Early development according to Tyulenev: a strict system on the path to genius. Pavel Tyulenev. Early development methodology Tyulenev method of intellectual development

One of the most controversial and controversial methods for the early development of children was developed in the 80s by sociologist and teacher by training, Soviet scientist Pavel Tyulenev.

Tyulenev began studying child psychology, or rather, methods of teaching children, under the influence of the Nikitins’ method, popular in the 80s and 90s, who, by the way, having become acquainted with Tyulenev’s approach to child development, fully approved of it.

For the early development of future geniuses, Tyulenev and his colleagues developed a system called the “Method of Intellectual Development of the Child” (MIDD). It includes methodological materials, instructions for parents, which describe their actions with the child by day, a series of cards, materials for stands, and others. The “development and education program” itself covers the age of children from birth to 18 years.

Basic principles of Tyulenev’s early development system

First of all, Pavel Tyulenev claims that you can raise a genius out of any child if you work with him from the first days of life (and even before birth) and do not waste a minute of time without benefiting the intellect. According to Tyulenev’s theory, any child is able to learn to read by the age of 2, maximum 3, master the primary school curriculum by 5-6, and enter university at 10-12 years old. According to the teacher, children are not born geniuses, and a person’s success in adult life is influenced almost exclusively by the work of parents on his development.

In order to raise your child to be a child prodigy, according to Tyulenev, you should always adhere to important rules:

  • Every minute your baby is awake must be used for his intellectual development.
  • Talk to the baby in normal language, no baby talk.
  • Read “normal” literature to your child - Tyulenev recommends Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, arguing that even the smallest, although he does not understand the meaning of what he hears, remembers the image of the work, which will help his intellectual development in the future.
  • Never teach a child to walk - he will walk himself when the time comes.
  • Any communication with a child should only be developmental; educationally useless toys should be excluded.
  • From the first days, create a developmental environment around the child - of course, from Tyulenev’s manuals. Before the eyes of the little ones there should always be “supporting images”: cards with letters, notes, images of objects, animals, etc.
  • Do not try to combine Tyulenev’s methods and materials with any other developmental methods - all of them, according to Tyulenev, were developed without proper study of the children’s brain, in addition, they are designed for foreign children and are too commercialized. Tyulenev is categorically against the Doman system, Montessori, Wolddorf pedagogy and other systems recognized throughout the world.

Periods of childhood according to Tyulenev

The development of children up to 3 years of age is considered early (similar to the approach, isn’t it?). In the MIRR system, early childhood is conventionally divided into periods. Which are called “classworlds”:

  • “looker” - while the baby still can’t do anything, she just lies in the crib and looks at the world around her. Since the waking time in the first weeks of the baby’s life is very short, the “developmental environment” and the quick reaction of the parents are of particular importance - all the time they are awake, they need to show cards and other objects, naming them.
  • “Trogunok” - the baby is already trying to touch something and during this period it is necessary to supplement the arsenal of aids, creating a new “game WORLD”. Categorically exclude all kinds of rattles, chewers and other toys that are useless, from Tyulenev’s point of view.

From 4 months, it is suggested to give the baby toys from which sounds can be extracted; from 6 months, the child should play with the alphabet, in which case he needs to name the letters; from 8-9 months, play the game “bring the letters” every day; from 10 – the game “show the syllable” " and "show the word"

From birth to 1.5 years is the period of early development.
From 1.5 to 2 years – average early development.
From 2 to 3 years – late early development.

Rules that allow you to grow a genius

In Tyulenev’s system there are quite a lot of restrictions and strict requirements for parents, which, firstly, are difficult to fulfill, and secondly, sometimes contradict what modern psychologists and humanistic teachers teach us.

  1. Do not teach your child to walk before he wants to - he may “get carried away by walking to the detriment of reading”
  2. Animals in the house, according to Tyulenev, slow down the development of a child’s intelligence and it is better not to have them.
  3. Teach your child to drink and eat only from his own dishes and to use only his own towel.
  4. Create a safe environment - secure bottom drawers, cover corners of furniture, put door stops.
  5. Eliminate TV and computers, especially those programs that evoke strong emotions in the child
  6. Don't turn on music before lunch

Will the children be happy?

In response to criticism of his system from parents who are not sure that such an approach will help raise a happy child, Tyulenev replies:

As for “truly happy,” we need to clarify: any drug addict dies of happiness, which, according to doctors, exceeds everything a person experiences in his entire life. There is calm burgher happiness, literary happiness, entrepreneurial happiness, etc., as well as family happiness in combination with the above. If you like, let's start with designing children's happiness? What do you want - and let's start designing, from the cradle. As the ancients said, some kind of system is better than no system at all.

  • Annotation:
    The book reveals the secrets of developing a person’s abilities for logical thinking, and provides recommendations for developing abilities for literary and other types of creativity, making it possible to make a child phenomenally gifted in several areas. The results obtained in the early 90s turned out to be such that some experts argued that “now all pedagogical literature can ... be “rolled under the asphalt” ... The argument is that the literature on “psychology” accumulated so far, “ pedagogy" and education is speculative in nature and does not bring one iota closer to the opportunities provided by the system of methods "Read, count, know notes, do... - before walking." It is shown that raising a child prodigy should be rather the norm What is the exception if parents know how to create a developmental environment in the family for children from 0 to 10 years old, how to communicate with them correctly, strengthen and develop physically. Without any complex special classes, children developing using new methods at home can begin to read at the same time as “walking” and “talking” at the age of 1 - 2. You will learn how to help your child: develop abilities before one year, how to become a musical genius, polyglot, president, businessman, artist, future champion and avoid many childhood diseases... The book was written as a means of bringing the country out of the deepest crisis, during a period when, according to the UN, from 1.5 to 2 billion dollars a day were taken out of the country for 4-5 years, and from the responsibilities of the Ministry of Education All educational functions were withdrawn, teachers' salaries were delayed, and schools began to introduce sex education, perversions, and mysticism... New technologies of development and education presented in the book will help prevent many future problems for the child related to: studying at school, social adaptation child, business, management, mastering the spiritual and moral culture of many faiths. As subsequent experience has shown, if parents want, then their children, using the presented methods, can do without school at all, which children who attend can graduate at 8 - 10 years old and then master the programs of several universities and receive 4 - 5 diplomas of higher education before the age of 18. age! You don't need any special knowledge. The book serves as a popular introduction to the MIR system, the use of recommendations of which saves time and money, leads to the phenomenal development of mental abilities and talents of children, and to the harmonious development of the child. The reference section will allow parents to receive the necessary advice on a wide range of child development issues.

What is the “MIRR” program (Method of Intellectual Development of the Child)? What disadvantages may parents face if they decide to raise a child using this method? And who is P.V. Tyulenev?

Recently, the interest of parents and teachers has been attracted by the research of P. Tyulenev, a sociologist and innovative teacher who developed a unique early childhood development methodology.

It’s not hard to guess what caused such interest in the unique program. The pace of development of scientific and technological progress is becoming faster every year, and now first-graders come to school knowing not only the alphabet, but also knowing how to use a PC, mobile phones and other types of modern technology, which their grandparents are often afraid to even touch. Modern children have to catch up and overtake the time in order to create even newer technologies, and the old methods of development, education and training no longer help them so much as hinder them.

What is the “MIRR” program (Method of Intellectual Development of the Child)? What disadvantages may parents face if they decide to raise a child using this method? And who is P.V. Tyulenev?

A few words about the author of the technique

Pavel Viktorovich Tyulenev is an extraordinary personality and enthusiastic person. He “tested” his method of early childhood development on his own children. According to Pavel Viktorovich himself, thanks to MIRR technique his youngest daughter could already read at one year old, and write at one and a half years old. It is noteworthy that P.V. Tyulenev’s sphere of interests included not only pedagogy and sociology.

Since the seventies of the last century, he has been absorbed in the study of natural, exact and human sciences at the same time. He was interested in the issues of transforming the economy of the Soviet Union in the era of stagnation, at the same time he was engaged in research in the field of chemistry and biochemistry, problems of production of petroleum products and reducing imports of raw materials, collecting and processing information on the country's mineral resources. Sociology, journalism, philosophy, mathematics, medicine are also among his interests.

Attention P.V. Tyuleneva was attracted and pedagogical psychology, since the scientist understands that without preparing the younger generation for a new level of social development, it is impossible to effectively solve all the problems of the crisis period. This is how the idea of ​​educating a person of a new era was born, and the author’s methods and programs appeared:

  • "System of methods of intellectual development of the child (MIDD), as the basis of a new education system." RAO - 1995;
  • Program: "Primary education - by the age of 4 - 5 years"
  • “Read before you walk” – 1996

Features of Tyulenev's technique

Comprehensive early childhood development dictated by modern realities, and has a right to exist. Popular wisdom says: “Educate while it’s lying across the bench,” and representatives of classical psychology have long insisted that in the first years of life, in preschool age, a person learns much more necessary information than in subsequent years of his life.

Like other innovative teachers P.V. Tyulenev also relies in his methodology on the child’s figurative perception - bright pictures that are constantly in front of the child’s eyes are remembered with ease, and the regular change of these pictures naturally attracts the child’s attention and encourages memorization of the constantly changing situation in his room. However, memorizing letters, numbers, notes or other images should not be passive. We must constantly stimulate the child's interest.

Pavel Viktorovich Tyulenev proposes to replace familiar toys with geometric shapes, images of animals, plants, letters, etc. At the same time, toys in the form of real-life animals should not be plastic, rubber or plush - from the first days of life, a child should form a realistic idea of ​​​​the world around him. Therefore, toys should be as close as possible to the realistic appearance of animals, both in shape and color/texture.

About the role of parents

It is important to understand that in the system of child development, the role of parents is of utmost importance. And the problem is not to find and bring the necessary pictures and other visual aids to the baby’s room.

Parents and all adult family members, long before the birth of a child, must prepare themselves for the role of educators. In the first year of a child’s life, only the closest people surround him, through whom and thanks to whom he gets to know the world. The emotional atmosphere in the family is important for the baby, and it determines how successfully he will explore the world around him.

Parents who decided to get serious early development of babies must be prepared to face difficulties. And these difficulties lie not in the implementation of the methodology itself, but in its perception by society, the education system, and even older family members who will actively resist innovative ideas of education and development.

Tyulenev also warns about the correct attitude towards the child’s personality. Despite blinding love and the most tender feelings, you cannot “babble” with your child. You need to speak clearly and distinctly, and under no circumstances repeat incorrectly pronounced words after your child. The main principle: a child is an individual, and it is very important to treat him as an equal.

How are classes conducted using the Tyulenev method?

According to Tyulenev, a child who still cannot read at the age of three is a pedagogically neglected child. Therefore, his technique is aimed exclusively at babies aged several weeks/months. It’s even better if the mother starts working according to the method during the perinatal period - from the 4th month of pregnancy.

The whole methodology is based on the main rules, which sound like this:

  • The child is the idol of the parents
  • If a child does not sleep, he must develop intellectually
  • Parents are the child's first teachers
  • Every success/achievement of a child should be accompanied by praise or reward
  • Educational kit Tyulenev's techniques(cards with reference images) should always be in front of the child’s eyes
  • Parents should verbalize everything the child sees
  • Communication with a child (including games) should only be developmental

Of course, classes should be conducted only in a favorable environment: the child must be in a good mood, and adults must feel these moments. It is important to observe the baby’s sleep and wakefulness schedule, and devote every free minute to communicating with the child.

This, in fact, is the essence of the methodology, and each individual lesson depends on the abilities and level of training of the parents.

Disadvantages of Tyulenev's technique

Parents of a child who have adopted Tyulenev’s method must realize that this is not a temporary refusal to carefreely sit in front of the TV and their other weaknesses. After the child learns to count, read and write, learns notes and a couple of foreign languages, he needs to move on. This automatically means that parents must constantly improve their own level of knowledge, or ensure that the child regularly attends classes according to an individual program.

Progressive teaching methods, developed by Tyulenev, unfortunately, still remain premature, since society, the state and the education system are not ready to provide children trained using this method with conditions for further intellectual growth and application of their knowledge.

Pavel Tyulenev's method is one of the most extraordinary discoveries in pedagogy of the last century. The author believes that by following it, parents will be able to maximize their child’s potential. Adults need to provide conditions for the functioning of the “genius gene,” which, according to Pavel Tyulenev, absolutely all children have.

Pavel Tyulenev claims that every child is a genius in his own way, this trait must be developed in the child

He assumes that with the help of his method of developing children, a child at an early age will be able to do and know what children in preschool age will not be able to do. And by the age of 18, a child will be able to receive higher education and even more than one. Let's take a closer look at what this technique is and how it works.

about the author

In 1970, Pavel Tyulenev completed his studies at TSU (FOP) in the departments of sociology and journalism. From 1970 to 1974, he was the executive director of the philosophy society at Tomsk University, secretary in the circle of formal and mathematical logic, a sociological laboratory under the leadership of Professor V. Sagatovsky, and in the society of educational psychology, associate professor E. Sagatovskaya.

In 1975, having decided to tackle pressing problems in petrochemistry, he completed his studies at the Faculty of Chemistry, specializing in “chemistry” and “chemistry teacher”. After that, he was solving problems related to the creation and implementation of a “system for optimal search, production and deep refining of oil”, the SPHINX and SIRIUS systems, with the help of which it was possible to increase the efficiency of export of domestic petroleum products by more than 5 times. However, it was never possible to implement the systems due to the beginning of perestroika and the liquidation of the state plan.

After this, Pavel Tyulenev decided to leave the mineral resources industry for teaching, believing that the people needed reforms in the education system. In 1991, he occupied a leadership position in the center “Promoting the Development and Education of Children.” From that moment on, he devoted his life to teaching.

What is “MIR” and where did it come from?

The impetus for the development of his own methodology was the work of Boris Nikitin, who was able to prove that the early development of a child may well take place in life. Pavel Viktorovich shared this in one of his publications. Children raised according to B. Nikitin's method were far ahead of their peers in their development, both intellectual and physical. P. Tyulenev decided not to dwell on this and find out what abilities the children have in order to begin learning reading, music, literature and artistic activity, mathematics, and playing chess.

Conducting various studies, he found out that a baby can learn to read before he starts walking. The baby’s brain activity when reading “to himself” works much less than when walking. Based on this, Pavel Viktorovich highlighted the hypothesis that if, using a special system of educating a child, we begin to develop him correctly from birth, then it is quite possible teach your baby to read faster than he can talk or walk.

It took Pavel Tyulenevaya almost 20 years to develop the necessary teaching methods, test and prove his hypothesis. And so, in December 1998, for the first time an eleven-month-old child, who was still crawling, was able to form a word from individual letters.

At the same time, when this kid grew up, when asked when he learned to read, he constantly said with surprise that he had always been able to do it. This answer then shocked all scientists and doctors in pedagogy and psychology, because it was proven that a seven-month-old baby can already be able to read, only the learning process needs to start earlier.

Pavel Tyulenev and his colleagues began developing their own methodology, and the baby, meanwhile, achieved greater and greater success in learning. The question arose about how a child at this age will be able to demonstrate a skill without losing it and developing it further. Since the baby still cannot speak well at this age, the idea arose to offer him a typewriter and a computer. The baby mastered typing with ease and eventually “Reports from the Future” was published - letters from a baby who was barely one year old.

In parallel with the system of teaching reading and writing, Pavel Viktorovich worked on other developmental methods. In 1992, under his authorship, the program “At five years old - in fifth grade” was implemented and published, and in 1995-1996 the book “Read before you walk” was published.

In addition to the MIR method, Pavel Tyulenev is the author of other effective methods for child development

The training system according to P. Tyulenev was called the Method of Intellectual Development - MIR, which was a special part of the science of intelligence, which he proposed for optimal education systems in 1995. Its teaching methods are aimed at parents and teachers, and can be completely independent from traditional education. With the help of MIR, a baby will be able to learn to read while still at the age of a toddler, and by the age of 18, receive more than one higher education or become a candidate of sciences by defending a dissertation.

In the next video, Pavel Tyulenev himself will talk about his technique and what results can be achieved with its help.


  • It is necessary to start training from the first days of life.

Pavel Viktorovich believed that teachers and doctors who talk about the dangers of early developmental activities with children simply cannot create the necessary environment for the development of the baby. In fact, babies can develop much faster than many people think. After all, a person’s abilities are formed in the first two years of his life. It is then that intelligence develops by more than 80%. During these years, it will be much easier for a baby to learn to read than, for example, at 5-6 years old.

Nature has endowed a person with the ability to actively assimilate graphic images in the first four months of life. During these months, the child still has no need for entertainment, he only observes. If you take advantage of this moment and start showing him letters, then as he grows up, he will recognize them and enjoy them like his favorite toys. By the age of three to four months, the baby is already beginning to coordinate his actions with his hands and will need other toys that he can touch and grasp. The right moment for learning will be missed.

Tyulenev claims that it is necessary to work with a child according to his method from the very moment of birth

So, you should take a moment and show your child images of letters, geometric shapes, etc., which are recommended by the method, from the first days of life until three months, so that the baby remembers the images of words. They will become a kind of constructor for him, from which he will put words together in the future, that is, he will be able to read.

  • Creating the right developmental environment for learning without teaching.

The developing environment is what surrounds the child in his development; these are the games, toys and aids offered to him by his loved ones. It is in this environment that the baby makes his first discoveries, draws his first conclusions, learns to think and develops memory. It is she who gives impetus to the development of the baby.

The value of a developmental environment in a child’s voluntary education. Using it wisely, there is no need to force the child to acquire knowledge and skills, or to train them. Adults simply offer the child toys, and he independently chooses which ones are interesting to him and which ones are not. As a rule, children put aside toys that are not appropriate for their age, abilities, or complex ones.

The author of the MIR methodology claims that for proper development it is necessary to competently organize the space around the baby

With the help of a well-chosen developmental environment, you will not overload the baby, because he regulates the load himself, doing what gives him pleasure and brings joy. So, without sitting with an ABC book in one hand and sedative drops in the other, you can calmly and peacefully (and this is important) teach your child to read by the age of two.

  • Reading skill is the most important.

It is reading that allows a child to get acquainted with the world of information, gain knowledge himself and develop rapidly, especially at an early age. Parents will not be able to give him the amount of information that he can obtain by acquiring knowledge on his own. That is why Pavel Tyulenev presented reading as one of the most important general indicators of child development.

Features of conducting classes

Even an adult who is far from pedagogy can master the methodology of conducting classes. There will also be success if one of the parents begins to work with the child, despite the fact that he is busy with work. You just need to spend at least a few minutes in the morning before your workday, and in the evening before bed, following the simplest recommendations. The baby will learn new things on his own.

P. Tyulenev divided the entire learning process into 10 “class-worlds,” each of which corresponds to a certain period of the child’s development. The requirements and program for each of them are separate. The baby goes to the first class-world immediately after birth, and before he reaches two years old, he will have already completed the first five class-worlds.

Tyulenev's developmental program is divided into 10 classes

It is in the first two years of life that learning is very intense, because the baby develops very quickly during this period. The child will enter the very last, tenth grade at the age of 12, and will graduate at the age of 18. As Pavel Viktorovich himself believes, finishing the 10th grade is tantamount to receiving a higher education.

The developers of manuals using P. Tyulenev’s method say that it is necessary to use materials that are already ready for classes. You won’t be able to do them yourself, because each of them has its own “secret” of success.

Without making a hole in the right place, replacing or adding a picture, gluing the manual together without knowing the subtleties, you will not be able to achieve success. P. Tyulenev compares this to studying physics using formulas you invented.

The list of benefits that you will need is not so long. For example, in order to teach a child to read you will need:

  1. Developmental crib – microschool (must meet the requirements set by the system).
  2. Sets of cards (postcards, pictures). Methods of playing games with them.
  3. Miracle letters: universal developmental alphabet MIR and recommended play activities with it; magnetic alphabet and games offered with it.

A developmental crib must meet all the requirements of the program, according to Pavel Tyulenev

Results of work and feedback from parents

It is still difficult to say anything about the incredible effect that the creator of the technique assumes. There are kids who at two years old could read words and type them on a computer or typewriter, but what they will become in 10-15 years is unknown.

There is not yet a generation of children taught according to P. Tyulenev’s method; they have not yet had time to grow up. Therefore, whether it is necessary to start teaching a child to read from birth or to wait until he is 5-6 years old is not clear at the moment.

Among the reviews from parents you can find both positive and negative. Many questions have arisen about the system's tutorials. You can order everything you need for training on the official MIR website. According to the author, it is simply impossible to make them yourself; they all contain manufacturing secrets that no one reveals.

Compared to other methods, this is a big disadvantage. After all, parents do not even have the opportunity to try whether this technique will suit them or not.

Tyulenev’s method, according to parents, has both its advantages and disadvantages

Who agrees with this technique? On the contrary, I am for the child to have toys first, and then the time will come for the rest. After all, childhood only happens once.
Pavel Tyulenev, a sociologist, teacher and president of the Association of Innovative Teachers, has developed a unique method of early development. The author believes that in order to teach a child a variety of skills, it is better to start even before he starts walking; for this, you need to create a certain environment for the child. Tyulenev proposes to teach the baby counting, reading, sheet music, drawing, and even leadership and entrepreneurship before he can walk.

Education using this young developmental methodology you need to start from birth- from the first days of life, and every waking minute of the baby should be aimed at his mental and physical development. Parents and teachers should introduce the child to the world around him, stimulate activity and movement, and of course constantly talk to him as an adult. This technique does not encourage “lisping” with children.

1. It is necessary to remove all decorations and toys from the crib. The baby should not waste time looking at bright wallpaper, pictures and diapers.

2. Photos of parents, triangles, squares, circles should hang on the walls near the crib until the age of two months, so to speak, creating routes for the eyes.

3. From birth, start showing your child cards with letters, notes, and numbers.

4. From the age of three months, the most important space for the little genius will be the wallpaper and the walls of the crib, and therefore the developmental process needs to be organized. For example, instead of wallpaper, hang a variety of picturesque paintings, mathematical formulas, letters of the alphabet, pictures of animals and plants, etc.

5. From 4-5 months, the child should get used to and study images of tools, landscapes and various architectural structures. The best option would be to hang a variety of wall calendars near the crib and flip through them every day, i.e. Every day the child will get acquainted with something new.

6. At 6-7 months, the child will be interested in looking at a variety of pictures and postcards. The best time for this is after waking up and after eating.

7. The best time to buy a magnetic alphabet is when a child is five months old. Every day you need to let your child play with letters and numbers, after such a two-week independent familiarization of the child, you should give the child a letter and pronounce the sound of the letter several times, changing the letter every day.

8. Every day you need to listen to serious adult songs; romances are very suitable.

10. You also need to teach your child a foreign language. Tyulenev believes that the more languages ​​you learn, the better it will be.

11. From five months you need to start developing your child’s ear for music. To do this, you need to place a musical instrument near the crib and let the baby press the keys.

12. From 4-5 months you can start studying physics by playing the game “Newton”. At this age, all children love to throw toys out of the crib, this useless activity can be easily turned into physics classes, for this you need to place a bucket or box near the crib, let the child throw toys there, thereby he will visually measure the distance.

13. Pay active attention to the physical development of the little genius. To do this, you need to teach your child to crawl at an early age.

14. Your baby should learn to do rope exercises, such as hanging and swinging.

Those parents and teachers who are interested in this technique must be prepared for absolute dedication, since not a minute can be wasted in raising a little genius, and no time can be wasted.

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