Peroxide 3 percent in the ear. Is it possible to put hydrogen peroxide in your ear? Hydrogen peroxide for otitis media: application features

Hydrogen peroxide is an indispensable medicine in your home medicine cabinet. It is useful not only for broken knees and other minor injuries. It is also indispensable for the treatment of ear diseases, when the ear hurts severely. There are the most incredible rumors about such treatment. Let's take a closer look at everything.

How to treat otitis media with peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is a transparent liquid that has high oxidizing properties. Because of this, the range of its use in medicine is incredibly wide. Professor Neumyvakin I.P. was actively studying this drug. He carefully studied all the beneficial properties of hydrogen peroxide and wrote more than one scientific work about it.

In addition to its effectiveness in treating wounds, boils and ulcers, Neumyvakin identified peroxide as an excellent remedy for treating the hearing organs. After all, it perfectly kills pathogenic microbes and viruses, thanks to its powerful antiseptic properties.

Indications for the use of hydrogen peroxide for otitis media:

  • Inflammation of the outer ear - boils in the ear canal, auricle;
  • Diffuse otitis;
  • Otomycosis.

It is also important that peroxide promotes active blood circulation and lymph outflow, and as a result, has regenerative and immunostimulating functions. And its affordable price makes it completely irreplaceable. Moreover, it is useful in both acute and chronic forms of otitis.

It also has no age restrictions. It is actively used to treat children and adults. Even pregnancy will not be a limitation to the use of the drug for treatment.

For the treatment of external otitis, only a 3% solution of this medicine is used. If peroxide of a higher percentage is available, then before use it must be diluted to the desired concentration with water.

The purulent form of the disease is treated by applying a gauze turunda soaked in hydrogen peroxide, which is injected into the ear. Before doing this, squeeze it out lightly so that it is not too wet. When the turunda becomes saturated with purulent discharge, it needs to be replaced with a new one. And so on until the pus stops secreting.

Even after this, you need to apply a clean turunda for at least 30 minutes. This is done by the doctor in his office. After that, the formed purulent foam will be removed with a special suction.

Important! If you have been diagnosed with purulent otitis media, then the above treatment will only be additional, but taking antibiotics will become the main one. You cannot drip peroxide into the ear on your own at home if you have this disease!

However, like any other medical product, hydrogen peroxide has its contraindications for treatment. Despite the fact that it does not have side effects, complications or allergic reactions, such treatment cannot be called traditional, therefore there are the following contraindications:

  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • Severe forms of kidney and liver diseases.

Ear diseases that can be treated with peroxide

In addition to treating otitis media, peroxide is actively used to treat other external ear problems:

  • Elimination of various types of pollution;
  • Flushing the ear canal;
  • Loosening and removing the ear plug;
  • Antiseptic treatment of the ear surface for the purpose of disinfection;
  • Removal of purulent accumulations.

So, for washing, you need to adhere to the following sequence:

  • Add 20 drops of peroxide of 3% concentration to a tablespoon of warm boiled water;
  • Pipette the solution;
  • Tilt your head and drop 10 drops of the mixture into your ear;
  • After 10 minutes, straighten the head so that excess liquid drains out;
  • Clean the outside of the ear with a cotton swab dipped in the same solution;
  • Carry out the same manipulations with the other ear.

In this way, you can eliminate all of the above ear problems, and especially wax plugs. If the feeling of congestion, pain and discomfort in the ear canal does not go away, the procedure can be repeated up to 3 times.

This procedure is not performed if there is a violation in the integrity of the eardrum. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a specialist. After all, it is impossible to identify this on your own and at home, because... A thorough inspection with a special device will be needed.

How to clean your ears?

Thus, Professor Neumyvakin recommended doing this using a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide. For people with overly sensitive skin, you need to dilute it with water. The proportion is 1 to 10. The tampon is kept in each ear for 5 minutes. Then wipe with a cotton swab to remove dirt and excess product.

If the contamination is not severe, it will be enough to simply wipe the auricle with such a swab. This can also be done using a cotton swab dipped in the solution. All this is selected individually, focusing on convenience and indications.


To treat wax plugs in children and adults, you can drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear. This method is also used for some diseases. Peroxide is an antiseptic, so it helps in the treatment of otitis media or mechanical cleansing in case of injury to the skin of the auditory canal. For the first time, Ivan Neumyvakin proved the invaluable properties of this remedy. He even published his book, where he described the properties of hydrogen peroxide and suggested several ways to use it.

What is hydrogen peroxide

The drug can be found in almost every family medicine cabinet. Due to its low price, hydrogen peroxide (formula H2O2) is accessible to everyone. The drug itself is the simplest representative of peroxide solutions. It is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic “metallic” taste. It dissolves in ether, alcohol and water. In medicine, H2O2 belongs to the group of antioxidants and is an antiseptic. The drug is available in the form of a 3% solution. It contains 7.5-11 g of medical hydrogen peroxide.

The excipients in the composition are purified water and sodium benzoate. In the pharmacy, hydrogen peroxide can be found in different forms, among which are:

  • glass bottles;
  • glass dropper bottles;
  • bottles for medicines made of high or low pressure polyethylene.

Hydrogen peroxide is obtained by the action of diluted hydrochloric or sulfuric acid from barium and potassium peroxides. Its molecule is a combination of two atoms of oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2). The first substance is extremely chemically active, so it easily reacts with tissue, blood, secretory, exudative, cellular and other biological material. The result is the separation of the molecule into oxygen (O) and water (H2O). The biological material with which the medicine comes into contact is oxidized, i.e. is destroyed.


The main beneficial property of hydrogen peroxide is antiseptic. Contacting the mucous membranes or skin during rinsing, it releases active oxygen. The procedure helps soften tissue. Necrotic areas of purulent wounds are separated together with blood. If hydrogen peroxide is not used, wound healing is delayed, which worsens the patient’s condition. The drug has no different sterilizing effects. It only temporarily reduces the number of microorganisms. Hydrogen peroxide has several other beneficial properties:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removing dirt and wax from the ears;
  • treatment of chronic ear diseases;
  • no negative effect on the tissues and cells of the human body.

What cures

Due to its antiseptic properties and the absence of negative effects on the body, H2O2 is used for various inflammations of the middle or outer ear. Such indications include the following:

  1. Inflammatory disease of the ear canal. In most cases, it is caused by infection. Symptoms include ear pain and hearing loss. Due to the proliferation of bacteria, pus or mucus may be released. When used correctly, H2O2 can completely eliminate the infection, but more often it is used in complex treatment. This makes therapy more effective.
  2. Wax plug in ear. It is a dense formation in the ear canal. Signs include hearing loss and tinnitus. The reason is poor hygiene or increased sulfur production. Applying peroxide to the ear when there is a plug helps to soften it. In the future, it will be easier to get rid of sulfur. This occurs when hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with it, which releases oxygen, forming foam.
  3. Otitis media or external. This is an infectious inflammatory process provoked by viruses or bacteria. When you have a cold, they pass through the Eustachian tubes from the nasal cavity into the middle ear. Suppurative otitis often affects the eardrum. Peroxide treatment helps prevent this. The solution can also be used in the prevention of otitis media.

Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear?

Hydrogen peroxide can be used on the ears with caution and preferably on the recommendation of an otolaryngologist. The drug is used for external treatment of the auricle and ear canal. In this case, you can only take a 3 or 5 percent aqueous solution of peroxide, heated to a temperature of 37 degrees. The medicine can be dropped into the ears regularly, but not in all cases. Using peroxide, the ear canals are cleaned of excess accumulations of wax and entire plugs are removed. The medicine also helps with:

  • hearing loss;
  • wounds and scratches;
  • otomycosis;
  • injuries;
  • chronic forms of ear diseases.

If your ears are clogged, you should lie on your side before instillation. The solution is drawn into a pipette, which is then carefully inserted into the ear canal. After instillation, the peroxide begins to foam and hiss. This is a normal reaction when oxygen is released. After a couple of minutes, softened wax flows out of the ear. It is important to carefully clean it after the procedure so that the separated mass does not fall back. To do this, use a napkin, cotton swab or swab.

Ear cleaning

To treat the ears, a 3% H2O2 solution is used. If it is not diluted, especially when gargling and ear drops, there is a risk of chemical burns to the eardrum. Of all the parts of the ear, it is the most sensitive. When instilling medicine to treat a specific disease, you need to follow special instructions. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to plug the ear canal with a small cotton ball and leave it there for at least half an hour. At this time, you can feel crackling and noise in the ear, which are associated with the release of oxygen in the form of foam. After 2-3 minutes they pass.

How to clean your ears with hydrogen peroxide yourself

Before cleaning, you should make sure that there is no inflammatory process in them. You should not use peroxide if your ears hurt. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. Cleaning your ears with hydrogen peroxide at home can be done in different ways. One of the instructions is as follows:

  • take a 3% peroxide solution, moisten a cotton or gauze pad;
  • place it in the ear canal and leave for 5-7 minutes;
  • then take out the turunda, and remove the earwax with a cotton swab, inserting it not too deeply.

There is another algorithm for cleaning your ears. In this case, a cotton pad will not be needed. All you need is a pipette and the peroxide itself. Cleaning instructions are as follows:

  1. Fill the pipette ¾ full with 3 or 5 percent hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. Press with your hand for a couple of minutes to warm the medicine.
  3. Next, lie on your side and pull your ear up and back with your free hand.
  4. Insert the pipette and empty it completely.
  5. Release the ear, lie down without changing position for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. When finished, remove any remaining liquid and clean the ear with a cotton swab.

Ear treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Why is it not necessary to clean your ears of wax with special care? It is a necessary part, as it protects the ear canal from infection and bacteria. Do not use a concentrated solution. This will not only not speed up the healing process, but can also lead to serious complications. There are several more features of peroxide treatment:

  1. If itching, burning or other manifestations of discomfort occur, you should stop the procedure.
  2. To dilute peroxide, you must use ordinary clean water, boiled, and not from the tap.
  3. If ear plugs form frequently, you should still consult a doctor to find out the cause.
  4. In the absence of a positive result, you cannot continue self-medication, because this can be dangerous and fraught with complications.

Removing wax plug

The instructions on how to rinse your ears with hydrogen peroxide will only help with small traffic jams. Otherwise you will have to see a doctor. If there are large sulfur plugs, they can only be removed by an ENT doctor. They have a dark color and dense consistency. The process includes two stages. First, the dense plug is softened by instilling 8-10 drops of the drug up to 3 times a day for 3 days. Instead, a soda solution is often used. Then the sulfur is washed out using a clean Zhanne syringe. Heated clean water or other special preparations are injected into the ear canal.

If the cork is light and plasticine-like, then H2O2 can handle it at home, but you need to be sure that the eardrum has retained its integrity. You need to clean it like this:

  • drip 10 drops of a warm 3% solution into the ear, while lying on your side;
  • after 8-10 minutes, turn over to the other side, placing a napkin under the auricle;
  • wait until all the fluid drains from the ear;
  • Use a cotton swab moistened with water to carefully remove any remaining cork.

For otitis media

Hydrogen peroxide is used for otitis due to its, albeit low, disinfecting properties. The medicine disinfects wounds and cracks, preventing the development of a purulent process inside the ears. The treatment solution should be warm. To do this, you need to hold the bottle in your hands for a couple of minutes or dilute the drug with warm water. Instructions for instillation are as follows:

  1. Before the procedure, you also need to lie on your side, and then drip 2-3 drops of the solution into your ear.
  2. Then you need to massage the sink, and after 10 minutes tilt your head in the opposite direction. This will allow any remaining solution to drain out of the ear.
  3. The procedure is repeated for 5-7 days, 2-3 times every day.
  4. If otitis media occurs with perforation, then peroxide cannot be used. This can lead to pain and even mastoiditis.

Treatment of hearing loss with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

As a result of some diseases, significant hearing loss can occur, which subsequently leads to hearing loss. Judging by the reviews, in folk medicine it is eliminated with the help of hydrogen peroxide. One of these treatment methods was developed by Dr. Neumyvakin. The instructions he offers for the treatment of hearing loss are as follows:

  • drip a 0.5% peroxide solution into the ears (or inject it on a cotton pad) for several days;
  • then switch to a 3% solution, which is recommended to be dripped for the same amount of time.

Treatment of the shell for injury

For cuts, abrasions, and ruptures, the auricle can be treated with hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3 or 5 percent. They simply fill shallow wounds. The solution begins to foam, removing the smallest particles from the lesion and carrying out disinfection. It is recommended to lubricate the edges of the wound with iodine, without allowing it to get inside. After treatment, a sterile bandage must be applied. To do this, you can use clean napkins, a bandage and an adhesive plaster.

Next, over the course of several days, you will have to remove blood clots from the wound and also treat it with a peroxide solution. Then you can apply bandages with ointment, for example, Levomikol. Foci of inflammation are also washed with hydrogen peroxide. After a couple of times, the product can be replaced with another antiseptic. Water and alcohol cannot be used. The first becomes a source of secondary infection, and the second increases the pain. If there is pus, you should not apply cotton wool with cream or ointment after treating the wound. Because of them, lint remains. It is better to use a clean, dry cloth or bandage.

Is it possible for children

If the child is under 1 year old, then he should not have ear drops. You can only use a cotton pad. The reason is that there is a very high risk of damaging the small ear. Children older than this age can already be instilled with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Children's ears should be washed with great care. You should not use a syringe, otherwise there is a risk of developing deafness. It is better to replace it with a pipette or, again, a cotton pad.

Which peroxide is best to use?

The medicine is available in two forms: tablets and solution. The first is characterized by a high concentration, so it is recommended to use it only when lightening hair. Rinse your ears rationally with the solution. You should consult your doctor about its concentration. Hydrogen peroxide 3 or 5 percent is considered optimal. It will not cause a chemical burn to the ear. A tablespoon of peroxide is equivalent to one tablet.


External use of the solution is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the main substance and other components of the composition. Do not instill the product if the eardrum is perforated. Frequently using hydrogen peroxide to remove sulfur is also not recommended. By completely ridding your ear of it, you increase the risk of infection and viruses. Do not increase the concentration of the solution used. This will only cause burns and dry out the tissues. Relative contraindications are:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • decompensated kidney and liver diseases;
  • dermatitis herpetiformis.
  • How to clean your ears with hydrogen peroxide at home yourself

When excessive sulfur secretions form or with otitis media of varying degrees, doctors prescribe ear cleaning with hydrogen peroxide. This medication is in every family medicine cabinet, and the price at the pharmacy has been very affordable for many years. Peroxide is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and this medication is also considered indispensable for skin damage or insect bites.

Hydrogen peroxide successfully cleanses the ear of dirt and dust, and is also effectively used for complications of infectious inflammation. In addition, this medication can eliminate harmful viruses that enter the ears when swimming in dirty lakes or excessive touching with unwashed hands.

Despite its many useful features, many people wonder if it is okay to put hydrogen peroxide in their ears. In fact, this drug has several contraindications.

You should not put this medication in your ears when perforation of the eardrum, and also use peroxide thoughtlessly.

Each drug has an approved dosage and hydrogen peroxide is no exception.

In other cases, this medication is harmless and promotes the rapid removal of harmful elements from the ear canal.

Before using the drug, you need to learn how to clean your ears with hydrogen peroxide. The medication successfully copes with many inflammations.

The most common reasons for turning to this drug include:

  • education
  • the appearance of hearing problems;
  • inflammation ;
  • maintaining ear hygiene;
  • treatment of the ear for insect bites;
  • painful sensations.

The drug successfully copes with the present inflammation and helps to quickly reduce its symptoms.

Despite the fact that the effectiveness of the drug has been proven over the years, many people do not know how to use peroxide correctly.

And also some patients are sure that the medication can negatively affect the health of the ears and only provoke inflammation. This opinion is erroneous, and, moreover, has no evidence.

When used correctly, the drug helps get rid of the causes of the disease.

However, before use, it is important to dilute the five percent solution with purified water, and if you are treating a child, you must also dilute the three percent solution in a one to one ratio.

Hydrogen peroxide is successfully used in the formation of sulfur plugs.

It gently and delicately removes skin flakes, adhered dirt and wax itself. Some people use this medication not only for treatment, but also for prevention purposes.

Peroxide against sulfur

Hydrogen peroxide in the ear from plugs has been used for several decades as successful antiseptic and deposit softener.

To get rid of sulfur deposits, you need to study the instructions on how to instill the drug correctly.

If the wax is of a soft consistency, it is enough to inject a few drops into the ear and then close the passage for fifteen minutes.

Consider the special factor: if the patient's skin is hypersensitive, more careful exposure is necessary.

To do this, soak a cotton pad in three percent hydrogen peroxide mixed with water. Then insert the turuda into your ear for ten minutes.

After the allotted time, the ear must be wiped with a dry thin towel, and the ear canal must be carefully treated with ear sticks.

Make sure that your movements are not sudden. Active actions with ear sticks can only compact the wax.

If you carry out this therapy once a month, you will get rid of the problem of sulfur deposits forever.

Removing ear plugs with peroxide is vital under working conditions unfavorable for the ears: in a nightclub, at a construction site and other places of active influence on the ear apparatus.

How to rinse your ear with hydrogen peroxide

Sometimes the procedure described above is not enough to completely clean the ears. This happens if the sulfur has acquired an old appearance and a dense consistency. In this state of affairs, it is necessary to carry out rinsing.

This procedure can be performed by an ear doctor or done independently at home.

If you chose the second option, then you need to purchase three percent hydrogen peroxide, and then dilute it with water in a one to one ratio.

Then draw the resulting solution into a pre-purchased syringe and remove the needle. Present the syringe to the ear canal and inject the solution with confident actions.

Ten drops of the product are enough for one administration.

The entire procedure can take up to thirty minutes.

After washing, the ear must be treated with ear sticks in order to remove wax from the ear canal.

What to do if sulfur is stagnant

If wax has managed to accumulate, it has probably accumulated in the ear for a long time. In this case, the sulfur may not be completely removed the first time. In this case, first you need to soften the deposits and prepare the ear for a more complex procedure.

To soften the wax and leave the ear painlessly, inject up to ten drops of hydrogen peroxide into the place where it accumulates.

Leave it in the ear canal for fifteen minutes, and then remove it by tilting your head over a sink or towel.

After this, the sulfur should soften and be removed from the passage less painfully.

Then, fill a twenty-size syringe with a five percent solution with diluted water and begin to carefully inject the drug into your ears.

During the rinsing process, the patient will hear hissing and popping inside the ear., but you should not be afraid of such an effect. A characteristic sound indicates softening and removal of sulfur deposits.

After fifteen minutes of rinsing, the ear must be tilted over the basin. The peroxide along with the excess will leave the ear on its own.

Using a cotton swab, it is necessary to clean the ear of residual solutions and deposits.

Don't forget to dry your ears after rinsing., otherwise the liquid may stagnate and cause the proliferation of viruses and bacteria.

In order to correctly and competently use peroxide to treat ears, let's first find out what substance we are dealing with, what it consists of, what it is used for and how effectively it is used in otolaryngology. The main question of this article is whether it is possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear and how safe and effective it is.

The benefits and applications of hydrogen peroxide in medicine

Peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) is a unique environmentally friendly substance of liquid consistency, colorless and odorless, which has the ability to dissolve in liquid media: alcohol, ether and water. It has a peculiar “metallic” taste. Consists of hydrogen and oxygen molecules.

Peroxide is in demand in different concentrations, but for medicinal purposes a 3% dilution is used. Bottles of this solution can be found in almost every home. All household members know very well: if you cut your finger, treat the wound with peroxide. Even an expired bottle of peroxide should not be thrown away; it will definitely come in handy at home or at your summer cottage.

Indeed, peroxide is a powerful antiseptic and “lifesaver” for skin wounds. It perfectly cleans and disinfects damaged tissues, and therefore for many years it has occupied an honorable place among antiseptics.

If peroxide is applied immediately after damage to the skin - in 95% of cases the wound will be saved from infection. A prerequisite is the application of a sterile bandage to the damaged tissue immediately after treatment with a peroxide solution.

The effect of the drug is not limited to this. A peroxide solution is able to stop bleeding wounds, cleanse the ear canals and damaged tissues from serous-purulent secretions, soften and disinfect the throat in case of tonsillitis, and eliminate bacterial flora in case of dental diseases.

When peroxide comes into contact with tissue, a “foamy” reaction or oxygen foam appears (oxygen is released), and the wound surfaces undergo a kind of mechanical treatment. The entire contaminated area is washed and the wound becomes clean.

Peroxide is a powerful oxidizing and reducing agent, which makes it popular in cosmetology, industry, and, of course, in medicine.

There is a lot of controversy about taking hydrogen peroxide internally. Some scientists exalt the effects of peroxide to the skies, considering it almost a panacea, while others remain ardent opponents of oral administration. But we will not delve into the methods of using peroxide to treat internal organs, but will discuss its benefits for ear diseases, and find out in what cases it will be in demand.

The use of hydrogen peroxide for ear diseases

Patients often ask the question: “Can hydrogen peroxide be dripped into the ear of adults and children?” Most experts will approve of this use. But, before use, you need to remember that solutions with a concentration of 1.5–3% are more often used to treat the skin. Disinfection of mucous membranes is carried out with low-concentrated peroxide - 1.5%. This breeding is safe for adults and children. In pediatric practice, 0.5–1.5% solutions are usually used. Most experts still use 3% peroxide, and consider this percentage to be completely safe. Moreover, such prescriptions are widespread in otolaryngology.

It is important to note that this concentration of hydrogen peroxide is perfect for treating the ear, throat, and oral mucosa.

Very often on the forums of young mothers you can come across the question: “Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide in the baby's ear?. I would like to immediately warn all parents - This product is not used for up to six months. You shouldn’t self-medicate at such an early age, especially for such a vulnerable organ as the ear.

Regarding the use of peroxide for pregnant women , That This is a great way to disinfect your ears and remove plugs. Especially during the period of waiting for a child, when most drugs are prohibited for use, peroxide will be effective and safe.

Indications for treating ears with hydrogen peroxide

The use of the product is permitted only after examination by an otolaryngologist, due to the fact that there are a number of pathological conditions that completely exclude the introduction of peroxide into the ear space.

So, hydrogen peroxide can be used in the following cases:

  • hygienic treatment of the shell and outer ear;
  • removal of sulfur and its plugs;
  • cleaning the ear when there is congestion (the patient is concerned about dullness of hearing);
  • treatment of otitis externa and media (under the supervision of an ENT specialist);
  • cleansing the ear for infectious viral diseases (the patient complains of discomfort in the ears);
  • treatment of damaged ear tissue (cuts, traumatic lesions, scratches, pimples, fungal rashes);
  • complex therapy for hearing loss.

When should you not put peroxide in your ear?

To be safe from serious complications (burns, hearing loss), you should know when hydrogen peroxide is prohibited. Let's take a look at these contraindications:

  • complicated otitis (severe inflammatory process with damage to the eardrum);
  • internal otitis;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • the solution is not used in early childhood - from 0 to 6 months (according to some sources, up to a year).

Whether it is possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear for otitis is determined only by an otolaryngologist, according to the patient’s complaints and the clinical picture of the disease. It is impossible to independently determine how affected the ear is.

How to properly treat your ears with hydrogen peroxide?

For treatment procedures you will need fresh 3% hydrogen peroxide, a disposable syringe (10 ml) and gauze (bandage). Prepare small turundas from gauze, but long enough to be easily removed.

Ear hygiene

For regular ear treatment, as hygiene, the following method is used: a gauze turunda is moistened in 1.5–3% peroxide, squeezed thoroughly, and placed deep into the ear canal for 5 minutes. Then, with a rotational movement, remove the turunda from the ear. This procedure will be performed once every 7 days. Ear hygiene is the prevention of otitis and wax plugs.

For weekly hygiene, you can not insert a tampon into the ear, but simply wipe the outer and inner parts of the ear canal with it. Regular ear care prevents them from getting too dirty, which makes the procedure quick and enjoyable.

Sometimes, with viral infections, a feeling of stuffiness in the ear occurs; in such cases, you can drip it with hydrogen peroxide (1-2 drops), or wipe the ear canal with gauze soaked in a solution, however, whether such a procedure is effective is questionable. Although in the advice of traditional medicine this method is widely used and is considered a good prevention of otitis.

Treatment of the ear canal for otitis media

For catarrhal and uncomplicated otitis, the procedure is carried out in this way: a gauze turunda is soaked in peroxide, wrung out and inserted into the ear for a few minutes. Then the turunda is removed and checked to see if there is purulent or serous discharge on the gauze.

If they are present, a new turunda is inserted, and so on until the gauze is “clean”. The last turunda is set for 15 minutes. Then a medicinal substance prescribed by a doctor is injected into the ear.

In case of profuse suppuration, the otolaryngologist rinses the ear cavity and then removes (using suction) the purulent-foaming fluid. Home conditions are not suitable for such procedures.

Otitis media is dangerous due to its complications and transition to the internal form, so treatment with peroxide alone is not enough; in this case, an additional infusion of antibacterial agents will be required.

Removing wax plug

If patients have wax plugs, the best solution would be washing the ears in an ENT office, where the doctor, using a special syringe (under pressure), will remove accumulated wax, disinfect the ear canal and give all the necessary recommendations. The appearance of sulfur plugs is the first step leading to chronic otitis media and hearing loss.

The most stubborn patients who avoid doctors still try to remove wax plugs on their own. Usually at home they use the following method: place 10 drops of peroxide and 8 ml of water at room temperature (boiled only) into a disposable syringe (without a needle). The solution is injected into the affected ear and left to “work” for 10 minutes.

The patient should take a comfortable position so that the solution does not flow out of the ear during this time. After completing the procedure, tilt your ear towards the sink and allow the peroxide to completely flow out of the ear canal.

The ear is wiped with a sterile bandage or gauze. If the patient feels that congestion remains and there is a feeling of discomfort, the procedure is repeated the next day.

Important! Rinsing the ears at home, especially if the procedure is carried out under a sharp pressure of infused medicinal substance, can lead to permanent deafness.

When using a peroxide solution to treat the ears, select the desired concentration of the solution for yourself, which will not cause significant unpleasant symptoms: a sharp burning sensation, redness, or other discomfort. If discomfort remains, dilute hydrogen peroxide, diluting it by half with water.

In cases where the use of peroxide does not produce a clinical effect (no improvement from the procedures), the medication is changed to other medications.

The effectiveness of peroxide depends on the degree and severity of ear disease. In mild cases she is a reliable assistant, in all complications she is only an “auxiliary” worker. In any case, adhere to the following scheme: consultation with a doctor - diagnosis - treatment with peroxide. Be healthy!

How to rinse your ear with peroxide

Every person can get otitis media, regardless of age. Often this is a complication of infectious diseases or a consequence of hypothermia. Inflammation of the middle ear often develops after fluid enters the ear canal or after carelessly cleaning the ears with sharp objects. Hydrogen peroxide is instilled into the ear for otitis media to sanitize the hearing organ. But you need to know how to use this drug.

Hydrogen peroxide is a practically colorless liquid endowed with pronounced oxidizing properties. The medication can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. The price of peroxide is affordable for everyone.

The drug is used in many areas of medicine. The treatment of diseases with peroxide was thoroughly studied by Dr. Neumyvakin.

The drug is used to cleanse pustules and stop external bleeding. In addition, the liquid is used in complex treatment. A 3% solution fills soft tissues with oxygen and also has a detrimental effect on viruses, fungi and bacteria.

When instilled into the ears, peroxide removes wax plugs and dirt, which also helps cure otitis media.

Can peroxide be used for otitis media?

Hydrogen peroxide is cheap but effective. It is prescribed for acute and chronic cases. Thanks to the drug, you can quickly eliminate all associated symptoms. Peroxide can be used to treat adults and children. Before starting treatment, consult with your doctor.

It should be borne in mind that perhydrol only briefly reduces the population of microorganisms in the ear canal, so it is impossible to achieve permanent sanitation with the help of this drug alone. But when treating otitis media, it is impossible to do without this liquid, as it helps cleanse the ear canal of pus.

It is advisable to use hydrogen peroxide for purulent otitis, to cleanse the diseased ear from a thick purulent mass.

The effectiveness of peroxide for otitis media

If there is severe pain in the ear, place a cotton ball soaked in a medicinal solution into it. The cause of otitis media is often sulfur plugs. Thanks to perhydrol, the sulfur softens, leaves the ear canal and the patient’s condition improves.

To treat ears, you should use only a 3% perhydrol solution. If the concentration of the drug is higher, it is diluted with purified water.

The effectiveness of treatment with hydrogen peroxide has been proven by many years of observations. Thanks to the drug it is possible to:

  • Clean your ears from dirt.
  • Normalize lymph outflow.
  • Cleanse the auditory organ from pathogenic microbes before using ear drops.

Perhydrol has a regenerating and immunomodulatory effect. Under the influence of the medicinal solution, the population of pathogenic microorganisms decreases and recovery accelerates.

How to use the product correctly

For fungal otitis

Medicinal. The liquid can be instilled into the ear canal or turundas soaked in the medicine can be placed in the ears. Perhydrol painlessly cleanses the ear canals of fungal plaque.

For otomycosis, other ear drops are not effective. Only perhydrol can thoroughly clean the ear canal of crusts and plaque. The medicine is dripped, slightly pulling the sore ear to the side.

Rinsing the ear canal only complements the treatment. The patient should take systemic antimycotic drugs - Fluconazole or Nystatin. After treatment with perhydrol, the ears are lubricated with Clotrimazole ointment.

The main symptom of a fungal disease is the abundant release of sulfur, in which white inclusions can be seen.

For otitis externa

When an antiseptic is used to wipe the ear canal and the entire auricle. The drug is used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • With furunculosis of the ears.
  • For infections of the outer ear.
  • For dirt and foreign objects in the ear.

For such problems, rinsing the ear cavity with perhydrol is indicated. 2-3 drops of liquid are dripped into the ear canal, and then the ear is dried with a sterile bandage folded in two layers.

For otitis media

For otitis media, this antiseptic is not used for treatment. With this pathology, it is necessary to take broad-spectrum antibiotics and use ear drops with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Perhydrol can only be used to cleanse the auricle of purulent masses. To do this, moisten a gauze cloth in the medicine and carefully wipe the problem ear. When the gauze becomes dirty, replace it with clean one.

Use of the product in children

The drug is approved for use in the treatment of children, according to the same scheme as for the treatment of adults. It is advisable for a small child not to instill perhydrol in the ear, but to use turundas soaked in the medicine.

You should not treat your child’s ears with an antiseptic without first consulting a doctor. The only exception is when the baby produces copious amounts of pus that needs to be cleaned.

If during treatment of the ear canal the child complains of a strong burning sensation, wipe the skin with clean water. Severe irritation will slow down skin regeneration and healing.


Professor Neumyvakin advised compresses for otitis media. Perhydrol is warmed up a little by placing the bottle in warm water. Soak a soft cotton napkin in the liquid, twist it into a rope and wrap it around the auricle. Cover the top with cellophane and a scarf. You need to keep the compress for at least two hours, but if you feel a strong burning sensation, stop the procedure earlier.

The ear canal must remain open when the compress is applied!


An antiseptic may not always be used to treat otitis media. There are a number of contraindications to such treatment. The drug is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • If there is a suspicion of perforation of the tympanic membrane.
  • If blood is leaking from the ear canal.
  • If the source of inflammation is in the middle ear.
  • For severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  • If you are allergic to the drug.
  • For highly sensitive skin.

This antiseptic is not used to treat otitis media in children under one year of age. In this case, the doctor selects gentle medications. Women who are expecting a child should not be treated with perhydrol.

Separate cotton pads must be taken for each ear.

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