Increased percentage of lymphocytes in the blood. Elevated lymphocytes. Lymphocytosis in children and pregnant women

Lymphocytes are specific types of leukocyte cells, whose task in the body is to carry out protective functions. It is the quantitative composition of leukocytes that indicates what kind of immunity a person has and how susceptible he is to the harmful effects of pathogenic microflora. Any fluctuations in indicators indicate the presence of pathologies, the cause of which should be determined as quickly as possible. In what situations can lymphocytes in the blood be increased, what does this indicate and how life-threatening, we will consider further.

Lymphocyte formed from a stem cell when the body needs it. There are several types: B, T, Nk. Group B lymphocytes are able to produce immunoglobulins - special cells, the presence of which explains immunity to viral and infectious infections. T-lymphocytes are able to eliminate foreign pathogenic cells that have already penetrated into the cells of the body, entering into a counter-reaction with them.

Lymphocytes of the latter group help control the process of cell death and division, as they are able to resist the formation of cancerous tumors.

When it comes to high values, you need to know what is the norm in this case. For men and women, the indicators are identical, the difference in quantity is only due to age-related qualities:

  • newborns - 15-35%;
  • children under 1.5 years old - 45-65%;
  • children under 12 - 40-55%;
  • teenagers 12-16 years old - 40-50%;
  • from 16 to 35 years old - 35-45%;
  • over 35 years old - 30-40%.
These indicators are relative, that is, their percentage ratio to the total blood volume is taken into account.

Usually in a blood test these data are used, displaying the quantitative composition of white cells. In the case when there is a need for clarification, absolute values ​​\u200b\u200bare used, reflecting the absolute content of immune cells in 1 liter of blood, which also differ by age:

  • children under 6 years old - 0.8-9 * 109 cells per liter of blood;
  • 6-16 years - 0.8-8 * 109 cells per liter of blood;
  • older than 16 - 0.8-4 * 109 cells per liter of blood.

An increase in lymphocytes is noted when the obtained indicators are close to the upper limit (slightly increased), or exceed this indicator.

The degree of exceeding the recommended standards indicates the danger of the condition to human health.

What analysis is determined?

To determine the quantitative and qualitative composition of lymphocytes, a general blood test is used, the sampling of which is carried out from a finger. Further, the blood is examined under a microscope, where all its fractions are visible. The isolated lymphocytes are counted, taking into account the degree of their maturity, volumes and other individual indicators.

Manipulation can be carried out both manually using a microscope, and with the help of modern devices that can automate this process.

Varieties of lymphocytosis

When lymphocytes are higher than normal, about the presence of lymphocytosis. This pathological state can be of two types: absolute and relative.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

Absolute lymphocytosis is diagnosed when the number of immune cells exceeds the norm established for a certain age. In this case, high lymphocytes for an adult patient will exceed 4 * 109.

Relative lymphocytosis is observed when the total number of leukocytes decreases towards neutrophils, while the percentage of lymphocytes is greater. But the absolute figures in this case are within the normal range.

An increase in the percentage of lymphocytes is usually considered as leukopenia.

What can affect the results of the analysis?

In medical practice, there are no specific factors that can drastically change the picture if lymphocytes are elevated. However, minor fluctuations can be triggered by a strict diet, strong physical exertion, and constant stress. Therefore, before passing the analysis, it is advisable to sleep well and relax.

Symptoms and signs

Early stages of pathology, when the number of lymphocytes in the blood is slightly increased, practically has no external clinical manifestations. A person feels weakness, as well as a decrease in stamina. As the number of lymphocyte cells increases, symptoms such as:

  1. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and armpits.
  2. Cough for no apparent reason, runny nose and sore throat, which is similar to the manifestation of a cold.
  3. Severe headaches that cannot resolve themselves.
  4. An increase in body temperature, the appearance of chills and cold sweat.
  5. Problems with the digestive tract: constipation and diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite.
  6. Muscular pain in the back.
  7. Insomnia and exhaustion of the body.
It is important to note that high temperature can rise to critical levels, while antipyretic drugs do not have an effect.

Lymph nodes, which act as a depot for lymphocytes, rapidly increase in size, become more dense.

Lymphocytes are elevated in a blood test, but you still do not feel signs of illness. This is correct, since lymphocytes begin their work immediately after the penetration of foreign agents into the body and after their identification. The question is natural: increased lymphocytes in the blood, what does this mean in women, or in men. It is impossible to answer it directly.

is the basic diagnostic method. It is carried out to identify various diseases and control the dynamics of treatment. It allows you to evaluate the ratio of plasma and formed elements (cells), count the number of all types of blood cells, determine their main parameters and evaluate the leukocyte formula.

However, changes in the blood test are not an independent diagnosis. The term lymphocytosis means that the patient has elevated lymphocytes in the blood. This condition can be observed in many diseases. For the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to assess the degree of their increase, clinical symptoms and other laboratory parameters.

The leukocyte system protects the body from foreign agents (toxins, infectious pathogens), ensures the process of phagocytosis, the production of antibodies, participates in tissue regeneration and the formation of biologically active substances.

It has an important diagnostic and prognostic value, since it reflects the percentage ratio between different types of leukocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes).

Lymphocytes are called the fraction of leukocytes responsible for immune responses. Their number does not depend on gender and is the same for men and women. In the blood test of a healthy person, their number ranges from 19-37%. The percentage is called relative, as it shows their proportion of the total number of all leukocytes.

To calculate the absolute number, a special formula is used: (absolute number of leukocytes * per relative number (percentage) of lymphocytes) / 100.

For reference. The rate of lymphocytes ranges from 1 to 4.0 G/L.

Depending on the laboratory in which the tests were taken, relative or absolute indicators may vary slightly. As a rule, the norm is indicated next to the results obtained.

When interpreting the analyzes, it is necessary to evaluate the type of lymphocytosis: relative or absolute. If it is combined with an increase in the total number of leukocytes, then this condition is interpreted as absolute lymphocytosis (characteristic of infectious diseases).

If lymphocytes are elevated, but leukocytes are normal, this is relative lymphocytosis (hereinafter referred to as OL). It can be observed in the post-infection period (in convalescent patients), in the presence of inflammation of various etiologies, as well as in systemic lesions of the connective tissue and malignant neoplasms.

Why can lymphocytes increase in a blood test

Since they are the main cells of the human immune system, their main goal is to detect and destroy foreign invaders.
viruses and bacteria, as well as pathological (cancer) cells that form in the body.

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Depending on the function performed, lymphocytes are divided into:

  • B-cells responsible for the formation of immunoglobulins (circulating antibodies) and providing humoral immunity. That is, they contribute to the release of the body from foreign agents.
  • T cells - regulate immunity, recognize antigens, provide rejection reactions of transplanted organs and tissues, destroy the body's own defective cells and provide cellular immunity.
  • NK - responsible for the quality of cells in the body. They are the first to react to the appearance of pathological (cancer) cells.

That is, an increase in lymphocytes can be observed with viral and bacterial infections, diseases of the blood system, pathologies of the bone marrow, and in the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Normally, lymphocytes are elevated in:

  • children under seven years of age (from two weeks to a year the norm is up to 70%, from a year to two years - up to 60%);
  • inhabitants of the highlands;
  • men engaged in heavy physical labor;
  • women, during menstruation;
  • athletes;
  • people who eat large amounts of food rich in carbohydrates.

Important. If lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, what does this mean in a child? Do not worry until the age of seven, because until this age the lymphocytes are elevated and this is considered the norm.

Physiological lymphocytosis (up to 50%) is always relative and is not accompanied by clinical symptoms and other changes in the analyzes.

A good prognostic sign is an increase in blood lymphocytes in patients with chronic infectious diseases such as syphilis or tuberculosis. This indicates the activation of the body's defenses. While lymphopenia in a clinical blood test, will indicate the formation of secondary immunodeficiency.

There is also the concept of postinfectious lymphocytosis. This is a condition where the patient's lymphopenia (possibly in combination with neutropenia) is replaced by lymphocytosis. Such a change in the analyzes indicates a complete recovery.

Attention. If the patient had a "neutropenic" infection (typhoid fever, influenza, measles), then an increase in lymphocytes indicates a positive trend and no complications.

Causes of a pathological increase in lymphocytes

The most common cause of an increase in the number of lymphocytes is infectious diseases. Similar changes in
indicators of peripheral blood are observed at:
  • whooping cough;
  • respiratory viral infections (adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza);
  • mumps;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • chickenpox;
  • malaria;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • brucellosis;
  • yersineosis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • toxoplasmosis (the disease is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it can cause spontaneous abortion or congenital abnormalities of the fetus);
  • relapsing fever;
  • infectious mononucleosis (detection of atypical mononuclear cells in a blood test is also characteristic);
  • viral hepatitis;
  • chronic infections (tuberculosis, syphilis).

Non-infectious lymphocytosis may be associated with autoimmune pathologies accompanied by damage to the connective tissue. It is observed in rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatism. It is also characteristic of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and vasculitis.

The importance of the immune system in human life cannot be overestimated. She fights against the diseases that have arisen and tries to prevent them, using all her reserves in the form of multiple cells and special organs. The main role in this process is played by lymphocytes.

What are lymphocytes

Lymphocytes are a subgroup of white blood cells. They recognize and destroy viruses, bacteria, fungi. They contact other members of the immune militia in order to protect a person from various troubles. Normally, they make up 19-37% of the total number of leukocytes. Exceeding these values ​​indicates an inflammatory process. Formed in the red bone marrow or lymphoid tissue. They have a diameter of 7-10 microns, which is almost 7 times smaller than the size of macrophages. In the internal environment they contain a large oval nucleus, the cytoplasm is devoid of granularity. There are three subpopulations of lymphocytes.

T cells

They mature in the thymus or thymus. Provide cellular immunity. Their number is 50-70% of the total mass. Among them are distinguished:

  • Killers that destroy inferior structural elements through direct contact. Designed for immune surveillance.

Provoke rejection of transplanted organs. Therefore, transplantation is carried out against the background of taking special medications that depress the immune system, reduce the number of lymphocytes and prevent their interaction.

With a “gentle touch”, the killer leaves a piece of his shell on the membrane of a suspicious cell and leaves the battlefield. At the point of contact, a wound is formed, through which the internal environment of the aggressor communicates with the external one, but already without the cellular barrier necessary for this. The foreign agent dies, and its remnants are devoured by phagocytes.

  • Helpers or helpers that “inform” other structures of the immune system about the presence of foreign proteins stimulate the work of monocytes.
  • Suppressors that regulate the strength of the immune response.


Responsible for humoral immunity. They recognize and neutralize the causative agent of the disease, but do this with the help of antibodies or protective proteins. They remember the “stranger” and in the future, when it re-penetrates, they quickly neutralize it. Their content in the blood ranges from 8 to 20%.

NK cells

Its elements recognize and destroy reborn cells, as well as microbes that are hiding from "killers". The total number is 5-20%.

And this is not all representatives of lymphocytes. There are other additional and auxiliary categories of subpopulations of cells that perform the most important functions.

Norm in the blood

The limits of variation in the number of lymphocytes in an adult, regardless of gender, are 1-4.5 ×. In children, they are much wider. For comparison, in newborns, the figure reaches 9 billion.

What does the elevated level mean?

With age, the concentration of immune elements in the blood decreases. Exceeding these values ​​is called lymphocytosis. It comes with a number of symptoms:

  • Tonsillitis.
  • Dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting).
  • Weight loss, exhaustion.
  • Enlargement of the spleen, liver, lymph nodes.
  • Nervousness.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Increase or decrease in body temperature.

The state can be relative or absolute. The first is observed if the number of other blood cells is depleted and against this background the level of lymphocytes seems to be increased. In the second case, their number increases. This happens if a person:

  • SARS, then in response to the penetration of the aggressor, immunity increases the number of its defenders.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Syphilis.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Allergies of alimentary and medicinal etiology.
  • Helminthiases.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Poisoning with heavy metals (lead).
  • Multiple myeloma with damage to the red bone marrow.
  • Mononucleosis is a viral infection that attacks the lymphatic system.
  • Diseases of an autoimmune nature, when the body's own tissues are perceived by the body as an alien substance. Observed with scleroderma, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis.

This also includes lymphocytic leukemia (as a variant of leukemia), when the formation of lymphocytes is disrupted, as a result of which they are reborn and become cancerous.

When to See a Doctor

Lymphocytosis is not an independent disease, but only a sign of disorders to be identified by the doctor. The number of cells is normalized only after the appointment of adequate treatment. For this, medicines with antibacterial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effects can be used. Sometimes this is facilitated by chemotherapeutic methods or surgery for bone marrow transplantation.

Both relative and absolute lymphocytosis are subject to evaluation. The physiological variant is observed in women, before menstruation and during pregnancy. Therefore, the expectant mother regularly takes tests in the I and II trimesters, when the fetus is laying organs. In case of failures in the immune system, its cells perceive the embryo as a foreign body, which often results in a miscarriage. By the time of the onset of labor, the blood count returns to normal.

Lymphocytosis can be immune reactions to a number of pathologies that equally often disturb both sexes. If the test results show elevated lymphocytes, and there are no symptoms of the disease, an additional study is carried out to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

In certain categories of people, the slightest cold increases the level of lymphocytes. In this case, we speak of hyperimmunity. An additional examination helps to exclude tumor processes. Sometimes the causes of lymphocytosis are associated with the intake of certain drugs (for example, contraceptives), neurasthenia, starvation, anemia, smoking, including passive smoking. A high level of the body's main defenders can persist even after recovery.

How to lower lymphocytes in the blood

A separate fight against lymphocytosis is inappropriate, since it is associated with disorders or pathologies. They begin with finding out the degree of increase in the main defenders of the body. At the beginning of the infectious process, lymphocytes migrate into the tissues, so their level in the internal environment of the body drops. This condition is called lymphopenia. Lymphocytes in the blood are reduced if:

  • The red bone marrow is irradiated.
  • There are chemotherapy sessions.
  • Cytostatics are taken during organ transplantation to suppress the immune system.
  • Sulfonamides are used in the treatment.
  • The patient is emaciated due to frequent bacterial and viral infections.

The number of lymphocytes is normalized, but the speed of this process is individual. For some it takes a few days, for others it takes months.


The essence of the measures is timely vaccination, therapy of the root cause of the pathological condition, strengthening the protective functions of the body. This requires:

  • Lead an active healthy lifestyle.
  • harden.
  • Exercise.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Do not be nervous.

Simple walks in the fresh air tone the body and strengthen the immune system. It is also recommended to review the diet, include foods high in minerals and vitamins:

  • Sea fish.
  • Lean meat.
  • Vegetables fruits.
  • Dates.
  • Citrus.
  • Bananas.
  • Strawberry.

Doctor's conclusion

After the complete destruction of the infectious agent and the removal of toxins, the blood formula and the number of its main defenders return to normal. Most importantly, two conditions must be met.

Each person should know that his blood contains special cells that can provide information about the presence of various diseases in the body at the time. These cells are called lymphocytes.

Lymphocytes are components of white blood (leukocytes) that form part of the immune system. Lymphocytes perform one main and important function. They provide an immune response to the body if some foreign body is found in the body. Alien invasions are various viruses, bacteria, etc.

Clearly about lymphocytes

Analysis for determination

You can determine the lymphocytes in the blood and their number using the simplest study - a blood test. This clinical analysis identify the total total lymphocyte count.

  • The analysis should be taken on an empty stomach, that is, after the last meal, more than 8 hours should pass. As a rule, it is carried out in the morning.
  • Dinner before the test should not be dense, light.
  • Doctors also advise before a blood test for 1 or 2 days not to eat fried, fatty, not to drink alcohol, but most people neglect this rule.
  • Smoking should be stopped an hour or two before the study.
By following these recommendations, the blood test will be the most accurate.

The value of the results of the analysis and acceptable standards

A screening study of blood will allow you to find out whether lymphocytes in the blood are elevated or lowered. There are acceptable norms for the presence of lymphocytes, which indicate that everything is in order with the body.

It is possible to talk about the presence of elevated lymphocytes in the blood only if these values ​​\u200b\u200bare much higher than normal values.

Absolute and relative lymphocytosis

Relative lymphocytosis is much more common than absolute lymphocytosis. Relative lymphocytosis is determined in all diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in other types of leukocytes, for example, in viral infections, etc.

Absolute lymphocytosis is typical mainly for acute infections, such as rubella, mumps, whooping cough, etc.

Reasons for the increase

There are a lot of reasons for the increase in lymphocytes in the body of an adult. But one of the main reasons is diseases of varying severity. Let's analyze them.

Reasons for the increase in men:

  • various inflammations in the pelvic organs, bladder and kidneys;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • wrong diet;
  • taking any medication.
  • premenstrual period;
  • malnutrition;
  • various infections, viruses, bacteria;
  • burns;
  • malignant tumors;
  • arthritis;
  • large blood loss, for example, during menstruation;
  • diabetes.

In addition, an increase in the number of leukocytes is observed during pregnancy. To which, in addition to diseases, causes such as severe stress, disturbed emotional state, and toxicosis can lead.

Increase symptoms

An increase in blood lymphocytes in an adult may be asymptomatic or with their presence. The presence of certain signs depends on the cause of their appearance. Sometimes the symptoms can be understood because of what happened their increase.

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