Social conflict: structure and examples. Social conflict Manager’s attitude to conflict

Conflict: participate or create... Kozlov Vladimir

Diagram 1.1.2 Negative consequences of conflict

Scheme 1.1.2

Negative consequences of conflict

Possible negative consequences of conflicts are as follows.

Approximately 80% of industrial conflicts are psychological in nature and move from the industrial sphere into interpersonal relationships.

About 15% of working time is spent on conflicts and worries about them.

Labor productivity decreases.

Conflicts worsen the psychological climate in groups; cooperation and mutual assistance are disrupted.

Job dissatisfaction and staff turnover are increasing.

Unjustified competition is increasing. There is a concealment of information.

An idea of ​​the other side as an “enemy” is formed.

It is difficult to imagine a manager who has never in his life encountered the problem of resolving conflicts between employees or departments subordinate to him, while understanding that:

Any conflict, as a rule, has a strong destructive charge;

The spontaneous development of a conflict very often leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the organization;

Conflict is usually accompanied by powerful negative emotions that the parties experience towards each other. These emotions hinder the search for a rational way out and form the image of an enemy who must be defeated or destroyed at all costs. When a conflict reaches this stage, it becomes difficult to deal with.

Dysfunctional consequences of organizational conflicts:

Decreased productivity, negative emotional state, increased staff turnover (people leave the organization), increased feelings of dissatisfaction with oneself, increased aggressiveness in interaction;

Reducing the scope of cooperation, focusing on the struggle between groups, increasing competition between groups, increasing the influence of intra-group norms;

Shifting attention from the general task of the organization to the conflict: the formation of a negative image of the competitor as an enemy.

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The consequences of the conflict are very contradictory. On the one hand, conflicts destroy social structures, lead to significant unnecessary expenditure of resources, on the other hand, they are a mechanism that helps solve many problems, unites groups and ultimately serves as one of the ways to achieve social justice. The duality in people's assessment of the consequences of conflict has led to the fact that sociologists involved in conflict theory have not come to a common point of view on whether conflicts are useful or harmful for society.

The severity of the conflict depends to the greatest extent on the socio-psychological characteristics of the warring parties, as well as on the situation requiring immediate action. By absorbing energy from the outside, a conflict situation forces participants to act immediately, putting all their energy into the conflict.

The duality of people's assessment of the consequences of a conflict has led to the fact that sociologists involved in the theory of conflicts, or, as they also say, conflictology, have not come to a common point of view on whether conflicts are useful or harmful for society. Thus, many believe that society and its individual components develop as a result of evolutionary changes, and as a result, they assume that social conflict can only be negative, destructive.
But there is a group of scientists consisting of supporters of the dialectical method. They recognize the constructive, useful content of any conflict, since as a result of conflicts new qualitative certainties appear.

Let us assume that in every conflict there are both disintegrative, destructive, and integrative, creative moments. Conflict can destroy social communities. In addition, internal conflict destroys group unity. Speaking about the positive aspects of the conflict, it should be noted that a limited, private consequence of the conflict may be an increase in group interaction. Conflict may be the only way out of a tense situation. Thus, there are two types of consequences of conflicts:

  • disintegrated consequences that increase bitterness, lead to destruction and bloodshed, to intra-group tension, destroy normal channels of cooperation, and distract the attention of group members from pressing problems;
  • integrative consequences that determine the way out of difficult situations, lead to the resolution of problems, strengthen group cohesion, lead to the formation of alliances with other groups, and lead the group to understand the interests of its members.

Let's take a closer look at these consequences:

Positive consequences of conflict

A positive, functionally useful result of a conflict is considered to be the solution to the problem that gave rise to disagreements and caused clashes, taking into account the mutual interests and goals of all parties, as well as achieving understanding and trust, strengthening partnerships and cooperation, overcoming conformity, humility, and the desire for advantage.

Socially (collectively) - the constructive influence of the conflict is expressed in the following consequences:

The conflict is a way to identify and record disagreements, as well as problems in society, organization, group. The conflict indicates that contradictions have already reached their highest limit, and therefore it is necessary to take immediate measures to eliminate them.

So anyone conflict performs an informational function, i.e. provides additional impulses to understand one’s own and others’ interests in the confrontation.

The conflict is form of resolving contradictions. Its development helps eliminate those shortcomings and miscalculations in social organization that led to its emergence. Conflict helps to relieve social tension and eliminate a stressful situation, helps to “let off steam” and defuse the situation.

The conflict may perform an integrative, unifying function. In the face of an external threat, the group uses all its resources to unite and confront the external enemy. In addition, it is the task of solving existing problems that unites people. In search of a way out of the conflict, mutual understanding and a sense of involvement in solving a common task occur.

Resolving the conflict helps to stabilize the social system, since it eliminates sources of discontent. The parties to the conflict, trained by “bitter experience,” will be more cooperative in the future than before the conflict.

In addition, conflict resolution can prevent the emergence of more serious conflicts that might have arisen if this had not happened.

Conflict intensifies and stimulates group creativity, contributes to the mobilization of energy to solve problems assigned to subjects. In the process of searching for ways to resolve the conflict, mental forces are activated to analyze difficult situations, new approaches, ideas, innovative technologies, etc. are developed.

Conflict can serve as a means of clarifying the balance of power of social groups or communities and thus can warn against further, more destructive conflicts.

The conflict may become source of new norms of communication between people or help fill old norms with new content.

The constructive impact of conflict at the personal level reflects the impact of conflict on individual traits:

    the fulfillment of a cognitive function by a conflict in relation to the people who take part in it. In difficult critical (existential) situations, the real character, true values ​​and motives of people’s behavior are revealed. The ability to diagnose the enemy’s strength is also related to the cognitive function;

    promoting self-knowledge and adequate self-esteem of the individual. Conflict can help to correctly assess one’s strengths and abilities, and to identify new, previously unknown aspects of a person’s character. It can also strengthen character, contribute to the emergence of new virtues (a sense of pride, self-esteem, etc.);

    removal of undesirable character traits (feelings of inferiority, humility, pliability);

    increasing the level of socialization of a person, his development as an individual. In a conflict, an individual in a relatively short period of time can gain as much life experience as he may never receive in everyday life;

    facilitating the employee’s adaptation to the team, since it is during conflict that people reveal themselves to a greater extent. The person is either accepted by the group members, or, conversely, they ignore it. In the latter case, of course, no adaptation occurs;

    reducing mental tension in the group, relieving stress among its members (in case of a positive resolution of the conflict);

    satisfaction of not only primary, but also secondary needs of the individual, his self-realization and self-affirmation.

Negative consequences of conflict

The negative, dysfunctional consequences of the conflict include people’s dissatisfaction with the common cause, a retreat from solving pressing problems, an increase in hostility in interpersonal and intergroup relations, a weakening of team cohesion, etc.

The social destructive impact of conflict manifests itself at various levels of the social system and is expressed in specific consequences.

When resolving a conflict, violent methods may be used, which may result in large casualties and material losses. In addition to the direct participants, those around them may also suffer in the conflict.

Conflict can lead the opposing parties (society, social group, individual) into a state of destabilization and disorganization. Conflict can lead to a slowdown in the pace of social, economic, political and spiritual development of society. Moreover, it can cause stagnation and a crisis of social development, the emergence of dictatorial and totalitarian regimes.

Conflict can contribute to the disintegration of society, the destruction of social communications and the sociocultural alienation of social entities within the social system.

The conflict may be accompanied by an increase in pessimism and disregard for customs in society.

Conflict can cause new, more destructive conflicts.

Conflict often leads to a decrease in the level of organization of the system, a decrease in discipline and, as a consequence, a decrease in operational efficiency.

The destructive influence of conflict at the personal level is expressed in the following consequences:

  • negative impact on the socio-psychological climate in the group: signs of a negative mental state appear (feelings of depression, pessimism and anxiety), leading a person to a state of stress;
  • disappointment in one's capabilities and abilities, deintensification of the face; the emergence of a feeling of self-doubt, loss of previous motivation, destruction of existing value orientations and patterns of behavior. In the worst case, the consequence of the conflict can be disappointment, loss of faith in former ideals, which gives rise to deviant behavior and, as an extreme case, suicide;
  • a person’s negative assessment of his partners in joint activities, disappointment in his colleagues and recent friends;
  • a person’s reaction to conflict through defense mechanisms, which manifest themselves in various forms of bad behavior:
  • indentation - silence, separation of the individual from the group;
  • information that frightens with criticism, abuse, demonstration of one’s superiority over other members of the group;
  • solid formalism - formal politeness, establishing strict norms and principles of behavior in a group, observing others;
  • turning everything into a joke;
  • conversations on unrelated topics instead of business discussions of problems;
  • constant search for those to blame, self-flagellation or blaming team members for all troubles.

These are the main consequences of the conflict, which are interconnected and are specific and relative in nature.

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Among the basic concepts that social science studies today, social conflicts occupy a large place. Largely because they are an active driving force, thanks to which modern society has come to its present state. So what is social conflict?

This is a clash between different parts of society, caused by the contradictions that have arisen. Moreover, it cannot be said that social conflict always leads to negative consequences, because it does not. Constructive overcoming and resolution of such contradictions allows the parties to get closer, learn something, and society to develop. But only if both sides are committed to a rational approach and to searching for a way out.

The concept of conflict in society interested researchers long before sociology as such appeared at all. The English philosopher Hobbes was quite negative about this. He pointed out that some kind of conflicts would constantly occur within society; the natural state, in his opinion, became a “war of all against all.”

But not everyone agreed with him. Issues of collisions at the end of the 19th century were actively studied by Spencer. He believed that we were talking about a natural process, as a result of which the best, as a rule, remain. Considering social conflicts and ways to resolve them, the thinker brought personality to the fore.

In contrast, Karl Marx believed that the choice of the group is more important for society as a whole. The scientist suggested that class struggle is inevitable. For him, the functions of social conflict are closely related to the redistribution of goods. However, critics of this researcher’s theory pointed out that Marx was an economist. And he approached the study of society from the point of view of professional deformation, paying too little attention to everything else. Moreover, here the importance of an individual person turned out to be belittled.

If we talk about the basic concepts relating to modern conflictology (which has even become a separate science, which indicates the great importance of the issue being studied), then we can highlight the teachings of Coser, Dahrendorf and Boulding. The former’s theory of social conflict is built around the inevitability of social inequality, which gives rise to tension. Which leads to collisions. In addition, Coser points out that struggle can begin when there is a contradiction between ideas about what should be and reality. Finally, the scientist does not ignore the limited number of values, competition between different members of society for power, influence, resources, status, etc.

It can be said that this theory does not directly contradict Dahrendorf's approach. But he places emphasis differently. In particular, the sociologist points out that society is built on coercion of some by others. There is a constant struggle for power in society, and there will always be more people who want to get it than there are real opportunities. Which gives rise to endless changes and collisions.

Boulding also has his own concept of conflict. The scientist assumes that it is possible to isolate something common that exists in any confrontation. In his opinion, the structure of social conflict is submitted to analysis and study, which opens up wide opportunities for monitoring the situation and managing the process.

According to Boulding, conflict cannot be completely separated from public life. And by this he understands a situation where both sides (or a larger number of participants) take positions that cannot be fully harmonized with each other’s interests and desires. The researcher identifies 2 basic aspects: static and dynamic. The first concerns the main characteristics of the parties and the general situation as a whole. The second is the reactions and behavior of the participant.

Boulding suggests that the consequences of social conflict in a given case can be predicted with a certain degree of probability. Moreover, in his opinion, errors are often associated with a lack of information about what caused it, what means the parties actually use, etc., and not with the inability to make a forecast in principle. The scientist also draws attention: it is important to know at what stage of the social conflict the situation is now in order to understand what will or could happen at the next stage.

Further development of the theory

Currently, social scientists are actively studying social conflict and ways to resolve it, because today this is one of the most pressing and pressing problems. Thus, the prerequisites for social conflict always concern something deeper than it might seem at first glance. A superficial study of the situation sometimes gives the impression that people’s religious feelings are simply hurt (which also often has its own meaning), but upon closer examination it turns out that there are enough reasons.

Often dissatisfaction accumulates over years. For example, social conflicts in modern Russia are the problem of the clash of different ethnic groups, the economic disadvantage of some regions of the country compared to others, strong stratification within society, the lack of real prospects, etc. At times it seems that the reaction is simply disproportionate, which is impossible to predict what will happen. what consequences do social conflicts lead to in certain cases.

But in reality, the basis for a serious reaction is long-accumulated tension. This can be compared to an avalanche, where snow constantly accumulates. And just one push, a sharp sound, or a blow in the wrong place is enough for the huge mass to break off and roll down.

What does this have to do with theory? Today, the causes of social conflicts are almost always studied in relation to how things actually happen. The objective circumstances of conflicts in society that led to confrontation are examined. And not only from a sociological point of view, but also from an economic, political, psychological (interpersonal, confrontation between the individual and society), etc.

In fact, theorists are tasked with finding practical ways to solve the problem. In general, such goals have always been relevant. But now ways of resolving social conflicts are becoming increasingly important. They are important for the survival of society as a whole.

Classification of social conflicts

As has already been established, the issue being studied is of great importance for people and even for humanity. This may seem like an exaggeration, but when considering this topic, it becomes clear that global types of conflicts really threaten the entire civilization as such. If you want to practice, come up with different scenarios for the development of events in which survival will be in question.

In fact, examples of such social conflicts are described in science fiction literature. Dystopias are largely devoted to them. Finally, from the point of view of social science study of the material, post-apocalyptic literature is of considerable interest. There, the causes of social conflicts are often studied after the fact, that is, after everything happened.

To put it bluntly, humanity has reached a level of development where it is truly capable of destroying itself. The same forces act both as an engine of progress and as a restraining factor. For example, the promotion of industry enriches people and opens up new opportunities for them. At the same time, emissions into the atmosphere destroy the environment. Garbage and chemical pollution threaten rivers and soil.

The danger of nuclear war should not be underestimated. The confrontation between the largest countries in the world shows that this problem has not been solved at all, as it seemed in the 90s. And much depends on what paths humanity will take next. And exactly what methods of resolving social conflicts will it use, destructive or constructive. A lot depends on this, and it’s not just about big words.

So let's get back to the classification. We can say that all types of social conflicts are divided into constructive and destructive. The first is the focus on resolution, on overcoming. Here the positive functions of social conflicts are realized, when society teaches how to overcome contradictions, build dialogue, and also understands why this is even necessary in specific situations.

We can say that as a result, people gain experience that they can pass on to subsequent generations. For example, one day humanity was faced with the legalization of slavery and came to the conclusion that this was unacceptable. Now, at least at the state level, there is no such problem; such practices have been outlawed.

There are also destructive types of social conflicts. They are not aimed at resolution; here the participants are more interested in creating a problem for the other party or in completely destroying it. At the same time, they may formally use completely different terminology to indicate their position for various reasons. The problem of studying a situation is often related to the fact that real goals are often hidden, disguised as others.

However, the typology of social conflicts does not stop there. There is another division. For example, short-term and long-term ones are considered based on duration. The latter, in most cases, have more serious causes and consequences, although such a relationship is not always visible.

There is also a division based on the total number of participants. A separate group includes internal ones, that is, those that occur within the individual. Here the functions of social conflict are not realized in any way, since we are not talking about society at all, it is rather a question of psychology and psychiatry. However, to the same extent that each individual is able to influence those around him, to the same extent such contradictions will cause problems in society as a whole. After all, society as such consists of individual people. Therefore, the importance of such problems should not be underestimated. Then there are interpersonal conflicts, clashes between individual individuals. And the next level is group ones.

From the point of view of direction, it is worth considering horizontal, that is, problems between equal participants (representatives of the same group), vertical (subordinate and boss), as well as mixed ones. In the latter case, the functions of social conflicts are very heterogeneous. This is the realization of ambitions, and the splashing out of aggression, and the achievement of conflicting goals, and often the struggle for power, and the development of society as such.

There is a division according to methods of resolution: peaceful and armed. The main task of the government is to prevent the transition of the first to the second. At least in theory. However, in practice, states themselves often become the instigators of such a transformation, that is, provocateurs of armed clashes.

In terms of volume, they consider personal or household, group, for example, one department against the second within a corporation, a branch against the main office, one class at school against another, etc., regional, which develop in a particular area, local (also an area, only larger, say, the territory of one country). And finally, the biggest ones are global. A striking example of the latter are world wars. As the volume increases, the degree of danger to humanity also increases.

Pay attention to the nature of development: there are spontaneous conflicts and planned, provoked ones. With a large scale of events, some are often combined with others. Finally, in terms of content, the problems are considered industrial, domestic, economic, political, etc. But in general, one confrontation rarely affects only one specific aspect.

The study of social conflicts shows that they are quite possible to manage, they can be prevented, and they are worth controlling. And a lot here depends on the intentions of the parties, on what they are ready for. And this is already influenced by the awareness of the seriousness of the current situation.

Summarizing the work of the American scientist E. Mayo and other representatives of the functionalist (integration) movement, the following negative consequences of conflicts are highlighted:

  • · destabilization of the organization, generation of chaotic and anarchic processes, decrease in controllability;
  • · distracting personnel from the real problems and goals of the organization, shifting these goals towards group selfish interests and ensuring victory over the enemy;
  • · increasing emotionality and irrationality, hostility and aggressive behavior, distrust of the “main” and others;
  • · weakening of opportunities for communication and cooperation with opponents in the future;
  • · distracting the conflict participants from solving the organization’s problems and fruitlessly wasting their strength, energy, resources and time fighting each other.

Positive consequences of conflict

In contrast to the functionalists, supporters of the sociological approach to conflicts (they are represented, for example, by the largest modern German conflictologist R. Dahrendorf) consider them as an integral source of social change and development. Under certain conditions, conflicts have functional, positive results:

  • · initiating change, renewal, progress. The new is always a negation of the old, and since behind both new and old ideas and forms of organization there are always certain people, any renewal is impossible without conflicts;
  • · articulation, clear formulation and expression of interests, making public the real positions of the parties on a particular issue. This allows you to see the pressing problem more clearly and creates favorable conditions for solving it;
  • · Forming among the participants in the conflict a sense of belonging to the decision made as a result, which facilitates its implementation;
  • · encouraging participants to interact and develop new, more effective solutions that eliminate the problem itself or its significance. This usually happens when the parties show understanding of each other’s interests and realize the disadvantages of deepening the conflict;
  • · development of the ability of the parties to the conflict to cooperate in the future, when the conflict is resolved as a result of the interaction of both parties. Fair competition that leads to consensus increases the mutual respect and trust necessary for further cooperation;
  • · defusing psychological tension in relationships between people, clearer clarification of their interests and positions;
  • · development of skills and abilities among conflict participants in relatively painless solutions to problems that arise in the future;
  • · strengthening group cohesion in the event of intergroup conflicts. As is known from social psychology, the easiest way to unite a group and muffle or even overcome internal discord is to find a common enemy, a competitor. External conflict is capable of extinguishing internal strife, the causes of which often disappear over time, lose relevance, severity and are forgotten.

The real ratio of functional and dysfunctional consequences of a conflict directly depends on their nature, the causes that give rise to them, as well as on skillful conflict management.

conflict behavior problem

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