Purgen is a laxative. What is a purgen? Phenolphthalein - chemical compound

Phenolphthalein is one of the simplest representatives of the phthalein class. It is formed by the condensation of phthalic anhydride and ordinary phenol. If you pay attention to the chemical formula for obtaining phenolphthalein, then it will be a dihydroxy derivative of diphenylphthalide. Phenolphthalein looks like a white (possibly with a slight yellowish tinge) crystalline substance with a characteristic odor. The crystals are rhombus shaped. Phenolphthalein is widely used in medicine and chemistry. It is one of the most commonly used indicators for weak acids. The benefits of phenolphthalein are obvious.

It does not respond to high temperatures. It is also used for reactions with alcoholic solutions, but the color of an alkaline solution may differ slightly from violet. If alcohol solutions are concentrated, the color may be bluish-violet. Phenolphthalein is used to titrate organic acids, to determine the acidity level of alcohols, as well as esters. Due to its chemical properties, phenolphthalein is an integral part of many mixed indicators. Phenolphthalein is successfully used for calorimetric determination of the level of acidity using buffered and non-buffered (according to the Michaelis method) solutions. This chemical can also be used for qualitative analysis, usually phenolphthalein is used when spraying lead, zinc, cadmium and magnesium, which results in a color change. In medicine, phenolphthalein has been used for almost a century and a half as a laxative for chronic constipation (the broader name is purgen) . However, recent studies have shown the possibility of pro-carcinogenic properties of phenolphthalein, so in most countries of the world it is not sold in pharmacies for free, but is used only as a chemical reagent. With extreme caution, phenolphthalein is used in medical institutions because of its ability to accumulate in the body, therefore, phenolphthalein is not used at all for pregnant women, the elderly and people with diseases of the urinary system. Phenolphthalein has a second hazard class and requires compliance with standard safety rules for chemical reactions. Phenolphthalein can cause skin reactions, which usually go away after a few days. The pharmacological action of phenolphthalein is based on intestinal irritation, resulting in a laxative effect. Urine that has an alkaline reaction turns red. When phthalic anhydride is heated with phenols in the presence of sulfuric acid or zinc chloride (water-removing agents), condensation occurs (with the elimination of a water molecule), leading to the formation of the so-called phthaleins, which are derivatives of triphenylmethane (C 6 H 5) 3 CH. The water molecule is formed due to the oxygen atom of one of the carbonyl groups of the phthalic anhydride molecule and those hydrogen atoms of two phenol molecules that are in the para position with respect to the hydroxyl groups:

Many of the phthaleins find use as indicators due to their ability to change color depending on the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) in solution. So, colorless phenolphthalein, which has the structure of a lactone, under the action of alkalis forms (with a break in the lactone ring) a salt, and one of the benzene nuclei takes on a quinoid structure and thus becomes a chromophore:

Reagents: Phthalic anhydride ............................... 2.5 g (about 0.02 mol) Phenol ........ ................................5 g (about 0.05 mol)

Sulfuric acid; sodium hydroxide; acetic acid; hydrochloric acid; alcohol; activated carbon

A mixture of phthalic anhydride and phenol with 1 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid is placed in a wide test tube and heated for 3 hours. in an oil bath at 125-130° (the temperature should not rise above 130°!). The liquid in the test tube is periodically stirred with a thermometer immersed in it. At the end of the reaction, the still hot mixture is poured into a beaker with 50 ml of water and boiled until the smell of phenol disappears. The solution is allowed to cool, after which it is filtered on a Buchner funnel, trying as far as possible not to transfer the precipitate to the filter. The precipitate in the beaker (and partially on the filter) is washed twice with small portions of cold water, dissolved in a small amount of warm 5% sodium hydroxide solution and filtered. The dark red filtrate is acidified with acetic acid, 1-2 drops of hydrochloric acid are added and left to stand overnight. The precipitate formed is filtered off and dried. The yield of the crude product is about 2 g. To obtain pure phenolphthalein, the resulting product is dissolved by heating in approximately 10 ml of alcohol, boiled with active carbon, the hot solution is sucked off and the coal is washed with hot alcohol. After cooling, the solution is diluted with stirring with eight times the amount of water, filtered, the filtrate is heated in a porcelain cup (on a water bath) to remove a significant part of the alcohol and left to stand for half an hour. The precipitated crystals are filtered off and dried in air. Yield about 1 g. Temp. sq. 250-253°.

Purgen tablets (phenolphthalein) are used in medicine as a powerful laxative drug. The main property is increased peristalsis of the large intestine. It is prescribed during chronic constipation. Acting as an irritant of the receptors of the intestinal mucosa, the drug accelerates the passage of feces to the anus. Long-term use is not recommended, because the drug tends to accumulate in the body, after which side effects are possible.

Purgen - tablets, which are a medicine that undergoes a metabolic process when it enters the intestine. In addition to intestinal peristalsis, Purgen enhances the release of fluid into the intestine, slowing down its reabsorption, which disrupts the water and electrolyte balance of the gastrointestinal tract. Can color urine pink (with increased acidity), brown (in an alkaline environment).

Causing receptor irritation of the large intestine, Purgen affects its mucous membrane, which enhances peristalsis and secretion of mucus in the large intestine. The effect of the drug occurs almost immediately. The drug dissolves only under the influence of the acidic environment of the intestine. The largest percentage of phenolphthalein passes through the intestines with food, and 15% enters the bloodstream. Partially excreted in the urine, partly enters the liver. Therefore, the action of Purgen can last for several days, which can lead to dehydration.

Use of the drug

Purgen tablets are prescribed in the following cases:

  • during problems associated with defecation and emptying;
  • with acute, chronic constipation;
  • during prolonged atonic constipation.

There are some side effects. The drug causes the following complications:

  • allergic reactions - urticaria, dermatitis;
  • tachycardia, hypokalemia;
  • nausea, vomiting, dizziness;
  • albuminuria;
  • disorders of the stomach, digestion;
  • blood pressure decreases in older people;
  • muscle weakness may appear;
  • decrease in the normal tone of the muscles of the intestine.


The drug is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • any kidney disease;
  • individual intolerance to phenolphthalein;
  • with a strangulated hernia;
  • with acute infectious inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • with spastic constipation;
  • appendicitis;
  • stomach, intestinal bleeding;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • with potassium deficiency.

Instructions for use. Available in tablets of 0.1 mg and 0.05 mg. Tablets should not be taken for a long time. If side effects occur after taking the drug, then you should take activated charcoal and stop taking the drug. Rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Purgen does not dissolve in water, but it can be dissolved in alcohol. It has no smell and taste. The drug is administered orally, without chewing, washed down with plenty of water. The dose of the drug and the time of admission is determined by the doctor.

An overdose can cause the following reactions:

  • bleeding in people with hemorrhoids;
  • general weakness;
  • stomach pain;
  • dehydration;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence.

The shelf life of the product is 10 years.

In recent decades, the laxative Phenolphthalein (Purgen) has not been used in medicine for medicinal purposes. Studies have shown that the use of this drug affects the appearance of liver cancer, kidney cancer, epilepsy, neurotic conditions.

American studies have shown that phenolphthalein is carcinogenic. Because of this, all drugs were withdrawn from over-the-counter sales in 1997.

It was found that at certain doses, phenolphthalein derivatives can cause convulsions, side effects such as protein-losing enteropathy, lupus were noticed. Therefore, such a medicine is prescribed in extreme cases, only if necessary, for short-term use in small doses. In pharmacies, it is sold only by prescription. Modern pharmacology offers many more benign drugs.

Phenolphthalein instruction

The instruction is a guide for the use of the substance Phenolphthalein for medical purposes. In another case, such an instruction serves as a set of information about a substance as an indicator used in the field of chemistry to determine the acidity of a solution.

Form, composition, packaging

It is known that Phenolphthalein is used in analytical chemistry to titrate aqueous solutions. However, in medicine, the substance has no less widespread use. It is considered as an effective laxative that promotes active stimulation of intestinal motility. Today, Phenolphthalein, called Purgen, is used extremely rarely, since it accumulates in the body, adversely affecting the functionality of the kidneys.

A laxative based on phenolphthalein is available in tablet or powder form in various dosages.

The unchanged form of this agent appears in the form of transparent crystals, practically insoluble in water. Phenolphthalein has good solubility when it gets into alcohols or diethyl ether.

Phenolphthalein is obtained by synthesis from phthalic anhydride and phenol, carrying out a condensation reaction with the participation of zinc chloride as a catalyst. Used for this purpose and concentrated sulfuric acid.

Terms and conditions of storage

Preparations containing Phenolphthalein are stored in dark rooms protected from moisture, where the temperature does not exceed room temperature. Children are not allowed access to drugs.

As a rule, the shelf life of the powder is not limited. Phenolphthalein-based tablets can be stored for up to ten years, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.


Laxative drug. Helps to increase intestinal peristalsis. This is possible due to the ability of Phenolphthalein to inhibit Na-Ca ATPase and stimulate adenylcyclase, as well as enhance the synthesis of prostaglandins. In addition, the influence of the substance stimulates the nerve endings of the intestinal walls and synapses, disrupts the water and electrolyte balance in the digestive tract and fluid accumulation.


The result of taking the drug should be expected within twenty-four hours. Laxative Purgen cumulates with subsequent irritant effect on the patient's kidneys. It has the properties of a procarcinogen.

Phenolphthalein indications for use

Phenolphthalein, contained in intestinal fixation products, may be recommended for use by a patient suffering from chronic constipation.


Contraindications to the appointment of this laxative are:

  • kidney disease;
  • symptoms of "acute abdomen";
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergic reactions caused by the main active substance.

Long-term use of the drug is prohibited. Particular caution in admission is recommended for patients of the elderly age category.

Phenolphthalein instructions for use

The average daily dosage for adult patients is approximately one hundred milligrams. A maximum of three hundred milligrams of the drug is allowed per day.

For children, the dose is calculated based on their age and body weight. Approximate dosage ranges from 50 to 200 milligrams of the drug per day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Phenolphthalein for children

Children Phenolphthalein is prescribed carefully depending on the age and weight category of the child.

Side effects

Taking the laxative Purgen based on the substance phenolphthalein is fraught for the patient with the following side effects:

  • dermatitis and skin rashes;
  • increased heart rate due to water and electrolyte imbalances;
  • change in urine in its color (from yellow to brown or pink);
  • the development of albuminuria;
  • a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood;
  • collapse.


An overdose of this drug requires immediate medical attention. As a result of excessive intake of the drug, a drop in blood pressure may develop, which often leads to collapse, protein in the urine and the presence of hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Drug Interactions

Co-administration with potassium-sparing diuretics leads to the fact that potassium is retained in the patient's body.

Additional instructions

Today, Purgen is not often prescribed as a remedy for relief. Modern medicine favors safer laxatives.

Phenolphthalein analogues

The following laxative drugs can be considered as analogues of Phenolphthalein:

  • Laxoil;
  • Purghofen;
  • Laxatol;
  • Phenaloin;
  • Purgil;

Phenolphthalein price

The cost of the drug may have some differences from different manufacturers. Basically, Phenolphthalein can be purchased on the wholesale market, since it is almost never delivered to pharmacies. The cost of a powder weighing one kilogram is on average about 1,750 rubles.

Phenolphthalein reviews

Reviews about the drug are not common, because it can be purchased with great difficulty. But still, those patients who have tried the effects of Purgen on themselves speak of it as an effective powder that leads to the desired result.

Evgenia: I decided to go on a diet tired of wearing my excess weight and, on the advice of a friend, I used Purgen powder, which she found from nowhere. I must say, the drug is quite effective. It cannot be used for a long time, and I did not need it. As a result, a good plumb line and excellent health.

Sabina: Phenolphthalein has long wanted to try to cleanse the intestines, but it is problematic to get it. However, a familiar pharmacist contributed, and the treasured bag appeared in my first aid kit. You can not use it often and for a long time, he said, and I, following his recommendations, used the drug only twice. I didn’t go on a diet, but the weight of three kilograms was gone. That's how much "reserves" my intestines kept.

phenolphthalein (purgen). Phenolphthaleinum.

Release form. Powder, tablets of 0.1 g.

Application. Inside, 1-2 tablets at night (2 hours after dinner) or 1 tablet 2 times a day. The maximum dose is up to 0.3 g.

Action. It is mainly aimed at excitation of the motility of the large intestine, similar to the action of anthraglycosides. Under the influence of phenolphthalein, the motor function of the small intestine is also enhanced. The laxative effect occurs 6-10 hours after ingestion.

Indications. Chronic constipation.


Side effects.

IZAFENIN. Isaphenin.

Release form. Powder and tablets of 0.01 g.

Application. Inside, 0.01 g 2 times a day or 0.02 g at night.

Higher doses inside: single -0.025 g, daily -0.05 g.

Action. The laxative effect occurs 6-10 hours after ingestion as a result of intestinal irritation. It is almost not absorbed, therefore it is less toxic, does not affect the kidneys and has a stronger effect than phenolphthalein.

Indications. Intestinal atony, chronic constipation.

Contraindications . Hypersensitivity to the drug, gastrointestinal obstruction, kidney disease.

Side effects. Pain in the intestines, nausea.

ISAMAN. Isamanum.

Release form. Pills.

Compound: isafenine -0.005 g, mannitol -0.15 g.

Application. Inside, 1-2 tablets daily for the first 3 days. In the future, the drug is prescribed every other day or 1-2 times a week. For persistent constipation, take 2 tablets once.

Action. Laxative. Enhances intestinal peristalsis. The laxative effect of the constituents is potentiated. The action occurs after 6-12 hours.

Indications. Spastic and atonic constipation, neurogenic dyskinesia of the large intestine.

Contraindications . Hypersensitivity to the drug, gastrointestinal obstruction, kidney disease.

Side effects. Skin rash, nausea, vomiting, kidney irritation (albuminuria, hematuria), especially with prolonged use. It has cumulative properties.


Natrium sulfuricum.

Release form. Powder in boxes of 25 and 50 g.

Application. Inside, 15-30 g per reception.

Action. Unlike preparations containing anthraglycosides, sodium sulfate, by changing the osmotic pressure in the intestine, slows down the absorption of water from it. This leads to an increase in the volume of contents in the intestine, a reflex increase in peristalsis and emptying of the intestine. In addition, hypertonic sodium sulfate solution, irritating the intestinal receptors, reflexively excites the motor and secretory functions. The laxative effect occurs 4-6 hours after taking the drug inside. In addition, sodium sulfate has a choleretic, diuretic, and, when administered with a small amount of liquid, a decongestant effect.

Indications. Constipation of various origins; poisoning with drugs, poisons and food (if it enters the stomach); chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver with congestion in the portal vein system; cerebral edema (stroke, trauma), intracranial hypertension, obesity, increased secretion of milk. In combination with antihelminthic - in the treatment of helminthiasis.


Side effects

SALT KARLOVY VARY ARTIFICIAL. Sal carolinum factitium.

Release form . Powder in bags of 125 g, natural salt in glass jars of 100 g.


Application. Inside, 1-2 teaspoons with 1/2 or 1 glass of warm water at night or on an empty stomach.



Contraindications . Acute inflammatory and destructive processes in the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, peritonitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, etc.), pregnancy, menstruation, hemorrhoids, cachexia, hypotension, advanced age.

Side effects . Nausea, dyspepsia, intestinal colic, polyuria.

SALT OF ISTI-SU. Sal Isthi Su.

Release form. Powder in boxes or glass jars.

Compound: sodium sulfate -22 parts, sodium bicarbonate -18 parts, sodium chloride -9 parts, potassium sulfate -1 part.

Application. Inside, 1 \ 2 -1 tsp. in 1/2 glass of warm water 1-1½ hours before meals 3 times a day.

Action. Laxative choleretic and antacid. Unlike preparations containing anthraglycosides, by changing the osmotic pressure in the intestine, it slows down the absorption of water from it. This leads to an increase in the volume of contents in the intestine, a reflex increase in peristalsis and emptying of the intestine. In addition, by irritating the intestinal receptors, it reflexively excites the motor and secretory functions. The laxative effect occurs 4-6 hours after taking the drug inside. In addition, sodium sulfate has a choleretic, diuretic, and, when administered with a small amount of liquid, a decongestant effect.

Indications. Constipation, hyperacid gastritis, diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Contraindications . Acute inflammatory and destructive processes in the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, peritonitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, etc.), pregnancy, menstruation, hemorrhoids, cachexia, hypotension, advanced age.

Side effects . Nausea, dyspepsia, intestinal colic, polyuria.

CASTOR OIL, Oleum Ricini.

Release form. Oil in bottles of 30 and 50 ml in elastic gelatin capsules of 1 g.

Application. Inside, 1-2 teaspoons of oil per reception, 10 capsules are taken within an hour. Outwardly - in ointments.

Action. In the small intestine, under the influence of enzymes contained in the gastrointestinal tract, ricinolic acid, which has irritating properties, is released. The laxative effect occurs as a result of a reflex increase in intestinal motility, usually 5-6 hours after taking the oil. After emptying the bowel, there is a weakening of peristalsis. Reflexively increases the contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

Indications. Constipation of various origins, poisoning (with the exception of poisoning with fat-soluble substances), weakness of labor activity. Outwardly - for the treatment of burns, ulcers, to strengthen the hair, soften the skin.


Side effects . Nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea, constipation possible after bowel movement.

OIL ALMOND. Oleum Amygdalarum.

Release form . Oil in bottles of 30 ml.

Application. Inside, 30 ml (2 tablespoons) per reception or in the form of an emulsion (1: 10). Outwardly - in the form of ointments and creams.

Action. Lubricates the surface of the intestinal mucosa and facilitates its easier emptying; in addition, it reflexively causes the emptying of the gallbladder. Well tolerated by patients.

Indications. Chronic constipation, cholecysitis, chronic hepatitis; externally as an emollient.

Contraindications, side effects. To a lesser extent, but basically the same as with castor oil.

OIL VASELINE. Oleum Vasellini.

Paraffin liquidum.

Release form. Oily liquid in bottles of 25 and 50 ml.

Application. Inside, 1-2 tbsp. in a day; externally - in ointments, drops (as a base).

Action. Lubricates the intestinal wall and promotes the “sliding” of food masses; is not absorbed, therefore, increases the volume of the contents, which also stimulates bowel movements.

Indications. Chronic constipation.

Contraindications . Acute inflammatory and destructive processes in the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, peritonitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, etc.), pregnancy, menstruation, hemorrhoids, cachexia, hypotension, advanced age. In addition, phosphorus poisoning and the use of fat-soluble antihelminthics.

Side effects. Nausea, loss of appetite, hypovitaminosis A, D, K. Oil leakage causes irritation of the anus (itching).

SEA CABBAGE. Laminaria saccharina.

Release form . Powder in boxes of 180 g.

Compound: iodides, bromides, calcium salts of alginic acids, sugars and other substances.

Application. Inside, 1 \ 2 -1 tsp. powder once a day.

Action. The laxative effect is due to the ability of the drug to a strong swelling. Under the influence of water in the intestines, sea kale increases in volume and irritates the intestinal receptors, due to which peristalsis increases and its emptying occurs. Iodine has a normalizing effect on thyroid function and the course of atherosclerosis.

Indications. Chronic constipation in the elderly associated with intestinal atony, atherosclerosis.

Contraindications . Idiosyncrasy, diseases of the liver, kidneys, blood, tuberculosis, pregnancy, lactation and menstruation.

Side effects. The phenomena of iodism, runny nose, headache, cough, salivation, acne or blistering rash, bronchitis, laryngeal edema, phlegmon, dyspepsia, emaciation.

THE ROOT OF THE FARMED HOLDER. Radix Ononidis arvensis.

Release form. In boxes of 100 g. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 30 g of harrow root per 500 ml of water.


Application. Inside, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals for 2-4 weeks.




Side effects. Not specified.

Tincture of the steelmaker. Tinctura Ononidis.

Release form. Liquid in vials of 100 ml.

Compound: glycosides (ononin, onocerin) and saponins.

Application. Inside, 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day.

Action. Anthraglycosides are hydrolyzed in the intestine to form rheoemodin and chrysophanic acid. These substances irritate the receptors and thus increase its peristalsis. It is possible that the receptors of the large intestine are more sensitive to the action of antraglycosides than the receptors of the small intestine. The laxative effect occurs 8-10 hours after the administration of the drugs. They are well tolerated, do not disturb the digestive processes. In small doses (0.05 -0.2 g) they have an astringent effect and can be used as antidiarrheals. When taking drugs, urine turns yellow.

Indications. Chronic constipation, hemorrhoids.

Contraindications . Thrombophlebitis and diseases accompanied by increased blood clotting.

Side effects. Not specified.

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  • purgen powder
  • phenolphthalein laxative
  • phenolphthalein for constipation

Phenolphthalein(English) phenolphthalein) - an indicator of acidity, a dye, in the past - a widely used laxative, widely known during the Soviet era, as purgen. Refers to the so-called "stimulant laxatives".

Currently, phenolphthalein is not used as a laxative due to the identified large number of side effects, including carcinogenicity.

Phenolphthalein - chemical compound
Chemically, phenolphthalein is 4,4 "-dioxyphthalophenone. The empirical formula of phenolphthalein is C 20 H 14 O 4. The molecular weight is 318.31 g / mol. It has the form of a colorless powder. Phenolphthalein is highly soluble in ethanol, diethyl ether. We will dissolve poorly in water.
Phenolphthalein is a drug
Phenolphthalein is the international non-proprietary name (INN) of the drug. According to the pharmacological index, phenolphthalein belongs to the group "Laxatives". According to ATC - to the group "A06 Laxatives" and has the code A06AB04. The indication for the use of phenolphthalein is chronic constipation.

Pictured left: Cascarets "Laxative Candy" is an over-the-counter laxative medicine now banned. Compound: cascara sagrada , phenolphthalein, senna extract.

Phenolphthalein for weight loss
In the first half of the last century, phenolphthalein was used to "cleanse the intestines" and as a means to lose weight. On the advertisement of 1935 on the right: “ The first step to slimness - laxative capsules Medilax ... For women who want to improve their figure, there is no more preferred laxative. Medilax gently and painlessly cleanses both the small and large intestines, which is very important for achieving slimness.».

In a study of "weight loss" dietary supplements sold on the American market, the FDA found that some of them (8 Factor Diet, 24 Hours Diet, Fatloss Slimming, Imelda Perfect Slim, Perfect Slim 5x, Royal Slimming Formula, Superslim, Zhen de Shou), contain, despite the ban, phenolphthalein ("Questions and Answers about FDA's Initiative Against Contaminated Weight Loss Products", updated on 27/01/2011).

Medicines with the active ingredient phenolphthalein
Trade names of drugs with the active ingredient phenolphthalein, previously used in the USSR: Laxatol, Laxigen, Laxoin, Purgen, Purgil, Fenaloin.

In the USA - Prulet, Medilax, Phenolax, Chocolaxed.

Phenolphthalein (purgen) has contraindications, side effects and features of use, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Phenolphthalein - acidity indicator
Phenolphthalein, depending on the acidity of the medium, adds or removes ions, as a result of which it changes color. Because of this ability, it is used (most often in the form of a solution in ethanol) as an acid-base indicator.
Acidity of the environment, pH < 0 0–8,2 8,2-12,0 >12,0
Phenolphthalein color orange colorless pink or purple colorless
Type of phenolphthalein solution
Molecule of phenolphthalein at different acidity of the medium

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