Why do your feet always get cold and how to deal with it. Cold feet - is it a disease? Always cold and cold feet

The soles of the feet contain nerve endings for almost every visceral organ, and there are many blood vessels in the feet. The physical health and psychological well-being of a person depends on the condition of the legs. If your feet are constantly cold, you need to find out the cause of this disease and undergo appropriate treatment. Hypothermia of the lower extremities has a negative effect on well-being, but if the legs are constantly freezing even in favorable conditions (in warmth), it is necessary to look for problems in the body due to which such a nuisance arose.

Why feet sometimes get cold - reasons

The main reason for the constant freezing of the legs even in warm or hot weather is a violation of blood circulation. Most often, women suffer from this problem. The physiological characteristics of the female body perceive a sharp temperature drop as a threat to the reproductive organs. As a result, blood circulation in the extremities deteriorates due to blood flow to the pelvic area.

But, of course, men also get cold feet. This happens due to a lack of muscle and adipose tissue on the legs. On the feet and calves, muscle tissue is in a minimum volume, fatty tissue is completely absent.

Affects the freezing of the legs blood pressure. Often people suffering from low or high blood pressure complain of cold feet. This reason is serious. First of all, the problem of freezing legs (often even hands) in this case is solved by correct and high-quality treatment of the cause of high pressure.

Varicose veins are another major cause of cold feet. In this case, it is also necessary not only to warm the limbs, but to treat the veins.

When there is a mass of unpleasant symptoms, among which there is a place for freezing legs.

Hormonal disorders, menopause, diabetes mellitus are also often accompanied by people's complaints about constantly freezing legs or separately feet or fingers.

Excessive sweating is also sometimes the cause of cold feet due to constant moisture. Sweating occurs against the background of vascular diseases, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, flat feet, pregnancy. Also, the legs sweat when wearing synthetic socks, tights.

A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, malnutrition make a huge contribution to the deterioration of the vascular system, which leads to the same complaints - feet are constantly cold even when warm.

Unbalanced nutrition, diets can also provoke the development of the problem. The lack of nutrients is bad for the overall health of the body, including the limbs.

Symptoms of poor circulation:

  • swelling of the limbs;
  • protruding veins;
  • pain in the legs even with minimal load;
  • leg cramps;
  • limb numbness.

What to do to keep your feet warm

To get rid of the symptom of freezing legs, it is necessary to eliminate the disease that causes this trouble, or to train the vessels in the absence of an obvious disease, or to change the lifestyle.

In the complex treatment of low or high blood pressure, other diseases that affect blood flow, in lifestyle adjustments, simple exercises can be used to improve blood circulation. These are stretching and bending of the toes, rotation of the feet, walking “on toes”, on the outer and inner side of the foot, on the heels. In three minutes of such exercises, you can perfectly warm up your legs and ensure blood flow to them in a larger volume.

Or baths (a shower is more convenient) will make the vessels work better. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. The temperature is changed every 40 seconds.

Vascular training has a good effect on the state of blood flow. Walking barefoot is a good way to train your vasculature. Walk barefoot wherever possible. But of course, take precautions! Women should not forget about cystitis (the floor should not be too cold). Baths, swimming pools, beaches, unfortunately, are not the best place for walking barefoot.

Shoes have a significant impact on proper blood flow. Shoes that squeeze your foot can block blood flow, which can lead to a feeling of coldness in your feet.

Using these methods, you can achieve a state in which the legs will no longer constantly freeze.

Quick Help

If the legs are constantly cold and cold, then in order to warm them, it is necessary to increase blood circulation as quickly as possible.

Tips for improving blood circulation in the limbs:

  • a mustard plaster pasted on the feet will quickly disperse the blood;
  • heated insoles embedded in shoes;
  • heating pads in the form of a boot or rug;
  • rubbing the feet with pepper cream;
  • wearing wool socks.

These measures will help you feel better, but they do not address the causes of cold feet.

How to treat constantly cold feet

Recipes for warming limbs

  • Alcohol compress

Dip your feet in a bowl of warm water. Feet must be completely in the water. At the same time, pour warm alcohol or vodka into a separate container, you can even use cologne and put clean, warm socks made of natural fabric there. After a 5-minute water treatment, put these socks on your limbs, after squeezing them out. Put woolen socks on top of them and lie down under the covers. Feet get warm very quickly.

  • Rubbing with apple cider vinegar

If the legs often go numb and cold in men and women, then such an excellent folk remedy will help (such treatment will not work for children). Rubbing the legs with this remedy improves blood circulation, reduces vasospasm. In addition, the use of apple cider vinegar is a good prophylactic against the formation of blood clots. Spread undiluted vinegar along the entire length of the limb. Wait five minutes (time to absorb the vinegar), wrap your feet in warmth, lie down for fifteen minutes.

  • Baths with essential oils

In 1.5 or 2 liters of water, warmed to 38 degrees, add 15 drops of needles or eucalyptus oil. Keep your feet in the bath for 10 minutes. You can apply the procedure daily for two weeks. For prophylaxis 1 time in 4 days on an ongoing basis.

  • Massage

Massage your feet several times a week using pine essential oil. Stroke, knead, pat the shins and feet, fingers.

  • Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition plays an important role in proper blood circulation. Remove fatty, smoked foods, convenience foods, preservatives from the diet. Enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats. Take a course with garlic and lemon or garlic and honey. There are many recipes that help cleanse blood vessels.

Reception of various herbal preparations will also help to establish normal blood circulation.

  • Herbal prophylactic collection

2 parts highlander bird, 1 part horsetail, 1 part St. John's wort. 1 st. pour 250 g of boiling water over a spoonful of collection, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, insist 15 minutes. Strain, drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.

This is mainly about situations where the feet and / or hands remain cold even in warm conditions.

Most often, the legs and arms of thin women freeze. In the age category from 16 to 35 years, at least every second thin woman faced this symptom.

Why are hands and feet cold?

The body's thermoregulation is most influenced by three functional systems:

  • kidney,
  • liver,
  • thyroid and adrenal glands.

All three of these systems are energetically interconnected.

Liver is the hottest organ in the human body. No wonder the words liver and oven have the same root.

If kidneys a person is weakened, the liver and other calorific systems will receive less energy.

At the same time, the kidneys need warm blood, if its temperature becomes below critical, the body immediately turns on a protective mechanism that is very similar to the operation of a thermostat in the cooling system of an automobile engine.

By changing the tone of some muscles and blood vessels, the arms and legs are “disconnected” from the blood supply. Of course, this is not about a complete shutdown, but about a significant decrease in blood flow in the limbs.

Then the blood begins to circulate predominantly in the pulmonary circulation (torso and head). It is much easier for the body to warm the torso (chest and abdomen), because there is a lot of blood and heat is released due to intensive metabolism in the organs. When the blood enters the limbs, it is greatly cooled.

Those. human arms and legs can be compared to radiators.

When you start your car in winter after a long stop, the thermostat is closed and all the coolant circulates in a small circle. The designers did this in order for the engine to warm up to operating temperature faster. As soon as the engine temperature reaches a certain value, the thermostat opens and the fluid begins to move in a large circle, cooling the engine. Here is an analogy of the human body with technology.

People with weak kidneys are well aware that it is worth supercooling their feet, as kidney diseases immediately become aggravated. In this situation, the kidneys are damaged by the blood cooled in the legs, which has risen up and entered the internal organs.

Official medicine classifies cold extremities as one of the symptoms of VVD. And I already wrote that vegetovascular dystonia - these are weakened kidneys.

What are the consequences of having cold hands and feet for a long period of time

Any organ or tissue in violation of blood supply slowly degrades. Therefore, if the problem of cold extremities is not solved for a long time, a number of other ailments may occur. For example, diseases of the skin and nails on the hands or feet.

What should be paid attention to those who constantly have cold limbs?

It is useful in the evening, before going to bed, to soar legs.

It is also necessary move more. Any physical activity, especially creative (beneficial to others) will have a beneficial effect on you.

In winter you need protect your feet and hands from hypothermia.

If you are a thin woman, you must rethink your character and gender role.

The influence of the emotional factor on the thermoregulation of the body

A few years ago, a picture appeared on the network that shows the relationship between a person’s emotional state and body temperature. Despite the fact that this is a product of official science, I have to admit that these data largely coincide with my observations.

As seen in the figure, a happy person has a warm body.

Pay attention to the absolutely identical picture of two human states - anger and pride. Indeed, anger is a product of pride.

It is also seen in the figure that depression and sadness disrupt the blood supply to the arms and legs the most. These states arise from the fact that a person thinks too much about himself beloved. To get out of depression, you need to give more good to people, help others. We must learn to live not for ourselves.

It also creates depression lack of faith. When a person believes that the misfortunes happening to him are unfair and harm him. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .

Grigory Krolivets

Feeling cold, and sometimes completely icy limbs that are difficult to warm even under the covers, is very unpleasant. Most often, the culprit of this phenomenon is poor blood circulation.

To solve the problem, you need to restore proper blood flow and maintain the required level of hemoglobin. This will help practical recipes and exercises.

Cold limb syndrome is a fairly common ailment and occurs even in warm countries. Most often, people who have poor blood circulation suffer from constantly cold feet and hands. As a rule, the limbs begin to freeze with a lack of oxygen in the blood and from poor blood supply. But cold feet can be for other reasons, which are associated with various health problems. These include:

  • anemia
  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • restless leg syndrome,
  • peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage,
  • peripheral vascular disease,
  • diabetes,
  • hypothyroidism,
  • Raynaud's disease
  • hypothermia.

Nutritional deficiencies, alcohol abuse, and excessive smoking also contribute to cold feet syndrome. If, in addition to cold feet, a person feels symptoms such as changes in skin color, numbness or tingling in the legs, notices open sores or blisters, roughening of the skin of the legs, then he should immediately consult a doctor.

Everyone can have their own reason why their feet get cold. If this problem has become obsessive and developed into a chronic stage, it is impossible to do without a professional diagnosis and adequate treatment. Homemade recipes and exercises will be a good help in this matter.

Warm oil massage

Massaging your feet with heated oils is an easy way to restore heat, activate blood, and strengthen blood vessels. In addition, regular foot massage will help keep your feet healthy and will be a good prevention of flat feet. You need to take olive, almond or sesame oil, heat them up on the stove or in the microwave for a few seconds. Then apply to the feet and ankles, massaging them actively for about ten minutes. After the massage, you need to put on cotton socks and go to bed. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated throughout the day.

This is one of the easiest ways to restore warmth to your feet. Hydrotherapy includes both cold and warm water treatments. Warm water helps improve blood circulation. You need to take two basins and fill one with cold and the other with hot water. First, the legs are dipped in cold water for two minutes, and then in hot water for one minute. This alternation continues for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the feet are wiped dry and put on warm socks. You can repeat the therapy until the desired result is obtained. For greater effectiveness, a few drops of essential oils of ginger, rosemary, mint or cypress are added to the water.

Leg exercises

The main reason for constantly freezing limbs is poorly circulating blood, which is often due to a sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise helps strengthen blood vessels. For example, the simplest thing is to walk on your toes first, and then on your heels for 10-15 minutes. The following exercises will also be helpful:

  1. Stand straight on the tips of your toes for one minute and then slowly lower yourself onto your heels. Repeat the procedure for 10 minutes.
  2. While sitting, rotate each foot clockwise and then counterclockwise 10 to 20 times.
  3. Using your toes, try to pick up a piece of cloth or some other object lying on the floor. Repeat several times.

Epsom salt

It has many beneficial benefits thanks to magnesium sulfate. Recipes for foot baths with the addition of this ingredient will restore blood flow and heat in the legs. Magnesium deficiency is one of the causes of cold feet and hands. You need to mix ½ cup Epsom salts in a basin with warm water. After the salt has dissolved, dip your feet into the water and wait for 15-20 minutes. This procedure should be repeated twice a week.

Ginger has long been known for its warming properties. Recipes with this spice restore blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots. It is enough to take a tablespoon of finely chopped ginger and put in a bowl with two glasses of water. After boiling the mixture over low heat for about ten minutes, strain the broth and add honey to it to drink it two or three times a day. With ginger, foot baths and nutritional supplements are useful. But before taking the means with ginger inside, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Green tea

Much is known about the properties of this health drink. One of its benefits is the improvement of vascular function, and hence blood circulation, which warms all parts of the body. Two to three cups of green tea during the day will be a good help in treating cold feet. For proper brewing, you need one teaspoon of green tea leaves in a glass of hot water. Tea is infused under a tight lid for about five minutes, and a little honey is added to improve the taste. For tea baths, brew 3-4 tea bags in a large pot of water for ten minutes. After that, the resulting broth is poured into a basin, where the legs are lowered for 10-15 minutes.

hot pepper

The compound capsaicin, which helps improve blood flow throughout the body, is found in hot peppers. Recipes with its addition relieve the symptoms of "ice feet", reduce swelling and prevent cramps. The easiest way is to use dried red pepper powder. One teaspoon of the powder should be evenly distributed inside thick, warm socks. They are worn over a pair of thin cotton socks. In the pharmacy, you can buy capsaicin-based warming creams for massaging the feet, or dietary supplements, which can be taken only after consulting a doctor.

In the warm season, it is useful to walk barefoot on grass or sand more often. Walking in the early morning is one of the best ways to increase blood circulation in the legs and reduce the effect of "ice feet". In addition, walking strengthens and stretches the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the legs, ankles, and calves. During a morning barefoot walk on the grass, you can take a beneficial sunbath to replenish vitamin D in the body. Low levels of this vitamin increase the likelihood of anemia and freezing of the extremities. For the best effect, you need to walk barefoot on the grass for about 20-30 minutes.

diet for iron deficiency

Anemia and iron deficiency in the body is one of the significant reasons due to which feet and hands often freeze. This is because blood with low hemoglobin levels cannot provide adequate oxygen supply to various organs and tissues. Women between the ages of 19 and 50 should get 15 to 20 mg of iron per day, while men in the same age group need around 10 mg per day.

In addition to the main treatment for anemia prescribed by a doctor, it is useful to follow a special diet with iron-containing foods: red meat, liver, buckwheat, lentils, spinach, apples, almonds, dried apricots, olives, beets, etc. Such a diet will help maintain the desired level of hemoglobin. But without consulting a doctor, increasing the amount of iron in the blood is dangerous: you can exceed the doses necessary for the body. This will lead to new diseases.

Foods Containing Magnesium

Magnesium is another trace element necessary for good blood circulation and the absorption of vitamin D. Without enough magnesium, the blood does not circulate well through the body, not having time to provide it with enough oxygen. Magnesium is not stored in the body for that long, so it is important to replenish it regularly. Adult women will need about 300 mg of magnesium per day, and men up to 400 mg per day. Natural sources of this trace element are spinach, chard, turnips, broccoli, seaweed, avocados, cucumbers, green beans, baked potatoes, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, etc.

  • When sitting in a chair, do not let your legs dangle without support. Place your feet on a footstool under a table or next to a chair.
  • Learn aerobic activities such as running, walking and cycling so that the blood evenly oxygenates all parts of the body.
  • During winter, wear warm socks to keep your feet comfortable and warm.
  • You can warm your feet with the help of special heating pads and foot baths.
  • It is better for smokers to give up their addiction, since it is it that most often leads to poor blood flow.
  • A good prevention of frozen limb syndrome is the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, walnuts, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, etc. This will improve blood circulation and prevent blockages in blood vessels.
  • Use alternative methods of treatment and prevention, such as yoga and acupuncture.
  • Control your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Constantly cold feet are not just a discomfort or feature of the body. Often, icy legs are a symptom of diseases. When feet are cold, a qualified therapist will help find out the reasons for women. Often this problem is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the vascular system, but there are other sources that can be determined after examining the patient and a series of examinations.

Why do women's feet get cold?

Compared to men, women feel cold more and more often. This is due to the structural features of the female body and the work of the hormonal system. The female body produces heat worse and is more difficult to keep warm with the help of shivering. In women, heating is directed to the pelvic organs and the brain, and the arms and legs are heated last. The small diameter of female vessels also interfere with the full heating of the limbs.

If a woman's legs are cold, the reasons may be hidden in the following problems:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease hides a complex of vascular problems that lead to a deterioration in capillary circulation. In this disease, cold feet are combined with increased moisture in the extremities, which in the cold increases the force of freezing.
  2. Anemia. The lack of hemoglobin is the cause of the deterioration of blood quality and blood supply. This leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of the organs and the appearance of a feeling of chilliness.
  3. Imitation shoes and synthetic tights. Artificial fabrics trap air, lead to moistening of the feet and freezing of the legs.
  4. Jumps in blood pressure. The body can react to this problem with temperature fluctuations, which increases the risk of freezing of the limbs.
  5. Hypotension. Low blood pressure almost always entails an increased tendency to freeze.
  6. Hormonal disorders. Body temperature and body heating are controlled by the hormonal system. Violations in the activity of this system can cause a feeling of chilliness, throwing into heat, cold extremities.
  7. Diabetes. This disease affects the state of blood vessels, making them more brittle and inelastic.
  8. Tobacco smoking. Cigarette smoking leads to vasoconstriction and deterioration of their condition. The consequence of this is the deterioration of blood circulation in the peripheral vessels.
  9. Unbalanced diet especially on low calorie diets.

Why do my feet get cold even when warm?

When feet and hands are cold outside during the cool season, this can be called the norm, but how to understand why feet are cold even at home in socks? The main reason for this discomfort is a violation of blood circulation and a problem with blood vessels.

By their structure, our limbs already have all the prerequisites for freezing:

  • in the legs and arms the thinnest vessels;
  • blood flows to the extremities worst of all;
  • there is almost no adipose tissue in the limbs.

These structural features lead to the fact that the limbs freeze more than other parts of the body. Therefore, even when a person is in a warm environment, and he has socks on his feet, his feet will quickly feel a lack of heat in the body. The thermoregulation system tries to warm the vital organs first, and it can start heating the legs when the body does not feel a lack of heat. If a person has problems with blood vessels and blood circulation, these features of thermoregulation will be even more pronounced, which will lead to a feeling of cold in the legs.

Sweaty and cold feet

A person may notice that his feet are cold after they sweat. The main cause of sweaty feet is poor-quality shoes or tights. Synthetic shoe fabric, artificial insoles, tights and socks impair air circulation and lead to fluid accumulation in shoes. Incorrectly selected shoes can also lead to sweating and chilliness of the feet. Narrow shoes in the foot or a narrow top cause a deterioration in blood circulation, which leads to a weakening of the heating of the extremities.

Cold toes

When a person's toes get cold, the reason always lies in the violation of blood flow and the deterioration of the vessels. If the feet are cold, the causes in women may be associated with such factors:

  • smoking, alcohol;
  • sedentary work;
  • excess weight;
  • pregnancy.

Cold toes can be symptoms of:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • diabetes;

Freezing left leg

There are several reasons why the legs get cold, so a thorough examination by several specialists is required to accurately determine the diagnosis. If the left leg becomes cold, it is better to immediately contact a vascular surgeon. A common cause of chilliness in one leg is. If an aneurysm forms in the leg, the person will feel cold, tingling, and numb. Sometimes there is a syndrome of intermittent claudication. An aneurysm that is not removed in time can cause a rupture of the vessel and a stroke.

Freezing right leg

If a person's right leg becomes cold, he should seek advice from a vascular surgeon and a neurologist. Chilliness of one leg may indicate blockage of blood vessels in the leg, thrombophlebitis, or problems with the spine. If the legs are cold, the causes of discomfort in women can also be associated with intervertebral hernias, leading to clamps on nerve endings, pain in the legs, impaired heat transfer, tingling and numbness.

Cold feet at night - causes

At night, blood circulation changes due to a change in the sleeping position, and with it, the heating of body parts also changes. For this reason, some people feel chilly in the limbs during sleep. Among the main reasons why legs get cold at night is a problem with blood vessels. With vascular diseases, it can be difficult for a person to fall asleep due to cold feet, which do not warm up even in socks and under a blanket. Such uncomfortable sensations are often experienced by hypotension and people with VVD. Atherosclerosis also leads to the fact that at night a person feels cold in the legs.

Constantly cold feet - reasons

There are various reasons why feet are constantly cold. They are divided into three groups:

  1. Various diseases associated with the vascular system or affecting the state of the vessels. Blockage, narrowing of the gaps, fragility and inelasticity of blood vessels cause poor blood circulation and problems with heating the limbs.
  2. Neurological diseases associated with pinched nerves. This leads to a deterioration in nerve conduction, a weakening of heat transfer in the limbs.
  3. Hormonal disorders. The hormonal system is responsible for thermoregulation in our body, failures in which can lead to a violation of the heating of parts of the body or to insufficient heat production.

What to do if your feet are cold?

If there is a problem, when the limbs freeze, what to do with it is suggested by neuropathologists and vascular surgeons.

  1. Find out the cause of cold feet.
  2. Increase physical activity, walk more, ride a bike, swim.
  3. Reduce weight if overweight.
  4. Smokers should quit smoking.
  5. Minimize alcohol consumption.
  6. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting shoes made from natural materials.
  7. Women can wear shoes with heels for no more than 4 hours.
  8. Monitor the level of hemoglobin, do not allow it to decrease.
  9. Eat in a balanced way.
  10. Perform a foot massage.
  11. Do contrast baths.
  12. Walk barefoot using a massage mat.
  13. Before going to bed, you can warm your feet with a warm heating pad.

Cold feet is a problem that many people face. The extremities always begin to freeze first due to the fact that when the temperature drops, blood circulation slows down, the blood stops warming the feet. But sometimes the shins and feet remain cold in the absence of external causes. In this case, there are certain diseases that only a doctor can diagnose. It is not recommended to prescribe treatment on your own.

Reasons for development

There is such a thing as cold feet syndrome. This means that a person constantly or often feels chills in the lower extremities. Sometimes the problem is connected with some external prerequisites or develops for no apparent reason. If in the summer heat, while staying in a warm room, under the covers, the feet remain cold (regardless of the general condition of the body), you should consult a doctor. Cold feet syndrome can be a sign of serious illness.

The reasons for its appearance are varied. These include:

  1. The deterioration of blood circulation caused by various factors. Sometimes this happens with age and is due to natural processes or is the result of a sedentary lifestyle, wearing uncomfortable shoes. In some cases, we are talking about diseases that lead to poor blood circulation (vegetovascular dystonia, atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, varicose veins, anemia).
  2. Diseases of the endocrine system. With diabetes and thyroid diseases, the passage of nerve impulses slows down.
  3. Consequences of frostbite, injuries, severe blood loss (including after heavy menstruation).
  4. Low or high blood pressure, which causes vasospasm.

It is always necessary to evaluate the accompanying symptoms - convulsions (even at rest), feelings of fatigue. All this is due to the deterioration of blood flow.

The sensation of coldness in the extremities also appears in infectious diseases. If, at a high body temperature, the legs become cold, this does not mean that the fever subsides. There is a vasospasm that needs to be removed. In some cases, No-Shpa is recommended for this. Soaring legs is not recommended at temperatures above +37 degrees Celsius. In doing so, care must be taken. If the feeling of coldness in the extremities is complemented by chills throughout the body, this means that the temperature will soon rise, so the warming procedure must be abandoned.

The feeling of cold in the lower extremities also depends on the characteristics of natural thermoregulation. Usually, in women, these processes are more active than in men, so many of the fair sex complain that their feet are cold.

Another important factor is psychosomatics. With strong excitement, the blood vessels constrict. Because of this, a person's blood circulation slows down, and the hands and feet get cold. The skin takes on a bluish tint. In this case, no special treatment is prescribed, as soon as the excitement passes, the vessels will return to normal on their own.

Improper nutrition

Sometimes the feeling of coldness in the extremities is due to a lack of calories. This is especially common in people who practice strict diets. They simply do not have enough energy "for heating". A similar situation occurs with a lack of iron in the body. Even if the hemoglobin level has decreased slightly, this provokes a feeling of coldness in the extremities. Such problems are observed with anemia. In these cases, the transport of oxygen by the blood in the body worsens, the tissues receive less of it, but the vessels dilate to speed up the blood flow. Because of this, the heat transfer increases, the person begins to freeze.

With a disease such as anemia, iron supplements are often prescribed. But it is also necessary to make certain adjustments to your diet by including red meat, buckwheat and rice porridge (from whole grains), eggs, apples, dried fruits, mild cheeses, greens in the menu.

Often the feeling of coldness in the legs occurs due to the fact that the body receives less vitamins A and E. It is these substances that support complex biochemical processes that provide "heating" of the body.

It is believed that obese people constantly suffer from heat and sweat. But fat accumulation impairs blood circulation, so a person experiences a feeling of coldness in the limbs. Often, the problem can be solved by normalizing the weight.

Possible diseases

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a serious problem in which there is a violation of blood circulation and imbalance of the autonomic nervous system. This pathology can be acquired (after infectious diseases, on the basis of neurosis) or congenital.

The following symptoms occur:

  • a feeling of cold in the lower extremities (due to vasospasm);
  • sharp fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • chest pain on the left;
  • dizziness.

People suffering from VVD sweat profusely, they often experience goosebumps. Sometimes there is a feeling of lack of air. The heartbeat can be both fast and slow.

More often vegetovascular dystonia occurs in young people. Such symptoms occur in children of primary school age, but adolescents during puberty suffer from it more often. Sometimes VVD occurs in women during pregnancy or during menopause. No thorough treatment is carried out in such cases, but various general strengthening agents, vitamins, and special therapeutic exercises are prescribed. Doctors advise to walk more in the fresh air, add vegetables and fruits to the diet, and remove refined foods.

The problem of cold extremities is faced by those who suffer from arterial hypotension, that is, low blood pressure (less than 100/60 mm Hg). This disease often occurs in women. Moreover, it is usually associated with a certain type of hemodynamics (blood circulation), which is inherited. The following symptoms of the disease can be distinguished:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • frequent dizziness (darkens in the eyes, often there are fainting spells);
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness;
  • reduced performance;
  • tingling sensation, coldness in extremities;
  • numbness.

Sometimes hypotension is acute - with dehydration of the body, taking medications. But more often it is chronic, and it develops as a sign of endocrine disorders, vascular diseases. Therefore, you should not leave it unattended. Be sure to undergo an examination, because with arterial hypotension there is a risk of ischemic stroke. If the disease is caused solely by the type of hemodynamics, you need to do foot baths, perform certain sets of exercises.

Cold feet and lower legs can also be with arterial hypertension. Especially often this happens at the initial stage of the disease. Arterial hypertension is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • bursting headaches;
  • sensations of coldness in the legs associated with circulatory disorders;
  • heart pain that occurs not only with emotional stress, but also at rest;
  • visual impairment (a veil or flies appears before the eyes);
  • the appearance of tinnitus associated with blood flow.

Arterial hypertension means that a person's blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg. In such a situation, it is imperative to contact a therapist and a cardiologist. Specialists in these cases recommend a low-salt diet, since it is precisely salt that retains excess fluid in the body, which leads to an increase in pressure. Diuretics are prescribed for its faster removal.

Another reason for feeling cold in the legs is atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. The disease has the same consequences as ordinary atherosclerosis. The limbs freeze, become pale, and with a progressive disease, they become covered with trophic ulcers. When sick, one leg may be cold and the other warm. Accompanying symptoms - dry skin, pain in the legs when moving, characteristic intermittent claudication.

Treatment is carried out after a complete examination - a blood test, angiography of blood vessels, etc. Moreover, the therapy should be comprehensive. It includes taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, methods such as low-intensity laser radiation, and various types of bypass surgery.

The cause of feeling cold in the extremities is also polyneuropathy, often caused by diabetes mellitus. With a prolonged increase in blood glucose levels, damage to peripheral nerves and blood vessels occurs, which leads to numbness, burning sensation, and itching in the legs. Treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist, since it is necessary to eliminate the very cause - an increased level of sugar.

Treatment and prevention

In addition to eliminating the cause itself, you need to remove the symptom - a feeling of cold in the lower extremities. You should review your wardrobe and get rid of uncomfortable shoes and overly tight jeans.

Every morning you need to perform a simple set of exercises that helps to normalize blood circulation and increase muscle tone. You need to slowly rise to the toes, fix this position for a couple of seconds, and then slowly lower yourself onto your heels.

For another exercise, you will need a thick book (you can take an unnecessary reference book). They become barefoot on it so that the fingers go beyond the edge. They need to try to squeeze it as hard as possible.

At the end of the gymnastics, you should alternately stand on the toe and on the heel, tearing them off the floor as high as possible, and at a fast pace.

It is allowed to massage yourself using cosmetic oil or moisturizer. The main thing is not to affect the veins on the legs, but to pay more attention to the ankles and knee.

From folk remedies, herbal and flower baths help well. For example, several handfuls of fragrant rose petals are poured with a liter of water and infused for half an hour. Then add to the container, diluted with a liter of water, and take a foot bath for 15 minutes. You can use essential oils of eucalyptus or ginger. A warm shower also helps restore blood circulation (but the water should not be hot).

Ginger is a herbal remedy that can be used to make a useful anti-cold warming tea. It will also help to get rid of the sensation of cold in the limbs. The drink is prepared from the root, but it is allowed to add ready-made powder to it.

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