Why is a dog looking for a cold place. Why a dog hides in a dark place: a detailed analysis of the problem. How to tell if a dog is unwell

There are times in the life of a dog owner when veterinarians are not available and the dog needs help urgently.

And so I decided to start a series of articles talking about this or that symptom of the disease. And if the owner of the animal is attentive, he will be able to determine the symptom and provide first aid to the animal.

Important symptoms of the onset of the disease in a dog.

So we'll start with a few very important symptoms. This fever, food refusal, and lethargy or lethargy. All three symptoms together indicate that the dog is seriously ill.

The body temperature of a healthy dog ​​is 38.0 - 39.0. We will assume that it is two degrees higher than that of a normal person. And if a person has a temperature of 37.0-37.5, it is an indicator of either excitement or slight malaise. Then the dog's temperature of 39.0-39.5 is also a sign of stress or excitement and also a symptom of mild malaise.

An increase in body temperature in an animal to 40.0 and above indicates a serious infectious process. Most often this viral disease. Although many diseases are also accompanied by a significant increase in temperature. Below I will list these diseases.

An exception may be stressful situation to which a puppy is exposed between the ages of 2 and 4 months. Very often in a veterinary clinic, when measuring the body temperature of a puppy before vaccination, the doctor observes the temperature rise to 40.0 degrees. The owner with the puppy is sent outside. And after 15-20 minutes the temperature of the puppy returns to normal.

Check your dog's temperature with a thermometer!

I'll tell you one secret. Temperatures are not taken by all pet owners. They are guided by the dog's nose. Assuming that the dog's cold nose is indicative of the overall health of the pet. I want to debunk this myth. Remember your condition during the period of temperature rise higher than 38.5. Cold feet, cold hands. How do you know that you have a temperature. Very simply, you feel that you are starting to shiver. Chills can happen in dogs, but this is not an indicator of high fever. The indicator of high temperature is only the indicator of the thermometer. And until you take your dog's temperature, you can't be sure if it's elevated or not. Therefore, do not judge by the nose, by the temperature of the limbs and ears.
If in doubt about the health of the dog, measure the temperature.

How to measure a dog's body temperature?

The very process of measuring temperature is as follows. I strongly advise you to buy an electronic thermometer in a medical pharmacy. Its cost is not high, but the safety is one hundred percent in relation to a mercury thermometer.

The temperature of dogs can be measured:

1. In the rectum.If you have mercury thermometer, then first you need to shake it so that the mercury drops to the bottom mark. Then you need to lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly or other oil, take the dog in your arms, lay it on its side or put it up, lift the tail with your left hand and carefully insert the thermometer into the anus so that the reservoir with mercury (the tip of the thermometer) is in the rectum. Hold the thermometer for 3 minutes. After measuring the temperature and recording it, the thermometer is cleaned of feces, washed with warm soapy water and disinfected.

Algorithm of actions with electronic thermometer the same, howeverthe electronic thermometer can be inserted not so deeply. It will be enough to introduce it by 1-2 mm. Measuring the temperature with such a device is more convenient, since the electronic thermometer will notify you with a beep that the temperature measurement is completed.

2. In the mouth. Suitable for seriously ill or obedient and calm dogs who will not try to gnaw on a thermometer. Hold the thermometer with your hands. Since your temperature is in any case below the body temperature of the dog.

3. In the inguinal fold. Suitable for dogs with a bare or short-haired belly. The thermometer is wrapped in a skin fold and held until the end of the measurement.

In case of illness, it is necessary to measure the body temperature of the dog at the same time: between 7-8 a.m. in the morning and in the evening between 17-19 p.m.

Video on how to measure the temperature of a dog.

The dog refuses to eat.

Food refusal is a serious symptom in dogs. I'm not talking about the fact that the dog ate a lot of food in the morning and refused to eat, for example, porridge in the afternoon. No. I'm talking about the fact that the dog does not eat anything!!! The proposed favorite treat is ignored. Some dogs take treats as a sign of respect and may even swallow them. But in the future, with all due respect to you, the dog refuses any offered food. And this continues in puppies older than two months for more than 6 hours, and in adult dogs for more than 12-16 hours.

Or you observe a capricious appetite that is unusual for your dog. As dog breeders say: "He eats, then he doesn't eat."

With such an appetite, you should immediately measure the temperature. And make sure she's okay.
Lethargy and apathy, indifference, the desire to hide in a secluded place is also a very disturbing symptom. If a puppy under the age of 8 months is hiding from you, looking for a dark place, lying down on a cold (tile), does not want to play or even walk, then start to worry as soon as you notice this behavior.

Lack of activity. Melancholy.

I always tell owners of puppies between two and four months of age, "If your puppy isn't chasing you and biting your legs and arms, take his temperature, he might be sick."
An adult healthy dog, no matter how melancholic it is, does not tend to hide in dark corners, avoid communication with the owner and lie down all day with a dull look. And if you observe a refusal to feed, then measure the temperature immediately. And if it is above 39.5, then you can immediately say to yourself: “My pet is seriously ill!!! I need to save him!!!"

And if in the future it turns out that the dog is healthy and you imagined all this, you will be happy that the diagnosis of a serious illness was not confirmed, but you were at your best and secured yourself. These owners rarely get sick, and if they get sick, they get help at the right time.
So you are convinced that something is wrong with your dog. The temperature is high, the dog is lethargic and has no signs of wanting to eat. Now I will list those diseases that are accompanied by all these three symptoms.

Viral diseases, accompanied by a significant rise in temperature:

Canine infectious hepatitis

Severe diseases with another type of pathogen:

On the pages of the site I will talk more about these diseases. And I have already mentioned some of them. But be extremely attentive to your four-legged friends.

Further reasoning about diseases is as follows: is your dog vaccinated against viral diseases and leptospirosis. If vaccinated and the vaccination is not expired, then you can think about piroplasmosis.
If the dog is not vaccinated, then the range of suspected diseases expands and within 5 days from the moment the animal becomes ill, clinical symptoms characteristic of each individual disease will occur.

But if you are careful, you will not allow the further development of the disease. Serum from infectious diseases and blood donation for piroplasmosis will help you quickly cope with the most severe diseases.

Consider the fact that if carnivore distemper is not treated in the first five days, the disease very often ends in death or with severe complications. Serum was invented to fight these diseases.

Edited news: maugli- Yesterday, 18:12


Why does a dog hide in a dark place, under a bed or sofa, climb into a closet or pantry, hide in a corner and turn away? Quite a few dog owners are faced with this issue, noticing oddities in the behavior of the pet. Where does such secrecy come from and could it indicate serious problems? Let's take a closer look.

Living with a dog, you probably noticed that after playing, walking, active communication or eating, the pet goes to the same place. This behavior is explained by the desire for peace - this is a natural reflex and there is nothing strange in it. However if your ward has become too secretive and hides most of the day, you should be on your guard. Below we will look at the likely causes of strange behavior and recommendations for their elimination.

Behavioral problems and emotions

Fear- this is a very important emotion for survival, protecting the pet from stupid and risky acts. It is fear that is the most common reason that the ward is hiding in the dark. In addition to the desire to hide, fear is accompanied by a number of signs: trembling, constriction of the pupils (in the light), rapid breathing, whining, growling when approaching human etc. One of the clearest signs of fear is tucked tail.

What can a dog be afraid of while at home? strangers- it is impossible to say exactly by what signs, but dogs are able to distinguish bad people from good ones. Some breeds, such as guard dogs, tend to attack enemies. Decorative pets and dogs with an undeveloped guard instinct may get scared and hide. Fear of people is always a bad sign. Normally, tetrapods are not afraid of meeting a person, but may avoid contact after.

Noise - For example, loud music may scare the dog. Do not forget that the hearing of the wards is much more sensitive than the human one, and what is just loud for you is too loud for the dog, sometimes unbearable and painful. Music with a high frequency of sound and loud bass is especially disturbing for a dog. Thunderstorm and thunder- in addition to noise, during a thunderstorm, the dog is worried about the static coat. Since animals are much more sensitive to electric shocks, the discomfort is very noticeable.

fireworks- it is believed that the launch of a rocket launcher, the flight of a projectile and its explosion is accompanied by ultrasound. Annoying sound is replaced by a roar and it can scare even the bravest dog. The owners note that even hunting dogs are afraid of fireworks, for which it is customary to hear gun shots.

Experience- the best teacher for dogs. Many people take adult dogs into their homes along with their baggage from the past. The problem is that it is very difficult to establish how and where the dog used to live. After a period of adaptation, the owner is faced with a number of problems and most of them are absolutely not justified in terms of life here and now. In this case, only observation of the behavior of the dog will help. Quadrupeds always react in a chain, reflexively, that is, they are afraid of something specific. By identifying a pattern, you can break the connection that leads to fear.

Some dogs that have experienced past violence or cruelty, it is not possible to re-educate. Fear accompanies them for the rest of their lives and this fact must be reconciled. If no methods of behavior correction help, the pet remains timid and shy, the only alternative is waiting and support. It happens that animals overcome their phobias on their own, knowing that they are loved and taken care of.

Adult dogs that have survived abuse hide and during the first days of life in a new house. If you find this habit in a puppy, it may also be associated with fear. Some people do not see anything wrong with physical punishment of dogs for the slightest misconduct, but in fact, such behavior injures the psyche. Puppies weaned early also often develop phobias. Panic is eliminated only by complete rest, that is, the dog hides in order to calm down a little.

Important! Obsessive anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder are two dangerous reasons why a dog may hide in the dark.

Anxiety- this is a multilateral emotion that can bring the animal to depression or a nervous breakdown. Stress is not terrible if it is short. A simple example: a small child and a dog live in a house. The four-legged is gentle with the baby, and the child allows himself cruel games. The dog suffers as much as it can, but when games hurt, the pet hides. This goes on from day to day, the dog is in a state of constant stress and is afraid of even the steps of a child. Further, two scenarios are possible with the same outcome: the pet will defend itself and bite the child, or it will endure, get mentally traumatized, cease to control itself and bite the child.

Note! The desire to hide in the dark is always associated with fear, which is justified by experience, instincts or physiological reasons.

Diseases and injuries

Feeling pain and discomfort- these are more than good reasons to look for a secluded, dark place. Almost always, in addition to secrecy, the dog notices loss of appetite, apathy, deterioration in the condition of the coat. In the wild, a sick animal dies at the teeth of a healthy one, so the dog instinctively hides pain and discomfort.

You should be alert and consult a doctor if you notice:

  • Excessive concern or complete indifference of the dog.
  • The dog constantly licks the same place.
  • Excessive or slow breathing.
  • Change in color of mucous membranes.
  • Complete refusal to drink.
  • A clear expression of pain is whining, howling, aggression in response to accurate palpation of the affected area.

When the pain is unbearable, dog whines and defends in an aggressive manner- it's hard not to notice. Do not hesitate to give your pet 1/2 dose of a non-steroidal drug that relieves pain. So you do not harm, but help the pet a little. It should be understood that the state of pain shock, for example, after an injury, can lead to a quick death of the dog.

After childbirth or surgery, the pet may experience pain, which will increase as the effect decreases anesthesia . After the operation, painkillers are usually prescribed to the animal. Newly born dogs rarely receive health support, and they need it. The first day after the birth of puppies, the bitch is protected by the action of hormones and neurotransmitters, but after that, the dog may suffer from pain.

A very serious problem that may occur after childbirth and be accompanied by real photophobia- This hypocalcemia . A sharp drop in the calcium and blood sugar levels of a recently whelped dog is fatal. The lethal outcome comes quickly, it is foreshadowed by convulsions, loss of coordination and a dispersed look. You can save a dog. First aid - drink sweet water or tea, introduce calcium gluconate and urgently take the pet to the veterinarian.

Important! Photophobia is one of the bright signs rabiesdogs! If you picked up a pet on the street less than 10 days ago and he suddenly showed photophobia against the background of poor health and nervousness, urgently isolate the pet and call the veterinarian. You shouldn't talk about your suspicions out loud, at least not on the phone. Doctor, be sure to warn about your assumptions!


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Owners of four-legged pets often face a situation where the dog whines. Animals use this method of transmitting information, expressing their emotional state both when communicating with their relatives and to attract attention from a person. There are many reasons for whining - from elementary boredom to a serious pathology associated with pain.

Read in this article

Reasons why a dog whines

Understanding the seriousness of the unusual behavior of an emotional pet will help the owner to know the reasons why the dog whines and squeals:

  • First of all, whining is typical for puppies. Babies, just taken from their mother, experience fear, insecurity, stress. Once in an unfamiliar environment, the young animal yearns for its brothers and sisters, the warm mother's side. Puppies often whine when they are hungry, cold or hot. Thus, defenseless young animals call for help or signal their well-being.
  • An adult dog, from which puppies were taken, can also experience a stressful situation. Thus, the pet notifies others about its emotional state. There are frequent cases of whining in females during estrus. In such situations, breeders recommend that owners switch the dog's attention, take it with new games, walks in uncharted places.
  • Experienced dog breeders recommend paying attention to such a reason for whining as a hunting instinct. Even breeds that are far from being used in hunting can indulge in natural desire. The dog may squeal and whine at the sight of “game” in the form of a cat, a hamster, game birds, squirrels on a tree.
  • Gambling pets of hunting breeds are emotional not only in the forest or on the field, but also at home when they see that the owner is going to hunt. Fighting breeds behave similarly before a fight, anticipating the upcoming fight.
  • The reason that the dog whines and squeals is often the emotionality of the four-legged friend. The animal can thus inform the owner that his arrival makes him happy. Overly sensitive pets whine and squeal even if the separation from their beloved owner was short-lived. This feature is typical for representatives of miniature breeds, characterized by nervousness and emotionality.
  • A dog can whine, thus expressing its impatience or any request. Most often, the use of puppy whining by an adult dog is observed when begging for a treat, tasty piece or supplement. It is difficult to wean an animal from such behavior. To do this, the owner and all household members need to ignore the whining and not encourage the pet to such actions, fulfilling his request.
  • The reason that the dog whines is often his desire to relieve himself. In such a situation, the dog cannot be ignored. While walking, whining may be due to the fact that when communicating with their relatives, the pet expresses obedience, obeying the norm of behavior in the pack. If the walk is interrupted by the owner at some interesting moment from the point of view of the dog, then it can express its unfulfilled desire by whining.
  • Both adults and young animals can suffer from loneliness if the owner leaves them alone for a long time. In this case, whining is regarded by experienced dog breeders as an expression of negative emotion due to the absence of a beloved owner. A variety of toys will help to wean the pet from whining in this situation, as well as a long walk upon the return of the owner and active games with the pet.
  • Whining can be observed not only for physiological, behavioral or emotional reasons. Thus, the animal can signal to the owner about their health problems. In addition to obvious pathologies, when a dog is injured, injured, lame, whining can be a symptom of hidden damage.

The owner should pay attention to exactly when the animal whines. If squealing accompanies the act of urination, this may be a signal of urolithiasis or the presence of inflammation in the urogenital area. Squealing when resting on a limb is evidence of a splinter, dislocation, or more serious damage. Dental diseases, chronic, diseases of internal organs are often accompanied by pain.

The attentive attitude of the owner to the behavior of the pet will help to identify the disease in time.

If at night, in a dream

Quite often, the owner can hear whining when the animal is sleeping. In a dream, dogs can whine, squeal, bark. As a rule, at this moment the animal moves its paws, “runs” somewhere, twitching of the muscles of the body and muzzle is observed. This behavior is most often caused by dreams.

Scientists believe that our four-legged friends in a dream experience emotional states that they experienced in real life. Therefore, in a dream, dogs often chase game, hunt, or, conversely, run away from a stronger opponent.

A dog can whine even if it is bored and lonely on its couch. In this case, the owner needs to devote more time to the pet before going to bed, caress, calm him down. If the animal experiences anxiety, psychological discomfort from the fact that it does not see the beloved owner in the field of view, you should consider moving the bed closer to the owner's sleeping place. Seeing a human friend, the dog will calm down and will not whine.

Why does the dog whine, tremble, hide

The reason that the dog not only whines, but also trembles, may be a violation of the conditions of detention. Staying a pet in a cold and damp room or walking too long in bad weather can cause physiological discomfort.

Similar behavior may be associated with fear. Emotional individuals not only whine and squeal. With a nervous breakdown, excessive nervousness in dogs, trembling can be observed throughout the body, which is due to the choleric type of temperament. From fear, such dogs can hide in a corner, seek salvation under the sofa and in other hard-to-reach places.

The owner should be aware that the cause of squealing, the desire of the pet to hide from prying eyes can also be malaise. Often this behavior is associated with sudden pain - the animal does not understand what is happening to his body, and this frightens him.

If behavior has changed for no reason

In the event that there is no apparent cause for concern, the owner should carefully observe the dog. If the squealing is short-lived and does not recur, there is no cause for concern.

If unreasonable whining continues, despite the measures taken to calm, then the pet should be shown to a veterinary specialist. Often, only a clinical examination, additional diagnostics in the form of a blood and urine test, ultrasound or X-ray diagnostics will help to establish the cause of the animal's inappropriate behavior.

Pets often communicate with humans through voice. Whining and squealing, dogs not only ask to go outside, beg for a tidbit, but also show other psycho-emotional feelings - joy, fear, insecurity, submission, etc. The reason that the dog whines and squeals may be a health problem. It is important for the owner to be able to recognize what kind of information his four-legged friend wants to convey.

Useful video

For information on what the owner should do if the dog whines and barks for no reason, see this video:

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There are times in the life of a dog owner when veterinarians are not available and the dog urgently needs help.

And so I decided to start a series of articles talking about this or that symptom of the disease. And if the owner of the animal is attentive, he will be able to determine the symptom and provide first aid to the animal.

The language of the articles will be simple and accessible. To be clear even to a novice dog lover.

And so we start with a few very important symptoms. These are fever, refusal to feed, and lethargy or lethargy. All three symptoms together indicate that the dog is seriously ill.

The body temperature of a healthy dog ​​is 38.0 - 39.0. We will assume that it is two degrees higher than that of a normal person. And if a person has a temperature of 37.0-37.5, it is an indicator of either excitement or slight malaise. Then the dog's temperature of 39.0-39.5 is also a sign of stress or excitement and also a symptom of mild malaise.

An increase in body temperature in an animal to 40.0 and above indicates a serious infectious process. Most often it is a viral disease. Although many diseases are also accompanied by a significant increase in temperature.

Below I will list these diseases.
An exception may be the stressful situation that a puppy is exposed to at the age of 2 to 4 months. Very often in a veterinary clinic, when measuring the body temperature of a puppy before vaccination, the doctor observes the temperature rise to 40.0 degrees. The owner with the puppy is sent outside. And after 15-20 minutes the temperature of the puppy returns to normal.

I'll tell you one secret. Temperatures are not taken by all pet owners. They are guided by the dog's nose. Assuming that the dog's cold nose is indicative of the overall health of the pet. I want to debunk this myth. Remember your condition during the period of temperature rise higher than 38.5. Cold feet, cold hands. How do you know that you have a temperature. Very simply, you feel that you are starting to shiver.

Chills can happen in dogs, but this is not an indicator of high fever.
The indicator of high temperature is only the indicator of the thermometer. And until you take your dog's temperature, you can't be sure if it's elevated or not. Therefore, do not judge by the nose, by the temperature of the limbs and ears.

If in doubt about the health of the dog, measure the temperature.
The very process of measuring temperature is as follows. I strongly advise you to buy an electronic thermometer in the medical pharmacy. Its cost is not high, but the safety is one hundred percent in relation to a mercury thermometer. The temperature of dogs can be measured:

In the rectum. Lubricates the tip of the thermometer with any oil, and insert 1 mm-2 mm into the anus. The electronic thermometer will notify you by beeping that the temperature measurement is finished.

In the mouth. Suitable for seriously ill or obedient and calm dogs who will not try to gnaw on a thermometer. Hold the thermometer with your hands. Since your temperature is in any case below the body temperature of the dog.

In the inguinal fold. Suitable for dogs with a bare or short-haired belly. The thermometer is wrapped in a skin fold and held until the end of the measurement.

Food refusal is a serious symptom in dogs. I'm not talking about the fact that the dog ate a lot of food in the morning and refused to eat, for example, porridge in the afternoon. No. I'm talking about the fact that the dog does not eat anything!!! The proposed favorite treat is ignored. Some dogs take treats as a sign of respect and may even swallow them. But in the future, with all due respect to you, the dog refuses any offered food. And this continues in puppies older than two months for more than 6 hours, and in adult dogs for more than 12-16 hours.

Or you observe a capricious appetite that is unusual for your dog. As dog breeders say: "He eats, then he doesn't eat."
With such an appetite, you should immediately measure the temperature. And make sure she's okay.

Lethargy and apathy, indifference, the desire to hide in a secluded place is also a very disturbing symptom. If a puppy under the age of 8 months is hiding from you, looking for a dark place, lying down on a cold (tile), does not want to play or even walk, then start to worry as soon as you notice this behavior.

I always tell owners of puppies between two and four months of age, "If your puppy isn't chasing you and biting your legs and arms, take his temperature, he might be sick."

An adult healthy dog, no matter how melancholic it is, does not tend to hide in dark corners, avoid communication with the owner and lie down all day with a dull look. And if you observe a refusal to feed, then measure the temperature immediately. And if it is above 39.5, then you can immediately say to yourself: “My pet is seriously ill!!! I need to save him!!!"

And if in the future it turns out that the dog is healthy and you imagined all this, you will be happy that the diagnosis of a serious illness was not confirmed, but you were at your best and secured yourself. These owners rarely get sick, and if they get sick, they get help at the right time.

And so you are convinced that something is wrong with your dog. The temperature is high, the dog is lethargic and has no signs of wanting to eat. Now I will list those diseases that are accompanied by all these three symptoms.

Viral diseases, accompanied by a significant rise in temperature:
- infectious hepatitis of dogs
Severe diseases with another type of pathogen
- canine leptospirosis
- Lyme disease

On the pages of the site I will talk more about these diseases. And I have already mentioned some of them. But be extremely attentive to your four-legged friends.

Further reasoning about diseases is as follows: is your dog vaccinated against viral diseases and leptospirosis. If vaccinated and the vaccination is not expired, then you can think about piroplasmosis.

If the dog is not vaccinated, then the range of suspected diseases expands and within 5 days from the moment the animal becomes ill, clinical symptoms characteristic of each individual disease will occur.

But if you are careful, you will not allow the further development of the disease. Serum from infectious diseases and blood donation for piroplasmosis will help you quickly cope with the most severe diseases.

Consider the fact that if carnivore distemper is not treated in the first five days, the disease very often ends in death or with severe complications. Serum was invented to fight these diseases.

I did not want to write that you need to urgently contact the veterinarian. But I will write: “If you observe all of the above symptoms and you have the opportunity to take the dog to the veterinarian, do it immediately.

Our main and common task is to save the dog from death.” I think you will agree with my statement.

A dog that hides under the bed is a phenomenon that is considered normal for most dog lovers. However, in order for the pet to grow up completely healthy, it is necessary to pay attention even to such behavior of the pet.


A dog may hide under the bed for several reasons.

  1. Fear. Seeking cover can be proof that your pet is scared. For example, some dogs hide under the bed during thunderstorms, firecrackers, or other loud noises.
  2. Diseases. One of the reasons why a dog hides under a bed is if the pet has a viral or infectious disease - at this time, pets often prefer to be alone, choosing a closed and dark space.
  3. Loneliness. If the dog is under the bed, it may be a sign of boredom or sadness for the owner.

What to do

In the event that the dog lies under the bed, you can take some measures so that the pet does not hide in this place.

  1. It is recommended to remove all possible irritants so that the dog feels more confident. You need to make sure that the dog is not afraid of any objects or noises (TV, clock, phone).
  2. Do not leave your dog alone for a long time. It is advised not to leave the pet for the whole day - in the event that it is necessary to leave, it is better to leave the pet's favorite toy.
  3. Contact a veterinarian. Consultation of a specialist in such a situation, of course, will not be superfluous - you need to make sure that the pet is not sick.

In the event that you pay attention to whether the dog is hiding under the bed, and also take the necessary measures, the pet will forget about this habit!

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