The consequences of braces are complications after wearing dental structures. Pros and cons of braces Braces negative consequences

Braces have become a part of our lives so quickly that modern patients in orthodontic clinics can no longer even imagine how people used to manage without them.

Wanting to become the owner of a beautiful smile, many do not even think about the negative consequences of structures that correct the bite.

However, they exist, and there are quite a lot of them.

Complications when wearing

Ideally, the orthodontist should inform the patient himself about all the consequences that may arise after installing braces.

Some of them are normal for the adaptation period, but there are also complications that may require specialist intervention. Let's look at the most common problems.

Presence of a foreign object in the mouth

Naturally, the presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity will cause a feeling of discomfort. However, after 1-2 weeks, the owner of the system adapts and does not feel the presence of the structure.

Pain in the periodontal area

Unpleasant sensations in some areas of the gums are considered normal, since under the pressure of the plate the teeth begin to gradually move into the correct position.

This symptom is not observed in everyone; it all depends on the severity of the defect. However, if you encounter it and cannot tolerate it, you can take a pain reliever.


Often, when a headache occurs, those with braces do not even think about the fact that unpleasant sensations can be caused by wearing the brace.

However, the pressure that braces create on the teeth also transfers to the maxillofacial bones, affecting the nerve endings.

As a result, orthodontic clinic patients may suffer from headaches for some time.

Excessive salivation and rubbing of the mucous membranes

Braces, which are a foreign object, irritate the oral mucosa and cause increased salivation. Therefore, this phenomenon is considered to be the norm.

In addition to the fact that braces cause a feeling of discomfort during the adaptation period, they also cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

Especially, bulky structures can very often injure the surface of the lips, tongue, and cheeks in the first weeks. To avoid this situation, experts recommend using special dental wax.

Gum inflammation

If the soft tissues are inflamed precisely because of the installation of braces, the problem is easily solved by rinsing with anti-inflammatory compounds or massaging them with a soft brush.

The situation is much worse when the disease process was caused by bacteria due to poor hygiene.

Then you need to seek advice from an orthodontist, who, after conducting certain examinations, will prescribe adequate treatment.

Impaired diction

Unfortunately, wearing braces and speech impairment are two integral processes. Especially, diction is affected by lingual structures that are installed on the inside of the teeth.

However, in most cases, the speech impediment resolves over time. Reading aloud helps speed up this process.

Dietary restrictions

The process of correcting the bite does not significantly affect the daily diet. But you still have to give up hard and viscous foods.

Unnatural smile

Despite the introduction of modern designs into orthodontics, which have minimal parameters, not all owners of braces allow themselves to smile, exposing their teeth.

Most people try to hide the structure behind their lips. However, the mouth is unable to grasp the increased volume of teeth. As a result, the smile turns out tense and unaesthetic.

Dry lips

Not all orthodontists dare to voice this consequence of wearing braces. However, owners of the structures note such an unpleasant symptom.

Caries and enamel damage

Poor oral hygiene leads to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth, which subsequently becomes the cause of caries.

The structure of the enamel can be damaged by incorrectly installed brackets or poor hygiene.

Destruction of the upper part of the roots of the teeth

This phenomenon can be observed due to excessive pressure aimed at moving the teeth. In most cases, owners of short and round organs suffer from this consequence.

Therefore, after six months, patients in orthodontic clinics are recommended to undergo an X-ray examination in order to prevent the development of pathology.

Difficulties in care

Since food residues often get stuck between the arches of braces and the enamel, owners of the braces should clean their mouths after every meal.

In cases where you do not have a toothbrush or orthodontic brush at hand, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly. Owners of structures are simply obliged to pay increased attention to oral hygiene.


Most modern orthodontic structures are hypoallergenic, but there is always an exception to any rule.

Therefore, if after installing the plates you notice a reaction that is atypical for your body, consult a doctor immediately. You may need to change the material of your braces.

Problems after removal

After the systems are removed, when it would seem that all the troubles are behind us, patients in orthodontic clinics are faced with new problems:

  1. Changing the shape of the face. After wearing braces, the face visually takes on an oval shape and becomes more elongated. Patients note recession of the cheeks and the appearance of nasolabial folds.
  2. Stains on the enamel. Upon completion of orthodontic treatment, unfortunately, patients see in the mirror not only straight teeth, but also stains on the enamel.

    Such a defect becomes an obvious consequence of insufficient hygiene due to the design features. Even the most diligent owners of the structure are unable to prevent pigmentation of teeth.

    Especially if you use a system in which each bracket is glued to the tooth separately.

  3. Demineralization of enamel. The pressure of staples often leads to changes in the structure of the enamel. It becomes thinner, becomes more sensitive, and is subject to carious lesions.
  4. Reverse displacement of teeth. Despite the long period of treatment, after the removal of the structure, the teeth tend to return to their original position.

    This phenomenon can be caused by the anatomical features of an adult body or refusal to wear retainers - fixed or removable products that allow you to consolidate the result.

  5. Gaps between teeth. This consequence can arise for the same reasons as when teeth shift in the opposite direction.

    The teeth tend to take their original position, which is already occupied after the bite is corrected. Naturally, the teeth become uneven, resulting in gaps. However, retainers can prevent this complication.


Orthodontic treatment requires not only a high level of professionalism from the specialist installing braces, but also significant responsibility from the patient himself.

In general, all of these complications are a consequence of:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • disregarding doctor's recommendations regarding nutrition;
  • weakened immune system;
  • incorrectly selected design;
  • anatomical features of the jaw bone, which does not allow teeth to move;
  • errors made during the manufacture of the structure, for example, the presence of sharp edges;
  • created excessive pressure on the teeth;
  • weakened enamel.

How to avoid?

Prevention of unpleasant consequences consists of certain actions:

  1. Maintain careful oral hygiene. The need for cleansing after each meal has already been mentioned above. During daily procedures, it is recommended to use dental floss, orthodontic brushes, and irrigators.
  2. Cleaning technique. During hygiene, you should not put excessive pressure on the enamel and gums.
  3. Elimination of self-removal of the structure. Even if there is a very compelling reason and a serious complication occurs, only a specialist should remove braces.
  4. Timely contact with the orthodontist. If you suddenly encounter a breakdown or damage to the structure, immediately seek help from a specialist.

The video provides information about the benefits and harms of braces.

Before fixing the systems, a person asks the question: what are the consequences of braces? The orthodontist, as a rule, talks about possible unpleasant sensations that arise during the period of dental correction. During the consultation, you can learn how to care for the structures, what to do if your braces rub your cheeks and lips, and what foods to exclude from your diet so as not to spoil the system.

The specialist also touches on such topics as relapse after removing braces and possible allergies to elements of the system. The occurrence of such symptoms is extremely rare and does not occur in all people. In our article we will look at all the consequences that can occur for those with braces.

Features of physical discomfort

During the period of correction of the bite, the bone tissue is subjected to serious stress, which significantly changes its structure. Dramatic changes caused by the movement of teeth always meet with a defensive response from the body. Therefore, after the installation of foreign structures, a person experiences some discomfort, which disappears over time or appears extremely rarely.

Modern dentistry identifies several negative consequences that occur while wearing braces. Before starting a course of bite correction, the orthodontist describes in detail the inconveniences that arise, their symptoms and predicts a possible relapse.

  1. After installing the systems, an adaptation period begins, which lasts individual time for each person. On average it takes about 1-2 weeks. First of all, every owner of braces experiences some pain, which, if necessary, can easily be relieved with the help of medications. As a rule, unpleasant consequences disappear after a few days and reappear after changing the arc, but with less amplitude. Such discomfort is a completely natural phenomenon. You should only worry and consult a doctor if braces cause painful symptoms for a long time.
  2. Another unpleasant sign after installation of structures is speech defects. Most often, a lisp occurs due to the fixation of lingual braces, which are attached to the inner surface of the teeth. Due to the proximity of structural elements to the tongue, a temporary disturbance of diction occurs, which resolves over time. To quickly adapt to a foreign object, you can perform some exercises consisting of tongue twisters. Speech disturbances may also occur when using additional orthodontic appliances. For example, disconnecting plates that do not allow the upper and lower jaws to close.
  3. A side effect of wearing systems is that the protruding elements of the structures rub the oral mucosa. At first, braces can injure the cheeks and lips, causing minor redness and wounds. These problems can be eliminated very easily with the help of special wax for braces, which is applied to the groove that causes tissue irritation. It is worth noting that installed orthodontic systems are not harmful to humans and do not always rub the cheeks.
  4. Correcting your bite with braces also means following the rules regarding certain foods. Experts recommend limiting the consumption of hard, viscous foods that can damage teeth and harm the structure itself. Hard vegetables and fruits must be cut into pieces. It is better to exclude nuts, seeds and crackers from the diet so as not to damage the braces.
  5. After installing the systems, a person must ensure hygiene. Experts advise brushing your teeth at least three times a day, and ideally after every meal. In order to thoroughly remove food debris from braces, you can use auxiliary products. You will need brushes, dental floss, and an irrigator. People who are not used to frequent oral hygiene may find it difficult to change their dental care habits. But do not forget that regular cleaning of the oral cavity will contribute to effective results.

What risks do braces pose?

Correcting a bite is a rather lengthy and complex process, which, like any intervention, has its negative properties or side effects. As a rule, if you follow all the specialist’s recommendations, the entire course takes place without serious complications. However, there are still consequences that arise both during the process of teeth correction and after removing braces. In some cases, they appear due to failure to follow the doctor’s advice or due to the characteristics of the human body.

  1. Under the influence of systems, the structure of the enamel sometimes deteriorates. It should be noted here that the braces themselves are not harmful to the human body. Various complications do not occur for everyone and only due to certain circumstances: for example, these may be weak immunity and improper sanitation of the oral cavity.
  2. During the period of wearing structures, teeth and gums are most vulnerable to periodontitis, caries, and gingivitis. If regular hygiene is not observed, the risk of tissue inflammation is extremely high. Damage to the oral cavity may result in braces having to be removed. It is necessary to remember that teeth deteriorate only if they are not properly cared for, and not due to installed devices. The harm of braces in itself does not exist, it is a misconception.
  3. Many people worry that once their braces are removed, their teeth will become crooked again. Relapse is only possible in cases where the structures were removed ahead of time. None of the specialists guarantees that after removing the systems, the resulting effect will remain forever. That is why, to prevent the reverse movement of teeth, orthodontists install retention devices that allow the results to be consolidated. The use of mouth guards or retainers helps prevent relapse.
  4. Before installing braces, the doctor finds out what diseases a person has. These questions are very important, since in the process of correcting the bite it may turn out that the body is susceptible to certain metals. An allergy to braces is manifested by the following symptoms: swelling, difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, and the presence of ulcers. At the first discomfort, you should immediately contact a specialist!

The above-described consequences, relapse and allergies occur only in some cases, so do not be afraid to install braces. By following the advice of an orthodontist and careful sanitation of the oral cavity, you can protect yourself from problems.

Before fixing the systems, the doctor will tell you in detail what symptoms may appear during the period of bite correction. It is necessary to remain calm and follow the doctor's instructions for effective dental correction. In this case, braces will not cause problems.

Don't forget that all the discomfort will pay off in the future when you achieve your perfect smile. In conclusion, we invite you to watch the video, the author of which will talk about his feelings and inconveniences during the use of corrective systems for teeth.

Correcting a bite is a complex and painstaking task.

Like any other intervention, it is characterized by side effects:

  1. Destruction of the enamel structure.
  2. Development of tooth and gum diseases.
  3. Relapse.
  4. Allergic reactions.

Attention! Not everyone experiences side effects. They can also be helped weak immune system and poor oral hygiene.


The adaptation period takes one to two weeks, but it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of each organism. For example, pain threshold. Habituation may be accompanied by painful, uncomfortable sensations that will disappear only after some time. They can also be relieved with medication.

The moment when products cause pain for a long time is always You can discuss it with your doctor.

Is it harmful to wear braces?

There are several negative consequences that can affect the patient:

  1. The presence of a foreign object in the mouth.
  2. Pain in the periodontal area.
  3. Excessive salivation And rubbing the mucous membrane.
  4. Gum inflammation.
  5. Impaired diction.
  6. Dietary restrictions.
  7. Difficulties in care for teeth.

Do teeth deteriorate?

The design is safe in its use. Its technology does not involve direct attachment of locks to the surface of the tooth in order to be able to harm it. For such a connection, specialized orthodontic glue is used; it is not harmful. Fluorine, which is included in its composition, is also a reliable prevention of the formation of cariogenic bacteria.

Reference. The designs have been specially designed for long-term wear, so they do not harm the body.

While wearing braces Bacteria are the main danger to teeth, which accumulate under products.

Do they spoil diction?

One of the consequences after installing the structure is that the pronunciation changes. It takes time for the speech apparatus to get used to new conditions. As a rule, it all depends on several factors:

  1. Speed ​​of adaptation to braces.
  2. Type of products. For example, lingual ones, which are attached to the inside of the tooth, have the greatest effect on speech due to their close proximity to the speech organs.

Helps significantly speed up the restoration of normal diction reading aloud and pronouncing tongue twisters.

Harm to gums and cheeks

The complex design can rub lips, cheeks and the surface of the tongue. This provokes irritation of the oral mucosa, causing discomfort, which, if left unchecked, can result in pain. A special wax can eliminate this problem. It is applied to the protruding surface of the braces, thereby preventing friction of the structural elements against the oral mucosa.

Important! It's about discomfort. Sharp, stinging pain or the occurrence of ulcers And increased bleeding- a sign to be wary. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to your doctor.

What to do if your cheek is swollen and it gets worse?

You need to try to understand which detail contributed to the problem.

First weeks The edges of the braces may scratch or chafe the lips, tongue, and cheeks, which is considered acceptable.

However, wounds and ulcers have a habit of developing into a banal injury. The design has hooks, you can feel them like the protruding tip of an arc.

You can often get pricked from contact with them, and in the worst case, injure your cheeks and lips. If you experience severe discomfort, use special protective wax. It is applied to the groove, protecting the oral mucosa from subsequent redness or wounds.

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Side effects of removing products

These include:

  1. Changing the shape of the face.
  2. Stains on the enamel.
  3. Demineralization of enamel.
  4. Reverse displacement of teeth.
  5. Gaps between teeth.

Teeth hurt after removal

This considered one of the norm options and does not cause serious concerns. It is explained by the movement of the teeth, which want to return to their “previous” place.

As in the case of braces, which also carried the purpose of rearranging teeth, which causes discomfort.

Wearing braces can also weaken the enamel, making a person susceptible to temperature and chemical irritants. In this case it will help remineralizing therapy. The restoration course includes treating teeth with special gels, varnishes and pastes. This allows you to normalize the composition of the enamel, saturating it with mineral components. It is a good idea to use mouthwash and toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Stains and marks on tooth enamel

Can occur in any person. This is facilitated by:

  1. Poor hygiene oral cavity.
  2. Constant raid on enamel.
  3. Impact bacteria oral cavity.
  4. Incorrect nutrition.
  5. Incorrect preparation of the patient's teeth by a doctor before installing the structure.
  6. Hereditary predisposition.

Photo 1. Stains on the teeth that remained after removing braces. Marks on the enamel are indicated by arrows.


The occurrence of caries is facilitated by the activity of bacteria, which lead to demineralization (loss of minerals and salts) of enamel and dentin. These bacteria are always present in the mouth, but good hygiene helps prevent their spread and the formation of disease. Products make cleaning difficult and serve as a source for the development of bacteria., and therefore the occurrence of caries.

Before installation orthodontic design, patients are unpleasantly surprised when they are required to treat all teeth affected by varying degrees of caries. No qualified doctor will allow you to install braces on decaying teeth.

Photo 2. Dental caries caused by braces. It appears due to the fact that bacteria accumulate under the products.

White or dark spots are the first sign of the disease. It is enough to saturate your teeth with fluoride and calcium. In case of moderate or deep stages of caries, you should visit a dentist. Treatment of caries includes removal of the affected part of the tooth and further restoration of its natural shape through filling.

Attention! After removal of the structure, the occurrence of illness may be caused by lack of remineralization(a process for restoring tooth enamel) for the entire time it is worn. Despite a number of consequences and risks, this is the best treatment.

Misaligned teeth are a very common problem. In the modern world, white and straight teeth are a sign of wealth, success and health. It's no surprise that most people strive to make their smile beautiful. Orthodontic treatment is often necessary to straighten teeth. The main and most effective way to correct a bite today is to install braces. But before making a serious treatment decision, patients want to know all the pros and cons of braces.

The bracket system is a non-removable orthodontic structure for the treatment of pathologies of the teeth, dentition and jaws. The classic system consists of locks (braces) and a metal power arc. Each clasp is glued to the tooth using dental material and has a groove in the middle into which the arch fits. During the treatment process, various rubber bands, rings and crowns are also used on the teeth. In addition to metal braces, there are ceramic, plastic, sapphire and lingual braces. All have been designed to improve aesthetics and patient comfort.

The main benefit of using a brace system is the ability to correct almost any dental pathology: mesial, distal, deep, crossbite. During treatment, a number of cosmetic aspects are corrected: the face acquires symmetry and proportionality due to the movement of the jaws.

The advantage of braces is that the patient only needs to visit the orthodontist and carry out hygienic oral care. There is no need to remove and put on braces (like a plate). The doctor assumes all responsibilities regarding the correction of the device and responsibility for the results of treatment.

Also positive is the absence of age restrictions, which is especially important for adults who are planning orthodontic treatment. Well, the main advantage of braces is excellent treatment results. Ideal, straight teeth will be a reason for pride, will get rid of complexes and will allow you to smile without embarrassment.


The disadvantages of braces include the need for regular teeth cleaning and proper and high-quality oral care. The presence of foreign elements on the teeth serves as a contact point for the retention of food and microorganisms. To prevent the occurrence of caries and gingivitis, it is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth, use dental floss, brushes, and rinse your mouth after each meal.

It must be remembered that after installing the device, you must adhere to some dietary restrictions. Avoid eating extremely hot or cold foods. A sudden change in temperature can cause the bracket to come off the tooth. It is also recommended to exclude from the diet foods that can harm the braces system: crackers, dried fruits, nuts, toffees, caramels.

Also, the disadvantages of using braces include the duration of treatment (on average from 1 to 3 years), the appearance of the structure and psychological discomfort (especially if these are not lingual or aesthetic braces), as well as the high cost of treatment, which is not for every person is acceptable.

Many people are interested in the question: can braces be harmful to teeth? The only harm that can be caused is a violation of the surface layer of enamel. The problem is extremely rare and can be easily corrected with a photopolymer filling. Such a nuisance can arise when installing braces, when the technology for gluing them is broken, or due to poor hygiene, when food gets clogged under the arch and a carious process occurs.

With proper installation of the structure and careful dental care, no problems arise, so talk about the dangers of braces is often nothing more than an invention of people who are simply afraid to wear an orthodontic device.

Contraindications to treatment

Contraindications to installing braces are divided into absolute (absolutely not) and relative (can be used after the cause has been eliminated). Absolute contraindications include:

  • presence of cancer;
  • venereal diseases;
  • multiple absence of teeth;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperthyroidism);
  • disorders of the immune system (lupus erythematosus, thymic hypoplasia, immunosuppression);
  • blood diseases (leukemia, anemia, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia);
  • bone tissue disorders (dysplasia, osteopathy, osteonecrosis);
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Relative contraindications to braces:

  • gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • dental caries;
  • bruxism;
  • TMJ diseases;
  • allergy to brace system materials;
  • the presence of metal implants in the mouth or other organs;
  • low level of oral hygiene.

Features of different types of braces

To eliminate the subjective disadvantages of braces and optimal treatment, it is necessary to decide on the choice of braces. There are several types of braces, and they all have their pros and cons.

  1. Metal braces. They are the simplest and most accessible. The advantages are low cost, durability, you can use different compositions of the material for allergies. Disadvantages: poor aesthetic performance.
  2. Plastic braces. They are more aesthetic, light plastic is not noticeable on the teeth. They are also the most inexpensive of aesthetic braces and are available to a wide range of people. The downside is that the color changes when eating food with dyes, they fade over time, and the design is not strong enough.
  3. Ceramic braces. Made from special high-strength material. These designs are the most popular in the line of aesthetic braces. They are durable, reliable, comfortable, do not change color when eating, and do not oxidize. The disadvantages include the high cost and complexity of installation.
  4. Sapphire braces. Made from innovative artificial sapphire. They are the most aesthetic, quite durable, and have an excellent appearance. The downside is the extremely high cost, limited indications for use (cannot be used for serious bite pathologies).
  5. Lingual braces. They are installed on the lingual or palatal surface of the teeth, completely hidden from the eyes of others. The advantages of lingual braces are complete invisibility and high strength. The disadvantages are the difficulties of hygienic care, impaired diction immediately after installing the system, as well as the very high cost.

To decide on the choice of braces, you need to take into account many factors: the type of bite and the complexity of the dental pathology, financial capabilities, duration of treatment, as well as the individual characteristics and desires of the patient. When choosing treatment, you can always find a compromise between the pros and cons of different types of braces; a qualified orthodontist will help you with this. Undoubtedly, the benefits of orthodontic treatment outweigh all temporary difficulties and possible discomfort, since straight teeth and correct bite not only make a person beautiful, but are also the key to good health.

Until now, many patients refuse orthodontic treatment because they believe that teeth after braces will be spoiled. There are plenty of “reliable” stories on online forums about someone’s relatives and friends who allegedly lost their teeth after unsuccessful treatment with braces. The spread of “horror stories” about the harmfulness of braces is facilitated by insufficient awareness of the true causes of dental diseases.

Myth #1: put on braces- get caries

The main dental problem is caries - a disease in which the hard tissues of the tooth are destroyed. The cause of its appearance is dental plaque. They reproduce in it bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which secrete active acid during their life, which destroys tooth enamel. To start the carious process, the volume of plaque must reach a certain concentration, which is why it is so important to pay due attention to oral hygiene.

Ceramic, sapphire ormetal braces By themselves, teeth cannot be damaged. But in the space between their elements and the surface of the teeth, food particles will get stuck, which contribute to the formation of plaque and the development of acid-forming bacteria in it. Therefore, by setting turnkey braces in Moscow, Dentists must teach patients how to brush their teeth correctly. It is necessary to use dental floss and brushes, and ideally, also an irrigator, which cleans the teeth and braces with a jet of water supplied under pressure. To prevent caries from forming under the brace, it is fixed on the surface of the tooth using a special orthodontic glue. It contains a protector that protects tooth enamel from destruction by acids.

Thus, teeth can deteriorate only in those orthodontic patients who do not brush their teeth properly and neglect the recommended professional cleaning in the clinic. An additional “surprise” for them will be the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Myth No. 2: after braces, the color of the enamel changes

After removing braces A protective adhesive remains on the teeth, so to ensure complete cleaning, their surface is polished. At the same time, a slight difference in the shades of the areas that were covered with braces and the free areas that were periodically subjected to clinical cleaning becomes noticeable. But this difference is not so noticeable as to cause an unpleasant impression, and the color of the enamel evens out after 2-3 weeks.

Many patients who survived calmly Correction of bite with braces, note that the shade of tooth enamel has become lighter. This is explained by the fact that crooked and crowded teeth are not only difficult to clean from plaque, but also create shaded areas. Therefore, in general, the dentition looks darker.

The enamel of straight teeth acquires a natural shade, since the number of places where plaque accumulates and shadows form is significantly reduced. And the habit formed among patients of high-quality oral hygiene and professional cleaning allows them to maintain an attractive white-toothed smile for a long time.

Myth No. 3: Teeth become crooked under braces.

Question “Why did the tooth become crooked under the braces?? can only occur in a patient who refuses to install retainers. When the dentition is aligned and the bite is corrected, the braces are removed and individual retainers are made for the patient - removable holders that will permanently fix the teeth in the correct position.

Is it possible not to wear retainers after braces?? It is possible, but the teeth will strive to return to their previous position; due to the rebuilt bone tissue, they will not be able to do this and will be placed chaotically, leveling the result achieved by braces.

Myth No. 4: Gaps appear between teeth after braces.

A gap can actually form after the system is removed - in the case when the retainers for the patient have not yet been manufactured at that time. But as soon as he puts on the holders, the teeth will return to the correct position and the gap will close. Refusal to wear retainers, for the reasons described above, will negate all the results of treatment.

Myth #5: Braces cause gum problems

We are usually talking about gum recession (sagging) - a complication of orthodontic treatment that occurs in approximately 4 out of 100 patients. The cause of recession may be poor-quality care of braces and the oral cavity or excessive pressure on the teeth caused by incorrect calculation of the load. In both cases, timely measures taken can correct the situation. To avoid such problems, you need to carefully choose your orthodontist - a qualified doctor who can professionally diagnose the condition of bone tissue and periodontal tissue and correctly plan treatment.

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