The signing of the contract according to the lunar calendar. When to sign documents? Numerologist advice. Housework, repair, cleaning

- strengthen the position

- for the boss: do not demand much from your employees

- undo important things

- discuss the current situation and make decisions

- more convenient to organize the workplace

- do family chores

- make money transfers

- sign documents, contracts, agreements

- business trips

- negotiate

- give interviews

- start a new job in a new place

— introduction of any innovations

- display of negative emotions

During the Aquarian period, people are usually interested in everything new and unexpected ideas can come to them. An auspicious day for meetings and conferences, but unfavorable for appealing to authorities.

Innovation, reorganization, adventurous projects can be successful.

This is a happy period. These are favorable days for scientific research and public speaking to a wide audience.

People usually express independence, eccentricity, sociability, a penchant for experimentation.

August 17, 2019


During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

August 18, 2019


This day may or may not depend on your inner state.

- calm and detailed work

- solving simple financial issues

- cancel any important plans

– be attentive to what is happening and what people tell you

- during the first part of the day, be alert and not involved in any conflict

- be diplomatic with opponents

- pay attention to nuances

- do your job carefully and efficiently

- work individually, not in a team

- take on challenging projects

- negotiate

Pisces days are romantic and it is better to relax and do creative work.

People usually experience sentimentality, emotionality, sensitivity. This is a favorable period for creative people, for finding investors, for charitable activities.

This is not the best time for mental activity. Starting litigation and resolving legal issues can be successful.

Well-planned actions increase the likelihood of revenue growth. Taking out a loan is not that risky.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

August 19, 2019

It's a hard day, neutral for work.

The first half of the day is quite favorable. During this time, you can count on the support of sponsors.

- be careful in your actions. Today it is very easy to provoke a conflict

- carefully check all the information

- quit your job if you have previously decided to do so

- undo important things

- discuss the current situation and affairs

- request a pay raise during the first half of the day

- spring-cleaning

- reorganize. Replace equipment purchased earlier (not on this day)

- clear the workplace of unnecessary things

- for the manager: draw the attention of employees to work shortcomings, use constructive criticism. Develop a workflow improvement strategy

- Maintain neutrality with colleagues

- business meetings

- make contracts

- brag about money

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

August 20, 2019


- solving financial issues

- start construction

- make important decisions

- make new friends

- start a new project

- express leadership

- give up

- be passive

Short business trips and business transactions are favorable. Don't start long-term business. Signing contracts and negotiating are not profitable.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

August 21, 2019


Day of enlightenment, revelation and inventions. On this day, people are sociable and open. After fruitful work, career development is possible.

- Teamwork and collaborative problem solving

- solving financial issues

- start construction

- transition to a responsible new position

- make important decisions

- make new friends

- avoid overestimating your abilities

- start a new project

- express leadership

- be attentive to the situation and take decisive action if necessary

- express ill will

- give up

- be passive

Short business trips and business transactions are favorable. Don't start long-term business. Signing contracts and negotiating are not profitable.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

August 22, 2019


Auspicious day. On this day, you can do a lot and get interesting offers. You can use the help of partners. Day of friendship and solidarity of people. A good day for those associated with vehicles.

- deal with financial issues

- to be active

- solve common problems

- work in a team and individually

– business trips to sign contracts

- creation

- distance yourself from the team and confront yourself

During the period of Taurus, it is beneficial to complete serious business. It is also beneficial to deal with financial matters, apply for a new job, engage in real estate and property affairs.

Make savings and manage accounting. Work in almost any field.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

Meditation for today

White color, butterfly image

The Moon is still in its powerful state, its closest proximity to the Earth. So you can also sail on moonlight. You can meditate in a space filled with moonlight.

Lie down, relax and start visualizing: imagine yourself on a beach, hear the sounds of the tide, imagine a star arch, a huge moon that lights up everything around. You see moonlight flickering on the water, a moon halo covering the entire visible part of the sky. You feel harmony, relaxation, thoughts. Soon you will feel that the sunlight touches your body and penetrates into it.

This energy from the Sun is converted and cooled by the reflection from the Moon. You are filled with this flow more and more and become this Light. You breathe this light and feel how it calms all the cells of your body, how it calibrates all your internal flows. Keep taking it until you feel well enough.

When you finish your meditation, give thanks to the moon and the reflected sunlight.

On this day, rejuvenation procedures are favorable. During the 16th lunar day, the Manipura chakra is active.

About dreams

on the 16th lunar day

Dreams on this day usually help relieve stress or show that you are very stressed. Once you've identified your tension, look for ways to relax. For example, you can have an oil massage or a relaxing bath.

The dreams that you have seen can be different - harmonious or chaotic. Do not try to interpret them - the main task of these dreams is to clear you and bring your system into balance. If you see something terrible, it means that your subconscious mind has been cleared of negativity.

These dreams can even help get rid of the disease. Also, dreams on this lunar day can help you find balance in life and tranquility.

Gardening for today

The days of Aquarius are the days of flowers with ascending energy. One of the most fruitless signs.


  • pest control
  • spraying for diseases


  • planting any plants.

Helpful Hints

So the most difficult and stressful month of the whole 2018 has come to us, which warns: now no time for new things, and it is better to finish, continue what you started in the past or return to unresolved issues!

First, Mars will go retrograde. by the sign of Aquarius, not giving full force to unfold new business. Besides, July 26, 2018 Mercury will also turn retrograde, which also advises against starting new business.

But that's not all: in July 2018, we expect another eclipse: solar and July 13 and lunar July 27. Days near eclipses are the most stressful and can cause fatal events that cannot be influenced.

Read more about the events of July 2018 in the article .

Purchases this month should be done with caution, but it is better to exclude large purchases, for example, buying a car. It is possible that he will either fail very quickly, or a marriage will be discovered. Any purchases made after July 20, 2018, may also be unsuccessful and most likely you will have to return or change them.


♒ 1 JULY, Sunday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 23:01.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day

The Moon in Aquarius opens July, so nervousness and tension can be felt and hover in the air already. from the beginning of the month. I want surprises and novelty, so many will now be drawn to adventure. It is important today to observe the measure in everything, especially with regard to food and various pleasures. Restlessness and excessive freedom can negatively affect your mood.

What not to do :

Purchases : not the best day for shopping, especially clothes and any beauty items. Today you may feel like spending money, but you will regret spending too much. Most likely, purchases will be useless or will not bring the expected joy and satisfaction. Buy on this day only the little things you need in everyday life.

♒♓ 2 JULY, Monday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:24.AQUARIUS , FISH from 20:31

Moon without a course from 01:56 to 20:30

Symbols of the day : web (spider), eagle.

The moon without a course all day does not advise you to get down to business, the result of which is important to you. Today it is good to plan simple things, you can finish or continue what you started. Nice day to visit spa or sauna. Despite the fact that the Moon will be "idle", all sorts of surprises and surprises are not ruled out. If an unexpected idea comes to your mind, it is better to write it down right away, because it can be easily forgotten. In the evening it is good to meet friends or chat on topics of interest on forums or social networks.

What not to do : change jobs; apply to superiors or high authorities; repair computers and devices; overeat; express dissatisfaction, write complaints.

Purchases : most of the day the moon will be off course, so shopping is useless. After 20:30 you can shop on the Internet: it's good to buy equipment or communications equipment.

JULY 3, Tuesday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:44.FISH

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot).

The Water Moon on this day increases sensitivity and susceptibility. Favorable aspects of the Moon will help you get what you want. This day is suitable for negotiations and signing documents, but be especially careful! Legal issues can be more easily resolved. It's good in the evening plan a party or a date. You can make acquaintances: increased intuition will help you immediately recognize lies or insincerity in another person. Nice day for fishing/hunting. Let's get married.

What not to do : succumb to emotions, abuse alcohol; engage in harvesting and preserving it; turn to fortune-tellers and psychics; trust strangers.

Purchases : shopping is allowed, but there is a risk of losing money, so be careful when you pay, and it is better not to carry large money with you.

Read also:Top 5 zodiac signs who are at risk of being single

JULY 4, Wednesday. 21st lunar day from 00:00.FISH

Moon off course from 12:47

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot).

The first half of the day will be quite successful, but still the approach of the negative aspect of Mercury and Mars makes this day not very suitable for solving issues related to the execution and signing of documents, acquaintances and the transfer of important information. If you cannot postpone these matters, you will be more careful, as it is possible errors and inaccuracies, something may need to be redone. You can get married (until about 12:30).

What not to do : draw up and sign important documents; go on long trips abroad, as well as trips by water; conclude important trade deals; conduct experiments and tests; pass exams; argue and believe the promises of advertising companies.

Purchases : shopping under the moon without a course may be in vain. Today is an unfavorable day for buying a car.

♓♈ 5 JULY, Thursday. 22nd lunar day from 00:02.FISH , ARIES from 07:50

Moon off course until 07:49

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key).

Today is not the best day for solving important business issues and negotiations. People will hard to understand each other. Mars retrograde can bring you back to unresolved issues related to papers, transportation, travel, but making important decisions today will not be easy. If possible, delay making decisions. Do not decide hastily, but wait for a more opportune time.

Now it's worth being very careful in speaking, since any careless word can cause a storm of indignation, even if you did not mean something bad. Quarrels and heated arguments will flare up instantly, and it will be difficult to convince someone of something.

What not to do : draw up and sign important documents; go on long trips abroad; conclude important trade deals; conduct experiments and tests; pass exams; argue and believe the promises of advertising companies.

Purchases A: better to postpone, not the best day. It is especially unfavorable to make large purchases. But even small purchases made on impulse may not bring the desired joy.

OLD MOON from 10:50

6 JULY, Friday. 23rd lunar day from 00:19.ARIES

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 10:50

Symbols of the day : crocodile.

A busy day associated with a change in the lunar phase. Now it is better to rest and relax, but not to take important matters. Any of your actions, committed on an impulse, can turn against you. There is a danger from large crowds, so we advise you not to use public transport today if possible.

What not to do : borrow / lend money; make important decisions, especially if they are rash and impulsive; enter into transactions and contracts (especially those related to financial transactions); to register marriage; sell/buy property.

Purchases : it is better to postpone purchases, especially it is not recommended to buy clothes, perfumes, jewelry or cosmetics. It is also not recommended to sell / buy real estate.

♈♉ 7 JULY, Saturday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 00:37.ARIES , CALF from 15:51

Moon without a course from 10:09 to 15:50

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear.

This day can turn out to be quite positive, especially in the morning: a good mood and increased activity will help you recharge. positive energy and use it in the right way. Today, new interesting ideas and thoughts may come to you, partners may surprise you, or you may unexpectedly make a pleasant find for yourself. However, in the late afternoon, quarrels and disagreements are not ruled out, you should not sort things out with partners, as it will be very difficult for you to come to an agreement. Until 10:00 you can start looking for work, read job advertisements.

What not to do : sort things out with partners; to enter into quarrels and disputes; start repairs; load yourself physically; risk health or money; to borrow / lend money, take loans.

Purchases : do not go shopping under the moon without a course! The rest of the time you can buy beauty items, clothes, shoes.

♉ 8 JULY, Sunday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 00:56.CALF

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

Although this day is suitable for the start of repairs, it cannot be called very successful. At this time, Mars is still retrograde, so repair work may not be the most successful and something will have to be redone later. If you still cannot postpone repairs until the fall, we advise you to draw up clear plans actions and monitor the execution of each type of work with increased care.

Today you can move, solve financial issues, invest money, draw up and sign financial documents, sign various contracts and to register marriage(all this is better after 15:30), when the Moon leaves negative aspects and approaches harmonious ones.

What not to do : get into quarrels and disputes; go to law.

Purchases : You can go shopping after 14:00. It is good to buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry.

♉♊ 9 JULY, Monday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 01:19.CALF , TWINS from 19:59

Moon without a course from 19:10 to 19:58

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

This day is less successful than the previous one, so we do not recommend doing financial topics because there is a risk that something will go wrong. On this day, it is better to do some daily activities, such as cleaning or caring for indoor plants.

What not to do : borrow/give money or arrange loans; conduct negotiations; deal with legal matters.

Purchases : it is better to postpone serious purchases, as there is little chance of buying something worthwhile. You can make small and insignificant purchases. After 20:00 you can make small purchases on the Internet.

Lunar calendar 2018: auspicious days

10 JULY, Tuesday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 01:47.TWINS

Moon without a course from 23:00

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship).

Events of the day : the transition of Venus into the sign of Virgo (05:32); Jupiter becomes direct (20:02).

Today is a good time to sort things, get rid of everything unnecessary in the wardrobe, as well as to shift things to other places. Venus in the sign of Virgo gives restraint of feelings, people will no longer be so willing to demonstrate them, as in the previous period. You can meet and start relationships today, but be careful: do not trust new people, it is better take a look at them look at their habits. Today it is good to visit a church or holy places. Marriage is allowed.

What not to do : start long-term projects; travel by water or swim in open water; trust strangers; turn to fortune tellers.

Purchases : today you can make small purchases, for example, it is good to buy books or stationery. It is better to postpone major purchases, this is not the best day for them.

♊♋ 11 JULY, Wednesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 02:24.TWINS , CANCER from 20:59

Moon without course until 20:58

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma).

The moon without a course will prevent you from solving many things if you start them on this day, besides this end of the lunar month when there is very little energy. Therefore, the best thing is to continue and finish what you started in the past. In the evening, it is good to look through family albums or chat with relatives. Today it is worth being careful, because you can miss important things. It is good to read books and continue to collect any information.

What not to do : make new friends; start important things; arrange weddings and engagements; engage in any business that requires increased care and perseverance.

Purchases : it is better to postpone purchases - the moon is without a course all day! It is especially unfavorable to buy art, jewelry. After 21:00, you can shop online, for example, buy dishes or any household items.

♋ 12 JULY, Thursday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 22:32.CANCER

Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, maya).

A solar eclipse is approaching, so today it’s worth getting down to business with caution, and it’s better to postpone cardinally new things for better time. Now it's important to watch your diet. If on this day you will be tormented by any ailments in the area stomach or pancreas, then you should think about your way of thinking and your behavior: something is going wrong and something needs to be changed. Stick to fasting and avoid alcohol. You can go on short trips to the reservoirs.

Eclipse in Cancer can bring out such qualities as touchiness, vulnerability, excessive sensitivity. Many can prevaricate and hide the true motives of their actions. That is why you should be more careful in communication.

What not to do : borrow / lend money; engage in heavy physical labor; start any new business; to register marriage; start long trips start repairs; appeal to superiors and high authorities.

Purchases : it is better to postpone, a bad day for shopping.

YOUNG MOON from 05:47

♋♌ 13 JULY, Friday,29th, 30th lunar day from 04:18; 1st lunar day from 05:48.

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth).

Favorable aspect Venus and Saturn this day will allow you to take partnerships more seriously. It is good to negotiate with partners, solve current business issues related to finances, seek financial support. The proximity of the eclipse does not advise yet to start new business and projects, so it is better to solve those issues that are brewing by this time, but not to start new projects. You can visit the theater or other cultural events.

What not to do

Purchases : a good time for shopping, especially around 8:30 to 10:00. It is good to buy clothes and shoes for a basic wardrobe, that is, one that will last a long time. After 10:00 there is a risk of spending more than you planned, so if you are shopping, it is better to keep track of your spending.

♌♍ 15 JULY, Sunday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:59.A LION , VIRGO from 20:31

Moon without course until 02:12 to 20:30

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard).

This day is created for rest and relaxation, but not for important undertakings. If you have work for the day, better take care to put it off until a better time. You can visit cultural events Or go on vacation outside the city.

What not to do : start new business, conclude important financial transactions; do operations; sign investment documents.

Purchases : you can shop after 20:30 when the moon comes out of idle. You can buy books as well as clothes online, but it's better to buy basic wardrobe items and not for special occasions.

♍ 16 JULY, Monday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:25.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge.

The Moon in the sign of Virgo will make you more accurate and responsible, but this does not mean at all that you will not fly in the clouds. The proximity of the aspect with Neptune can cloud the creation a little, and the world around it may seem too perfect and unreal. If we take matters more seriously, then this is an acceptable day for drawing up and signing documents. This is a good time to do some cleaning and daily activities. All fantasies that will arise should not be transferred to reality, but expressed in creativity. It is good to listen to music or watch your favorite movie.

What not to do : experiment with food; undergo complex medical examinations (there is a risk of errors); arrange weddings and engagements; make homemade preserves.

Purchases : a good time for shopping, especially not too large. Be careful with money: there is a risk of monetary losses. For example, you can easily mix up banknotes, or the store may give you the wrong change. An unfavorable day for the purchase of real estate and land.

♍♎ 17 JULY, Tuesday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:50.VIRGO , SCALES from 22:42

Moon without a course from 13:49 to 22:41

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn.

A good day to do some cleaning or sorting things. Routine tasks that require attention and accuracy will be especially good. You can do paperwork, calculations, accounting. Get started before the moon goes idle if you want to get a satisfying result. In the morning you can go to business trip.

What not to do : arrange weddings and engagements; make homemade preserves; meet and go on dates.

Purchases : do not go shopping with the Moon without a course - there is a risk of buying something unnecessary, but you can’t find the right thing! Today you can buy essentials, hygiene items, medicines, medical instruments. You can also buy books, especially those related to health or medicine.

♎ 18 JULY, Wednesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:11.SCALES

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane.

A good time to build relationships with partners. The mood on this day should improve compared to the previous few days. There will be a desire to meet or go on a date. You can arrange an engagement or a feast for other occasions. good to visit theatre, museum or exhibition. Negotiations will go well on this day. You can decorate your home. Until 10:00 it is good to resolve issues related to business partnerships, for example, schedule negotiations or interviews.

What not to do : argue and sort things out; ignore the partner's requests; do not listen to other people's opinions.

Purchases : a good day to buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, perfumes. Light and easy spending today will only be welcome. However, remember that on the days of the growing moon, it is more difficult to find good discounts. However, the money spent on this day promises to quickly return to you.

ARRIVAL MOON from 22:52

19 JULY, Thursday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:30.SCALES

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 22:52

Moon without a course from 22:53

Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys).

The weak Moon on this day does not recommend starting new and important things. Now is the best time to continue what you started in the past. On this day there is a risk of conflict and disagreements with partners, it is better not to provoke quarrels and not to argue, especially over trifles, as this can lead to more serious consequences. It is possible that someone can use cunning to get what they want, rumors can spread, intrigues can weave in teams.

What not to do : borrow / lend money; establish relationships with partners; engage in disputes and discussions; start any new important business; make important appointments; sign important documents.

Purchases : it is better to postpone, an unsuccessful day for purchases, especially large ones.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

20 JULY, Friday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:45.SCALES , SCORPION from 04:13

Moon off course until 04:12

Symbols of the day : wand (wind rose, keys), phoenix.

This is a difficult day when your not the most pleasant emotions and manifestations can come to the surface. To avoid quarrels and disagreements with those who are nearby, it is worth controlling your behavior. However, other people can annoy and anger you, so holding back your emotions will not always be easy. It is best to direct energy to search for lost things, for research work, for intellectual activity. Beware of electricity, sharp objects and fire.

What not to do : get into quarrels and disputes; do not comply with safety regulations at home and at work; to go on a trip; start a new position; give/borrow money; wear new clothes for the first time.

Purchases : today you should be careful shopping, but buying clothes, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry on this day is a bad idea, especially before 15:00. You can make small and insignificant purchases after 15:00.

21 JULY, Saturday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 14:58.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way (bat, mother's milk).

On this day, intuition and sensitivity are seriously increased, you can see prophetic dreams, or some kind of important forebodings. Look out for any signs you come across along the way. Think about what they might mean. Today it is possible to continue research work, it is good to focus on intellectual work. Maybe just read an interesting book.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, draw up loans and other important documents; meet; register a marriage; start a new job; go on trips.

Purchases : another bad day for shopping, if possible, postpone shopping trips.

22 JULY, Sunday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 16:09.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:12

Moon without a course from 12:18 to 13:11

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus).

Venus and Jupiter in a favorable aspect on this day will bring joy and pleasure, especially in the morning. Treat yourself this Sunday with something pleasant, you can afford something tasty or make nice gift close person. You can go on trips, but be careful with luggage and documents. You can make new acquaintances, go on dates. Marriage is allowed, especially before 12:00. After 13:30, you can borrow / lend money or apply for loans.

What not to do : deal with important matters related to land and construction; start new business under the moon without a course.

Purchases : this day is more successful for shopping than the previous two, but you should still be on the alert: slow Mercury can prevent you from buying a really worthwhile thing. Do not shop at the Moon without a course!

23 JULY, Monday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 17:16, SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus), crown (ridge, fiery sword, labyrinth).

Event of the day : the transition of the Sun into the sign of Leo (00:00).

With the transition of the Sun into the sign of Leo, opportunities open up for creative realization and demonstration of one's talents. However, today the Moon will be in negative aspects with Venus and Neptune, so you should not plan important matters related to partnerships (marriage, dating, dating) for this day. You can travel but better not on the water. Mercury is approaching a static position, so it is not worth drawing up documents and signing them now. The day can be associated with mistakes and illusions when we wishful thinking.

What not to do : make new friends; go on dates; register a marriage; work with documents; sign contracts.

Purchases : it is better not to make especially important purchases today. Do not buy clothes, shoes, beauty items. Today there is a risk of losing money. Be careful when calculating!

24 JULY, Tuesday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 18:17.SAGITTARIUS

Moon off course from 11:22

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fiery sword, labyrinth), cup (heart).

Venus opposition Neptune. This is an aspect of illusions and deceptions, especially in the areas of finance and partnerships, so all cases related to these areas may fail. Moon in Sagittarius exacerbate feelings and desires aimed at achieving goals. However, you should remember that not everything can be clear and understandable to you. After this day, misunderstandings and vague feelings may remain, which are yet to be sorted out in the future.

What not to do : risk money; make investments; register a marriage; start advertising campaigns; make important financial transactions; take a trip on the water.

Purchases : not the best day for shopping, it is better to postpone. There is a risk of wasting money or running into fraud and deceit!

♑ 25 JULY, Wednesday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 19:11.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 00:49

Moon off course until 00:48

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel).

A good time for cleaning, despite the fact that the moon is still growing, but will soon become waning. All things, started before 08:45, can meet with serious obstacles, so if you plan something, it is better after this time. This day may be associated with a certain amount of surprises that will be difficult to accept. The Moon in Capricorn does not like change, so it is better to make a specific plan, build strategies. In any case, remember that there will still be some surprise. Stay away from electricity. Can get rid of bad habits. Since Mercury is static, exclude any business related to it.

What not to do : move to a new job, change place of residence; contact the authorities with requests and suggestions; conduct important financial transactions in the bank; do business; go on trips; borrow / lend money; sign important documents; conduct important negotiations.

Purchases : it is better to make any purchases with caution - static Mercury! Not a good day for big purchases.

♑ 26 JULY, Thursday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 19:57.CAPRICORN

Moon off course from 16:41

Symbols of the day : wheel (spinning wheel), trumpet (call).

Event of the day : Mercury goes retrograde (08:02). And again, Mercury becomes retrograde, therefore, in the next three weeks, we advise you to carefully monitor documents, purchases, and agreements. There may be errors, inaccuracies, delays, delays in the road, problems with transport, and so on.

The day is suitable for more routine daily activities, for example, you can do cleaning or any other work that requires concentration and concentration. I don't want to talk on this day. People will be more drawn to being alone. It will be difficult to agree on something. Plans may fall apart.

What not to do : move to a new job, change place of residence; contact the authorities with requests and suggestions; conduct important financial transactions in the bank; do business; go on trips; borrow / lend money; sign important documents; conduct important negotiations; go where there are large crowds of people.

Purchases : it is better to postpone, not the best day for shopping.

waning moon from 23:20

♑♒ 27 JULY, Friday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 20:34.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 13:41

Moon off course until 13:40


FULL MOON at 23:20

Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fiery serpent (jackal with wings).

The second eclipse of July will also be difficult. Influence Uranus and Mars will be especially strong and will give sharp surprises and changes, aggressive manifestations. This eclipse of the Moon can grab deep feelings and emotions that have been accumulated for a long time, and now they can suddenly make themselves felt. Therefore, we advise you to especially carefully monitor emotions and control them on this day. Now it is good to get rid of negative emotions with the help of psychological practices.

The nervous system will be overloaded, so breakdowns are likely. Good will help meditation and relaxation techniques. In the evening you can visit swimming pools or spa salons (but it is better not to bathe in saunas and baths at high temperatures, now it is better to visit a Turkish bath). It will also allow you to relax and let go of negative emotions. Before the eclipse, think about what you would like to get rid of, what you would like to throw out of your life so that it becomes easier.

Near the eclipse, cardiovascular diseases can worsen, and high blood pressure can be observed. This is worth considering for those who suffer from problems with the heart and blood vessels!

What not to do : borrow / lend money; start new important things; conduct important negotiations;to enter into quarrels and disputes; address requests to superiors and high authorities.

Purchases : better to postpone, bad day for shopping.

♒ 28 JULY, Saturday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 21:05.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : fiery serpent (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove).

The Moon in the sign of Aquarius requires freedom and lightness, do not load this day with difficult things. It is better to do intellectual work, relax and meet friends and like-minded people. If relaxation and stress relief is a sport for you, you can go in for sports.

What not to do : conclude financial transactions; go to court; register firms and enterprises or create commercial publics on the network; contact the authorities with requests and suggestions; go on long journeys.

Purchases : not the best day for shopping, we especially advise against buying communications equipment, phones and computers, despite the fact that this is the day of the Moon in the sign of Aquarius. The equipment can quickly fail, or you will have to change it for another reason.

♒ 29 JULY, Sunday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:29.AQUARIUS

Moon off course from 12:25

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells).

On this day, nervousness and sensitivity to words may increase. People can misunderstand each other, choose the wrong words, and end up offending or hurting the vanity of others. This is especially true for virtual communication, when the other side does not see your emotions, but reads the words, imposing on them those emotions and feelings that they want. That's why in the first half of the day We advise you not to communicate virtually at all. Focus on personal communication, pay more attention to loved ones. Still a good time for physical activity. After 13:00 you can advertise, write ads, lend/borrow money.

What not to do : move to a new place of work; take on new responsibilities plant/replant garden crops; contact the authorities with requests and suggestions; to register marriage.

Purchases : Unfortunate shopping time before 12:25. If you need to go shopping, it is better to go shopping in the afternoon. Buy computers, electrical appliances and phones with caution. Make sure you can exchange the product or get your money back if there is a problem.

♒♓ 30 JULY, Monday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:50.AQUARIUS , FISH from 02:28

Moon off course until 02:27

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice).

What not to do : turn to fortune-tellers, psychics; trust strangers; start taking strong drugs; preserve vegetables and fruits; go to the mountains.

Purchases : You can make small purchases. Remember that Mercury is retrograde, so you should carefully check the product before buying.

JULY 31, Tuesday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:09.FISH

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider).

Sensitivity and intuitiveness will be further heightened today as the Moon is still a guest in Pisces and will meet the planet Pisces along the way. Neptune. This means that you should listen even more to your intuition and your desires and act as your subconscious mind tells you. It is better not to plan especially important matters related to solving financial issues for today. You can engage in social activities, charity, resolve issues related to hospitals and medicine. You can visit holy places or church.

What not to do : turn to fortune-tellers, psychics; trust strangers; take strong medicines; preserve vegetables and fruits; go to the mountains.

Purchases : a bad day for shopping, it is better to postpone. We especially do not recommend buying clothes, shoes, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics.

Various things and the most favorable days for them in July 2018

Cleaning:7-9, 16, 17, 25, 26
Wet cleaning:1, 2, 10, 11, 18, 19, 28, 29
Wash:3, 4, 12, 30, 31
Washing windows and glass: 1, 2, 5-7, 10, 11, 28, 29
Ironing:1-12, 28-31
Dry cleaning:1-12, 28-31
Repair start:8
Start building a house: No
Moving:1, 8, 28, 29
Signing important documents: 3, 8, 16
Looking for a new job: 7, 10, 16
Appeal to the authorities: 7, 22, 24
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 22, 29
Acquaintances, dates, engagements: 3, 8, 10, 14, 18, 22
Leisure trips to water bodies: 3, 12, 30, 31
Trips to rest houses and sanatoriums: 3, 23
Trips to the mountains:No
Business trips: 17
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 7-9, 14, 15, 18, 19
Banquets and celebrations: 8, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22-24
Weddings:3, 4, 8, 10, 21, 22
Judicial and Legal Issues: 3
Solving important financial issues: 8, 14, 16
Capital investment: 3, 8, 22
Commercial activity: 8, 10, 16
Winning gambling and lotteries: 14, 22
Exchange operations: 8
Paperwork: 3, 8, 22, 16, 17
Making wills: 8, 14, 20, 22
Insurance:16, 20
Advertising:3, 22, 29, 30
Small purchases:3, 9, 10, 15-17, 20, 22, 29, 30
Major purchases: No
Shopping for cosmetics, perfumes, clothes, jewelry: 7, 8, 14, 15, 18
Property purchases: No
Buying a car: No
Probability of unexpected expenses: 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 24, 27
Loss of money, deceit, scam, fraud: 3, 10, 16, 23, 31
The most successful and auspicious days of the month: 3, 8, 14, 16, 22
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 25-27

Ruling planet of the zodiac sign R fish: Neptune.

Talismans R fish: knot, daffodil.

Pisces Personality: good-natured, patient, withdrawn, loving, fickle, pious. In case of defeat - lazy, drowsy, little self-confident.

Everything that you have in mind for this time must be done when the Moon is in the first half of the sign, i.e. the first day after entering Pisces.

Financial investments, transactions, contracts, any cooperation will be successful. You can solve legal, legal issues, start litigation, contact lawyers. We become more receptive to other people's feelings, more compassionate and merciful.

Business activity and concentration of attention decrease, absent-mindedness increases. A bad period for all cases where accuracy and attentiveness are needed, for accounting, calculations, fine manual work. Pisces themselves are idealists and strive to make the world around them the same.

They are completely in their own little world and sometimes they get out of it in order to be horrified and return back. These are born people of art, and therefore among Pisces you can meet many musicians, artists and poets. Pisces can become a leader in an environment where there are secrets and mysticism, and for a more, better organization, they will not interfere with a few like-minded people.

They like to go with the flow more, but there are moments when Pisces becomes active and begins to apply its own strength to implement the created idea. They also love to give gifts to family and friends. The financial situation of Pisces is most often unstable and all because of the incorrect formation of expenses. If the activity is related to finance, then he needs a partner who can soberly analyze everything and make a meaningful waste of money.

How to choose favorable days for signing contracts and other important documents? Numerology comes to the rescue! By making a free online calculation, you can choose the right date and succeed.

As a rule, the signing of important treaties is not carried out spontaneously. Previously, people try to study as many details and nuances as possible. But, unfortunately, even with the most careful study of the documents, it may turn out that subsequently their signing did not bring any benefit, and perhaps even caused harm. According to numerologists, this happens because the execution of important contracts was carried out at an unfavorable time. Each date consists of a set of different numbers, which in general have a certain code. Each individual code carries a symbolic energy that can help a person solve important issues, or, conversely, stop plans and become an obstacle to performing a particular operation.

To find out if the chosen date is suitable for signing important documents, sum up its day, month and year until you get a single digit, which will be the individual code of the day, and then analyze the characteristics of this code.

Numerology online "Auspicious days for signing contracts"

Characteristics of the individual code of the day:

The unit carries strength, energy and activity. On this day, people feel events better on an intuitive level, so if you feel that this day is good for signing contracts, sign them without hesitation. At the same time, if something bothers you, it is better to postpone the operation for another day.

The energy of this day has a positive effect on any transactions related to the signing of important papers or documents. However, you should not rely only on fate - before putting your signature, carefully study all the nuances of the documents.

The energy of the three contributes to career advancement, making a profit, finding a job and studying. On this day, it is recommended to sign any documents related to your professional activities. Also, the date, whose individual code is the number three, is well suited for signing documents related to any major purchase.

This day is good for signing any long-term contracts and documents related to real estate or construction. The energy of this day personifies stability and practicality, therefore, by signing documents, you can be sure that everything planned will systematically come true.

On the day with the numerical code five, it is not recommended to sign important documents. The changeable energy of the five will not allow you to complete the operation as you planned it. Perhaps nothing catastrophic will happen after the signing of documents on this day, however, you will certainly encounter unforeseen obstacles.

The energy of the six successfully influences the solution of any family issues. On this day, it is recommended to sign documents for a donation, draw up an inheritance or conclude a marriage contract. However, the energy of the six does not have the best effect on operations whose purpose is to obtain material profit, because. in the end, the profit will be less than you expected.

Day with an individual code seven is successful for resolving any legal issues, respectively, you can safely sign documents related to this area. When signing any other papers, it is important to exercise forethought. If you have doubts about any item in the document, it is better to refuse the operation.

It is worth signing documents on this day only if they already have the signature of higher authorities or the head. If, after your signing, the documents still need to be approved by someone, most likely you will receive a refusal. Also on this day, you should not draw up documents that are related to something new, for example, a contract with a new partner, the purchase of a new product, etc.

The energy of the nine has a positive effect on all final projects. On this day, you can sign any papers that are associated with the end of long-term work. It is also believed that any donations on this day will be returned to the donor a hundredfold. Therefore, if you planned to write a check to charity, do it on the day with the individual code nine.

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