Persian cats are a peculiar and difficult breed. They have a special disposition, which not everyone is able to appreciate. What are they? Character of Persian cats, distinctive features Gray Persian cats

Persian cats are a peculiar and difficult breed. They have a special disposition, which not everyone is able to appreciate. What are they?

History of the breed

According to the official version, outlandish cats with very long hair were brought from Persia to Italy in the 17th century. After a short time, similar cats were brought from Angora to France.

Only in the 19th century in England began to conduct serious work with imported cats, thus highlighting two independent breeds: Persian and Angora. In the Soviet Union, this breed appeared only in the 80s of the 20th century. It was brought from Europe by diplomats and at first was a rarity.

Standards, breed varieties and photos

Ideally, a Persian is pretty with thick long hair (up to 15 cm). The coat is thin, light, has a silky texture. It forms a fluffy collar on the shoulders and chest, panties on the hind legs.

Color may be different. Individuals with marks on the paws, tail and head are distinguished into a special color-point breed.

The body of the Persians is massive, muscular. The chest and abdomen are rounded, the shoulders and back are powerful. Paws are short, strong, thick. The tail is thick, blunt at the end or slightly rounded.

The head is massive, in proportion to the body. The forehead is convex, the cheeks are full. The neck is short and thick.

According to the standard, the harmonious head of the Persians has:

  • Short small nose with a wide back. It should be slightly upturned, have wide openings.
  • Powerful, developed chin; broad, strong jaws.
  • Ears set wide apart and slightly tilted forward. They should be triangular in shape and slightly rounded at the ends. The shells contain tufts of wool.
  • Wide-set round expressive eyes. They should not tear and be bulging. The look is calm. The superciliary ridges are clearly visible.

At the moment, 4 types of this breed are officially recognized.:

  • Classic. The nose is 5-6 mm below the line of the lower eyelids.
  • Modern. The nose is at the same level with the line of the lower eyelids.
  • Extreme. The nose is at the same level as the inner corners of the eyes.
  • Piggy or piggy. The nose is above the line of the upper eyelids. The forehead is weakly expressed, the general skeleton of the body is weak.

Color standards

The Persian cat breed has many colors

The traditional colors of the Persians include solid colors and their combinations with white spots.:

  • The color of the main tones.
  • Smoky colors. The undercoat of such individuals is white, and the eyes are orange and shiny.
  • Tortoiseshell: blue cream, chocolate cream, red and black. The pattern in such individuals is formed by two-color spots. The eyes are orange, under the chin and nose there is a bright color accent.
  • Shaded colors: silver chinchilla, golden and silver cameo. Eye color in such varieties is usually orange, in silver - blue-green, in golden - from green to brown.
  • The colors of their stripes and spots (tabby). Eye color is orange.
  • Solid color with white spots (bicolor). Eye color in such individuals varies from copper to orange.
  • Siamese color. Such individuals are also called Himalayan, they have blue eyes.

The nature of the breed

Photo. Persian cat

Persians are friendly, affectionate and calm animals. They are inactive, not particularly curious. But they love to play, and sometimes they find such activity that beware!

The Persians do not like to be imposed and show their favor only to those who they really like. Taking spectacular poses, they allow you to admire yourself, but they really don't like it when their peace is disturbed.

They are also very smart and cunning. Owners note that these animals are prone to simulation, such as lameness, in order to attract attention.

Persians are very attached to people. In the absence of the owner, they patiently wait for him, and as soon as they hear the approach of a person, they begin to actively spin at their feet and try to get on their hands.

They perfectly feel the owner, are able to empathize with him. Due to their sensitive nature, they can even become depressed and adopt nervous disorders. On such days, they need maximum attention and care.

Persian cats need daily grooming

Persian cats are difficult to keep. Their luxurious coat needs daily grooming. The emotional state of your pet also depends on the state in which it is.

This breed can have watery eyes, so be prepared to clean them. Check ears, gums, nose and nails frequently.

The toilet needs to be washed every day - these are very fastidious creatures.

Persians remain kittens until old age, they often need to be played with.

Since these are very domestic cats, you should not let them out on the street.

What to feed the Persians

Feeding this breed of cat is necessary with premium food.

Persian cats need both meat and plant foods. The main part (40%) should be proteins: meat, eggs, cheese.

Meat (beef, lamb, game) is better to pre-boil. Do not forget about the side dish of porridge, greens. It is better to refuse fatty pork - it can have a bad effect on the liver.

Offal is very useful for Persians: liver, kidneys, lungs, which must be given raw.

It is also worth accustoming them to soup with skimmed fat.

Persians are given fish no more than 2 times a week.

To keep your pet healthy, you need to give him food without seasonings and spices. Human food doesn't suit him.

As a balanced diet, special ready-made feeds are suitable, which already have everything you need. But remember that only .

Food must be given in a flat dish, otherwise it is inconvenient to eat.

Persians eat little, but often - up to 20 times a day. Portions should be small.

Diseases of the Persians

Persian cats are naturally healthy and in good health.

In general, Persian cats are quite healthy and there are no special problems with them. But some species suffer from a hereditary disease - polycystic kidney disease and less often from blindness.

There are also problems with the teeth - plaque often forms on them, there is a tendency to gingivitis. Dental examination is required.

Persians do not tolerate transportation very well. They begin to get nervous, breathing becomes difficult. It is especially difficult for exotic species.

A healthy Persian is a calm animal with even breathing, a moist nose and a shiny coat. He has a good appetite and goes to the toilet regularly.

If alarming symptoms are detected (fever, wheezing in the chest, coughing, copious discharge from the nose and eyes), you should immediately take the animal to the clinic.

Breeding this breed is quite simple.

When choosing a partner for mating, you should pay attention to generic signs. The cat must have a good family tree.

There are cases when, when crossing "the best with the best", offspring are born with defects. This is especially true for extreme cats.

If it is not possible to work with an ideal partner, knit with a compensating method. Choose a male whose faults are different from those of the female.

Breeding Persians is not particularly difficult. Estrus in cats occurs about 4 times a year and the behavior at this time does not differ from the behavior of other breeds.

It is difficult for Persian women to cope with the birth and care of babies without a person. In general, they are very affectionate and caring mothers.

Pros and cons of the breed

This breed is very difficult to care for.

The disadvantages include:

  • difficulty in care;
  • requires constant human attention;
  • peculiar character traits;
  • predisposition to certain diseases.


  • beautiful aristocratic breed;
  • very affectionate and calm character;
  • the ability to empathize with the owner, sensitivity.

Where and how to buy a Persian kitten

You can buy a kitten in a cattery in Moscow:


St. Petersburg:


You can also buy a baby at an exhibition or in a special club in your city.

Kittens "from hands" cost from 1500 rubles, from the cattery - from 4000 rubles. A large role will be played by the presence, absence of a pedigree and defects.

When buying a kitten, you should carefully examine:

  • run your hand along the back - the spine should not stand out;
  • the animal should not often itch, shake its head, cough;
  • check ears, eyes, nose;
  • a healthy baby should be mobile, walk with your head up;
  • the kitten should not be too small, the optimal age is from 2.5 months;

If you purchased an animal from a breeder, he must give you a registration card with a seal and signatures. It contains expert assessments, pedigrees and titles of parents, the address of the club to which he belongs.

The Persian cat is one of the most beautiful and popular breeds in the world. It belongs to one of the most ancient. These cats gained particular popularity at the end of the last century in America. After the trend spread to Europe. Before that, the breed was not so popular, but known. This is evidenced by the fact that back in 1933 a Persian exotic cat was bred, which has not long, but short dense plush hair, like that of.

By their nature, exotic cats are similar to Persian ones, but due to their short hair they need less care. In addition, Persians have a lot in common with Angora cats, both breeds are categorized, have a very similar appearance and character.

In our country, Persian cats appeared only after the end of the Cold War. They were brought in the eighties by diplomats from business trips. At that time, it was considered prestigious to have such a cat, they were very rare. Now these animals are widespread and loved by many people.

  • the head is round and massive, has dimensions proportional to the body;
  • medium-sized body, closer to large, weight can reach 8 kg;
  • shoulders and chest are voluminous and well developed, the lower back is strong, the back is wide;
  • the neck is short and thick;
  • the body is large, compact and massive;
  • the muzzle has broad cheekbones and round full cheeks;
  • the nose is short, small, wide, distinguished by a noticeable snub nose;
  • the ears are small, rounded at the tips, set low and set far apart;
  • eyes large, round, wide open and expressive;
  • the legs are short in length, they are massive and compact, the paws are round, there are tufts of wool between the toes;
  • tail of short length, thick and blunt, rounded at the end;
  • these cats are distinguished by excellent hair, its length can reach 20 cm, it has a silky structure, thin, resembling fluff to the touch, with abundant undercoat, although it may be absent in some varieties, the color has many varieties.

One of the features of this breed is their unusual snub nose. There are several types of Persians, depending on its shape:

  • extreme - animals with a strongly snub-nosed, reminiscent of a Pekingese;
  • classic type - the nose is elongated and slightly upturned;
  • modern type - cats with large eyes, the nose is at the level of the lower eyelid.

The unique shape and position of the Persian cat's nose makes them look sad, cheerful, arrogant or angry. Another difference of this breed is their fur, resembling a lion's mane, forming whiskers on the sides, and a fur frill on the chest and tail.


The Persian cat is one of the most adapted to life in the family and the most unsuitable for survival in the wild. She is contact, perfectly finds a common language with children, tolerates their annoyance and whims. He chooses one favorite for himself, whom he begins to consider his master, devotedly loves him, tries to protect, protect and heal.

These cats really need affection and love. In the absence of the owner, the life of the Persian freezes, he does not even eat, he can sit in one place all the time. But when one of the family members comes, the pet begins to come to life!

The temperament of Persian cats is different, but there are no aggressive ones. This breed is playful, they like to hug the owner and play pranks with him. The Persian cat has a soft, barely audible voice, but they rarely give it, if they need something, they just stare into the eyes of a person. These pets love people, but at the same time they are not demanding of attention, like, for example, oriental cats.

Persian cats love independence, emphasizing their royal status. But at the same time, there is enough attention from them - they will sleep and sit on the hands of a person and even on their shoulders, purring under their ears.

Persian kittens are very funny and restless, which can remain for many years if the owner supports this behavior. This breed will never argue with a person and can easily withstand all the squeezing in its address. Persians are quite naive and curious, so you need to take care of their safety in the house:

  • remove all medicines and chemicals;
  • when preparing food, it is necessary to ensure that the cat does not jump onto a hot stove or dishes;
  • before washing, you need to check the washing machine and dryer, because these cats love to sleep there;
  • put bars on the windows, this breed constantly sits on the windowsills.

Breeding and care

Persian cats are the most difficult to take care of with their beautiful coats. It must be thorough and daily, otherwise tangles quickly appear, which will be difficult to cope with. Although the cat is distinguished by cleanliness, it cannot cope with the care of its fur on its own. Therefore, you need to comb it every day, using metal combs with different frequencies of teeth, soft and hard brushes. Combing is recommended to start first with combs with more rare teeth, gradually moving to frequent ones. During the procedure, it is advisable to use a conditioner that will give the coat a well-groomed appearance and facilitate combing, do not forget about cat antistatic agents.

Persians need to be washed at least once a month, they do not like this procedure, so you will have to try and be patient. In this procedure, you need to use a high-quality shampoo for long-haired cats, after washing, the fur should be blotted with a towel and combed until completely dry. In the summer, so that the pet is not hot, it is advisable to cut the hair by professionals so as not to damage the animal. But it is important to remember that in order to avoid pigmentation, you should not cut the colorpoint Persians.

What to feed

The ideal food for Persians is high-quality dry and wet food. You can combine them with natural food: proteins should make up half of the diet - lean meat, fish, cottage cheese; the rest is carbohydrates and fiber - cereals, root crops, vegetables; Also, it will not be superfluous to give special cat vitamins. Fatty and fried foods, salt, sugar and spices are prohibited.

How long do Persian cats live

In general, these cats are in good health, but there are a number of hereditary diseases. It should be noted that they do not tolerate transportation well, because due to the structure of the nose, it becomes difficult for them to breathe during stress. With proper nutrition and care, Persians can live for more than 15 years.


Persian cats should be mated no earlier than two years of age, as they have a late maturation. This breed takes great care of its offspring. This cat considers its owner to be involved in pregnancy and childbirth, so it often shares its experiences with him. After giving birth, she is sure that they should also take care of the kittens together with the owner, so they cannot do without the help of a person. A pregnant and lactating cat needs even more love and care.


Colors have many varieties. Wool is black, white, blue, purple, cream, red, red and various other shades. The eyes, depending on the color, are dark orange, copper, green or blue. On one-color cats there are no spots and blotches, otherwise they belong to a separate species - color-point. The breed standard allows for a variety of coat colors, and how much the animal costs depends on them.

  • Price in Russia - from 2000 to 30000 rubles;
  • The price in Ukraine is 500 to 10,000 hryvnia.

It is better to buy a kitten in a professional nursery, where they check his health, there are good pedigree data and documents. Famous nurseries.

In Ukraine:

  1. "Ket Murket Baffi" Kyiv.

In Russia:

  1. "LumiCat", Moscow.
  2. "Snow Dream", Moscow.
  3. "Iz Boyar", St. Petersburg.

In the USA, these beautiful animals are known as Persian cats. They have many varieties, subdivided for exhibition purposes into five categories:

  • monochrome,
  • shaded,
  • smoky tabby,
  • partly painted,
  • with a coloring limited by the colors of the points.

In the UK, they are called longhair, among which each of the fifty different colors is considered a separate breed of cat.

In Europe, the first list of long-haired cats appeared in the middle of the 16th century, when merchants and travelers began to bring cats from the Turkish region of Angora. Other long-haired cats came to Europe from Persia and with their extravagant silky fur immediately gained popularity.

Long-haired cats are quiet creatures that don't require much attention, but their fur needs a 15-minute daily grooming to look proper and not fall into balls. Even the slightest tangle can damage the sensitive Persian skin.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: black; without blackouts or white specks.

Wool: very long; a powerful cover on the shoulders and between the front legs. Fur Type: Fine and silky guard hairs over a thick furry undercoat.

Size: average.

General characteristics: the black long-haired Persian cat has a strong, stocky body with large short legs and round paws, framed by abundant fur; paw pads must be black in the US and black or brown in the UK.

On the round head short snub-nosed nose should be small and eyes large and round orange or copper; ears supposed to be small and rounded, and mustache- long. Tail should be very short, fluffy and feather-like.

Additional Information

  • Black cats were not always popular and were considered the embodiment of Satan for many centuries, but today pure black is in high demand because it is difficult to achieve.
  • Both sunlight and dampness affect the color of the skin in their own way, causing enlightenment and "rust".
  • There was a belief in Britain that every black cat had a white "copy". If one of them finds and destroys the other, it will bring great luck of the sorcerous nature.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: colors of all points are acceptable, provided that the coat is cream or ivory.

Wool: long. Fur type: very thick and soft. Coloring: colored points, like Siamese cats.

Size: medium to large.

General characteristics: the long-haired Persian color-point has a squat, strong, stocky body with short legs; rounded paws with a solid edge.

Head broad and spherical with a short nose and round eyes, the color of which should be blue; ears short and rounded mustache must be very long; tail should not be too big, but very fluffy.

History of the breed

In the 1920s, Dr. Tiebbes, a Swedish geneticist, began a study in which he crossed Siamese, Persian and Burmese cats with long coats. This scientist intended to conduct a purely research work, his plans did not include the creation of a new breed of cats.

But the work was continued in the USA, and in 1935 the first long-haired Persian color-point was born, a kitten, which was named Debutant. Breeders from the UK and the US took up this program and gradually a breed emerged with a Siamese pattern but a Persian build.

The Siamese pattern on these Persian cats looks amazing. These are surprisingly beautiful cats, combining a luxurious Persian figure with a delicate Siamese pattern. In the USA they are called Himalayan. They are very loyal, playful and enjoy being in the company of people.

Additional Information

  • The longhair colorpoint was crossed with Burmese shorthair cats in an attempt to breed a solid chocolate longhair cat. The result was kittens, from which the Tiffany breed went.
  • There is a belief that warts can be removed by rubbing them against the tail of a tortoiseshell cat, but only in the month of May.

Characteristics of the breed

Varieties: orange-eyed white, blue-eyed white, odd-eyed white.

Color: white.

Wool: very long. Fur Type: Fine and silky guard hairs over a thick furry undercoat.

Size: average.

General characteristics: the white long-haired Persian cat has a powerful stocky body with short thick legs; paw pads should be pink.

Head round with a short pink snub nose; ears short with rounded tips; tail should be short and very fluffy, with a good plume. Usually, like most white cats, blue-eyed cats are prone to deafness; those with different eyes are sometimes deaf from the side of the blue eye.

White was the color of the original Angora cat, which lived in its native Turkey, and the modern white longhair was the result of crossing Angora with Persian cats.

This cat breed was first introduced in London in 1903, and was recognized in the USA only in the middle of the last century.

Additional Information

  • Genuine Persians are significantly different from modern Persian cats. Their muzzles are already, and the skin is not so thick and luxurious. Their coloration is also limited.
  • The Persian cat can have hair up to ten centimeters long.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: blue; kittens initially have a tabby pattern.

Wool: very long. Fur Type: Fine and silky guard hairs over a thick woolly undercoat.

Size: average.

General characteristics: the blue long-haired Persian cat has a powerful stocky body with short thick legs; paw pads, skin on the nose and eyelids should be blue-gray.

Round head with a short snub-nosed blue nose and large rounded orange or copper eyes; short ears with rounded ends; mustache should be long and tail short and fluffy, with a good plume.

This delightful smoky color - the result of crossing black and white cats - is one of the first. But these cats still remain "unfading" favorites and special shows are arranged only for them.

Additional Information

  • The Blue Persian Cat Society was founded in Great Britain in 1901, and the breed was soon approved.
  • Early blue longhairs were blue-eyed, but soon only copper-eyed cats had a chance of success in the show.
  • Queen Victoria was inseparable from her two blue Persians. This royal sign of attention guaranteed the popularity of this cat breed.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: pale cream or honey.

Wool length: very long. Fur Type: Fine silky outer hair over a thick undercoat.

Country of origin: Great Britain.

Characteristics: The cream Persian cat is characterized by a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads, eye rims and nose skin should be pink.

Head Ears Mustache should be long. Tail

The first cream cats were seen as unfortunate examples of reds and as such were not recognized in Britain. However, in the USA they became popular and a breeding program was started there. Now they are very much appreciated for their portly healthy appearance.

Additional Information

  • Cream color first appeared as a result of crossing blue and red Persian cats.

Characteristics of the breed

Varieties: red with Pekingese muzzles, red tabby.

Color: deep orange-red.

Wool length: very long. Fur Type: Fine and silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Size: average. Country of origin: UK.

Characteristics: The red Persian cat has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads, eye rims and nose skin should be brick red.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed brick red nose and large, round orange or copper eyes. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

Red (red) coloration appeared in cats in England around the beginning of the 20th century, but pure color is relatively rare.

Additional Information

  • Pekingese-faced redheads appear spontaneously in a litter of common redheads. Their "depressed" muzzle has attracted interest from American breeders, but breeding of this variety is not encouraged in Britain, as the extreme shortness of the nose can cause breathing problems and other health problems in the cat.
  • According to legend, a Persian cat was created by a magician from a spark that jumped out of a fire, a reflection of two distant stars and a curl of gray smoke.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: a soft mixture of blue and cream.

Wool length: very long. Fur Type: Fine and silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Size: average.

Country of origin: Great Britain.

Characteristics: The bluish-cream Persian cat has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads, eye rims and nose skin should be blue.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed blue nose and large, round orange or copper eyes. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

The bluish-cream color is the result of crossing blue and cream Persians. This cat breed was recognized in Britain only 60 years ago.

Additional Information

  • Blue-cream Persians are genetically related to tortoiseshells, with the result that some males are born virtually sterile.
  • The official mouser at 10 Downing Street for fifteen years was a cat named Wilberforce. It was given to Edward Heath when he retired from government service in 1988. Mrs. M. Thatcher's parting gift to the cat was a can of sardines bought in a Moscow supermarket.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: Snow white fur with black tips; slightly more black tips in smoky silver. The golden Persian cat has apricot-colored fur, and the tips of the hair are black or brown, like those of seals.

Wool length: very long. Fur Type: Fine silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Size: average.

Characteristics: The Persian Chinchilla has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads should be black or dark brown.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed brick red nose and large, round green eyes with black rims. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

The Persian chinchilla looks extremely extravagant.

In the United Kingdom, this cat breed is slightly less stocky than in the US, with a slightly longer nose, but in both countries, the standard is to have exceptionally beautiful fur.

The Persian Chinchilla has a reputation for being a weak temperamental cat.

Additional Information

  • To breed this breed of cats, one of the first silver "tabby" was used. The breed has been considered established since the 1890s. Compared to the original appearance, the current fur is slightly paler.
  • The proverb "Even a cat is allowed to look at the king" dates back to 1546.

Characteristics of the breed

Varieties: veiled, shaded, smoky.

Color: red, cream and tortoiseshell meet the standards of each variety.

Wool length: significant. Fur Type: Fine silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Size: average.

Characteristics: The Persian cameo has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads should be pink.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed pink nose and large, round orange or copper eyes. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

The Persian cameo has colored-tipped fur and is often very similar to chinchillas or smoky Persians.

There are three gradations of color density: veiled, shaded and smoky, depending on how each strand of hair is colored. The veiled cameo has the least colored part at the tips of each hair; in shaded ones, the colored part goes down a little lower in the hair, and in smoky ones, the white color of the undercoat can be seen only when they move.

Additional Information

  • Cameo coloration is relatively recent and was achieved by crossing tortoiseshell and smoky Persian cats.
  • The darker color should only appear on the muzzle, back and legs.
  • According to Cat Fancy magazine, the most popular cat names in the US are Samantha, Mist (Misty), Fritter (Muffin), Fluffy (Fluffy), Spotted (Petches), Pumpkin (Pamkin), Missy, Tabitha, and Tigress.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: black, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, tortoiseshell, cream, bluish cream, chocolate tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell; colored tips over pale colored undercoat hairs.

Wool length:

Size: average.

Characteristics: The Smoky Persian cat has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads should be black in dark varieties and cream in light varieties.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed nose in a color that best suits the color of the fur, and large, round orange or copper-colored eyes. The ears are short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

Smoky Persian cats have luxurious fur, and only at the very base of the hair are pale in color. The color looks very thick until the animal moves or is ruffled. This breed was originally developed in the 1860s by crossing a Chinchilla and a Black Persian, but now comes in several colors.

Additional Information

  • Combing with warm bran helps keep Persian cats' fur in good condition. The bran should be at human body temperature and should then be carefully brushed out leaving nothing in the hair. This helps clean the fur.
  • Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician known for his discovery of the law of gravity, was probably the first to use cat doors. He made holes in the door of his office of the appropriate size so that the cat and her kittens could come to visit him.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: colored spots on a white background must be even and evenly distributed so that no more than half of the body remains white and no more than two-thirds is spotted.

Wool length: significant. Fur Type: Fine silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Size: average.

Characteristics: The bicolor Persian cat has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. The color of the paw pads should match the color of the fur.

Head Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

These cats have two-tone fur, any combination with white. Like white cats, bicolors have to bathe regularly to keep their fur shiny.

At first, the Bicolor was defined as "any other color" in cat shows, but in the 1960s they began to be considered a separate breed. Early standards insisted on the symmetry of the spots, but soon, when it turned out that it was very difficult to fulfill these requirements, they softened. Bicolors, like most Persian cats, have a very soft and docile temperament.

Additional Information

  • Persian cats should be brushed every day, not only to keep their fur in the best possible condition, but also to minimize the amount of hair the cat ingests when it licks itself.
  • Long, thin hair can cause stomach and respiratory problems in the same way as regular, safe wool balls.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: brown, red, silver, blue, cream, chocolate, lilac and four colors of tortie "tabby" ("torby").

Wool length: significant. Fur Type: Fine silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Size: average.

Characteristics: The Persian tabby cat has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads should be black in dark varieties and cream in light varieties.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed nose of the color that best suits the color of the fur, and large, round, copper-colored eyes. Silver tabbies may also have green or reddish-brown eyes. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

Persian tabby cats first appeared in Europe in the 17th century. They are probably the most ancient variety of the Persian cat. They were very popular at the end of the 19th century, when modern standards were developed. From this time on, the remaining nine colors began to be added to the original brown, but because of the splendor of Persian fur, it is often difficult to determine the pattern of the “tabby”.

The classic brown "tabby" is now rare.

Additional Information

  • Only the original colors of the tabby are universally recognized: brown, red and silver. New colors are not recognized everywhere.
  • Raymond Chandler had a Persian named Taki. He called her his secretary because she often liked to sit on his manuscript while he was working.

Characteristics of the breed

Varieties: in the United Kingdom - a cameo, in the USA - shaded.

Color: combinations of spots of red, cream and black, or blue, chocolate and purple; colored spots should be evenly distributed over the body. Desirable red or cream tint on the muzzle.

Wool length: significant. Fur Type: Fine silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Characteristics: The Persian tortoiseshell cat has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads should be pink or black.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed nose of the color that best suits the color of the fur, and large, round, copper-colored eyes. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

The Persian tortoiseshell cat breed was created as a result of an accidental crossing of a purebred Persian and a non-pedigreed shorthair tortoiseshell. It became popular in the early 20th century. As with all tortoiseshell cats, some males are born almost sterile (if males are born at all).

This breed of cats is distinguished by friendliness and complaisance common to all Persians.

Additional Information

  • Breeding a cat with good coloration is not easy. Cardinal Richelieu, "Eminence Grey" under King Louis XIII of France, has granted a pension to his fourteen cats.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: white with red, black and cream or white with blue, chocolate and lilac. In the US, white predominance is required, especially on the belly. In the United Kingdom, white and tortoiseshell colors are required to be evenly distributed. Desirable ebb on the muzzle.

Wool length: significant. Fur type: thin silky hair over a thick undercoat. Size: medium.

Characteristics: Tortoiseshell Persian & White have a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads should be multi-colored.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed nose of the color that best suits the color of the fur, and large, round, copper-colored eyes. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

This breed is called "Calico" in the US because of the white spots among the classic tortoiseshell patterns. As is common with tortoiseshell cats, most healthy litters are females.

The best result in breeding is the inclusion of two-colored cats in the number of crossed breeds.

Additional Information

  • Stevens Island in New Zealand was home to a special kind of wrens, non-flying birds that are no longer found on earth. When on the island in the XIX century. built a lighthouse, it was the caretaker's cat that turned out to be the main culprit in the extinction of the wrens. As the New Zealand newspaper The Canterbury Press wrote, the English scientific world simultaneously heard about the discovery and disappearance of this bird.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: white with black shadows; dark shadows on the paws and back.

Wool length: significant. Fur Type: Fine silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Size: average.

Characteristics: The Persian tin cat has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads should be brick red.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed, brick-red nose, with a black border and large, round, orange or copper-colored eyes with a black rim. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

Like the chinchilla, the pewter cat has colored-tipped fur, but of a denser color.

This breed of cats is most likely the result of crossing a chinchilla with one of the Persians, which have an independent color.

Additional Information

  • The Tin Persian is a relatively new breed, and although at first glance these cats appear to look like silver shaded Persians, they are distinguished by their golden eyes.
  • The first settlers took rabbits with them to Australia, and very soon the animals became a real plague. To control their numbers, cats were released into the wild. Now cats are considered a significant threat to the local fauna, and in this country, opinions on the question of whether cats should be allowed in the house or not are divided approximately evenly.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: lilac.

Wool length: significant. Fur Type: Fine silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Size: average.

Characteristics: The lilac Persian cat has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads should match the color of the fur.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed nose of the color that best suits the color of the fur, and large, round copper-colored eyes with a black border. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long.

Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

Breeders are constantly trying to get new colors in the fur of this lush cat. Lilac is a subdued form of the Chocolate Persian and breeders are working on pink with dove gray.

Additional Information

  • Cats have binocular vision with a 120-degree field of vision in front of them, plus 80-degree visibility to the sides. A special layer of light-reflecting cells in the eye, called the tapetum lucidum, allows them to see in any light.

Characteristics of the breed

Color: should be even, moderate to dark brown.

Wool length: significant. Fur Type: Fine silky hair over a thick undercoat.

Size: average.

Characteristics: The chocolate Persian cat has a muscular, stocky body with short thick legs. Paw pads should be brown.

Head round with a small, snub-nosed brown nose and large, round, copper-colored eyes. Ears short with rounded tips. Mustache should be long. Tail should be short and very fluffy, voluminous.

Chocolate- this is another new color, the first specimen of this breed was exhibited in 1961. It was not easy to achieve this color, and Havana cats were used in the breeding program. The result was cats with undesirable characteristics such as long noses and ears, and it took several years to get rid of them.

Additional Information

  • The average cat weighs 5 kg and is 31 cm tall at the shoulder. Cats have 245 bones and 517 different muscles, the most powerful of which are the cervical, shoulder, lumbar and those related to the hind legs.
  • The White House often chooses the "First Cat". Abraham Lincoln himself started this tradition.
  • Calvin Coolidge had three cats; John F. Kennedy brought his pet cat, Tom Kitten, with him to the White House. Gerald Ford had a purebred Siamese, and Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea had a non-pedigreed black and white.

The Persian cat is one of the most popular and, at the same time, the most ancient breeds in the world.. Several countries are arguing for the right to be considered the birthplace of these long-haired ladies: Iran, which in ancient times was called Persia, France, England and, oddly enough, Russia. For many centuries, pampered beauties have won the hearts of people with their unusual appearance and affectionate disposition.

Origin of the breed

The Persian cats were first mentioned in 1620. Then the famous Italian traveler Pietro Della Valle described them in detail in his notes, paying special attention to their appearance. Long-haired beauties, unusual for a hot climate, impressed him so much that he bought 4 pairs of kittens in Isfahan and sent them to Italy. The fate of these four-legged emigrants is unknown.

But very soon other aristocrats became interested in the amazing breed. Cats from Asia Minor were brought to France, where Cardinal Richelieu himself became their passionate admirer, and in the 19th century to Britain. Queen Victoria of England kept as many as a dozen blue Persian cats.

It was the British who engaged in the purposeful breeding of this breed. It must be said that in those days the Persian cat did not differ in such a pronounced snub nose: its muzzle was only slightly flatter than that of most cats. Classical, flattened deflection deep into the head, the animals received already in the 30s of the twentieth century. In 1887, the breed received official recognition. Among the possible names appeared about ten options - "Indian", "Eastern", "Turkish", "exotic", "French" and even "Russian".

By the way, Persian cats came to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century, and immediately gained immense popularity among the nobility. On old canvases, tapestries and the first photos, you can see many representatives of these snub-nosed beauties.

Despite the long road to recognition, the true origin of the "Persians" is still shrouded in mystery. There are many theories explaining the thick fur of southern heat-loving cats:

  • According to one of them, the animals were originally brought to Iran from Siberia. This may well be true, given the centuries-old trade ties between Rus' and Persia.
  • According to another version, the Persian cat was a descendant of pets and mountain cats of Asia - manuls. This is supported by the similarity in the shape of the head and ears. Alas, the genes of short-haired manuls do not explain where the modern “Persians” got such a long and more characteristic coat for a lynx.


Over the past centuries, the appearance of Persian cats has changed. At least now they bear little resemblance to those animals that can be seen in the paintings of medieval artists.

  • The Persian cat has a massive, squat body, with low paws and a fluffy but short tail.
  • Due to the high density of bones and muscles, their weight, with a relatively small size (up to 30 cm on average), reaches 7 kg.
  • The head of the Persians is large, sitting on a short and powerful neck.
  • And the ears, on the contrary, are very small, rounded up and decorated with fluffy tufts of wool.
  • The main distinguishing feature of the Persian cat is the flattened shape of the muzzle. Their short flat nose has a pronounced deflection deep into the head - the so-called "stop". According to the breed standards, the upper nose may be in line with the lower edge of the eyes. However, the nose should not go beyond the line of the lower eyelid: this is considered a defect.
  • The eyes of this breed are famous for their expressiveness. Large and widely spaced, they seem almost round, which gives the animal a special charm.
  • The main pride of the Persian cat, without a doubt, is its coat. In some representatives, it reaches 15 cm, that is, about half of the total size of the cat. Thin and smooth hairs have a special texture, because of which the entire “fur coat” of the Persian seems to literally sparkle. Their undercoat is very thick and dense. Thanks to him, these cats calmly endure low temperatures, although they do not like severe weather.

Due to the debate about the best nose shape, Persian cats are now divided into two similar, but at the same time pronounced species:

  1. The first of them, the "classic", has become widespread in Europe. Such animals have a look familiar to the eye: with a short, snub-nosed muzzle with a distinct stop, but the nose is only slightly upturned.
  2. The second species, called "extreme", stood out after Persian cats attracted the attention of felinologists from the United States. It was thanks to the breeders of this country, who tried to emphasize the main external feature of cats, that the Persians got their short, strongly upturned nose and ultra flat shape of the muzzle.


The colors of Persian cats are distinguished by the richest palette. To date, there are about a hundred different color options. Among them are white, red, blue, gray, peach, red, purple, black, cream colors, as well as a huge variety of their variations.

There are several types of colors that are found in cats of this breed:

  1. Solid. It is characterized by a monophonic, uniform color throughout the body of the animal.
  2. Tabby is a rather rare suit among the Persians, in which the body is decorated with dark, black or red marks. They have a different shape, depending on which the color varieties also differ: brindle, in which the spots merge into long stripes; spotted, reminiscent of leopard coloring; and marble tabby, the most valuable, with a beautiful pattern.
  3. Tortoise color, which is a combination of two primary colors - black and red in different shades and combinations. Particularly advantageous look on Persian cats, given their long hair, variations with cream or light beige: chocolate turtle, blue cream and lilac.
  4. Bicolor is another two-tone color often found in Persian cats. The main color here is white, while the second can be any darker one.
  5. The smoky color is very popular, in which the hairs have a different shade at the roots and at the tip.
  6. Not so long ago, the “chinchilla” type stood out - a very peculiar coloring, in which the dark coating affects only the very tip of each hair, and the lighter part of the hair sets the main tone. So, in cats with the color "silver chinchillas" the roots are painted white. And even more impressive "golden" beauties have peach or red hair.
  7. The least common among Persian princesses is the patchwork coloring "calico". It is not surprising that such a tricolor variety with small spots is very much appreciated among fans of the breed.
  8. Not so long ago, Persian cats had another color - a two-color "color-point", in which the paws, muzzle and ears were painted in a darker color. Such representatives of the breed were traditionally called "Himalayan cats", thanks to the gene that gave them their colors. Now these serious beauties are recognized as an independent breed.


The Persian cat is an ideal companion for a resident of the metropolis. This is one of the most "domestic" breeds: she is not inclined to walks, and most of all she loves to luxuriate on a soft sofa.

  • Lazy and not very mobile, the Persians, however, are considered excellent hunters. In the Middle Ages, sailors took them with pleasure as ship cats, choosing this breed as excellent rat-catchers. Any domestic Persian cat will be happy to play with moving toys. However, this pampered aristocrat will also catch a running mouse with ease.
  • This is a silent breed. They rarely give voice, and often the only sound heard from them is light snoring during sleep.
  • Persians are monogamous. They choose one person and keep him selfless devotion, although they are usually affectionate with the rest of the family.
  • They have a very calm, balanced character. Not afraid of other animals, do not show aggression towards children. They have great affection for their owners. At the same time, they do not make a tragedy out of the departure of the owner on business, calmly enduring loneliness and joyfully meeting people upon their return.
  • These cats are happy to sit on their hands, strive to climb onto the shoulders or lie down on a sleeping person. However, this applies only to their own: they will meet the guest very wary, and before they allow themselves to be stroked, they will look closely from a secluded corner for a long time.

Health and care

The Persian cat cannot boast of good health and has several genetic diseases:

  • The main thing is connected with the structure of her nose: her breathing is constantly difficult. With stress, pain or hot weather, she experiences shortness of breath. If this continues for a long time, it is better to play it safe and take the animal to the vet.
  • Another problem is the eyes. They water, get wet, and from time to time they need to be wiped and special drops for animals are instilled.

Wool requires special care. In all animals of this breed, especially representatives of light colors, it quickly gets confused. To avoid this, you need to comb your pet for at least 10-15 minutes a day.

Especially for them, special combs with spinning teeth were created - they do not cause pain, bumping into tangles. But you can use the usual "massage". Due to the nature of the Persian coat, they also need to be bathed more often.


In terms of feeding, the breed is considered quite picky.. Dry food of elite brands is best suited for her. They cost a lot, but the high cost pays off with interest: the quality of food often determines how long Persian cats live. On natural products, these animals will constantly experience a lack of nutrients.

But you need to be careful: some cats of this breed are allergic to certain types of feed. It will be necessary to select food for such sufferers individually.

Persians are considered domestic and pampered. Meanwhile, they are able to withstand seemingly unimaginable tests. Three weeks after the tragic events of 9/11 in New York City, rescuers digging through the ruins of a mall couldn't believe their eyes when they found a live, albeit emaciated, Persian cat named Precious under the rubble.

Buying a kitten

Those who have fallen under the spell of a Persian cat and are wondering how much this fluffy miracle costs, you need to prepare in advance for the thought of serious expenses. The starting price starts from 2,000 rubles, and the more rare and beautiful the color of the animal, the more breeders will ask for it. Elite kittens of a Persian cat can cost a fan of this breed 30,000 rubles or more.

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