Anti-influenza vaccines Grippol and Grippol Plus: instructions for use and price. Grippol plus-belmed (trivalent inactivated polymer-subunit influenza vaccine): instructions for use Price and analogues of influenza vaccine

The seasonal incidence of influenza and SARS is relevant for every person, regardless of gender, age and place of residence.

The danger of the flu lies in the complications that arise against the background of the reproduction of the virus in the body.

As a specific prophylaxis of this disease, a flu vaccine has been developed, which forms a stable anti-influenza immunity.

Vaccine Grippol

In order to understand the full need for preventive measures, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the most common complications of seasonal viral diseases. Possible complications of the flu include:

  • Pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis);
  • Inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Against the background of influenza and SARS, acute bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy often occur;
  • Infectious-inflammatory damage to the heart. Very often, viral diseases cause complications such as myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis. The progression of these complications leads to irreversible processes in the heart;
  • Purulent-inflammatory lesion of the middle ear (otitis media). This kind of complications most often occurs in children of preschool and primary school age;
  • Kidney diseases. Viral damage to the body is fraught with diseases such as glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis;
  • Inflammatory damage to large joints (arthritis);
  • Digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, stool disorders).

Types of preventive vaccines

Influenza vaccines are conditionally classified into inactivated, attenuated and live preparations. The inactivated type is designed for injection, and the live type is designed for spraying onto the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

The inactivated type of prophylactic is widely used for vaccination of adults and children. This type of drugs is conditionally divided into the following types:

  • split. The composition of the drug includes proteins of the destroyed influenza virus. A distinctive feature of split vaccines is a high degree of purification, which guarantees a mild effect on the body.
  • whole virus. The composition of the preparations includes killed influenza viruses that have not been destroyed.
  • Subunit funds. Vaccines of this type carry the surface antigens of the virus, which are necessary for the formation of stable anti-influenza immunity.

Indications for vaccination

The following categories of the population are subject to mandatory vaccination against the influenza virus:

  • Employees of medical institutions;
  • Elderly people (over 60 years old);
  • Children older than six months;
  • People who often suffer from respiratory viral diseases (more often than 7 times a year);
  • Persons with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Students of preschool and school institutions;
  • Workers in the service sector, trade, military personnel.

Vaccine Grippol

This prophylactic agent belongs to the group of subunit influenza vaccines. The high efficiency of the drug is due to its composition. The conductor of the substance in the body is polyoxidonium, which has a detoxifying and antioxidant effect. A substance such as polyoxidonium against influenza is used very often. Against the background of drug treatment, there is an improvement in the general condition of patients with a viral infection.

Since the influenza virus can acquire different variations, the antigenic structure of the influenza vaccine flu flu changes in accordance with the epidemiological situation.

Original packaging (photo)

Instructions for use

The manufacturer produces this drug in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection. The volume of each ampoule is 0.5 ml. The official flu vaccination instructions for influenza recommend following these guidelines:

  • Preventive vaccination against the influenza virus must be carried out in the autumn, 1 month before the expected epidemic of a viral infection;
  • It is recommended to vaccinate children no earlier than six months. Such babies are injected with 0.25 ml of the solution, twice. The interval between vaccinations is 30 days;
  • For adults and children over 3 years of age, the recommended dose of flu shot influenzal plus is 0.5 ml once;
  • For adults, the drug is injected into the upper third of the shoulder (intramuscularly), and for children in the region of the quadriceps femoris muscle.


Despite the fact that the drug has a mild effect on the body, its use is not always acceptable. The main contraindications for the use of influenza influenza vaccine include:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of organs and systems;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Allergic intolerance to egg white;
  • Any disease in the stage of decompensation;
  • Individual intolerance to previously administered prophylactic vaccines;
  • The presence of diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature.

In all other cases, the Grippol vaccine is a reliable defender of the human body against influenza and ARVI pathogens.

Side effects

Against the background of the introduction of this drug, adverse reactions very rarely occur. Possible side effects of vaccination include:

  • General malaise, weakness;
  • Headache;
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • neurological disorders;
  • Parasthesia;
  • Myalgia;
  • Local redness and induration at the injection site;
  • An increase in body temperature to 37.5-38 degrees. High temperature lasts no more than 2 days.

Adverse reactions are not dangerous to human health, and do not require the intervention of medical specialists. Their duration is 1-2 days.

In the presence of one or more contraindications, it is necessary to notify the medical specialist performing the vaccination.

Vaccination during pregnancy and lactation

Prophylactic Influenza Vaccine grippol plus belmed» does not adversely affect the developing fetus.

This allows the use of this drug to protect pregnant and lactating women from influenza and ARVI pathogens.

The decision to vaccinate a pregnant woman is made by a medical specialist. The optimal vaccination period is the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

special instructions

In order for the preventive measure not to entail a number of negative consequences, it is recommended to follow simple rules. The official instructions for the influenza vaccine, influenzal, recommends the following:

  • It is strictly forbidden to administer the drug intravenously;
  • Vaccination should be carried out in manipulation rooms that have at their disposal medicines to stop an anaphylactic reaction;
  • Before manipulation, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will evaluate the body temperature and the general condition of the body;
  • For vaccination, a preparation that is in a closed package and corresponding to the shelf life should be used;
  • After manipulation, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages for 7 days;
  • If a person is taking any medications, then it is recommended that he inform the attending physician about this before administering the vaccine;
  • After vaccination, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, excessive emotional and physical stress during the first 7 days;
  • After vaccinating children, it is recommended to limit the baby's stay in crowded places for 5-7 days.

The effectiveness of the remedy does not depend on which influenza virus influenzal was introduced.

Grippol vaccination

drug interaction

This prophylactic does not interact with most drugs. The exception is immunosuppressive drugs, the effect of which is weakened by contact with the vaccine. Simultaneous administration of influenza vaccination with BCG and BCG-m vaccines is strictly prohibited.

After the administration of the drug, there is no decrease in attention and concentration, so routine vaccination does not affect the ability to drive a car.

Preventive vaccination with Grippol has been included in the mandatory vaccination calendar since 2006. This procedure annually helps to reduce the percentage of seasonal respiratory viral infections.

More detailed information about which influenza strains is effective against is available from outpatient clinics.


Grippol plus 2018 is designed for strains of influenza virus antigens specified in accordance with WHO recommendations for the current epidemic season.

The Grippol plus vaccine was created at the State Research Center - Institute of Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. R.V. Petrov and R.M. Khaitov proposed an immunogenetic principle for creating a new generation of vaccines. The principle is to bypass the genetically programmed low response of the vaccinated organism, i.e. achieve phenotypic correction of the gene control of the immune response. Polymer carriers-immunostimulators have been created. The most effective and harmless of them - polyoxidonium, approved for clinical use, was registered and patented. The action of polymeric immunomodulators is to restructure the work of cells that interact in the process of the immune response. The preparations were called polymer-subunit conjugated vaccines (CPVs). The new-generation influenza vaccine developed at the Institute of Immunology is a variant of CVV ​​obtained by chemical binding of the main antigens of the influenza virus. In this vaccine, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase isolated from influenza A/H1N1, A/H3N2 and B virions are bound by a highly soluble high molecular weight immunomodulator N-oxidized derivative of poly-1,4-ethylenepiperazine (polyoxidonium). The resulting trivalent vaccine was named Grippol. In preclinical and clinical trials, the drug proved to be highly effective and safe. Influenza vaccination induces the synthesis of antibodies of isotopes M, G (1, 2a, 2c, 3) and A, but not allergic E; T-helper and T-killer lymphocytes are formed, which ensures the creation of intense specific humoral and cellular immunity to the influenza virus. The presence of polyoxidonium in the vaccine (500 μg per dose) provides a significant increase in immunogenicity with a 3–5-fold reduction in the vaccination dose of antigens, more effective formation of immunological memory for influenza virus antigens, antigen stability and safety in use.

The vaccine Grippol plus 2018 has been approved for use in healthcare practice since 1996 (reg. No. 96/309/123/4, VFS 42-2728-96). Produced in Russia. Release form: 0.5 ml ampoules (I dose); 10 ampoules per pack.

The vaccine is used to immunize children from 3 years of age and adults without age restrictions. The vaccine is administered once subcutaneously in a volume of 0.5 ml, regardless of age, in the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder.

In state trials of the vaccine on volunteers aged 18–60 years, a weak reactogenicity of the Grippol vaccine was established due to high purification from ballast substances, a decrease in the vaccination dose of antigens; high rates of preventive efficiency were noted. The data obtained served as the basis for testing the safety and efficacy of the Grippol vaccine for school-age children (6–17 years old), younger children (3–6 years old) and infants (6 months–3 years old), as well as children with chronic somatic diseases, who are most are at risk of influenza, complications and death from influenza. The studies were carried out in 1998-2001. under conditions of controlled epidemiological experience on the basis of organized institutions (schools, boarding schools, kindergartens in Obninsk) in the pre-epidemic period of the seasonal rise in acute respiratory infections. Children with no contraindications were vaccinated with parental consent. For immunization, a vaccination dose was used for children over 3 years old and adults (0.5 ml) with a single injection. At the same time, it was taken into account that the Grippol vaccine contains 1/3 of hemagglutinin, which is part of all influenza vaccines used in world practice. The vaccine was administered with a disposable syringe into the upper third of the upper arm.

Observations showed that the vaccinated (age from 6 months to 17 years) had no local reactions. An increase in body temperature up to 37.5 ° C in those vaccinated with the Grippol vaccine and those receiving placebo in all age groups (6 months-3 years, 3-6 years and 6-17 years) was noted in isolated cases. The duration of the recorded temperature reactions did not exceed 24 hours. Indicators of clinical analysis of peripheral blood and urine in dynamics were within the normal range. Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that vaccination was harmless and well tolerated by children. Under the conditions of State tests in 1997–1998. in a strictly controlled epidemiological experiment during the vaccination of schoolchildren from 6 to 18 years of age, a high epidemiological efficacy and safety of the drug was established. The vaccine has been effectively used for vaccination of the population by the services of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation during influenza epidemics since 1997. The drug is well tolerated and has a high preventive effect. The cost of a single vaccination dose of the domestic vaccine Grippol is several times lower than the cost of well-known foreign vaccines.

The study of the preventive efficacy of the drug Grippol plus (reviews and observation) was carried out while monitoring a contingent of school-age children in the amount of 3500 people, of which 918 were vaccinated. During the period from December to April in the main group (in schools where vaccinations against influenza were carried out) and in the control group (in schools where immunization was not carried out), the incidence of influenza and SARS was recorded and analyzed; selectively, serological deciphering of diseases diagnosed with influenza and ARVI was performed using paired blood sera collected on days 1–3 of the disease and 14–21 days after the onset of the disease (25 vaccinated and 28 unvaccinated people were examined). It was shown that in the children of the control group, the disease proceeded in moderate and severe clinical forms, while in the vaccinated children, in almost all cases, the flu proceeded in a mild form. When comparing the frequency of influenza within 5 months. it was found that the index and efficiency ratio are 2.0 and 59.3%, respectively (the incidence of diseases in the control group is 186.9, in the vaccinated group - 94.8). Observation of the vaccinated for 5 months. after vaccination showed that the frequency of diseases of the upper respiratory tract in them was reduced by 2.4 times in comparison with those who were not vaccinated.

The study of the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the Grippol plus vaccine was carried out when vaccinating children of primary school age with a history of chronic somatic or allergic diseases. Children lived in closed children's institutions, vaccination was carried out before the start of the epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza. No general or local reactions to vaccination were noted. A pronounced immune response was detected after a single administration of the vaccine at a standard dose. The seroconversion rate for influenza A/H1N1 antigen was 75%, for A/H3N2 90% and for type B 73%. At the same time, in most children, antibody titers to virus strains were not only protective, but high (>640). The presence of chronic pathology in them did not prevent the development of humoral immunity.

Safety and effectiveness of the Grippol 2017 vaccine for children aged 6 months and over. up to 3 years were studied according to 3 immunization schemes: 1) the introduction of a full vaccination dose (15 μg of hemagglutinin in 0.5 ml) once; 2) the introduction of a half dose (7.5 μg of hemagglutinin in 0.25 ml) twice; maintaining a full dose (15 μg of hemagglutinin in 0.5 ml) twice with an interval of 3-4 weeks. Differences in the manifestations of local and general reactions and the frequency of diseases within 6 months. after vaccination with the use of various immunization schemes was not detected.

The study of the immunogenic activity of the vaccine showed that in seronegative children, the rates of 4-fold seroconversion to influenza virus strains A / H3N2 and A / H1N1 with a double injection of 1/2 dose (0.25 ml) of the vaccine were higher (57.9% and 75. 0%, respectively) compared with the indicators obtained with a single injection of the drug in a full dose (0.5 ml) (28.6% and 41.6%, respectively). No significant differences were found for type B influenza virus (61.5% and 80.6%, respectively). Comparison of the immunogenic activity of 1/2 and full vaccination doses of the drug with a double injection revealed the advantage of administering a lower dose.

In seropositive children, the frequency of 4-fold seroconversions practically did not depend on the immunization regimen (double administration of 1/2 or the full dose of the vaccine). Based on the data obtained, a recommendation was made for a double immunization with a dose of 0.25 ml in the case of the first vaccination of children aged 6 months and older. up to 3 years who have not had the flu and have not previously been vaccinated against the flu.

Thus, we can conclude that the experience of using the Grippol Plus 2017 vaccine and the reviews of doctors indicate the safety of the drug, including for patients from high-risk groups for influenza.

In the process of studying the effect of vaccination with Grippol, it was found that the incidence of influenza and SARS in those vaccinated with the Grippol vaccine (6787 people) in Kogalma was significantly (11 times) reduced. Extensive immunological studies have been conducted in vaccinated adults before, after 8 days and after 1 month. after vaccination. The analysis showed that during the formation of specific immunity, its initially reduced indicators improve, that is, the normalizing effect of the vaccine on T-helpers and the immune system as a whole appears, which is associated with the presence of an immunomodulator - polyoxidonium in the vaccine. The ability of the Grippol vaccine to increase the non-specific resistance of the organism gives grounds for the use of the vaccine until the epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza.

Grippol plus: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Grippol Plus

ATX Code: J07BB02

Active substance: influenza vaccine, inactivated + azoximer bromide (vaccine influenza virus inactivated + azoximer bromide)

Manufacturer: Nearmedic Plus LLC (Russia), Oxygen Plus LLC (Russia), SP Novofarma Plus LLC (Uzbekistan)

Description and photo update: 04.07.2018

Grippol plus is a trivalent inactivated polymer-subunit influenza vaccine.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Grippol Plus is a suspension for intramuscular (IM) and subcutaneous administration: a colorless or yellowish, slightly opalescent liquid (0.5 ml in a disposable syringe or ampoule / vial; 1, 5 or 10 syringes, or 5 ampoules / vials in a blister pack; in a carton box: 1 or 2 blister packs, 5 or 10 ampoules / vials without a blister pack).

Composition per 0.5 ml suspension:

  • active substances: influenza virus antigen type A (H 1 N 1) with hemagglutinin content - 5 μg; type A influenza virus antigen (H 3 N 2) with hemagglutinin content - 5 μg; type B influenza virus antigen containing hemagglutinin - 5 µg; polyoxidonium - 500 mcg;
  • auxiliary components: buffer solution of phosphate-salt.

The drug contains strains of influenza virus antigens - in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the current epidemic season.

Pharmacological properties


Grippol Plus is a flu vaccine containing an immunostimulant, due to which the dosage of antibodies is reduced in its composition.

Under the influence of the drug, within 7-12 days after the injection, a stable immunity to influenza A and B develops, which subsequently persists throughout the year. In 75–95% of patients after vaccination, protective antibody titers were found in the blood.

Polyoxidonium has an immunomodulatory and detoxifying effect. Its action is due to the activation of phagocytes and T-killers, which are an important component of cellular immunity. In addition, polyoxidonium increases the resistance of cell membranes to the effects of various drugs, thereby reducing their toxicity.

Grippol plus does not contain preservatives.

Indications for use

Grippol plus is indicated as a specific influenza prophylaxis for children over 6 months of age and adults.

Vaccination is especially indicated for the following groups:

  1. Patients with a high risk of complications in case of influenza: children of preschool and school age; patients with anemia, a tendency to allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, chronic kidney disease, a tendency to frequent acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and colds, chronic diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), diseases of the bronchopulmonary or cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, metabolic pathologies; HIV-infected and patients with congenital / acquired immunodeficiency; elderly patients over 60 years of age.
  2. Persons who often communicate with people by the nature of their professional activities: medical workers, workers in the field of social services, educational institutions, trade, transport, police, military personnel, etc.


  • ARVI (including non-severe);
  • acute intestinal diseases;
  • acute febrile conditions;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • history of allergic reactions to the flu vaccine;
  • allergic reaction to chicken protein or vaccine components.

In case of diseases and their exacerbation, vaccination is allowed after recovery or during remission.

Instructions for use Grippol plus: method and dosage

The suspension is injected deep subcutaneously, or intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle (in the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder). Grippol plus for children under 3 years of age is recommended to be injected into the anterolateral surface of the thigh intramuscularly.

  • children 6 months - 3 years old, as well as older ones, if they have not previously had the flu and have not been vaccinated: 0.25 ml, twice, with an interval of 3-4 weeks;
  • children over 3 years old and adults: 0.5 ml once;
  • patients with immunodeficiency, as well as patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy: 0.5 ml, twice, with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Before use, the vaccine should be kept at room temperature. The syringe is thoroughly shaken, then, removing the protective cap from the needle, remove air from the syringe, holding it with the needle up. If it is necessary to inject 0.25 ml of the drug, the excess vaccine is removed by pressing the plunger to the mark on the syringe body or label.

The vaccination procedure should be carried out in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. After opening the vial or ampoule, the vaccine cannot be stored.

It is forbidden to administer Grippol plus intravenously. In the office where vaccination is carried out, there must be means of anti-shock therapy. Within 30 minutes after vaccination, the patient should be observed.

Side effects

Grippol plus is a highly purified vaccine and is well tolerated if the vaccination rules are followed. However, the following reactions are possible, usually disappearing on their own within 1-2 days after vaccination:

  • soreness, induration, swelling and hyperemia at the injection site;
  • weakness, malaise, subfebrile temperature;
  • runny nose, sore throat, fever above subfebrile.

In rare cases, possible: neuralgia, paresthesia, neurological disorders, myalgia, allergic reactions, including immediate type.


There are no data on cases of overdose of the Grippol plus vaccine.

special instructions

Immediately before vaccination, the patient must be examined by a medical specialist, with mandatory thermometry, in case of temperature rise above 37 ° C, vaccination is not carried out.

If the labeling or integrity of the package is violated, as well as if the color or transparency of the suspension changes, the expiration date has expired and storage conditions have been violated, the use of the drug is not allowed.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

According to the instructions, Grippol plus does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and other complex mechanisms that require quick psychomotor reactions.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

In preclinical studies, no embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of the drug were detected. Vaccination of pregnant women should be carried out only at the discretion of the doctor, after a thorough assessment of the benefit / risk ratio. The safest vaccination is in the II and III trimesters.

During lactation, the Grippol plus vaccine is approved for use.

Application in childhood

Children Grippol plus apply from 6 months of age.

drug interaction

The combined use of Grippol plus with the anti-rabies vaccine, as well as with the BCG and BCG-M vaccines against tuberculosis is not allowed.

When used together with other vaccines, the contraindications of each should be taken into account, while the drugs should be administered to different parts of the body with different syringes.

It is allowed to use Grippol plus against the background of basic therapy of the underlying disease. In patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, the effect of vaccination may be reduced.


An analogue of Grippol plus is MonoGrippol and others.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store away from light, at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C. Keep away from children. Do not freeze.

Transportation is allowed in lightproof containers at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C, as well as at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C, no longer than 6 hours.

Shelf life - 1 year.

What is the opposite of the influenza virus? With the onset of the season, when the body's defenses are seriously tested, we have to look for means that will reduce the risk of disease. Vaccination has become a specific prophylaxis, its effectiveness depends on the right drug and timely immunization.

Among the vaccines produced by pharmaceutical manufacturers, the latest generation of medicines are considered relevant and contribute to the formation of immunity in children, women during pregnancy, and adults. The Russian-made Grippol Plus vaccine is well tolerated, which is a colorless, sometimes with a yellowish tinge, liquid for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration. An improved analogue of the drug Grippol surpassed its predecessor in the following criteria:

  • lack of preservatives;
  • convenient form of release (individual syringe dose);
  • compliance with international quality standards.

The composition of the vaccine

To protect against infection, the body needs time to develop immunity. To achieve such a result, children and adults are helped not only by timely vaccinations. The composition of the vaccine has no less influence on the process designed to protect the body from infections. Influenza vaccination refers to immunostimulating drugs that do not contain live viruses, while antigens help to resist type A and B strains, another active ingredient - polyoxidonium - supports immunological memory and increases the body's resistance to other types of infections.

Grippol Plus - action

An inactivated vaccine has certain advantages, but even it cannot cope with all existing varieties of influenza. The composition of the drug is annually adjusted taking into account the epidemic situation, but the flu vaccine does not serve as a full-fledged guarantee of protection against infection. After vaccination, specific immunity will be developed within 12 days, and the beneficial effect will be felt for another year and will be determined by the presence of protective antibodies to viruses.

Grippol Plus - instructions

Adhering to the general rules of vaccination, before starting it, you should inspect the packaging for integrity, expiration date, and physical properties. If stored incorrectly, the suspension may change color or transparency, making the vaccine unsuitable for use. An examination by a doctor or paramedic is also a prerequisite before being vaccinated. If there are no contraindications, for example, fever, intestinal disorders, then permission is given to administer the vaccine.

A brief instruction on the use of the vaccine looks like this:

  1. Before use, warm the drug to room temperature, shake.
  2. Remove the protective layer, squeeze out the air by pressing the plunger of the syringe, which must be held upright with the needle up.
  3. Half the volume of the syringe is the dose for children. Before administering the drug to a child, the excess liquid must be squeezed out by moving the piston to the level of the red mark, after which it is allowed to be vaccinated.
  4. Treat the injection site with alcohol, administer the vaccine.
  5. After immunization, it is recommended to stay for 30 minutes under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Reviews of doctors

Discussions about the effectiveness of vaccination are controversial, but in the medical community the expediency of vaccination is not questioned - only the quality of the vaccine produced. Doctors' comments about Grippol Plus come down to safety, affordability, convenience, versatility of the drug, which is used for immunization of different age groups or during pregnancy. Should I get vaccinated to increase immunity to infections? The answer will be yes, but how the vaccine will work depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.


Vaccination restrictions may be temporary, such as a cold or an exacerbation of a chronic illness, or vaccination may not be allowed for certain reasons. A reliable characterization of Grippol Plus as an effective tool in the fight against the influenza virus is given by contraindications. To prevent serious complications from the vaccine during immunization, it should be avoided in the following cases:

  • allergic reactions that were previously noted with the introduction of other flu vaccines or chicken protein;
  • colds accompanied by fever;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • intestinal disorders.

Can the drug be used during pregnancy? There are no strict restrictions, but at the initial stage, a woman should pay special attention to her health. The decision to vaccinate should be made after consulting a doctor, as there is a risk of complications. The second and third trimesters are considered relatively safe, and the period of breastfeeding is not at all considered a reason for refusing vaccination.

Reaction to Grippol Plus

A positive aspect of the use of the vaccine is the development of immunity against influenza infection. Achieving such a result may be accompanied by a response of the body to the use of an immunostimulating and anti-influenza drug. Reactions after the administration of the drug can be general or local, according to the degree of manifestation - weak or completely absent. Typical body responses to this vaccine include:

  • general malaise, weakness;
  • runny nose;
  • a sore throat;
  • swelling, redness of the skin;
  • low temperature is possible, but passes on its own in a couple of days;
  • neurological disorders;

Grippol Plus side effects

The advantage of the vaccine, which is a highly purified preparation, is that it is well tolerated by adults and children. It would be wrong to exclude the occurrence of side effects, because each organism is individual. If Grippol Plus is introduced, the side effects will manifest themselves either immediately, or they will be noticeable for a few more days, after which they will pass on their own. A health worker can acquaint the patient with frequent reactions to the vaccine, and a complete list can be found in the instructions for the drug.

Grippol Plus - complications

Affordable price, which helps the domestic drug win when compared with identical foreign-made anti-influenza drugs, does not justify itself in all cases. A common vaccine is considered safe, but it should not be overlooked that this is a medical drug that is injected into the body. The danger of its use is the consequences that can manifest themselves as allergic reactions or infection with the flu.


The cost of the vaccine is one of its advantages, but a number of factors will affect the final price: time of year, region, terms of delivery. Compliance with the temperature regime during storage and transportation is a prerequisite, so you should consider the place of purchase. You can order any other products from the catalog and buy inexpensively in the online store, but it is better to purchase the vaccine at the pharmacy. The price for 1 dose of 0.5 ml varies from 170 to 270 rubles.

Vaccination of the population of the Russian Federation against influenza is carried out annually in the autumn period from mid-October to the end of November. Since 2006, the Ministry of Health has recommended the Grippol Plus vaccine for administration to citizens over 18 years of age. Since 2009, the drug has been approved for use in the vaccination of children, and since 2014 - pregnant women.

Consider the main characteristics of the vaccine, possible complications, interactions with other vaccines.


Grippol Plus is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical association Petrovax Pharm, which has exclusive rights to the vaccine and produces it under the unique registration number LSZ-006981/08 in compliance with GMP production standards. The main difference from the drug "Grippol" is the absence of a preservative in the composition, which significantly reduces the frequency of adverse reactions, allowing the vaccine to be applied to groups of people of different ages.

The inactivated vaccine is trivalent, polymer-subunit acts as a prophylactic substance that stimulates the development of an immune response to infection with the influenza virus, stops the development of complications caused by the disease. One dose of 0.5 ml includes:

  • 5 µg of surface proteins of viruses of three strains of influenza (type A (H1N1, H3N2), type B);
  • buffer solution of phosphate-salt;
  • azoximer bromide (polyoxidonium) - an immunoadjuvant that enhances the immune response - 500 mcg.

The composition of "Grippol plus" depends on the forecasts of WHO, which determine the likelihood of activity of certain strains. The vaccine shows high immunogenicity, the development of a protective barrier in 75-95% of vaccinated citizens during the first two weeks was confirmed, followed by immunity for 12 months.

Packing "Grippol Plus", storage

The vaccine is a liquid transparent suspension supplied to the market in several species modifications. Launched the release of the drug:

  • in disposable syringes containing a dose of a substance for a single injection. The syringe is atraumatic;
  • in ampoules (vials) packed in 5 or 10 pieces. The content of each unit name (ampoule, vial) corresponds to a dose of 0.5 ml.

Vaccination is carried out with preparations, the transportation and storage of which was carried out in accordance with the established rules.

Delivery of the vaccine is carried out in a container with a constant temperature of 2-8 C. For a short trip not exceeding 6 hours, transportation is allowed at temperatures not higher than 25 C.
Permanent storage of ampoules requires a refrigeration unit that maintains indicators at the level of 2 - 8 C.

The shelf life of the suspension is one year from the date of production.

The drug is prohibited for use in case of non-compliance with the conditions of transportation, storage, visible cracks or scratches on the surface of the ampoules, changes in the transparency of the vaccine.

Vaccination scheme

Preventive immunization of adults is carried out annually 1-1.5 months before the expected peak of the disease caused by the influenza virus. For older children and adults, a dose (0.5 ml) of Grippol Plus is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously deep into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder (upper third).

A child from the age of 6 months is allowed to be vaccinated. Consider the possible options:

  • a child who has reached from 6 months to 3 years after the first procedure in a half dose is re-vaccinated after 3-4 weeks at a dose of 0.25 ml. The drug is injected into the outer anterior surface of the thigh;
  • from 3 years of age, the vaccine is given once in a standard volume;
  • an older child who has not previously received a vaccine against the influenza virus is recommended to repeat the procedure in a month.

Persons with immunodeficiency diseases are given two injections of "Grippol Plus" with an interval of 4 weeks.

Before direct use, the ampoule must be heated to room temperature. The bottle is shaken, opened in compliance with the rules of sterility. To obtain 0.25 ml, excess vaccine is removed from the syringe, and the remainder is administered to the child.

The opened vial or the remains from the syringe are not reused, they are disposed of by boiling.

Who is vaccinated

The drug was created from highly purified influenza antigens obtained from strains that infected chicken embryos. The absence of free impurities avoids allergic reactions in the human body. "Grippol Plus" forms a strong immunity to several strains of influenza, so its use is recommended for all citizens of the Russian Federation to prevent infection and the spread of the disease. It is necessary to single out several groups, the need for vaccination in which is especially pronounced:

  • children of early age categories, preschoolers;
  • schoolchildren, students of secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • medical workers;
  • military personnel, police, structural departmental units;
  • persons in contact with a large number of people during the day (, sellers, service personnel);
  • aged people.

The effect of "Grippol Plus" on pregnancy

The described drug, unlike the Grippol vaccine, does not contain the preservative thiomersal, therefore it is safe for use in pregnant women and does not affect the embryo. Vaccination is carried out in the II, III trimesters, which is considered the most successful period in relation to the child.

Despite the proven safety of the vaccine, before vaccination, the expectant mother should consult a doctor, assess the possible risks based on her health indicators and the condition of the fetus.

Aspects in which vaccination is prohibited

Side effects after "Grippol Plus"

The tool belongs to the third generation of drugs, that is, it consists of parts of the virus (hemagglutinin, neurominidase), removing the protein load exerted on the body of an adult or child during vaccination. High purification from impurities of non-virion origin prevents the occurrence of adverse and local reactions. The following manifestations are extremely rarely recorded:

  • redness, swelling in the injection area;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • flu-like symptoms (fever, weakness, runny nose);
  • aches in the joints, muscles;
  • an allergic component is observed in one case out of 10,000 vaccinated people, mainly in people with intolerance to chicken protein;
  • neuralgia, paresthesia.

You can provoke negative consequences after vaccination by drinking alcohol in the first two weeks. Alcohol has a suppressive effect on the body's immune system, which does not allow the production of sufficient antibodies to fight the introduced antigens. The result is influenza.

How to prepare for the procedure

After vaccination, you should stay in a medical facility for about 30 minutes. Such a measure reveals dangerous allergic symptoms, allows them to be quickly leveled. Pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • anxiety;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • the appearance of urticaria;
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • swelling of the tongue, ears, lips;
  • a sharp jump in temperature.

If you fix even one of the symptoms, see a doctor.

For several days after the vaccine, they follow a low-calorie diet, excluding allergens from the menu. You should refrain from visiting baths, pools, open water to avoid excessive opening of the pores in the injection area and infection.

Influenza vaccine interactions with other drugs

It is allowed to use the vaccine with any live or inactivated injections, with the exception of anti-rabies. Injections are made with disposable syringes in mismatched areas of the body.

The effectiveness of the vaccine when administered to people with immunodeficiency states has not been fixed, they remain susceptible to influenza infection.

Vaccine substitutes

On the market there are analogues of a suspension of imported, domestic production. In our country, the following vaccines have been prepared against influenza: Microflu, Pandeflu, Grippol, Sovigripp, Grippovac, "". Foreign funds are represented by the following names: "Vaxigripp", "", "Fluarix", "Inflexal", "Agrippal S1", "Inflexal", "Fluvaxin".

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