Dream of wiping dust. The magic of numbers. What does it mean to shake dust off clothes?

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Why do you dream of Dust in a dream according to 29 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Dust” symbol from 29 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Dust in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed of dust- beware of unscrupulous, unprincipled people; you see yourself in the dust- losses await you, but minor ones; there is dust - to poverty and disease.

Children's dream book

If she's lying on the road- this means that to achieve your goal you will need patience; if it covers pieces of furniture- it means something is stopping you from enjoying life; if dust rises into the air or is blown by the wind- something in your life will move, will begin to move, but will not go completely smoothly.

Idiomatic dream book

"Pull the wool over someone's eyes "- brag, create a better impression of yourself than you actually have; "swallow the dust"- to lag behind someone; “like a dust bag on the head”- unpleasant surprise; “level with dust, mix”- humiliate; “dust” is a symbol of time.

Maly Velesov dream book

Dust is a deception; cleaning - recovery; fall into roadside dust- illness, death.

New dream book 1918

Dust is a deception; someone fell into the dust- to death.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why does Dust dream?

Dust - your work will be of no use to anyone. Dust storm- to a radical deterioration in the quality of your life.

Russian folk dream book

Dust - in the history of mankind this symbol means eternity “dust of centuries”, and in everyday life sloppiness, neglect and loss. Strangers in a dream carefully shake off the dust from you, you will make unexpected friends.

Seeing a curtain of dust in a dream- don’t waste your energy looking into the future.

Family dream book

I dreamed of dust - you will have to deal with unscrupulous, unprincipled people. Be vigilant and recognize them.

See yourself covered in dust- minor losses ahead.

Cleaned the dust from your clothes- it means you will take control of the situation again.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Dust?

To dream that you are covered in dust- means that the failures of other people will affect your commercial affairs. For a young woman, such a dream predicts that her lover will leave her, carried away by another passion.

If you dream that you are shaking off dust from yourself- You will be able to protect yourself from losses.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Dust is a reflection of oblivion; tendency to forget.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did Dust appear in a dream?

Dust you dreamed about- means trouble, annoyance, irritation.

If in a dream you fell into the dust and cannot get up- it means that you yourself are deceiving someone and you are tormented by remorse.

Seeing or working with a vacuum cleaner in a dream- means that you need to streamline your affairs, then there will be good hopes for profit.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Dust covers something that has not been touched for a long time or that has been forgotten.- is there a part of your soul that you have forgotten about?

Dream book for a bitch

Dust - attentiveness and intuition will help you in dealing with dishonest people and will not allow you to deceive yourself.

Seeing things covered in dust- losses and disappointments.

Brush off dust from clothes or shoes- the confusion will pass, and you will again be confident in your abilities.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dust is a symbol of old troubles and problems that you should get rid of long ago.

Seeing a lot of dust in your home- evidence that old, long-outdated problems or grievances are interfering with your full-fledged family life.

Sweep up the dust- means your determination to get rid of long-standing problems and portends imminent relief.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Raking up dust with your feet- to fatigue.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of dust- this means that unscrupulous, unprincipled people will deal with you. Your vigilance will help you recognize them.

Seeing yourself covered in dust- to minor losses.

If you clean your clothes from dust in a dream- means that you will regain control of the situation.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Dust in a dream?

Dreamed of dust trailing behind a car driving along a country road- portends disagreements with relatives regarding inheritance of property.

Sneeze from dust - you will be laughed at for not knowing basic truths.

Dusty clothes are a sign of valuable loss.

Beating out carpets- get a profitable position, vacuum the apartment- change your environment or job.

If in a dream you show off in a figurative sense- in reality you will disgrace yourself greatly.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dust in a dream warns the dreamer against communicating with unscrupulous, unprincipled people. Be vigilant and you will easily recognize them.

Seeing yourself covered in dust- to minor losses.

In a dream, clean your clothes from dust- to regain control over the situation.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Dust according to the dream book?

Road dust is humiliation (idiom: “level with dust”).

Falling into dust means death.

The room is a symbol of time, desolation, demonic.

Dust - disappointments; desolation, symbol of time.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Dust in a dream means that you will encounter unprincipled people.

If you see yourself in a cloud of dust- this means minor losses in money.

Clearing yourself of dust in a dream- in reality you will regain control of the situation.

If you've dusted yourself off- luck and self-confidence will return to you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dust is a deception; someone fell into the dust- to death.

Aesop's Dream Book

Dust - on the scale of humanity and history, this symbol means eternity, and if we take a particular case, it symbolizes sloppiness, the desire to mislead. This symbol takes on a positive meaning in the expression “blow away specks of dust”; it means a reverent attitude. This expression also has a negative meaning: excessive, feigned attention.

Seeing that strangers treat you with increased attention and carefully brush off the dust from your jacket- you will make friends in an unusual environment; to close contact with unfamiliar people; to a change in fate associated with a caring person, most likely a woman.

To dream that a person, looking into your eyes, is telling a lie, trying to inflate his worth, and you catch yourself thinking that he is brazenly throwing dust in your eyes- to irreconcilable confrontation, aggravation of relations with opponents; to harsh statements addressed to you; to gossip and bad talk about you; you will argue with a person who constantly slips out of sight.

Seeing dust standing like an impenetrable curtain in a dream- don’t waste your energy looking into the future, the time will come and everything will open up; beware of far-reaching plans, because now you need to focus on the present; Don’t worry about what you doubt, wait until the details are clarified.

Medieval dream book

There is earth or dust- to departure.

Ukrainian dream book

Dust, dust - deception.

Fall into the dust of the road- illness or death.

Esoteric dream book

Dust - vain hopes.

Choking on dust- nothing will remain of your achievements, everything will turn into dust.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Dust according to the dream book?

If there was dust in your dream- this is a sign that you are trying to forget something.

More interpretations

Shake off the dust- promises you to be able to cope with problems.

Rolling in the dust means you have to lie to someone.

In a dream you sweep away dust from something- you will finally begin to act actively and productively, thanks to which your life will begin to rapidly transform.

Video: Why do you dream about Dust?

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Did you dream about Dust, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Dust in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    At first I saw it in color. like washing the floor in a room. I cover the floor with a homemade rug. then I go out onto the terrace. while seeing the deceased aunt. dead woman. from whom I once rented a house. and deceased mother. I see all this in brown tones. dusty terrace. lying around chairs. I'm walking along the road. and how a mass of dust bursts out of the chimney and covers my face with a dense crust. I wake up with a feeling of dust on my face. desire to wash quickly

    I dreamed of how my friend was dragging me under the boards, I don’t know why, literally, the guys were holding wooden boards, and somehow I was standing under them and they were dragging me, hanging with a rope, I myself didn’t understand how. Then I tried to run away from them, and ran along a stone slope, but in a dream it all seemed like a joke, that they were just kidding, in the end I blew the dust out of my nose, and it spilled.

    I go out onto the balcony of my apartment on the 4th floor of a 5-story building and see that everything on the balcony is covered with dust: bed linen stacked in a corner, covered with a sheet on top,
    path on the floor of the balcony... In my dream I think: what happened, where did all this dust come from on the tightly closed balcony, and I begin to lift the sheet to shake off this dust. And then, apparently, I wake up, because then I dreamed something else, but I don’t remember it

    This is not the first time I have dreamed of a complete absence of dust, and this surprises me in my dreams. In all my dreams, and there were 3 or 4 of them, I am in a room and look at the floor or shelves with flowers and wonder how there is no dust in such places. The floor looks like it has just been painted, but the shelves are like new. I had my last dream today. An evil cat got into my house, he wanted to kill me, my mother felt sorry for the cat and wanted to talk to him, but I was decisive and caught the cat with the man. The man cut off the cat's head, and I helped him. There was no blood. And after that I come home and there is absolutely no dust there. Help me understand. Thanks in advance. Honestly, I have a husband and a lover. And I don’t know which one is a cat and which one is a man. I think the cat is my husband, my mother feels sorry for him, but we don’t live normally.

    in a dream we acquired ownership of an old house (it previously belonged to an old woman who died, but she is not a relative, it was just as if it was known in the dream), we came to look at it, from the outside it seemed very old and dilapidated, we began to look into the windows, inside it seemed normal, although it was not clearly visible due to the dusty windows, but everything was covered in dust, from its long desolation. When we got inside, we started cleaning, wiping off the dust that lay in huge layers from the furniture, walls, ceilings, heating pipes (it was me who wiped the dust off of them), the appearance of the house inside was quite old and in general (not counting a large number of dust) neat. Once inside the house, the frustration about the fact that the house seemed very dilapidated from the outside diminished, because... it looked much nicer inside.

    before that night, I dreamed that the apartment I was renting was taken away from me, in fact, the next day it was taken away from me in reality. But I took the money back for it. And today I dreamed that I was in this apartment with men, in my dream it seemed like it was such an idyll, it was light, but in the room there was dust in the air, but not much, but I clearly saw how the specks of dust shimmered in the sunlight. and that same night I dreamed that a rotten tooth without a root fell out, as if I got in my mouth and I removed it with my tongue

    I dreamed that I came to a new job, in a very modern office, with panoramic windows. But everything was covered in dust, all the tables, and the office was full of people. She began to wipe the dust from her workplace, the windowsill, then switched to the neighboring tables. View of the forest from the window. I went outside and saw lilies of the valley and bells in the garden. I started sweeping the thresholds with bells))

    Hello Tatiana. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. You can even say it already on Friday morning. I dreamed that I came to see my boyfriend (we only communicate virtually). We have known each other for almost 4 months, there is an age difference, I am 9 years older than him. I’m 44. And so I found myself in a house where he and some adult man were. My boyfriend was getting ready to leave home and leave me with this man in the house (it looked like a man’s house). I approached my boyfriend, hugged him from the back (his torso turned out to be naked), and asked him to take me with him. He said he couldn't take me. Then I dream that I am wiping dust from the window frame, the window is slightly open. The thought flashed in my dream that my young man decided to test me like that...

    Hello. I was in a room with people I didn’t know - a girl and a guy and someone else. it was similar to the housing issue program. a guy and a girl wanted to change their brother's room and there was furniture with a thick, white layer of dust on it. I was surprised because I had never seen such dust and ran my finger over the furniture and a white, thick layer of dust remained on my finger. and the room was a mess

    No people came from work. My house is a terrible mess. I feel uncomfortable. I think I did some renovations not long ago and it’s so dirty. Ashamed. My colleague uses a rag to wipe the dust off the legs of a stool. They turn from gray to light. She shows me flakes of dust on the rag. This stool was there before. Currently, she has been gone for a long time.

    I dreamed that my husband and I were living with our parents again, and suddenly I remembered about our apartment, that we hadn’t been there for a long time. I go there, I come back and the apartment is all covered in dust, I start to wash everything, open the windows, ventilate, clean everything from dust.

    I entered the room and there was dust all around, as if no one had been there for a long time, and for some reason I started wiping off the dust with kerosene and I saw that it was becoming very clean and I liked it and I thought that all that was left to do was wipe the floors. And one of my bosses lies down on the floor straight into the dust, and I picked him up and laid him on the bed, and his hair was still in the dust, and I think that I need to shake off the dust from him too.

    Hello! In a dream, I was cleaning my parents’ house with some girl, but I don’t remember who it was. The house was too dirty and there was a lot of dust everywhere, the bed was not made, I remember clearly the moment when we swept the dust from the closet, it seems to me that it was my closet in my parents’ house, but I’m not sure about this, I didn’t sleep heavily sensations, but it seemed like it was commonplace. At the end, I almost finished everything, it was very clean and light and bright colors appeared, they called me in a dream and I woke up, but I still had the feeling that I didn’t finish everything there. In advance, thank you.

    Well, from the beginning I was on the bus, there were passengers, I don’t remember them, except for one. It was a boy of about six years old, he was dressed in winter clothes. Everything seemed fine and we were driving along, but suddenly the driver jumped out the window, for some reason I decided to jump behind the wheel, apparently so that an accident would not happen. I could reach the steering wheel, but couldn’t reach the pedal, and this guy decided to help me. He pressed the pedal, but not the one I expected, he pressed the gas and we rushed at high speed. We were driving along a cliff, at a turn we skidded and we fell into that same cliff. While we were flying down, I looked into the boy’s eyes, there was fear and misunderstanding in them, I closed it so that he wouldn’t get hurt. We fell into soft snow, no one was hurt, and even the driver came running. I got up, but the boy was gone, he was nowhere to be found, as if he never existed at all and none of the passengers asked about him. I watched this picture of how people got out of the bus, how onlookers gathered around to watch the accident. I decided to turn around and leave. As soon as I turned around, I saw a line going into some cultural center, and there was a line at the entrance. My friend is standing with his girlfriend and begging me, I approached, he said: where are you staggering, let’s hurry up and Dasha will perform (Dasha is my friend’s girlfriend). I go inside, there is a woman standing there accepting tickets, it turned out to be my classmate, but she was surprisingly old, even though we were the same age (I’m 21 years old). Then I went into the toilet, standing in front of the mirror in my jacket that I wore to my graduation. I look, and there is dust on it, there’s a lot of it, I started to brush it off, but it’s not getting smaller, I’m already slapping myself like a bandminton racket on a rug, and it just keeps climbing and climbing. I took off this jacket, and from the bag that I had, it’s not clear how, I took out a second jacket, put it on, everything is fine, nothing fits. I was about to go to the concert, and this boy appears and says: dust off your old jacket, it suits you better than this one, come on, for my sake. And I picked it up and started shaking it off again…. Well, then I woke up, I remember so few dreams, but this one really stuck in my mind)

    i dreamed that I was visiting my grandparents, where I lived all my life (my grandfather died recently). And my grandfather was sitting next to me (in the dream I knew he died and this is only his soul, and only I see him), and first he asked me to tell my uncle to pick up the bag of sugar standing next to him, then he showed the dust under the sofa. then he asked me to go with him and help him bring some potatoes. I went. there were 2 paths, both along the street, one on the inside, not dark but not bright either (ordinary daylight), or on the back side of the houses where it was very, very bright and light. I went from the inside... in the middle of the way I fell behind.

    a strong warm wind raises dust and dry earth, this happens during daylight hours, I stand covered in dust and earth, then someone very carefully lifts me and puts me, as I understand it, in the back of a car (like a Muscovite pie) everything inside is white .clean.like a cast-iron white bathtub, I feel very cramped, I’m scared of a closed space and hear voices from outside..trying to call for help.knocking..

    In the dream, I quickly sailed on a white yacht in a white dress in a noisy company of friends. I was wearing a long white dress, but I stained it with some brown dust and went to wash it by hand. There was still a white swing on the deck, but I was afraid to swing on it because of the danger of falling into the water. We floated down the river at breakneck speed and had fun.

    we arrived from far away and stopped by the road in the village, a gypsy woman came into our car at the request of her husband, and wiped off the dust in the car with a damp rag. And I was indignant why we had already arrived. To which he replied, so as not to wash me, there was also a girl nearby with I saw a beautiful Russian woman who ran away smiling

    There were 4 of us in my grandmother’s old house, of which I was the only one alive, the rest died. This is my older sister, grandmother and grandmother's sister. This house has already been sold. In general, grandma’s sister took grandma’s old black felt boots from the wardrobe and said: the felt boots are already overgrown with dust, but you can’t see them. I answer her: after all, no one uses felt boots, so they are covered in dust. She sat down on a chair and began to sweep away the dust with a brush. and the dust was only on the boot. That seemed to be it. (They were buried in the same cemetery and all three of them lie next to each other. On July 30, 2015, it was my sister’s birthday. My sister and I went there that day.)

    I go up the stairs, men follow me, I reached the stairwell, and there is a table covered with dust, I wipe it, next to there is some door to the office, there is a man standing next to him with a briefcase, I am talking to him.

    Hello Tatiana!
    It’s as if we are waiting for guests, and there is a table: round, without a tablecloth. On the table there are some dishes (serving dishes), glasses, etc., and on the table itself there is about a cm thick dust! And I am horrified (guests should arrive soon ), I take a rag and wipe off, very carefully, this dust. I remember how hard I tried, how I scraped this dust. But I didn’t have time to finish it, I remember well, there was literally a little left, but then I woke up (not by chance, actually , my cat woke me up to feed me). I don’t know whether I would have completely cleaned this table from dust or not if it weren’t for my cat!
    What does this dream mean, it would be very interesting to know your opinion.
    Thanks in advance. Best regards, Fotima

    Hello, today I dreamed about my father sweeping up the trash in my room with a broom, then I take the broom from him and start sweeping myself, and I tell him to go to another room, that I will clean everything myself. Then everything turns out to be dust, as if a cloud of impenetrable dust. I dust myself off and try to clean everything up by myself. Why did you dream about this? Thank you in advance!

    I arrived at the house of a man who has feelings for me. They showed me the house. Everything was in dust, as if the house hadn’t been cleaned for a long time. On the first floor, I seemed to meet his father, who approved of his son’s choice (he seemed to know about me). At first, I don’t remember who showed the house. But on on the second floor I saw a girl (in reality he has two sons). She showed her mother’s room. When I asked what she was doing, the girl cheerfully answered that she did nothing. The room looked more like an office. Then they told me that I needed to find “ him.” I walked around the rooms. I saw sleeping men (like his sons), with weapons lying next to them. I found him. He said that he had to take me back. I didn’t understand why. But he felt that I was not sure of what I was doing. The dream was very real, but as if it was black and white.

    Hello. At first I dreamed of my son in some children’s camp swimming in water, the camp is somewhere in my homeland, I don’t see the water itself. Then I dreamed of my now close person in the guise of a deceased husband, in the closet he found a thick layer of dust and began to remove it, then we went somewhere with him, and when we returned this closet was covered with ice

    In a dream I saw a daughter who was collecting bags of garbage on the street. The bags were white, full to the brim and tied. I asked why she needed such work? She replied that the work was normal, that she takes out garbage for 300 rubles for one bag. And then she opened it in some kind of car door and from there dust flew at me in clouds. I woke up in horror.

    I see in a dream how I drive up to a large multi-storey elite building - it was an apartment building by the sea. One of the apartments with a terrace seemed to belong to the father of my child, I took my daughter, for whom I had actually come, and got into the car with her to leave. Before my eyes, a hurricane wind begins to blow, which raises dust into the air, the gusts of this wind are so strong that before my eyes the house begins to collapse, folding like a house of cards, with all this, I do not feel any danger, as if all this is happening before my eyes , but this storm is completely harmless to me and my daughter. The house collapsed, there were only ruins and a lot of dust in the air, but again for some reason this did not affect either me or my daughter. We are simply observers of what is happening...

On the scale of the Universe, dust in a dream symbolizes Eternity, and in relation to each person - deception, delusion, sloppiness. What you dream of wiping off dust is interpreted in the dream book as an opportunity to recognize a lie and, thereby, avoid impending disasters.


According to Loff’s dream book, wiping dust with a rag from furniture, for example, from a table or cabinet in a dream, promises the prospect of plunging into the past, meeting an old acquaintance, and sitting with classmates.

For a girl, dreaming of wiping dirt off furniture foreshadows a clash with a former lover. Perhaps this unexpected meeting will give reason to think about renewing the relationship, but you should not harbor vain illusions.

If you dreamed that you had the opportunity to wipe away specks of dust with a rag from a school table and blackboard, the dream book predicts the opportunity to learn something new in real time from a sphere completely unfamiliar to the dreamer.

In a dream, wiping dust from furniture dumped in a closet, shed or attic - you will have the prospect of visiting the places where you grew up or spent your childhood. Perhaps you will visit your native land or visit old comrades.

If, during dust collection, the dreamer notices that he himself is covered with a layer of dirt, it means that in reality he will have a difficult period in his relationship with his significant other. Try not to remember past grievances or project your experiences onto new relationships.

According to the Modern Combined Dream Book, dreaming of wiping dust with a rag promises offensive gossip. Shaking off specks of dust from the dinner table promises a girl an interesting acquaintance or a romantic date that will develop into a long-term love affair.

Cleaning someone else's home

The dream of cleaning in someone else's house is explained in the dream book by the dreamer's excessive curiosity and activity. It’s better to put things in order in your own affairs and thoughts, and give those around you the opportunity to sort out their own worries. Sweeping with a broom in a house where no one lives means renewing old connections; washing floors in a dream means the arrival of old friends and the pleasant chores associated with them.

Miller's dream book describes what it means to dream of cleaning up someone else's house, and the upcoming troubles in the family and public spheres. If a young lady dreamed that she was not wiping dirt in her home, it means that in real time the dreamer is facing a long separation from her chosen one.

Wiping off the dust and watching in a dream how clubs spread throughout the room means that in reality you will encounter pompous, unpleasant and arrogant people, communication with whom will cause annoyance and irritation.

Cleaning things

According to Aesop’s dream book, to see in a dream how unfamiliar characters treat you with excessive attentiveness, carefully shaking off specks of dust from their clothes, foreshadows in reality finding good friends in an unusual environment for you. Another option for interpreting the dream prophesies fairly close contact with little-known people.

Dream Interpretation Dust

According to the dream book, dust and dirt are a very unfavorable phenomenon. Moreover, even in reality we are not delighted with this weightless misfortune. It spoils our aesthetic perception, mood, and also has a detrimental effect on our health. However, such a silent enemy has firmly settled in our homes, meeting us on the furniture, floor and even in the air. There is so much of it that the struggle seems absolutely pointless, exhausting with its endlessness.

But what does dust mean in dreams? The dirt that has penetrated even into night visions is a very important, but at the same time ambiguous symbol. Leading visionaries and psychologists will help us understand what awaits us in the near future.

What does the interpreter say?

Starting to analyze why dust is dreamed of, you need to decide in what role you were in the arms of Morpheus. Did you only see it when a strong wind rose around you, or did you perform routine work in which you removed it from furniture and cabinets? Or maybe unusual and even absurd stories awaited you?

If you dreamed of dust

Be an observer

Despite all our desires to get rid of this guest, sometimes we have to act only as silent observers and do nothing. Despite the inaction, this is a very important sign.

Dust and dirt

An unremarkable picture in a dream symbolizes your inner selectivity. You are demanding of yourself and other people and crave luxury and wealth. Miller's dream book claims that in the near future you will have to deal with a person who can ruin your reputation. Take a closer look at your surroundings and limit yourself from dubious connections.

You're covered in it

A strong wind blew and you found yourself in the mud? Or was it on you from the beginning? This is a sign of monetary losses and large losses. At the moment, you need to be very careful about the money you have and not agree to adventurous deals and risks.

Dusty clothes

A very important sign, especially for the fair sex. It means that there is a high risk of a serious quarrel with your significant other. Perhaps such a situation will not only cause a strong conflict, but will also lead to a breakup.

It is necessary to show wisdom, patience and come to a compromise that suits both parties.

Another man

Why do you dream of dust that you found not on the floor or furniture, but on a mysterious stranger? This is an indicator that you will hear unflattering comments about a person you know who is your friend. Only you can decide how to react to such rumors, because they may turn out to be false.


If the dust was golden

Such an interesting image, when dirt is painted into valuable metal, foreshadows cash flows and material stability. From now on you will not worry about financial issues. Miller's dream book states that the profit will be long-lasting and will be possible thanks to your persistent efforts the day before.

Falling from the sky

A strong wind is blowing and a weightless enemy is falling on you? A very good sign, indicating that you will soon have a lot of money. However, it is worth noting that success is short-term and may be associated with winning the lottery.

Carried away by the wind

But such an incident does not bode well. The family budget will suffer from unexpected expenses. According to Miller, the losses will be insignificant, but at the same time they will benefit not only your future, but also the entire family.

Participate in a dream

Why dream of dust when you had the opportunity not only to observe it, but also to take active action? Forecasters have an answer to this question as well.

Where did you have to clean?

Often, when we see dirt and dust, we have a desire to immediately get rid of it. If you happen to clean it up at night in your dreams, you need to remember where it happened.

  1. An old, abandoned house. Such a vision suggests that soon contact will be established with people who have been long forgotten to you. They will help in some matters, and in some cases they will allow you to climb up the career ladder.
  2. Barn. For good reason, you will have to go to distant places for some time. Seers claim that the area will be very familiar to you. Perhaps this is where you spent your entire childhood, or perhaps old friends live in that apartment.
  3. Church. Did you dream about the dust that you cleaned up in such a sacred place? In reality, an incredible event will happen that will force you to reconsider many things. Perhaps after it you will radically change your own worldview.
  4. Cabinet. A very favorable sign, indicating that you are a very valuable employee for management. You can safely expect recognition of your merits, as a result of which not only your salary, but also your position will increase.
  5. Dinner table. You probably have health problems right now or one of your relatives is sick. However, the interpreter claims that this problem will soon be resolved, and you will feel great.

If in your night dreams you are caught in a dust storm, then you should not make grandiose plans. Your future life is very unclear and unpredictable.

Other interpretations

Continuing to analyze what dust means in dreams, it is necessary to turn to other sources. They will help give a complete and reliable interpretation.

Women's dream book

According to this source, dust warns against meeting and communicating with unscrupulous people. It is necessary to be very careful about your own environment, in which there are deceitful and two-faced people. The interpreter also claims that there is a high probability of meeting a person who, behind a mask of sincerity, will try to use you for his own purposes.

Wiping furniture, sofas and cabinets from it is an indicator of your determination and willpower. Perhaps now you have temporarily lost control over the current situation, but this will not last long.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Why see dust in a dream according to this interpreter? Unfortunately, a period of poverty and misery awaits you. However, there will be close people with you who will help you get through this difficult, albeit long period.

If you see it in large quantities on furniture or things, then think about your own plans and dreams. There is a high probability that they are unrealistic and you are wasting your time. In the case when she was on the road, she will experience humiliation in front of a large number of people.

Despite the fact that dust is not a very good omen, do not despair. Now you are aware and can protect yourself from upcoming risks.

Your mark:

The dream book reports that dust on the floor represents the relationship between long-standing undertakings and the current state of affairs. Explanations of what the symbol means in dreams characterize the financial situation, relationships with others, and the prevailing moods of the sleeper. Seeing this sign in a dream happens shortly before big changes.

Miller warns

Interpreting why you dream of dust on the floor, Miller’s dream book warns that some future event can upset you to tears. What you see in a dream is identified with the unseemly actions of others. What you dreamed calls for you to be more selective.

In wealth or in poverty?

Often, dream books present predictions that are opposite in meaning, which symbolizes a lot of dust on the floor. Healer Akulina believes that a thick layer promises a lack of funds.

The summer dream interpreter claims that a lot of dust particles underfoot portends unexpected income. If you dream of cleaning, circumstances will be favorable to resolving an important issue.

Those who are determined to improve their quality of life by starting with things that have been undeservedly put on the back burner succeed in seeing a lot of dust.

Relationships: It's Complicated

Dream books explain in no less contradictory terms what dust on the floor in a dream promises for lovers. When you manage to see dust on the floor and do not try to eliminate it, in reality there is reason to suspect infidelity, and the risk of separation is increased.

If a girl dreamed of a guy tidying up her room, a long separation awaits. Wet cleaning in a dream means advice and love in romantic and family relationships. Singles will have a great chance to start a new romance.

Vacuum cleaner to the rescue

In the Esoteric prediction you can find explanations of why you dreamed of getting rid of dust on the floor with a vacuum cleaner. The modernized sanitary measure means it's time to get back to doing things that were put off until later. By correcting the mistakes of the past step by step, you can significantly improve the current situation.

If you dreamed of a vacuum cleaner in action, the Universal Dream Book promises a long journey. When you have to shake out the contents of the unit in a dream, the long-awaited news threatens to disappoint.

Within our own walls

Dream books will tell you why you dream of a particular room that needs cleaning:

  • Sweeping your own room happens on the eve of change;
  • Did you dream of washing linoleum in the hallway? A noisy company will arrive;
  • The living room has to be cleaned shortly before the desired visit;
  • If a person who is ill happens to wash the kitchen in a dream, he will soon recover;
  • Washing under the bed portends an addition to the family;
  • Sweeping verandas and balconies is dependent on public opinion;
  • Sweeping the entrance indicates a thirst for power and total control.

Mobile cleaning

A woman’s dream book will help you find out why you dream of wiping dust on the floor in your father’s house. Since you were lucky enough to see such a story, restore your old connections or have a chance to visit your native places. If you happen to wash dusty parquet floors in an unfamiliar house, news is coming to you.

Nobody likes dust in the house. This phenomenon does not add to our health, comfort and aesthetic pleasure in reality. People are constantly “at war” with it, trying to use special means to push it away from the surface of the furniture. But every day it appears in a new layer in the same place from where it was removed the day before. Some housewives do wet cleaning so zealously every day that they don’t stop doing it even at night in their dreams. Why do people dream about dust? As always, a dream book will help answer this question. Dust, he believes, can be interpreted in different ways, based on additional details seen by the dreamer in a dream.

Miller about dust in his Dream Book

  • The interpreter's dream book explains the plots of dreams in which dust was present as follows: it is possible that soon a person will have to have relationships in reality with people without principles, ideals and sound ideas about life. Miller recommends being vigilant in your interactions with others.
  • If a person dreams that dust covers him from head to toe, then in reality he should be wary of financial losses. The dream book recommends not taking part in risky projects, competitions and buying lottery tickets after similar stories in your night dreams
  • The dream book gives a separate meaning to such a dream for girls. Dust on the clothes of a young person promises the dreamer a quarrel with her loved one, which will lead to separation from him.
  • If we dream of people around us in the dust, then in reality we may find ourselves in a circle of gossips and intriguers.
  • Great dream about gold dust. When it rains down on the dreamer’s head in his dream, he will be lucky with his finances in the near future. Perhaps he will receive profit at work or an inheritance. But, if the gold dust is blown away by the wind, then the person will face significant losses.

Fight dust in a dream

  • The dream book associates the dust that a person has to wipe from his face in a dream with the dreamer’s waking habit of constantly making excuses to others.
  • If someone in a dream helps the sleeping person to cleanse himself of dust, then most likely in real life the dreamer will have a friend or loved one who is ready to do anything for him.
  • All activities related to wet cleaning in a dream are also explained to us by the dream book. The dust that we have to fight in our dreams predicts a quick repair or rearrangement in our own home. Also, such a plot may indicate that it is time to change something in your personal life.
  • When a dreamer wipes furniture in a dream, in reality he should prepare for the unexpected arrival of welcome guests. If he washes a dusty floor in a dream, unexpected visitors will bring trouble and fuss to his house.
  • Knocking out a carpet in your dream means getting rid of a number of problems in real life.

Dust location

  • Dust in an old house appears in our dreams as a reminder of our old friends. If you sweep it, then forgotten relationships will be renewed.
  • When the sleeper has to clean the barn and wipe the dust from the furniture dumped there, he will have to spend the near future in the city of his childhood, where he will meet his old comrades.
  • Wiping dust in a church in your dream means rethinking your waking life. After such scenes in dreams, even avid atheists turn to God and may even begin to behave religiously.
  • When a sleeper sees himself in a dream, removing dust from a table, then his illness will pass in reality and a complete recovery will occur.
  • Cleaning up the office in a dream means hearing well-deserved praise from your boss in reality. Perhaps management will even consider it necessary to reward the dreamer.
  • Getting caught in a dust storm in a dream means the dreamer’s position in reality is unclear. The Dream Interpretation recommends not making grandiose plans for the future in this case.

Dust in a dream - illness in reality

  • A dream in which the dreamer lies in road dust is considered unfavorable. In reality, he may experience skin diseases from harmful microbes entering the body. The dream book recommends not visiting a bathhouse, sauna, gym or other crowded places in the near future after such stories.
  • Carefully trying to wash dusty clothes in a dream means a distrustful attitude towards everything that surrounds the dreamer in reality. The dream book advises not to look at the world with too much skepticism.

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