Certificate for examination by all doctors. What is a Comprehensive Insurance Survey? What services are included in health insurance

Health and time are one of the main factors influencing our lives. In the outpatient department of the Road Clinical Hospital. K. A. Semashko you can take care of your health with minimal time.

They say that the medical examination of railway workers is carried out on the same level with astronauts, because the lives of hundreds and thousands of people depend on the health of the driver. Specially high demands have always been made on the qualifications of doctors serving railway workers.

December 14 marks the 82nd anniversary of the opening of the Road Clinical Hospital. N. A. Semashko. During this time we have earned a reputation as reliable professionals. Having modern equipment is good. But it is even more important that the institution has qualified and experienced specialists who can correctly “read” the information received and make a diagnosis. Otherwise, you will only get a picture; which will help little - in treatment.

All doctors working in the polyclinic reconfirm their qualifications every five years and undergo certification. Today, our clinic provides a full range of medical services that are required for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of diseases. In our polyclinic, doctors work in two shifts, so the patient can get advice from the necessary specialist almost at any time. All doctors providing paid services have the highest category.

In our polyclinic, you can also get medical books, driver's certificates, certificates for carrying weapons. We quickly and efficiently carry out a medical examination of persons entering the workforce. At a very high level, we have a commission for people working in hazardous industries. Moreover, our prices are among the lowest in Moscow.

Three months ago, a clinical diagnostic center with a day hospital was opened on the basis of the polyclinic. His postcard allowed us to expand the range of services and provide additional opportunities for our patients. Now they have the opportunity to undergo a complete examination of the body in one day, including the delivery of the necessary laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics. For some examinations to the patient; required to go through a series of procedures. The presence of a day hospital allows you to make them qualitatively under the supervision of a doctor. Here, patients are given the opportunity to undergo medical procedures. For example, there is no longer a need to carry out intravenous drip injections of drugs at home.

What services does the Clinical Diagnostic Center offer?

Doctors of all specialties work for us: endocrinologist, surgeon, therapist, urologist, allergist-immunologist, rheumatologist, dermato-venereologist, hematologist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist, chiropractor, plastic surgeon…

The Center has state-of-the-art equipment that allows diagnosing diseases at an early stage. These services include, in particular, computed tomography, ECG Holter monitoring, ultrasound diagnostics, X-ray diagnostics, videoscopic research methods, PCR diagnostics. We are pleased to offer our clients modern and traditional methods of treatment, diagnostics, attentiveness and individual approach. We combine professionalism with responsiveness and care, and high quality with affordable prices.

Timely noticed symptoms and complex diagnostics make it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment, and in many cases to refute the diagnosis. At the first suspicion of cancer, you should contact an oncologist and get tested.

When Can You Detect Cancer?

Oncological diseases are able to stay in the body for a long time without provoking specific signs. Most often, an early process is detected during a preventive examination or by chance, when passing clinical tests for other purposes.

Cancer in the first stage is detected in only 25-30% of cases.

To exclude cancerous formations, it is enough to undergo a complex of diagnostic procedures at least once a year.

On World Cancer Day, some medical institutions provide the opportunity to check the entire body for the formation of a malignant tumor for free.

What methods can detect cancer

Cancer diagnosis is a complex and multifactorial process. To detect oncological pathology, different groups of diagnostic methods are used:

The selection of the necessary diagnostic procedures in each case is performed by the doctor during the preliminary consultation of the patient. During a preventive examination of the body, a standard set of procedures is prescribed.

How is a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole organism

In order to examine the entire body for the presence of a malignant formation, it is required to pass general tests and take x-rays of all organs.

The test allows you to identify pathology even in the absence of symptoms.

Detection of a cancerous tumor at an early stage ensures the success of treatment in 90-95% of cases.

To check for cancer, determine where the tumor is located and at what stage, a series of examinations is prescribed.

The diagnostic program normally includes a consultation with a specialized doctor, blood and tumor tissue tests, genetic studies and tomography.

Method of complex diagnostics of oncology For what purpose is it used
The doctor's consultation Includes initial examination, palpation of the alleged tumor, appointment of a program for further diagnostics. Be sure to get advice from an oncologist and a specialized specialist, depending on the location of the tumor (for example, a gastroenterologist, gynecologist or pulmonologist).
Detailed blood test The general composition of the blood in a cancerous tumor changes slightly. However, the inexplicable growth of some indicators makes it possible to detect pathology even by chance, when the neoplasm has just begun to grow and does not show characteristic symptoms.
Blood test for tumor markers Determination of the level of oncomarkers (tumor markers) in the blood. Depending on the indicator of which marker has gone beyond the norm, the doctor concludes about the presence of a tumor, the nature of its malignancy and localization.
genetic research Analysis to determine the predisposition to the disease and at the gene level. It can be prescribed to both a healthy and an already ill person.
MRI Allows visualization of tissues (including a tumor) in all projections. For better image quality, it is carried out using a contrast agent.
Biopsy Sampling and analysis of tissue from a suspected tumor in order to determine the malignancy of the resulting cells. The main diagnostic method for suspected skin cancer.

In order to diagnose a pathological neoplasm, ultrasound can also be prescribed. However, the procedure is effective only in cases where the tumor has reached a certain size.

Ultrasound is not used to diagnose cancer in the initial stages.

This method allows you to establish the exact dimensions of the overgrown tumor, as well as determine the structure and contours of the formation. Often an ultrasound-guided biopsy is performed.

Other necessary examinations for the diagnosis of oncology

If general tests have shown the presence of pathological processes in the body, and depending on which organs the neoplasm has affected, the patient is prescribed the following diagnostic methods:

Based on the results of the studies at the repeated consultation of the oncologist, further treatment is determined. In some cases, additional tests may be required.

When do you need to be screened for cancer?

There is a list of factors that increase the risk of pathology. The risk group includes the following categories of patients:

Examination of the whole body can be done completely free of charge on the basis of the CHI policy. Before applying for medical care in a healthcare institution, you must carefully study the terms of the compulsory medical insurance contract and make sure that the signed document provides rights to specific types of diagnostics.

How to get a free examination of the whole body in Moscow, St. Petersburg, nonresident?

A free examination of the whole body can be done on the basis of a compulsory medical insurance agreement in medical institutions in Moscow and the city of St. Petersburg. After the policy is issued, a person who needs to undergo diagnostic procedures must contact the following clinics.

Name of the subject of contractual relations for health insurance Healthcare institutions that provide free whole body diagnostic services
Moscow residentsCitizens who have a Moscow residence permit and a valid compulsory medical insurance agreement can undergo free diagnostics of the whole body in 1 of the 28 Healthy Moscow medical centers. Patients get the opportunity to take all types of blood and urine tests, undergo laboratory and instrumental examinations.
NonresidentFor nonresident residents who do not have a Moscow residence permit or the city of St. Petersburg, but at the same time have a concluded compulsory medical insurance agreement, they can contact the district clinic at the place of their temporary registration. In this case, the range of diagnostic services is determined by the terms of the contract.
Residents of St. PetersburgFor residents of St. Petersburg, there is an extended list of healthcare institutions that take part in the federal program for free examination of citizens based on the guarantees of the CHI policy. To do this, you need to contact the following medical care centers: City Hospital No. 20, Children's Polyclinic No. 17, Nikolaev Hospital (fully budgetary institution), City Polyclinic No. 49, 73, 100, 102, 109, 107, 118, 120, 122, 14 , 34, 37, 38, 39.

The choice of a polyclinic and a doctor who will conduct a diagnostic examination of a patient is the sovereign right of a patient who has applied for free medical care on the basis of social guarantees of the CHI policy.

Comprehensive examination under the MHI policy

A comprehensive examination under the MHI policy provides for a certain list of diagnostic procedures, which are completely free. At the same time, some types of laboratory tests, medical manipulations and diagnostics are not provided for by the CHI policy, and you will have to pay the price set by the state or a medical institution for their passage.

What services are included in health insurance?

Mandatory insurance medical care includes the following procedures, methods of instrumental and laboratory examination of the body, for which the patient will not require money:

Patients with injuries, poisoning, intoxication, critical conditions of the body requiring emergency medical care are also entitled to free medical care based on the CHI policy.

What services are not included?

Compulsory health insurance does not include the following types of services, methods of laboratory and instrumental examination:

Also, the CHI policy does not provide for the provision of free medicines if the patient is outside the inpatient department of the hospital. This rule also applies to medicines that are used as consumables during a diagnostic examination.

How to get a referral?

A referral for a free diagnostic examination of the whole body can be obtained from the attending physician, to whom the request for medical assistance was made.

This may be a general practitioner, a neuropathologist, a surgeon, an endocrinologist, a traumatologist, or a specialist of another profile, depending on what type of disease is found in the patient. In the direction for the examination, an exhaustive list of diagnostic measures that the patient needs to undergo is indicated.

Other types of research and laboratory diagnostics, which are not indicated in the referral, are not subject to the CHI policy and are not free. If a person wishes to undergo another type of diagnosis, which, according to the doctor, is not mandatory, then this list of medical services is paid by the patient at his own expense.

For a free examination of children, you need to contact a pediatrician who will perform an initial examination of the child, and then write out a referral sheet for a more detailed diagnosis.

Where to go?

Types of examinations that do not involve complex diagnostic manipulations, the use of expensive equipment, reagents and highly specialized doctors can be done at the district polyclinic at your place of residence.

For example, capillary blood analysis, biochemical analysis of urine, venous blood, ECG, radiography and fluorography can be done on the spot. A comprehensive examination of the whole organism, a complex diagnosis of internal organs or entire body systems, is carried out in separate clinics and centers that are dedicated specifically for this purpose.

These health care facilities are listed in the table above.

What to do if the doctor refuses?

Examination of the whole body (the therapist will tell you how to get a free diagnosis of internal organs) can be done using ultrasound, MRI, CT. It is carried out in state clinics.

If the attending physician refuses to provide the patient with body diagnostic services, the right to which is enshrined in the MHI agreement, as well as in the norms of the legislative framework, it is necessary to file a complaint with the supervisory authorities.

Control over observance of the rights of citizens to receive a free medical examination (including diagnostics) is carried out by medical insurance organizations (HIOs).

This is a supervisory body that belongs to the executive branch of government, has the status of a legal entity, and also controls health care facilities. Polyclinics and hospitals that provide services under the CHI policy fall under insurance control.

A complaint about violation of social rights is submitted in writing or in printed form on behalf of patients whose rights have been violated by the attending physician. The essence and circumstances of the event are set out on a sheet of paper in an arbitrary form, indicating the doctor's actions, which, in the patient's opinion, are illegal.

If the information contained in the complaint is confirmed, the doctor may be subject to criminal, disciplinary, administrative liability. According to the norms of the current legislation, the supervision of medical institutions, control over the implementation of social guarantees enshrined in compulsory medical insurance policies is a priority task for all medical insurance companies.

These organizations are prohibited from engaging in other activities. A complaint must be filed with the HMO with which the compulsory medical insurance agreement was concluded.

Comprehensive State Medical Examination Programs

Examination of the whole body (how to get a free diagnosis will be prompted by staff in health care institutions of state ownership) can carried out on the basis of the following programs:

To become a member of the comprehensive state medical screening program, you must seek medical help, undergo an initial examination, receive a referral, and also have a concomitant disease that requires a more thorough diagnosis.

What is included in the free examination?

Free clinical examination is a set of medical measures that include a diagnostic examination of the entire body, including internal organs, as well as life support systems. It can be done on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting.

Free clinical examination provides for the passage of the following types of diagnostics:

Depending on the general state of health and the presence of chronic diseases, the doctor who is responsible for the medical examination of the patient on the basis of the MHI policy may make a referral for other types of diagnostics.

Where to go?

You can get a free medical examination at the district clinic at the place of your registration, or you can contact one of the Healthy Moscow health centers (for residents of the capital). The patient must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a compulsory medical insurance policy.

How to pass?

An examination of the whole body (how to get a free diagnosis will be prompted in state clinics) is a method of preventing most diseases. After the patient has passed a preliminary examination by a doctor, he receives a written referral for examination indicating specific diagnostic procedures.

Then the person is sent to take tests, and also undergoes instrumental diagnostic methods. The results of the research are transferred to the office of the attending physician, who made the referral.

Can I get medical examination in another city?

Free clinical examination is carried out at the place of registration of the patient in the clinic, to which he is assigned. An examination in a medical institution in another city is possible in exceptional cases if the use of complex medical equipment is required, which is not available in the hospital at the place of registration of the patient.

Clinical examination of children

Medical examination of children is carried out annually. Before the child turns 1 year old, he must be examined every month by a pediatrician, with whom he is registered. Further, the planned medical examination is carried out once a year.

Starting from the age of 6 years, the child is examined by the following specialists:

  • neuropathologist;
  • dentist;
  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist-traumatologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • analysis of capillary blood;
  • scraping on helminth eggs;
  • urine test;

According to the results of the planned medical examination, a medical report is drawn up, which displays the state of health of the child, indicates concomitant diseases detected during the examination.

Medical examination of pensioners

Free examination of patients is carried out on the same conditions as the diagnosis of the able-bodied population of the Russian Federation.

In addition, depending on the presence of concomitant diseases of the body and the direct indications of the doctor, additional types of diagnostics may be included. For example, intestinal endoscopy, consultation with a proctologist, oncologist, endocrinologist.

Free services at Health Examination Centers

Health examination centers provide a full range of medical services for the diagnosis of the whole body, which are guaranteed by the CHI policy. The largest number of these health care institutions operates in Moscow, Veliky Novgorod, St. Petersburg.

Health cabinets at polyclinics

Health cabinets operating at polyclinics perform the function of disease prevention.

Each person can apply to this medical care center, as well as completely free of charge to undergo the following types of examinations:

  • determination of body weight, height and waist circumference;
  • express analysis for sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • study of visual acuity, as well as intraocular pressure;
  • measure blood pressure;
  • spirometry (assessment of the functions of the respiratory system).

A free examination of the whole body is the right of every citizen of the Russian Federation, which is protected by the current legislation and is a social guarantee. Before contacting a medical institution, it is necessary to conclude an agreement and issue a compulsory medical insurance policy.

You can undergo an examination at a state clinic, specialized medical care centers or in health offices. The referral for diagnosis is made by the attending physician, who indicates an exhaustive list of the procedures necessary for the patient.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about the examination of the whole body

How to start an examination of the body:

Many of us try to avoid doctor visits by putting them off until something really hurts. But it must be remembered that if you pass on time, you can get rid of expensive treatment in the future, and a high-quality and timely diagnosis will avoid undesirable consequences and speed up recovery several times.

Every adult living in a large or industrial city should periodically pass.


  • General body check-up
  • Cardiology check-up
  • Check-up Women's Health
  • Check-up Men's health
  • Cancer check-up
  • Neurological check-up
  • Gastroenterological check-up


Modern living conditions dictate new requirements and put forward new areas of service in modern medicine. Not every client can be satisfied with the service in a public medical clinic. This is inconvenient and not beneficial for the patient for a number of reasons.

Our center offers VIP service for patients who have special requirements for the quality of medical services. It is this service that will help the patient receive medical care as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Services provided to patients by our staff

  1. Patient supervision by a personal manager;
  2. Individual approach to all issues: drawing up a personal treatment schedule, organizing an individual appointment with a specialist at a time convenient for the patient;
  3. Meeting and accompaniment by a personal manager;
  4. Filling and registration of all medical documentation by a personal manager throughout the course of examination and treatment;
  5. Compliance with the established treatment schedule, supervising all stages of treatment by a personal consultant;
  6. Full and timely information about the progress and results of diagnostic and laboratory examinations.
  7. If necessary, a personal manager takes care of all disputes, monitors the course of treatment, visits the patient in the hospital.

The most modern medical techniques, high quality service, the use of unique techniques for examination and treatment - all this is included in the concept of service and is provided in full to our patients.

Each patient of our center receives an individual examination program. The physical condition of the patient, the individual characteristics of the organism are taken into account, as well as the nature and employment of the patient.

Personal manager for the patient

From the first visit to the medical services center "Medins" and until the end of treatment, the patient is accompanied by a personal manager who will inform about the results of examinations and tests, inform about the dates of the next consultations, and keep him informed about the treatment process. The patient can contact his manager at any time and ask all his questions, solve problems with his help. Each problem is solved in the shortest possible time, a complete, exhaustive answer is given to any questions.

Service in our center is, first of all, increased attention and care for the patient.

It is this type of medical care that can provide an opportunity to conduct an examination and treatment of a disease at a qualitatively new, innovative level.

Another indispensable condition for service is efficiency, and this is what allows you to restore health in the shortest possible time, as well as prevent undesirable development of the disease in a timely manner. For this purpose, our center has developed a service.

Service "Examination of the body in 1 day" It is intended for patients who not only take care of their health, but also value their time. The main purpose of the survey is to assess the state of human health, identify diseases at an early stage and prevent cancer.

If you need quality medical care, we are waiting for you in our center. We are ready to offer you our help and make your life bright and healthy.



COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 14 000.

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (18 indicators)

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands

Expert advice

  • General practitioner consultation
* at the end of the program you receive the results of analyzes, studies and a recommendation sheet.


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 34,500 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (21 indicators)
  • Coagulogram
  • Electrolyte research
  • Rheumatoid factor
  • C-reactive protein
  • Antistreptolysin-O
  • Thyroid hormones

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • (2 projections)
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, pancreas)
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages (TVUS)
  • Thyroid ultrasound

Expert advice

  • General practitioner consultation
  • Consultation with a gynecologist / urologist


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 41,000 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Coagulogram
  • Electrolyte research
  • Rheumatoid factor
  • C-reactive protein
  • Antistreptolysin-O
  • Thyroid hormones
  • Tumor markers (REA, PSA total, CA 125, Cyfra 21-1, CA 19-9, CA 15-3)

Instrumental diagnostics

  • echocardiography
  • ECG with interpretation
  • Rg-graphy of the chest organs (2 projections)
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, pancreas)
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands
  • Ultrasound of the prostate (TRUS)
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages (TVUS)
  • Thyroid ultrasound
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands
  • Duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head
  • Gynecological swabs for flora

Expert advice

  • General practitioner consultation
  • Consultation with a gynecologist / urologist
  • Endocrinologist's consultation
  • Consultation with a cardiologist
  • Consultation of a gastroenterologist
  • Consultation of a neurologist


Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • tumor markers

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • Holter monitoring
  • 24 hour blood pressure monitoring
  • Rg-graphy of the chest organs
  • bladder ultrasound
  • prostate ultrasound
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Detection of Helicobacter pylori
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord of the thoracic region
  • Colonoscopy

Expert advice

  • Consultation with a urologist
  • Consultation of a neurologist
  • Surgeon's consultation



COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 78,000 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General analysis of feces
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (25 indicators)
  • tumor markers

Special gynecological examination

  • Collection of material for flora
  • Collection of material for cytological examination and KPI
  • Microscopic examination of a smear for flora (sample from the cervical canal, vagina, urethra)
  • Diagnostic examinations of scrapings from the cervix and cervical canal

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • Holter monitoring
  • 24 hour blood pressure monitoring
  • Rg-graphy of the chest organs
  • Ultrasound of the organs of the hepatobiliary system (liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen)
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands and retroperitoneal space
  • bladder ultrasound
  • Echocardiography with Doppler Analysis
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages (TVUS)
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands
  • Color triplex scanning of arteries of the lower extremities
  • Color triplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities
  • Doppler ultrasound of the brachnocephalic arteries of the brain
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Detection of Helicobacter pylori
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain
  • Colonoscopy

Expert advice

  • Consultation with a gynecologist
  • Consultation of a neurologist
  • Surgeon's consultation
  • Consultation of a traumatologist-orthopedist
  • Consultation with an ophthalmologist


  • Stay in a 2-bed ward of the therapeutic department


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 26,000 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (20 indicators)
  • Coagulogram
  • Electrolyte research
  • Thyroid hormones

Instrumental diagnostics

  • echocardiography
  • ECG with interpretation
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands
  • Thyroid ultrasound
  • Biomicroscopy of the fundus

Expert advice

  • Consultation with a cardiologist
  • Consultation with an ophthalmologist


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 19,000 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (20 indicators)
  • Coagulogram

Instrumental diagnostics

  • echocardiography
  • ECG with interpretation
  • Duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head and neck
  • Duplex scanning of arteries of the lower extremities

Expert advice

  • Consultation with a cardiologist


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 30,500 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (20 indicators)
  • Coagulogram

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Detection of Helicobacter pylori
  • Colonoscopy

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