Causes of burning and itching in the urethra in men. The genitourinary canal itches. Why does the urethra itch in women and men?

Itching in the urethra can be a symptom of infectious and non-infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. This symptom worsens a person’s quality of life; to eliminate it, it is important to establish the cause and get rid of it.

Causes of itching

The cause of itching in the urethra can be various infectious processes in the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems. Most often it is a symptom of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, chlamydia and bacterial urethritis.

Urethral itching can appear as a result of the activity of opportunistic microorganisms that are activated under the influence of any factors. These include:

  • weakened immunity;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • microtrauma of the urethral mucosa;
  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • severe viral infections;
  • allergic reaction of any etiology.

The cause of burning in the urethra can be not only diseases of the genitourinary system, but also the appearance of glucose in the urine in diabetes mellitus.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra can be of an infectious or non-infectious nature. Itching most often manifests itself in the acute stage of the disease.

Infections not related to STDs enter the urethra from other organs - foci of inflammation - with blood or lymph. The source of infection can be, for example, tonsils or carious teeth. The causative agents of infection are staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci, ureaplasma, etc.

Itching in the urethra

Urethritis. Treatment of urethritis with folk remedies

Elena Malysheva. Symptoms and treatment of urethritis

Non-infectious inflammation occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the wall of the urethra during catheterization as a reaction to exposure to allergens, metabolic disorders (diabetes, phosphaturia, oxalaturia).

Inflammation caused by the activity of an infectious agent on the surface or in the cells of the urethral wall may be accompanied by irritation, hyperemia, increased secretion of mucus or the formation of pus. All of these symptoms cause irritation.


Cystitis is more often reported in women. Its cause may be infectious urethritis, nephritis, other sources of inflammation or non-infectious factors.

In the case of acute cystitis, pain is observed during urination and is periodic and inconsistent. As a result of the development of the acute form of the disease, itching in the urethra is a consequence of an imbalance of the vaginal microflora, which is accompanied by symptoms of vaginitis.

A constant burning sensation accompanies the chronic course of cystitis, complicated by other inflammatory processes, thrush, STDs, and diabetes.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is accompanied by the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Concrete stones come in different diameters. Most often they are formed due to metabolic disorders. The salts that appear in the body accumulate in the urinary tract, turning into crystals.

Sand and stones can form as a result of diseases of the digestive system, dehydration of the body, diseases of other organs of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, nephroptosis and others). Hard water and hypovitaminosis contribute to the formation of stones.

Sand and stones, moving along the urethra, cause irritation of the mucous membrane, causing microtrauma, as a result of which nonspecific inflammation develops, which, in turn, is accompanied by itching.


Candidiasis is a type of fungal infection caused by a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. The fungus is classified as opportunistic and is part of the normal microflora of the external genitalia.

The disease is caused by the proliferation of the fungus in large quantities against the background of a decrease in general and local immunity. The cause of activation of the pathogen may be long-term use of medications or hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. The process of spreading the infection begins with candidal vaginitis, and after fungi enter the urethra, candidal urethritis develops. The surface affected by fungi is very itchy, especially at night, interfering with rest.

During the day, itching in the area of ​​the urethra of the external genitalia may intensify during urination or washing, when walking, or from an increase in local temperature.

Venereal diseases

Itching in the urethra can develop as a result of the activity of a sexually transmitted pathogen. Pathogens enter the urethra during sexual intercourse. These can be gonococci, chlamydia, gardnerella and others.

Trichomoniasis is characterized by the rapid proliferation of infection in the lumen of the urinary canal. Often a slight itching inside the urethra is the only symptom of the onset of the disease.

A burning sensation in the urethra for a week after unprotected intercourse may be a symptom of gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis or chlamydia.

Additional symptoms

Depending on the cause of the itching, additional symptoms may accompany it.

Urethritis, cystitis and other diseases of the urinary tract are accompanied by a strong burning sensation, pain when urinating, and deterioration of the general condition. With urolithiasis and cystitis, abdominal pain is present.

It is possible to release a small amount of blood from the urethra, pus or mucus along with urine, a change in its density and transparency, and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. Such diseases can pass without discharge.

In addition to urethral itching, sexually transmitted diseases have a number of specific symptoms:

  1. Acute gonorrheal urethritis is accompanied by pain and cramping during urination or in case of delay. In addition, there is a discharge of yellow or green pus from the urethra, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane. The chronic form of the disease passes without discharge, or it is scanty, and there is practically no discomfort during urination.
  2. Acute trichomoniasis urethritis is accompanied by a burning sensation in the urethra and genital area. The chronic form occurs without clinical manifestations.
  3. Chlamydia urethritis in women is accompanied by mild discomfort when urinating and the discharge of pus from the urethra.
  4. With candidal urethritis, thick, viscous discharge from the urethra with a whitish or pink tint, moderate pain, burning and discomfort during deurination are recorded.


To make a diagnosis, a general blood and urine test and urine analysis according to Nechiporenko are required.

The following indicators of general urine analysis are studied: color, turbidity, presence of impurities (mucus, blood, protein, leukocytes) and microorganisms. A general blood test allows you to determine an increased content of leukocytes, an increase in ESR, a change in the ratio of leukocytes (an increase in the number of band and segmented neutrophils).

The bladder and urethra are subjected to urethrocystoscopy: a special device equipped with a camera is inserted into the organ cavity to detect foci of the inflammatory process. Scrapings and smears from the urethra are examined using PCR to confirm the site of development of the disease that caused the itching.

Bacteriological examination of urine allows you to accurately determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treatment of itching in the urethra

The choice of treatment for itching in the urinary tract depends on the cause of the disease. If it is a bacterial infection, then antibiotic therapy is necessary. The antibiotic is chosen depending on the sensitivity of the pathogen. When treating itching caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia, the drug is selected from the group of fluoroquinolones or cephalosporins. Metronidazole, Ornidazole and other antiprotozoal drugs are used to treat trichomoniasis.

Additionally, the urethra and bladder are washed with a catheter through which antibacterial and antiseptic drugs are administered.

If the cause of itching in the urethra is an allergy to medications or food, antihistamines are prescribed.

As part of complex therapy for urethritis, probiotics and prebiotics are used, which ensure the vital activity of normal microflora on the surface of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system, as well as vitamins and minerals.


To prevent itching in the urethra, it is important to avoid hypothermia, maintain immunity through hardening, a balanced diet, and exercise. To prevent the penetration of pathogens onto the surface of the mucous membrane, it is important to select intimate hygiene products that do not contain harmful and aggressive components.


There are some features of the manifestation of burning in the urethra depending on the gender and physiological state of the patient.

In men

In men, the urethra is longer and narrower, so itching and other signs of urethritis appear earlier and are more severe. Symptoms may intensify not only after urination, but also after ejaculation.

Incorrect or untimely treatment can cause inflammation of the testes, prostatitis, sexual dysfunction and even infertility.

Among women

Itching in the urethra in women, in addition to the above reasons, can be caused by dry mucous membranes due to hormonal changes during menopause. The cause of hormonal changes and the accompanying burning sensation can be long-term use of oral contraceptives and the menstrual cycle.

Because the urethra in women is short, the symptoms of urethritis in them are not as severe as in men.

During pregnancy

Itching in the urethra is a threat during pregnancy, since the cause of the disease can be infections that are dangerous to the fetus. For example, urethritis, caused by chlamydia and ureaplasma, can cause miscarriage and impaired fetal development.

The burning sensation that accompanies non-infectious urethritis does not pose an immediate threat to the fetus unless it is a symptom of kidney disease, urolithiasis and cystitis.

The selection of antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial infections during pregnancy should take into account their danger to the unborn child.

Itching in the urethra is one of the symptoms inherent in diseases that affect the genitals and urinary tract. Diseases can be transmitted by various harmful microorganisms, including:

- pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonas, etc.);

Staphylococcus bacilli, streptococcus bacilli, E. coli and others.

Itching in the urethra: features

If itching in the urethra is a symptom of a bacterial disease, then in addition to this symptom, others may also occur:

-pain and burning during urination;

Swelling and redness of the external opening of the urethra;

Yellowish purulent discharge from the urethra;

Frequent urination.

All of the above symptoms are a consequence of the presence of a bacterial disease.

In addition to various microorganisms, burning and itching in the urethra in men may provoke:

- injuries during masturbation;



Hot and spicy food;

Chemicals found in intimate hygiene products.

Causes of itching in the urethra

Itching in the urethra may be a sign of one of the following diseases:

Urogenital candidiasis.

This disease is fungal, so it is characterized by such symptoms as itching in the urethra. Urogenital candidiasis can develop not only in the genitourinary system, but also in other organs. Without proper treatment, the patient may experience various types of complications:

- prostatitis;


Cystitis, etc.


This is a disease of the urethra, in which trichomonas multiply rapidly in the urethra. Sometimes trichomoniasis can be accompanied by all kinds of bacterial diseases. You should pay attention to the fact that often the disease occurs without particularly pronounced symptoms, and the main symptom of trichomoniasis is a slight burning sensation and itching in the urethra when urinating. If left untreated, it can cause serious complications.


Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the genitourinary system. The first signs of the disease may appear 2-7 days after sexual intercourse. Among the main symptoms:

- itching and burning in the urethra;

- purulent discharge from the urethra;



A disease in which the main symptoms are pain and burning during urination, as well as itching in the urethra. The danger of chlamydial infection is that, as a result of untimely treatment, complications associated with impaired reproductive functions may develop.

Non-gonococcal urethritis.

It can develop due to the penetration of various pathogens into the body. Often the cause of this disease is chlamydia entering the human body. The main symptoms of this disease:

- pain and burning during urination;

- itching in the urethra.

It must be remembered that a symptom such as itching in the urethra does not arise for no reason. It may be a sign of a disease of the genital organs or genitourinary system. If this symptom appears, it is recommended to immediately consult a specialist to determine the disease that caused the itching and prescribe the correct treatment.

Be prudent and take care of your health!

Anatoly Shishigin

Reading time: 3 minutes


Often illnesses befall even those who diligently lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to the recommendations of doctors. Compliance with the rules of a balanced diet, sleep patterns and other precautions do not provide a 100% guarantee against the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms.

One of them is the sensation of itching in the urethra. Let's consider why this phenomenon occurs and how to eliminate the discomfort that appears.

As a rule, in men, itching in the urethra is a signal of an infection in the body or a sexually transmitted disease of the genitourinary system. But this could also be an allergic reaction to some substance, as well as a consequence of an injury to the urethra or a minor inflammatory process.

Itching in the urine drainage canal can also occur due to taking certain medications, as well as foods unusual for a balanced diet. It is impossible to eliminate the cause on your own, just as it is impossible to diagnose it. Thus, visiting a doctor becomes mandatory.

Most often, itching in the urethra is due to the occurrence of infectious diseases, the most common of which are the following:


A fairly common disease that appears 3 or 5 days after infection. The main symptoms are discharge from the urethral canal, pain and itching when urinating. If treatment is not started on time, the disease can become chronic and cause many unpleasant health complications in men.


This disease is sexually transmitted, so you need to carefully choose your sexual partner. When chlamydia enters the body, its active reproduction begins, and the person does not feel any symptoms during urination.

After complications appear, itching in the urethra and discomfort when urinating appear. Doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics to treat this disease.


This is a sexually transmitted disease, as well as through oral or anal sex. The main symptom is the difficulty of deurination, which causes itching and burning. The mucous membrane of the genital organ begins to itch both outside and inside. The patient also visually observes inflammation in the area of ​​the foreskin and glans.

Treatment of this disease cannot be delayed, since problems can arise not only with urination, but also with bowel movements. Among other things, the patient’s general condition deteriorates sharply.


Candidiasis is an inflammation in the urethra. Candida fungi can be found everywhere, so infection can occur anywhere. When conditions favorable for reproduction arise, they are activated, and soon autoinfection begins, when the flora of the body itself is affected.

Itching in the urinary tract in women and men may not necessarily be associated with sexually transmitted diseases. This may be caused by the use of genital hygiene products.

You can try changing the shower gel or shampoo you use. You can also provoke discomfort when urinating by drinking copious amounts of alcoholic beverages, hot or spicy foods, and smoked foods.

If the urethra itches, the cause may also be stones that have formed in the kidneys and begin to come out through the urinary tract.

Itching in women in the urinary canal is much less common than in men. But the reasons why this happens are identical to the male sex, with the exception of a few, determined by the anatomy of the female genitourinary system.

The most common diseases accompanied by itching are the following:


Inflammation of the urinary canal is accompanied by a burning sensation, and the symptoms intensify with urination. The causes can be either infectious or non-infectious. Infectious types are transmitted sexually, while non-infectious types arise due to bad habits, low immunity or impaired metabolism.


With cystitis, not only the urethra becomes inflamed, but also the bladder itself. This is a very common disease in women, associated with the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system. Cystitis can be caused by an excess of spicy food, holding urine for a long time, or staying in a damp and cold place for a long time.


The main symptom is a feeling of itching in the urethra after sexual intercourse or during menstruation. Women experience unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the perineum, which is caused by functional disorders in the reproductive system.

Also, the causes of itching in the urethra can be a neoplasm or tumor. Doctors are diagnosing this diagnosis more and more often, while formations, both malignant and benign, are asymptomatic. Treatment is possible only through surgery.


When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to identify the cause of the discomfort. The doctor prescribes a number of examinations for the patient, including clinical blood and urine tests.

If an infection is detected, treatment is not particularly difficult and relief will occur within a few days if the recommendations are followed.

Elimination of unpleasant symptoms

Before eliminating symptoms, it is necessary to consult with your doctor or infectious disease specialist in order to make a correct diagnosis, which determines the prescribed medication regimen. All drugs are aimed at destroying the pathogens of the disease; most often a course of antibiotics is prescribed, which copes with the task in the shortest possible time.

Doctors often prescribe antiseptic solutions to patients for regular rinsing of the urethral canal. With such a local effect, you can get rid of the pathogen and accompanying symptoms quite quickly.

The duration of treatment varies between women and men depending on the cause of the itching. Typically, symptoms can be relieved within a couple of weeks. But if you delay contacting a doctor, the symptoms and causes will be much more difficult and longer to treat.

It is important to avoid sexual intercourse while undergoing drug treatment.

Itching in the urinary canal may indicate infectious and inflammatory diseases that are harmful to the male body. Also, the cause of discomfort and itching can be allergies or trauma to the urethra. But, no matter what causes itching and burning in the urethra without discharge in men, you should not self-medicate. Since in this case the clinical picture can be blurred, it will be difficult for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis, and therefore prescribe an adequate regimen. Due to self-medication, the disease may become chronic.

Factors causing itching

The appearance in men can be observed for various reasons, but all of them can be harmful to health.

Unpleasant sensations in the urinary canal can be caused by:

  • venereal diseases;
  • allergy;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis);
  • taking certain medications;
  • errors in diet;
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, nicotine addiction);
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus);
  • genitourinary canal injuries;
  • ionizing radiation, for example, in the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Let's look at several diseases that can lead to itching.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases are often accompanied by itching in the urethra. Trichomoniasis is the most commonly diagnosed infection. As a rule, its first symptoms are observed 3-5 days after infection. But in some cases, the timing of the appearance of early symptoms of infection may differ significantly, for example, due to antibiotic therapy or a weakened immune system. In men, trichomoniasis can be asymptomatic. But in some patients, in addition to itching, pain may occur when emptying the bladder, and foamy-mucous discharge.
  • Another disease that is transmitted during intimacy is chlamydia (the domestic route of transmission is unlikely, since the pathogen quickly dies outside the human body). After infection, a person may not know for a long time that he is infected, since the clinical picture of the disease is poorly expressed.
  • Hidden infections that can be contracted through unprotected sex include mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis.
  • Itching in the urethra in men without specific discharge is also observed with genital herpes. In addition to this symptom, the disease is characterized by the appearance of ulcerations on the penis.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the genitourinary canal may occur with gonorrhea. You can become infected not only through unprotected vaginal intercourse, but also through anal and oral sex, as well as through genital contact. The first signs of infection are itching and burning in the urinary canal, which intensifies with urination. You can also see inflammation of the head of the penis, and when pressing on the penis, pus is discharged. The causative agent of the disease is gonococcus, which enters the mucous membrane of the genitourinary canal. If the infection is started, the pathogen will rise up and the disease will invade not only the urethra, but also the prostate gland, as well as the seminal vesicles. Problems with bowel and bladder emptying will appear, and the patient’s overall well-being will worsen.
  • Itching and burning in the urethra can accompany a fungal infection. Most often, mycosis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Hence the name of the disease candidiasis. In men, its signs most often do not appear, but sometimes you can find a white cheesy coating with a sour smell on the genitals. Without treatment, candidiasis can cause serious complications, including prostatitis.
  • Also, gardnerellosis is accompanied by itching in the urethra. With this disease, you can observe: an unpleasant smell of “rotten fish” when emptying the bladder, scanty greenish discharge, frequent urination, discomfort and pain in the genital canal even at rest.

In making a diagnosis, the doctor is helped by collecting an anamnesis, visual examination of the patient, as well as a number of tests, including: a smear from the urethra, followed by sowing it on a nutrient medium and identifying the causative agent of STDs, a blood test using PCR and other specific methods.

Infectious processes in the body

Among the provoking infectious processes can be identified:

  • Urethritis of bacterial etiology. The cause of discomfort in the genitourinary canal without discharge may be its inflammation caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Bacterial vaginitis can be provoked by: long-term antibiotic therapy, accidental unprotected intimacy, neglect of the rules of intimate hygiene. A negative test result for STDs and a bacterial culture of a smear from the genitourinary canal, which allows identifying the pathogenic agent, helps the doctor make the correct diagnosis.
  • Urolithiasis disease. Kidney stones, which are highly dense and injure the genitourinary canal, can cause itching in the urethra. As the pathology progresses, severe pain may occur, for which the patient may require hospitalization. Urolithiasis is usually difficult to treat and often recurs. The doctor helps in making a diagnosis: ultrasound examination, clinical urine analysis, urine culture, test for urolithiasis.
  • Prostatitis. Itching in the urethra can accompany prostatitis. In addition, with inflammation of the prostate, the following symptoms may be observed: mucous discharge during bowel movements, urinary disturbances (difficulty passing urine, frequent urination), problems with potency, premature ejaculation, pain and itching in the anus, lower abdomen, scrotum, perineum, weakness, fever. The following helps in making a diagnosis: digital rectal examination of the prostate, ultrasound, examination of prostate secretions.
  • Cystitis. With inflammation of the bladder, itching in the urethra is usually observed during the passage of urine. In addition, cystitis is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen. OAM, urine culture and ultrasound of the abdominal organs can make the correct diagnosis.
  • Pyelonephritis. With pyelonephritis, in addition to discomfort in the urethra, the following is observed: deterioration in general health, fever, in which high temperature gives way to chills, and lower back pain.
  • In addition, itching in the urethra can be accompanied by diseases unrelated to the genitourinary system, for example, diabetes mellitus.

Not associated with infectious diseases

It happens that the cause of itching is not associated with infectious and inflammatory diseases. The following may cause discomfort:

  • Allergy. Unpleasant sensations may appear due to individual intolerance to cosmetic products, for example, shower gel, shaving foam, or soap may not be suitable. In this case, it will be enough to eliminate the allergen, and the discomfort will go away.
  • Injury. Discomfort may appear due to microtrauma of the genital organs during intimacy. During sexual intercourse, you may not feel anything suspicious, but after some time, itching and burning in the urethra may occur.
  • Compounds that are part of spicy, smoked and salty foods can trigger itching. These substances enter the urine and then, passing through the genitourinary canal, cause discomfort. Such symptoms can occur when drinking alcohol and certain medications. In order to get rid of discomfort, you need to eliminate the irritating factor.
  • Instruments used to collect material from the urogenital canal can cause itching. In some cases, to avoid discomfort, analysis can be performed on the basis of ejaculate. It also allows you to reliably identify the disease.


Itching in the urethra is a symptom of a specific disease or exposure to some irritating factor. And before you begin to eliminate it, you need to identify the exact cause that provoked it, and, based on this, begin treatment:

  • For trichomoniasis, medications based on metronidazole (Trichopol) and tinidazole (tinib) are prescribed. Chlorhexidine or Miramistin is injected into the urogenital canal. Both sexual partners should undergo therapy. While taking metronidazole and tinidazole, you should not drink alcohol, as there is a risk of developing an antabuse reaction, which is manifested by a rush of blood to the head, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, abdominal pain, and a feeling of fear.
  • For ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, antibiotics are prescribed, for example, based on azithromycin (sumamed, azitrox, Z-factor, hemomycin), doxycycline (Unidox Solutab). Tetracycline and erythromycin are also effective. Physiotherapeutic treatment may be prescribed as an additional remedy. To eliminate the risk of relapse, both sexual partners should undergo treatment.
  • When gonorrhea is diagnosed, antibiotic therapy is prescribed (doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, abactal). Lidase is prescribed as a resolving agent; Miramistin, which has a wide spectrum of action, is injected into the genitourinary canal.
  • For a fungal infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida, medications based on fluconazole and nystatin are prescribed orally. In addition, nystatin can be prescribed as an ointment. Externally, zalain cream, clotrimazole, pimafucin and a number of other antifungal agents can be prescribed.
  • For genital herpes, antiviral drugs are prescribed, such as acyclovir (Zovirax), interferon (Viferon, Infagel), cycloferon, viru-merz.
  • In case of HPV infection, tumors are removed, for example, using liquid nitrogen. Multivitamins and drugs that enhance immunity are prescribed internally.

As additional remedies, after consultation with your doctor, you can use traditional medicine recipes that can relieve itching:

  • An infusion of wheatgrass rhizomes can relieve inflammation of the genitourinary system. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tbsp for 200 ml of boiling water. raw materials. Brew the rhizome in a thermos and leave for 12 hours. Take 1/3 cup before meals.
  • Freshly squeezed cranberry juice will help cope with many diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Parsley decoction. For 1 liter of milk, take 100 g of fresh herbs and place on the fire, remove from the stove when the volume of liquid has decreased by 2 times. Then filter the broth and take 1 tbsp. each hour.
  • Infusion of oak bark. To prepare it 1 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the raw material and leave for 3 hours. After this, the infusion is heated and applied externally in the form of baths and lotions. The course of therapy is 3 days.
  • Infusion of black currant leaves. Take 30 g of raw material per glass of boiling water. The leaves are brewed and left for an hour, then filtered and taken 3 times a day. In addition, you can simultaneously consume currant berries. They can be either fresh or frozen. The duration of treatment is not limited.
  • Linden blossom decoction. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. raw materials pour 1 tbsp. water and put on fire. Boil for 10 minutes, cool and filter. Take at night.
  • Infusion of cornflower flowers. To prepare it, 1 tsp. pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, wrap it under a “fur coat”, and when it cools down, it must be strained. Take 2 tbsp. spoons three times a day.

Traditional medicine recipes can be used as means to prevent infections of the genitourinary system, including those that cause itching in the urethra.

To prevent the occurrence of itching, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, maintain intimate hygiene, avoid casual sexual intercourse, or use a condom during it. If unpleasant symptoms appear in the genitourinary system, it is recommended to immediately visit a doctor.

The appearance of itching in the urethra is a common symptom of many diseases in which the genitourinary organs are involved in the pathological process. Despite the similarity of symptoms, different ailments require individual treatment. Therefore, if your genitals itch, you should definitely consult with specialists and find out the reasons for what is happening. This will allow you to diagnose the problem in time and get rid of it without any consequences.

What diseases cause itching?

Most often, burning and itching during urination occur with diseases of infectious origin, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as nonspecific inflammation of the urethral canal, bladder, and kidneys. All these diseases can manifest with similar symptoms, but require completely different treatment. Therefore, if you experience itching when urinating, you should not self-medicate, but immediately contact a urologist to solve the problem at a professional level.


The disease is a sexually transmitted disease and is caused by Trichomonas. Not only the urethra, but also other genital organs are involved in the pathological process. The disease occurs with the appearance of a number of pathological symptoms, in particular, itching in the urethra, discharge with an unpleasant odor and foamy consistency, as well as pain when urinating. Trichomoniasis should be treated under the strict supervision of a doctor, otherwise the disease can become chronic and resistant to drug therapy. Trichopolum and Metrogyl are prescribed, as well as immunity correction agents and vitamins.


This sexually transmitted disease in men and women is often virtually asymptomatic. The infection is transmitted to a person during unprotected sexual intercourse. The most common symptoms of the disease are pain when urinating, burning and itching in the urethra, redness on the genitals, and the appearance of discharge with a characteristic fishy odor.

Treatment of chlamydia is carried out by prescribing tetracycline and erythromycin antibiotics, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at preventing chronicity of the disease.


The disease is transmitted through sexual contact and is caused by specific infectious agents – gonococci. At the beginning of the disease, the appearance of itching of the urethra is characteristic, and then a pronounced burning sensation when urinating with stinging and the release of drops of pus at the end of the act. In this case, in men, the head of the genital organ becomes inflamed and painful. Gonorrhea is treatable. Its symptoms are eliminated with the help of cephalosporin antibiotics, absorbable drugs and means of normalizing the immune response.


Candidiasis or thrush is a very common reason why the urethra begins to itch. This fungal infection occurs as a result of transmission of infection from a sexual partner during sex and is characterized by the development of the following symptoms in men:

  • white plaque on the penis;
  • redness of the head;
  • difficulty urinating.

As for women, they also experience redness and itching of the labia and the appearance. Candidiasis is treated with antifungal drugs, lotions, and physiotherapeutic procedures. Most often prescribed are Nystatin, Difluzol, Diflucan. Both partners must be treated, otherwise reinfection will occur.


Inflammation of the urethra can occur both when its mucosa is damaged by specific and nonspecific microbial agents. The disease occurs against the background of itching and burning, as well as pain during urination. Patients often complain of frequent urination, incontinence, and the like. Urethritis is treated on an outpatient basis with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.


With cystitis, itching after urination occurs infrequently, but still a similar symptom occurs in urological practice. The disease is inflammatory in nature. During exacerbations, patients complain of frequent urination, pain, urine excretion in small portions, and nocturnal diuresis. The bladder becomes inflamed, painful on palpation and very sensitive. Cystitis is treated comprehensively. Men are prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as immunomodulators, vitamins, and diuretics.

Inflammation of the bladder mucosa

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis, exacerbations of which occur against the background of the release of stones and the appearance of sharp pain in the lumbar area, as well as the genital area, requires specialized treatment in a hospital setting. Such patients are prescribed painkillers, antispasmodics, and agents that dissolve stones.

If itching in the urethra appears due to a tumor, then surgical treatment with removal of the tumor is necessary. Under no circumstances should you treat such conditions at home, as this can seriously harm your health and have very bad consequences.

Itching not associated with infection

Burning and itching in the urethra in men and women can occur not only as a result of infection of the genital organs by pathogens. There are several reasons why a similar symptom develops without the participation of microbial agents. Among these causative factors are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • itching during urination in the urethral area of ​​neurogenic origin;
  • tumor processes;
  • consequences of mechanical injuries.

Allergic reactions are one of the most common causes of discomfort and discomfort in the penis and labia during urination, which can occur in response to personal hygiene products, food, medications, and the like. Allergies should be treated according to the recommendations of specialists, by eliminating the factors that provoked the pathological process, by taking antihistamines and restoratives.

Frequent urination and burning in the urinary canal without discharge may be of neurogenic origin. In such patients, urine (urine) is released randomly, and the scrotum or labia often itch. With such a development of events, a person needs to contact a specialist to find out the true reasons for the development of the disease.

It is important to remember that the causes and treatment of a disease are two interrelated concepts. Therefore, the result of therapy will depend on timely and adequate diagnosis, with the help of which the doctor will be able to identify the main etiological factor of the disease and take measures to eliminate it.

When to see a doctor

Itching and burning when urinating are a serious reason to immediately contact a specialist. These symptoms can accompany a huge number of diseases of varying complexity that require specific treatment. Ignoring the problem will most likely cause an exacerbation of the disease, its transition to a chronic form, or the appearance of complications, which is fraught with severe disturbances in a person’s urinary and sexual function.

Burning in the urethra in representatives of the stronger sex or in the area of ​​the labia and vagina in women is almost always accompanied by other pathological manifestations, including:

  • the appearance of discharge from the urethra, sometimes having a specific unpleasant odor, changed color, consistency;
  • the presence of pus and blood in the urine;
  • inflammation of the head of the penis or intimate area in women;
  • redness of the genital organ;
  • urinary dysfunction;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • itching sensations that spread to other genital organs.

The presence of two or more of the listed symptoms in a patient, the intensity of which does not decrease for two days, is a reason to visit a urologist’s office with subsequent determination of the causes of the pathological process.

Diagnostic features

Urethral itching requires immediate contact with specialists and professional diagnostics to clarify the nature and nature of the underlying ailment that caused the unpleasant symptom. After collecting anamnestic data and an objective examination of the patient, the doctor prescribes a number of additional laboratory and instrumental tests to establish a final diagnosis and determine a treatment plan for the disease.

A patient who complains of itching and burning in the urethra is prescribed the following types of procedures:

  • laboratory testing of blood and urine;
  • bacteriological culture of a smear from the urethral canal;
  • endoscopy and ultrasound examination of the urinary organs;
  • determination of the sensitivity of the infectious agent to antibiotics.

Diagnosis of conditions accompanied by itching and pain during urination is an important stage in the treatment of the underlying disease that provoked the appearance of these symptoms. Only a correct determination of the cause will allow the doctor to select the treatment necessary for the patient specifically in his case.

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