How long do crackers dry in the oven. How to make crackers in the oven from bread: recipes for "natural" snacks. Crackers with salt in the oven

There are many recipes for how to dry crackers. They are mainly culinary, but I want to talk about how to cook crackers for a hike. After all, no trip is complete without them. I often observed a situation where crackers prepared by different participants differed greatly in taste from each other. Some were simply masterpieces of culinary art and were in great demand, others, of course, were also eaten, but from hopelessness and the lack of more appetizing alternatives.

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  • Meals on the trip

How to dry crackers in the oven

What bread to choose? Both black and white bread will do. You can dry both of them for a change. For cutting, a standard brick is more convenient, and not round and not a long loaf. I prefer bread without additives and baking powder, not spicy. It is better to cut the loaf yourself, because. The factory cut is very thin.

Step 1
Before you dry the crackers, you need to cut the bread. There are many ways to cut: straws, cubes, large pieces. In my opinion, the most optimal size for a hike is a quarter from a piece of bread.

Small crackers will crumble faster and are only suitable for home use. And such a square is neither small nor large.

It is more convenient to cut the loaf lengthwise, then each half again lengthwise, and then across - into squares.

Step 2

Grease (not strongly) a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Spread slices of bread on it (it can be tight) and sprinkle them on top with sunflower oil.

Step 3
Many people ask me the question at what temperature to dry crackers. In the process of cooking them, I lower the temperature. First preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Salt the crackers and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Step 4
Be sure to follow the process! Rusks are easy to burn, because ovens are different for everyone. It also depends on how much to dry the crackers in the oven.

Usually after 20-25 minutes (when they are browned) I turn them over, switch the oven to 100 degrees and leave the crackers in it for another 30 minutes. So there is no single, concise answer to the question at what temperature to dry crackers.

Step 5

Turn off the oven and let the breadcrumbs cool with it. The product is ready! I hope you are convinced that there is nothing tricky about how to dry crackers in the oven.

What to pack ready-made crackers? Even if you know how to properly dry crackers, you need to take care of how to properly store them while hiking.

Many pack crackers in a rag bag. Under the weight of the rest of the things in the backpack, they partially crumble.

In order to better preserve, I stack, I stack the crackers in piles, and do not fall asleep, in a bag of milk or juice. So they better retain their appearance and taste.

The package can be sealed with ordinary tape so that it does not open. Usually a standard loaf is placed in a two-liter bag.

Dmitry Ryumkin specially for

Understanding how to properly dry crackers

In the oven, bread will lose up to 60% moisture and acquire an indescribable taste. By the way, there is a small nuance: black bread contains more moisture, and therefore its drying will be longer than white bread.

Preparing bread for drying

Before you cook croutons in the oven, they need to be cut correctly. If the dish is planned to be served with soup or borscht, the pieces should be large, but if you need crackers, which will be a snack for beer, you can cut the bread more finely.

It is important to decide what kind of croutons you want to make. If sweet for tea, then sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread can be sprinkled with sugar. If you want to get a beer snack, then the bread should be cut into smaller pieces (for example, into strips or small cubes) and rubbed with garlic and salt. The choice of seasoning depends on your tastes and preferences.

It is better to choose fresh bread. For slicing, an ordinary loaf of bread will be more convenient than a loaf.

First, you must decide for what specific purpose the bread is being dried. For example, if you plan to have crackers with tea, try cutting the bread into slices and sprinkle with sugar. But it is better to sprinkle croutons for beer with salt or rub with garlic, and cut them as small as possible. You can also cook them for consumption with soup or broth, then before drying them it is better to fry them in butter or sunflower oil. In fact, there are a huge number of options here, the choice of seasoning will depend only on your preferences. In principle, you can not use any seasonings.

11) As it dries, the crackers will decrease in size significantly.

12) Ready-made crackers look appetizing, they are not black :), but slightly brownish,

golden, although, of course, their color depends on the original bread: it is clear that

Borodino bread will be dark brown, and from Darnitsa bread, and even dried

Sliced ​​bread slices must be dipped in oil -
it is better if it is olive.
It will be interesting if you add garlic and various herbs to the oil. So
taste can be played endlessly.

"Norms" and storage of crackers on a hike

Of course, such crackers can no longer be called dietary, but still there is much less oil and salt in them than in industrial crackers, and there are no preservatives and dyes at all.

A good addition to croutons is dip sauce. Both vegetable and dips based on yogurt, kefir or mayonnaise are suitable.

Actually, these are all the nuances that need to be considered. Over time, you will learn how to cook the perfect crackers. Good luck! Read how to dry grapes.

If you have leftover unused bread or a roll, do not rush to throw it away or feed it to your pets. Stale bakery products make wonderful croutons that diversify your table. They can be added to salads, they are served with clear broths. Rye crackers make wonderful homemade kvass, and sweet vanilla crackers will perfectly complement a cup of tea or coffee.

Crackers are made from absolutely any bread: black, gray, white, with bran. If the bread lies for a very long time and a gray coating has already appeared on it (this happens when using low-quality raw materials), then you should not dry the crackers from it. At best, they will smell like mold, at worst, you can earn an upset gastrointestinal tract. Rusks from

This is an easy way to make croutons. Further, each hostess acts according to her own preferences and fantasies. If the bread was dried as a treat for tea, it can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. Do this immediately after taking the pan out of the oven. Sprinkle raw billets with salt and spices before going to the oven.

For lovers of borscht with breadcrumbs, we offer a recipe for their preparation in garlic sauce. Take white or brown bread and cut it into small, but not very small pieces. In a shallow bowl, pour 0.5 tbsp. olive oil. Squeeze 3-4 cloves of garlic into it and add chopped greens. Roll the chopped sticks in the resulting mixture. Put them on a baking sheet and bake in the above way until cooked.

in the microwave

You can also make bread crumbs in the microwave. However, when choosing this drying option, you must be extremely careful. There is always a risk of not following the process and overcooking, or even completely burning the future delicacy.

Cut the bread into equal pieces and arrange them on a plate. Place the dish in the microwave. Select drying mode. Do this carefully, as there is a high probability of burning the blanks. If the oven power is high, try not to set the timer longer than 2-3 minutes.

When drying crackers in the microwave, you need to make sure that they do not burn. It is recommended to set the duration of the process to no more than 3 minutes.

After the oven turns off, take out the croutons and check the degree of their readiness. If they are not dry enough, turn them over and turn on the microwave again for 2-3 minutes. During drying, do not go far from the operating appliance and make sure that the product does not burn. Otherwise, your microwave from the inside will be covered with a yellow coating, which is difficult to clean.

That's all the tricks for preparing a delicious and mouth-watering snack from plain bread. If you have a lot of crackers, store them in a dry airtight container in a cool, dark place, away from strong odors. However, it is better to eat a freshly prepared product. Therefore, try to cook as many crackers as you can eat at a time.

To make fragrant crispy cubes, sticks or slices at home, you can use any yesterday's or even fresh bread or roll. Use metal shaped notches to surprise your household or guests with the original shape of your own biscuits.

How to dry crackers in the oven

Seasoned crunchy pieces made from stale bread or rolls can be used in many ways: eaten with tea, added to salad, soup or broth. In order not to throw away such a valuable bakery product, check out the most popular ways to cook crackers in the oven. Products will become tastier if they are seasoned: impregnation is the best option, because only in this way the spices will be absorbed evenly.

At what temperature to dry crackers in the oven

There are some nuances in this matter, because each type of bread dries differently. In any case, slices, cubes or sticks must be turned over several times during cooking so that they dry evenly. So, the optimal oven temperature for crackers is:

  • from white bread - 170 degrees;
  • from gray or bran - no more than 180 degrees;
  • from black - 180 degrees;
  • from a bun - 170 degrees.

Recipe for crackers in the oven

Every economical housewife has already found a way not to throw away stale bread - to dry it. There are many options for what spices to do this with, because many people like to experiment with combinations of flavors. Choose a suitable recipe for making crackers in the oven, so that later you can use crispy products as an addition to any dish.

From black bread

Fragrant crunchy rye cubes can be used for whatever you want: as an appetizer for beer or as an additional ingredient for many salads or first. Croutons in the oven from black bread will turn out fragrant and beautiful, as in the photo, if you do everything step by step, as described in the recipe. Save this method for yourself so that you don’t have to look for a long time.


  • salt (fine) - to taste;
  • black bread - 1 pc.;
  • oil (vegetable) - 45 ml;
  • spices, dry herbs - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut a loaf of stale rye bread into sticks, straws, or cubes, with each piece not more than 1 cm thick.
  2. Pour half a portion of the oil into a plastic bag, pour the chopped slices into the same place, salt, add spices or a mixture of spices if desired.
  3. Add the remaining vegetable oil, a little more salt, spices and collect the edges of the bag in your hand. While holding with your other hand, gently but vigorously shake the contents of the package so that the resulting dressing is distributed over each bar or cube.
  4. Cover the baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper, pour out one layer of the workpiece. Send the products to the oven, in which the temperature has already risen to 180 degrees.
  5. Bake the breadcrumbs until they are golden brown.

From white bread

Those crackers that are sold in every store have few substances that are useful for the human body. If you want your household to eat as much “healthy” food as possible, try drying crackers in the white bread oven. Homemade products turn out beautiful, as in the photo, and even the most picky gourmets will appreciate the taste of snacks with cheese.


  • salt - to taste;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • loaf - 400 g;
  • cheese - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut bread into small cubes.
  2. Grate any kind of cheese.
  3. Chop the garlic with a sharp knife or with a garlic press. Salt a little, then grind with a spoon until the spice releases the juice.
  4. Pour the bread cubes with the resulting mixture, mix thoroughly so that all products are evenly soaked.
  5. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper, put future crispy snacks in one layer.
  6. Preheat the oven in advance, bake at 180-200 degrees until a delicious golden crust appears. It is worth noting that at the beginning of cooking, the products must be stirred frequently so that the melted cheese is distributed over each bread cube.

with garlic

Such snacks have earned a place of honor in the kitchen of housewives, because they can be prepared in just a couple of minutes, and then used as an additional snack for first courses. Crackers with garlic in the oven have a pleasant aroma and taste, which is the main factor for gourmets. Save this recipe for yourself so you don't have to think about how to quickly process stale bread.


  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • loaf or baguette - 1 pc.;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste;
  • garlic - 4 teeth

Cooking method:

  1. Turn on the oven in advance, setting the temperature to 190 degrees. Pull out a baking sheet, cover with paper.
  2. Pour oil into a frying pan, put chopped garlic there. The spice should not be fried, but sautéed, in time no more than 30 seconds.
  3. Toss the chopped slices of bread with the garlic-butter mixture, leave for a couple of minutes to absorb the dressing.
  4. Lay out the bread cubes in a single layer on the paper, send the baking sheet to the oven.
  5. Dry seasoned bread until each crouton is golden brown.


Such snacks can serve as an independent beer dish or serve as an excellent addition to rich borscht. Previously, bread was dried so as not to be thrown away, but today rye crackers with garlic in the oven are made to enjoy their taste. All you have to do is prepare the ingredients and follow the recipe step by step.


  • oil (olive) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dried garlic - 1 tsp;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste;
  • rye bread - 0.6 kg;
  • fresh garlic - 2 teeth

Cooking method:

  1. Cut off the crust from the loaf, cut the crumb into cubes. Transfer stock to a large bowl.
  2. Sprinkle products with dry garlic, salt. In order not to damage future snacks, you need to shake the dishes.
  3. Pour the bread cubes with oil, add crushed fresh garlic there. Shake the bowl again.
  4. Fry crackers in a preheated oven for no more than 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

For Caesar

Many housewives who are fond of cooking restaurant food at home are interested in how to make crackers in the oven from bread. Crispy cubes are an additional ingredient to many dishes: broths, salads, etc. For example, drying crackers for Caesar in the oven will not be difficult even for a novice cook, because there is a step-by-step recipe at hand.


  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • dry basil, Provence herbs - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • stale white loaf - 0.5 kg;
  • oil (plant) - 0.25 cups;
  • oil (drain) - 0.25 cups.

Cooking method:

  1. Bread cut not too large cubes.
  2. In a large container, mix vegetable oil, melted butter, add crushed garlic and other seasonings to the mass.
  3. Pour the products, mix so that they are saturated with this dressing.
  4. Bake at 200 degrees for no more than 10 minutes, or until the snacks are golden brown.
  5. Ready crispy pieces to use when completely cooled.

With salt

This recipe will be appreciated by those who like to have a snack during the day. It is worth noting that homemade crackers with salt in the oven will bring much more benefit to the body than those strewn with harmful food additives. If you wish, you can crush the bread cubes not only with salt and pepper, but also with other seasonings with different flavors: bacon, cheese, etc.


  • salt - 5 g;
  • white loaf - 1 pc.;
  • seasonings - to taste and desire.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread into sticks, slices or cubes. Make sure that the pieces are not too thick or thin, because they may not dry out completely or even burn out.
  2. Put the future crackers on a baking sheet, lightly sprinkle with plain water. Sprinkle with salt, spices, but do not overdo it.
  3. Send the workpiece to the preheated oven. Set the temperature to the optimum - about 150 degrees. Dry, stirring occasionally, until the pieces are a beautiful golden color.

Sweet crackers from a loaf

If you have leftover stale bread (or even fresh), do not rush to throw it away. Check out how to make sweet croutons in the oven to surprise your household with a new interesting dish. Crunchy cubes with sugar soaked in sour cream are perfect as an addition to tea or coffee. It is worth noting that instead of bread, you can use a bun with any filling.


  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • loaf (or bun) - 200-300 g;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the loaf into not too thick slices, then cut each slice to make many squares.
  2. Arrange the required amount of sugar and sour cream on different deep plates.
  3. Dip each future sweet snack first in sour cream, then immediately roll in sugar.
  4. Lay the cubes on a dry baking sheet, but space them a little apart.
  5. Bake a treat, setting the temperature to about 200 degrees.
  6. Turn off the appliance after 5 minutes, serve the products when completely cool.

Delicious crackers at home - cooking secrets

Cooks are happy to reveal some of their secrets to the housewives so that they can surprise the household with a new dish. So, for example, before making homemade crackers, it is important to read some tips:

  1. If the bread is too damp, keep the oven door open while drying. This will help excess moisture evaporate faster.
  2. When adding herbs as a seasoning, don't get carried away, because spices are meant to enhance the flavor of a dish, not overpower it. It is worth noting that garlic is not combined with dried dill.
  3. If you are making crackers that will become additional ingredients for soup or salad, then consider the combination of spices that are in crackers and in the cooked dish.
  4. There are many options for vegetable oil for dressing, if you do not boil it. Suitable mustard, sesame, peanut or olive.
  5. Use the slices of bread seasoned with butter immediately, because after a long storage, the polyunsaturated fats contained in the composition become harmful chemical compounds.
  6. If you made crackers yourself in the oven, but decided to store them for a long time and expect them to remain crispy and tasty, then after baking, send the pieces to a hermetically sealed glass jar.
  7. If you can’t find stale bread, and you don’t want to dry crackers from white bread, you can fry the celery root, while each stalk must be cut into small cubes. Season with a mixture of melted butter, spices, mustard and salt.

Check out the recipes and cook at home.


Homemade crackers are a tasty and satisfying snack, which is also often used not only as a finished product, but also for making salads and croutons (croutons) for soups. In this article we will try to figure out how to make crackers in the oven from a long loaf and bread (white, black, rye), find out how long to dry the crackers in the oven and at what temperature so that they do not burn and are crispy.

How long to dry crackers in the oven?

The drying time of crackers depends on the type of bread and their size, so medium-sized crackers will be ready in 10 minutes, and large crackers in 15 minutes, while the crackers are not immediately taken out of the oven (the oven is turned off and the crackers are allowed to “reach”).

At what temperature to dry crackers in the oven?

According to many recipes, you can find the drying temperature of crackers from 150 to 200 degrees, but usually the optimal temperature at which crackers can be dried is 180 degrees (regardless of the type of bread from which crackers are made).

How to dry crackers in the oven from white, black and rye bread or a long loaf

Regardless of the chosen bread, as well as additional seasonings, the sequence of cooking crackers in the oven does not change. Consider step by step how to dry crackers in the oven:

  • We cut the loaf or bread into pieces (straws, cubes).
  • Put the sliced ​​bread in a deep plate and pour a little olive oil on top (1-2 tablespoons, depending on the amount of bread), add salt and spices as desired (dried herbs are perfect: basil, dill, parsley or dried granulated garlic). Mix everything thoroughly by hand.
  • Put the prepared bread on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with parchment paper or foil. It is advisable to dry the crackers in the oven in one layer so that they dry evenly and are crispy.
  • We preheat the oven to 180 degrees, after which we place a baking sheet with bread in it and cook the croutons for 10-15 minutes (depending on their size).
  • At the end of drying, turn off the oven and let the crackers “reach” for 10-15 minutes.
  • We put the finished crackers on a plate, they are ready to eat or as an additional ingredient for other dishes and salads (for example, for Caesar salad).

Note: when drying crackers, it is better to use dry herbs and garlic (in powder or granules) so that they do not burn or taste bitter, and it is also better to use olive oil rather than sunflower oil.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing at what temperature, how much and how to dry crackers in the oven, you can quickly cook them at home, while, both from fresh bread and old bread, this will not greatly affect the taste. We leave our feedback and useful tips on how to make bread crumbs in the oven at home in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Crackers are not only an excellent product for satisfying hunger, but also a good filling for already familiar everyday dishes. A standard soup or salad with the addition of this delicacy acquires a new taste, turning the hostess into a real master of cooking.

Today you can easily buy crackers with any taste and spices, but why do it if you can cook them at home, while, in addition to saving the family budget, you gain confidence in the safety of the product, because all the ingredients have passed through your hands.

It turns out that the preparation of crackers is not limited to simply drying pieces of bread. Experienced experts offer a number of tips to help you avoid inedible and unattractive treats. Recommendations:

  • brown bread dries significantly longer than white bread, so cooking them at the same time will not work. Some pieces will either be too dry or, conversely, wet inside;
  • The ideal oven temperature is 120 degrees Celsius. The cooking process will last at least 45 minutes, but the croutons will definitely not burn, and stirring with turning will not be needed;
  • medium fried consistency is achieved as follows - a baking sheet with the product is placed in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then the contents are turned over and placed there again for the same period of time;
  • if sunflower oil was not used in the cooking process, then crackers can be safely stored in paper bags and fabric bags. Over time, dry bread loses its shape and crumbles. But it does make for a wonderful finish.

The easiest recipe

Here is an example of a simple recipe that even novice housewives can handle.


  • one standard loaf of rye bread;
  • 40 grams of vegetable oil;
  • spices (the set is purely individual);
  • salt (half a teaspoon, but more or less is allowed, this is to taste).

Cooking time will be about 20 minutes;

Calorie content per 100 grams will not exceed 335 kilocalories.

How to make delicious bread croutons in the oven:

How to make white croutons from a loaf

Most often, the reason for the preparation of crackers from a loaf is its excess amount, which could not be eaten, but it is a pity to throw it away. However, you can use a fresh product specially purchased for this purpose to prepare a treat. Let's consider both options.


  • standard loaf - one piece;
  • ground paprika to taste (you can use other spices if desired);
  • salt (individually).

The cooking time will be 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 390 kcal.


  • the loaf is cut into cubes with a side of one centimeter;
  • the shell of a long loaf can not be used, it's not for everybody;
  • salt and spices are added to a bowl of bread, gently mix the composition with your hand;
  • set the temperature on the oven to 250 degrees;
  • Spread the cubes on a baking sheet in a single layer and send the croutons to the oven. If the bread was fresh, then the cooking time will be about 15 minutes, if the loaf has lain for a couple of days, then the timer should not exceed 12 minutes;
  • after turning off the oven, open the door slightly and let the crackers cool down to an acceptable temperature (you can safely take it with your hands) in a natural way. So the final drying will pass, and the finished yummy will become crispy;
  • a stale loaf can be used, but before cooking, you need to make sure that no traces of mold have appeared on it, otherwise the finished dish will turn out to be inedible.

How to make garlic croutons in the oven

A very tasty dish that can be eaten neat or used as a filler for soup or broth.


  • rye bread (exclusively) - a loaf;
  • salt - half a teaspoon (more or less to taste);
  • olive or sunflower oil - 75 grams;
  • five medium cloves of garlic.

Cooking time will be from 70 to 100 minutes.

Calorie content - about 380 kilocalories.

Cooking method:

  • garlic is peeled and squeezed out with an ordinary garlic press;
  • oil is poured into a deep container of sufficient volume, garlic and salt are poured. The mixture mixes well;
  • sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread or straws is placed in a bowl and the composition is quickly mixed;
  • the oven is heated to 120 degrees, then the future croutons evenly placed on the baking sheet enter the oven;
  • the cooking time is 60 to 90 minutes depending on the desired dryness. Crackers are mixed and turned over every 30 minutes;
  • it is better to use slightly dried bread, which is at least three days old.

How to make garlic croutons with cheese and herbs in the oven

Another favorite snack option that will bring a lot of pleasure to everyone at home.


  • five cloves of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley;
  • grated cheese (recommended parmesan) - from 100 to 200 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • a loaf of white bread or a loaf;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 390 kcal.

Cooking order:

  • finely chop the garlic or pass it through a press;
  • cut the bread into cubes (straws would not be the best solution for white bread);
  • Pour oil into a frying pan, pour garlic, salt, pepper, parsley into it.
  • Heat the resulting paste for about a minute, stirring constantly;
  • in a deep container, mix bread with pasta, then put the cubes on a baking sheet;
  • preheat the oven to 180 degrees and only then place a baking sheet there;
  • after 7 minutes, sprinkle the crackers with grated parmesan on a fine grater and mix the cubes;
  • leave the treat in the oven for another 5 minutes;
  • open the door, turn off the heat and let the crackers cool down to normal temperature in a natural way.

Sweet white bread croutons in the oven

If salty crackers are more suitable for adults, then a sweet treat can be safely given to children. Consider the recipe for crackers with sugar and milk.


  • a loaf of bread;
  • a tablespoon of powdered sugar (more if you like sweet things);
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • half a liter of milk.

Cooking time will be about 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 411 kilocalories.

How to cook:

  • bread mode in slices about a centimeter thick (everywhere they recommend one and a half centimeters, but you won’t cut it with a ruler);
  • pour milk into a deep plate;
  • we moisten one side of a slice of bread in milk so that it is soaked with it, but not sour;
  • dip the other side in powder, previously poured into a small plate;
  • the slice can be dried like this, or it can be cut into cubes;
  • lay out all the bread prepared in this way in one row on a baking sheet, previously greased with vegetable oil;
  • preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet there;
  • drying lasts from 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the wishes. The more, the less soft layer will turn out inside.

How and how long can you store homemade crackers

There is nothing complicated in the technology of storing crackers. Here are some rules:

  • crackers and fresh bread are stored separately;
  • the product is best placed in a paper bag or cloth bag;
  • crackers love cleanliness, coolness and low humidity;
  • when midges or other insects appear, crackers are thrown out.

And what about the expiration date?

At home, without vacuum packaging, the shelf life of crackers cooked in the oven is 60 days.

If the appearance is not in doubt, then you can use them for another month, but this is at your own peril and risk. If cheese or milk was used, then the shelf life is reduced to 10 days.

The recipe for delicious crackers from the oven is in the next video.

Rusks are healthier than regular bread. Anyone can cook them at home. Simple tips on how to properly dry crackers will help you achieve the desired result. After all, ideal crackers should not be fragile and should not bend. You can dry crackers in the oven, in the sun, in a frying pan and even in the microwave.

How to make garlic breadcrumbs? As an addition to various dishes, you can cook crackers with garlic at home. This will require: a loaf of white bread, olive or sunflower oil, garlic, salt, preferably with spices. Pour oil into a deep container. Then peel the garlic and pass it through the garlic press, add to the oil. Salt to taste (if you are preparing croutons for beer, you can add more salt). Cut the loaf and place it in a container with a little, mix well. There are two ways to bring the crackers to readiness: put the crackers on a baking sheet and bake in the oven or fry the crackers in a pan.

How to make bread crumbs? For the preparation of crackers, it is better to use rye bread in the form of a brick. Bread should be fresh, but not hot. Breadcrumbs can be given any shape. It can be vertical rectangles, squares, rhombuses or triangles. The main thing is to try to make them equally thin. To prepare crackers you will need: rye bread, salt. Sliced ​​pieces of bread are laid out on a baking sheet so that there is no contact with neighboring pieces, preferably in one layer. Bake crackers in the oven at a temperature of 150 to 170 degrees. To speed up the drying process, you can leave the oven door ajar. Rotate the pan to dry evenly. As soon as the crackers are browned, they must be removed from the oven to a dry place and allowed to cool.

How to make crackers in the microwave? You will need: rye or wheat bread (preferably not fresh), sunflower oil, salt, spices. Cut the bread, pour oil on it, mix, salt, add spices to taste. Put the slices of bread on a flat dish, cover with a microwave-safe lid. Put in the microwave at maximum power for a couple of minutes. Then take it out of the microwave and mix the breadcrumbs. Put it on for two more minutes. Remove from microwave and let cool. Quick snack is ready.

How to make kvass from crackers? To prepare such a recipe, you will need: 1 liter of water, 200 g of crackers, 10 g of yeast, 50 g of sugar. Pour crackers into a glass jar, pour boiling water over it, close with a tight lid and let it brew for 3 hours. Strain the resulting mixture, add yeast and sugar. After mixing well, put the kvass in a warm place for 5 hours. Cool down. The drink is ready to drink.

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