What is the dream book for Vanga? Vanga's dream book. Interpretation of dreams and meaning of dreams. The meaning of dreams according to Vanga’s dream book

The great seer Vangelia Pandeva Guterova (later popularly known as Vanga) was born on January 31, 1911, in a small village in the Republic of Macedonia, into a far from wealthy family. Her father was a poor peasant. The name Vangelia means, translated from Greek, “Brings good news.”

In our online Dream Book of Vanga you will find interpretations of dreams and free interpretations of dreams from the famous clairvoyant.

At the beginning of the First World War, Vanga’s father was mobilized into the ranks of the Bulgarian army, and her mother suddenly died of a serious illness; at that time the girl was not yet four years old. Vanga's father returned from the war and married a second time. After some time, the family moved to their father’s homeland in another village, not far from the former village.

When Vanga was twelve years old, in 1923, she had to face an event that radically changed her future life. While playing with other children not far from the house, clouds suddenly gathered and thunder struck, the children ran away. A strong wind formed a whirlwind that lifted the running Vanga, carried her more than a hundred meters above the ground, and then threw her to the ground.
Vanga lay unconscious, her eyes were covered with sand. A passer-by accidentally saw her, picked her up and carried her to her parents.

As a result of this incident, Vanga became blind. In 1925, Vanga was sent to the House of the Blind, where she spent time until she came of age. There Vanga learned reading, needlework and cooking.
After some time, Vanga’s father came and took her home.

Since then, Vanga's life has become terrible. Poverty forced her to work tirelessly. In 1930, Vanga caught a cold and, as a result, contracted polio. The illness was very serious, but the incredible happened: Vanga quickly recovered and was soon completely cured. After recovery, she developed the ability to clairvoyance. Fearing that she might be called crazy, she did not tell anyone about her clairvoyance ability. But she still couldn’t hide it for long. In 1940, Vanga informed her friends about the upcoming war, who did not believe her. And only when Hitler entered Yugoslavia with troops, Vanga was recognized as a people's seer.

Day after day, many people came to her, asking for help. Boris III himself, the Bulgarian Tsar, paid her a visit. In 1942 she got married and she and her husband moved to Petrich. In 1967, Vanga was officially registered as a civil servant. The money that people paid for visiting went into the state treasury.

The seer predicted many events, such as: the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the September 11 terrorist attack in the United States, the end of the Second World War, etc.

On August 10, 1996, the heart of the great Vanga could not stand it. The cause of her death was breast cancer. She also predicted the exact date of her death and the unexpected news about a girl who was born in France and endowed with the ability to predict the future. According to Vanga, this girl will be a world-famous clairvoyant.

Interpretations of Vanga's dream book

During her life, Vanga not only predicted the future, but also interpreted dreams. Vanga’s Dream Book was compiled on the basis of her interpretations of dreams.

Vanga's dream book is an invaluable asset to all people. With the help of Vanga’s dream book, many residents of not only Bulgaria, but also other countries were able to get an interpretation of their dreams.

Vanga's dream book has long been part of their daily life.

Vanga's dream book is available in the House of the Sun online. Use the search in Vanga’s dream book or search for interpretation of dreams using the alphabetical index.

    Dreams are interesting things, and their influence on our lives is obvious. Because this is a real song, the voice of our subconscious, and it is never wrong and is always right in every detail. You should trust dreams, perhaps even much more than... than... than those who lay out the cards. Because hands can make mistakes, but the soul and its signals sent to all of us in dreams are never wrong.

    Dreams are often forgotten after waking up, and this is a pity. It happens that you dream of something very clearly, as if part of reality, and then it is forgotten, and very quickly. Thank you very much for the tips, immediately after waking up I will now begin to lay out and write down my dreams, I also need to start a dream diary. Everything is reflected there. The topic is interesting, after all, mysterious, intriguing.

    An article very rich in new knowledge, definitely a favorite. I think it can be useful to many people; dreams, after all, are dreamed by everyone, everyone, from young to old. So this is how it will be interpreted, the options are different and each is interesting. Well, I’ve already heard about Vanga, she is a fortuneteller and a lot has come true, so special attention is paid to her gift and the dream book of her name.

    I recently started a dream diary, so often I dream about something interesting and exciting, but then it often happens that even the most interesting dream just flew out of my head. And then you regret, how come I remember that there was something very, very interesting! But now I don’t forget, except for rare cases when I just woke up and immediately forgot. But it’s good that this rarely happens to me) I decided to start a diary after reading this article, for which many thanks to the author)

    Dreams, it seems to me, are a great way to communicate with our subconscious. It constantly wants to tell us something, and the only way to convey it to us is through dreams. Therefore, I am sure that by regularly engaging in dream interpretation, you can significantly improve your life and bring harmony into it.

    I have always believed that dreams are a reflection of our experiences during the day. All the things we fear, all the emotions. I don’t want to be skeptical about this, but I’m an adult and I rarely see dreams, so I don’t believe in all this. And I’m not trying to understand, but I read the article with interest. I would advise my wife to read this in her spare time, she often has dreams. And I believe that there is a logical explanation for everything.

    Everything is wonderful in this article, everything is sorted into detail: what dreams are, what they are like, and so on. Yes, that’s right, the stronger a person is, the less he pays attention to his dreams. The dreams of sick people are especially exciting; they are waiting for a signal about recovery. You convinced that dreams can be solved, but people like me do not look for these clues. Although, of course, I agree that dreams contain a lot of information and so on.

    During my life, I have seen prophetic dreams many times, which did not come true immediately, but after a long time. A lot of time has passed, but I remember them, as if I had just dreamed about them. My late grandmother, born in the first decade of the last century, was a very religious person. And I don’t know what dream books she relied on, but she knew how to solve many dreams. And I still remember the meanings of many of its clues and they are always accurate. But now I am very tormented by one question: I have been dreaming for a long time, with constant frequency, of the apartment in which I lived with my parents and brother (all of them are no longer alive) as a child (from 8 to 33 years old) and left there 20 years ago. In real life, I don’t think or remember about her, but she constantly comes to me in my dreams?

    I’ve always been driven by this whole topic with dreams) I’m too much of a believer and I have to check what the next dream means. My husband is already swearing and telling me not to believe all this nonsense, but I still believe damn it...) At least I had prophetic dreams, this does not deny the fact that dreams have some kind of mystical effect. I wish you only good and sweet dreams!)

    Dreams are one of the unsolved mysteries of the 21st century, but now it is clear how much they influence our lives. I read many articles on this topic, but what I liked about yours is that you can see the meaning of what I dreamed right on the website. What dream book do you use?

    I had a dream! I walked into the school locker room in sandals and a summer dress, there are just hangers divided by class and I go and look... I studied at these hangers in the “b” grade and I look at 11 b and remember how I went to this particular one locker room..then like a chalk 6b then 3b...and I remember my childhood...and little kids running around there...I’m an adult already...and I had such a feeling...that time has flown by and I really want to go back to that time...such a dream

dream book

dream interpretation online

Biography of the author of the dream book Vanga

The world-famous Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Surcheva at birth) comes from the small village of Strumica, which is located in the territory of today's Macedonia. “Good news” is how the name Vangel sounds in translation from Greek. She was born into a poor family in 1911, on January 31.

Vanga’s online Dream Book will help in the interpretation of dreams; here, completely free of charge, are the transcripts of dreams from the seer, who during her lifetime had the wonderful gift of reading the past and future of any person.

Vangelia’s childhood was difficult: her mother died of illness when the baby was just over three years old. At this time, my father was drafted into the army, as the First World War began. The girl was taken in by neighbors with whom she lived until her father returned. After the war, Pande Surchev found another wife and moved his family to another village.

The summer of 1923 radically changed the life of a twelve-year-old girl. During a severe thunderstorm, a sudden tornado arose, in the whirlpool of which Vanga found herself, either she was playing nearby and did not have time to escape, or the whirlwind caught her in the field from where she was returning - Vanga’s biographers disagree on this issue. The elements lifted the girl and dragged her more than hundreds of meters above the ground and abandoned her. They found her already unconscious, with her eyes filled with sand.

The father and stepmother tried to treat the girl, but they never found money for eye surgery. Four years later, Vanga became completely blind and was placed in a boarding school for the blind in Serbia. The care for the sick in the institution was good: the girl learned to embroider, cook and even read books for the blind. After she came of age, her father took her home, since her stepmother died during childbirth and there was no one to work at home or care for her little brothers and sisters.

Constant poverty and hard physical labor undermined the young woman’s health. Having become seriously ill with polio and having been laid up for some time, she managed to pull herself out of a hopeless state. Almost a miracle happened: Vanga was completely cured of this disease, which was rare for that time.

From this moment on, it is generally accepted that she developed clairvoyance and healing abilities. The girl did not advertise her gift, she was afraid that no one would believe her and would call her a charlatan. Once, in 1940, she voiced information among her friends that war would soon begin, but no one paid attention to this. The war began and fascist troops entered Yugoslavia. After several more predictions, which invariably came true, Vanga was recognized as a clairvoyant.

Among the first high-ranking visitors was Boris III, the Bulgarian Tsar. Then rumor began to spread and those who came to her as a healer or clairvoyant began to beat the doorsteps of the house.

In 1942, she married Dimitar Gushterov, who took her to Petrich, where Vanga lived most of her life. The seer never took money for her good deeds; she was content with the gifts that people brought. Everything changed in 1967, when the state took Vanga under its wing, and now she received wages as a civil servant. Visitors paid money to the treasury: in those years, one visit for people from socialist countries cost 10 leva, and 50 dollars for those who came from capitalist countries.

Vanga left behind many accurate predictions. She warned about the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. I saw exactly when and how the Second World War would end. She predicted the terrorist attack that occurred on September 11 in New York and much more.

Vanga died in 1996 from cancer, knew about her illness and did not allow herself to be treated: she also foresaw her death.

Interpretations according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga was not only involved in predictions and healing, she could also freely read dreams. Her dream interpretations were always accurate. Vanga's online Dream Book is compiled based on her interpretations.

Vanga’s dream book is rightfully considered one of the most reliable and popular among people not only in Bulgaria, but throughout the world.

Anyone who turns to Vanga's Dream Book will find answers to their questions.

The interpretation of dreams according to Vanga's Dream Book is available online. For ease of use, an alphabetical index is built in.

Search Vanga’s online Dream Book and your dream will be deciphered. Dreams will reveal their secrets to you.

Vanga's dream book: dreams - alphabetically


Seeing an angel in a dream is a good sign. Calm and very happy times await you.

To see an angel above the head of someone close to you in a dream is a harbinger that this person’s soul will soon depart to another world. If in a dream you see an angel behind the back of a person unknown to you, then in a not so distant time you will receive unexpected news about the death of a high-ranking, noble person known to you personally.

If in a dream an angel calls you to heaven, then such a dream warns you of a serious illness that threatens your body. Contact your doctors, they will help you.


In a dream, a tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings, overcoming obstacles or an unattainable dream.

If in a dream you climb the steps to the top of the tower with great difficulty, this is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles before achieving your goal.

A dream in which you see a tall, beautiful tower in front of you symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires that overwhelm your heart.

If in a dream a tower fell and collapsed, and you are standing among the rubble, this means that you will destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions.

On the river bank you build a tower of sand, which is washed away by the wave - this symbolizes deep disappointment that all your efforts will be in vain and will only come true in your fantasies.

A dream in which you jumped from a high tower and did not crash is a sign that you will have to make a very important and responsible decision, the result of which depends only on you.

If in a dream you are inside a tower that is about to collapse and wandering along the stairs in search of a way out, in reality you will become a witness or participant in social upheaval.

In a dream, you are building a high tower and stacking huge and heavy stones yourself - this means that in reality you will be able to overcome all the hardships of life in order to achieve what you want.


The appearance of this symbol in a dream should not be perceived as something tragic. According to the biblical interpretation, illness is sent to people as punishment for sins committed and to purify thoughts, feelings, and actions. For a person, this symbol is a warning that the time has come to reconsider one’s position and life values.

A dream in which you saw yourself suffering from a serious and incurable illness indicates that in reality you committed an ugly act and in your soul you condemn yourself for a momentary weakness.

Seeing someone close to you sick in a dream is a sign that in reality your loved ones need support and attention.

In a dream, you saw crowds of people on the scorched earth, dying in the streets from a serious and incurable disease - this dream foreshadows an environmental disaster caused by the use of bacteriological weapons. Perhaps you will witness this disaster.

Seeing yourself in a dream recovering from a serious illness means that in reality you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation.

If in a dream a person close to you died of a serious illness, this means damaged relationships and personal problems.


A vase is a symbolic image in a dream of a vessel of the soul.

If you see a beautiful, clean vase, it means that pleasant impressions await you, nothing will overshadow your peace of mind, you managed to find harmony and now it is important not to lose it.

In a dream, breaking a vase is a very bad sign, which foreshadows mental pain and bitterness; your heart will break with pity and powerlessness, but you will be powerless to change anything.

A vase of flowers means that you, without knowing it, will greatly help someone in trouble, just by talking to him and sharing your thoughts.

A vampire

In a dream, a vampire is a symbol of terrible changes, fatal events that will bring a lot of suffering and blood.

If a vampire attacks you in a dream, it means that in reality a cruel blow of fate will fall on you, and perhaps you will lose someone close and dear to you.

A dream in which you turn into a vampire foretells that you yourself, through carelessness or excessive self-confidence, will expose your life to danger, which can only be avoided by a miracle, if at all.

Seeing a vampire drinking blood means a long and painful illness for a loved one.

In a dream, killing a vampire means in reality you will happily avoid events that could cripple your life.


A wedding in dreams is like a test of your feelings for your loved one.

In a dream, being present at the wedding of a young couple means in reality once again experiencing a heightened sense of closeness and kinship with your other half.

If you dreamed that you were getting married, then this predicts not so much a legal and carnal union, but a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will walk a common path together, share troubles and joys.

In a dream, acting as a priest performing a wedding ceremony means in reality experiencing a shock associated with the premonition of trouble threatening a loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere in current events. They are not under your control because they are under the control of God.


A rope in a dream is a symbol of the fate destined for the dreamer.

If in a dream a rope breaks in your hands, then in reality your life will be in mortal danger, which you will be able to avoid only by being careful and forethought.

Tying knots in a rope - such a dream warns that you are getting involved with the wrong people, so expect big troubles, and the best way out for you is to break off relations with this group.

A very long rope in a dream predicts a long life, but this does not mean that it will be carefree. Do not lose your vigilance and do not take unnecessary risks, because such a long life is not given to a person for nothing.

Unraveling a rope or untying numerous knots on it - soon you will be freed from the power of an unworthy person over you, and this will become a decisive event in your life, after which you will be able to reveal your abilities and carry out your plans.

To tie something with a rope - you do not have the right to interfere in the destinies of the people around you, by your involvement in their problems you are inviting trouble for yourself, even your sincere desire to help should be overcome, because this is not your destiny.


Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away sins and oblivion.

In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new quality, along with many people around you.

If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of an impending wave of cosmic influence, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world.

Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions.

If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people.

Drowning in water means in reality resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which your health will be damaged and your life will be shortened.

Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream means you will have difficulty withstanding the coming changes, but by surviving this stormy event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.


Seeing war in a dream is a very bad omen, which promises pestilence and famine, difficult times for adults and children, and especially for young people - they will have to fight and die.

If you are participating in a war, then such a dream means that troubles will affect you or your loved ones, and if you do not have time to hide, you are destined to experience your own and common grief.


The raven is a sad messenger, announcing with its cry and even its very appearance about misfortunes and troubles.

If you dreamed of a flock of crows circling in the air, then soon there will be a military conflict, many people will suffer, the earth will be covered with corpses, and they will not have time to bury the dead, so there will be a feast for the crows and sorrow, mourning for the people.

Seeing a screaming raven is a sure sign that death is looming over your house, you need to pray, and salvation will come.

A dream in which crows build nests in trees foreshadows a disease that will strike people and livestock, so that they will stop eating animal meat. Salvation will be found in water, herbs, prayers and mercy.

If crows completely cover the ground (field) with their flock, then such a dream predicts a lean year, bread will be expensive, and the birds will not find grains, they will die in large numbers, if they are not saved, flying to the southeast, where there will be a harvest.

To kill a raven in a dream - in reality you will be powerless in the face of the fatal illness of someone close to you, medicines will not help, no matter how much you rely on them and on doctors, only compassion and patience at the bedside of a dying person will make his last days in this world bright. In a dream, you kill a black bird (a fatal disease), considering it the source of suffering, in fact, death is a relief for the patient, and he knows it, and you need to come to terms with it.


In a dream, this symbol means surprise, news, separation, ill-wisher, expenses.

A dream in which you are preparing for the arrival of guests in reality foreshadows the boring monotony of life. It is unlikely that you will be able to brighten up your life in the near future.

The appearance of an unexpected guest means news that you will receive from an ill-wisher.

Seeing yourself as a guest in a dream is a sign that in real life you will face large financial expenses.

In a dream, you were expecting guests, but no one came - in real life, this dream promises you separation from your loved one or someone close to you.

A dream in which an unfamiliar blond woman comes to visit you means a serious illness or death.

In a dream, you are preparing for the arrival of a guest.

There was a knock on the door, but upon opening it, you were convinced that the mysterious guest had disappeared - this is a sign that in real life you should not be afraid of the machinations of ill-wishers. Circumstances will develop in such a way that all their plans will be revealed.

Sitting at a party at an empty table means empty promises and betrayal.

Seeing dead people at home foreshadows an unexpected turn of fate.


In a dream you saw a funeral procession in which a coffin was being carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - in reality this terrible dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age.

An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship.

If in a dream you walk in a funeral procession and carry a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles.

A dream in which you forcefully hammer nails into a coffin lid means that in real life you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses.

Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous disaster.

A coffin covered with earth means the presence of terrible, incomparable evil.


This symbol is considered in a dream to be a manifestation of the divine will, a sign. In some cases, a thunderstorm means conflict, fear, news, anger.

In a dream, you were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunderclaps - this dream indicates that you are leading a far from righteous life, so you can consider this dream a warning from above.

A dream in which you are caught in a heavy thunderstorm means that in real life a protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think.

The thunderstorm passed by, and not a drop of rain fell on you - in reality, thanks to your resourcefulness and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, you will be able to avoid the unfair anger of your superiors.

If lightning strikes your house during a thunderstorm, this portends unexpected news.

You dreamed that streams of thunderstorm rain were flooding the house, you were trying to hide from the impending flood, but all attempts were to no avail. The entire space around is filled with water, and it rises higher and higher. Not only your home, but also all living things around you are immersed in water. A thunderous downpour demolishes tall houses and buildings like empty shells, and soon everything around disappears behind its curtain. This dream foreshadows an environmental disaster from which you could suffer seriously.


Finding money in a dream is evidence that someone around you is preparing great evil against you. Do not take other people’s things, even if they lie unattended in a remote place, for it is through them that unclean people send damage to good people, believers.

If you dreamed that you were receiving money, then people around you see you as a generous, kind person who is always ready to help in difficult moments of life.

Seeing torn money in a dream is a bad omen. Torn money symbolizes poverty, hunger and robbery. Perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of a robbery committed on your home.

If in a dream you counted money, then in real life you are a very petty person. You need to reconsider your attitude towards money, because it will never replace human relationships.

Handing money to someone in a dream means that you will soon need a lot of funds to successfully complete the business you have started.


Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you have many small problems ahead, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend those around you.

To see crying children in a dream - the dream foreshadows world danger. There will come a time when men will go to war, women will do things unusual for them, and children will shed a lot of tears. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies troubles from his children or the children of close relatives.

If you dreamed about disabled children, then your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of the people around you. Sometimes such a dream prophesies an environmental disaster on the planet.

If you saw your children in a dream, then you should be more careful in your relationships with your family. It is quite possible that your actions and words greatly offend them.

Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.

Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job you like, but despite your search, you will have to spend some more time at the old unloved job, which deprives you of your last strength.


Seeing a crooked road in a dream is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions make you want the best. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t come to your senses, then two paths await you: to the cemetery or to prison.

If you dreamed of a straight, wide road, then in real life you are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path. After some time, you will have a stable job, a stable financial situation and a beloved family.

Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands or loves you, but this is far from the case.

Find peace by turning to God, and your life will improve.

Paving a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life, becoming a truly great person. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your difficult times.

If in a dream you are walking along a dusty road, this means that there are many lying, evil people around you who are trying to harm you by any means, discrediting your good name in the eyes of your loved ones.

Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial situation. But everything will work out in the end.

Walking along a cobblestone road in a dream is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path towards your goal.


If you saw your soul in a dream, then such a dream testifies to your piety. You will think several times before you do anything. You are known to those around you as an honest, noble, merciful and religious person.

If you dreamed that your soul was separated from your body, then such a dream prophesies a serious illness or death. Your soul, one of the few, will be allowed to return to Earth in a different form after the death of your body. If you see that a person’s soul has separated from his body, then soon you will receive sad news about the death or fatal illness of a loved one.

Asking in a dream for the salvation of your soul is a sign that the circumstances of your life will develop in such a way that you will turn to God for help. Only after this will you be able to find peace and harmony.


The unicorn is the personification of purity, happiness and prosperity.

If a unicorn passes by you in a dream, it means that good luck will soon await you, it will be easier for you than ever, everyone will call it luck, but in fact your well-being will be deserved, you yourself will understand what caused it, why it was given .

Feeding a unicorn from your hands - in reality you will experience bliss that people rarely experience. You will receive a rare and expensive gift from fate, after which you cannot remain ungrateful.

A dream in which you see a unicorn being killed or dying predicts misfortune and suffering due to the fault of evil people who live for profit; you will know this and worry, but you will not be able to correct this situation. The perpetrators will be punished and calm will be restored.

If you manage to pet a unicorn, then such a dream says that you are undeservedly taking advantage of the benefits that you have. You should thank not only fate for them, but also the people around you. Until you acknowledge this with your soul and realize it with your mind, you will not experience true happiness.

Chasing a unicorn in a dream or trying to catch it - in reality you are putting a lot of effort into achieving your goal. But your goal may not be worth the effort you're expending. Think about this so you don't end up with disappointment.


A dream in which you are wandering under the scorching rays of the sun in search of water means that all your thoughts and feelings are aimed exclusively at the material side of life. Therefore, in reality, you lack spiritual communication and support.

In a dream, you quench your thirst with cold spring water - this is a sign of spiritual cleansing and forgiveness.

You are thirsty, but the water you drink is cloudy and dirty. This dream is a warning, since in real life you tend to get pleasure at any cost. In this dream, muddy and dirty water symbolizes such a terrible vice as drug addiction. You should be careful as you are prone to this terrible disease.

You dreamed of a terrible drought, people are dying of thirst, since all the reservoirs have dried up and not a drop of water can be found. You are ready to give anything for a drop of water. The thirst becomes unbearable, it seems that the mouth is full of heavy and hot sand. You only think about where to find at least a drop of life-giving moisture.

This dream foreshadows an environmental disaster. Every year military technology becomes more and more sophisticated, and sooner or later this could end in disaster not only for humanity, but for the entire planet.


Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life. If you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future humanity will face a terrible famine as a result of a long drought.

Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. People will anger God - and he will shake the Earth.

Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and interesting things.

If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth, then in the not too distant future our planet will face icing. A long winter will come, and the earth will be covered with an ice crust for several years.

To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis.

Discovering a new land in a dream is a sign of good luck in all matters.


Looking at your reflection in the mirror in a dream is a sign that in real life you are very interested in what other people think about you. You very often look at your life as if from the outside, trying to analyze your actions and deeds. If you look in the mirror but do not see your reflection, then such a dream suggests that you are in the power of an evil spirit that is doing evil with your hands. Turn to God, for you have a hard life ahead of you.

Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is a prophecy of great grief. Suffering and tears await you.

Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream is a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: whether you will live richly and happily, how many children you will have, whether others will respect you, and even the day of your death. Remember that “the ways of the Lord are mysterious” and no one living today can answer all your questions with exact certainty. Constantly turning to various predictors and guessing yourself, you only attract the attention of evil spirits.


Seeing a snake crawling on the ground in a dream is evidence that you will soon have a fight with your worst enemy, who, after secret intrigues against you, will decide on open war. If the crawling snake is poisonous, then it is unlikely that you will be able to defeat this person, because he is stronger and more insidious than you. If the crawling snake is non-venomous, then you can easily deal with your enemy, using his machinations against him.

Seeing a ball of snakes in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of angry, envious people around you who wish you the collapse of your career, unhappiness in your family life, and even death. You should be more careful in communicating with all your acquaintances, because what you say in a fit of passion will serve you badly.

If you were bitten by a snake in a dream, then in real life you will be deeply disappointed in a loved one. For a long time you will look for the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it will not even occur to you that this is the work of a person you trust. Most likely, he resorted to the powers of black magic, making it his goal to make your life miserable.

Seeing a snake peacefully curled up in a dream is a harbinger that your enemies are just waiting for the right moment to deal you a strong blow, from which you most likely will not be able to recover.

If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person’s neck, then such a dream is a bad sign. Apparently, you will be among the first to learn about the fatal illness of a loved one. You will need to show great willpower to inform the patient’s relatives about it and help your loved one live their last days with dignity and humility.

Seeing a giant snake in a dream is a prophecy of a great tragedy. There will come a time when Satan in human form will be planted on Earth. This will be a time of hunger, poverty, violence, human suffering, theft and the death of millions of people living on our planet.

Killing a snake in a dream is a sign that humanity in the future, realizing how important it is to believe in God, will reopen all churches and temples. The evil spirits will retreat, seeing that people have become more merciful and wiser.


Seeing icons in a house in a dream - such a dream predicts that a religious conflict will break out in your country, resulting in casualties and great damage. It will take years for peace to be restored.

Removing icons from the wall - such a dream suggests that a crisis of faith will come when people stop living according to the laws of God, and this will cost them dearly, they will punish themselves.

If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.


If you confess in a dream, it means that in reality you will commit an unworthy act, for which you will be ashamed, but you will hide it from everyone, although you will worry and repent in your soul.

A dream in which you confess to someone as a priest predicts a difficult period when many of your friends and acquaintances will need your help, but it will not be easy for you to console them. Because your soul will be restless and you will have to suffer along with them.

Overhearing someone's confession in a dream means that in reality you will have a long conversation on the topic of faith, religion, which will make you think once again about your attitude and position in life, because it will touch the innermost strings of your soul.


In a dream, this symbol means wisdom, knowledge, foresight.

In front of you are huge shelves lined with books, there are a lot of them, and you just can’t choose the right one. This dream means that in real life you find it difficult to choose your life path.

In a dream, you hold a book in your hands and read inscriptions in a language unfamiliar to you - in reality you will discover abilities hidden in yourself until now.

Seeing a book with torn pages in a dream is a sign that you will make a rash decision that will ruin all your plans.

A dream in which you receive a book as a gift is a symbol of your wisdom and insight. Perhaps you yourself are not aware of the existence of such a gift.

Seeing an old magic book in your hands is a sign of sinfulness and fall. In real life, your actions are dictated by selfishness.


The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.

In a dream, you put a ring on the hand of your loved one - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand foreshadows unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you just can’t choose the right ring size for yourself, this means that in real life you do not feel heartfelt affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.


In a dream, this symbol means petition, protection from evil, renewal.

The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain on your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor.

Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes.

In a dream you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such a necessary character quality as the ability to forget and forgive insults.

You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you saw a large cross - this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will certainly be punished by higher powers. In reality, you have lost faith in the justice of this truth.


Blood in a dream is associated with family ties, retribution, and conflicts.

A dream in which you are trying to stop the blood flowing from a wound symbolizes your longing for a deceased loved one.

If in a dream you saw blood on your clothes, this is a sign that the action of a loved one will jeopardize your reputation.

In a dream, you defended yourself and hit your enemy so hard that blood splashed from his wound on you - this dream predicts that any intervention in a quarrel between loved ones can result in serious consequences for you.

You dream that you are drinking cold and tasty water from a river. But suddenly the water in the river begins to darken and before your eyes turns into thick blood. You notice with horror that your hands, mouth and clothes are stained with this blood. This dream is a warning. There is a long-standing curse on your family that will not hesitate to destroy your life and the lives of your loved ones. Evil fate will haunt you until you ask forgiveness from the Creator for the sins of which your ancestors are guilty.


Wandering through the intricate passages of a labyrinth in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that in reality you are not satisfied with your life, it seems to you that you are constantly doing something new, trying to improve your life, but in fact you are marking time. Be more active, because life will pass you by unnoticed.

If you dreamed that you could not find a way out of the maze, then in real life a very difficult period awaits you. You are about to experience great grief, from which you will not recover soon. You may even be haunted by the thought that your life is already over, but do not despair, because for all your suffering you will be rewarded.

If in a dream you found a way out of the labyrinth, then such a dream suggests that your life will soon improve. The most important thing is to always go towards your cherished goal, not forgetting about your eternal traveling companion - the Lord God.

Looking for someone in a maze in a dream is evidence that very soon you will need the help of a person whom you once greatly offended. You will try to establish the same relationship with him, looking for ways to reconcile, but, apparently, this will be very difficult to do. Sometimes such a dream prophesies a too difficult path to cherished goals. When making your plans, you didn’t even think about how much time and effort you would need to implement them.

If in a dream you are hiding in a labyrinth, then such a dream means that in the future you will become very confused in your affairs. Perhaps, to achieve your goals, you will even commit something criminal, and therefore you will be forced to hide for a long time in order to avoid justice. Sometimes such a dream indicates the dreamer’s loneliness for one simple reason: he avoids communicating with others.

If a monster is chasing you through the labyrinth, then soon the whole world will know about the appearance on Earth of a terrible monster, whose appearance will resemble long-extinct dinosaurs. This monster will be very aggressive and will cause a lot of trouble for earthlings, for the forces of darkness will send it to our planet, wanting to punish humanity.

Seeing the full moon in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream foreshadows that bad times will soon await the Earth. The forces of Satan will descend on our planet: witches, sorcerers who will seize power and make life throughout the world unbearable.

If you dreamed of a bright red or crimson moon, then in the near future the Earth is threatened by an environmental disaster that will claim hundreds of lives. A catastrophe will happen when people notice the bloody moon in the sky, because it will become a sad reminder of the harm they have caused to nature.

Seeing dark spots on the Moon in a dream is a prophecy of great danger that will come to Earth from space. Perhaps the planet is threatened by a huge meteorite.

Watching the reflection of the moon in water in a dream is a sign that your expectations will be disappointed. In your business, you rely on a person who will let you down at the first opportunity.

If you saw moonlight in a dream, then such a dream foreshadows an exciting journey to distant lands. The trip will be unexpected and very pleasant.

Seeing a split Moon in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies the emergence of a new religion on Earth, which will cause people to renounce the Lord. God will not forgive people for their infidelity, and therefore the world is threatened by war, violence and robbery.

If you dreamed that you were flying to the moon, then such a dream is a harbinger of space expeditions. In the future, stations will be built on many planets that people can visit. Space expeditions will become very commonplace and simple.


Mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future of your family.

If you dreamed of your mother as she currently is in reality, it means that you do not expect serious changes in the near future; your family affairs are under control.

Seeing a crying mother in a dream is a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, scandal or even family breakdown, but since you received a warning, you have time to prevent and correct all this.

If in a dream you quarrel with your mother or she hits you, then this means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no one to blame for this event, everyone will be victims.

A dream in which your mother is young and sings a lullaby to you means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the family, while she needs your constant attention. Don't miss the moment - now you can still maintain warm and trusting relationships with your loved ones.


In a dream, seeing your own grave is a harbinger of a shock, an unusual event that will change your destiny not for the better.

If you dreamed of several graves, this means that a chain of unfavorable events awaits you ahead, with each of which you will lose more and more confidence in your abilities, and only prayers will return hope to you.

An abandoned, unkempt grave is a sign of confusion, internal devastation, loss of direction in life, melancholy and despair, which will pass thanks to a new acquaintance with a wise and sympathetic person.


Hearing the words of prayer in a dream is even worse for someone you know than for you. He needs help, but is ashamed to ask for it. Show compassion and attention to the suffering person, and your affairs will go smoothly.

If you pray in a church in a dream, it means that you will soon feel relief; fate will decree that you will rejoice more than suffer.


Lightning is a sign of destruction and misfortune.

Seeing lightning in the sky in a dream means fires, which will not only cause destruction and leave many homeless, but also bring death and respiratory diseases.

If you dreamed that lightning struck a house or tree and set it on fire, then this means that you are about to witness heavenly wrath, which will punish many people for their sins - ungodly thoughts and deeds.


A bridge in a dream means hope, a promise, an oath. If in a dream you are driving or walking along a bridge and suddenly it falls under you, this means that soon you will be betrayed by a person whom you are accustomed to trust. You will experience this meanness hard, but in the end you will justify and forgive the traitor.

A dream in which you are building a bridge foreshadows a difficult period for you due to the fact that you will take on a huge burden of obligations to other people.

Walking across a bridge for a long time - such a dream predicts shame and remorse for you, since you will not fulfill your promise.


In a dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal.

In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.

A dream in which a knife fell out of your hands means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house.

Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife is a warning that in real life ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner.

Be careful!

If in a dream some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand tries to attack you, this dream promises you changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife, and it was stained with the victim’s blood - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by the unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, this means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.


Seeing a sheet of paper engulfed in fire in a dream means a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The planet's population will have an urgent need for wood, paper and, of course, air.

Seeing fire approaching from the sky in a dream is a sign that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will greatly damage many cities around the globe and kill a large number of people.

If in a dream a bad smell emanates from the fire, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers are spreading about you. You will have to work hard to refute the machinations of your enemies and restore your honor and dignity in the eyes of others.

Warming yourself by the fire in a dream is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support from his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore value your neighbors.

Watching a fire in a stove in a dream means that your home is in great danger from a fire. Be careful when handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself homeless.

To see a small flame from a lit candle in a dream - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and keeping all the commandments of the Lord will have a great impact on your life. You will find peace, tranquility, happiness and love.

If you dreamed of cities or forests engulfed in fire, then in the future the globe is threatened by a terrible drought. There will come times when people will not have a sip of water left, and then it will rain heavily, which will last for several days and nights and will give people long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. Anyone who survives this drought will never cause harm to nature, because people will know that the drought was sent down to them for their lack of faith in the Lord, renunciation of religion and ruthless attitude towards the environment.


Watching people hunting in a dream is evidence that you will soon have fun with your friends. Sometimes such a dream predicts a meeting with an evil werewolf who will capture your imagination.

If you dreamed that you yourself were hunting for any animal, then in reality you will face great difficulties. Your secret enemy will try by any means to prevent the implementation of your plans. He will stop at nothing, so use any folk remedies in your defense.

In a dream, a hunter fell into a hole dug for animals, then such a dream does not bode well. In real life, you, as they say, “walk on the edge of an abyss,” getting involved in all sorts of risky affairs. Be careful, because not all things can be done to earn big money.

In a dream, while hunting, an animal that you have wounded attacks you, then your opinion that you have won a victory over your sworn enemy is wrong. He is only licking his wounds, preparing to strike you again.


Mopping the floor - such a dream promises you success at work if you do not contradict your superiors and defend your point of view, and also show leniency towards the shortcomings of influential people.

If you dreamed that the floor opened up under you and you fell, this means that someone is making a lot of efforts to ruin your reputation. And, apparently, he will succeed.


A smooth, white and high ceiling is a sign of well-being and prosperity, tranquility and a serene time.

Looking at a crack in the ceiling - such a dream promises repentance and regret about the action committed the day before sleep, but it is too late to correct what was done.

If in a dream it seems to you that the ceiling is falling on you and is about to crush you, then this means that circumstances will not work out in the best way for you, so you should wait with important matters.

Slap in the face

If in a dream you received a slap in the face from someone, it means that you have to take a decisive action in order to establish yourself in life. Moreover, you must do this step without outside help.

A dream in which you slapped someone in the face predicts the failure of your plans and the disruption of your affairs.


In a dream, this image symbolizes a divine sign, predestination from above, forgiveness, and reunion.

A dream in which you saw a rainbow appear in the sky after rain means that something beautiful and amazing will appear in your life.

If in a dream you saw an extinguished rainbow, this dream foretells separation from your loved ones or loved one.


A dream in which you saw wounds on your body is a bad omen. In reality, you do not recognize the existence of the spiritual world and divine forces, so you are deprived of help and support.

If someone hurt you in a dream, this means changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you help a wounded person, trying to heal his wounds - in reality you serve goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors.

You dreamed that your old wounds were bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances and you will again experience mental pain and suffering.

A dream in which you saw that one of your loved ones was wounded foreshadows illness and loss.


This symbol is associated with important life changes, solving problems, and liberation from something.

In the dream, your birth was painful, but everything turned out well - this dream foretells you difficulties in solving your affairs, but, in spite of everything, everything will end well.

A dream in which you give birth predicts your participation in an event that you consider insignificant, but its consequences will be a big surprise for you.

Seeing in a dream how someone close to you dies during childbirth is a sign that your attempts to improve relationships with relatives are unlikely to be successful.

You dreamed of an easy and quick birth, which caused a feeling of great relief in your soul - this dream indicates that you will be able to shift matters onto the shoulders of others, and you yourself will breathe a sigh of relief.

If in a dream you saw your own childbirth, this dream predicts that fate is giving you a chance to start your life anew. Perhaps the mystery of reincarnation of souls is connected with this, and you once lived in another dimension and body. You need to reconsider your life values ​​and try to understand your purpose.


Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life.

To be at your wedding in a dream is evidence that you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your entire future life will depend on this decision.

If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.


Seeing a burning candle in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows long-awaited peace and quiet on the entire planet. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, no poor or rich.

Seeing the light of a candle in a night window in a dream is evidence that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any of the most difficult tasks. In real life, this patronage is expressed in the person of a very influential person who tirelessly monitors all your actions and deeds, although it is quite possible that you are not even aware of his existence.

If in a dream you, despite all your attempts, cannot light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a person. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you will not prevent the commission of a terrible crime in which a person will die.

Putting out a candle in a dream is a prophecy of bad news. You will receive news of the death of a person close to you and will very much regret that you did not spend the last hours of your life with him.

If you dreamed that a candle went out before your eyes, then an imminent illness awaits you. It may be a serious illness that you can still prevent now.

Seeing a lot of scattered candles in a dream is a terrible prophecy. The times will come when people will turn away from God, they will become cruel and unmerciful, and they will invent a new religion that preaches violence and death. The Lord will be angry with his servants and will send a terrible fire to the Earth.

If in a dream you saw a lot of people walking with candles, then soon you will be overcome by old problems that you put aside, thinking that they would never remind you of themselves. Such a dream suggests that the work started must always be completed.


To see a majestic priest reading a prayer in a dream is a sign that the time has come to turn to God and repent before him for all your sins.

If a priest blesses you in a dream, then you will soon receive the support of an influential person. Sometimes such a dream prophesies success in all endeavors.

A dream in which you saw yourself in the rank of priest means that you are called to Earth in order to bring good to people. You are destined to become a church minister.

If you dreamed of a Catholic priest, then changes await you in the near future. You may need to make difficult choices or decisions.

If a priest crowns you in a dream, then in real life you will have a happy, calm life with your loved one.

Confessing to a priest in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon find yourself in a very difficult situation. You can get out of it only if you resort to the services of your influential acquaintance, who, before providing you with all possible help, will demand an explanation of what is happening, which you will keep silent about for a long time.


Seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that a long, happy life awaits you with your loved one. Such a dream suggests that you are destined for the fate of God’s messenger on Earth.

If you dreamed that a very important person in the world was dying, then this dream is a great prophecy. He says that soon a wise ruler will come to power in one of the developed countries of the globe, who will be able to establish peace and harmony between the inhabitants of different states. People will stop fighting and cursing each other.

If a sick person dies in a dream, then in the future you will face monstrous injustice. You will be offered a lucrative deal, as a result of which people will suffer. The salvation of your soul will depend on the decision you make.

Seeing the death of a large number of people in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies a terrible epidemic, as a result of which millions of people around the world will die. A person whose opinion is not currently being listened to will find a cure for this disease.

Seeing a person dying a painful death in a dream is a harbinger of a nuclear war, which will be started by the future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe. As a result of this war, the great state will be wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving people will sooner or later die a slow, painful death.

If you dreamed of a person in a state of clinical death, then you will be in the dark for a long time about the plans of your old acquaintances. Unfortunately, they will put their plans into action and you will suffer greatly as a result.


Seeing a stray dog ​​in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult situation. He doesn't ask you for help only because he doesn't want to burden you with his problems.

If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream predicts a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years.

If you saw a black dog in a dream, then in reality you will be bitterly disappointed in the person whom you have long considered your friend. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name.

Seeing a gigantic dog in a dream is evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies support for your old friend.

Feeding a dog in a dream is a sign that in real life you can be relied upon. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore those around you respect and love you.

If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, then such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very bad news about a fatal illness or even the death of your very good friend.

If a dog protects you in a dream, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven.

If a dog attacks you, then such a dream suggests that in real life you will have a quick meeting with black forces. The servants of Satan will try to make your life miserable, causing you one misfortune after another. If you repel a dog's attack, it means you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but this will only happen if you turn to God for help.


Prison is a sign of painful silence, fatal reticence.

If you dreamed of a prison building, this means that you will be entrusted with a secret, keeping which will be painfully unpleasant for you, you will be tormented and worried.

If in a dream you see yourself imprisoned in prison, then this dream foretells that you will not be warned in time about danger or threat. You will suffer for not talking about important things with someone you know.

In a dream, you were dealt a strong blow, you did not expect such a turn of events and therefore could not defend yourself - this dream means that in reality you need time to comprehend what is happening.

A dream in which you hit someone foretells unexpected news for you.

If in a dream you managed to dodge a blow, in real life you can always get out of any situation. No matter how hard it may be.

In a dream, you tried to protect someone close to you, and therefore the full brunt of the blow fell on you - this means that in reality you will suffer great damage due to the carelessness and carelessness of your loved ones.


The appearance of this symbol in a dream foretells problems and difficulties in life.

In a dream, you are tightening a tight knot - this means that in reality you are trying to solve your problem without anyone’s help, but you are only confusing the situation even more.

A dream in which you cut a knot indicates that in reality you are on the right path and all your actions are correct and concise.


In a dream, you grew an excellent harvest with your own hands - this means that in reality your efforts will not go unrewarded.

A dream in which your harvest was lost due to drought indicates that in reality you need to take care of the moral and spiritual education of your children.

The harvest is ripe, the branches are breaking under the weight of the fruits, there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits all around, but there is no one to collect this harvest, and the entire harvest perishes - this dream foretells you the transience and futility of the events for which you have spent so much mental and physical strength.


Holding a burning torch in your hands in a dream is evidence that in the future you will achieve great heights. Your thoughts are pure, your actions are reasonable and correct, which means that higher powers are protecting you, for God loves merciful and wise people.

Lighting your path with a torch in a dream means that in reality it will not be so easy for you to achieve your goals. The whole point is that your destiny is in your own hands, and therefore you yourself “forge” your happiness. Unfortunately, for the first quarter of your life you will follow the wrong path, indulging in vicious temptations and indecent thoughts, but then, having come to your senses, you will turn onto the right road.

Seeing people with burning torches in a dream means that you have a lot of friends who are always ready to help you in difficult times of your life.

Lighting a torch in a dream is a prophecy of good news. An addition to your family or good news about the birth of an heir in the family of your friends awaits you.

If you dreamed that a burning torch suddenly went out, then such a dream is a bad omen. It predicts the sudden death of someone close to you.

Putting out a torch in a dream is a harbinger of terrible events. You, against your will, will cause the death of several people. Be careful, because there is no forgiveness for such a crime.

If in a dream you start a fire with a torch, then you are destined to do something great. And let you work now, thinking that your life will pass in everyday worries, and only dream of fame, money and respect, without even suspecting that these dreams are destined to come true very soon.


Looking at your photograph in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream indicates that you do not experience any joy from work, are unhappy with your family life and even with your appearance. It seems to you that evil fate is pursuing you. If you continue to be visited by such thoughts, then your life will pass unnoticed and aimless.

Looking at a photograph of a loved one in a dream means that in real life you will be seriously concerned about the fate of this person.

Tearing a photograph in a dream is a great misfortune. Tragic news awaits you. Most likely, this dream foreshadows the disappearance of a loved one, who is unlikely to be found.

If in a dream you lost a photograph, then in reality you should be more careful in your affairs. You do not act in the best way, sometimes completely forgetting about such concepts as honor and conscience. Stop, for for all worldly affairs we will answer before the judgment of the Lord.

Going to a fortune teller in a dream with a photograph to find out the future is evidence that you are a very trusting, naive person. And although in principle this is not such a bad trait, the trouble is that you very often trust your secrets to the wrong people. You should open your thoughts and ask for advice from pious, wise people.


Bread in a dream means wealth, profit, a comfortable existence, luxury.

If you eat bread in a dream, it means that you will benefit from some business without much effort.

Cutting bread is not a very good sign, foreshadowing difficulties in business, obstacles and temporary inconveniences, after enduring which you will still find peace and prosperity.


If in a dream you are walking on stilts, it means that you are in danger of losing your legs, most likely as a result of an accident or accident.

A dream in which you are offered to walk on stilts, but you refuse, predicts that you will miraculously escape danger, you will be in shock, considering the possible consequences of an incident in which you do not end up by pure chance.

To see a person walking on stilts is to witness a terrible catastrophe in reality. You will see the blood and agony of a stranger.


If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in real life this dream means your introduction to knowledge and understanding of the world.

A dream in which you pricked your hand on flowers given to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one.

If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this foreshadows the machinations of enemies who will do everything possible to prevent you from receiving the information you need.

In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor flowers in your house - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings.

You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream foreshadows an unusual, romantic meeting for you in reality.

Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation.

A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act.

If in a dream you see fans literally showering you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your mental loneliness may drag on. Your inflated claims will most likely remain unrealized.

In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wildflowers for yourself - this dream indicates that you will soon meet your love and create a happy family.

A dream in which you receive a flower as a gift in an indoor pot means that you will receive news of a deceased person.


The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.

Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

Being present at a church service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.

The dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

In a dream, you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this dream means that in real life you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal.

You enter a church during a service. It is very crowded, as a large number of people have gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant.

To see in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church is a sign that in reality all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your old relationship with a person close to you.


If you saw an old clock in a dream, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth. If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by. Seeing a wristwatch in a dream is a sign that there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

Determining time in a dream using a watch that does not have a dial is a harbinger of serious danger. Such a dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can only survive by turning to God for help.

In connection with this fact, completely collecting Vanga’s interpretations of dreams and sayings about the meanings of symbols in dreams is not only a very important task, but also extremely difficult, and sometimes even impossible. After all, it is impossible to count all the stars in the sky and catch all the drops of summer rain, just as it is impossible to count all the paths along which her admirers came to Vanga in Rupite and Petrich.
In the same way, it is impossible to name or count all the interpretations of dreams in the online dream book, signs, prophetic allegories, images and symbols that bothered people visiting Vanga, who came for advice and interpretations of dreams and signs from the greatest clairvoyant of our time.
But, despite this, a huge amount of work has been done to collect and carefully preserve various interpretations of signs, clarify dreams and much more of what Vanga said. In order to understand your dreams, a special dream book was created, with the help of which you can get answers to many questions when interpreting dreams.
And thank you very much for collecting and preserving for us the interpretations for Vanga’s dream book, we must say to the scientists of the Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology - Dr. M.Sc. Georgi Lozanov, academician Velichko Dobriyanov, professor Dimitar Filipov, senior researcher. I stand with Stoev, psychologist Boyka Tsvetkova.
It is also worth mentioning the Bulgarian scientist and parapsychologist Bedros Stoyanov. He attended Vanga’s receptions and sessions many times, and during this time he collected very rich material about Vanga’s interpretation of dreams.
Let’s not forget to thank Academician Panteley Zarev. This man, who had never specifically dealt with the problems of parapsychology, revealed many important and unique things about the nature of the Vanga phenomenon, shared his observations about the interpretation of signs and symbols sent from above.
It is known that the most vivid and emotional revelations of the Bulgarian soothsayer, related to the interpretation of dreams and visions, occurred on starry nights in Petrich or Rupita. It was during these periods that Vanga was most inclined to engage in fascinating conversations about omens, about fate, about the destinies of people, about the future and the future, about lot and destiny.
I, knowing from my fellow writers from Bulgaria, planned all this on my creative trips to catch this very favorable time. And it is during the period of star-flower hours to be in Rupite or Petrich. To, as they say, be in the right place at the right time. In order to hear with my own ears from the lips of the great soothsayer something new, not heard before or unknown about the interpretation of prophetic signs, dreams, allegories, symbols and images that descend to Vanga from above.
Vanga's Dream Interpreter is literally a dream book compiled piece by piece, based on the fortune teller's sayings about various signs and symbols.
Every time I was incredibly happy when these - sometimes small, but most importantly unknown to anyone - interpretations of symbols, the meaning of dreams were written down by me in writers' notebooks.
“Vanga’s Dream Book” has its own special structure. Vanga’s online dream book is designed so that readers can easily navigate the search for the meanings of dreams, various prophetic images, symbols, signs and allegories, but at the same time they can derive the greatest benefit in order to correct all future turns of their fate in the right direction.

In the dream book, all the names of prophetic symbols, signs, allegories and images are arranged alphabetically. From A to Z.
The explanatory articles themselves, which are in the dream book, are grouped in such a way that they include a complete set of various information about the explanations of dreams and foreshadowing signs, and at the same time explain further actions in the lives of those people to whom they were sent in prophetic dreams. Vanga's online dream book is always open to you.
This online dream book is always nearby (on the Internet) and you can always find interpretation of dreams in it for free.

The articles in Vanga’s dream book solve several problems at the same time.
1. Depending on the sayings, judgments and statements of the soothsayer, they explain the meaning and interpretation of dreams, symbols, images, signs seen by her in her prophetic dreams and dreams.
2. They describe situations in life in which, according to Vanga, a person sees certain celestial signs.
3. They give a small description of the future in the interpretation of a dream, which is foreshadowed by some prophetic signs, allegories, symbols and images.
4. In this dream book, they indicate certain paths and turns of life along which, according to Vanga, the line of your destiny will develop in the future when you see certain signs - omens in dreams.
5. They talk about the steps that need to be taken in real life after seeing certain certain symbols in prophetic dreams - omens and talk about what actions and deeds can be used to avoid unpleasant turns in fate in real life and, conversely, not to miss out on your happiness.

And in order to immediately prevent various reproaches that with our stories about the soothsayer, about Vanga’s dream book and also the attitude towards dreams, we often delve deeply into scientific images, going so far as to use terms from philosophical and parapsychology like “electroencephalogram”, “program dreams” , I want to say the following.
Yes, the clairvoyant Vanga was a simple peasant woman (although many secrets and knowledge were revealed before her inner gaze) who in her life did not use terms such as “electroencephalogram” or “parascience”
Everything that we did with scientific experiments, scientific calculations and research was always invisibly present in Vanga’s words and judgments. It was natural, as if it were a matter of course.
According to Vanga, dreams are very closely related to reality.
On this score, I will give you a clear and very characteristic example that the Bulgarian writer Petrov Zdravko told me about. He is a close acquaintance of the Pandev-Gusherov family, and visited Vanga many times in Rupite and Petrich.
On the day when Zdravko Petrov was present at the next visit of walkers to Vanga, one visitor turned to the soothsayer with a request for help in understanding the meaning of the dream sent to him the previous night.
At this moment, Vanga suddenly asked this man to give her a watch. Usually people who come to an appointment bring pieces of sugar with them so that the clairvoyant can use them to predict their fate, as this usually happens, so Vanga’s request to give her the watch really surprised the visitor and he asked her if he understood her correctly... The soothsayer answered this verbatim : “I’m not holding your watch in my hands, but your brain...”
So what scientists call in complex words, such as “device for taking an ECG”, “electroencephalogram of the cerebral cortex”, all this for Vanga was different, natural, and was contained in the phrase: “I’m holding in my hands not a watch, but your brain..."
Dear readers. Vanga's dream book reveals the secrets to you. Read. Think about it. Change your destiny.
Your happiness is in your hands. Like a simple wristwatch of a surprised and dumbfounded walker on Vanga’s kind, warm, rough and luminous palms.
And this picture is bright, filled with unprecedented warm light, imbued with sincere gratitude, warmth, understanding of the significance of the moment just experienced and a feeling of something elusive, sublime, unearthly. Enlightenment and immediately this, elusive and unearthly, takes the form of poetic lines. This happens every time when the inner self suddenly begins to feel a special creative uplift - an indescribable, special, sublime poetic connection with the sky.
Another moment and the poetic lines, like birds from rain and sun, easily fly into the sky towards the heavenly light and begin to live their new independent life... According to laws known only to them.

It's not a watch - it's life in the palm of your hand,
What will come to us from above in the future...
So thank you, Vanga, for the dream book! -
May he brighten up the coming year for everyone.

And now these light birds, as if flapping their pink wings, carry heavenly images and omens from prophetic dreams. Those secret news about the future in human destinies about which the soothsayer Vanga said a word. We are sure that you will find the interpretations of dreams that interest you, which may help you in your future life. We have free access to dream interpretation for free. Vanga's Dream Book is an always available dream book online.
There is no need to look for where, how and when you can download or purchase Vanga’s dream book, read Vanga’s dream book for free on our website.
We are also pleased to invite you to our forum, where you can discuss all kinds of interpretations of dreams, the meaning of dreams and symbols according to Vanga. The friendly team of the forum will help you explain the interpretation of dreams more clearly, and a free online dream book will help you with this.

Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova) (1911-1996), Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer. In our online interpreter you will find Vanga’s Dream Book for dream interpretation and free interpretations of dreams from the great fortuneteller.

Interpretation of dreams according to Vanga's dream book

Her name is widely known not only in Bulgaria and Russia, but throughout the world. Vanga's phenomenon has never been studied, although famous scientists, for example Academician Natalya Bekhtereva, a leading specialist in the field of neurophysiology, have been studying her abilities. Vanga was born and lived in Bulgaria, in the village of Petrich, and it was there that people from all over the world came to see her. The predictions made by Vanga have always been fulfilled and continue to be fulfilled exactly, and therefore Vanga’s dream book can be safely trusted.

Detailed information about Vanga’s personality is presented in the encyclopedia.

Vanga's dream book - alphabetical interpreter:

Vanga's dream book will help you not only find out your own future, but also get additional information about your inner world.

Biography of the famous interpreter Vanga

Before you go to Vanga's Dream Book, find out more about her. The clairvoyant faced a great many trials. When Vanga was four years old, her mother died. Soon the First World War began, and Vanga’s father was mobilized into the Bulgarian army. She grew up under the supervision of a neighbor.

Returning from the war, my father married again. By this time, Vanga is already beginning to discover her extraordinary abilities. She comes up with strange games for herself: for example, having hidden some object, blindfolded she tries to find it.

Vanga regularly came into contact with dead people.

She said that she was the gateway to this world for them and that when one of the visitors came to her, the dead relatives of this person surrounded her, talked to her, and she only conveyed what she heard.

She met with many magicians and psychics, including Chumak, Grabovoy, Kashpirovsky, Globa. Many came to her with enormous self-esteem and ambition, and left ashamed and discouraged. One day Larisa Shepitko, a film director, came to see her. In 1979, she died tragically in a car accident. Vanga said to her: Young, I feel sorry for you, you will die soon!

Visitors always had to come to Vanga with a piece of refined sugar: the crystal lattice of sugar stores information about a person. In addition to sugar, you could leave her simple gifts, for example, plush toys, which Vanga loved to stroke and touch, remembering those who gave them.

Vanga knew the fates of people who had not yet been born, and those who died more than 100 and 300 years ago. This, according to scientists, is the most extraordinary manifestation of it. She also talked about the future, although she did it reluctantly. For example, Vanga predicted the assassination attempt on John Kennedy, the collapse of the USSR, and the death of Princess Diana. One day she said: Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it... The meaning of this phrase, which initially caused confusion, became clear in August 2000, when the nuclear submarine Kursk sank.

On August 3, 1996, Vanga was admitted to the intensive care unit of the government hospital in Sofia. She had breast cancer. Thousands of people stood outside the hospital day and night. Vanga foresaw her death, she died on that day and at the hour that she predicted for herself - August 11, 1996 at 10:10 am.

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