An overdose of which drug is fatal. Dose of sleeping pills, life-threatening

The modern medical industry has taught people in any incomprehensible situation to immediately run to the pharmacy for the right medicine. Patients do not always read the inscription: consult a doctor before use. It is this aspect that can lead to death.

Another cause of death is taking too much of a dose. Sometimes one pill does not save from a headache or is unable to reduce the temperature, in which case the person takes another pill. It is difficult to independently calculate the dose of a potent drug, which leads to serious complications, even death.

Rules for taking medicines

Follow the dosages and rules for taking pills and medicines

In most cases, preventing an overdose is simple: it is enough to follow certain rules while taking medication.

Some useful tips:

  • The most important point is that writing a prescription is the doctor's job. It is forbidden to independently engage in treatment, to replace one drug with another. It is also impossible to rely on the knowledge of a pharmacist, sometimes the mistake of an inexperienced specialist can cost you your life.
  • Be sure to listen to medical advice. Buy special medicines for children, it is strictly forbidden to give a child an adult pill divided into several parts. There are a huge number of children's medicines on sale, they are convenient to use, designed for a specific purpose.
  • Respect the prescribed intake time. Violation of this aspect leads to improper absorption of the drug into the blood, a violation of its pharmacological action.
  • A full course of treatment is a prerequisite. This is especially true of antibiotics, often patients, feeling better, stop taking the medicine. The disease returns, which leads to repeated therapy, which can adversely affect the body.
  • Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the drug, side effects, contraindications. Sometimes the doctor may not take into account important aspects or he simply does not have enough time to explain the necessary recommendations.
  • Observe the terms and rules for storing medicines. Any violations in this area are a reason to refuse to use the medicine. Expired drugs, counterfeit products are very dangerous for human health.
  • Drink medicines only with clean water. Juices, milk, coffee neutralize or interact with the active components of drugs, which negatively affects the therapeutic effect, can lead to unforeseen consequences.

Note! Many medicines are forbidden to use with alcohol. The combination of substances is fraught with respiratory arrest, problems with the cardiovascular system, and the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, complications lead to the death of the patient. Nicotine does not have such a strong effect on the body, but reduces the therapeutic effect of medicinal products.

Prescription drug overdose

Even harmless sleeping pills can be fatal.

Prescription drugs have the highest percentage of deaths. The patient, having received the medicine, sometimes unable to stop, begins to increase the dosage, which leads to sad consequences. There are several main groups of medicinal products from prescription medicines, they can provoke a fatal outcome:

  • Sleeping pills. This group includes barbiturates, non-barbituric drugs. Recently, it has become more and more popular to visit psychologists, doctors are allowed to prescribe potent substances. Exceeding the dosage or an incorrectly selected medication can cause confusion, disturbances in the work of the respiratory, circulatory system. A lethal dose is ten times the amount of the drug.
  • Narcotic analgesics (opiates). Oxycodone, morphine, codeine, methadone and others lead to altered patient consciousness, nausea, vomiting, cardiac arrest. Complications are observed when the dosage is excessively increased intentionally or not on purpose. In any case, helping a person is quite difficult.
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Phenelzine, parnate, marplan. Failure to comply with the correct dosage leads to an improvement in the patient's mood, a person feels psycho-emotional arousal, which in some cases leads to disturbances in the activity of the heart muscle, and there is a high probability of coma. The drugs are insidious - the first symptoms are noticeable only a day after use, which prevents the timely diagnosis of an overdose.
  • Hallucinogens. Medicines from this group can lead to seizures, hallucinations, disorientation, coma. Taking medications from this group has a sharply negative effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person, a person is unable to help himself in the event of an unforeseen situation.
  • CNS stimulants. Cocaine, amphetamine and their derivatives in case of overdose lead to overexcitation, hallucinations, severe coma, psychosis. Deaths are directly related to cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Antidepressants. Medicinal products are designed to calm patients, restore mental health. An overdose entails an absolutely opposite effect - there is anxiety, dry skin, hallucinations. Often patients in such conditions commit suicide.

It is important to know! When using medicines prescribed by a doctor, be sure to follow his instructions, do not take large doses of medicines.

Overdose with non-prescription drugs

Common Aspirin tablets can also lead to death if the patient has a number of health problems.

You can get poisoned by medicines that are sold without a prescription, and deaths from taking freely sold medicines are recorded as often as from prescribed drugs. In most cases, the use of painkillers along with alcohol becomes fatal. List of unsafe drugs:

  • Aspirin. A frequently used medication, few people know that the drug can lead to the death of patients who have problems with the stomach, intestines, especially peptic ulcer. For children, the drug is fraught with another danger - the active ingredients increase the risk of an asthma attack, Reye's syndrome.
  • Paracetamol in large doses leads to the destruction of brain cells, general intoxication of the body.
  • Loperamide. It is used for diarrhea, it is not recommended to use it, it is addictive, after its use there is a wide range of side effects.
  • Vitamin C. In high doses, it causes cancer. Changes occur due to the production of a certain substance that damages DNA and contributes to the development of tumors. The maximum allowable daily dose for humans is 45 mg.
  • Vitamin E. Exceeding the dosage increases the risk of internal bleeding, can lead to a stroke.
No-shpa, drotaverine, iodine can also cause death when consumed in large quantities.

Note! Keep medicinal products away from children. Drug overdose is one of the leading causes of death among children under 5 years of age.

Any increase in the dosage of drugs that affect the cardiovascular system leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the main cause of death among the world's population. Doctors are trying to cope with the problem with the help of cardiac glycosides, they are of natural origin, help reduce the load on the muscular organ.

Regular use of prescribed medications improve blood circulation, cope with a rapid or weak heart rate, and have a mild diuretic effect. The positive aspects of the drug appear only if the dosage is observed, any excess of the norm or rhythm disturbance (ventricular tachycardia) leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms:

  • blood pressure drops, headaches, breathing problems appear;
  • nausea, vomiting, stool disorders;
  • when conducting a cardiogram, negative changes are noticeable.

Sleeping pills

Medicines are designed to improve the patient's sleep. In most cases, the person himself is to blame for the overdose: if one tablet does not help to fall asleep, the hand reaches for a new dose, provoking depression of the nervous and respiratory systems. Drowsiness, apathy, frivolous disturbances in the work of the heart develop into a full-fledged coma with lesions of internal organs.

It is important to keep track of your sleeping pills, write down what and when you took. It is easy to forget about the use of the pill in a restless state, protect yourself and loved ones.

Medicines that affect the nervous system

Tranquilizers and antipsychotics are actively used in the treatment of mental disorders. The drugs dissolve easily in the stomach, are difficult to excrete by the kidneys and liver. The intake of potent drugs should be monitored by the medical staff and relatives of the patient. Lack of control most often leads to disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system, breathing problems, convulsions, drowsiness, up to coma.

An important aspect is that many patients with nervous disorders are suicidal, often taking pills with alcohol. The combination of substances leads to problems with the physical and mental health of patients, the likelihood of death is high.

Consequences of an overdose

In cases of overdose, call an ambulance

The appearance of characteristic symptoms during drug intoxication depends on the specific drug. In most cases, there is apathy, airway obstruction, heart rhythm disturbances, kidney or liver failure.

Medical attention must be provided to avoid death. In order to do this correctly, try to find out from the victim what kind of remedy he took. Only when this aspect is clarified, proceed to medical manipulations.

First aid:

  • Call an ambulance immediately.
  • As mentioned earlier, find out what caused the poisoning.
  • Try to keep the patient conscious until the ambulance arrives.
  • In case of vomiting or nausea, tilt the head of the victim to one side, preventing the tongue from sinking, stopping breathing due to vomit.
  • Do not leave the person before the arrival of the doctors, try to cheer him up, if necessary, give the victim clean water to drink.


Preventing drug intoxication is quite simple: follow the rules described at the beginning of the material, do not exceed the dosage, it is forbidden to use several drugs at the same time, without knowing about their interaction with each other.

Protect yourself and children from using unnecessary medicines, give preference to products based on natural ingredients. Before taking any remedy, consult a doctor, carefully study the annotation. Take care of your health, be vigilant!

Always remember that even the most harmless medicine can kill you, never self-medicate, many drugs have contraindications and cannot be taken if you have a particular disease, we recommend that you watch a video of what self-medication can lead to and listen to the opinion of a doctor.

Sleep disorders lie in wait for any person, regardless of age. The reasons are different: stress at work or at home, poor performance at school, unhappy love or upcoming life changes. Problems accumulate during the day and in the evening they deprive you of sleep. And then comes the turn of sedatives. We will figure out what is the lethal dose of sleeping pills for a person in tablets, why it is better not to buy medicines without a prescription, and whether there is an effective medicine without addiction.

No matter how scary it is to realize, even the popular “No-shpa” can lead to death. An overdose of any drug is dangerous for its consequences. That is why all pharmacists and doctors strongly advise you to remove any drugs away from children and carefully read the instructions.

Products sold without a prescription, but carrying a direct threat to life in case of overdose - all sleep drugs containing active substances: doxylamine succinate, phenobarbital, barbiturates, benzodiazepines. These may be medications:

  • "Dimedrol";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "diazepam";
  • "Clonazepam";
  • "ReSlip".

This list may include many other harmless remedies for allergies and colds, as well as tranquilizers. Taking them not according to the scheme, a person may simply not wake up.

It is important to know! But not always an overdose of sleeping pills is a fatal outcome. Most often, the patient's receptors for hearing, vision, movement are blocked - he turns into a "vegetable".

Overdose of sleeping pills: death

Is it possible to die from sleeping pills at all, or is it a myth? With a combination of various conditions, negative prerequisites - it is possible. The risk group includes people with high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, with mental lability and CNS disorders.

Possible causes of overdose and poisoning

The first reason is a mistake. An aged patient does not always remember exactly how many pills he took and whether he took at all. As a result, 2-3 doses are drunk, which entails the danger of death.

What other reasons could there be:

  1. A deliberate desire to end the troubles in one's life.
  2. Children who find pills can take a lot of them.
  3. Poisoning due to the fact that drugs are washed down not with water, but with alcohol.
  4. Connection of incompatible drugs.
  5. Bringing a person to murder by poisoning with large doses of the drug.

Attention! It is worth remembering that death can occur even from taking sleeping pills with Aspirin - not every drug interacts with this harmless medicine.

Stages of poisoning and symptoms

Death does not occur immediately, first there is an active poisoning of the body, while the person goes through several stages. Each stage has its own characteristics. Consider all the stages and symptoms:

  1. Increased drowsiness is stage I. Symptoms: inhibited reaction, impaired orientation in space, possible diarrhea, vomiting. At this stage, a person is still contact, can respond to external stimuli.
  2. Superficial coma - stage II, called medium-severe. The patient loses contact with the outside world, consciousness is disturbed, the person stops feeling pain, there is no reaction to stimuli, reflexes are depressed. Hypersalivation is often manifested, leading to aspiration of saliva into the respiratory tract - the patient will choke, and will not be able to ask for help.
  3. Deep coma - stage III, which is called extremely severe. Here, an overdose of sleeping pills has the most severe consequences: cerebral edema, damage to cortical structures, the absence of all reflexes, respiratory depression, blood pressure decreases, and cardiovascular insufficiency occurs in dynamic progression. If such a patient is not helped, his life is in serious danger.

The last stage is considered to be terminal - doctors diagnose clinical death, and if the effectiveness of resuscitation is low, then biological death.

List of consequences

An overdose of drugs does not always carry death, the consequences with which a person may have to live on are much more dangerous. Let's talk about them in more detail.

So, the consequences of an excessive dose of sleeping pills:

If you take sleeping pills constantly, addiction occurs. And this leads to the following consequences:

  1. Insomnia. The patient gets used to a constant dose of drugs and no longer sleeps without them.
  2. Stress arising from the lack of night rest. This leads to instability of the psycho-emotional background, which leads to nervous disorders of varying severity.
  3. Aggression. This is a symptom that also develops against the background of insomnia.
  4. Decreased activity, mental skills. A person is faced with the fact that he does not succeed in things with which he previously coped with ease. It also causes the injection of negative emotions and leads to dangerous consequences.
  5. Death. In medical practice, there are enough cases when a person taking an evening sedative drug did not wake up the next morning.

Attention! It must be understood that the consequences of excessive use of sleeping pills can be: destruction of blood circulation and death of the lobes of the brain, irreversible changes in the network of blood vessels, life-support organs, hypertension, myocardial infarction, strokes and other unpleasant diseases.

Fatal outcome: what should be the dose

So, how many sleeping pills do you need to take to die? It depends on the type of drug, age, individual characteristics of the patient. For some types, one tablet will work, while for others you will have to drink a handful of pills.

Attention! According to statistics, death is possible if you drink a 4-fold dose of sleeping pills. Also, a fatal outcome is inevitable when the drug is taken by a person who drinks alcohol. A teenager under 14 years old, a patient over 65 years old with high blood pressure can drink the medicine in the indicated dose, but get not sleep, but death. A child due to an unformed immune response and rapid absorption, an elderly person due to an exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.

Fatal overdose: certain types of drugs

And what will happen if you drink a lot of sleeping pills and are there drugs from which the effect is fatal? Yes. The list of dangerous drugs is quite wide. We list the main types:

  1. "Donormil". A drug with a small list of contraindications. The lethal dose is 10 capsules, but the amount is calculated individually. For some patients, a dose of 3 pills is enough if washed down with alcohol.
  2. Melaxen. A high dose is considered to be 4 times the norm - this is a pack of 10 tablets.
  3. "Phenazepam". The strongest tranquilizer. A dose of 10 mg leads to death.
  4. Zoloft. New generation antidepressant. When the dose is exceeded by 5-6 times, severe poisoning occurs, and when washed down with alcohol, death occurs.

Easy death from sleeping pills: truth or fiction

Let's just say that dying always hurts. Regardless, a capsule of a potent drug was taken, which was washed down with alcohol or the drug was drunk in a large dose.

Complications are determined only by the type of drug components. In some cases, before death, a person feels suffocation, high pressure "hammers" in the temples, profuse vomiting and diarrhea spoil the "beautiful picture" of death. Let's add here convulsions, convulsions that fetter the body and do not allow to move, breaking consciousness. Only then comes a hypnotic sleep, leading to a coma, and then death.

Emergency life saving

If someone from your family or friends is taking a dangerous drug, you need to monitor how much the person has drunk the medicine. It is especially important to control the dosage in older people who are prone to forgetfulness. It would be useful to learn the symptoms that indicate that the drug has been drunk a lot.

In any case, you can’t do without calling the emergency team. It is important to remember the name of the medicines and not throw away the packaging from under the funds, so that doctors can start detoxification as soon as possible and minimize the strong negative effect of poisoning.

First steps at home

While the ambulance is on the way, a number of independent measures should be taken. In particular, if a person started using sleeping pills 30 minutes ago and is still conscious, you need to:

  • give as much water as possible to drink;
  • induce vomiting;
  • give sorbents (activated carbon);
  • pour sweet strong tea or milk.

If a person is unconscious, the algorithm of actions:

  • open your mouth and check for the presence of tablets - a large amount cannot be swallowed immediately;
  • if there are signs of breathing, palpitations, put the patient on his side;
  • vomiting has begun, you need to make sure that the respiratory organs are not clogged.

In cardiac arrest, indirect massage is necessary. You need to know it if there is a seriously ill person in the house, whose treatment is carried out with injections or sleeping pills.

chances of survival

With timely assistance, the result of poisoning can be reversible. It is only important that the right doctor or person who knows what should be done is nearby. With all other factors, there is also a chance to survive, however, severe damage to the brain and internal organs will respond with a series of diseases, mental disorders and other troubles.

Attention! The consequence of poisoning with sleeping pills is not always death, most often it is a wheelchair, immobility or degradation of mental abilities. This is what you need to think about before you eat a handful of pills at a time - not all drug products lead to instant death, more fatal consequences can occur.

Overdose prevention: important rules

In order not to die from sleeping pills, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use, where interactions with other drugs are written. The rules for preventing a fatal outcome are simple: limit access to drugs for children and the elderly with nervous disorders and strictly control the dose of the drug.


Sleeping pill poisoning is a serious condition that requires urgent medical attention. Every minute is important, the defeat may not lead to death, but to the development of complications of an irreversible nature.

And, of course, you should not lull yourself immediately with strong compounds. For example, the drug "Persen" has won excellent reviews, has few contraindications and helps with intermittent insomnia. If sleep disturbances are caused by single shocks, the day has passed hard and there is a blockage at work - do not rush to drink sleeping pills. There are safe homeopathic remedies, herbal preparations that will help solve the problem with sleep.

Modern medicine has remedies for almost all diseases. But, as you know, the medicine can both cure and kill. It depends on many factors, including dosage. An overdose of one or another drug can lead to serious complications or even death.

What drugs are the most dangerous? What are the symptoms of an overdose? And what to do in a critical situation? Read more…

List of drugs from which you can die

What pills are the most dangerous? Pretty much everything, but to varying degrees. The greatest danger is fraught with drugs that are taken systematically. Firstly, because addiction is taking place and the effect of the drug is weakening. Secondly, a person can simply forget or mix up the dosage.

The most dangerous medicines:

  • cardiac drugs.
  • Sleeping pills.
  • Tranquilizers.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Medications that lower blood pressure.

In this case, the elderly and patients suffering from chronic diseases are at risk.

Reference! Even such "harmless" drugs as paracetamol, analgin and aspirin in case of overdose can cause serious consequences.

Sleeping pills and tranquilizers

Tranquilizers and sedatives are drugs that depress the central nervous system (CNS).

These include:

  • Benzodiazepines.
  • Barbiturates.
  • Glutethimides.
  • Sodium oxybate, etc.

Most of these drugs increase the activity of GABA (the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the CNS). From an overdose, euphoria sets in, gradually turning into inhibition, speech slows down, movements become inhibited, then the victim loses consciousness.

Important! With a severe overdose, arterial hypotension occurs, breathing becomes more rare, blood circulation stops and the person dies. The patient can be saved only when he entered the intensive care unit no later than 40-60 minutes after the overdose.

The most popular psychotropic drugs are described below.


It has a sedative effect, the daily dose is 1 tablet, and the course of treatment is 5 days.

It is impossible to predict how many pills will be needed for a fatal outcome. It all depends on the state of the body, weight, age, the presence or absence of chronic diseases.

Important! It is believed that the lethal dose of Donormil is 10 tablets at a time.

When alcohol interacts with Donormil, 3 tablets are enough to cause death.

Another danger is addiction.. If the patient regularly takes the drug, then the effect of the drug weakens. Often this is the cause of an overdose.


A sleeping pill with a calming effect is used for depression, panic attacks, long flights with jet lag.

According to doctors, Melaxen is not dangerous to health and life, since in principle there can be no lethal dose of Melaxen.

It is believed that the body absorbs only the required amount of the active substance, and the excess is quickly excreted.


It is considered a strong tranquilizer, addictive. Daily dose - no more than 7-9 mg. It is used for phobias, panic attacks, convulsive syndrome, insomnia.

Important! The drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor, self-medication is absolutely not allowed here!

The lethal dose is 10 mg at a time. With a significant excess of the dosage, the likelihood of death increases significantly. Preceding symptoms: confusion, cardiovascular, renal failure, coma.

What are the side effects of taking Phenazepam and signs of an overdose are described in the video:


An effective antidepressant that relieves panic conditions, depression, post-traumatic disorders. The drug is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, acts gently.

Overdose-related deaths have not been recorded. One of the most severe consequences of an overdose is serotonin syndrome. It manifests itself in mental disorders, inappropriate behavior, neuromuscular disorders.

Common symptoms of an overdose of psychotropic drugs:

  1. Uncharacteristic unreasonable anxiety.
  2. Increased drowsiness, lethargy.
  3. Mood swings.
  4. Inappropriate behaviour.
  5. Violation of coordination of movements.
  6. Tremor.
  7. Hyperthermia.
  8. Severe allergic reactions.
  9. hallucinations.

If any of these symptoms are observed, medical attention should be sought immediately.

Attention! The toxic effect of psychotropic drugs is enhanced and rapid death occurs if taken with alcohol.

Stages of poisoning

Drug overdose is divided into 4 stages depending on the severity of the condition. If help is not provided in time, the stages will quickly follow each other, leading the patient to death.

What's happening:

  1. The pulse slows down, drowsiness appears, active salivation occurs.
  2. The patient loses consciousness, the pupils react poorly to light, the pulse is weak, thready.
  3. Coma occurs in the third stage. It is characterized by: a barely noticeable pulse, lack of pupillary response to light, shallow breathing, low blood pressure. In the future, the failure of internal organs occurs, the person falls into a coma.
  4. The thermal stage (agony) is characterized by the extinction of the function of internal organs (heart, brain), often resuscitation is unsuccessful.

Attention! The situation is aggravated by the fact that with an overdose of drugs, the patient is often unconscious. If there is no one nearby, then death occurs in 90% of cases. Be careful when taking medication!

What happens to a person from an overdose of pills is described in the video:

Remedies for cardiovascular diseases

The principle of action of such drugs is to influence the arterioles and myocardium. These funds slow down the flow of calcium ions into myocardial cells, reduce peripheral vascular resistance and stroke volume of the heart.

Means are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, accumulate in the liver, excreted by the kidneys. The lethal dose is about 100 mg.

Reference! Such drugs are often used by older people without consulting a doctor. Usually they do not take into account the dosage and side effects.

Typical symptoms of an overdose:

  • A sharp decrease or jump in blood pressure.
  • Violation of the patency of the ventricles of the heart.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Toxigenic collapse.
  • Paresis of the intestine.
  • Heart failure.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Seizures.
  • Coma.

To reduce pressure

Drugs that lower blood pressure (blood pressure) are prescribed to patients with hypertension (high blood pressure).

The required dosage is not more than 150 mg per day.

What is the danger? Often such funds are used urgently with a sharp increase in blood pressure. At this point, the person seeks to reduce pressure as quickly as possible, significantly increasing the dose. The result is a sharp drop in blood pressure.

This is fraught with:

  1. Renal insufficiency.
  2. Brain damage
  3. Myocardial infarction.

With a severe overdose, death occurs in about half an hour.

Heart drugs

The most popular of them:

  • Beta-blockers - reduce blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Statins lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Antiplatelet agent - prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Nitrates - help with angina pectoris, dilate blood vessels.
  • Calcium channel blockers - reduce blood pressure.
  • Diuretics - remove excess fluid, reduce pressure, relieve swelling and shortness of breath.
  • Cardiac glycosides - slow down the heart rate, while increasing their strength.
  • Anticoagulants - affect blood clotting, prevent blood clots.
  • Potassium and magnesium - support the work of the heart and the whole body, are trace elements.
  • Metabolic agents - improve the metabolism in the cells of the heart, prevent the lack of oxygen in the heart muscle.

All of these remedies are very effective when used correctly and the dosage is observed.

But the problem is that almost all patients start self-medication, often without even reading the instructions. The result is a severe overdose.

Signs of an overdose of cardiac drugs:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Violation of the heart.
  • Suffocation.
  • Seizures.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Vision problems.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Very severe headache.
  • Intracranial pressure.
  • BP jumps.

First aid to help avoid death

If the patient is conscious, you need:

  1. Rinse the stomach. The victim is given to drink about 1.5 liters of water and induce vomiting.
  2. Make the victim drink sorbents (Smecta, Atoxil, Polysorb, activated carbon).
  3. Give the person sweet tea to drink.
  4. Call an ambulance .

Attention! It is very important to find a package of medicines that a person has suffered from.

This will help doctors choose an antidote and increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation.

If the patient is unconscious:

  1. Lay the victim on his right side, if possible, fix it so that he remains in this position.
  2. If vomiting begins, carefully monitor the patient so that he does not choke on vomit.
  3. Watch the victim's breathing, he should breathe freely.
  4. If there is no pulse, be sure to do chest compressions.

Reference! In the hospital, the victim is prescribed antidotes and droppers, if necessary, they are connected to special devices to maintain life.

What first aid to provide for drug poisoning is described in the video:

Drug overdose is a preventable problem. However, it is one of the most common causes of emergency hospitalization and death.

A huge role here is played by the speed of assistance and the professionalism of doctors. But the most important thing is the consciousness of the patients themselves.

Any pill is poison if you do not follow the dosage. Sometimes people consciously take this step, sometimes it is a fatal accident. In any case, you need to know how to help the victim.

Each medicine, in addition to benefit, if the recommendations for its use are not followed, can cause great harm to the body, even death. Even vitamins can cause death if their intake is not controlled. Those who think death from pills is quick and painless are wrong. Just lie down and fall asleep.

With a cold, flu, and other minor illnesses, rarely does anyone go to the doctor, believing that they are able to cope on their own. Advice on the Internet is almost the only source of information that many turn to in such situations. These tips can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. There are "comic" tips in the vastness of the global network, which are presented very convincingly. The people who compiled and distributed them say in plain text which pills to take for death, hiding behind the good intention of curing a headache.

The main thing is not to accept something about which there is not the slightest idea. It is better to spend two hours of your time and see a doctor. He will prescribe the right medicine, give recommendations for its use. If you still don’t want to go to the doctor, you can study the drug yourself. The package always indicates the recommended dosage, as well as contraindications.

But this is not the only danger. A new trend among young people is a gloomy mood, depression, suicide. The most popular youth groups openly talk about how great it would be to commit suicide. “I open my veins”, “I want to die” - these phrases are often found in the lyrics of their songs.

The romanticization of suicide leads to the formation in fragile minds (the age of such an audience is from 12 to 16 years old) of the idea that suicide is not a bad thing. Add to this teenage cynicism and thoughtlessness of actions - as a result, we get a stupid girl of about 13 years old, who types the phrase “what a poison to death” in a search engine, trying to find information about which pills cause instant death.

Yes, drugs can lead to big problems. When you need to quickly bring down the temperature, people take a large dose of drugs that may belong to different pharmaceutical groups. The combination of different types can lead to unpredictable consequences - from the absence of a negative effect to acute poisoning and death. Reasons for an overdose of tablets include:

  • The interest of young children is to try the beautiful pills they found in their parents' bedroom. Do not leave medicines in a conspicuous place if there are small children in the apartment.
  • Combination of drugs from different pharmaceutical groups. Two opposite effects can lead to death.
  • Deliberate overdose with the intent to commit suicide. A quick death at home is what those who decide to commit suicide want. But this is not always the case. Most often, people die by choking in their vomit in their death throes. There is no talk of an easy and painless death.
  • Violation of the doctor's contraindications or out of ignorance. Everyone has individual intolerance, do not forget about it.
  • Self-medication, the acquisition of unknown pills and their subsequent use are as dangerous as entering a lion's cage. He can just look at a person, or he can stop his life with one sharp jump.
  • Drugs are also a common cause of fatal overdose. MDMA, MDA, Xanax - these pills are popular with young people who want to either have fun or just relax. Even the pills produced by pharmaceutical companies are very dangerous, what can we say about the unknown composition. MDMA, a popular club drug in pill form, sometimes contains many other substances. An overdose can easily be obtained from five of these tablets.

Types of dangerous drugs

Absolutely every drug can cause death. Paracetamol - even they can cause irreparable damage. However, they are still safer than those drugs that need to be taken systematically as part of the treatment.

People who are prone to chronic diseases, without noticing it, increase the dose of the drug, as the body develops tolerance. Overdose of the following types of drugs can be fatal:

A favorite type of medicine for those who want to commit suicide. Almost always used for this purpose on the basis that everything will pass quickly.

But it is worth thinking before you poison yourself to death. Doctors dispense sleeping pills carefully, because of the severe side effects that occur when consumed above normal.

If the dosage is exceeded, blood pressure will decrease, the pulse will decrease, the respiratory system will be disturbed, the person will feel tired and drowsy. In half an hour severe vomiting will begin, but already in a dream. A person will either wake up and experience terrible agony due to the combination of all the symptoms, or choke on vomit in a dream. There is no beautiful and easy death.

Cardiac drugs

Medicines aimed at normalizing the work of the heart can cause it to stop. With a tenfold increase in dosage, such a load will fall on the heart that not everyone can withstand it. This is for healthy people only. And for those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system, this medication will be the last. Even if you do not die from an overdose of cardiac drugs, convulsions, severe vomiting and acute headaches cannot be avoided. Potassium, which is found in large quantities in this type of drug, which can be fatal, is used in the United States to execute especially dangerous criminals.

Neurotropic substances

Antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquilizers. They are used to treat mental disorders. The impact varies from depression of the central nervous system to its overexcitation, depending on the purpose of the treatment.

Necessary to shape a person's mood, these drugs have such a strong effect on the central nervous system that they can cause coma. Melipramine, which has a stimulating effect and antidepressant effect, leads to cardiac arrhythmias, fever due to exceeding the dose by only 5 times.


Most of the drugs are in this group, but the likelihood of an overdose of them is extremely small. Attention should be paid to narcotic analgesics, which contain codeine, heroin, methadone, morphine. Such drugs are dispensed in exceptional cases, although the same can be found in every pharmacy.

Intoxication with painkillers will lead to vomiting, convulsions, respiratory system disorders. The probability of this is quite high, since drug-containing drugs cause a strong physical dependence. A person develops immunity to previous dosages, and the dose has to be increased. If the addiction is not cured, the ending will be quite predictable.

You don't need to make any list to remember which pills can cause death if you overdose. Exceeding the dosage of any drug by about 10 to 12 times will be lethal. You won’t be able to die instantly from pills: when a person dies, he experiences a long and painful death agony. Even when a bullet passes through the heart, it brings unbearable pain, and the pills are kept in this state for at least an hour. But on the other hand, it’s good that there is time during which you can provide first aid, call an ambulance, save a person’s life.

Common symptoms include:

  • Paleness of the skin, cold sweat.
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, in some cases, you can lose consciousness.
  • Vomiting is a natural reaction of the body to a stimulus.
  • Lowering blood pressure, heart rate.
  • Respiratory disorder.

With the manifestation of these symptoms, it is required to immediately call an ambulance so that the patient is hospitalized. Doctors need to know exactly what medicine caused the poisoning, so you should look for empty pill packs next to the victim, in the trash, under the bed. While the ambulance is on the way, you need to clean the stomach of the poisoned person - pour into it by force, if necessary, five or six glasses of salt water and several tablets of activated charcoal. Then induce vomiting. The main thing is not to delay. The sooner relief actions are initiated, the more likely the pills will not dissolve in the stomach.

Every medicine can kill a person. Unfortunately, an overdose of pills in 90 percent of cases is a conscious choice of a person. It is necessary to pay attention to the problems of people, because most suicides, before they begin to be interested in which pills can kill them, literally talk about their intentions not only to relatives and friends, but also to strangers. The cult of depression, drugs that are easy for teenagers to get, personal problems - all this can lead to a negative outcome.

Do not play with fate and think that the danger will pass by. Everyone is at risk, and only caution and self-control can protect against a bad outcome.

In almost every instruction for the use of a particular drug, there is an item “Overdose”, which indicates the consequences that threaten the patient in the event of a “bust” of the drug.

As a rule, the lethal dose of tablets is not indicated there. However, it is necessary to know about this, if only because, in case of accidental intake, it is correct to determine the symptoms of poisoning and provide first aid.

There are interesting statistics, however, for America, but this is not the point. In this country, literally every 19 minutes, one person dies due to “overdoing” with drugs.

The problem with taking lethal doses of pills today is quite common. After all, for poisoning to occur, a dose of only 10 times higher than the norm is needed. Thus, the lethal dose of Phenazepam tablets, a popular tranquilizer, is 10 mg.

The figure for children and the elderly is two times less.

Overdoses are accompanied by a number of reasons, among which the love of people for self-treatment is important. Predisposes to this and the fact that many drugs - and by no means harmless - are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.

A person can take deadly pills consciously, wanting to commit suicide. But more often it happens that this happens either due to absent-mindedness, or in case of non-compliance with the recommended admission rules. A similar misfortune can happen to a child who discovers a package of pills and decides to try them like candy. Be that as it may, a person must be saved and done as quickly as possible.

How to determine an overdose?

If the patient has taken an increased dose of tablets, then the reaction of the body will not be unambiguous: it depends on various factors, including gender and age. The disease in which this or that drug is prescribed, as well as possible concomitant ailments, also plays a role.

Of course, the symptoms will also depend on the type of pills taken, what properties and mechanism of action they have. Among the brightest and most frequently encountered are the following:

  • the patient may feel dizzy;
  • often the condition is aggravated by abdominal pain, stool disorder;
  • seizures are observed;
  • poisoning of this kind threatens with depression and respiratory arrest;
  • vision is impaired;
  • hallucinations occur.

Video: Dose Required for Death

Such reactions, in particular, can cause paracetamol - a very common antipyretic and analgesic drug. The lethal dose of paracetamol in tablets, according to various sources, ranges from 50 to 75 pieces. If we express this in grams, then the figure will be as follows: 10–15 g. But even when taking more than 20 tablets, big troubles are guaranteed. So, the occurrence of acute liver failure can also be added to the reactions described above. In such a situation, if you do not urgently consult a doctor, you can only save a person in a day with a liver transplant.

The whole body, as a result of "brute force" with paracetamol, slowly but surely decomposes, and after a week and a half it can be stated: there was an overdose of tablets with a fatal outcome.

The very first aid

Assistance rendered "in hot pursuit" can literally save a person's life. But, nevertheless, if an overdose of pills has occurred, what to do before starting any action is to first of all call an "ambulance" or call the poison control center and consult. To do this, you need to know the name of the medicine that the patient took, when approximately this happened, as well as the age of the victim.

  • First aid in case of an overdose of pills before the ambulance arrives will be to wash the victim's stomach, causing him to vomit, and thereby prevent the drug from being absorbed into the mucous membranes. This measure is applicable, of course, if the patient is not in an unconscious state, and is especially effective in the first half hour after taking a large dose of the drug, but not more than two hours.
  • In any case, an overdose after gastric lavage will not interfere with activated charcoal - an excellent adsorbent that can quickly neutralize the medication. Charcoal tablets must first be crushed, and four tablespoons of the powder should be diluted in a glass of water. In order to neutralize the lethal dose of tablets for humans, in particular, aspirin or sleeping pills, 10 grams of activated charcoal is enough.
  • Against the action of sleeping pills or sedatives, you can use ordinary tea, which contains substances that excite the nervous system.

How to induce vomiting?

Although vomiting is also called among the symptoms of an overdose of some drugs, it is not worth waiting until this happens by itself, because the drug will already have time to be absorbed, and washing in this case is unlikely to help.

Vomiting can be caused in several ways.

  • An effective solution of dry mustard or salt, which should be drunk at least three glasses, spreading two teaspoons of powder or salt into one glass.
  • You can give the victim to drink soapy water.
  • If you press your palm on the upper abdomen, this can also cause vomiting.
  • And the classic version is “two fingers in the mouth”, i.e. put your finger down the throat of an overdose victim.

We must remember, so to speak, about safety precautions: so that the patient does not choke on vomit, it is necessary to induce vomiting by laying him on his side or by sitting with his head tilted forward.

Video: TOP 5 Lethal Doses of Common Substances

Poisoning can be avoided

I would like to once again bring the usual phrase from the instructions for the use of drugs: store in a place inaccessible to children. And since we are talking about children, it makes sense to recall the necessary precautions.

  • Be sure to check whether the drug is given to the child. After all, by any chance, in the packaging of the right pills, they may not be the same at all.
  • It is strongly not recommended, when persuading a child to take a pill, to call it a delicious candy.
  • Children's medicines in liquid form usually come with a dropper or measuring spoon. It is necessary to use only them, then the possibility of an overdose will simply be excluded.

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To the question: "overdose of which pills can cause death?" - did not arise at all, it is necessary to adopt a few simple rules. So,

  • Before you start taking prescribed medicines, be sure to read the contents of the package leaflet, paying special attention to side effects.
  • Follow the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed this or that drug.
  • If you received an appointment from different specialists, you should consult with a therapist about the compatibility of prescribed drugs. In case of uncertainty or uncertainty, it is better to stop at some safe analogue.
  • If several drugs are prescribed, then different tablets are taken individually, and not all in one handful.
  • No considerations of economy should force the use of expired drugs.
  • Observe the rules and conditions of storage: temperature, light, moisture, etc. In particular, it is not recommended to keep tablets in the bathroom cabinet, no matter how ideally designed it may be.

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