A piquant addition to the dish is avocado sauce. How to Make Avocado Sauce Making Avocado Sauce Without Vinegar

Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. And it is often used as an ingredient in many recipes. Avocado sauce can be a great addition to fish, meat, and vegetables. Especially if you cook it correctly.


This is the most famous and popular recipe from the fruit in question, which originated in southern countries. Pygmies, by the way, use avocado guacamole sauce as a dressing not only for hot dishes, but also for broths, soups and even desserts. It can be prepared according to different recipes, but there are several constant components:

  • avocado;
  • lime juice and pulp;
  • lemon;
  • salt.

The pulp of the fruit is crushed to a pulp. This can be done with a fork (if the avocado is very ripe) and a blender. Next, add lime and lemon juice to the slurry. This is required so that the pleasant green tint is preserved. The resulting mixture is seasoned with salt, then softened with lime. Avocado sauce, the recipes of which can be very different, is often also prepared with pepper, onion, garlic, paprika, and herbs. Guacamole goes best with meat and fish, complementing the taste and aroma of dishes.

Sour cream version

Avocado sauce with sour cream is a great way to decorate vegetable side dishes, and, of course, complement their taste. To prepare it you will need:

  • avocado pulp (without pits and peel);
  • sour cream;
  • lemon juice;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • greenery;
  • garlic.

All ingredients are mixed with a blender until smooth. If there is no such device in the kitchen, then you can do everything manually. The pulp is crushed with a fork, mixed with lemon juice, sour cream, pepper and salt. The garlic is squeezed out and added to the resulting mass. To obtain a uniform consistency from the avocado sauce, you need to stir it well several times with a fork or spatula.

Sweet option

This option is suitable for dressing a fruit salad or complementing dessert, ice cream, or fruit. Sweet avocado sauce, recipes for which will be described below, can be used to grease baking cakes, since the consistency is quite thick. You shouldn’t bake it for a long time, otherwise the taste will suffer somewhat. But you can safely grease hot, ready-made cakes with it. Kids love to use sweet sauces instead of chocolate paste and butter. They are really tasty, and most importantly - healthy.

Mango and avocado

This tropical mix is ​​especially popular with children. For preparation you will need:

  • mango and avocado pulp;
  • plain yogurt;
  • sugar;
  • lemon juice;
  • vanillin.

All ingredients are mixed until smooth in a blender or manually with a fork. For decoration, you can use sprigs of fresh mint or lemon balm.

Avocado and strawberry

This combination produces a very unusual color that is liked by both children and adults. We will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe avocado pulp;
  • strawberry;
  • chocolate chips;
  • sour cream;
  • lemon juice (a couple of drops);
  • sugar or powdered sugar.

First, mash the fruit to a paste, then add lemon juice. This will prevent the sauce from losing its color. Gradually other components intervene. This avocado sauce goes well with ice cream and fresh fruit.

Sauce for fish dishes

This recipe is very easy to prepare, and, most importantly, does not require a large number of ingredients. Avocado sauce for fish consists of:

  • fruit pulp;
  • walnuts;
  • greenery;
  • lemon;
  • basilica;
  • garlic

Cooking time is only five minutes. The pulp is crushed with a fork, the walnuts are crushed with a pestle, the garlic is pressed to a paste. Finely chop the greens and fresh basil. All ingredients are mixed, then seasoned with lemon juice. Can be served with any baked or fried fish.

Meat abundance

Meat goes especially well with spicy sauces, including avocado. It's not difficult to prepare. We will need:

  • avocado pulp without pit and skin;
  • ground red pepper;
  • paprika;
  • bell pepper;
  • greenery;
  • lemon juice (a couple of drops);
  • salt;
  • spices to taste.

Anything that can be finely chopped should be chopped. The avocado pulp is rubbed through a fine sieve or passed through a grater. All ingredients are mixed until smooth, except for spices. They are added at the very end, just before serving the sauce. It goes especially well with pork, but those with intestinal and pancreatic problems should be careful, as the dish seasoned with it will become very spicy.

Alternative to tartare

Avocado sauce instead of mayonnaise is often served according to this unusual recipe. It can easily replace such a popular tartare. For preparation you will need:

  • avocado pulp;
  • pickled cucumbers (preferably gherkins);
  • greenery;
  • a clove of garlic for spiciness;
  • lime juice;
  • salt;
  • sour cream.

Pickled cucumbers are cut into very small cubes, which are mixed with sour cream and chopped herbs. Press the garlic to a pulp and add salt. The avocado pulp is rubbed through a sieve or grater and seasoned with lemon juice. Only then garlic is added to it. A few minutes before serving, mix two ingredients: avocado and sour cream with cucumbers. If you combine them at once, the sauce will turn out watery. And this will significantly affect its taste. The sauce prepared according to this recipe goes perfectly with all dishes: fish, meat, side dishes. It is often used instead of butter, spread on sandwiches. This sauce can also be added to ingredients for snacks in the form of tartlets.

Avocado sauce is popular not only in Mexican cuisine, but throughout the world. It is served with fish, meat and vegetable dishes, spread on croutons or bread. Let's look at recipes for making the most popular sauces based on alligator pear, which will add a piquant touch to your dishes.

Classic guacamole

Guacamole, an avocado sauce, is a Mexican dish known all over the world. The recipe dates back to ancient times. It was invented in Mexico, and then spread to South America and Europe, where it took pride of place among other famous sauces. First of all, it will appeal to spicy lovers. The classic recipe for avocado guacamole sauce includes avocado pulp, pureed, lemon or lime juice and salt. We invite you to try this delicious appetizer.


  • – 1 fruit;
  • tomatoes 1 pc. (can be replaced with the “Cherry” variety in the amount of 3-4 pcs.);
  • onion - half a head;
  • lemon (can be replaced with lime) – half a fruit;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • fresh cilantro - 2 sprigs;
  • salt - to taste;
  • freshly ground pepper - to taste;

It is better to take small onions for avocado guacamole so that they do not interrupt the taste and aroma of other ingredients.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the alligator pear thoroughly and dry with a towel.
  2. Divide the fruit in half. To do this, first make an incision along the entire circumference of the fruit, cutting the pulp to the bone.
  3. Next, the avocado halves are turned in opposite directions relative to each other, thereby moving the pulp away from the core.
  4. To remove the pit, place the avocado on a cutting board. Take your hands off the table to avoid injury. Taking a knife, very carefully hit the bone with it, making sure that the blade sinks slightly into the core. Turn the knife around its axis and remove the kernel. You can use a safer method: using a spoon, cut the avocado flesh around the pit and remove it.
  5. Drizzle lime or lemon juice over the avocado. This will prevent oxidation and darkening of the fruit.
  6. Using a spoon, scoop out all the pulp (you can simply cut off the peel) and grind in a blender until pureed.
  7. Wash the tomatoes well, dry and cut into small cubes.
  8. Peel the onion and finely chop.
  9. Peel the garlic and pass through a press.
  10. Rinse the cilantro sprigs under running water, dry with a towel and chop finely.
  11. Place all ingredients into a salad bowl, add salt and pepper and mix thoroughly.

Ready guacamole is not left for later. It must be consumed immediately, otherwise it will become unusable due to oxidation. The maximum shelf life of the sauce is one day.

Variations for meat

In cooking, there are dozens of recipes for sauces of different tastes and complexity of preparation. Using them as a basis, you can try yourself and come up with your own version. In the meantime, we suggest making avocado sauce (recipes with photos) for poultry or meat.

Quick hot sauce


  • green onion - a few feathers;
  • lime - 1 pc. (you can use lemon, but you only need half of it);
  • avocado - 3 fruits;
  • , heads - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - based on your own preferences.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the avocado, dry it with a towel, and remove the pit (for details on how to do this correctly, see the Guacamole recipe above). Using a spoon, scoop out the pulp and sprinkle well with lemon or lime juice.
  2. Using a fork (you can use a blender), puree the alligator pear pulp and add a little salt.
  3. After removing the peel from the garlic, use a knife to finely chop it (for speed, you can simply pass it through a press).
  4. Wash the green onions thoroughly and chop them.
  5. All ingredients are added to the avocado puree and mixed well.

If desired, you can add finely chopped cilantro to the sauce.

The sauce is ready and can be served.

Mole sauce

This variation is particularly spicy and fragrant.


  • lime - 1 fruit (if you don’t have it, replace it with lemon, taking only half);
  • hot pepper or “Chili” variety - 1 pod;
  • avocado - 3 fruits;
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

This version of avocado sauce for meat is prepared identically to the previous one. The only difference is the use of red bell pepper and chili instead of garlic and green onions. They should be thoroughly washed, cleared of seeds and stalks and chopped very finely, achieving an almost puree-like state. The resulting mass is added to the crushed alligator pear pulp and mixed thoroughly.

These two options are universal and harmonize perfectly with poultry and various types of meat, for example, lamb, beef, emphasizing their taste.

Guacamole with mint

This Avocado Mint Cilantro Guacamole recipe takes the classic version with the addition of hot peppers and corn chips. The suggested quantity of products is designed for 4 servings.


  • cilantro – 0.08 kg;
  • lime - 1 fruit;
  • Chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • avocado - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt - to taste;
  • fresh mint - for serving;
  • corn chips - for serving.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the washed avocado and remove the pit.
  2. To prevent the fruit from darkening, pour lemon juice over it.
  3. Grate the pulp on a medium-sized grater.
  4. Wash the cilantro under running water, tear off the leaves and place in a blender.
  5. Peel the garlic and also place it in a blender.
  6. Pour in the juice of half a lemon and grind until smooth.
  7. Place the grated avocado and salt into a blender and grind thoroughly into a mousse.
  8. Cut the chili pepper into thin slices.
  9. Transfer the finished sauce to salad bowls, put a little chili pepper on top.

Serve avocado sauce with corn chips.

From the above recipes it is clear that avocados can be used to make simple, but very tasty and piquant sauces that are suitable for any dish and give them an exotic touch of Mexican cuisine.

The most famous among vegetable sauces is guacamole - a juicy creation of Mexican cuisine. To make it, very ripe avocados, tomatoes and garlic are used. The remaining components vary as desired.


  1. Carefully cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon without damaging the skin; it will be useful for serving.
  2. Mash the pulp with a fork or blender. Squeeze and add lime juice immediately, otherwise the sauce will quickly darken.
  3. Peel the garlic and pass through a press. You can add it while blending.
  4. Chop the cherry tomatoes very finely. Instead, you can take a small ripe fruit of a regular tomato.
  5. Remove the parsley leaves from the stems and chop finely.
  6. Mash the vegetables and herbs thoroughly, add salt and season with oil. It is better to take extra virgin olive oil, it will add flavor to the dish.
  7. Cool for 10 minutes and serve with chips, croutons or as a side dish.

It is important to choose the most ripe avocado. The fruit should be easily crushed, but at the same time easily return to its previous shape - this means that it is ideal for guacamole.

Avocado sauce recipes

In addition to the famous guacamole, other bright and hearty sauces are also prepared from avocados. Most of them are vegetarian cuisine and will pleasantly diversify your diet.

  1. Pasta sauce. Mix the pulp of 1 avocado, 2 cloves of garlic, a little lime juice and vegetable oil into a blender. Add chopped basil to the vegetables and add salt.
  2. Sour cream – crush the avocado with a fork and sprinkle with lemon, then beat in a blender with sour cream, salt and garlic. It is an ideal addition to fish and seafood.
  3. Walnut. Grind 1 avocado, 2 cloves of garlic and 50 g of cashew nuts in a blender. Season with lemon or lime juice and olive oil. Serve with corn chips and toast.

Any of these sauces can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Sauces made with avocado are dense and fatty. They themselves are quite filling and go well with light vegetarian vegetarian dishes. In addition, they are served as an independent snack.

The mysterious word “Guacamole” is a Mexican sauce made from the exotic pear-like fruit avocado. Now this overseas fruit is no longer a rarity on our shelves, but, unfortunately, remains a rather expensive product. However, it is worth using it at least sometimes in your diet to cook some avocados.

Classic guacamole is as widespread in some countries as mayonnaise in our country, since it is the base ingredient for many wonderful sauces and dishes, especially appreciated by vegetarians.

Avocado - what kind of fruit is it?

Avocados, indeed, are shaped like a green pear, although they can be oval or spherical. This is the fruit of the evergreen plant Persea americana from the Laurel family. It is sometimes called alligator pear. The oily pulp of an avocado has a consistency similar to butter. It was not for nothing that the Indians called it “oil of the forest.”

Ripe fruits have green or yellowish-green flesh; the skin is hard, dark green, sometimes almost black. In the middle there is a large inedible bone that contains substances dangerous to people and animals. For avocado guacamole sauce, only the pulp of ripe fruits is used.

What are the benefits of Guacamole sauce?

Avocado cannot be called a low-calorie product. It contains a lot of fat, which, however, is easily digestible thanks to the unsaturated fatty acids that are abundantly present in this fruit. Therefore, avocado sauce “Guacamole” is also very nutritious, and you won’t lose weight from it.

But eating this overseas fruit is still very healthy: it contains almost no carbohydrates, but is rich in vitamins E, B2, C, macro- and microelements (phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, copper, etc.), folic acid salts , fiber, minerals. The avocado guacomole sauce is also rich in all of them.

The basic rule for preparing Guacamole

Avocado is usually consumed raw - this way its nutritional and beneficial properties, as well as its light nutty aroma, are fully preserved. The pulp of the ripe fruit is used to prepare cold dishes: appetizers, salads, sandwiches and, of course, avocado guacamole sauce.

The recipe for Mexican sauce includes the required components: the fruit itself, lemon juice (or lime juice) and salt, as well as various additives. It can be all kinds of seasonings, or Bulgarian), tomatoes, garlic, herbs.

In the East they say: “No matter how much you repeat the word halva, your mouth will not become sweeter.” It’s the same with avocado guacamole sauce - until you try it, you won’t know the taste of this excellent sauce. All chefs prepare it in their own way, but you should remember the basic rule: the tender flesh of the fruit quickly darkens, so you need to peel it immediately before cooking. The chopped or mashed pulp is immediately poured with lime or lemon juice to preserve its natural color, and then the rest of the ingredients are added. If you grind the ingredients that make up the sauce in a mortar, it will become more flavorful.

Mexican Guacamole

To prepare it you need to take 2 avocados, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tomatoes, 2 red chili peppers, half a red onion, juice of 2 limes, 2 tablespoons of ground coriander, salt, Tabasco sauce and ground black pepper to taste.


Place all the avocado pulp, separated from the skin and pit, into a blender, add chopped peeled tomatoes, garlic, ground coriander, onion and chili. Then pour in a little Tabasco sauce and lime juice, pepper and salt. Grind the mixture to a puree, place in a serving bowl and cover with cling film. Serve chilled in the refrigerator and garnish with coriander leaves. Avocado “Guacamole”, presented in halves of the peel, looks impressive.

Mexicans traditionally serve their, one might say, national sauce with tortillas, nacho chips, burritos and other dishes typical of the country. Thick, pasty “Guacamole” can replace sandwich butter or mayonnaise; it is often used together with the filling for shawarma, pita bread, and pita bread. This appetizer, prepared with pear, has an unusual taste.

Guacamole with pear

You will need 900 g of avocado, 1 white onion, 4 serrano chili peppers, 1 teaspoon of coarse salt, 3 tablespoons of lime juice, 1 large pear and a glass of seedless grapes.


Grind the pre-chopped onion and peppers along with salt in a blender. Add chopped avocados little by little and continue grinding. Pour in lemon juice and stir. Grind grapes and pears separately in a blender. Then combine both parts and serve beautifully.

Winter "Guacamole"

Another recipe for Guacamole sauce, which has an original taste thanks to pomegranate seeds.

To prepare, you need to take: 3 avocados, half a red onion, 1 chili, 2 limes, half a pomegranate, 20 grams of cilantro, salt and ground black pepper to taste.


To prepare an authentic sauce, you should use a mortar and pestle (ideally made of volcanic tuff), or, in the absence of these devices, a blender. Grind quarter an onion and half a chili pepper with a pinch of salt into a smooth paste. Add pieces of ripe avocado pulp and, adding lime juice, continue to grind until the mixture turns into a coarse porridge. Finely chop the remaining onion and the other half of the chili pepper and combine with pureed avocado, add cilantro and mix. Mix the resulting mixture with pomegranate seeds, salt and pepper.

Avocado Guacamole appetizer sauce is a very satisfying dish and satisfies hunger for a long time. It is not for nothing that in India this fruit is called the “poor man’s cow”.

The beauty of Guacamole sauce is that it doesn't require much culinary experience to make. The dish can be varied with the help of various ingredients, and even create your own recipes: festive - with red caviar, sophisticated - with blue cheese, hearty - with cubes of fried ham, unusual - with tuna.

Avocado fruits have long been popular in many cuisines around the world. This wonderful fruit comes from Latin America. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is most often used in dishes from the cuisines of South American countries. Just remember the famous Mexican snack guacamole.

In European cuisine, avocados can often be found raw, usually in salads or appetizers. It is a very popular ingredient in vegetarian and raw foods. We should also mention sauces with avocado. They are versatile and go perfectly with both meat and fish. They can be seasoned with pasta or simply eaten as an appetizer with a piece of bread or Mexican tortilla. Avocado mayonnaise will be an excellent and also healthier substitute for a store-bought product. So, let's try to prepare any sauce you like.

Avocado mayonnaise

egg -
1 PC.
wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
olive oil - 125 ml
avocado (soft) - 1/2 pcs.
salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method: Break an egg into a bowl, add wine vinegar and olive oil. Beat the mixture with an immersion blender until it becomes mayonnaise. Add fresh avocado, salt and pepper to taste. Mix again until smooth. This mayonnaise is suitable for dressing salads, for sandwiches, it can also be used as a sauce for snacks, etc...

Lenten avocado sauce with nuts

avocado - 1 pc.
lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
nuts - 30-50 g
garlic - 2 cloves
salt - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method: Peel the avocado and remove the pit. Rub the pulp through a sieve or grind in a blender. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice, followed by crushed nuts, crushed garlic and salt. Mix everything. If the sauce is thick, you can add cold boiled water.

Green sauce with avocado

avocado (not very soft) - 1 pc.
garlic - 2/3 heads
vinegar - 50 ml
sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
olive oil - 200 ml
parsley - 1 bunch
salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking method: Place avocado, garlic, vinegar, parsley, sugar and a little oil in a processor or food processor and pulse on low speed. Gradually increase the speed, adding the remaining oil a little at a time. Beat until the consistency of thick sour cream. Serve the sauce with meat or fish.

Avocado sauce with sour cream

avocado (soft) - 2 pcs.
garlic - 1-2 cloves
sour cream (yogurt) - 150 g
lemon - 1 pc.
salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method: Peel the avocado, remove the pit, cut into pieces, pour in lemon juice and add chopped garlic. Beat all this with a blender until smooth. Add salt, pepper and gradually add sour cream in portions to the desired thickness. Serve the sauce with salmon, pink salmon, salmon and other seafood!

Avocado sauce for pasta

garlic - 2 cloves
lemon (juice) - 1 pc.
olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
avocado - 1 pc.
basil (chopped) - 1/5 cup
salt to taste

Cooking method: Place garlic, lemon juice and olive oil in a blender. Beat until smooth. Add avocado, basil and salt. Blend again until smooth.

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