How to check sanctions in Yandex AGS. Why you can get banned in Yandex, fall under the AGS or a footcloth filter, as well as ways to get out of these sanctions. Filter for over-optimization of content


Today we will briefly talk about the AGS-40 filter (by the way, named after a grenade launcher), which caused a lot of noise and scared many webmasters.

What are filters and why are they needed?

A filter is a special algorithm that allows Yandex to distinguish good sites from bad ones.

If a site is “stuck” in a filter, no one will see it in search results.

Bad sites include “link farms” and other resources that do not provide value to the visitor, but only earn money by deception (according to Yandex).

The problem is that you can end up on the list of “bad guys” and your site will disappear from search results.

And here's more about the bad guys. This is Martin Lawrence and Will Smith from the cover of Bad Boys 2. Yandex does not hide them, because in fact they are police, and all police are good.

How to check a site for AGS

You can check not only your site, but also any other. This is useful when placing advertising: if the site is under AGS, then you should think about whether you should trust it.

Free site audit

Or manually - type in the address bar: + name of your site

For example,

If the site falls under the filter, Ya.Catalogue will show that its TIC undefined:

So, you have firmly decided that you want to get under the filter. Let's remember what are the factors by which Yandex evaluates sites:

  • hosts (domain age, region, listing in well-known directories - Yandex.Catalog, DMOZ, etc.),
  • text (quality of texts on the site, absence of spam, etc.),
  • reference (links to the site from other resources, authority of referring resources, etc.),
  • behavioral (number of refusals, average duration of visit, completion of targeted actions, etc.).

We cannot have a significant influence on the first group of factors, but in the rest we are free to do whatever we want. Thus, if you are determined to fall under the filter, it is better to act in three directions at once:

  1. Saturate the site with tons of unreadable texts with an abundance of keywords.
  2. As quickly as possible, purchase as many cheap links as possible on resources that are not related to your topic,
  3. Do not place anything specific on the pages under any circumstances. Ideally, a visitor from a search engine should not understand how he got to your site.

To remove a site from the filter, you must take the following measures:

Do you think we’re only good at pointing at tablets and talking and writing clever little articles? 🙂

But no! We will work with your website for free and check from the point of view of SEO and usability:

  • — correctness of headings, HTML tags, layout;
  • — page loading speed;
  • - work of forms;
  • — texts (spelling, spam) and duplicate pages (!);
  • - links on the site - is there a “path” that will lead to an order;
  • — files robots.txt, sitemap.xml.

Leave contact for free site checks:

  1. Understand the reason for imposing sanctions:
    • check the correct operation of your server (how long does it take to serve pages? does it return correct statuses?),
    • check the uniqueness of texts on your site,
    • check incoming links (Yandex.Webmaster will help you with this), section “Violations”,
    • work on the quality of “outgoing” links (that is, links from your site): there should not be too many links, they should correspond to your topic,
    • make sure that the site is really able to provide the information the consumer needs.
  2. Eliminate it.
  3. Only after eliminating the reason write to Yandex support service.

Greetings, dear blog visitors. Today I will tell you about the Yandex AGS filter, as well as how not to run into it.

As you already know, search engines require webmasters to create only quality websites for people. Each of the search engines has its own concept regarding SDL, however, if you neglect their advice, then sooner or later the search engines will impose sanctions on your site or, as they also say, your site will fall under the PS filter.

For example, Google has one of its filters called Panda. As for Yandex, it has a filter called AGS, and it is to this topic that I would like to devote this article, telling you what kind of filter it is, for what reasons your site can get there and how to avoid it.

So, I have already said that the AGS represents sanctions against the site from the Yandex search engine.

I don’t know why this filter was called AGS, but some people speculate that the filter was created to combat GS, which is why it received such a name, which some webmasters decipher as anti-GS.

In principle, they are right in some ways, since the AGS was really created to combat sites that are not beneficial to visitors.

The principle of its operation is quite simple - if the search robot considers that your site does not meet the definition of a quality site for people, then all the pages of the website that are in the search will fly out of it, and only the main page will remain there. But it also happens that a little more pages may remain in the search, for example 3-5, which over time may also be excluded from the search.

Let's figure out why Yandex may impose sanctions on your site? If you answer this question, the list will be simply huge, since when determining a high-quality site, Yandex pays attention to many factors, some of which are still unknown even to webmasters. Therefore, I will list the most common reasons why Yandex may include your site in the AGS filter.

Non-unique content. I think you all know that it is very bad to steal articles from other sites, so the AGS filter is another reason why you should abandon this idea.

In principle, a fair decision, because every owner of a high-quality website works on it, puts his soul into it, so why did someone decide that they could use his work, on which the webmaster spent his time and energy?

Link spam. Another reason why your site may fall under the AGS is too many outgoing links. It doesn’t matter at all what the origin of these links is - sales or spammers, but if there are more outgoing links than incoming ones, then this is a very bad indicator for the site.

Poor quality external links. As you know, every link leading to your site adds additional weight to it. What if the link is placed on one of the sites under the filter? It is likely that the AGS may visit you too.

Bad behavioral factors. Another option is why Yandex can filter your site. Why was the AGS created? That's right, to combat low-quality sites. So, think about what Yandex should think if it notices that visitors are closing your site before they have time to open it? Of course, he will conclude that your blog or website is not interesting to visitors and will classify it as GS.

In my opinion, these are the most common reasons why Yandex bans sites, so I will finish listing this list and move on to the next question.

How to check if a site has fallen under the AGS filter

If you already have your own web resource, then you will probably be interested to know whether it has fallen under the AGS filter? Therefore, below I will give some recommendations on how to check this.

Previously, the situation with the AGS was a little different than it is now, and if almost all pages of the site fell out of the search, then it was believed that the site was most likely to fall under the AGS.

However, now Yandex has changed its policy regarding this filter, and quite recently, many sites under the AGS began to return pages to the search, but there were changes with the TIC parameter.

The lowest TIC value is 0, but if the site is under AGS, then Yandex deprives the site of the opportunity to obtain a TIC, assigning it the TIC value “not defined”. You can check this by typing the address into the address bar, where instead of the value you need to enter the address of your website.

For comparison, I found one site that Yandex imposed sanctions on, so let's see what it gives us. Website that does not have the AGS filter applied:

Website where the AGS filter is present:

Even if a site that is not subject to AGS has a TIC value of zero, then it should give us the value 0, and not “not defined.” There are also some services that determine whether a site is under the AGS, but, as a rule, they cannot report this from the first day the site falls under the AGS and it takes them time. But nevertheless, let's look at them anyway.

First service xtool. The interface there is quite simple, so I won’t describe it. To check a site on the AGS, you need to enter your domain in the site address field and click check, after which you will be given a lot of information about the site, and in one of the columns there will be information about the AGS:

The site I entered is indeed under the AGS, as evidenced by the red circle. Also notice the other two columns I highlighted. There are a lot of links on the site that exceed the number of external links, and this, as I said in the AGS reasons, is very bad, so the value of link spam is in red circles.

Another way to learn about AGS is to use the RDSBar Mozilla browser extension. If a filter is applied to your site, then this will also be displayed in this tool:

How not to fall under the AGS filter

It remains to consider one of the important questions of this article - how not to fall under the AGS filter. In principle, I have already listed above the reasons why websites fall under the AGS filter, so you just need to avoid making these mistakes. Don't steal other people's articles, write them yourself.

If your behavioral scores are poor, consider how you can make your site more attractive. For example, change the design or style of writing articles, organize competitions on the site, in general, experiment by adding new interesting features to the site that your visitors may like.

From time to time, check your link mass by removing unnecessary links from the site or blocking them from indexing. And of course, follow the basic rules of SEO optimization. In general, as Platon Shchukin (Yandex technical support) says, work on your website and develop it, making it interesting for people, and then you won’t be afraid of any filters and sanctions.

Checking the site on the AGS is one of the necessary conditions for those who are involved in link promotion or buying sites online directly. The AGS filter is designed to lower the ranking of low-quality sites, satellites, resources created exclusively for selling links, sites with useless and unnecessary information for visitors.
The application of a filter does not mean a complete ban of the site, but it does represent a strong decrease in positions or their absence in Yandex results. In general, the very essence of the algorithm is to remove from the search sites that do not meet the requirements of the Yandex search engine.

The main criteria for a site to fall under the AGS filter

  • Non-unique content
  • Disproportionate number of duplicate content
  • Selling links on the site
  • A large number of outgoing links
  • Application of prohibited optimization methods
  • Low quality of external links to the site and their absence
  • Small amount of content on pages

The combination of most of these factors guarantees that the site falls under the AGS. For resources that fall under the filter, pages drop out of the index and the TIC indicator is completely reset. Checking a site on the AGS allows you to timely identify unwanted resources and protect yourself from working with them. The site can be checked using both services and .

Services for checking a site for AGS

  • - a popular website trust checking service
  • website- Yandex will show the status of the site:

“Citation index (TCI) of the resource - 0” - no filter applied
“Citation index (TCI) of the resource is not defined” - under the filter

There are not many programs for this purpose (RDS API), but they exist. One such useful program is AGS Checker utility. Designed for mass checking of sites to see if they fall under the Yandex search engine filter - AGS-40. An indispensable program for selecting donors when purchasing links and sites. The utility is free, fast, small in size, and works without installation.

Greetings, dear readers and colleagues! Today I will raise a pressing issue - the imposition of search engine sanctions on websites. In the worst case, they lead to a complete loss of traffic. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and treat them in time. Do you know how this is done?

In this current publication I will describe in detail how to check a site for filters from Yandex or Google. I will also provide a number of recommendations for getting out of them and describe a couple of things in more detail. AGS, Minusinsk, Panda, Penguin - all this, when superimposed on a site, does not bode well for promotion.

The article turned out to be quite succinct. Therefore, for your convenience, I have compiled the content.

Haven't chosen yet? Then I suggest you read the material in full. There is nothing superfluous in it.

The main signs that a site is under filters

To begin with, I will note the saddest outcome.

Complete loss of search traffic and almost all pages being removed from the index.

It's hard not to notice this. There are also less obvious situations, which with a certain probability indicate that the site is under the filters of the Yandex and Google systems. Attention to the list of signs that a site is under existing filters.

  • TIC drops to 0.
  • Departure of pages from the search engine index.
  • A sharp decrease in traffic for one, group or all pages for no apparent reason.
  • Stuck or lowered positions in search results, despite all the merits.

How to watch all this? For example, the TIC can be checked at by adding the address of your website without http after the last slash. For checking site positions I personally like the allpositions service. The number of publications in the index is checked in statistics for webmasters from Yandex and Google.

Why do such unpleasant situations occur? It's simple - errors on the site. Many of them can be detected using a set of checks on labrika. His tools helped me a lot at the time.

Did the site fall under the search engine filter: a simple check

It’s definitely worth checking the site for a ban in Yandex and its reputation in Google if one or more of the above-described signs are noticed. How to do this? There is a convenient xtool interface for this.

Enter the address and click “check”. There will be a lot of useful information. There are some quite interesting moments among it.

I checked several resources. As you can see, one of the sites fell under the Nepot filter. The reason is low-quality outgoing links. If there are about 5 of them, and even more so if they are purchased, and not thematic, then this situation is to be expected. To remove the sanctions, they will have to be deleted and after the work has been done, you can additionally write to the search engine support.

Now I will demonstrate what results can be considered excellent.

The probability of sanctions is zero. This project is developing normally without any hindrance to good search engine promotion.

Update from 02.28.17.

There is good news for those who care about website quality, traffic and income growth. Throwing fairy tales aside, I compiled a high-quality list.

We do a comprehensive site check for the presence of filters from Yandex and Google

I will list several fairly serious algorithms that we will diagnose:

  • for manipulation of PF (behavioral factors);
  • Minusinsk;
  • Panda (Panda);
  • Penguin (Penguin).

The presence of these filters and some others on a site can have a detrimental effect on its development. Let's start diagnosing them. It will require a special algorithm and access to a statistics system.

One project helps me a lot in working on my blog - SEOlib. Among its many tools, I will draw attention to a specific one - diagnostics of sanctions. Haven't used its capabilities yet? Let's take a closer look.

For the tool to work, you will need access to the Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics analytical system. I'll choose the first option.

I temporarily allow access and move on to the next step.

Now I can start checking the site for Google and Yandex filters. To make it clearer, I’ll immediately explain what is shown on the graph.

  • The red and blue increasing lines are the dynamics of the growth of visits. I didn’t understand right away, but then I came to the conclusion that a weekly chart was being built, not a daily or monthly chart.
  • Colored vertical lines mark the time when a ban in the search engine could have been imposed on the resource being checked.

The color of the vertical line corresponds to algorithms that can impose sanctions. In the picture above the scale is small, so I will show the block with larger colors.

By the way, you see that for both search engines there is a link at the bottom with the phrase “chronology of algorithms”. It leads to a page with history, which can also be extremely useful for studying.

Okay, we've sorted out the graphical representations. Who thinks that the green vertical lines in the picture above indicate that the project being audited is definitely sanctioned?

Actually this is not true. The fact is that many filters have a common symptom - a drop in traffic. And this feature can be used.

If after the vertical line there was a sharp decrease in traffic, then with a high probability we can talk about the presence of a filter on the site. Which one? Look at the color of the stroke.

Along the way, I’ll show you an interesting opportunity. Below the graph in question there is a comparison table.

You can track the dynamics of changes in organic traffic that goes to specific pages or queries.

It is very convenient for identifying page addresses or key phrases that cause losses. If they are found, as in the first line of the example, then it makes sense to determine the reason.

If this is a banal decrease in the frequency of keys, then everything is in order. However, behavioral factors, usability and design, content quality, and much more can all play a role. It is advisable to understand and eliminate the causes.

We use webmaster tools and draw conclusions

I will briefly go over only the key points necessary to reveal the current topic of the publication. Let's start with Yandex Webmaster.

  • We check whether the TIC has dropped sharply or whether pages have started to fly out.
  • We look at the diagnostics of problems on the website.

Now let's go to Google Search Console.

  • We look at scanning errors.

  • Go to the section “search view”, “html optimization”. No problems should be found.

  • Particular attention to the section “search traffic”, “measures taken manually”.

  • Let's look at "security problems".
  • We check the ease of viewing for mobile devices.

It remains to draw conclusions. Are there any errors in any paragraphs? The presence of one or more defects does not always guarantee the application of a filter; it depends on the type and “severity” of the error. Despite this, such shortcomings certainly will not have a positive effect on the promotion of the resource.

AGS filter: how to check a site and get out of sanctions?

He is one of the most serious. There are references to different varieties of AGS-17, 30, 40. The topic of their differences, of course, is fascinating, but that’s not what we’re talking about now. To begin with, I will highlight the main reason for the presence of the AGS filter from Yandex on the site with all the ensuing consequences.

Useless for users.

This may manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent. The essence does not change much from this. Let's see how to check?

You can use one of the services. As an example, I’ll check this blog on one of them.

Everything is fine with my project. The AGS check showed that there were no sanctions.

What to do with those sites on which checks have revealed its presence? First you need to identify the reasons.

  • Copied content or poor rewriting (rewriting text in your own words).
  • A large number of pages with minimal semantic load.
  • Duplicates of content created intentionally or resulting from incorrect site settings.
  • The presence of sections or a large number of materials that are not related to the main topic of the project.
  • Focusing content primarily on search robots and making profit, rather than on usefulness for people.
  • Deception when the title does not match the content.
  • Poor usability.

Since the AGS operation algorithm is not disclosed, the above points are based on personal observations and study of a lot of publicly available information. I note that the list may not be limited to these points, but everyone has the same effective thought.

If the site is not of particular benefit to people and is trying to artificially influence promotion, then it may well get a filter.

Based on the identified reasons, you should look at how to get out of the AGS from Yandex. Of course, it is advisable to avoid it initially.

Filter Minusinsk

SEO links - a familiar concept? Let me explain briefly. They usually lead to the target site and are purchased through intermediary resources using selected anchors (link texts). The goal is simple - to artificially influence the ranking (increase positions) of the site in search.

For such actions, the site may fall under the Minusinsk filter from Yandex. The consequences are a decrease in traffic and a drop in numerous positions in organic search results.

If this happens, the site can be cured. How to do this? At first glance, nothing complicated - you need to remove SEO links. The difficulty is that this is not always possible, since intermediary projects usually belong to other people. There are other reasons depending on individual cases.

How to get out of Yandex and Google filters?

The answer is simple. We need to use “white” promotion and correct the mistakes of the past.

I will describe possible options for getting out of search engine filters.

We find and eliminate the cause ourselves.

Now you have powerful information at your disposal - this material. In some cases, he can help you check the selected site in detail for Google and Yandex filters, as well as work to get out of them.

Also, take the time to study in detail the recommendations for webmasters that search engines provide. I just don’t understand why so many people don’t put such valuable information into practice.

We wait up to several months and get results.

Bugs have been fixed. Now we are waiting for the search algorithms to react to the changes. If you wish, you can also write to search engine support if the waiting time is too long.

If everything was done correctly, the filter can be removed. All that remains is to rejoice. However, the state of affairs is not always so rosy.

The cause has not been identified. The filter cannot be removed. What to do?

Yes, that happens too. If you want to normalize the situation, then there is only one way out - turn to professionals. I’ve never brought my sites to the point of applying filters, so I can’t yet recommend trusted specialists in removing them.

By the way, there are 2 powerful information materials. Perhaps, specifically for your case, they contain information that will help you adjust your promotion strategy for the better.

  • To help webmasters who care about the quality of their projects, I provide my course on an integrated approach to promotion. Details at .
  • If you decide to work on the design and its convenience for people, then I’ll give you one more material. It is located here.

This is where I will end the publication. Finally, I will note one thought - if during a site check for various types of filters an AGS was identified, then I would seriously think about large-scale changes to the resource and changing the domain. However, everyone decides for themselves what to do in such a situation.

Any questions or additions? Write comments. The topic is quite interesting and relevant. There is something to discuss.

By the way, are you watching my show on blog promotion from scratch? Some of the thematic publications have been collected.

Are you interested in making money on your website or without it? There are many good ways described in past publications.

I continue to prepare new materials. Subscribe to email updates or follow announcements on social networks. All the best. See you later.

AGS is a filter that prohibits the indexing of uninformative Internet resources that are useless to the user. The AGS filter excludes the influence of such sites on ranking results.

Most often, satellite sites fall under the AGS filter - sites created not for people, but as auxiliary means for promoting the main resource. They often consist of several pages with links leading to the resource being promoted.

Comment from the Yandex search quality department: “The robot analyzes the content of all pages of the site and makes a decision about their inclusion in the index. If the site is large, and only a few pages are included in the search, this means that the rest have been classified as having no value for users... How many pages will be indexed depends on many factors, including: on the quality of content, user interest in the resource and site compliance search license."

The main features of a satellite site:

How to check if a site is under the AGS?

The application of the AGS filter results in a sharp dropout of site pages from the index. If most of them are not indexed for a long time, this is a reason to conduct an analysis and find out whether the resource has signs of a satellite.

How to remove a site from under the AGS and not get caught again?

Remember that an ordinary website that has not been intentionally over-optimized can also fall under the AGS filter. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you follow the instructions below.

  • Monitor the quality of the content. Do not place pages on your resource that do not contain useful and interesting information for the user or have too little information. SEO specialists consider the optimal volume of content to be from 300 to 3000 words; keyword density should not exceed 7%. All sentences and phrases must be constructed in accordance with the rules of the Russian language and be easily understood by people.
  • Do not copy content from other sites or from your own pages created earlier.
  • Moderate outgoing links. If suddenly unknown people start posting links in comments on your site, they must be deleted, otherwise your site will be considered a link dump - a resource on which incoming links are uncontrollably “dumped” to increase the weight of the site. There is even a special filter that blocks the activity of link cleaners. This will be discussed in more detail below.

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