The drug for thrush 1 tablet. Inexpensive and effective pills for thrush. The price of pills for thrush in women

Preparations for thrush are necessary for a woman with the development of vaginal candidiasis. Candles, tablets or ointments help to effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The cause of the disease is a fungus of the genus Candida. It is always present even in a healthy body, but in a small amount, without causing painful manifestations. Under adverse factors, the fungus multiplies and becomes harmful.

Causes and symptoms in women

Before looking for an inexpensive and effective cure for thrush for women, you need to find out. There are many factors causing problems in this area.

Main reasons:

  • Decreased immune forces of the body. This is facilitated by an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations, colds, SARS. The body loses its ability to resist harmful microorganisms.
  • Treatment with antibacterial agents. Antibiotics destroy not only pathogenic microflora, but also healthy ones. As a result, favorable conditions for the development of Candida develop.
  • Metabolic disorders in the body.
  • Endocrine diseases such as diabetes.
  • Pregnancy. During this period, the body is weakened, immune forces are reduced, as a result, candidiasis often develops.

If thrush appears in women, the following:

  • cheesy from the vagina;
  • itching, burning;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • pain during intercourse, as well as in the process of urination.

It is not enough to go to the pharmacy and ask for the most effective drugs for thrush in women. First of all, you should consult a doctor for an examination. Tests will be prescribed, as a result of which the gynecologist will determine the type of fungus and its sensitivity to certain groups of medicinal substances.

Be sure to prescribe treatment to the sexual partner in order to avoid re-infection after a course of therapy.

Medicines for thrush

An antifungal drug. It helps in the treatment of candidiasis.

Of the contraindications - the first trimester of pregnancy. In other trimesters and during lactation, the drug can be used only as directed by a doctor. Of the side effects - only a possible individual allergic reaction.

Release form - vaginal capsules. Pack of 6 or 12 pieces. Price - from 270 rubles.

The active substance of the drug is Natamycin. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is completely safe.

Well-known antifungal drug with a wide spectrum of action. Of the contraindications - the first trimester in pregnant women. When breastfeeding, it is used with caution, only as directed by a doctor.

Among the side effects - only individual intolerance and possible allergies in the form of local reactions - itching, burning, hyperemia of the mucous membranes.

Release form - tablets from thrush for women, powder, ointment, cream. Most often prescribed. Application - Apply to the affected areas two or three times a day. The course of therapy is on average 4 weeks. It is not recommended to stop treatment after the symptoms of candidiasis disappear. The cost of packaging - from 100 rubles.


This drug is effective in the chronic form of candidiasis. Allowed for pregnant and lactating women, but except for the first trimester.

Release form - vaginal suppositories. The course of treatment is 5 days and 10 days for chronic candidiasis. The price of Livarol candles is from 300 rubles. for a pack of 5 candles.


An antiseptic drug with disinfectant properties. It is characterized by safety, as well as the possibility of use in pregnant women, nursing mothers.

Of the side effects - only individual allergic reactions. It is prescribed not only in the treatment of thrush, but also as a prophylactic against a number of sexual infections.

Release form - vaginal suppositories. Price - from 250 rubles. for packing.

The above list of drugs is compiled based on the reviews of doctors and cured women. It is worth recalling that only the attending physician should prescribe the medicine based on the examination, the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

On the video about the disease

Thrush or in other words "candidiasis" is an inflammatory disease of the vaginal mucosa caused by the overgrowth of fungi of the genus Candida. Such a fungus is normally present in almost 90% of women and is part of the normal microflora, however, there are a number of reasons why this microorganism begins to multiply rapidly, causing discomfort.

Treatment of thrush in women

Forms of drug treatment of candidiasis

Note! Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease, however, it can be transmitted to a partner, therefore, in case of symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible and use drugs against thrush in women according to the prescribed treatment.

The main forms of drugs that are used to treat disease :

1. Tablets

Tablets are good because their active ingredient remains in the blood for up to 30 hours and destroys the fungus throughout the body, and not just in the main localization site.

Preparations in tablet (capsule) form have a long-term effect

If the thrush has a mild form, then only 1 capsule will be enough. In acute or chronic form, local remedies alone are not enough, they will need to be combined with tablets.

Capsules against thrush in women contain substances such as: nystatin, natamycin, fluconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole. Preparations containing these components differ only in a single dosage and duration of the course of use.

2. Candles

Candles help to quickly neutralize the discomfort of candidiasis, as they penetrate deeply into the vagina and relieve inflammation with damaged mucosa.

Recovery from candidiasis, unfortunately, with the help of suppositories alone will be possible with a mild degree of the disease

In difficult cases, complex treatment is necessary. The undoubted advantage of suppositories is that they have practically no side effects, unlike tablets, so some types of suppositories can be used by women in position.

3. Ointments

The use of this form of medication is advisable if you need to quickly eliminate itching and burning. The cream is absorbed into the mucous membrane, but at the same time, unlike tablets, the active substance enters the bloodstream minimally and does not harm the body, which means it is suitable for breastfeeding women.

The use of drugs against thrush in the form of ointments has a minus - the results will be only with a mild form of the disease, and the fungus is destroyed locally. To completely eradicate the causative agent of candidiasis in the body, it is necessary to combine the ointment with tablets.

4. Traditional medicine

There are a number of home remedies for thrush in women. Pharmaceutical preparations do not have to be used, because at a very early stage, you can destroy the fungus and improvised means:

Important to remember! The use of folk methods, especially douching with solutions of soda and vinegar, is not recommended for longer than 3 days, because you can upset the pH balance.

some methods of traditional medicine can not be used categorically for certain diseases

Top 10 Popular Medicines for Thrush

Thrush is such a common disease in women that the pharmaceutical industry is constantly releasing more and more new drugs against this unpleasant disease.

Therefore, it will be discussed below top 10 effective and most popular products:

  1. Diflucan available in capsules, solution for infusion, powder for suspension.
    The capsule at a dosage of 150 mg should be taken orally without chewing; dilute the powder for suspension with two tablespoons of boiled water and consume inside; the rate of administration of the solution intravenously should be no more than 10 ml / min.
    Special instructions: people with diseases of the kidneys, liver and heart should always consult a specialist before use. Possible dizziness.
    The approximate price for a package with 1 capsule at a dosage of 150 mg is 400 rubles; powder for suspension preparation - 520 rubles; solution for infusions - 700 r.
  2. available in tablets, cream, suppositories.
    Tablets should be taken in 1 pc. 4 times a day for 7 days; candles use 1 pc. per day, 3-4 days; the cream must be applied several times a day until the symptoms disappear.
    Pimafucin is a drug that is available in three pharmacological forms

    Special instructions: Patients with intolerance to galactose, fructose, sucrose should consult a specialist. Treatment with this medicine cannot be combined with alcohol, since ethyl alcohol only exacerbates candidiasis.
    The approximate price for a package with 20 tablets is 500 rubles; vaginal suppositories - 290 rubles; cream 2% - 270 r.

  3. clotrimazole available in the form of: vaginal cream, vaginal tablets, cream, ointment, powder and solution for external use.
    A solution, ointment or cream for external use should be applied to the mucous membrane with a thin layer 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks; vaginal cream is administered at 5 mg 1 time per day for 3-4 days; vaginal tablets are used at a dosage of 100 mg 1 time per day for 5-7 days, or at a dosage of 200 mg for 3 days, or at a dosage of 500 mg once.
    Special instructions: after applying a cream, ointment or solution, it is not necessary to apply bandages. Patients with hepatic insufficiency should consult a doctor before using the drug.
    Approximate price for a pack of 6 vaginal tablets. - 25 rubles; vaginal cream 1% - 60 rubles; ointment 1% - 40 rubles; solution for external use - 170 r.
  4. available in vaginal suppositories.
    It is necessary to use 1 candle per day for 3-4 days.
    Special instructions: to prevent recurrence of the disease, parallel treatment of the partner is necessary.
    Approximate price for a pack of suppositories 5 pcs. - 480 r.
  5. Hexicon available in suppositories and solution for external use.
    Candles must be applied 2 times a day for 8-10 days; use the solution for irrigation and applications, 5–10 ml is applied to the genital mucosa.
    Special instructions: hexicon is not an antimycotic drug, it has a bactericidal effect and helps to normalize the vaginal microflora.
    Approximate price for a pack of 10 candles. - 270 rubles; solution - 80 r.
  6. Mycosist available in capsules with a dosage of 50, 100 and 150 mg and solution for infusion.
    It is necessary to choose the desired dosage depending on the course of the disease and take the capsule inside with water; the solution should be administered intravenously at a rate of 10 ml per minute.
    Special instructions: if signs of kidney and liver damage appear, stop taking the drug. Drive with caution as dizziness may occur.
    Approximate price for a pack of 7 capsules. with a dosage of 50 mg - 550 rubles; solution 100 ml - 430 r.
  7. epigen intimate available in spray and gel for intimate hygiene.
    The spray should be used intravaginally 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days; the gel is indicated to be used daily for washing in order to maintain the correct microflora of the genital organs.
    Special instructions: if signs of intolerance appear, it is necessary to immediately stop using the drug.
    The average price for a spray of 0.1% 15 ml is 950 rubles; gel 250 ml - 780 r.
  8. Terzhinan available in vaginal tablets.
    It is necessary to enter 1 tablet per day for 10-15 days.
    Special instructions: it is desirable to treat the sexual partner to prevent relapse.
    Approximate price for a pack of 6 vaginal tablets. - 320 r.
  9. Mycomax available in capsules with a dosage of 100 and 150 mg, syrup, solution for infusion.
    The capsule with the desired dosage should be taken once; syrup should be consumed 50 mg 1 time per day for 5-7 days; the solution is administered intravenously at a rate of not more than 10 ml per minute.
    Special instructions: use with caution in liver and kidney disease.
    The approximate price for a 150 mg capsule package is 230 rubles; syrup - 450 rubles; solution for infusions - 130 r.
  10. available in the form of vaginal suppositories.
    It is necessary to use 1 suppository capsule per day for 6-10 days.
    Special instructions: when using the drug, use barrier contraceptives. It is not necessary to interrupt the treatment during the menstrual cycle.
    Approximate price for a pack of 6 candles. - 300 r.

Complex therapy of the disease

For treatment to be successful, it is necessary not only take special drugs against thrush in women, but also carry out a set of the following measures:

1. Apply immunocorrective agents

Since candidiasis most often manifests itself with weak immunity. Such drugs fall into several categories:

2. Restore the acidity of the environment

After treatment of thrush, it is necessary to balance the pH balance in the intimate area, as well as normalize the microflora. Usually, suppositories are prescribed for these purposes, with lactobacilli, for example, "Acilact" or "Bifidumbacterin".

3. You need to adjust the diet

It is advisable to exclude sweet and starchy foods from the diet, because the fungus actively multiplies due to glucose, in addition, you need to give up alcohol, as well as any food that causes fermentation (mushrooms, black bread, cabbage). You should eat more vegetables and unsweetened fruits, foods rich in protein (meat, seafood, cottage cheese), garlic and onions.

4. Hygiene

Whatever anti-thrush drugs are used, women will always have relapses if basic hygiene rules are not followed. At the time of treatment, you need to abandon intimacy with a partner so as not to infect him. It is necessary to wash yourself twice a day and change linen on time, and also exclude the use of sanitary pads.

Carefully! You should not use any antibacterial soap for washing during the treatment of candidiasis, or after that, because it washes out all the microflora, including the useful one. It is better to use gels for intimate hygiene containing lactic acid.

To maintain normal hygiene, it is better to use an intimate gel with lactic acid.

5. Eliminate the factors that provoke the disease

To successfully combat thrush, as well as to prevent it, you must follow simple rules. It is best to avoid hypothermia and infectious diseases so that the immune system is normal.

It is advisable to conduct an examination of the body and if there are problems in the work of the genitourinary system, kidneys, liver, intestines, it is recommended to start treatment.

Besides, with a tendency to recurrent thrush, it is necessary to immediately exclude flour and sweet foods from the menu to prevent fungal growth. Of course, it would be useful to say about the right underwear.

If you wear synthetic and tight underwear, most likely, the main conditions for candidiasis will be created - a warm and humid environment.

New generation medicines

In conclusion, it should be noted that currently available the most modern drugs of a new generation against thrush in women:

  • Polyena- these are 4th generation antimycotics, they are less toxic, but at the same time they retain a high therapeutic effect due to amphotericin B.
    Currently, the development and registration of new drugs from this group is still underway, but several drugs can already be found on the pharmaceutical market - ambisome, amphocil and abelset.
  • Echinocandins- used in fluconazole-resistant candidiasis, low toxicity and no contraindications in renal failure.
    Echinocandins inhibit the synthesis of an important fungal cell wall component, which is why they are so effective. This group of drugs is represented by the following drugs - caspofungin, micafungin and anidulafungin.

There are a great many ways to get rid of thrush today, the main thing is not to forget that only a specialist can choose the necessary methods and preparations.

From this video you will learn how to properly treat thrush by watching the release of the TV show "Live great!" with Elena Malysheva:

In this video, a qualified gynecologist will share with you the correct and effective ways to treat thrush:

You can find out what drugs to use for the treatment of Candidiasis not only in women, but in children and men, in this video:

There are not many women who have never encountered such an unpleasant problem as thrush. This disease is characterized by a recurrent nature: once it appears, a candidal infection returns under favorable conditions for it. Tablets from thrush for women suppress the reproduction of fungi, but in order to prevent re-infection, it is necessary to complete the treatment and not forget about prevention.

The fungus Candida - the causative agent of thrush - can affect the mucous membranes, skin and even internal organs of a person. The most common localization of candidiasis in women is the vagina and external genitalia. Thrush confidently ranks first among inflammatory diseases in gynecology. Fungi are a normal component of the female microflora, but with a decrease in immunity, opportunistic organisms multiply beyond measure and cause vulvovaginitis.

With candidiasis, topical preparations are traditionally prescribed: suppositories, ointments, tampons. Antifungal components are in direct contact with the vaginal mucosa, destroying yeast colonies. However, modern methods of treatment are based on complex therapy: suppositories - as an aid and oral tablets - as the main one.

Broad-spectrum drugs taken orally quickly suppress the infection in all foci at once, because it is no secret that candida often enters the genital tract from the intestines. Moreover, it is desirable to take antimycotics not only for a woman, but also for her partner.

The main groups of oral tablets from thrush

Tablets against thrush contain different active substances that differ in spectrum and mechanism of action:

  1. Polyene antibiotics are compounds with broad antifungal activity: natamycin, nystatin, levorin, amphotericin B. Based on these components, drugs Nystatin, Pimafucin, Levorin, Fungison are produced. This group of drugs destroys the membranes of yeast cells, as well as protozoa (amoebae, Trichomonas). Polyenes are prescribed for the treatment of thrush and its prevention during long-term antibiotic therapy.
  2. Azoles are synthetic substances that inhibit the growth and reproduction of yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes and other pathogens of mycoses. In tablets for thrush, triazole derivatives are used: fluconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole. Ketaconazole, which is part of a number of antifungal drugs, is currently excluded from the systemic therapy of candidiasis due to high toxicity and is used, like other imidazole derivatives, as local agents. On the basis of azoles, Diflucan, Mikosist, Irunin, Nizoral and their numerous analogues are manufactured. These medicines are suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic thrush.

5 most popular pills for thrush

Pharmacies sell dozens of drugs for vulvovaginal candidiasis. Which pills for thrush in women are better and more effective in a particular case should be determined by a gynecologist. The choice of the drug and the treatment regimen depends on many factors: how long ago the symptoms of candidiasis appeared, for the first time or repeatedly, how pronounced they were, what provoked them, the number of relapses of the disease per year, as well as the available contraindications.

Nystatin is a polyene antibiotic that is active against Candida fungi. It does not have a systemic toxic effect, is practically not absorbed in the digestive tract and can be used in children and, in case of urgent need, in pregnant women.

In recent years, this drug has rarely been used directly in the treatment of thrush, since it is less effective than modern remedies. It is not prescribed for the treatment of chronic candidiasis either - with prolonged use, the fungi develop resistance to nystatin, and it becomes more difficult to get rid of the disease.

But this medicine is best suited for the prevention of thrush during antibiotic therapy with penicillin and tetracycline drugs and after operations on the digestive tract. The standard course is 2 weeks with a dosage of 250,000 - 500,000 units 4 to 8 times a day.

Nystatin contraindications:

  • sensitivity to components;
  • severe liver pathology;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer disease.

When taking, side effects such as allergies, dyspepsia, chills, and vomiting are possible. The cost of Russian and Belarusian Nystatin tablets is within 100 rubles per pack of 100 tablets.

Pimafucin - an antibiotic from the group of polyenes, contains the substance natamycin (100 mg), which has a fungicidal effect against most fungal pathogens. Tablets are absorbed in the intestines, allowed for women during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is recommended for the treatment of chronic candidal vaginitis in combination with other antifungal agents, for example, suppositories of the same name. Oral administration of Pimafucin contributes to the sanitation of foci of infection in the vagina and intestines. Treatment regimen: 1 tablet 4 times a day, duration - from 10 to 20 days.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components, rare side effects in the form of nausea and diarrhea do not require discontinuation of therapy and gradually disappear on their own. A package of Pimafucin (Dutch company Astellas) costs about 450 rubles, the minimum course requires 2 packs.

Nizoral - tablets based on an imidazole derivative - ketoconazole - act against various types of fungi, including Candida. Analogues of the drug are Mycozoral, Ketoconazole, Oronazole, Fungavis. These drugs are indicated for recurrent thrush with the ineffectiveness of therapy with other means.

Reception Nizoral: 2 tablets simultaneously with food 1 time per day, the duration of the course is at least 7 days. Ketaconazole is toxic, has many side effects, is prohibited for children, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as patients over 50 years of age. Tablets can not be used simultaneously with hepatotoxic, antiarrhythmic, sleeping pills, antacids and a number of other drugs. The cost of packaging starts from 500 rubles for 10 pieces.

Irunin is an antifungal agent of the latest generation based on itraconazole for the treatment of almost all types of mycosis. It has a fungicidal effect, destroying the cell membrane of fungi.

Preparations with itraconazole are effective tablets for thrush. The active substance accumulates in the walls of the vagina and continues to work after the end of therapy for another 2 days with a three-day course of admission, and 3 days with a one-day course. In the first case, patients take 1 capsule per day, in the second - 2 tablets 2 times immediately after meals.

The effectiveness of Irunin and its analogues (Orungal, Rumikoz, Itrazol) has a downside in the form of many restrictions and side effects. These drugs are not prescribed to children, elderly patients, pregnant women, lactating women. Women of reproductive age during treatment should be carefully protected, since the toxic effects of itraconazole can cause fetal abnormalities.

Also, tablets are contraindicated in:

  • liver failure;
  • nephropathy;
  • lung pathologies;
  • hearing impairment;
  • taking medications that enhance the effect of itraconazole.

When treating thrush with Irunin, reactions from neurology, digestion, sensory organs, skin, hematopoietic and movement systems are possible, in women - menstrual disorders. 6 capsules of Irunin can be bought for 400 rubles.

According to statistics, Diflucan is the most popular medicine for thrush in acute and chronic form. 150 mg of fluconazole in its composition have a powerful fungistatic effect: they quickly suppress the growth of candida and other fungi. In mild cases, 1 capsule is enough to get rid of the symptoms of vaginitis. With recurrent thrush, 1 tablet is indicated every month for six months or more, if necessary, more frequent use is allowed.

Azole-based preparations should be taken with plenty of water, and with weak acidity of gastric juice - with acidic drinks. Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breast-feeding, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, taking certain medications are contraindications to treatment with Diflucan.

In the list of side effects:

  • dyspepsia;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • allergic reactions;
  • convulsions;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • dysfunction of the liver;
  • hematopoietic pathology.

One capsule of Diflucan 150 mg can cost from 450 rubles and more. Fluconazole products are also available in tablets with lower dosages - for longer courses of treatment.

Inexpensive tablets against thrush

If you ask a pharmacy for good tablets for thrush, most likely the pharmacist will offer the most expensive and advertised ones. Considering that many ladies experience unpleasant symptoms more than once a year, the cost of treatment can add up to a pretty tidy sum.

However, inexpensive tablets for thrush for women are no less effective, you just need to know which ones are suitable to replace the prescribed ones. Instead of the prescribed drug, you can buy a similar, but more affordable one. It is enough to clarify the name of the active substance with the gynecologist, and the choice will expand significantly: antifungal generics are no worse than the original in quality. In addition, the prices for the same drug can vary significantly between pharmaceutical companies, and domestic drugs cost several times less than imported ones.

So, in addition to the well-known Diflucan, pharmacies have other 150 mg capsules with the same composition:

Name of the drug Manufacturer price, rub.
Promed, Russia 15
Vertex, Russia 28
Kanopharm, Russia 47
Stada, Germany 83
Teva, Israel 169
Sandoz, Switzerland 171
Mycoflucan Dr. Reddiz, India 194
Pharmstandard, Russia 201
Diflazon Krka, Slovenia 225
Mycosist Gedeon Richter, Hungary 300

If the doctor prescribed Pimafucin, there is no alternative to the tablet form of this drug, but you can look for a replacement for suppositories, which are almost always prescribed in addition: Ecofucin or Primafungin will cost less.

If necessary, drink a course of expensive Nizoral (1500 rubles. 30 tablets), you can save money if you buy:

  • Mycozoral - 590 rubles. for similar packaging;
  • Fungavis - 200 rubles. for 20 pieces;
  • Ketoconazole - 510 rubles. (3 packs of 10 capsules).

Cheap tablets for thrush based on itraconazole are produced by the Russian company Biocom: 362 rubles. per pack of 14 capsules. Other drugs with a similar dosage are 2 or even 3 times more expensive:

  • Irunin - 774;
  • Itrazol - 786;
  • Rumikoz - 954;
  • Orungal - 2300.

Treatment of thrush with pills

Before treating thrush, you need to make sure that the symptoms of inflammation are caused by Candida fungi, and this is impossible without a visit to the gynecologist and a smear test for vaginal microflora. As a rule, for the first time, candidiasis is eliminated by local means (candles Pimafutsin, Livarol, Terzhinan and others). Such therapy is not carried out during menstruation. In this, and also in a number of other cases, the doctor may prescribe a capsule with fluconazole once and again after 72 hours.

Patients with chronic thrush usually unmistakably determine the onset of a relapse themselves. A long experience of coexistence with this problem does not eliminate the need to visit a doctor. However, in such a situation, self-medication is acceptable in order to suppress the exacerbation “in the bud”.

Instructions for the use of tablets from thrush, recurring 4 or more times a year, prescribe the following scheme:

  • 150 mg fluconazole on days 1, 4, 7 and 10;
  • 1 capsule every month, preferably on the first day of the cycle.

During the period of exacerbation, the tablets are combined with local remedies: a suppository in the morning and at night for 10 to 14 days. At the same time, the sexual partner should also be treated.

Life after thrush: how to avoid a relapse

It is important not to stop therapy when symptoms disappear - the prescribed course must be completed to the end in order to avoid recurrence of the disease. Since most systemic antifungal drugs are toxic, it is not recommended to drink them without a good reason.

Also, with untreated thrush and indiscriminate intake of antimycotics, fungi develop resistance to drugs. Each relapse is more and more difficult to treat, sooner or later an effective drug may stop working altogether. In such cases, you should not experiment with all the medicines sold in the pharmacy. It is better to take an analysis and find out exactly which active substance the pathogens are sensitive to.

If chronic thrush is activated while taking antibiotics, hormones, immunosuppressants, Nystatin can be used for prevention simultaneously with therapy, after consulting with the doctor.

To prevent candidiasis in the future, provoking factors should be avoided:

  • hypothermia;
  • improper hygiene;
  • the use of aggressive detergents;
  • douching;
  • wearing tight underwear, synthetics;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates;
  • messy connections.

In fact, vaginal dysbiosis leads to thrush, so strengthening general and local immunity is a mandatory item in prevention. A fungal infection attacks the female body at a time when it is weakened due to illness, pregnancy, acclimatization, hormonal failure or stress.

With persistent candidiasis, you need to reconsider your lifestyle: move more, follow a low-carb diet, stop using soap and shower gel in intimate hygiene - there are special tools for this.

It does not hurt women with thrush to be attentive to the reaction of their body to certain factors. This helps to understand what specifically provokes the symptoms of candidiasis and avoid such situations. For example, the day before the patient froze, ate sweets, swam in a chlorinated pool or had contact with a new partner, and in the morning she found itching and curdled vaginal discharge.

If the thrush continues to recur regularly, in addition to the gynecologist, other specialists should be examined:

  1. Take a blood sugar test. Candida feed on glucose, and its high level may indicate a latent course of diabetes.
  2. Check the level and ratio of sex hormones.
  3. Treat intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  4. Restore the normal microflora of the vagina. Treatment with local probiotics can only be carried out outside the exacerbation of thrush.

In a healthy body with a strong immune system, opportunistic candida is suppressed naturally without taking pills for thrush.

Thrush can cause discomfort in women of absolutely any age. Therefore, fast and timely treatment is needed, and most importantly inexpensive. Are there inexpensive pills for thrush, but at the same time effective pills?

Untimely treatment can threaten the transition of the disease to, which is difficult to treat. The selection of effective tablets from thrush should be carried out by a qualified specialist who understands the mechanism of action of the drug, its indications, contraindications, and side effects.

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the immediate. Many factors can influence the appearance of the disease: frequent hypothermia, weakened immunity, hormonal failure, lack of proper hygiene, unhealthy diet, poor-quality underwear, chronic disease, etc.

Fighting thrush is not only possible, but necessary. Properly selected inexpensive pills for thrush will help destroy the fungal infection, and these drugs do not have to be expensive.

Systemic drugs can cause unwanted side effects, but on the other hand, they can completely get rid of the causative agents of candidiasis. So, what are the most effective pills for thrush?

Effective and inexpensive pills for thrush

Immediately I would like to note that not always an expensive drug is the most effective remedy. It is interesting that many drugs that are identical in composition have different pricing policies, this is due to the brand of the manufacturer, as well as the popularity of the brand. That is why cheap thrush pills for women can be no worse than advertised brands.

Even if the condition improved and slept, this does not mean that the treatment can be suspended. To achieve a stable therapeutic effect, it is important to complete the treatment.

Despite the fact that local preparations give good results, often specialists prescribe systemic remedies. Such funds help to cope with the chronic form of candidiasis, as well as severe forms.

Cheap pills for thrush: a brief overview

Let us consider in more detail the cheapest pills for thrush, but at the same time quite effective. Let's talk about the mechanism of action, as well as the features of the use of drugs.


This drug occupies, perhaps, one of the most leading places in the ratings of cheap and effective remedies. Its cost varies from 60 to 100 rubles per pack. Most often, there is one tablet in one package, but there are also forms in which the dosage is smaller and there are up to ten pieces.

Fluconazole quickly relieves the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, among which are: itching and burning of the genital organs, curdled discharge, swelling and redness of the genitals. The drug acts not only symptomatically, but also etiologically, that is, on the very cause of the disease - a colony of yeast-like microorganisms.

As for the dosage, it is selected strictly individually and depends on the severity of the pathological process. That is why, for starters, it is necessary to pass a gynecological smear on the flora and bacteriological culture, which will show the seriousness of the development of the process.

Before starting treatment, it is important to read the instructions for use. From it you will learn detailed information about the pharmacological properties, dosages and precautions. Also from the instructions you can learn about the possible side effects from the use of fluconazole:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • increased itching;
  • hives;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

Usually the treatment is five days, but in the presence of concomitant gynecological problems, the course can be extended. Do not think that by increasing the dosage or frequency of use you will recover faster, you can seriously harm yourself.


As in the first case, the main active ingredient is fluconazole. The drug not only causes the death of bacteria, but also effectively eliminates concomitant diseases of thrush, in particular. The average cost of the drug is from 150 to 200 rubles.

Mycomax is taken separately, as it does not combine well with other drugs. Contraindications to the use of tablets are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • tuberculosis.


The average cost for one capsule is about 200 rubles. Mycosist is distinguished by a wider range of its action and is used not only in the treatment of fungal infections of the vagina, but also in the eyes, mucous membranes and skin.

One capsule of mycosyst is enough for the disappearance of clinical symptoms. These tablets are also used for purposes, in this case we are already talking about other dosages and duration of treatment.


The drug has pronounced antimycotic properties and is available in various dosage forms. Nystatin irritates the walls of the stomach, so before starting treatment, you should make sure that there is no peptic ulcer.

Depending on the severity of the disease and the level of progression, dosages are selected. Tablets can cause general allergic reactions, so they should not be used as self-medication. The cost of nystatin cannot but please, the price varies between 30-30 rubles.


Of the above tablets, flucostat is the most expensive, but compared to others, it belongs to the category of inexpensive. The price is about 200 rubles and may increase depending on the dosage.

Flucostat has a gentle effect on the body. With regard to compatibility, the tablets are not used with the antimicrobial group of drugs. As side effects, dyspeptic disorders, in particular, diarrhea, abdominal pain, may occur.

So, there are inexpensive tablets for thrush for women and they can cure the disease. The main thing is that the drug is selected after a diagnostic examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Do not waste time on self-diagnosis, this can lead to the development of serious complications. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, it can be from one to ten days. A competent and timely approach to treatment will help you quickly get rid of thrush!

Many women wonder if one pill is effective for thrush. There is no single answer as there are a number of factors to consider:

  • the presence of concomitant chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • state of immunity;
  • the severity of the course of the disease;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • the frequency of occurrence of repeated exacerbations of the disease during the year.

Women tend to trust advertisements and rely on positive reviews about a quick-acting miracle cure. But it is important to understand that self-medication entails a number of complications: for example, a single episode of candidiasis can develop into a chronic form, then the treatment regimen will be much more complicated. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the following information: is it possible to cure thrush in 1 day and what drugs will serve as adjuvant therapy.

When is one tablet prescribed?

A single dose of an antifungal agent will give the desired result if candidiasis is at an early stage of development. Only the acute form of thrush can be treated with one tablet. Symptoms of the disease in this case will be as follows:

If a woman has noticed the above symptoms in herself, then the doctor may prescribe her 1 tablet from thrush (150 mg of fluconazole). Additionally, you will need to drink a course of vitamins and minerals, and you should also restore the microflora of the vagina after the disappearance of symptomatic manifestations of the disease.

You can list the advantages of this method of treatment:

  • no long-term negative effects on the liver, kidneys and stomach.
  • there is no addiction syndrome to the active substance.

In the case of a chronic form of the disease, a woman may not experience the discomfort characteristic of candidiasis. Only as a result of diagnostic studies, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Often, therapy is carried out for 10-14 days, but the doctor can extend the course if necessary.

You should familiarize yourself with the drugs for thrush, which are prescribed for a single dose:

  • Diflucan;
  • Fluconazole;

You must first consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of such treatment.

Existing contraindications

Preparations that contain the same active substance (fluconazole) have similar indications and contraindications for use. Any remedy for thrush for women also has a number of side effects. Therefore, treatment should be carried out with extreme caution, having read the instructions in detail.

Contraindications include:

Fluconazole is the name of the most popular antifungal drug. But doctors often prescribe this remedy to prevent candidiasis during treatment with antibiotics or antiviral tablets.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the possible side reactions of the body:

One capsule (candle) from thrush can only be an attempt to get rid of an insidious disease. But it is important to understand that candidiasis, complicated by erosion of the genital mucosa, can stop bothering you only for a while. Therefore, treatment should be competent and appropriate.

Therapy with Zalain

Thrush in women is treated not only with the help of drugs containing fluconazole. An alternative active ingredient aimed at combating candidiasis is sertaconazole nitrate. - one of the drugs, time-tested. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the rules for the use of Zalain and existing contraindications.

The benefits of the tool are as follows:

  • single dose;
  • the possibility of using during menstruation;
  • no harm to the fetus during pregnancy;
  • highly effective therapeutic effect.

You should understand how to use the tool correctly:

If a woman is faced with thrush for the first time in her life, then a single dose of medication may be appropriate, but still do not neglect the advice of a gynecologist.

It is important to understand that frequent relapses of candidiasis indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, the timely detection of infectious agents and following the doctor's recommendations are the key to women's health.

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