction / development of pathogenic bacteria).

Antifungal ointments

For the treatment of inguinal mycosis, ointments and creams based on miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine are used. If there are no abscesses and ulcers on the patient's skin, the affected areas of the skin are treated with iodine for several days. Start a course of treatment with antifungal ointment. Before using it, the inguinal area is washed with soap and water, wiped with a towel, otherwise the effect may be reduced. In order to avoid addiction of the fungus to the drug, the funds are changed every 1.5-2 weeks. Common antifungal ointments for the intimate area:

  • "Miconazole";
  • "Triderm";
  • "Clotrimazole";
  • salicylic ointment.


In the acute phase of the fungus, anti-allergic drugs are prescribed. They are divided into several types: sedative, non-sedative, metabolites. For the treatment of inguinal mycosis, the first is prescribed. They effectively relieve skin itching, reduce the risk of complications. With the right therapy, patients with a fungus are quickly cured. As a rule, the doctor prescribes for inguinal epidermophytosis:

  • "Tavegil";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Fenkarol".

Compresses and lotions

A common method of treating a fungal infection is the use of various compresses, lotions, rubbing. To relieve itching and quickly heal wounds, the damaged areas of the body are smeared with a 2% iodine solution for a week. In addition, the inguinal region affected by the fungus can be lubricated with zhikoseptil, mycosolone, nitrofungin. After this treatment, a sulfur/tar-based ointment is applied to the skin.

Effective folk remedies

Apply disinfecting infusions, compresses, ointments, for example:

  • Birch infusion. For the treatment of a fungus that affects the inguinal zone of men and women, 10-15 birch leaves are poured into 100 ml of vodka and infused for 5 days. The resulting product is lubricated with a rash-affected skin 2 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Herbal compress. Oak bark, yarrow stalks and flax seed in a ratio of 2:2:1 are mixed in a container, poured with a liter of hot water and left to infuse for half an hour. After the liquid is used for a compress on the skin affected by the fungus (before going to bed, every day for 2 weeks). To increase the effectiveness of the tool should be combined with the use of zinc ointment.
  • Herbal decoction from inguinal epidermophytosis. Mix 50 g of St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow, eucalyptus. The mixture is poured into 400 ml of boiling water, allowed to brew for 30-40 minutes and taken three times a day for a glass. The course of treatment of inguinal mycosis lasts at least 3 weeks.
  • Compress with celandine. Grind freshly harvested grass to a mushy consistency, place on a bandage and apply to the skin affected by the fungus for half an hour. Repeat daily for 10 days.
  • Garlic ointment. Black radish seeds and wild garlic must be crushed, mixed and lubricated with the resulting slurry on the affected areas of the skin with epidermophytosis. The duration of treatment is 8 days.

Disease prevention

  1. Keep your genitals dry, regularly carry out hygiene procedures (if you often have to sweat, try to shower 1-2 times a day).
  2. To avoid contracting athlete's foot, do not let others use your belongings and do not borrow other people's personal care products.
  3. Change your underwear daily, give preference to loose styles made from natural materials.
  4. To protect yourself from athlete's groin, wear flip-flops in public places, use only your own towel, try not to grab handrails and other objects on which fungi live.
  5. If someone in your household has contracted athlete's foot, clean more often with antiseptics.

What does fungus look like in the groin area

Therapy of the fungus of the inguinal region should be started immediately, with the manifestation of the first symptoms. A neglected disease can lead to serious consequences and will require longer, more difficult and expensive treatment. Inguinal epidermophytosis in especially severe cases is treated for several years. Below are photos of what the fungus looks like in the groin area. Learn more about what is

One type of infectious disease that develops in the intimate area is a fungus in the groin in men. The causative agents of pathology can move to the inner side of the thigh, buttocks and anus. Inguinal fungus causes severe discomfort in a man, which prevents him from carrying out his usual activities. To cope with this problem, drugs help, which the doctor prescribes after a thorough examination of the infected part of the patient's body.

Infectious disease in the groin can occur due to wearing underwear made of synthetic fabric

Inguinal fungus in guys and men is caused by certain factors that affect their body. The cause of the appearance of the pathology directly depends on the specific place in which the infectious agents actively multiply.

Fungus in men in the groin is usually caused by excessive sweating or lack of personal hygiene. Infection in most cases occurs in the hot season. The development of the disease leads to the activation of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which, under the influence of a favorable factor, begin to actively multiply. Due to profuse sweating in the intimate area, optimal conditions are created for the vital activity of the fungal pathogen. If a man does not solve this problem, then he will not be able to avoid the disease.

A fungus in the groin area in men can be caused not only by excessive sweating, but also by wearing too tight underwear made of synthetic fabric. It does not allow the body to "breathe", which is why even more sweat accumulates in the intimate area.

The fungus may eventually show up on the head of the penis. This part of the penis is usually affected by yeast pathogens. With this course of the pathological process, thrush is diagnosed in men. It is also called genital candidiasis. As a rule, head damage is observed in representatives of the stronger sex who have had sex with an infected woman.

The successful development of a fungal infection in the groin area is also facilitated by other factors that negatively affect the health of a man:

  1. Long-term use of antibiotics;
  2. Strong sweating;
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  4. Lack of hygiene;
  5. Sexual relations with unfamiliar partners;
  6. Reduced immunity;
  7. Experiencing severe stress.

Men should avoid interacting with the factors listed above in order to protect themselves from an unpleasant infectious disease.

Symptoms of inguinal fungus

A rash in an infected area is the first sign of a fungal infection.

A fungus in the groin in men gives itself out as characteristic symptoms. But not all patients can distinguish them from signs of another disease of the genital organs, for example, herpes. Because of this, they make the wrong decision about how to treat the disease. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended that when the first symptoms of malaise appear, try to get rid of them on your own. With such a problem, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

A serious reason to visit a specialist's office is the detection of the following signs of the disease:

  1. At the very beginning, a rash characteristic of the fungus appears. The reason for its occurrence is given by the analysis of the scraping of the affected tissue;
  2. Rashes in the intimate area have a pink or red color. They differ in different sizes. As a rule, the average spot reaches a diameter of 1 cm. The rash will continue to grow and grow if the fungus is not treated;
  3. Itching appears in the groin. The pubis and anus can itch. At the same time, discomfort is not felt in the area of ​​the penis;
  4. Instead of a rash, blisters may appear in the infected area, inside of which there is liquid. If you comb them, then ulcers and abscesses form on the skin;
  5. Painful cracks appear in the groin due to active peeling and wrinkling of the skin;
  6. Healthy areas of the skin may start to turn red. To the touch they become dried;
  7. The skin that covers the scrotum darkens. Color change can also occur on the hips.

Approximately 2 weeks after infection of the groin, penis and other parts of the genital area, ulcers will begin to form on the skin. In this case, treatment of a sexual infection in a hospital will be required.

How to treat a fungus in the groin in men

Treatment of genital fungus in the groin in men is carried out with medication. In order for the doctor to decide which treatment option is suitable for a particular patient, he must first undergo a complete examination confirming the diagnosis, as well as determining the causative agent of the infection.

The fungus in the groin area is helped to cure traditional medicines, most of which are dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription. Most often, the patient manages to limit himself to the use of local preparations that need to be applied directly to the lesions. All medicines that are prescribed for a fungal infection in the groin perform several tasks:

  1. Reduce the severity of the inflammatory process;
  2. Suppress excessive activity of pathogenic microflora;
  3. Destroy a bacterial infection that develops against the background of mycosis;
  4. Dry the skin in an intimate place.

Ointments and creams

Treatment of genital fungus in the groin in men is carried out with the help of medications

To cure the fungus in the groin in men and quickly eliminate its symptoms at the initial stage of development, topical agents help. Best of all, complex preparations cope with this task. As a rule, in addition to antifungal, they also combine antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. Creams of this type cope with itching, inflammation and redness of the skin. These include the following pharmaceuticals:

  • "Ketoconazole";
  • "Miconazole";
  • "Terbinafine";
  • "Clotrimazole".

In order for the anti-fungal agent to work, it must be correctly applied to the infected area. It is very important to thoroughly clean the groin and neighboring areas from dirt and sweat. Also, the skin needs to be well dried, since moisture and dirt will not allow active substances to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, in which pathogenic microflora can be localized.

Ointment or cream from the fungus in the groin in men must be applied regularly. You should follow the doctor's instructions regarding the dosage of the local drug and the frequency of its application.

Genital forms of a fungal infection are treated within 1-2 months. All this time it is necessary to treat the affected area with an antifungal agent. You should not skip mandatory procedures, as this may adversely affect the effectiveness of the treatment course.

If, after some time, local preparations do not give clear results of recovery, then the doctor reviews the patient's treatment regimen for genital fungus and prescribes a systemic medication for him.


A drug in the form of tablets from a fungus in the groin in men can have a narrowly targeted or systemic effect. The most popular are systemic drugs of the first type. In the second case, antihistamines are usually relevant, which help to cope with certain symptoms of the disease, for example, itching or irritation.

To combat inguinal fungus use such tablets and capsules:

  • "Fluconazole";
  • "Nystatin";
  • "Itraconazole".

There are other medicines that can help treat the symptom of a fungal groin infection. Thanks to this treatment, the symptoms of the disease and other features of its manifestation become less pronounced. Due to this, the general condition of the man improves.

Folk recipes

Alternative methods can be used if they do not interfere with the effectiveness of drug therapy

At the initial stage of the development of an infectious disease in the groin, you can use the methods of treatment offered by traditional medicine. They help to suppress the increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms, and also cope with some of the symptoms of the fungus.

Inguinal fungus can be treated with such folk remedies:

  1. Infusion based on chamomile, lingonberry leaves and St. John's wort. It must be taken 100 ml every day for a whole month;
  2. A decoction of string, oak bark and yarrow. It is used during application of lotions. After the procedure, it is desirable to treat the problem area with zinc ointment;
  3. Radish seeds. They make a homogeneous gruel, which is applied to the infected groin;
  4. Alcohol tincture based on poplar and birch buds. It is used during external treatment of areas affected by the fungus;
  5. Celandine. A fresh plant in crushed form is required to be applied to inflamed areas;
  6. Soda. It is also used to prepare a thick gruel, which should be abundantly rubbed on problem areas in the groin area;
  7. Onion. It is used on the same principle as the product from the previous recipe;
  8. Almond essence. This remedy is intended for the treatment of a groin that has been affected by a fungus.

Alternative methods of treatment are allowed to be used only if they do not reduce the effectiveness of drug therapy. It also takes into account the presence of certain contraindications for a man to interact with one or another means.

General rules during treatment

Regardless of whether the patient is concerned about one sign of malaise, or whether he is worried about the full symptomatology of the fungus in the groin, he should consult a doctor. Depending on the form of manifestation of the pathology, he will prescribe treatment for him. When conducting therapy, it is required to follow a number of rules that increase its effectiveness. These include the following provisions:

  1. During treatment, one should not forget to pay enough attention to personal hygiene in the intimate area and other parts of the body;
  2. It is advisable to periodically powder the groin with powder, which contains zinc oxide, to prevent heavy sweating;
  3. Take a shower or bath as needed to cleanse your body of sweat and dirt;
  4. It is worth buying spacious underwear, which is made of natural fabric;
  5. Periodically, you need to wipe the skin with a decoction of oak bark to reduce the level of sweating in the infected area.

Also, do not forget to use the medications that were prescribed by your doctor.


Therapy, which is carried out with the defeat of the genitals, requires a lot of time and financial investment. Therefore, it is better to try to prevent genital fungus in men. Simple preventive measures help to cope with this problem.

To avoid infection with a fungus, you must carefully take care of the cleanliness of your own body. If necessary, you need to use products that help to cope with excessive sweating in the groin. It is highly undesirable to touch other people's things and objects with bare parts of the body, as they may contain a fungus. Also, do not forget to take precautions when visiting public places.

Mycosis of the inguinal folds are areas of the skin in the groin affected by the fungus, most often in men.

Depending on the localization of the disease, this pathology may have the following names:

  1. Perineal fungus.
  2. Fungal infection of the inner thigh.
  3. Fungus of the scrotum.
  4. Mycosis of the intergluteal region.
  5. In rare cases (the penis is usually not affected by the fungus).

Where does it come from?

The causative agents of the disease are one or more types of fungi. The following causes contribute to infection:

  1. Entering with dirty hands from the source of infection.
  2. The contact-household route of infection can be carried out through the use of personal hygiene items, towels, shoes, etc. with the patient. A possible way of infection is visiting public baths and saunas.

Reduced immunity, which occurs against the background of the following health disorders, can contribute to rapid infection with a fungus:

  1. Problems with the endocrine system.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Immunodeficiency.
  4. Overweight.
  5. Presence of other fungal infections - onychomycosis, etc.
  6. Frequent sweating.
  7. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

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Symptoms of inguinal mycosis

At the beginning of the disease, small reddened areas appear in the scrotum and inguinal folds. They have clear boundaries separating them from healthy skin. A slight swelling forms at the site of redness. This hyperemia begins to increase over time, nearby spots connect and form large areas of redness with uneven borders. The affected areas are very itchy and disturb the person. At the site of redness, the skin is dry, sometimes small blisters appear. Sometimes in such cases, treatment may not be needed, as redness can go away on its own.

In advanced cases, pustules may appear at the sites of the lesion, which become wet, which makes it possible to confuse this disease with eczema. A person experiences severe discomfort not only from an aesthetically unsightly appearance, but also due to severe burning and itching.

In the absence of treatment for such a manifestation of the disease, it can become chronic with constant exacerbations in the hot season.

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Diagnosis and treatment of inguinal fungus with pharmaceuticals

As such, diagnostics in this case is not carried out, usually a medical examination is sufficient. In the presence of other skin lesions, differential diagnosis is carried out.

Mycosis of the inguinal region does not require hospitalization and is successfully treated at home. Special ointments have proven themselves in the treatment of mycosis of the inguinal folds. The doctor will also recommend taking antihistamines. And the initial inguinal fungus can be cured with the help of traditional medicine.

So, you should disassemble all the means in order:

  1. Ointments should contain the following components: miconazole, terbinafil, clotrimazole. When purchasing ointments without a prescription, you must strictly follow its instructions, as there is a strict sequence of application. Without following such recommendations, treatment is reduced to zero. When using ointments, be sure to keep your body clean, wash your groin area regularly with water, and change your underwear more often. With a favorable prognosis, treatment with ointments can last up to 14 days.
  2. Antihistamines. They are prescribed in the acute period of the disease. Commonly used drugs include: diphenhydramine, diazolin, pipolfen, suprastin.
  3. Additional treatment includes the use of various tinctures and solutions. They can be purchased at a pharmacy. The most popular products from this group include: calcium chloride 10%; the use of silver nitrate (0.25%) and resorcinol (1%) in the form of lotions; for a week, an iodine solution is applied in the form of lubrication of the affected areas. After this, add sulfur-tar ointment to iodine and continue treatment for 14 days. For a better effect, add antifungal ointments to this therapy, for example, such as Mikoseptin or Mikozolon; the use of Burov's liquid in the form of compresses. Approximate proportions - for 1 glass of water 1 tbsp. l. liquids.

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Fungus in the groin in women

Treatment in this case is identical to male, but there are a number of nuances that are characteristic only of female therapy. In this case, you will definitely need to consult a gynecologist, since inguinal mycosis, if not properly treated, can turn into vaginal mycosis. And this is more difficult and requires some treatment.

  1. The use of herbal compresses such as chamomile, sage, oak bark, nettle, burdock, etc.
  2. When itching begins, use Sinoflan ointment.

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