Tablets for the treatment of neurosis. The best sedatives for neurosis. Features of drug treatment of neuroses

Tablets for neurosis are medications for oral use that eliminate the main manifestations of the disease (panic attacks, attacks of fear, obsessive thoughts, emotional instability, increased excitability). The drugs normalize sleep and intellectual activity and have a stimulating effect.

Features of drug treatment of neuroses

When using pills and injections for neurosis, you need to remember that they have:

  1. Contraindications. Taking medications is prohibited for certain diseases and conditions of the body, so only a psychotherapist can prescribe medications. The doctor conducts an examination aimed at identifying indications and contraindications.
  2. Side effects. Although they have a number of positive qualities, medications can negatively affect the functioning of internal organs. You cannot prescribe medications yourself or adjust the therapeutic regimen drawn up by your doctor.

Drugs for the treatment of neurosis

According to the principle of action, prescribed drugs are divided into:

  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • nootropics;
  • sedatives;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • general health supplements.

Antidepressants for neurosis

Antidepressants are effective tablets used in the treatment of depressive neurosis. They have the following actions:

  • relieve anxiety and fear;
  • prevent panic attacks;
  • eliminate focus on rituals;
  • relieve vegetative manifestations.

The drugs are dispensed according to a doctor's prescription; the psychotherapist monitors the progress of treatment and adjusts the dose depending on the patient's condition. Taking Humoril, Amitriptyline or Fevarin starts with a minimum dose. The doctor monitors changes in the patient’s behavior and drug tolerance. If there are no side effects, the dose is gradually increased.

The therapeutic effect occurs 10-14 days after the start of treatment. In the first days of taking the pills, the disease worsens, so antidepressants are used in combination with drugs from other pharmacological groups.

Tranquilizers for neuroses

Tranquilizers help:

  • normalize sleep;
  • eliminate muscle tension;
  • prevent the development of convulsive syndrome;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • get rid of anxious thoughts.

The drugs are used for neuroses accompanied by increasing anxiety and a feeling of fear. The active substances suppress the activity of parts of the brain responsible for emotional experiences: the hypothalamus, the reticular formation of the brainstem, and the thalamic centers. The following tranquilizers are considered the most effective:

  • Diazepam;
  • Phenazepam;
  • Hydroxyzine.

Drugs from this pharmacological group should not be taken in combination with alcohol. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a psychiatrist in a hospital setting.

Sedative medications

Sedatives for neuroses (Afobazol, Persen) do not cause addiction or severe side effects. They quickly eliminate the manifestations of panic attacks: tremors of the limbs, unreasonable fear, increased sweating, dizziness, abdominal pain, breathing problems. The drugs normalize sleep and have a sedative effect. They are used in the treatment of neurotic disorders arising from alcohol and drug addiction.


Neuroleptics have a pronounced effect on the nervous system. They have antipsychotic and stimulating effects. Drugs in this group eliminate anxiety and fear, relieve psycho-emotional tension. They are prescribed for neuroses accompanied by depression of central nervous system functions. Modern antipsychotics have minimal side effects. The best remedies in this group include:

  • Ariprizole;
  • Quentiax;
  • Azaleptin.

Medicines must be used as prescribed by a doctor. Doses are selected depending on the type of neurosis and the body’s sensitivity to the active substance.

Homeopathic remedies for neurosis

The products in this group have a cumulative effect and contain minimal amounts of active ingredients. Tablets are selected depending on the form of the disease:

  1. Ignatia. Prescribed for hysterical conditions accompanied by suspiciousness and hypersensitivity. The drug eliminates headaches and improves mood.
  2. Pulsatilla. Used for rarely exacerbating forms of the disease. Eliminates signs of depression, improves mood.
  3. Nux Vomica. Recommended for patients suffering from obsessions and sleep disorders.
  4. Actea racemosa. The drug helps to cope with the manifestations of menopausal neurosis: suspiciousness, irritability, digestive disorders and weakness.

These medications can be purchased without a prescription.

Vitamin therapy

For neuroses, take nutritional supplements containing:

  1. Thiamine. Vitamin B1 normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, heart and intestines. Eliminates somatic manifestations of neurosis: chest pain, gastrointestinal disorders, breathing problems.
  2. Pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 normalizes metabolism, eliminating seizures, aggression and irritability associated with malnutrition of brain tissue.
  3. Cyanocobalamin. Vitamin B12 prevents the destruction of nerve cells and is used to prevent neurotic disorders.

Contraindications and side effects

The drugs are not used for:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • acute liver and kidney failure;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • previous hemorrhagic stroke.

Most often, taking medications for neurosis leads to the development of side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • headaches;
  • tremors of the limbs;
  • dry mouth;
  • disturbances of intestinal motility;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • general weakness;
  • suppression of the functions of the central nervous system.

The above side effects are temporary and disappear after stopping treatment.

Episodic attacks of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and nervous breakdowns occur in the life of almost every person. They are caused by daily stress, from which no one is immune. However, the nervous system often suffers serious disruptions. The state of anxiety takes root firmly in the mind and becomes a constant companion of life. In such a case, you cannot do without the help of anti-anxiety drugs. This large group of psychotropic drugs has been used for a very long time, but not everyone knows how anti-anxiety drugs work and when they should be taken.

What is anxiety and how does it manifest itself?

The state of anxiety is not just a state when a person is worried. With anxiety, many biochemical processes in his body, and above all, in the brain, change.

The source of anxiety is usually stress - the reaction of the nervous system to a difficult or conflict situation, external stimuli. If the stress is mild and short-term, then it can even be useful for the body, as a kind of shake-up. However, severe and repeated stress is definitely harmful.

With anxiety, a number of somatic symptoms are observed:

  • cardiopalmus,
  • rush of blood to the head,
  • hyperventilation or shallow breathing,
  • shiver,
  • sweating,
  • nausea,
  • diarrhea,
  • frequent urge to urinate.

In addition to anxiety, stress leads to irritability, mental imbalance, decreased performance, and depression.

You can try to deal with anxiety and stress on your own. To do this, you need to bring more positive emotions into your life. They can be obtained from playing sports, communicating with people, and hobbies. But these remedies do not help everyone. In addition, stress can also arise due to objective factors, for example, during serious illnesses. In such cases, there is nothing left to do but resort to the help of medications.

This method is no worse or better than others. There is often an opinion that only older people need sedatives and anti-anxiety drugs, and if an adult takes them, then he is either weak-willed or a drug addict. But this opinion only indicates medical illiteracy. The functioning of the nervous system is regulated not by abstract willpower, but by hormones and neurotransmitters, and in some cases, biochemical disorders cannot be corrected except through medication. If a person takes sedatives or anti-anxiety medications, then he is by no means a drug addict, and cannot become one. In that case, of course, if he complies with the doctor’s instructions and the instructions for the remedy he prescribed.

Behavior correction is often necessary for children and adolescents whose nervous system is very vulnerable and does not have the necessary stability. Very often, therapy is required for such nervous disorders in children as hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, neuroses, and rheumochorea. Women may also be susceptible to nervous system disorders due to hormonal imbalances. This especially often manifests itself in the form of premenstrual syndrome. At the same time, women may experience nervous breakdowns and unmotivated outbursts of aggression.

Of course, you shouldn't rely too much on pills. Treatment of anxiety conditions should be comprehensive and also include lifestyle changes and psychotherapeutic methods.

How do anti-anxiety medications work?

Human emotions, including such as anxiety and fear, are controlled by different parts of the brain. But the most important among them is the limbic system - a complex of parts of the brain that includes the thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala and hippocampus.

Anxiety and fear are among the negative emotions. Therefore, in order to suppress them, it is necessary to weaken the influence of the limbic system on the human psyche.

This effect on the limbic system is carried out by anti-anxiety medications (tranquilizers). They also have other effects:

  • sedative,
  • muscle relaxant (relaxes muscles),
  • anticonvulsant,
  • hypnotic.

The anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effect of drugs in this group is explained by the effect on benzodiazepine receptors of brain cells, and through them on GABA receptors that inhibit the nervous system.

The muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effects are explained by the fact that tranquilizers also act on the cells of the spinal cord and inhibit some spinal reflexes.

The depressant effect on the limbic system means that anxiolytics suppress not only negative emotions - fear, anger, anxiety, but also most positive ones. The effects of anti-anxiety medications bring a person into a state of calm and serenity. At the same time, tranquilizers do not affect the cognitive sphere of brain activity and do not affect memory. However, the speed of reactions and attentiveness usually decreases.

Some anxiolytics also have a mild analgesic effect, antiemetic effect, and relieve skin itching.

Anti-anxiety and sedative medications have a normalizing effect on the autonomic nervous system. Thanks to this property, they often help reduce tachycardia, get rid of tremors in the hands, excessive sweating, diarrhea and flatulence.

Most tranquilizers come in tablet form. However, tranquilizers can also be used parenterally.

History of anti-anxiety drugs

Another name for anti-anxiety medications is anxiolytics. This word in Latin means literally “relieving anxiety.” Another term often used for anti-anxiety medications is “tranquilizers.” The word tranquilizer comes from the Latin "tranquillo", which means "calm".

The first tranquilizers were substances of the benzodiazepine class, synthesized in the mid-50s. First, drugs such as chlordiazepoxide and diazepam appeared. The new class of drugs quickly gained recognition among doctors - psychotherapists, psychiatrists and neurologists, since benzodiazepines had powerful anxiolytic and sedative effects. Now the lists of tranquilizers have been replenished with the names of many new compounds. And although many anti-anxiety drugs that do not belong to the class of benzodiazepines have been created, the latter still retain their importance.

Side effects of anti-anxiety drugs

Nothing is perfect in this world, and tranquilizers are no exception. Soon after benzodiazepines were introduced, some of their disadvantages were discovered. Firstly, there are a number of inherent side effects. For the most part, these are effects that are not life-threatening, but seriously reduce a person’s ability to work. First of all, this is excessive sedation, increased drowsiness and lethargy, and a decrease in the speed of reactions. This leads to the fact that the use of benzodiazepines is contraindicated for those who drive vehicles, complex machines and mechanisms, and people engaged in work that requires concentration and high reaction speed.

Other possible side effects of benzodiazepines:

  • confusion (especially in older people),
  • depression,
  • dry mouth,
  • slurred speech
  • development of hallucinatory psychoses.

Older patients are most sensitive to the side effects of benzodiazepines.

Another important disadvantage of tranquilizers is their rapid addiction. This means that over time the dose must be increased, otherwise the therapeutic effect will not be achieved. In addition, many tranquilizers can lead to drug dependence. Approximately half of patients taking benzodiazepines continuously for 4-6 months develop drug dependence. Dependence on benzodiazepines most easily develops in patients suffering from alcohol and drug addiction, in people suffering from psychopathy and prone to the formation of psychological dependence.

When long-term therapy with benzodiazepines is stopped, withdrawal syndrome often develops. It can be expressed in the following symptoms:

  • agitation,
  • insomnia,
  • moodiness,
  • irritability,
  • sweating,
  • shiver,
  • nausea,
  • convulsions (in severe cases).

Therefore, benzodiazepine therapy should not be stopped abruptly when it comes to long-term therapy. The dose of the drug is reduced gradually. If therapy lasted no more than 2 weeks, then its cancellation does not entail any consequences.

All these factors have led to the fact that, according to WHO recommendations, benzodiazepine tranquilizers are not recommended for continuous use for a long time (more than 2-3 weeks). If there is a need for longer use, then the course of treatment should be interrupted for several days.

This does not apply to the light and daytime tranquilizer groups. As prescribed by a doctor, they can be taken continuously for several weeks, or even months.

If the patient has a history of dependence on benzodiazepines, it is recommended to prescribe antidepressants instead.

However, antidepressants and mild tranquilizers do not have an immediate response, unlike benzodiazepines. The therapeutic effect when using light tranquilizers and antidepressants develops over at least 2 weeks. Also, antidepressants of the SSRI and TCA groups can cause increased symptoms of anxiety at the very beginning of use.

Atypical tranquilizers

There are tranquilizers that are not similar in chemical structure to benzodiazepines, and also differ favorably from them in that they do not have severe side effects and have a completely different mechanism of action.

One such substance is hydroxyzine. This is a rather old drug, a derivative of diphenylmethane, created back in the 50s, and therefore it cannot be classified as a new generation of anti-anxiety drugs. Compared to benzodiazepines, the drug does not cause addiction or dependence.

Another interesting drug is buspirone. The drug differs from other tranquilizers in that it acts not on benzodiazepine or GABA receptors, but on serotonin receptors. This drug is also not addictive or dependent. But it also does not lead to drowsiness, lethargy and lethargy.

Meprobamate is also a tranquilizer with an atypical mechanism of action. The drug is also not a benzodiazepine. According to the chemical structure, meprobamate is a derivative of propanediol. Meprobomate is one of the very first compounds to be used as a tranquilizer.

Can anti-anxiety medications be sold without a prescription?

Anxiolytics are not sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The only exception is Afobazole, which belongs to the group of mild tranquilizers. Almost all tranquilizers belong to the category of psychoactive substances. Therefore, according to the law, they must be dispensed by prescription. Over-the-counter sedatives may be a definite substitute for prescription anti-anxiety medications:

  • Corvalol;
  • Validol;
  • herbal preparations and dietary supplements based on motherwort, St. John's wort, valerian and other medicinal plants;
  • vitamin complexes containing zinc and magnesium.

Particular attention should be paid to herbal medicines:

  • Persen,
  • Novo-Passit,
  • Motherwort-Forte,
  • Deprim.

Most of them, when used regularly, can help with mild anxiety and mild stress.

New generations of anti-anxiety drugs and daytime tranquilizers

Recently, successful attempts have been made to develop new anxiolytics that do not belong to the class of benzodiazepines. The properties of some old compounds are also being re-examined. This is due to the fact that many doctors are not satisfied with the shortcomings of traditional tranquilizers, which make them unsuitable for constant use. The result of the researchers' activities was the emergence of a group of so-called daytime tranquilizers. This name is not accidental. Most of the drugs on the list of daytime anxiolytics do not cause daytime lethargy and drowsiness in patients and do not lead to a slowdown in reactions. This means that daytime tranquilizers can be used to treat people leading an active lifestyle, those who drive a car. Daytime tranquilizers also do not cause drug dependence or addiction in the patient.

Main names of daytime tranquilizers:

  • tofisopam (Grandaxin),
  • alprazolam,
  • tazepam,
  • buspirone,

How tranquilizers are selected

There are many factors at play here. Firstly, this is the patient’s complex of symptoms, his diagnosis, and the severity of the disease. A lot depends on the properties of the medication itself. First of all, doctors pay attention to the onset of action and half-life. If the drug begins to act quickly and has a short half-life, then it is well suited for sedation and as a hypnotic. Also, benzodiazepines with a rapid onset of action are more suitable for treating episodic panic attacks. For the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, benzodiazepines with a long half-life are more suitable. Other advantages of benzodiazepines with a long half-life are the ease of dose adjustment, as well as the ease of discontinuation of the medication after long-term treatment.

Pharmacokinetic parameters of some benzodiazepines

Other groups of psychotropic drugs

Not only anxiolytics belong to the class of psychotropic drugs. Other types of drugs also affect the nervous system:

  • sedatives,
  • neuroleptics,
  • mood stabilizers,
  • antidepressants,
  • sleeping pills.

Many of these medications can also relieve anxiety, stress, and fear.

Sedative medications

Sedative medications most often include medications based on plant extracts:

  • menthol,
  • valerian,
  • passionflower,
  • St. John's wort,
  • motherwort,
  • lemon balm,
  • hops

Extracts from this list have long been used in folk medicine as sedatives.

Some synthetic substances, such as phenobarbital, are also considered effective sedative medications. There are also some antihistamines with a pronounced sedative effect, for example, Diphenhydramine.

The difference between sedative medications and tranquilizers is largely arbitrary. However, as a rule, sedative medications are available without a prescription, but purchasing anxiolytics requires a doctor’s permission.

The most popular sedatives:

  • valerian extract,
  • motherwort extract,
  • Corvalol (Valocordin),
  • Validol,
  • Novo-passit,
  • Persen.

Other herbal preparations are also used as sedatives. They are usually easier to tolerate by the body and do not overload the liver and kidneys. However, one must be careful here, since many herbal remedies can cause an allergic reaction.

Sleeping pills

Sleeping pills are not usually used to relieve anxiety and stress. They are intended for the treatment of sleep disorders. However, bad behavior is often one of the factors leading to the emergence of neurotic disorders. Therefore, as part of the complex treatment of anxiety conditions, sleeping pills can be used.

Synthetic hypnotics used to treat sleep disorders include:

  • Zopiclone,
  • Donormil,
  • Diphenhydramine,
  • Trittico.

Many tranquilizers, such as phenozepam, also have a strong hypnotic effect.


Antidepressants are often confused with tranquilizers. However, antidepressants have a completely different mechanism of action. They affect the concentration of important neurotransmitters in the nerve circuits, such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. However, many antidepressants can also be used to treat anxiety disorders and stress. However, very often doctors prescribe two medications at once - a classic tranquilizer and an antidepressant. The fact is that the effect of antidepressants develops slowly over several weeks. These medications are more suitable for treating chronic anxiety disorders than benzodiazepine-type tranquilizers. This is due to the fact that antidepressants do not cause dependence and addiction when taken for a long time, unlike tranquilizers. However, they are not without withdrawal syndrome, so a long course of treatment with antidepressants should be interrupted gradually, by gradually reducing the dose.


Antipsychotic medications are not used to treat anxiety disorders. Their purpose is to relieve symptoms caused by acute psychoses - delusions and hallucinations. Antipsychotics are often used in the treatment of schizophrenia. However, antipsychotics also used to be called tranquilizers, or more accurately, major tranquilizers. But in relation to anxiolytics, the term minor tranquilizers was used. However, now this division of psychotropic substances into small and large tranquilizers is outdated.


Normotimics are a group of compounds that are often used for bipolar disorders. Their purpose is to smooth out mood swings typical of bipolar affective disorders. They can also be used in the treatment of depression. Normotimics prevent the appearance of extreme euphoria, as well as depression, despondency, and apathy.


Nootropics enhance metabolism in brain cells and improve cerebral circulation. Thus, they enhance brain activity, improve memory, and normalize thinking. Many nootropics can also be prescribed for stress and anxiety disorders. And some medications combine the properties of an anxiolytic and a nootropic, for example, Phenibut.

Vitamins and microelements

Vitamins and active biological substances can also be prescribed by neurologists, but as part of complex treatment. Vitamins D, B12, magnesium, and zinc are useful for strengthening the nervous system. If the body lacks such complex compounds involved in the functioning of brain cells, like tryptophan, dietary supplements containing them are prescribed.

Beta blockers

Beta blockers do not directly affect the nervous system. However, they are also often used for anxiety disorders. Beta blockers prevent the effects of adrenaline on the body and relieve many of the symptoms characteristic of anxiety: increased heart rate, increased sweating.

Indications for anti-anxiety medications

First of all, they are intended to rid a person of negative emotions - anxiety, fear, restlessness, and to reduce emotional tension. Tranquilizers also help reduce obsessive thoughts and hypochondria.

They are prescribed mainly for pathologies of the nervous system:

  • anxiety disorders (all types),
  • short-term episodes of anxiety,
  • anxiety and depression,
  • neuroses,
  • neurosis-like conditions,
  • aggression,
  • fears,
  • stress,
  • nervous tension,
  • phobias,
  • mild nervous excitability,
  • post-traumatic stress disorder.

Anxiolytics are also used for psychotic disorders, psychoses, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Anti-anxiety and sedative medications with a pronounced antihistamine effect (Atarax, Diphenhydramine) are used for allergic reactions and skin itching.

In children, tranquilizers are used for neuroses, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, enuresis, nightmares, stuttering, and rheumochorea.

Anxiolytics are also used as part of the treatment of withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism and substance abuse, menopausal and premenstrual syndromes, chronic fatigue syndrome, and migraines.

The hypnotic properties of anxiolytics allow them to be prescribed for the treatment of sleep disorders. For these disorders, tranquilizers help lengthen night sleep, make it deeper, allowing the brain to fully rest. The most powerful hypnotic properties are manifested in such tranquilizers as nitrazepam, flunitrazepam, midazolam. The muscle relaxant properties of tranquilizers are used for convulsions and spasms, tetanus, cerebral palsy, excessive muscle tension, and motor agitation. Tranquilizers are also characterized by a decrease in epileptogenic brain activity.

The vegetative stabilizing function of tranquilizers is also distinguished. It is expressed in the normalization of the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The vegetative stabilizing activity of tranquilizers leads to a decrease in vegetative symptoms of anxiety (tachycardia, hypertension, sweating). Almost all tranquilizers also have a sympatholytic and mild hypotensive effect and increase the threshold of pain sensitivity.

Anxiolytics are also used for premedication (preparing the patient for operations), as a component of complex anesthesia, to eliminate stress in severe somatic diseases, in psychosomatic diseases (stomach ulcers), as part of the complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and in pain syndrome.

When tranquilizers are ineffective

Tranquilizers are not effective for delusional, hallucinatory and affective disorders, which can also often be accompanied by fear and anxiety. However, when using antipsychotics, tranquilizers may also be prescribed to prevent their side effects.


Tranquilizers include many drugs with different mechanisms of action. Therefore, contraindications will be individual for each compound. But, as a rule, tranquilizers should not be taken for myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness), respiratory depression, severe liver failure, glaucoma, and suicidal tendencies.

Many medications should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation, or childhood. However, the opinion that any anxiolytics are contraindicated in children is completely unfounded. This is far from true. A number of medications really cannot be used in childhood. However, there are also medications that can be prescribed to children starting from a certain age. In this case, naturally, a lower dosage is used than in adults. Therefore, if a doctor has prescribed a course of tranquilizers for your child, this is not yet a reason to panic. Tranquilizers themselves, in the required dose, do not affect the development of a child’s brain or reduce his intelligence, unlike many diseases of the nervous system, to which children are no less susceptible than adults.

Interaction of tranquilizers with other substances

Tranquilizers enhance the effect of many psychotropic substances. These include antipsychotics, sleeping pills and sedatives, antidepressants, histamine receptor blockers. Tranquilizers also enhance the effect of many antihypertensive drugs.

Tranquilizers are incompatible with alpha and beta adrenergic agonists, M-cholinomimetics, and psychostimulants. Tranquilizers enhance the inhibitory effect of beta blockers on the central nervous system.

Many tranquilizers are incompatible with alcohol, since when they are taken, the inhibitory effect of alcohol on the nervous system increases. This can lead to serious consequences, including respiratory depression and loss of consciousness.


Anxiolytic of the benzodiazepine class, developed in the Soviet Union. In addition to anxiolytic, it also has muscle relaxant, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effects. The anxiolytic effect is predominant. Available in tablets in dosages of 0.5 and 1 mg. Has a high speed of action. Indicated for emotional lability, fear, anxiety, irritability, emotional overstrain. Contraindicated in children.


Light or daytime tranquilizer. These sedative tablets are recommended for continuous use over several months. Afobazole is the only anxiolytic that can be purchased in Russian pharmacies without a prescription. Recommended for mild anxiety conditions and treatment of menopausal syndrome. Afobazole has virtually no side effects, it has no sedative effect, it does not cause drowsiness and can be used by patients driving vehicles. Dosage – 1 tablet 3 times a day.


Despite its reputation as a heart medicine, Corvalol is primarily a sedative. The sedative effect is provided by the phenobarbital contained in Corvalol. The drug also has a mild vasodilator and hypnotic effect. Available in the form of a solution or tablets. One of the few synthetic sedatives that can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. Corvalol is also popular due to its affordable price. Doctors, however, warn against the constant use of Corvalol to treat anxiety, because phenobarbital has many side effects and causes drug dependence. Corvalol can only be used as a one-time sedative in situations involving severe stress or anxiety.


A product based on a mixture of medicinal herbs (valerian, St. John's wort, lemon balm, hops, passionflower, elderberry, hawthorn). It has a sedative and hypnotic effect and helps increase resistance to stress. Used to treat mild nervous disorders, neurasthenia, fatigue, mild insomnia, migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, dermatoses. You need to take 3 tablets for 2 weeks. Contraindications – age under 12 years, epilepsy, myasthenia gravis.

Persen has a composition similar to Novo-Passit. True, it contains fewer herbal components, but the indications for taking both medicines are similar.


The active ingredient is hydroxyzine, which is a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic. Available in 25 mg tablets. It has moderate anti-anxiety, antipruritic, sedative, antiemetic, and antihistamine effects. The usual dosage is 25 mg per day at night, the maximum daily dosage is 100 mg. The product is used for anxiety, sleep disorders, itchy skin, and for premedication. The drug can be used in children from 3 years of age. Does not cause addiction or dependence.


The product is also produced under the brand name Grandaxin. These psychotropic tablets are classified as mild/daytime tranquilizers. The drug is not addictive or dependent. Has a slight anti-anxiety effect. Improves mood, increases performance. Dosage – 50-100 mg 1-3 times a day.


The product combines the properties of an anxiolytic and nootropic. Indications:

  • anxiety states,
  • neurasthenia,
  • insomnia,
  • anxiety,
  • fear,
  • mild depression,
  • dizziness.

The minimum course of treatment with the drug is 2 weeks. Dosage – 3 times a day, 0.5 g.

Neurosis is a painful and long-term mental disorder, but it is completely reversible and, with timely treatment, is not complicated by additional nervous ailments. Psychological work alone is not always enough, and each patient expects a speedy result (after all, advanced cases take years to treat). Therefore, the doctor prescribes pills for neurosis - as an adjuvant in complex treatment. The drugs significantly alleviate the severe symptoms of neurological disorders, which often interfere with a full fight with one’s own body and soul.

Tablet medications are divided into 5 large groups:

Review of the most common tablet drugs prescribed for neuroses

group approximate price action side effects addictive
Venlafaxine antidepressant 206-330 RUR Improves mood, eliminates nervous disorders, anxiety, increases performance, improves thought processes Weakness, sensory organ disturbances, tinnitus, blood pressure surges, tachycardia, shortness of breath, skin rashes, suicidal thoughts Yes
Asentra antidepressant 634-800 RUR These are very effective tablets for neuroses, they relieve OCD and other types of nervous disorders, improve mood, and relieve anxiety. Appetite disturbances, hallucinations, sleep disorders, tachycardia, panic attacks Yes
Paxil antidepressant 650-1600 RUR Relieves OCD, relieves phobias, improves general mental health, relieves depression Allergies, blood pressure surges, tachycardia, sexual dysfunction, aggression, appetite disorders Yes
tranquilizer 620 RUR Removes panic, neuroses, phobias, psychoses, relieves tremors, improves sleep quality Drowsiness, dullness of emotions, bradycardia, allergies, hallucinations, nightmares Yes
Atarax tranquilizer 280 RUR Relaxes muscle tone, eliminates neuroses, fears and anxieties, promotes “repair” of the psyche, removes nervous tics, improves memory Gastrointestinal disorders, lethargy, sweating, heart rhythm disturbances, headache, fever No
Phenazepam tranquilizer 96-150 RUR Blocks neuroses, anxieties and fears completely, makes the patient slow, sleepy, satisfied Tachycardia, sharp decrease in blood pressure, deep sleep (inability to wake up from an alarm clock), gastrointestinal disorders, unpredictable mental reactions (even suicidal thoughts) Yes
Freesium tranquilizer 2500 RUR These are pills for neurosis of various types: OCD, neurasthenia, hysteria. Also relieves anxiety, tremors, spasms, tension and insomnia Fatigue, poor attention, dry mucous membranes, nausea, appetite disorders, allergies, tremors Yes
Aminazine antipsychotic 255 RUR Eliminates aggression, phobia, increases resistance to neuroses, calms, stabilizes mood Dizziness, constipation, tachycardia, drowsiness, appetite disturbances, drop in blood pressure, unpredictable mental reactions No
Clozapine antipsychotic 205 RUR Blocks pathological mental activity, eliminates anxiety, neuroses, phobias, panic. It is considered a “last resort” remedy if other drugs are powerless Headache, tremor, fainting, decreased libido, blood pressure surges, sudden depression No
Risperpet antipsychotic 520 RUR Blocks pathological manifestations of mental activity, relieves mania, neuroses, psychoses, manic behavior Insomnia, anxiety, headache, sleep disorders, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, increased blood pressure No
Piracetam nootropic 25-60 RUR Improves the metabolism of nerve cells, has a beneficial effect on the brain, increases resistance to neuroses, but does not affect mental processes Metabolic disorders, drowsiness, tremor, aggression, increased blood pressure, skin rashes No
Fenotropil nootropic 1140 RUR Increases vigor, relieves various neurological manifestations (neuroses, phobias, anxiety), improves mood, thought processes (patients compare it to a cup of strong coffee, which lasts all day long) Decreased appetite, insomnia, overexcitation, increased blood pressure, feeling of heat on the skin Yes
Phenibut nootropic 140 RUR Tablets relieve nervous tension, increase resistance to neurological diseases, relieve stress, improve attention and mood Nausea, vomiting, apathy, drowsiness, lethargy, headaches, gastrointestinal disorders Yes
Persen sedative 255 RUR Eliminates spasms, calms, reduces the activity of the central nervous system, which increases the protective properties of the psyche against neurological disorders Vasodilation, swelling, rash No
Relaxil sedative 270 RUR Normalizes sleep, mood, calms, reduces central nervous system excitability Dizziness, depression, loss of performance No
Magnelis B6 sedative 330 RUR Relieves irritation, spasms, improves metabolism, sleep, mood Gastrointestinal disorders, vomiting, allergies, itching No

All types of neuroses arise when mental trauma is combined with very hard work and lack of rest and lack of sleep. A variety of infections, alcohol abuse, hormonal disorders, poor nutrition are factors that weaken the body.

Neurosis develops Not so many due to reactions person on traumatic situation, How many By reason subsequent her processing. That is, due to a person’s long analysis of the current situation and results, fear of the inability to adapt to the situation. Scientists believe that, as many neuroses as there are, there are as many different reasons for its occurrence.

Treatment of neurosis

Is neurosis curable? The specificity of neurosis is that a person is aware of his illness and strives to cope with it. That's why neuroses safely are being treated If treatment carried out during. Therapy for neuroses should be comprehensive, consisting of psychotherapy and drug treatment.

There are such principles for the treatment of neuroses :

  • Elimination of the influence of a psychotraumatic factor. Therapy for neurosis will not give any effect until the influence of a specific psychotraumatic cause is eliminated or the attitude towards it is changed.
  • Psychotherapy .
  • Drug treatment.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

The main way to get out of neurosis is psychotherapy . It requires a thorough choice of specialist and the most effective methods of treating neuroses. Because only an experienced psychologist and psychotherapist will help you get out of neurosis. Psychotherapy begins with the use of rational and explanatory therapy techniques.

Neuroses are often treated with hypnosis. Typically, the removal of neurosis by hypnosis in adults is used in the treatment of neurasthenia. Autogenic training according to Schultz has a good effect when treating depressive neurosis. Neurolinguistic programming is actively used to effectively treat fear neurosis.

In the treatment of neuroses that have appeared in adults due to family and marital problems, couples therapy is used. Treatment of neuroses in children is carried out using family therapy.

Drug treatment

It is an auxiliary link for the treatment of neurosis. Medicines are used as an element of maintaining psychotherapy and facilitating access to traumatic information.

Medicines help achieve the following goals :

  • removal of neurosis;
  • inhibition of high excitability of the nervous system;
  • improved sleep;
  • restoration of mental performance (attention, memory) and physical;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes.

The following medications are prescribed for the treatment of neuroses::

  • Sedatives- to get rid of hot temper and irritability (Novo-passit, Fitosed, tincture of valerian, peony root, motherwort).
  • Adaptogens- for the treatment of neurasthenia, anxiety disorder, depressive neurosis (herbal medicines with ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, as well as the drug Glycine).
  • Tranquilizers- used for adults with hysterical neurosis, individual phobias, obsessive-compulsive neurosis (Adaptol, Gidazepam, Phenazepam).
  • Antidepressants- taken for all neuroses that are accompanied by depressive symptoms. Such drugs should be selected by a specialist, because the effects of these drugs may differ, but they must coincide with the symptoms (Gelarium, Deprim, Zolox, Zoloft, Melipramin, Paxil, Prozac, Saroten, Seroxat, Triptisol, Cipralex, Cipramil).
  • Multivitamin complexes, especially including B vitamins and minerals (Berocca, Duovit, Magne-B6, Multi-tabs B-complex, Neurovitan).
  • Homeopathy- thanks to the treatment of neurosis with homeopathy, it is possible to eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome and irritability, and at the same time resolve intestinal problems. It is only important to correctly determine the dosage of the drug, so it should be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor.

Treatment of neuroses with folk remedies

Recently, medicine has made great progress, and its achievements in the treatment of neuroses are effective and undeniable. However, treating neurosis at home with medicinal herbs can have an equally successful effect.

There are sedative plants in nature, so herbal therapy can be an excellent replacement for synthetic drugs. Treatment of neuroses with herbs dates back several centuries. To treat neurosis with folk remedies, sedative plants are used, such as:

Herbal treatment has a calming, antiseptic and immunomodulatory effect. This is very important, since with neuroses the body’s overall resistance to infections decreases. In addition, herbal treatment of neurosis is effective, low-toxic and has virtually no side effects.

Breathing training

You also need to pay attention to the benefits of breathing treatment. Respiratory center closely connected With departments brain, which provide general tone nervous systems. Hence, usage respiratory training is Very relevant method For treatment neurosis.

When used independently, you must first use normal breathing on a count (conscious breathing). Lying with your eyes closed, simply count how long your inhalation and exhalation last. Next, you need to try to control your breathing - inhale for 5 counts, and exhale the same. Thanks to conscious breathing, the mind is freed from obsessive thoughts and anxiety, and the nervous system calms down. Exercise activates the respiratory center and stimulates the production of serotonin.

Treatment of neuroses in children and adolescents

Psychotherapy for adolescents invariably begins with establishing personal contact. Then you need to find out the essence of the conflict situation and the cause of the anxious state. Next, they begin to resolve the conflict using individual, family or group psychotherapy. The conflict can be resolved by various methods: by devaluing previous goals, by forming new real prospects, by finding exciting forms of activity that can distract from insoluble problems.

In addition to psychotherapy, the treatment of neuroses in children and adolescents requires improving living conditions - hygiene, necessary rest, alternating intellectual and physical activity. Sports activities are of great importance. It is advisable to start with running, cycling, gymnastics, skiing, jumping and eventually move on to sports games.

Treatment of neuroses in adolescents is carried out on an outpatient basis or with partial hospitalization. Treatment of adolescents in a hospital is irrational - they must continue their education.

The organization of sanatorium-type departments for teenagers is justified if their stay in them is combined with continued education. Prevention of neuroses in adolescents, in addition to a general health regimen, consists of teaching them to avoid exposure to those psychogenic causes that are factors in an anxious state. The family situation is of great importance.

If there is harmony in the family, neuroses in adolescents practically do not occur

How does the treatment of neuroses differ from the treatment of psychosis?

Are the methods of treating neuroses suitable for eliminating psychoses? Psychosis is a disorder that is characterized by sharp disturbances in the emotional-volitional area, transformation of thinking and is accompanied by impaired criticality of one’s own state with impaired ability to distinguish between internal disturbances and external sources.

Neurosis is characterized by emotional or physical signs of internal conflict without a change in thinking and overcriticism of one's own state. Biological factors predominate in the appearance of psychoses, and intrapersonal conflicts are of primary importance in the development of neuroses. The mechanisms on which the emergence of neurosis and psychosis are based are very different. Therefore, the principles of treatment of these diseases are also different. Psychotherapy plays a major role in the treatment of neuroses. And in the treatment of psychosis, the emphasis is on medications. These are the basic principles of treating neuroses, be healthy!

All types of neuroses are a pathological condition of the nervous system, leading to general exhaustion of the body. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a psychotherapist who prescribes medications for neurosis, depending on the symptoms and severity of the problem.

Medicines for neurosis

There are 3 types of forms of manifestation of neurosis.

  1. Hysteria is a condition accompanied by overexcitation of the central nervous system, high blood pressure, and panic attacks.
  2. Neurasthenia is a depressive state accompanied by insomnia, apathy and exacerbation of fears.
  3. Obsessive-compulsive neurosis involves a person performing certain actions that turn into a ritual (checking to turn off electrical appliances, even while understanding the absurdity of anxiety), which leads to the formation of OCD.

Drug treatment of neurosis in adults should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor. An examination by a specialist will help determine the form of the disease and its severity. Based on the conclusion, tactics for the treatment of neurosis will be formed.

Groups of drugs used for depression and neurosis:

  • to eliminate tension, antidepressants are used;
  • medications for anxiety and phobias - tranquilizers;
  • sedatives;
  • nootropic medications help improve brain function and protect the central nervous system from harmful factors.

Antidepressants will help get rid of depression, the use of which helps:

  • elimination of apathetic state;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • improving performance;
  • improving mood.

Antidepressants help improve mood

Medicines in this group increase stress resistance and strengthen the patient’s mental health. Patients with a diagnosis of “neurasthenia with a depressive state” receive a prescription from a doctor. Therapy includes long-term drug treatment, which carries the risk of developing addiction to the components of antidepressants. To purchase medications in the antidepressant category, permission from a psychotherapist or neurologist is required. The most common and safe to use are Amitriptyline, Rexetine, and Prozac.


Dispensing rules: by prescription. The drug "Rexetine" is available in the form of tablets containing 20 mg of the active ingredient paroxetine. They belong to the category of antidepressants. Does not cause problems with blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. Does not affect psychomotor functions and the effects of ethanol.


  • depression;
  • apathy;
  • obsessive disorders;
  • panic attacks;
  • phobias;
  • anxiety;
  • neuroses of various forms.

Contraindicated in use along with inhibitors and antibiotics. This drug is a powerful antidepressant, so there is a risk of suicidal behavior in the patient. Treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a specialist.


The group of antidepressants that are characterized by a quick mood lift after administration includes Amitriptyline. The effect is cumulative, the patient receives a noticeable medicinal effect after a month. It is important not to stop taking the pills immediately after the effect is obtained, otherwise the treatment will not be complete and the symptoms will only worsen. The release form of the drug is in the form of white or transparent coated tablets, intramuscular injections.

An antidepressant is taken during or after a meal. At first, the daily dose of the drug is 75 mg and is divided into 3 times. Based on the doctor's prescription, the dosage is increased to a maximum of 200 mg. Severe forms of neurosis are treated intramuscularly, under the supervision of a specialist.

Indications for use:

  • neurosis of any form, caused by damage to brain structures or resulting from alcohol or drug addiction;
  • psychosis in schizophrenia;
  • a state of deep depression, accompanied by anxiety, insomnia, problems with the speech apparatus and loss of finger motor functionality;
  • absentmindedness;
  • decreased activity level;
  • enuresis;
  • diseases of bulimia and anorexia;
  • helps with the development of fears and phobias;
  • effective medication for pain syndrome;
  • widely used for ulcers.

"Amitriptyline" can be used even for ulcers


  • acute heart failure;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • possible allergic reaction to the component composition;
  • period of childbearing and lactation;
  • undergoing treatment with inhibitors;
  • contraindicated in children under 6 years of age;
  • for liver and kidney diseases.

Medicines for psychoneurosis are used with extreme caution in cases of alcoholism, asthma, mania and suicidal tendencies.

It is strictly forbidden to take Amitriptyline when working at high risk or driving a car due to the influence of the drug’s components on concentration. In case of overdose, nausea and gag reflex are possible. The activity of the cerebral cortex decreases, the perception of the surrounding world becomes dull, and the person sees hallucinations. In case of poisoning, you should immediately call an ambulance and provide first aid to the victim.


Another drug from the antidepressant category is Prozac, which has proven itself to be a powerful remedy for obsessive-compulsive disorders and is widely used in the treatment of various forms of neurosis. Indications for prescribing the drug are prolonged depressive states accompanied by cognitive disorders. Bulimia and premenstrual disorder are also treated with an antidepressant.

Depending on the degree of the disorder, the attending physician prescribes a dose of the drug from 20 to 60 mg per day. Prozac is available in the form of capsules containing 20 mg fluoxetine hydrochloride. When prescribing this drug, the intake of concomitant medications is taken into account.

Side effects:

  • decrease in pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • chills or fever;
  • dry mouth;
  • stomach upset in the form of nausea and diarrhea;
  • drowsiness;
  • convulsions;
  • bleeding in women;
  • decreased erectile function in men.

The use of Prozac is contraindicated in case of impaired liver function, as well as a possible allergic reaction of the body to fluoxetine hydrochloride.

Prozac is prohibited for any liver disease


Sedatives help improve the emotional state of a neurotic person. Plant-based tablets are not addictive and have virtually no side effects, which is what makes the category of sedatives so popular when choosing therapy.

Indications for use:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritation;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • apathy.

At the initial stage of using a sedative, the opposite effect may occur: the person will suffer from drowsiness and loss of strength. But after a few days, the patient becomes more balanced and able to respond adequately to irritating factors.

The most common drugs in the sedative group are valerian tincture, “Barboval”. These products are classified as over-the-counter products. The composition contains herbal infusions with sedative effects that help cope with the symptoms of neurosis.

The medicine contains valerian and ethyl alcohol 70%. The liquid has a dark brown color and a bitter-spicy taste. Included in the group of sedatives with a hypnotic effect.

Indicated for emotional overexcitation, hysterics, and sleep disturbances.

Contraindicated in an apathetic, depressed state. Do not take if you are intolerant to any of the components of the drug.

Valerian tincture should not be taken if the patient is depressed

Dosage for adults: 30 drops, for children: 15 drops, 3-4 times a day. The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor.


The drug belongs to the group of sedatives and contains high concentrations of ethyl alcohol and bromoisovaleric acid. Available in drops for oral use. It is a clear liquid with a specific odor.

Indicated for nervous disorders with increased excitability, insomnia, and the initial stage of tachycardia.

Contraindicated in myocardial infarction, diabetes, renal failure. Not used for asthma, obstructive cough.

The medicine causes drowsiness and inhibition of reactions, therefore it is contraindicated when driving or working at high risk, requiring quick reactions. Not used during lactation and pregnancy.

The drug is taken 30 minutes before meals. Adults take 20 drops 3 times a day for a week.


Tranquilizers are used in extreme cases, when the main treatment has not had the desired effect or the neurosis is in an advanced stage, which requires an immediate solution. The action of a tranquilizer in the treatment of neurosis is aimed at relaxing the muscles, which helps relieve nervous tension.

The most common drugs in the tranquilizer category are Afobazol and Phenazepam.

The use of this category of drugs is available only by prescription with strict adherence to dosage. Causes drowsiness and affects concentration, therefore it is not prescribed for workers in motor vehicles or high-risk areas.


The drug "Afobazol" is a selective anxiolytic, a derivative of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole. It does not have a sedative effect (the sedative effect is manifested only when the single dose is exceeded by 50 times). The use of Afobazole is not addictive and does not affect mental activity.

"Afobazol" is a non-addictive tranquilizer

The action of the medicine goes in two directions: anxiolytic - eliminating anxiety, stimulating effect, activates the effects:

  • elimination of insomnia;
  • the feeling of anxiety and irritability goes away;
  • relieves tension - tearfulness, restlessness, feelings of rejection and fears go away;
  • symptoms of heart failure disappear: dry mouth, rapid heartbeat;
  • concentration in work appears.

Available in the form of round, white or milky tablets. The amount of active substance is 20 mg. Prescriptions from a doctor are given to patients with neurasthenia, depression, bronchial asthma and cancer. The daily dose of Afobazole should not exceed 60 mg.

The drug contains lactose, so use is not permissible for patients with intolerance to the component. The medicine is not prescribed during lactation and pregnancy.


The drug "Phenazepam" is characterized by an active tranquilizing effect. The targeted anxiolytic effect on the central nervous system has an anticonvulsant, relaxing and hypnotic effect.


  • neuroses of various forms;
  • psychosis;
  • panic states;
  • depressed state;
  • alcohol withdrawal, the drug helps alleviate the condition with a sharp cessation of alcohol addiction;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • phobias;
  • sometimes used to prepare for surgery.

Available in tablet form, prescribed 2 or 3 times a day, 0.25 mg or more. The maximum dose per day is 0.01 g.

Side effects:

  • drowsiness;
  • fainting conditions;
  • lack of coordination;
  • weakness.

Taking Phenazepam can cause severe weakness

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Not used for liver diseases.


Nootropic drugs are widely used in modern medicine. Used for intense physical and mental stress, can be used in children and adults.


  • improved performance;
  • increasing memory abilities;
  • concussion;
  • stimulant for depression and apathy;
  • elimination of migraines and dizziness;
  • reduction of irritability.

The most common and reliable medications to use are Phenibut and Glycine.

Phenibut for nervous disorders

Round tablets with a bevel and a cross-section on one side have a white or yellowish tint. They belong to the category of psychostimulants and nootropics. The medicine is non-toxic and does not cause allergic reactions.

Indications for use:

  • decreased brain activity;
  • fatigue;
  • apathy;
  • used for stress before surgery;
  • the drug is prescribed to relieve withdrawal symptoms during alcohol withdrawal;
  • enuresis and stuttering in school-age children.

Contraindicated when carrying a child or intolerance to one of the components of the composition. The drug affects the reaction rate, therefore it is not used when driving vehicles.

Taking Phenibut for neurosis is prescribed before meals. The effect of the drug increases with increasing dosage; it is prescribed with caution to children over 8 years of age.

Glycine for neurosis

"Glycine" is prescribed for neurosis and depressive conditions in order to:

  • reduce psycho-emotional stress;
  • help with apathetic state;
  • cope with insomnia or drowsiness;
  • activate mental activity;
  • reduce the toxic effects of ethanol;
  • remove the consequences of VSD and concussion.

Available in the form of tablets, round in white or slightly pink. Belongs to the category of nootropic drugs. It is a neurotransmitter that regulates natural metabolism in the body and activates the protective processes of the nervous system. Prescribed 100 mg 3 times a day, can be taken by children from 3 years of age.

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