Why does a cat have bad breath? The main reasons why a cat smells from the mouth Causes of smell can be divided by age category

I have always been surrounded by cats, since childhood. I love them. Two years ago we had kun. And you know I am disappointed with this breed. I can say that this is not a dream .. not my dream. Yes! they are big, yes! kind despite the harsh look. But there are more cons. I'll start with their fur. It's kind of a nightmare. Kuna's wool is everywhere .. tables chairs window sills sofa cabinet towels kitchen bathrooms .. it is worth washing your hands and wiping them with a towel as all hands are covered in wool. I have never seen so much wool from domuses. And the coons have tangles, the armpits of the panties, the stomach is all in tangles. We comb, 2 times a month I wash with expensive means. Swift tangles, they are not getting smaller. The cat itself does not know how to wash, of course, I compare it with my cats who live 10 years with me. I can say that the coons are not clean. I don’t know how the Coon girls see themselves, after all, we have a Kostrat cat who spends all his free time from eating and playing on the floor. He lies under the toilet bowl, in the bathroom, on the floor where his bowls of food stand, wiping drops of crumbs with their wool, lies on the entrance rug. He always lies. As if body weight does not allow long walking and sitting, therefore it is better to always lie visible. Lies wherever it is cool to him. The smell of coons is another minus for me. Usually cats smell like the house they live in, and coons smell specifically, this is their smell that cannot be washed off. My husband and I love it when the cat sleeps on the bed with us and purrs. Coons do not like to sleep with their owners. They will sleep not far away but not with the owner! Coons do not know how to purr normally. Personally, I wouldn't call it a purr. Even when I heard this miserable grunt for the first time, I thought that it was hard for him to breathe because of the snot in his larynx. Have you heard how ordinary shorthair cats purr? Now that's hardcore! Here is what is needed. And I didn’t see feline grace in coons. There is no grace in movements in the body, many other cats sit so that you can’t take your eyes off like figurines. The back is straight, the tail lies perfectly covering the front paws. And there is so much grace in the jump. Alas, this is not in the Kunas. They are clumsy. Coons are DOGS. I repeat, the coons are always next to the owner, no matter what you do BUT aside. Coons don't like being picked up, which is a minus for me. They love to play with water from a bowl. They always have their paws in the water, whether it's a bowl or your glass of water. Therefore, anyone who has parquet laminate at home has swelling fears. We put a basin in the bathroom for him. But alas, I can not deprive my other pets of water. So the kun spills their water. Don't forget to buy Kuna you will need to follow proper nutrition. Quail eggs. Cottage cheese. Sour milk. Drying is suitable for them. Myasko. And not any fish and milk! We don't feed him from the table. Greater risk of diarrhea. And if such big cats have diarrhea, that's all ... all the tail pants will be done. Coons love to snore and squish when they sleep. Despite the disappointment of the breed, our cat is a member of our family. And we are not going to betray him. While he is young. Maybe in 5 years I will see that famous Kunov love for the owner. What now I do not observe in the second year of his life. And what a cat's love for the owner looks like, I know from my own experience. Coon loves us exactly until he begs for a piece of something tasty. In these seconds of begging, he is affectionate, his eyes are full of love. But it only lasts a couple of minutes. The rest of the time he tries to avoid direct contact with the owner. Selling skin in a word. Those coons who sleep with the owners are few. I read a lot and talked with coon breeders, everything confirms that, alas, the majority really avoid direct contact with the owners. Still, taking an animal that needs to be scratched 2-3 times a day is stupid. After all, there are many really handsome Abyssinian Bengals. Kuna is still an amateur. And not for an apartment. It is better for them to live in houses so that they can go out for a walk. We selected the food with the breeder. Many of her pets sit on such feed. According to her, indeed, many coons have a problem with tangles. A person who wants to have a cat must understand whether he is ready to deal with cat hair all the time. I would never have a coon. But it just so happened that the husband was presented with a Kuna with a passport. We have already participated in exhibitions. They won prizes. But this breed does not bring me pleasure.

Modern knowledge of the psychology of cats is rather modest. It can be said with all confidence that a person has just begun to take the first steps towards the knowledge of this domestic, playful and interesting pet. Undoubtedly, each of us will now say that it would be better if this care and love were without cleaning piles and without throwing away our favorite slippers or bags. And so, if you do not want to accustom a pet to a tray, or if you do not know how to do it, then it is best for you to get a Makek Coon kitten, which has already been trained in good behavior.

It can be said with all confidence that a cat has a much better perception of the world around us than humans. And one of these priorities is the sense of smell. This feeling is the most important for the animal. But for a person it is not so important. Meik Coon cats will identify the smell of catnip when the concentration does not exceed 1 part per billion. It is this instinct that helps them recognize friends, familiar objects and avoid enemies.

Born kittens Make Coon have even better olfaction characteristics than an adult. They can easily distinguish their mother from another cat. A kitten who is already three weeks old can independently find the place where he came from and feel who is in front of him, mother or someone else's cat.

The world of smells is the world of a pet. Makek Coon kittens get used to new smells slowly and reluctantly. And adult cats generally do not like to do this. And therefore, if you want your pet to easily and quickly get used to new smells, then it is better to accustom him to them from a very young age.

There is another problem, for example, you are planning to go on vacation, but without your pet. And so that nothing happens to him while he is at home alone, you ask your friends or relatives to look after him. I want to say right away that this is a bad idea, since the pet is not used to new people and simply does not know them - and this is dangerous, because in order to sweeten the pill not only for you, but also for your friends, he can go all out. And it is clear why, because the animal does not know how an outsider will treat him, and besides this, most importantly, he smells of someone else's smell. It is for this reason that the reaction of your pet will be negative.

I would like to say that Meik Coon kittens, like other adult cats, have a large number of odorous glands located on the tail, on the chin, on the forehead and on the underside of the front paws. Animals use these same glands to mark their territory and objects belonging to them. And in conclusion, I would like to add that the Make Coon kittens not only give off the aroma, but also accept it. Then they spread it all over their bodies, washing themselves every half an hour.

An unpleasant smell brings little joy to cat owners. It pushes the man away from the animal, breaks their bonds. Your pet loves to lick you in the morning, but with the advent of the smell, this habit has become disgusting. Why a cat smells from the mouth and how to get rid of it, you will learn further.

Causes of halitosis

There are several reasons for the smell from the mouth (halitosis): for a certain age - its own reason.

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You can identify the disease by its characteristic odor.

Putrid smell indicates digestive problems. Maybe your kitten has worms. Adjusting the diet and anthelmintics will help to cope with the problem.

Tell about kidney disease (renal failure) ammonia smell. The products of protein metabolism are poorly excreted from the body, some remain in the oral cavity and damage it.

If the cat often urinates, drinks a lot of water from his mouth smells like acetone, it is likely that the pet has diabetes mellitus. An urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Getting rid of bad odor

Almost all of the above problems should be dealt with by veterinarians. But if you, after examining the oral cavity, notice plaque or wounds, then you can handle it yourself.

For the treatment of wounds, antiseptics are used, for example, Miramistin. It will help you get rid of sores and lesions, destroy harmful bacteria.

Plaque is cleaned with special brushes, finger tips, gels and pastes. The kitten will learn to brush easier, the adult pet will resist. It is desirable to carry out this procedure every day, but cleaning every other day is enough.

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If you find yellowish or brown hard formations on your teeth, then you need to see a doctor. The owner will not remove the tartar on his own. This is a rather painful operation, which is performed under general anesthesia.

Such a minor symptom as the smell from the mouth can be the result of serious diseases. And if you find no visible causes (tartar, wounds), and the smell indicates a specific problem, make an appointment with the veterinarian.

Do not risk your pet's health, only a doctor will accurately determine the cause. And remember about the prevention of tartar - regular brushing.

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Often, the owners of a small four-legged pet are alarmed by the unpleasant smell from his mouth. Someone does not pay attention at all, while someone immediately runs to veterinary clinics in search of an answer and a possible treatment.

What causes bad breath and what can be done about it?

The smell may be present, after all, this is a cat, it should not smell like something pleasant. But if there is a fetid smell that cannot be overlooked, then beware. A strong smell indicates a number of diseases that can be present both in the oral cavity and in the body as a whole. These are various, such as tartar or plaque, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, abnormal liver function, and. If the smell from the cat's mouth is strong, take your pet for a comprehensive examination of all body systems.

About bad smell

An unpleasant odor from the animal's mouth (halitosis) is one of the main reasons why owners visit a veterinary clinic. Halitosis indicates the presence of serious diseases, both individual organs and the entire body of the cat.

Conventionally, cats are divided into three age groups:

  • Age up to 1 year
  • Age from 1 year to 9 years
  • Age over 9 years old

In animals up to a year, most often the disease is localized in the oral cavity. The reasons are malocclusion, trauma, untimely loss and removal of milk teeth, etc. Because of this, dental deposits accumulate, which decompose in the mouth, thereby emitting an unpleasant odor.

In cats from one to 9 years old, the reasons can be very different, but the first place again belongs to dental deposits. Since they are located in the oral cavity for a long time, soft plaque turns into hard, growing between the gum and the tooth. The gum moves away from the tooth and a periodontal pocket appears, which can later lead to tooth loss.

In cats after 9 years, tumor formations, diseases of internal organs, or kidney failure, which is characterized by the smell of ammonia, and diabetes mellitus, as evidenced by the smell of acetone, can be observed. An alarming signal is that the cat drinks a lot of water. Considering her age and the symptoms mentioned above, she should be taken to the veterinarian immediately for a complete examination.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment, one way or another, should begin with a visual examination of the animal's oral cavity by an experienced doctor. Since cats do not like this, it may be necessary to give a sedative or anesthesia. If the unpleasant smell is caused by plaque and stones on the teeth, then the pet is professionally cleaned using special methods, after which the smell disappears. But such cleaning will have to be repeated from time to time. If more serious pathologies in the body are suspected, which cannot be visually detected, blood and urine are taken from the cat for examination. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after the diagnosis is made and can be both surgical and medical. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the cat's disease.


As a preventative measure, take your cat to the veterinarian regularly for oral examinations. Brushing your teeth as this will help keep your cat healthy, chew food better and avoid stomach and gastrointestinal problems. You should also give your cat a special toothpaste every day to help prevent plaque formation. The very last item is a diet that only an experienced doctor can prescribe. It is especially important to stick to the chosen diet when liver and kidney diseases are observed. This can prolong the life of your beloved pet and eliminate the pain that often occurs with kidney failure.

You should figure out why the cat smells from the mouth, this can be a signal of serious health problems. If the stink from the mouth appeared once, then you should not worry, but if it appears with an enviable frequency, then you should contact a specialist.

There are many different bacteria that accumulate in the mouth, some of them are beneficial, and some can be harmful. A kitten is the same living creature, and various pathogenic processes can occur in its body. One of these processes is bad breath.


The most common causes of stench are bacteria in the mouth, as well as diseases of the internal organs. If this problem appeared after another snack and went away by itself, then you should not worry. But if there are notes of acetone or rot in the smell, then this can become one of the symptoms of the disease.

Reasons why a cat has bad breath:

  1. Stomatitis- Inflammatory processes are observed in the pet's mouth.
  2. Gingivitis- the inner surface of the cat's mouth becomes inflamed. If left untreated, it can develop into an infectious disease that destroys bone tissue and causes serious damage to the oral cavity. A kitten can lose teeth, resulting in rapid exhaustion and death.
  3. Abscess Most commonly seen in cats. The reason for this is the ingestion of a foreign body into the tooth, as a result of which inflammation develops and many harmful bacteria appear.
  4. Change of teeth- in kittens, teeth begin to change at 3-4 months. This may result in an unpleasant odor.
  5. polyps- a benign tumor, the location of which is the nasal passages or larynx of a cat.
  6. Diabetes- observed in older cats. In this case, the animal develops a fruity odor from the mouth.
  7. Reflux- in a different way, heartburn.
  8. lung diseases- the inflammatory processes that have occurred there can also be the cause of stench from the cat's mouth.
  9. Liver disease- characterized by the smell of ammonia.
  10. benign and malignant tumors.
  11. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract- oncology, indigestion, etc.

If bad breath in a cat appeared due to problems in the oral cavity, then you can solve them on your own. Ointments, compresses, special food and brushing your teeth will help to cope with the disease. Usually these are problems with the teeth or gums. But, if the kitten chews slowly, this process is difficult for him, scratches his mouth with his paw or tilts his head to the side, you should seek help from a veterinarian. Perhaps the pet has one of the above diseases.

If a bad smell has become a symptom of a disease of the internal organs, then one cannot do without qualified help. The owner of the animal himself will not be able to determine anything.

If the cat eats only soft food, then it begins to accumulate between the teeth, therefore, tartar can form on the teeth.

Causes of smell can be divided by age category

Kittens are more likely to have:

  • Untimely change of teeth.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Wounds, ulcers in the oral cavity.
  • Remains of food, a foreign body in the tooth, because of which bacteria begin to develop.

Middle age cats:

  • Stone on the teeth, in which the gum moves away from the tooth itself. It begins to colonize harmful bacteria, which leads to infections and inflammation.
  • Injury to the gums, as a result of which it becomes inflamed. For this reason, the cat stinks from the mouth of rotten meat.

adult cats:

  • Malignant tumors.
  • Diseases of the internal organs of a kitten.
  • Diabetes.

Distinguish diseases by smell

Bad breath in a cat can make it clear to its owner what should be paid attention. Gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the esophagus give off a putrid odor. Liver diseases are characterized by a sweet smell. The smell of ammonia indicates kidney disease. The smell of acetone or overripe apples indicates the development of diabetes. If it stinks of rotten meat, then most likely there are problems in the animal's oral cavity.

Associated symptoms

Halitosis (stinky odor) is not the only symptom that can bother the owner. In addition, the pet's appetite may decrease, it becomes difficult for him to chew food, especially solid food.

Strong breath in a cat may be accompanied by diarrhea or constipation. In this case, the cause is diseases of the digestive tract.

If strong thirst is added to the stink from the mouth, changes in weight up or down, weakness, indifference to everything, the smell of acetone from the oral cavity, then this indicates diabetes mellitus.

Together with the stench, frequent urination, pain when going to the toilet can be observed, all this indicates diseases of the urethra.

If accompanied by increased salivation

This is one of the signs of stomatitis. In this case, it smells like rotten meat from the cat's mouth. In addition to stomatitis, the smell of rotten meat may indicate infectious processes in the body, the presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity, or kidney failure.

Associated with tooth loss

Some breeds of cats are highly prone to oral diseases, especially Persians and Abyssinians. The owner, who does not monitor the nutrition of his pet, as well as the state of the oral cavity, leads to the fact that his ward loses his teeth early.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should visit your veterinarian:

  • putrid smell.
  • swollen gums.
  • strong salivation.
  • loss of appetite or complete refusal of food.

If these signs are present, contact your veterinarian immediately. No one can make a diagnosis on their own. The doctor examines the animal, takes the necessary tests, and establishes the causes of the strong breath in the cat.

During the examination, an x-ray is used, which allows you to establish diseases of the bones or teeth, and also shows the tumor, if any. Ultrasound will determine the condition of the internal organs, their size.

If it is difficult to determine the cause of the stench, then the doctor may recommend an endoscopy. This procedure is carried out using a thin tube, which is placed in the digestive tract. At its end there is a camera that will show the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Usually, the diagnosis of the disease consists in the delivery of urine, feces and blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound and a smear from the kitten's mouth.


To determine the source of bad breath from the kitten's mouth, you need to contact the appropriate specialists, only they, based on the examination, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. if the problem lies in the mouth, then most likely brushing the cat's teeth will be able to cope with the situation, but this is only when yellow plaque appears.

In order to prevent pets, it is necessary to give special feeds that reduce plaque. Solid food helps to clean the teeth of dirt and get rid of tartar..

Treatment for bad breath in a cat can only be selected by a veterinarian. Everything depends on the disease.

  • If the kitten eats only soft food, then it should be replaced with a harder one. A cheap feed, on a balanced and full of vitamins and minerals.
  • If the cat has helminths, the doctor will prescribe anthelmintic drugs.
  • In diseases of the kidneys, drugs are prescribed that restore this organ.
  • In case of dental diseases, procedures are performed that remove caries and plaque.
  • If a cat develops diabetes mellitus and against this background a smelly smell appears, then she is prescribed a therapy that helps get rid of it. However, she does not cope with the disease.

If the pet's gums are in poor condition, there are dental problems, as well as gingivitis, then, under anesthesia, they can remove the stone, remove the tooth or the resulting polyps. If a tumor was found, then surgery is possible.

If the pet’s mouth smells bad with stomatitis, then the doctor prescribes ointments, antibiotics, or, in the last stages, all teeth are removed. With an abscess, the tooth is opened and cleaned, antibiotics are prescribed. In advanced stages, a diseased tooth can be removed.

If the cat stinks from the mouth with diseases of the internal organs, then a balanced diet is prescribed, and the necessary medications are also prescribed.

How to get rid of the stench

If the cause of the stench is not a disease, then special powders that are sold at the pet store will help get rid of it. They can be added to your pet's food or water. This method can only help if the stench appears occasionally and the pet's food becomes the reason for this.


To prevent a cat from having bad breath or to prevent a recurrence, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations.

  • Take your pet to the vet more often. He will assess the state of health and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences.
  • From a very early age, you need to teach a kitten to brush his teeth, treat cuts in his mouth. So in the future he will not be afraid of this procedure, which will make it easier to take care of him.
  • The pet must eat properly and in a balanced way. The diet should contain soft and hard foods.
  • It is necessary to purchase a special toy for animals that will help save them from some problems. Gnawing it, the gums will be cleaned of stuck food, the toy will prevent the formation of plaque, caries and tartar on the teeth.

Every owner should know that an unpleasant smell signals a serious illness of his pet, which can result in death. The most common cause of bad breath is oral problems. However, halitosis may indicate more serious diseases of the internal organs, which cannot be cured at home. All these troubles can be avoided, one has only to monitor the pet's oral hygiene and seek help from a specialist in a timely manner.

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