Products containing vitamin E in large quantities. The role of vitamin E in the body, what foods contain it

Greetings, friends! It's time for tocopherols! This means that today we will find out which foods contain vitamin E and determine its role in the functioning of our body. The “excursion” promises to be interesting. So read to the end and absorb the material.

Let me remind you that in the last article we talked about. Read - you will learn a lot of interesting things

The name “vitamin E” unites a group of related chemical nature And biological effect compounds (tocopherols). This is a fat-soluble vitamin.

The beginning of the 1920s is remembered in history for the study of infertility in special diet rats by scientist G. Evans. He showed that rodents fed milk, iron supplements and yeast developed infertility. But it was possible to cure them of this disease simply by adding lettuce leaves to their diet. Everything ingenious is simple

In 1936, the active substance was isolated from wheat germ. It was called vitamin E, or tocopherol. The Greek language allows you to break this word into 2 parts: tokos- verbatim "offspring", phero- verbatim "carry". Another name for it is antisterile vitamin. It is often called this because it improves reproductive function body.

The most active of the 7 tocopherols known to science is α-tocopherol.

Before I begin listing foods that contain this vitamin, there is the following important point to make.

The amount of vitamin E depends on the amount of poly unsaturated fats in the diet.

What does it mean? “Bloodthirsty” free radicals, “merciless” salts heavy metals, benzene derivatives, “relentless” tetrachlorides, increased radiation - these are enemies that damage polyunsaturated fats and lipids. And vitamin E, in turn, prevents them from causing this damage. Thus, the need for it increases sharply with an increase in the amount of polyunsaturated fats in the diet.

Since science knows about antioxidant properties vitamin E, it is often included in dietary supplements. This allows you to obtain a protective effect against various diseases.

Regulation of functions immune system, partly, also “falls on the shoulders” of vitamin E. Its main task in this difficult task is to protect immune cells when activating peroxidation processes during viral infections chronic diseases(AIDS, chronic viral hepatitis).

Vitamin E is also needed for:

  • improving the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • preventing the destruction of red blood cells, as well as strengthening capillaries (preventing an increase in their fragility and permeability);
  • improving tissue respiration and stimulating protein synthesis, as a result of which vitamin E does not give the myocardium and skeletal muscles degenerate, and also reduces the myocardial oxygen demand and improves its contractility;
  • inhibition of the oxidation of unsaturated fats and “valiant” selenium, as well as delay in cholesterol synthesis, which prevents the development of such a formidable disease as atherosclerosis.
  • protection cell membranes from damage (without vitamin E, all cells in the body would be very susceptible to damage, especially cells nervous systems s);
  • stimulating the synthesis of heme and heme-containing enzymes (hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, catalase, peroxidase).

Well, now let's move on to the content in the products.

Undoubtedly, the leaders in vitamin E content are products containing polyunsaturated fats. These are grains, nuts, seeds, beans, vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, cottonseed, soybean and others). It is worth remembering that processing foods, especially flour, significantly reduces the content of vitamins in them.

Tomatoes, green lettuce, asparagus, avocado, cabbage, berries, some medicinal plants(rowberry, rose hip, sea buckthorn) can also be included in the list of leaders in vitamin E content.

Table of vitamin E content in food (mg/100 g).

ProductConcentration, mg/100 g
Soybean oil114
Corn oil93
Cottonseed oil90
Sunflower oil60
Sprouted wheat grains25
Oat grains18
Sprouted corn kernels15
Sea ​​buckthorn10,3
Rye and corn grains10
Wheat grains6,5
Pearl barley3,7
Wheat bread made from 2nd grade flour3,3
Green peas2,6
Rye bread2,2
Chicken egg2
Rose hip1,71
Cod, herring1,5
Beef liver1,38
Green onion1
Beef heart0,75
Black currant0,72
Sour cream 30% fat0,55
Cream 20% fat0,52
Fat cottage cheese0,38
Processed cheese0,35
Dutch cheese0,31
Full fat kefir0,07
White cabbage0,06

Lack of vitamin E - hypovitaminosis

Reasons for the shortage

In general, deficiency of this vitamin is extremely rare. There are 4 main conditions under which its quantity decreases.

  1. Hemodialysis.
  2. Prematurity.
  3. Postgastrectomy syndrome, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis), malabsorption syndrome.
  4. Hereditary diseases of red blood cells such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia.

Manifestations of deficiency

Signs of vitamin E hypovitaminosis in adults:

  • neuralgia;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • muscle hypotonia (weakness);
  • hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells).

Vitamin E deficiency most affects the genitals due to damage to the corresponding ganglion cells. As a result, women may develop infertility and pregnancy may be disrupted. In men, the ability of sperm to fertilize is impaired.

In premature infants, vitamin E deficiency is characterized by hemolytic anemia and retrolental fibroplasia (discoordination of movements).

Excess vitamin E - hypervitaminosis

At long-term use this vitamin adverse reactions practically does not occur. IN exceptional cases, allergies may occur.

According to clinical observations, it was noted that when taking various groups people (for 2 years) vitamin E as a dietary supplement to food in a dose of more than 3200 IU daily, no adverse effects side effects doctors didn't find out.

The specialists also organized the following experiment. Elderly people (over 60 years old), numbering 32, took 800 IU of vitamin E every day for a month. Of course, they were all under medical supervision. Taking this dose of vitamin E had no effect on the well-being of the experiment participants. The only significant effect was a marked increase in plasma vitamin E levels.

This indicates that vitamin E as a biologically active additives to food is quite safe.

At the same time, it is worth understanding that with prolonged use in large doses, a decrease in the activity of vitamin K in the body may be observed, accompanied by the appearance of hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. In addition, there may be a deterioration in wound healing.

Normal level of vitamin E in the blood

Clinical practice dictates the following standardsα-tocopherol content in blood plasma (see table).

0.35 ± 0.01 μg/10 9 cells × 2.322 (0.82 ± 0.03 nmol/10 9 cells)

Daily requirement of vitamin E

Daily intake levels of vitamin E in food and dietary supplements for adults:

  • Adequate – 15 mg;
  • The upper limit is 100 mg.

Indications for use

Since vitamin E is an excellent fighter against free radicals, it is used primarily as an antioxidant in the prevention of such complex ailments:

  1. heart diseases;
  2. malignant neoplasms;
  3. cerebrovascular accidents.

Vitamin E is also included in complex therapy in the following pathological conditions:

  • acne;
  • AIDS;
  • alcoholic liver damage;
  • allergy;
  • anemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • arrhythmia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • cataract;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • diabetes;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • eczema;
  • epilepsy;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • herpes simplex;
  • herpes zoster;
  • immunosuppressive conditions;
  • infections;
  • fever;
  • intermittent claudication;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • menopause;
  • common sclerosis;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • fibroma of the mammary glands;
  • menopausal syndrome;
  • myopathies;
  • neuralgia;
  • neuromuscular degeneration;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • periodontitis;
  • peripheral vascular diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • threatened abortion;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • menopause;
  • hypofunction of the gonads in men;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • arthritis;
  • scleroderma;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • ulcerative skin lesions;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • slowly regenerating wounds.

Where to buy vitamin E

I buy it Here. It is sold independently or in combination with other substances as part of biologically active food additives.

In the next article we will discuss which foods contain vitamin K, and also find out why our body needs it.

Denis Statsenko was with you. See you

It often happens that human body for one reason or another, feels acute insufficiency useful substances. Less common are cases of hypervitaminosis, when vitamins A, E, D, accumulating in cells and tissues, begin to cause negative reaction body. How to deal with such problems and what foods to eat to feel healthy, full of energy and look much younger than your age?

The secret is quite simple. First of all, attention should be paid proper nutrition. According to statistics, people who eat a lot of greens, vegetables, fruits and vegetable fats They feel much better and look younger. Their metabolism is much faster, and there are an order of magnitude more vitamins in the body than those who prefer fast foods, fatty foods meat dishes And alcoholic drinks. Unfortunately, excess vitamins are also negative for the body.

The role of beta-carotene in the human body

First of all, retinol is popular as a strong antioxidant, absorbed in the body with the help of certain fats and vitamin E. The storage properties of beta-carotene in the future help to get by with reserves deposited in the liver. Still, it is better to regularly consume vitamins A and E. There are sufficient amounts of them in foods. What can I say about taking the drug "Aevit"? Its constant use can lead to an overabundance, which is very undesirable and even harmful to the human body. Therefore, before taking it, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Retinol plays important role in the functions of protein synthesis, helps keep teeth in excellent condition, ensures the health of bones, cells and tissues of the body, slowing down and even stopping the process premature aging. It is very useful for human vision, and its deficiency has a bad effect on the immune system of any organism. But vitamin A has the most influential effect on skin. In order to look more attractive, youthful and without blemishes on the skin of the face or other parts of the body, you should take care of a sufficient level of beta-carotene in the body.

Functions of vitamin E

Tocopherol acetate, like vitamin A, is a fat-soluble substance. For them good absorption you will need enough fat. It plays the function of a powerful antioxidant in the body, and its sufficient amount promotes the active absorption of retinol. In addition, its role is quite significant in regulating cellular reactions. Its deficiency in the human body can lead to infertility, liver necrosis, muscle tissue degeneration and even brain destruction. Therefore, it is worth eating vitamin A and E. The oil contains a sufficient amount of these two useful substances.

Manifestation of acute deficiency of vitamins A and E

To the questions “how soon will you have to take the next dose of vitamins?” and “how quickly are useful substances removed from cells?” there is no specific answer. Each organism is unique and requires individual approach. But how can you independently determine that you have a lack of vitamins A and E?

There are several characteristic symptoms, which indicate vitamin deficiency:

  • Hair fragility, dryness and tendency to split ends. This is the first sign that gives reason to think that it’s time to take vitamin A and E. But many girls damage their hair with dyes containing perhydrol to lighten their curls. Therefore, this criterion does not always correspond to reality.
  • The condition of the skin of the face and body also indicates a deficiency of vitamins E, A, nicotinic acid. If your skin begins to look old, it is dry and pale, then it is time to take Aevit or other drugs containing retinol and vitamin E, but first it is recommended to consult a doctor. He will more accurately prescribe a course of treatment. How alternative option, you can read what vitamin A contains and what foods contain other most beneficial substances for your body. They will not be superfluous for you.
  • Brittle nails and the appearance of hangnails indicate a deficiency of vitamin E and A.
  • Sometimes, due to dry skin, bloody cracks may appear on the lips, and due to vitamin E deficiency and poor blood clotting, their healing is poor.

Signs of excess vitamins A and E in the body

An overdose of retinol and tocopherol in the body is very dangerous. She causes a lot unpleasant symptoms: fatigue, lethargy, dizziness and therefore blurred vision, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and congestion blood vessels. Oversaturation with vitamin E is very dangerous for smokers, because in combination with nicotine there is high probability getting a stroke.

The characteristic symptoms of excess vitamin A are somewhat similar to tocopherol hypervitaminosis, so it can be difficult to determine which vitamin complex it's time to stop eating. First of all, consult your doctor and start following a diet. And in no case should you self-medicate, or completely exclude vitamin A and E from food. Not everyone knows where the complex of these elements is contained. There are a number of products that contain the maximum amount of retinol and tocopherol.

Products containing vitamin A and E

Where is vitamin A found? Many people prefer medical capsules and pills. But it is safer and healthier to consume them from food. Retinol is known to accumulate in the liver of animals. For example, beef liver contains 8.2 mg per 100 g of product. Retinol is also included in the liver of fish, caviar, eggs, milk and fermented milk products. Moreover, in such healthy vegetable, like carrots, also have vitamin A. Vegetables are considered the easiest for the body.

Vegetable, olive, cottonseed, corn and other oils are the main sources of tocopherol for the human body. That is why they should be eaten in the first place. Products such as nuts, olives, whole grains, seeds also contain enough large dose this component.

There are foods that simultaneously contain vitamin A and E. Where is it found, which of these foods is best absorbed by the body? The question is simple, but few know the answer.

Sources of vitamins and their proper consumption

Most of us know that in case of vitamin deficiency, you should immediately consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe the necessary components. These can be tablets, capsules and other types medical supplies. But you can do without them if you know the sources of vitamins and their daily intake. Only your attending physician can definitely answer this question, because each organism is individual, but scientific research, an adult should eat tocopherol in the range of 30-400 IU per day, and retinol - 5000-10000 IU. There is also a threshold for the toxicity of these substances. In the case of vitamin A, it is 500,000 IU, and tocopherol - already 3000 is considered dangerous for the body.

Preparations containing retinol and tocopherol

"Aevit" is the most common medical product, containing vitamin A and E. Where it is contained only Such products can be “Axerophthol”, “Aquital”. Preparations can be in the form of tablets, ampoules, dragees. But they are insoluble in water and therefore are used using fats, chloroform, alcohol and ether. Most often they are used together with fats, and accordingly, with tocopherol.

Do not forget that self-medication can lead to harmful consequences, so first of all you should find out an accurate diagnosis in order to begin treating vitamin deficiency or excess of excess components. It is necessary to find out what vitamin A and E contain, and either consume more of them, or, in the case of hypervitaminosis, abandon them. Be healthy and young!

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a natural substance without which it is impossible normal functioning human body. This organic compound is directly involved in the growth of cells and tissues, supporting their reproduction. It enters the body through food, so it is important for a person to know which foods contain vitamin E in order to maintain their health. It is also necessary to take into account the rate of consumption of products containing tocopherol to avoid hypovitaminosis and unpleasant symptoms associated with it.

The importance of vitamin E for the human body

The main role of vitamin E is to protect the body’s cell membranes from free radicals, through which essential substances for humans pass. To protect the cell, tocopherol molecules are surrounded by red blood cells, protecting them from attack. If you know which product contains vitamin E, you can quickly improve your health. For example, drink a couple of spoons olive oil after a long party. Among other things, tocopherol:

  1. Reduces the formation of scars on the skin.
  2. Helps reduce high blood pressure.
  3. Reduces fatigue.
  4. Prevents senile pigmentation.
  5. Helps lower sugar.
  6. Improves the functioning of the genital organs, especially during pregnancy.
  7. Promotes the absorption of vitamin A.

The benefits of vitamins A and E and what they have in common

The content of vitamin A (retinol/carotene) in the human body is responsible for the functioning of the immune system, metabolism, and supports the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. This is the very first assistant good vision, conditions of the skin, bones, teeth, hair. Scientists have proven that retinol and carotene prevent the development cancer cells. The main sources of this beneficial organic compound are: sea ​​fish, liver, kidneys, cabbage, lettuce, fermented milk products.

Vitamin E - prevents aging, helps maintain immunity, takes part in strengthening blood vessels and nourishing cells. If an obstacle (blockage or blood clot) appears in the path of blood flow, it is able to form a new vessel nearby. Doctors recommend taking them together for a reason, because tocopherol does not allow vitamin A to be destroyed, maintaining the necessary balance in the human body.

Main food sources of vitamin E

Vitamin E is distributed specifically in foods. The main content is in food plant origin, but animals also have this organic compound, although in much smaller quantities. Wheat germ oil has the maximum vitamin E content. Therefore, it is popular not only among nutritionists, but also among cosmetologists who advise using this product in treatment skin diseases. Other vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, olive, peanut) also contain vitamin E in large quantities.

However, too much vegetable oil in the daily diet of any person will lead to a lack of tocopherol, because significant reserves are spent only on protection polyunsaturated acids from free radicals, so it is recommended to consume vegetable oils no more than 2-3 tablespoons per day. High levels of this organic compound are found in mustard, turnip greens, and sunflower seeds.


Natural source Tocopherols are the following products of plant origin:

  • nuts: peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, almonds;
  • legumes: beans, peas;
  • cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • vegetables: spinach, tomato, carrots, celery, onions, parsley, Brussels sprouts;
  • fruits: banana, pear, orange.
  • sprouted grain.


The list of animal products that contain tocopherol is much smaller, but they are constantly included in daily diet person:

  • butter;
  • margarine;
  • eggs: chicken, quail;
  • calf liver;
  • lard;
  • meat: beef; chicken, pork, lamb, venison;
  • maritime and river fish;
  • milk: cow, goat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • hard cheese.

Daily value for adults and children

Normal content in the body of an adult man, vitamin E is 7-8 mg per day, a woman – 5-6 mg, a child – 4-5 mg. For pregnant women, the daily dose should be 10 mg, for nursing mothers – 15 mg. If the family eats foods containing a lot of polyunsaturated fats (vegetable oils, dairy products, meat), then the daily dose should be increased.

It is better to divide the intake of nutrients into several doses than to take large dosages at once or not at all. healthy products carry out once a day. This way they will be better absorbed by the body. It should be remembered that when using synthetic alpha-tocopherol, the dosage should be increased by 1.5 times, because the effectiveness of the artificially created analogue is much less.

Table of foods high in vitamin E

Signs of excess and deficiency of tocopherol

A person’s need for useful organic compounds is an integral part of his life. Vitamin E deficiency occurs when consuming foods with low content fat Such problems can lead to diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, a severe form of anemia, and skin problems. Diseases associated with digestive problems can also reduce fat content when nutrients poorly absorbed from the stomach.

At long-term use alpha-tocopherol may develop hypervitaminosis. Against this background, the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and can also be observed:

  • increased breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • muscle pain;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • apathy, weakness, fatigue;
  • disturbance of visual perception;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • decreased concentration of sex hormones.

However, an excess of tocopherol is extremely rare. Many adults consume foods high in it every day without apparent harm. And deficiency of this organic compound is more common, especially among young people who snack on fast food, where tocopherol content is not detected at all. Watch the video where experts explain why a person needs vitamin E:

Various varieties of tocopherols (from the Greek toko - “offspring” and the Latin ferre - “to bring”), similar in chemical composition and effect on the body, are called vitamin E. Women need it for proper development fetus, men for sexual function. The intake of foods containing vitamin E is necessary for protein metabolism, muscle activity, and the nervous system.

Beneficial properties of tocopherols

One of the causes of aging is free radicals that destroy cell membranes. Eating foods rich in vitamin E improves the absorption of oxygen in tissues, reduces blood clotting and the risk of blood clots, and dilates capillaries.

Recent studies have found that if a blood clot forms in a vessel, vitamin E helps create a new vessel nearby.

When intracellular fats (lipids) are oxidized, toxic substances, which in certain cases lead to cell death and also inhibit the action of other vitamins and enzymes. Tocopherols neutralize the resulting ones.

Including foods containing vitamin E in your diet is essential for optimal function. endocrine system, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. It stimulates the activity of the heart, improves oxygen metabolism in cells.

This nutrition is necessary for metabolism, which athletes use to quickly increase significant volume muscle mass, avoid overwork, increase endurance.

The presence of tocopherols in the diet improves absorption and accumulation in the body fat-soluble vitamins- first of all, .

Vitamin E is soluble in fats, but its content in foods quickly decreases under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, tocopherols are used to:

  • increase the level of red blood cells;
  • prevent heart and vascular diseases;
  • reduce the risk of developing cataracts;
  • improve skin condition;
  • quickly get rid of stitches, scars, ;
  • protect the oral cavity;
  • reduce the risk of prostate and breast tumors;
  • slow down the aging process.

Tocopherols help with chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and with strong emotional stress. They are practically not excreted from the body through the kidneys and feces.

Daily norm

Vitamin E is not synthesized in the human body, so it must be obtained from food.

The daily intake of tocopherols is measured in international units (IU), with 100 mg equal to 140 IU.

Adults need to receive up to 20 mg of vitamin E from food every day. This amount is contained in 2 tbsp. vegetable oil or 50g almonds.

With significant physical activity the dose can be increased at the rate of 8 mg for every 1000 kcal of diet.

The intake of vitamin E from foods should be increased during breastfeeding, athletes, as well as those engaged in heavy physical labor.

Signs of Deficiency

With a lack of tocopherols, fats in the body begin to break down, and age spots appear on the hands - compounds of proteins and fat-like substances.

The condition of the skin worsens, the female cycle, pregnancy can end in miscarriage, and lactation stops in nursing mothers.

Decline, causeless weakness and increased fatigue, muscular dystrophy, decreased sharpness, inability to concentrate, decreased levels, nervousness and irritability also signal a vitamin E deficiency.

When consumed through foods, vitamin E accumulates in adipose tissue; long-term deficiency is rare. As a rule, this happens when digestion and absorption of fats are impaired. Insufficient absorption may be caused by surgical removal parts small intestine.

Excessive exposure to the sun reduces tocopherol levels.

The predominance of foods with saturated fat disrupts cholesterol metabolism, which also requires an increase in vitamin E intake.

In large quantities, tocopherols are not toxic, but can thin the blood and increase blood pressure. The body removes their excess with bile.

Vitamin E during pregnancy

Tocopherols are necessary for normal course pregnancy, fetal development. If they are deficient, the unborn child may develop congenital deformities, joint abnormalities, and mental disability.

With a sufficient intake of tocopherols in a child, the risk of developing animal fur is reduced. pollen.

Products that contain vitamin E reduce the risk of miscarriage, are necessary for the formation of milk, and their deficiency causes the cessation of lactation.

To prevent stretch marks from forming on the stomach, thighs, and mammary glands, you can rub creams with oil vitamin E (first you need to check individual sensitivity on a small area of ​​skin).

List and table of foods containing vitamin E

Tocopherol in significant amount contain green parts of plants, lettuce, parsley, legumes, green beans, cabbage leaves, corn, rye grains, wheat grains, buckwheat, millet, barley, brown rice, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, corn, sunflower, olive, flaxseed, sea buckthorn vegetable oils.

Oats, raspberry leaves, fruits and oil from its seeds are rich in vitamin E.

Cup of fresh raspberries cover daily requirement in tocopherols by 50%.

Due to its significant vitamin E content, it is especially useful for men.

To increase the vitamin E content of wheat grains, they are sprouted:

  • sort the grains, wash them, dry them with a dry soft cloth;
  • pour into a glass container, moisten with water at room temperature, cover with a damp cloth;
  • When the sprouts become 1-2mm, rinse the grains - they are ready to eat.

Oil from sprouted wheat seeds contains the maximum amount of vitamin E. Less tocopherols in meat and dairy products, eggs, fish:

Table. Products containing vitamin E
Product (100 g)Vitamin E content, mg
Wheat germ oil215,4
Cottonseed oil99
Corn oil93
Sunflower oil67
Flaxseed oil57
Fresh pine or spruce needles35
Sunflower seeds21,8
Flour, cereals, bread3
Green peas2,5
Buckwheat flour2,1
Green onions, apricots, peaches1,2
Vegetables, fruits, berries0,5
Dairy products0,3

Steaming food helps preserve vitamin E; up to 10% of it is lost. Frying or using a grill completely destroys it.

Tocopherols are best combined with butter, cream, egg yolks, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, green parts of plants that are rich in vitamins A and C.

Possible harm of multivitamins

IN last time Publications have appeared in foreign publications about the effect of taking multivitamins on the prevention of neoplasms of the digestive system.

According to the results obtained, antioxidant vitamins not only do not prevent the development of tumors, but, on the contrary, increase mortality - for example, the use of a complex of vitamins A and E increased mortality by a third.

A reliable explanation for this discouraging result has not yet been obtained. But, obviously, one cannot ignore the excessive enthusiasm for multivitamins.

Modified: 02/13/2019

Without vitamins, the human body cannot function properly. These biological active substances come only with food. Contains 13 low-molecular-weight molecules most important for life organic matter there is a unique vitamin.

This is vitamin E or tocopherol. It is responsible for our youth and sexual function.

What foods contain vitamin E, where is it found most, and a reliable table with the specific gravity of the daily dose can be found in our article.

Tocopherol is included in the group of fat-soluble vitamins. This is a kind of external hormone, a courier important information between cells and tissues. Absorbed from the small intestine, it is transported in the body by lipoproteins - complexes of proteins and lipids. It is a powerful antioxidant, antihypoxant and immunomodulator.

Vitamin E inactivates toxic products released as a result metabolic processes in a cage. Tocopherol protects against them:

  • Molecular connections between keratin and retinol,
  • phospholipids of cell membranes,
  • hormones produced by the endocrine and sex glands,
  • red blood cells from hemolysis, preventing thrombus formation.

Tocopherol saves oxygen consumption by cells by controlling the synthesis of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q), important component tissue respiration. Strengthens the body's immune defenses.

Daily tocopherol requirement

Norm physiological need in tocopherol depends on the age of the person. In newborns up to 6 months daily norm consumption is 3 mg. Preschoolers should receive from 4 to 7 mg of the vitamin daily. Schoolchildren (up to 14 years old) - from 7 to 10 mg.

Young people under 18 and adults healthy people An adequate level of tocopherol intake is set at 15 mg.

Symptoms of tocopherol deficiency

Tocopherol deficiency develops as a result of congenital metabolic disorders, aggressive effects environment, nutritional deficiency.

Its deficiency manifests itself:

  • impaired reproductive ability - decreased potency in men, miscarriage in pregnant women;
  • hemolytic anemia in newborns;
  • swelling, vomiting, increased blood pressure early stages pregnancy;
  • violation of muscle tone,
  • retinal degeneration,
  • liver necrosis,
  • loss of coordination, decreased reflexes, speech impairment, loss of skin sensitivity due to disorders of the nervous system.

What foods contain a lot of vitamin E?

There are many sources on the Internet where vitamin E is found and which foods contain the most vitamin E. What resources contain reliable data? You can check the chemical composition reference table food products, which includes vitamins. It was compiled by domestic scientists of the 90s of the XX century.

The composition of the products was determined by standardized physicochemical methods of alkaline hydrolysis, extraction of unsaponifiable residue, chromatography.

Prepared foods containing vitamin E large quantities:

  • wheat and rye bread, prepared according to old traditional recipes;
  • pasta premium;
  • cereals;
  • butter;
  • tahini halva;
  • mackerel in oil;
  • Atlantic horse mackerel

Products of plant origin

Vegetable oils- foods that contain the most vitamin E. But they must be fresh, obtained by cold pressing. The process of refining vegetable oils goes through 8 processing stages. The result is butter or margarine without beneficial fatty acids and tocopherol.

IMPORTANT! Consumption of food cooked in refined oil can cause hypovitaminosis!

An excess of vegetable oils in the diet intensifies the consumption of tocopherol for the processing of unsaturated fatty acids and preventing the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products.

Analysis of the table shows what contains the most vitamin E, except oils. Nuts, sea buckthorn, carrots, peaches, chokeberries, and leeks have a pronounced antioxidant property.

Animal products

The table shows that products of animal origin, rich in vitamin E, do not provide the body with such nutrition. high content tocopherol, which is found in vegetable oil. More vitamin contain seafood than meat and milk. This is confirmed by the list below. Its source is " Chemical composition food products", volume 2, 1987. Edited by I. M. Skurikhin and M. N. Volgarev.

Table of vitamin E content in foods

Product name Vitamin content per 100 g, mg % of daily dose (15 mg)
semolina 2,55 17,0
buckwheat core 6,65 44,3
rice 0,45 3,0
millet 2,60 17,3
oatmeal 3,40 22,7
oatmeal"Hercules" 3,20 21,3
pearl barley 3,70 24,7
corn 2,70 18,0
Peas 9,10 60,7
rye 2,20 14,7
hearth 2,68 17,9
whole grain wheat 3,80 25,3
wheat hearth 3,30 22,0
wheat 1st grade 1,96 13,1
premium wheat 1,68 11,2
sliced ​​loaf 2,50 16,7
Pasta premium 2,10 14,0
almond 30,90 206,0
hazelnut 25,50 170,0
walnut 23,0 153,3
Milk chocolate 0,78 5,2
Cocoa powder 3,0 20,0
Unglazed milk candies 0,22 1,5
Iris 0,38 2,5
Tahini halva 20,0 133,3
cow 0,09 0,6
mare 0,07 0,5
Goat 0,09 0,6
Whole milk products
fat cottage cheese 0,38 2,5
cream 20% 0,52 3,5
cream 30% 0,55 3,7
full fat kefir 0,07 0,5
kumiss 0,03 0,2
Whole milk powder 0,45 3,0
Condensed milk with sugar 0,23 1,5
Condensed milk, sterilized without sugar 0,15 1,0
Sterilized cream 25% 0,56 3,7
Hard cheeses:
Dutch 0,31 2,1
Kostroma 0,34 2,3
Russian 0,30 2,0
Soft cheeses:
Roquefort 0,45 3,0
Camembert 0,34 2,3
Processed cheese "Russian" 0,35 2,3
Unsalted butter 2,20 14,7
Ice cream 0,30 2,0
Vegetable oils:
corn 93 620,0
olive 13 86,7
sunflower 56 373,3
soy 114 760,0
cotton 99 660,0
creamy 20 133,3
lactic 25 166,7
green peas 2,60 17,3
early white cabbage 0,10 0,67
late cabbage 0,06 4,0
Brussels sprouts 1,0 6,7
cauliflower 0,15 1,0
potato 0,10 0,7
bow - feather 1,0 6,7
onion - leek 1,50 10,0
Onion 0,20 1,3
carrot 5,0 33,3
cucumbers 0,10 0,67
sweet green pepper 0,67 4,5
sweet red sweet pepper 0,67 4,5
rhubarb 0,20 1,3
salad 0,66 4,4
beet 0,14 0,9
celery (greens) 0,50 3,3
ground tomatoes 0,39 2,6
beans 0,10 0,7
garlic 0,10 0,7
spinach 2,5 16,7
Melon 0,10 0,7
apricot 0,95 6,3
banana 0,40 26,7
cherry 0,32 2,1
pear 0,36 2,4
peaches 1,50 10,0
chokeberry 1,50 10,0
plum 0,63 4,2
cherries 0,30 2,0
winter apples 0,63 4,2
orange 0,22 1,5
mandarin 0,20 1,3
garden strawberries 0,54 3,6
gooseberry 0,56 3,7
raspberry 0,58 3,9
sea ​​​​buckthorn 10,30 68,7
red currant 0,20 1,3
black currant 0,72 4,8
fresh rosehip 1,71 11,4
fresh porcini mushrooms 0,63 4,2
Meat and meat products:
beef 0,57 3,8
mutton 0,70 4,7
bacon cut of pork 0,54 3,6
veal 0,15 1,0
Rabbit meat 0,50 3,3
Beef by-products:
liver 1,28 8,5
heart 0,75 5,0
Pork by-products:
lung 0,50 3,3
liver 0,44 2,9
Boiled sausages:
Dietary 0,28 1,9
Doctoral 0,30 2,0
Dairy 0,43 2,9
Raw smoked loin 1,11 7,4
Pork fat 1,7 11,3
Beef fat 1,30 8,7
Lamb fat 0,5 3,3
broiler category I 0,30 2,0
turkeys category I 0,34 2,3
chickens 0,01 0,07
Whole chicken egg (melange) 2,0 13,3
Fish fresh, chilled, frozen
Far Eastern flounder 1,2 8,0
carp 0,48 3,2
pollock 0,26 1,7
navaga Belomorskaya 0,57 3,8
sea ​​bass 0,42 2,8
halibut 0,65 4,3
herring 0,70 4,7
sardine 0,48 3,2
fatty Atlantic herring 1,20 8,0
Atlantic fatty mackerel 1,60 10,7
som 0,96 6,4
zander 1,80 12,0
cod 0,92 6,1
tuna 0,24 1,6
silver hake 0,37 2,5
pike 0,20 1,3
Non-fish species:
squid (fillet) 2,20 14,7
shrimp 2,27 15,1
krill 0,59 3,9
Pollock caviar 1,6 10,7
Atlantic salted herring 0,75 5,0
Natural canned fish
cod liver 8,8 58,7
krill 0,32 2,1
Canned fish in oil:
Atlantic mackerel blanched 2,76 18,4
Atlantic mackerel in tomato 0,72 4,8
Canned fruits and vegetables:
green peas 1,2 8,0
tomato paste 1,0 6,7

Vitamin E capsules

Synthetic tocopherol is obtained by synthesis from the oil of wheat germ seeds, pumpkin seeds, and milk thistle. The substance is available in capsules and chewable lozenges. Tocopherol acetate 100, 200 and 400 mg is a type of product.

Aevit — complex drug, which includes 100 mg of tocopherol. Component drugs Leciton, Essentiale. Contained in multivitamins Triovit, Undevit, Decamevit, Complivit, Vitamax.

Vitamin E tablets

Tocopherol tablets are unpopular. When dissolved, it produces an irritating effect on the digestive system.

REFERENCE. Ascorbic acid saves tocopherol reserves. Vitamin C is prescribed to enhance its antioxidant effect.

Manifestations of overdose

REFERENCE. If you increase your intake of tocopherol 100 times, it ceases to be a vitamin. Becomes a medicine to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Prevents blood clotting.

A megadose of tocopherol (more than 1 g per day) can cause hypertriglyceridemia and increased blood pressure.

Manifestations of hypervitaminosis:

  • thrombocytopenia, poor clotting blood;
  • weakening of twilight vision;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • headache, muscle cramps, weakness;
  • decreased potency.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to taking tocopherol are not absolute.

Vitamin E enhances the effect of insulin. In patients receiving it diabetes mellitus exclude the consumption of tocopherol.

Vitamin E worsens the effect of the anticoagulant and reduces the level of coagulation factors. In patients taking heparin, warfarin, tocopherol should be discontinued to prevent bleeding.

The functioning of vitamin E in the body will be effective with a properly formulated diet that takes into account the interaction with other organic substances.
Spent tocopherol must be promptly replaced.

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