Colon cancer - symptoms, stages and treatment of the disease. Malignant tumor of the rectum Rectal cancer symptoms signs of the cause

Rectal cancer is recognized by doctors as one of the most difficult pathologies to diagnose, and the exact causes of carcinoma have not yet been established.

Often patients come to the doctor already at the last stage of the disease.

To avoid an unfavorable outcome, you should know the main symptoms of rectal carcinoma and when they appear need to seek medical attention in a timely manner.

First signs

The first symptoms of carcinoma are usually subtle, patients very rarely pay attention to them. Men and women are the same.

Signs of rectal cancer at an early stage in most cases are limited to periodic stool disorders and occasional bloody discharge from the anus.

Should be sure to note any changes in the stool: if a person has cancer of the rectum, sigmoid or colon, then the feces become dark and tarry.

Cancer of the rectal sphincter usually also manifests itself as discomfort during defecation and scanty bright scarlet bleeding.

Patients have the following symptoms of rectal cancer in the early stages:

  1. Nausea and loss of appetite, weight loss.
  2. Violation of the stool, discomfort in the intestines or in the sphincter area during defecation.
  3. The initial stage of cancer may be accompanied by anemia due to intestinal bleeding.
  4. Paleness or yellowness of the skin, brittle hair and nails.
  5. The characteristic signs of carcinoma are a feeling of cramps, the urge to defecate, and a feeling of bloating.

Due to the constant disturbance of the stool, many patients develop hemorrhoids. This disease makes diagnosis difficult, since the early symptoms of carcinoma are often mistaken for inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

What are the symptoms?

At each stage, the disease manifests itself with more and more characteristic signs:

  1. 1 stage. During this period, the patient is concerned about the primary signs of damage to the rectum: constipation, nausea, indigestion. To identify the disease at this stage is usually possible only with the help of MRI.
  2. 2 stage. The neoplasm grows into the lumen of the intestinal wall, gradually malignant cells affect the lymph nodes. Tenesmus appears - the urge to defecate, accompanied by the release of a certain amount of mucus or blood.
    At this stage, the tumor is most often diagnosed in women during gynecological examinations. The neoplasm is easily palpable through the posterior fornix of the vagina.
    In children, bowel cancer is rare and usually more aggressive. Characteristic symptoms - exhaustion, loss of appetite, stools with pus and blood - appear already at this stage of the disease.
  3. 3 stage. Clinical symptoms of cancer of the peripheral localization of the rectum at this stage are swelling, cutting sensations in the abdomen, frequent urge to vomit, a general disturbance of well-being.
    In men, metastases affect the prostate and testes; in women, the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The characteristic symptoms of rectal cancer in the lower part at this stage are a feeling of constant pressure in the anus, severe pain and cracks in the anus.
  4. 4 stage. Signs of cancer of the intestine and rectum become noticeable even to a non-specialist: the patient is disgusted with food, rapidly losing weight, he develops severe ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. At this phase of carcinoma formation, metastases affect various organs and tissues, which is why the patient is constantly worried about pain of various etiologies.

How long do patients with intestinal carcinoma live? With the detection of pathology at stages 1-2 and proper treatment, the period of stable remission can be 15-20 years or more.


X-ray X-ray
Ultrasound MRI X-ray

Reasons for development

The exact causes of colorectal cancer have not yet been established.

There are several factors that can provoke the development of the disease:

  1. Improper diet, excessive consumption of fatty and spicy foods.
  2. Mechanical or chemical damage to the intestines.
  3. hereditary predisposition.
  4. Abuse of alcohol or drugs.
  5. Occupational factors or living in areas with a high radioactive background.

Treatment Methods

In medical practice, there are three main methods for the treatment of malignant neoplasms of the intestine:

  1. Medical therapy, which includes the use of analgesics and painkillers, as well as drugs to normalize bowel function.
  2. Radiation therapy.
  3. Surgery: or sphincter-preserving operation.
  4. Treatment with folk remedies: the use of herbal decoctions and infusions to relieve inflammation and normalize the stool, the use of teas from ginger, cranberries or sage to strengthen the immune system.

During and after treatment, the patient must adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, do not eat fatty or spicy foods. Timely treatment and a healthy lifestyle will prevent the recurrence of rectal cancer.

Rectal cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the tissues of the intestine (its inner epithelium). The resulting tumor can affect not only the intestinal wall, but also grow and block the digestive tract, grow into the lymph nodes, liver and other organs.

How cancer manifests itself in the rectum in men and women, what is prescribed as a diagnosis and treatment of this disease - we will consider further.

What is rectal cancer?

Rectal cancer is a disease that develops as a result of tumor degeneration of the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane lining any of the sections of the rectum and has characteristic signs of cellular polymorphism and malignancy.

Life expectancy in rectal cancer depends on many characteristics: the structure, type of growth and location of the tumor. But the most important factor is the early diagnosis of the disease, which tenfold increases the chances for a further full life!

At the initial stages, unfortunately, there are no very clear signs of the presence of a tumor in the body. The neoplasm itself develops quite quickly and has a malignant nature. In a certain phase, it begins to metastasize to the nearest lymph nodes and organs.

If we consider in more detail the anatomical structure of the rectum, we can distinguish three main areas:

  • Anal part. It is here that the sphincters are located, with the help of which defecation is carried out. This is the final section of the intestine and its length is about 3 cm.
  • ampoule part. In this area, excess fluid is removed from the feces and their further formation before excretion from the body. Its length is slightly less than 10 cm.
  • Nadampular. The initial section of the rectum is about 5 cm long, which is closed by the peritoneum.

If we talk about the areas most often affected by the tumor, then here the most "popular" is precisely the ampullar section of the rectum. It is in this part that cancer cells are formed in 80% of cases of intestinal lesions.


For aggressiveness:

  • Highly differentiated - the tumor grows rather slowly and is not aggressive.
  • Poorly differentiated - fast-growing malignant tissues quickly metastasize.
  • Moderately differentiated - Has a moderate rate of growth and development.

Another type of classification of rectal cancer, based on the localization of malignant neoplasms, divides them into tumors:

  • anal (occur in 10% of cases);
  • rectosigmoid department (30%);
  • lower, middle and upper ampullae (60%) of the rectum.

There are the following forms of tumor growth of the rectum:

  • into the intestinal lumen (there is a tumor component in the intestinal lumen - endophytic, from the Latin "endo" - inside);
  • towards fatty tissue and pelvic organs (as such, there is no external component of the tumor, it forms a single mass with surrounding tissues - exophytic, from the Latin "exo" - outward).


Possible causes of the disease:

  • - inflammation of the sigmoid colon and its mucous membrane. It has a specific nature (, gonorrheal, syphilitic, tuberculosis, etc.), or is a consequence of acute diseases that have not been treated.
  • Chronic fissures and ulcerative formations in the anus.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Overeating and obesity.
  • Smoking.

Intestinal tumors have recently taken 3rd place in men and 4th place in women in terms of frequency of occurrence, and rectal cancer is in 5th place. The peak incidence falls on the age period of 70-74 years and is 67.1%.

First signs

Cancer is an insidious disease symptoms may not appear for a long time until the neoplasm reaches a significant degree of development.

At first, the disease does not manifest itself outwardly, while cancer cells form and spread in the body. When answering the question of how to recognize bowel cancer at an early stage, doctors do not give a definite answer. The disease is detected by chance - during the passage of a planned medical examination or treatment of another diagnosis. Over time, inflammation makes some adjustments to the patient's usual life.

When the pathology progresses in a patient, the first signs of rectal cancer may be as follows:

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • change in the consistency of feces during bowel movements;
  • the presence of mucus and blood in the stool;
  • decline in performance.

Note that at an early stage of the disease, symptoms can be confused with hemorrhoids and other similar diseases. However, a distinctive feature of the disease should be noted the appearance of blood from the anus, which, unlike hemorrhoids, occurs before the act of defecation, and not after it. Also, as a result of the development of a tumor, mucus and pus are often observed in the feces.


The classification of rectal cancer depending on the stage of the tumor process is based on the following characteristics of the disease:

  • The size of the primary tumor;
  • The prevalence of the tumor in relation to the intestinal wall and lumen;
  • Involvement of adjacent organs in the tumor process;
  • The presence of metastases in the lymph nodes;
  • The presence of metastases in distant organs.

Cancer of the rectum is accompanied by metastases - screenings from the main lesion, identical in structure and capable of growing, disrupting the functions of the organs into which they fell.

The stages of rectal cancer take into account the characteristics of the neoplasm itself, its size, ingrowth into the surrounding tissue, and the nature of metastasis. So, domestic oncologists distinguish four clinical stages of the course of the tumor:

  • Stage 1, when the tumor is no more than two centimeters, grows no deeper than the submucosal layer and does not metastasize.
  • At stage 2, the neoplasm is up to 5 cm, does not go beyond the boundaries of the organ, but can manifest itself as metastases in local lymph nodes.
  • Stage 3 is accompanied by the germination of all layers of the intestinal wall and the appearance of metastases in local lymph nodes.
  • In stage 4 rectal cancer, the entire body suffers. The spread of metastases is accompanied by insufficiency of the organ in which the new tumor growth began. With damage to vital organs (heart, lungs, brain, and so on), the syndrome of multiple organ failure develops, which is the main cause of death for cancer patients.

Symptoms of rectal cancer in adults

Most often, the following pattern is observed in the development of the disease. Initially, an adenomatous polyp forms in the rectum. This neoplasm does not pose a direct threat to life and is not malignant. However, over time, changes occur in the polyp. The neoplasm becomes malignant and turns into a cancerous tumor that spreads throughout the body in the form of metastases.

Symptoms of rectal cancer are determined by the stage and location of the formation. These include:

  • Various dyspeptic disorders;
  • Bleeding and other pathological impurities in the feces;
  • Violation of the stool up to intestinal obstruction;
  • Signs of general intoxication;
  • Pain syndrome.

The first symptoms depend on the location of the neoplasia. In addition to bleeding, which occurs in almost all patients, pain is possible as the first sign in the case of a low location of the cancer with a transition to the anal sphincter. In some cases, the disease occurs with stool disorders, more often in the form of constipation.

As the tumor begins to grow, constipation will not alternate with diarrhea, they begin to become stable. If a malignant tumor of the rectum begins to develop rapidly, then the patient has acute intestinal obstruction - a critical condition in which urgent surgical intervention is indispensable.

The condition of a patient suffering from rectal cancer depends on the presence or absence of metastases.

  • If the tumor is located within the rectum, then the patient is only concerned about digestive disorders, pain in the intestine, impurities of pus, blood and mucus in the feces.
  • If the tumor grows into neighboring organs, then there are symptoms characteristic of their defeat. With germination in the uterus and vagina - pain in the lower abdomen, violation of menstruation.
  • With germination in the bladder - pain in the lower abdomen, impaired urination. With the spread of metastases to the liver - jaundice, pain under the ribs.
  • With multiple metastases, the general condition of the patient is disturbed: weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, anemia, fever occur.

Among women

Cancer of the rectum in women can grow into the tissues of the uterus or vagina. A cancerous lesion of the uterus does not affect the overall clinical picture of the disease, but the germination of the tumor in the tissue of the posterior wall of the vagina can lead to the formation of a rectovaginal fistula. As a result, gases and feces begin to be released from the female vagina.

Cancer cells, driven by the movement of blood and lymph, spread even further throughout the body, leading to the formation of metastases that can occur in the lungs, in the liver, or in nearby lymph nodes.

Symptoms of rectal cancer in women are varied:

  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • pain symptoms in the abdomen and in the anus;
  • constipation, increased stool, diarrhea;
  • mucous, purulent discharge in the anus;
  • constant feeling of weakness or fatigue;
  • , spontaneous discharge of feces;
  • sensation of itching in the perineum;
  • the presence of dysfunction in the genital organs;
  • metabolism is disturbed, which causes a decrease in the overall development and growth of the patient.

In men

Cancer in men often grows into the wall of the bladder, also causing a rectovesical fistula, from which stool and gases are expelled. The bladder often becomes infected. Pathogenic flora enters the kidneys through the ureters, causing pyelonephritis.

Signs of rectal cancer in men:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • sensation of pain in the sacrum, genitals;
  • impurities of blood in the consistency of feces;
  • frequent trips as needed;
  • chronic constipation.

Malignant formation in the absence of the necessary diagnostics is growing rapidly, affecting other systems and organs. It creates increased pressure inside the peritoneum, thereby exacerbating the problem. That is why it is important to identify the initial stage of the development of the disease in a timely manner and take all necessary actions.

Some of the symptoms of this disease are characteristic of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the most common of which are:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • intestinal ulcer;
  • violations of the digestive processes;
  • prostatitis.

Very often, due to the similarity of symptoms, patients do not pay due attention to them in time, which is why the chances of recovery are rapidly decreasing.


Only 19% of patients were diagnosed with cancer at stages 1-2. Only 1.5% of tumors are detected during preventive examinations. Most of the neoplasms of the intestine are in stage 3. Another 40-50% with newly diagnosed tumors of the colon develop distant metastases.

In the early detection of rectal cancer the leading place belongs not to the symptoms of the disease, which the patient himself notices, but to objective signs. Therefore, preventive medical examinations are a really effective method for diagnosing rectal cancer in the early stages!

The diagnosis is made by a proctologist, after examining the ball. With the help of his fingers, he is able to grope for a tumor if it is located near the anus. Otherwise, sigmoidoscopy is prescribed. This procedure allows you to take a fragment of the tumor for biopsy, which will help determine the nature of the formation.

When examining women at the same time research is underway vagina to assess the degree of involvement of the reproductive organs in the tumor process.

For more accurate diagnosis, other procedures are used:

  • full proctological examination;
  • biopsy followed by histological examination of the sample under a microscope;
  • computed tomography;
  • radiography of the abdominal cavity;
  • irrigography to assess the condition of the large intestine;
  • scintigraphy;
  • laboratory blood tests for antigens and tumor markers (this method is used both for primary diagnosis and for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment);
  • diagnostic laparoscopy.

Treatment Methods

In the treatment of rectal cancer, the priority is the surgical method, which consists in removing the organ affected by the tumor.

Is it possible to do without surgery? In fact, most likely not, since this is the main type of treatment. You must understand that chemotherapy and radiotherapy do not give 100% results and do not destroy all cancer cells - that is why it is necessary to remove the tumor with all damaged tissues in time.

Possible options for surgical treatment of rectal cancer:

  • Organ-preserving variant (resection). Such an operation is possible only if the tumor is located in the middle and upper parts of the rectum.
  • Complete removal of the rectum (resection with relegation to the anal canal of the colon) is carried out, followed by the formation of an "artificial" rectum from the healthy sections lying above.

Preoperative Therapy

Due to this stage, the likelihood of tumor progression is reduced, its growth slows down, and the prognosis for the patient is significantly improved. It is carried out by patients with any stage of a tumor of the rectum. The size of the dose and the need for chemotherapy drugs is determined by the oncologist, depending on the degree of cancer development.

Radiation treatment alone is usually used for mild tumor growth (grade 1 or 2). At 3 and 4 degrees, any chemotherapy drug (Ftorouracil, Leukovarin) is necessarily combined with irradiation of the patient.

The recovery process after surgery includes:

  • Wearing a bandage (special compression belt) that reduces abdominal muscle tension and reduces intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Active behavior - getting out of bed 5-7 times a day.
  • Self-going to the toilet and procedures.
  • Sparing nutrition - the use of fruits, vegetables and the restriction of indigestible and fatty foods.

Radiation therapy for rectal cancer is indicated during periods:

  • before surgery - the area where the tumor is located is irradiated for 5 days. Upon completion of the course, an operation is performed in 3-5 days;
  • after surgery - with confirmed metastases in regional LNs, after 20-30 days, a 5-day course of irradiation in the tumor zone and all LNs of the pelvic region begins.

Patient care during treatment

When diagnosed with rectal cancer, postoperative care is as follows:

  • frequent change of linen: bed and underwear;
  • in the prevention of bedsores: changing posture in bed and turning to the other side or back, using anti-decubitus or orthopedic mattresses;
  • feeding the patient, using a special probe;
  • carrying out hygiene procedures;
  • providing special diapers and pads for urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • colostomy care and colostomy replacement.

Therapeutic diet

Proper nutrition in rectal cancer should be given increased attention. The diet should be sufficiently nutritious and balanced in qualitative and quantitative terms, and not cause irritation of the intestines.

The diet after surgery for the first time should be as sparing as possible, not cause diarrhea and bloating. They start eating after resection with rice water, low-fat broth, berry jelly without fruits. After a few days allowed:

  • Mucous soups (this is a strained decoction of cereals).
  • Liquid, well-mashed porridge, boiled in water. Preference is given to non-coarse rice cereals, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  • Cream (only in dishes up to 50 ml).
  • Broths with semolina.
  • Soft-boiled egg and protein omelet.
  • A little later, mashed fish and meat are introduced.

In order not to miss the re-development of the disease, the patient should be regularly monitored by an oncologist. The following frequency of visits is currently recommended:

  • The first 2 years after remission - at least once every 6 months (recommended once every 3 months);
  • After 3-5 years - 1 time in 6-12 months;
  • After 5 years - every year.

Prognosis of rectal cancer

No specialist will give an unambiguous answer to how long they live with rectal cancer, since the survival prognosis is made individually for each patient and consists of many indicators.

Here are the average values ​​for 5-year survival of patients after adequate treatment:

Factors affecting the prognosis for malignant neoplasms of the rectum:

  • stage of the disease;
  • cellular structure of the tumor;
  • the degree of differentiation of tumor cells (undifferentiated are the least favorable - see above);
  • the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes;
  • type of treatment provided.


To protect yourself, you need to listen to your own body. Sometimes people try not to pay attention to the warning signs of the disease, put off going to the doctor. Such negligence towards oneself does not always go unnoticed. What causes rectal cancer, is the disease really so terrifying? It is necessary to find out the symptoms and stages of the disease for effective treatment.

What is a malignant tumor of the rectum

The disease of rectal cancer (disease code in ICD 10 - c20) is gaining momentum. Cancer of the rectum is the development of a malignant neoplasm in the inner lining of the organ. A tumor is formed from the inner epithelial layer of tissues. What do the first symptoms of rectal cancer portend? Signs of rectal cancer in women are diagnosed one and a half times less than in men. If a person has additional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is more difficult to predict good treatment results. Pathologies that precede the disease:

  • rectal ulcer;
  • proctitis;
  • multiple polyposis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • fissures and colitis of the rectum.

First symptoms and signs

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in different ways and are determined by three groups:

Non-specific signs (it is difficult to recognize that it is cancer):

  • sudden weight loss;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • decreased appetite and desire to eat;
  • misperception of tastes;
  • slight rise in temperature.

Typical symptoms:

  • discharge of mucus, sometimes with an admixture of pus or blood, during bowel movements (villous tumor of the rectum);
  • bleeding;
  • isolation of pieces of the tumor;
  • pain in the lower back, coccyx, or perineum;
  • pain during bowel movements, increased desire to go to the toilet;
  • ribbon-like feces;
  • sensation of the tumor itself in the intestine;
  • prolonged and frequent constipation;
  • fecal incontinence.

Case neglect:

  • persistent pain in the lower abdomen;
  • allocation (uncontrolled) feces during urination;
  • in women - excretion of feces through the vagina;
  • leakage of urinary fluid from the rectum.

Stages of cancer

There are 4 stages of cancer development:

  1. At the initial stage, the neoplasm does not go beyond the mucous membrane of the rectum. There is no metastasis, the tumor can occupy a third of the intestine as much as possible.
  2. The next stage involves the growth of the tumor to a size larger than the third part of the intestine (about 5 cm), a tumor with metastases in the lymph nodes.
  3. The neoplasm is more than half of the intestine in circumference or length, the lymph nodes begin to actively affect metastases.
  4. The tumor penetrates into other organs: pelvic bones, vagina, bladder, uterus. It is extremely difficult to cure such a cancerous pathology of the rectum.


In addition to the stages, there are such types of rectal cancer cells:

According to the localization of the disease:

  • anal department;
  • lower ampullar department;
  • medium ampullary;
  • upper ampullar;
  • rectosigmoid part.

Histological structure:

  • mucous cancer;
  • squamous;
  • solid;
  • adenocarcinoma (glandular cancer);
  • fibrous;
  • undifferentiated.

growth type:

  • endoid;
  • exophytic;
  • mixed.


Possible reasons for the appearance of neoplasms:

  • chronic diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes (proctitis, ulcerative colitis, anal fissures);
  • genetic mutations that are inherited;
  • improper nutrition (constant consumption of food with a high level of animal fats, lack of nutrients and vitamins);
  • overeating and insufficient exercise;
  • excessive smoking;
  • professional environment at asbestos factories, sawmills.

How is the diagnosis carried out

If symptoms of the disease are detected, the following examination options are carried out:

  1. Palpation of the patient. The first and most important method, a qualified specialist will be able to determine the presence of a tumor by palpation (at a distance from the anus no more than 15 cm). What the doctor can determine in this way: the place of tumor formation, its size, the degree of impact on neighboring organs. The internal relief of the rectum is studied in the knee-elbow or lying position (with legs pressed to the stomach).
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. A special apparatus is used to study the mucous membrane of the rectum. The doctor has the opportunity to examine the state of the mucosa visually and collect pieces of problem areas for analysis.
  3. Irrigoscopy. The method is outdated, but already proven over the years. A contrast fluid is injected into the large intestine with an enema and x-rays are taken before and after the intestines are cleared. More often the method is used for the elderly or too weakened.
  4. Fibrocolonoscopy. A highly effective way to check the intestines from the inside completely. With the help of the procedure, a smear is taken for examination, the exact location of the tumor is established, and benign polyps are removed.
  5. Intravenous urography. If there is a possibility of developing a tumor of the rectum with germination in the genitourinary organs.
  6. ultrasound. Ultrasound examination of the pelvis, abdominal cavity, check for the presence of metastases.
  7. CT scan. It is carried out on the abdominal and pelvic region to establish the germination of the neoplasm in other organs and metastasis in the lymph nodes.
  8. Laparoscopy. The surgical method of detection, with the help of punctures of the abdominal wall, the liver and peritoneal organs are examined.
  9. Analysis for the detection of oncomarkers-proteins. A new diagnostic method, but not very valuable due to the low probability of finding the correct result.


How long do people live with colorectal cancer? The survival rate of a person 5 years and above is no more than 60%. In the initial stages, cancer is diagnosed in only 19% of people, a quarter of patients learn about the disease in the presence of metastases. The sooner the problem is detected and treatment begins, the sooner recovery will come. There are several options for how to be treated, depending on the degree and nature of the development of the disease.


Treatment such as chemotherapy in oncology is used when a very large number of metastases are observed in the lymph nodes or other neighboring organs. Chemotherapy is carried out through the introduction of intravenous synthetic agents that destroy cancer cells. Sometimes, instead of intravenous administration of toxic substances that destroy the disease, more sparing tablets are used. Tablets do not create an increase in the additional effects of toxic treatment. The procedure gives real chances for life extension, reduces metastases.

Folk remedies

The main therapy should be only within the walls of the clinic with specialists, the treatment of rectal cancer with folk remedies is an exclusively additional method. An alternative method of treatment involves the use of:

  • milestone root;
  • celandine;
  • burdock root;
  • soda;
  • cabbage;
  • hypericum;
  • hemlock.

To eliminate bleeding apply:

  • decoction of meadowsweet leaves;
  • nettle infusion.


Radiation rays in small doses affect tumor cells destructively. Irradiation reduces cancerous tumors, bringing them into a state suitable for removal. There is an inner and an outer. In the presence of pathologies, radiation therapy is used as an independent treatment method to prolong the patient's life. With the help of rays, painful processes in the rectum are reduced.

With the operation

The main method of cancer treatment, which varies depending on how much the organ is affected by the tumor. There are such types of surgery:

  1. Resection (removal of the affected area of ​​the rectum, as low as possible).
  2. Removal of the rectum completely.
  3. Removal of the entire rectum, nearby lymph nodes, tissue and tumor. The sphincter is not preserved, the colostomy is placed on the stomach.
  4. Removal of only the tumor and removal of the colostomy.
  5. Creation of a colostomy without removal of a cancerous tumor (stage 4 of the disease). So the patient's life is extended.
  6. Combined surgery to remove the rectum and organs.

diet for cancer

The patient should be concerned not only with the question of how to treat rectal cancer, but also with the correct diet. The main criteria for the nutrition of a cancer patient are as follows:

  • easy digestion of food;
  • freshness and naturalness of food;
  • animal fats, foods with preservatives, impurities and sweets are completely eliminated from the diet;
  • introduction of selenium-containing products (liver, eggs, seafood and fish, cereals, legumes, dried fruits, seeds, various nuts, broccoli) into the menu of a cancer patient.


In economically developed countries, the population is eating less and less foods with a high capacity of fiber, vegetable fats. The most "affected" areas of the globe: Japan, Canada, USA, where animal fats and proteins are preferred. Recently, there has been a jump in the incidence of colorectal cancer (colon cancer) in Russia.

Early detection and treatment of a tumor in the rectum prolongs life by 15 times, but the third and fourth stages have a bleaker outlook (only 10-20% live for about 5 years). Every third patient already has distant metastases. A sedentary, physically inactive lifestyle, approaching the age of 50, increases the risk of cancer.

Colon Cancer Prevention Video

Have you ever thought about how “strong” your health is? Sad-looking photos and terrible diagnoses, including a precancerous condition, do not need to wait to be cured, but you should take preventive measures that will save you from the danger of getting cancer. Give yourself a long and healthy life. Watch the video below and find out how to properly protect yourself from the appearance of neoplasms.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Oncological diseases reduce life expectancy, entail irreversible consequences in the body. At stages 1 and 2, positive dynamics is possible, at stages 3 and 4, the spread of metastases is irreversible. If the first signs of bowel cancer are diagnosed on time, there is a chance to achieve a long-term remission of the pathological process.

Colon cancer early symptoms

At first, the disease does not manifest itself outwardly, while cancer cells form and spread in the body. When answering the question of how to recognize bowel cancer at an early stage, doctors do not give a definite answer. The disease is detected by chance - during the passage of a planned medical examination or treatment of another diagnosis. Over time, inflammation makes some adjustments to the patient's usual life. If rectal cancer progresses, the first symptoms are as follows:

  • change in the consistency of feces during defecation;
  • secretion of blood and mucus in the feces;
  • long process when going out of need;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • decline in performance at first.

Common symptoms of rectal cancer

A malignant tumor gradually grows, over time exerting increased pressure on neighboring organs and systems. If rectal cancer progresses, it is important to differentiate the symptoms of the first stage in a timely manner in order to correctly diagnose. It all starts with general discomfort when going to the toilet, but then this process is accompanied by an acute attack of pain. Other symptoms are listed below:

  • decline in performance;
  • bloating;
  • frequent relapses of hemorrhoids;
  • heaviness after eating fried and fatty foods;
  • constipation, prone to chronic course;
  • intestinal obstruction.

In men

The disease progresses equally in the female and male body, is fraught with a fatal outcome. The characteristic signs of the disease in men are more pronounced, becoming the main reason for going to the local therapist. Alarming pain in the anus, which occurs after each bowel movement. Over time, its intensity only intensifies, making going to the toilet a real torture. Other signs of rectal cancer in men:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • sensation of pain in the sacrum, genitals;
  • impurities of blood in the consistency of feces;
  • frequent trips as needed;
  • chronic constipation.

Among women

The disease progresses already in adulthood, disrupts the usual rhythm of life already at the first stage. Not all women know how bowel cancer manifests itself in the early stages. However, they clearly understand that bloody stools and constipation are the first signs of oncology. If you do not pay attention to such symptoms, the tumor grows, closes the lumen of the colon and small intestine. Other signs of rectal cancer in women are listed below:

  • feeling of fullness in the intestines;
  • general weakness;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • false urge to go to the toilet;
  • vomiting after eating;
  • burning, itching sensation in the anus;
  • indigestion;
  • moderate bleeding from the colon, rectum;
  • heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, flatulence;
  • feces with blood impurities.

How does rectal cancer manifest itself in laboratory diagnostics

Knowing the first signs of rectal cancer, the patient should pay attention to changes in digestion and general well-being. A malignant tumor in the absence of timely diagnosis is growing rapidly, pressing on the intestines and other organs, creating increased intra-abdominal pressure. It is difficult to determine what signs of rectal cancer on your own, you need to seek medical help. It is possible to make a diagnosis after collecting data from the anamnesis, a complete clinical examination. Laboratory studies define the early symptoms of bowel cancer as follows:

  1. In the general analysis of blood, the level of hemoglobin sharply decreases, the first signs of iron deficiency anemia are observed.
  2. In a laboratory study of feces, hidden impurities can be detected that characterize the first signs of intestinal oncology.
  3. From a biochemical blood test, an increase in liver enzymes indicates the presence and growth of a tumor.
  4. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to do a rectal ultrasound to determine the problem in the rectum, visualize the tumor on the screen, identify its location, size, boundaries. You can also assume a pathogenic factor that previously provoked the first manifestations of a characteristic ailment.
  5. X-ray of the large intestine is another diagnostic method, since the screen shows how the organ has changed after the appearance of a malignant neoplasm in its cavity. This procedure is called irrigoscopy, it is informative and capacious for the attending physician. Based on the photo obtained, an effective conservative treatment is prescribed, or surgical intervention is required.
  6. The classical method of palpation is considered informative at later stages of progressive pathologies, when the attending physician rectally senses the presence of a tumor.

Rectal cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the mucous layer of the final section of the large intestine. According to available statistics, pathology is diagnosed in men and women aged 40 and over equally. Most often, cancer cells are the result of chronic inflammatory processes (ulcers, colitis, proctitis), post-hemorrhoidal complications (anal fissures, fistulas, polyps).

Anatomical features

The final section of the digestive tract, the large intestine, consists of several segments: the cecum, colon, sigmoid and rectum. It is in the large intestine that food partially digested by the stomach enters, where it is further broken down and the formation of feces.

Thanks to the peristalsis of the intestinal walls, they move through the intestines and enter its final section, ending with the anus with a sphincter (a muscular ring that narrows the end of the rectum and allows you to control the exit of feces from the body) through which they exit the body. In terms of the frequency of diagnosing, rectal cancer is 65% among the most frequently detected neoplasms.

Causes of Cancer Development

There is no one specific reason that provokes the growth of cancer cells in the rectum. In medicine, a number of unfavorable conditions are distinguished, creating all the conditions for the degeneration of normal cells into tumor cells:

  • Nutrition - according to statistics, rectal cancer is detected 1.5 times more often in those people whose diet contains a lot of meat products, including pork (fatty, hard to digest food). The absence in the menu of cereals, vegetables and fruits enriched with vegetable fiber, which support normal intestinal motility, also creates favorable conditions for pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency) - a lack of vitamins A, C, E leads to the fact that too many carcinogens enter the intestines (factors and chemicals, the effect of which on the human body increases the likelihood of healthy cells mutating into cancer cells).
  • Excess weight - obesity adversely affects the normal functioning of the entire intestine as a whole. Excess weight disrupts blood circulation in the organ, its peristalsis, which leads to frequent constipation and, as a result, to favorable factors for the development of malignant formations.
  • Bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking) - nicotine and alcohol adversely affect blood vessels, impair blood circulation, irritate the intestinal mucosa, which contributes to the growth of cancer cells and the development of cancer of the rectum and other organs.
  • Hereditary predisposition - genes are part of the chromosomes that are transmitted to the child at conception. And if in the course of life the parents had changes in oncogenes (cancer) responsible for the control of cell division, then already mutated genes are often transferred to the child. How they will behave in the body of an adult person and how they will contact the environment is unknown. But under the influence of adverse factors, they most often lead to the formation of malignant tumors.
  • In rare cases, extremely unfavorable and harmful working conditions of a person can provoke cancer.

An important factor that creates prerequisites for the development of malignant formations in the rectum are precancerous pathologies:

  • - outgrowths on the intestinal mucosa, having a benign character. Small growths are usually not dangerous. But with intensive growth of the polyp and its size over 2 cm, constant monitoring by a specialist is required;
  • diffuse polyposis is a genetically transmitted disease. With it, multiple foci of polyps are formed in the thick and straight intestine. In some cases, from 100 or more;
  • papillomavirus infection of the anus - viruses cause cell degeneration, change their properties, which can lead to the formation of cancerous foci.

Symptoms and clinical manifestations

The signs by which the presence of pathology can be detected depend on the size of the neoplasm, the stage of development, the location and nature of the growth of cancer cells:

  • - in 90% of patients, this is the most common sign of cancer. Fecal masses, passing through the intestinal duct, injure the tumor located in the mucous tissue. With a small formation, the blood leaves the organ in a small amount (these can be blood clots mixed with feces or red streaks). Given that in the early stages of the disease, blood loss is very small, the development of anemia is excluded.
  • The discharge of mucus or pus from the anus is a symptom of rectal cancer, characteristic of the last stages of an overgrown tumor. The secretion of mucus and pus occurs due to the complications that the formation causes: in the later stages, the tumor disintegrates and begins to actively spread metastases to neighboring and distant lymph nodes and organs, causing severe inflammation in the mucous tissue of the organ.
  • Problems with the stool - failures can manifest themselves in different ways: frequent or diarrhea, painful urge to defecate, strong. Problems are caused by the inflammatory process in the mucous tissue and muscles of the intestinal walls.
  • - a sign of the pathology of the last stage of rectal cancer. The overgrown cancer completely blocks the intestinal duct, causing chronic constipation (lack of stool for more than 3 days). Poisoning of the body with stuck feces begins: the patient experiences pain, nausea, and vomiting occurs.
  • Severe pain - they can appear in the early stages of rectal cancer, if the neoplasm is located directly on the sphincter. The patient cannot sit on hard surfaces because the pain gets worse. In medicine, this symptom is called the "stool" syndrome. If cancer has struck the upper part of the intestine, then unbearable pain occurs only when it grows through the wall and when cancer cells damage neighboring organs.
  • Severe changes in the general physiological state of a person - the patient complains of weakness, lack of strength, loses weight, appetite, quickly gets tired. The skin integuments change their color: they become pale, gray, sometimes earthy or cyanotic. At first, the signs manifest themselves very weakly, with an increase in the size of the tumor, the severity of the general poor health of a person also increases.


If a cancerous tumor is suspected in the rectum, the specialist interviews the patient, digital examination and visual examination of the intestine, prescribes instrumental examinations and tests.

Patient Interview

During the interview, the doctor records the complaints of patients and the time of onset of failures in the body, finds out the diet, bad habits, and place of work. To diagnose and clarify the nature of the clinical picture of the development of the disease, it is very important to establish a possible genetic predisposition.

Finger examination

A digital examination of the rectum is a simple method to detect the presence of abnormal formations in the intestine. To the touch, the proctologist evaluates the elasticity of the intestinal walls and the presence of any abnormalities.

Finger examination does not allow 100% accuracy to confirm rectal cancer. But any deviations from the norm are immediately subjected to further diagnostics to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Instrumental Research

To identify malignant neoplasms, the specialist prescribes a whole range of various diagnostic procedures:

  • - the internal space of the intestine is examined using a sigmoidoscope (fiber-optic tube with a diode lamp at the end). The proctologist inserts a device into the rectum and pumps air into it to expand the lumen and visually inspect the walls. During the procedure, polyps, erosions, ulcers, blood clots, tumor formations, etc. can be detected.
  • Irrigography - X-ray transillumination of the rectum using a polar substance (barium sulfate). Before the procedure, the patient's intestines must be clean. 1-2 days before the procedure, the patient should consume a sufficient amount of liquid (at least 1-2 liters per day). Heavy-to-digest foods should be completely excluded from the daily menu. Immediately before the procedure, the patient is given a cleansing enema. With the help of irrigography, various pathologies are revealed: ulcers, neoplasms, their size and extent.
  • Computed tomography is used in rare cases when the results of ultrasound and x-rays contradict each other. With the help of computed tomography, a layered image of the organs of the pelvic region is obtained, which allows you to make a reliable diagnosis.
  • A biopsy is a microscopic examination of a small piece of tissue. It is pinched off from the detected tumor in order to identify the nature of the pathology (malignant or benign). This is the most important test in diagnosing rectal cancer.

If a malignant tumor is detected during the examination by a proctologist, additional instrumental examinations are prescribed to detect metastases:

  • X-ray of the abdominal organs - the examination is carried out without the use of a contrast agent. Using the procedure, the doctor assesses the condition of the intestines and neighboring organs.
  • Fibrocolonoscopy - the distant sections of the intestine are viewed. This allows you to detect secondary foci of formations in regional organs: the sigmoid and colon.
  • Radioisotope scanning of the liver - in rectal cancer, secondary cancer cells most often affect the liver, which is clearly visible on the pictures.
  • Laparoscopy is a micro-surgery in which miniature cameras are inserted into the abdominal cavity through small openings in the abdomen. This allows you to assess the state of all organs in this area, identify metastases, take a sample of the material for further research.
  • Intravenous urography - used to detect metastases in distant organs: kidneys, ureters, bladder. Pathologies are detected using a polar substance (urographine or omnipaque), which is administered intravenously.

Lab tests

To identify the stage and extent of the spread of a malignant formation, the patient is prescribed a set of laboratory procedures:

  • Test for tumor markers (taking blood from a vein) - tumor markers - proteins secreted into the blood by cancer cells. Their content in the blood increases with the progression of pathology. With the help of the test, not only the presence of the tumor itself is detected, but also the appearance of metastases even at an early stage, but only in conjunction with other diagnostic methods.
  • Cancer-embryonic antigen is a substance present in the blood of the fetus while it is in the womb. In adults, its content in the blood is absent. A high level of antigen is found only in the presence of cancers in the rectum.
  • Cytological examination - microscopic examination of cellular elements in order to identify their nature (malignant or benign).

Tumor types

Rectal cancer is classified according to several indicators: the types of cells in the tissue, the direction of the focus of spread. All this directly affects further treatment and outcome of the disease.

Classification of tumors by cellular structure

Tumors of the rectum are divided into several types depending on their structural and functional structure:

  • Adenocarcinoma is the most commonly diagnosed type of neoplasm in the rectum. This takes into account the differentiation of the tumor (the distance of pathogenic cells from normal healthy cells of neighboring organs). The lower the degree of differentiation, the more malignant the formation and the more unfavorable the outcome of the disease.
  • Ring cell carcinoma is diagnosed in 3% of cases. Under a microscope, pathology cells look like rings with a stone, which led to their name. Cancer with the most unfavorable course. The tumor grows rapidly and metastasizes to distant organs. Most patients die within three years of diagnosis.
  • Solid cancer is very rare. It develops from poorly differentiated glandular tissues of the intestine. Modified cells are arranged in the form of layers.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma is a common complication that occurs after a papillomavirus infection. It is found mainly in the lower part of the rectum near the anus. Squamous cell tumors are characterized by rapid spread of metastases throughout the body.

Classification of tumors depending on the direction of growth

There are three forms:

  • exophytic - a pathological formation develops mainly inside the rectum, gradually blocking its lumen;
  • endophytic - a malignant tumor develops deep into the wall of the rectum, there is a gradual germination of the tumor through it;
  • mixed - a form that is characterized by signs of an exophytic and endophytic tumor.

Stages of colorectal cancer

It is impossible to prescribe effective treatment without a clear understanding of the extent of the spread of the disease. Therefore, initially it is necessary to accurately determine the stage of the detected pathology. It depends on the size of the malignant formation and on the degree of damaged or not damaged organs.

  • Stage 0 - epithelial cancer that develops in the inside of the rectum.
  • Stage I - the neoplasm is localized in the mucous tissue of the organ and occupies no more than 1/3 of the intestinal lumen, there is no metastasis. If a tumor is detected at this stage, the prognosis is favorable, more than 80% of patients survive.
  • Stage II - the size of the neoplasm does not exceed 5 cm. Lymph nodes are not affected or 1-2 are affected in neighboring organs. After diagnosis, about 60% of patients survive.
  • Stage III - the tumor closes the intestinal duct by more than 50%, affects more than 3 lymph nodes in closely located organs. The survival rate is low - 20%.
  • Stage IV is the stage with the most unfavorable prognosis. An overgrown tumor metastasizes to all neighboring organs (urethra, vagina, pelvic bones, uterus, etc.). Secondary foci of rectal cancer are also found in distant organs. Diagnosis - inoperable cancer, survival - 0%. At this stage, treatment and procedures are aimed at alleviating the patient's condition and eliminating pain.

Chemotherapy is used as an additional therapy to exclude possible relapses of the disease.

Features of treatment

The main and only method of eliminating rectal cancer is surgery. The affected organ or part of it is removed. Radiation and chemotherapy are used as adjunctive therapy to rule out possible relapses of the disease.

Surgical treatment

Currently, there are several options for surgical intervention.

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