Theanine: A natural supplement against stress and depression. L-Theanine for Mind and Good Mood Research on Theanine Side Effects

What is L-theanine, how and why to take it - instructions. Find out how this sports nutrition product improves health and increases stamina.

For thousands of years, people have been drinking tea regularly. Thanks to modern science, we now know why this drink is so popular. Studies show that tea contains molecules that prevent a number of diseases, improve mood and cognitive function of the brain, reduce feelings of stress, prevent weight gain, and much more. This is one of the healthiest drinks.

The beneficial properties of tea are created by the well-known and beloved caffeine, polyphenols (substances that plants produce to protect themselves from radiation and various diseases caused by microorganisms) and L-theanine.

L-theanine was discovered in 1949, but is only now deservedly in the public eye. From this article you will understand why.

What is L-theanine?

L-theanine is an amino acid that is rarely found in foods. Amino acids are the molecules that make up protein - the main building material for our body.

The prefix "L" indicates that this amino acid can be used for protein synthesis. Another type of amino acid has a "D" prefix. This form is found in muscle cells but not in protein.

Structurally, L-theanine is identical to the amino acid L-glutamine. It can overcome the blood-brain barrier, which means it can affect the chemical processes in the brain. It is found in tea and some mushrooms, but only in small amounts. Therefore, it has become a popular sports nutrition product.

Why take L-theanine?

The main reason L-theanine is used as a sports supplement is for muscle relaxation and improved focus. Unlike other relaxants, L-theanine does not cause drowsiness and is not a sedative. This combination of benefits makes L-theanine much more beneficial than stimulants like caffeine.

Health Benefits of L-Theanine

The spectrum of benefits of L-theanine is much wider than many people realize.

It affects physical and mental health, cognitive performance and performance in training.

Studies show that L-theanine increases the effectiveness of drugs that treat tumors, reduces the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, lowers blood pressure, improves sleep quality and strengthens the immune system.

In terms of mental health, studies show that L-theanine protects against nervous system disorders and cognitive dysfunction, reduces anxiety and depression, and improves memory and learning ability. It also improves physical performanceincreasing blood flow and, and reduces fatigue.

How does L-theanine help fight cancer?

L-theanine reduces the level of oxidative stress in the body, which increases the effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of cancer. At the same time, it reduces their side effects.

Oxidative stress is a balance between the body's production of harmful free radicals and the body's ability to minimize their effect.

If there is an imbalance, the risk of rapid development of many diseases increases, including cancer, diabetes, neurological diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs.

How does L-theanine reduce the risk of developing diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which the body properly processes the glucose contained in in simple . Studies show that taking L-theanine and zinc lowers blood sugar levels. Therefore, L-theanine is beneficial for those who are genetically prone to diabetes.

How does L-theanine help prevent cardiovascular disease?

Heart disease is the biggest killer in the world, so anything is good to keep your heart healthy.L-theanine helps lower cholesterol levels and increase the production of nitric oxide, a gas that dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow.

How does L-theanine lower blood pressure and stress levels?

L-theanine prevents L-glutamic acid from entering the receptors in the brain, which reduces anxiety and blood pressure. High blood pressure is a risk for heart disease. This determines the action of L-theanine as a cardioprotector.

How does L-theanine help with nervous disorders and cognitive dysfunction?

As already mentioned,L-theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier. This allows you to regulate the activity of some neurotransmitters that perform a transport function in the brain.

It affects cognitive performance, brain health, and mental well-being. For this reason, L-theanine prevents the development of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

How does L-theanine improve sleep quality?

Despite the lack of sedative properties, it has been proven thatL-theanine improves sleep quality. It improves not only the quality of sleep (the ratio of sleep time to the total time spent in bed), but also reduces your mobility during move and toss and turn less.

How does L-theanine boost immunity?

Research shows thatL-theanine helps the body produce glutathione, an important antioxidant that protects against disease. As we age, glutathione levels decrease, and taking L-theanine will help prevent immune weakening.

How Does L-Theanine Improve Cognitive Performance?

L-theanine reduces oxidative stress and enhances brain activity. Research shows that this speeds up the speed at which you complete tasks that require mental work, and reduces the number of mistakes you make.

In addition, L-theanine stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which improves attention and memory.

How does L-theanine improve physical performance?

The positive effect of L-theanine on physical activity is due to its effect on the brain, as well as the ability to increase the concentration of liver glycogen, which is used as fuel during exercise.

It also increases production, improves blood flow and oxygen supply to the muscles. Therefore, L-theanine is often found in combination with caffeine in some pre-workout supplements.

How does L-theanine reduce anxiety and depression?

Research shows that L-theanine reduces heart rate and other physiological aspects of stress, making it an effective anxiolytic.

Its antidepressant properties are the result of affecting the activity of neurotransmitters, thereby improving mood and overall well-being.

How does L-theanine interact with caffeine?

Research shows that L-theanine and caffeine interact as synergists, enhancing each other's effects.

What is an effective dosage of L-theanine?

A clinically effective dosage of a substance is one that produces the desired effect. As for L-theanine, its effect directly depends on the dosage. In other words: the more L-theanine you take, the more benefits you will experience (of course, within reasonable limits). A noticeable effect is already observed from taking 100-200 mg of L-theanine per day. Studies show that higher dosages of L-theanine do not have a toxic effect on the body.

What are the results of taking L-theanine?

There are not many natural remedies that have been scientifically proven to be effective in many ways. However, remember that sports nutrition alone will not lead you to the result. But this will make regular training and.

Taking L-theanine leads to the following results:

  • Improved mood (reduces feelings of anxiety and depression);
  • Increased energy during workouts;
  • Improved quality of sleep;
  • Enhanced immunity;
  • Improved cognitive performance;
  • Arterial pressure does not exceed the norm;
  • The level of cholesterol does not exceed the norm.

Does L-theanine have side effects?

Unlike most sports nutrition products, no side effects have been reported since the widespread use of L-theanine in 1964. In addition, theanine can be used simultaneously with any drugs. However, before taking it, it is recommended to consult a specialist.


More and more people are using L-theanine as a sports supplement these days, and for good reason. Numerous scientific studies have proven that it reduces the risk of developing diseases, reduces stress levels, improves physical and cognitive performance, and reduces feelings of anxiety and depression.

It also works synergistically with caffeine to give you influx of energy , improves mood and gives strength. This product won't change your life, but it will help you be healthier, feel better, and think more clearly.

Oral theanine in rats, which was observed to increase plasma theanine concentrations to 7763.3+/-3875.4 nmol/g (2% in drinking water), had little effect on serotonin release. Theanine injection at 10µm/kg had no effect on serotonin levels, but neutralized the effect of caffeine on increasing serotonin release. L-theanine, when taken orally in rats at 2,000-8,000mg/kg bw (for a human this would be 380-1280mg/kg bw), will cause a dose-dependent increase in brain tryptophan levels and a decrease in serotonin levels by up to 20.5% and 15.5% at the highest dosage. Technically, theanine has anti-serotonin mechanisms of action, but this occurs at very high doses and is likely not significant at standard oral doses.

GABA mechanisms

Injection of theanine (30 µm/kg, 15 µm/kg dose is ineffective, as well as all doses above 30 µm/kg) increases GABA concentration to 19.8%. On the other hand, a 4% solution of theanine in water in rats entails a decrease in the extracellular concentration of GABA in the frontal cortex.

Glutaminergic mechanisms

L-theanine is structurally similar to glutamate and has little effect on receptors with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration and inhibitory constant Ki, respectively, 24.6+/-0.9µm/19.2+/-0.7µm (AMPA receptor), 41.5+/-7.6µm/29.3+ /-5.4µm (kainate receptor), and 347+/-47µm/329+/-44µm (NMDA receptor); scores are 800-30,000 less than endogenous L-glutamate ligand. Theanine can accumulate in glutaminergic neurons (via two mechanisms with KM values ​​of 42.3 µm and 1.88 mmol), at least one of them is a glutamine transporter, while both amino acids compete for uptake (glutamine is inhibited with a half-maximal inhibition concentration of 329.2+ / -59.5µm, while the opposite slowdown is weaker at a dose greater than 1,000µm). It has been noted that concentrations of 1-10mM theanine can reduce extracellular concentrations of glutamate. Theanine is a blocker substance that neutralizes the action of NMDA receptors (with poor efficiency). May reduce synaptic release of glutamate by blocking its transport. Theanine reduces glutamate levels, but rather weakly, it requires high concentrations of theanine. The increase in calcium production and stimulation of dopamine production at high concentrations of theanine (800µm) is blocked by the NMDA antagonist D-2-amino-5-phosphonapentanoate, and theanine can signal through NMDA receptors at high concentrations. Some of the mechanisms of action of theanine are neutralized by NMDA receptor blocking substances. At high concentrations, theanine has NMDA receptor signaling properties.


In a study that saw an increase in alpha wave production, some participants reported a more relaxed state. Theanine (injections 5-10mmol/kg bw) increases hexobarbital-induced sleep time by 11-21% but is not addictive. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is most commonly associated with symptoms of hyperactivity such as restless legs or restless sleep. People with ADHD syndrome (males 8-12 years old) were given 200 mg of L-theanine twice a day for 6 weeks, improved sleep quality, normalized sleep patterns (10%) and improved sleep efficiency. In studies measuring sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep) and sleep duration (the length of time between falling asleep and waking up), these parameters remained unchanged. In addition, no side effects of sedation have been observed when using theanine dosage for relaxation purposes.


Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder took 400 mg of L-theanine for 8 weeks in addition to standard antipsychotic drugs, which subsequently helped to significantly restore the beneficial effects of the drugs, improve general psychopathological symptoms and reduce anxiety.


Oral administration of L-theanine at 2-4 mg/kg body weight to mice daily for 5 weeks in drinking water was able to reduce the toxic effect of Abeta (1-42) injection on memory, stop pro-inflammatory responses via nuclear factor kappa bi, and extracellular regulated kinase (ERK)/p38.


In one study, participants with mild cognitive impairment took LGNC-07 (360 mg of green tea extract and 60 mg of theanine, three times a day for 16 weeks), resulting in an improvement in delayed recognition and working memory, without any or effect on visuospatial and verbal memory (Rey Kim test).


Theanine has anticonvulsant properties at an injection dose of 2.5-10 mmol/kg against caffeine, although it is not effective against other agents such as picrotoxin and stychnine. In another study, when administered orally at 4% theanine in water in rats, it protected against pilocarpine but aggravated pentylenetetrazole seizures, the authors of the study suggested the use of theanine for limbic seizures but not general seizures, and hypothesized that this mechanism was associated with an increase in GABA concentration in the frontal cortex. Seizure potentiation induced by pentylenetetrazole, a GABA blocker, has been noted in other studies with black and green tea containing theanine.


In a comparative analysis of the effects of L-theanine (200mg) and alprazolam (1mg) on ​​anticipatory anxiety, the following was observed: while theanine had a relaxing effect, both theanine and alprazolam significantly reduced anxiety symptoms in a functioning pattern of anxiety. waiting . Some other trials investigating situational anxiety failed to find a difference between the effect of placebo and the effect of theamine at this dosage. In studies that measure relaxation, or time to response, only people with general anxiety have found to benefit from the relaxation-related action, but the results of those patients who did not have anxiety did not differ from those of controls.

Attention and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

In people with mild cognitive impairment, taking a mixture of theanine (60 mg) and green tea extract (30 mg) for 16 weeks, it was possible to improve selective attention according to the Stroop test. Improvements in attention were seen in healthy people with high scores on general anxiety, and there was no apparent effect in people with low scores on general anxiety.


The rats were given a 3% solution of L-theanine in their drinking water and found to have decreased levels of circulating corticosterone at rest, about half that of the control group. In hippocampal CA1 cells, theanine causes the NMDA-dependent form of long-term potentiation (LTP) to disappear in relation to the NMDA-independent form of long-term potentiation, while stress-induced memory impairment has been noted at this oral dose. It is known that an increase in corticosterone and stress itself can suppress the value of LTP and impair memory processing in the hippocampus, and a decrease in corticosterone contributes to memory retention when taking theanine. Oral L-theanine supplementation in rats at acceptable doses reduces circulating stress biomarkers with or without a stress-causing factor and reverses negative effects such as memory impairment. In a stress test analysis, theanine 200mg reduced perceived stress levels and reduced the risk of an increase in salivary IgA (a biomarker of stress) by about half by the end of the study. The participants themselves reported a marked reduction in stress levels when taking theamine at standard oral doses.

Cardiovascular health


Black and green teas have vasodilating properties and may promote nitric oxide production. Theanine promotes nitric oxide production via phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) on Ser 1177 with concentration-dependent effects at doses of 0.01-1µm (10µm dose was as effective as 0.01µm). Phosphorylation and subsequent relaxation of the endothelium directly depend on phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) and externally regulated kinase (ERK) (but do not depend on protein kinase B Akt). Theanine promotes the formation of nitric oxide even at low concentrations, and has a significant effect when taken orally.

Interactions with other nutrients


Compared with caffeine alone, its combination with 100 mg L-theanine positively affected the accuracy and attention of healthy adult participants on cognitive testing, a similar study had previously been conducted at the same dosage, and there was an improvement in the maintenance of long-term rapt attention and fatigue rating. In a study in which there were 2 intake options (caffeine alone and caffeine combined with theanine), there was no difference in reduction in sustained voluntary attention task errors when comparing pure intake and combined intake. Taking pure caffeine (150 mg) reduces fatigue, improves visual information processing speed (RVIP) and reaction time; with the addition of 250 mg of L-theanine, these benefits are maintained, while improving concentration and reaction time and reducing the severity of headaches (which worsened in the caffeine control group). Reaction time (as well as the ability to switch between tasks) was improved with the mixture at lower doses (50mg caffeine and 100mg L-theanine), and improved attention was noted in this study, with less of a drop in performance with distractions. At least one study noted that increased attention (assessed by keeping attention while switching tasks) was observed independently of perceived fatigue.

Green tea

In one study, theanine bioavailability was observed to decrease with its use when infiltrated from green tea, which was assessed during the Caco-2 cell study. Theanine is absorbed by passive diffusion, and is usually well absorbed at concentrations above 4 mmol through the cells of the intestine, but when the dosage is reduced, there is a double absorption through the cells of the intestine. While the absorption rate stopped at 35%, the excretion rate increased significantly. It has been suggested that the small amount of D-theanine in green tea (2.2-4.7% total) may affect absorption rates at lower absorption rates; although the authors themselves question this theory.


Glutamine is also transported to the gut, as is L-theanine (via the sodium transporter), only with a higher affinity coefficient. The kinetics of glutamine and L-theanine across the intestinal membrane is mediated by passive diffusion, suggesting similar uptake kinetics. Studies suggesting that the L-theanine in green tea is less absorbed than theanine have linked this to glutamine, but there is no evidence yet. Tannic acid (the main constituent of green tea) can be neutralized by the mitochondrial glutamate transporter and has not been investigated on the intestinal glutamine transporter (unlike mitochondrial glutamate).

Scientific research

In early studies of theanine, participants consumed tea at much higher doses than is normal in everyday life. The researchers were interested in whether regular doses of tea would have the same effect that was discussed in previous studies. A recent Unilever study showed that even with just one cup of tea, an EEG study can show changes in alpha brain waves. Alpha waves originate in the brain and are associated with relaxation.

Impact on the brain

Due to the fact that theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier, it has psychoactive properties. The potential effects of theanine in reducing mental and physical fatigue, improving cognitive performance, and elevating mood were studied based on a synergistic interaction with . Structurally related to the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, theanine bears only a loose resemblance to glutamate receptors on postsynaptic cells. Theanine's primary effect is to increase the overall level of the brain's inhibitory transmitter (). Theanine also increases dopamine levels in the brain and has little affinity for AMPA, kainate, and NDMA receptors. The effect of theanine on serotonin is still a matter of scientific debate, studies using similar experiments demonstrate that theanine can cause both an increase and a decrease in serotonin levels in the brain. Spontaneous injections of theanine into hypertensive mice have also been found to significantly reduce brain levels of 5-hydroxyindoles. Researchers also speculate that theanine may suppress glutamic acid toxicity. Theanine promotes the production of alpha waves in the brain. Studies on experimental rats have shown that even with repeated use of extremely high doses of theanine, there are practically no undesirable psychological or physical effects. In one study in rats, theanine was shown to have a neuroprotective effect. A placebo-controlled study has shown that adding theanine to antipsychotic medications is helpful in alleviating some of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Some makers of theanine-containing beverages market it as a focus and concentration drink, while other makers of theanine drinks cite its relaxing and calming properties.

Theanine supplements

In 2003, the German Federal Risk Assessment Institute (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, BfR) raised objections to adding theanine to drinks. Representatives of the institute said that the amount of theanine regularly consumed by people who drink tea or is almost impossible to determine. At the same time, it has been estimated that green tea consumed on average by Japanese daily drinkers contains about 20 mg of this substance, however, there are no studies measuring the amount of theanine obtained through the usual method of brewing tea, as well as percentage losses. due to the draining of the first infusion. Thus, if the Japanese consume, on average, less than 20 mg of theanine per day, and the Europeans seem to consume even less, BfR believes that pharmacological reactions to drinks containing 50 mg of theanine per 500 milliliters of liquid cannot be ruled out. Such reactions may include impairment of psychomotor skills and an increase in the sedative effect of alcohol and hypnotics. A 2006 study found no consistent, statistically significant data on behavioral, morbidity, mortality, body weight, food intake, clinical chemistry, hematology, or urinalysis in rats given large doses of theanine for 13 weeks. There have not been large human studies, but several smaller studies (less than 100 people) have shown that tannin causes an increase in alpha wave production and a decrease in anxiety, along with benefits for sleep quality in patients with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder and hyperactivity). The combination of L-theanine and promotes faster simple response, faster digital working memory response, and improved speech accuracy. L-theanine, by increasing the power of gamma delta T cells, can promote the body's immune response to various infections. In 2003, a 4-week study was published in which 11 tea drinkers and 10 tea drinkers took part in volumes of 600 milliliters per day. Blood test samples showed that tea drinkers' production of antibacterial proteins was five times higher, which could be an indicator of a strong immune response. L-theanine may help stabilize cells in animals. Gamma-glutamyl methylamide, also known as GMA, N-methyl-L-glutamine, and metheanine found in green tea has structural bonds with L-theanine and L-glutamine. GMA has been shown to have a high antihypertensive efficacy compared to L-theanine.

Safety and toxicology

general information

It has been reported (claimed by Taiyo co; manufacturer of Suntheanine®) that when 99% L-theanine was taken orally in rats, L-theanine showed no toxicity, as did 6,500mg/kg bw for 2 weeks or 2,000mg/kg body weight for more than 28 days. Taking 5% L-theanine for 78 weeks was also not associated with toxicity. The same result was obtained during a 13-week toxicity test in rats at the highest non-toxic dose (NTD) of 4,000 mg/kg bw, which was the highest dose in the studies. In animal studies, L-theanine has been shown to be safe, even very high doses have not caused toxicity. In the Ames test for carcinogenicity, the mutation frequency was negative (this means that the substance is not carcinogenic). L-theanine is not carcinogenic.

The Japanese have discovered a unique remedy that awakens business activity and mental performance - this is the amino acid L-theanine, isolated from green tea leaves. It is theanine that works as an activator of brain activity, but at the same time does not cause excitability of the nervous system, but, on the contrary, allows you to maintain calmness, clarity of mind and reduce pressure that has risen due to stress 1 .

Theanine Evalar is a real dope for the brain. It contains the optimal dosage of theanine - 500 mg in two capsules. While in an ordinary cup of green tea - only 10-20 mg, which, moreover, on the contrary, causes an increase in pressure due to the presence of caffeine in it.

Theanine Evalar activates the intellect and creative energy, and it is on them that not only success in work, but also simple survival in the modern world depends.

Theanine Evalar contributes to:
  • Increasing intelligence, business activity, creative energy
  • Reduce stress, anxiety and irritability
  • Normalization of pressure that has risen due to stress
  • Increasing concentration

Quality guaranteed by international GMP standard


L-theanine, capsule (gelatin, color: titanium dioxide), gum arabic (carrier), magnesium stearate, amorphous silica and stearic acid (anti-caking agents).
Recommendations for use

Adults 2 capsules daily. Duration of admission - 1 month. If necessary, the reception can be continued.


Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Certificate of State Registration (CoGR)

No. KZ. dated January 25, 2016

Release form Capsules
Number of capsules per pack 30 capsules with a content weight of 0.32 g
Best before date 3 years
Storage conditions Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C

1 If high blood pressure is not the result of diseases. The action was confirmed by CoGR No. KZ.Е.000181.01.16 dated 01.25.2016 (“Theanine”).

Stress and frequent nervous tension that accompany a person can reduce the quality of life and have a bad effect on the state of the body, for example, increase blood pressure. To reduce this effect of stressful situations on the body, biologically active supplements based on L-theanine, such as Theanine from Evalar, are used.

L-theanine is an amino acid isolated from green tea that contributes to:

    reducing the impact of stress on the body 2 ;

    improvement of cognitive functions and abilities 3 ;

    improvement of a person's emotional state 4 ;

In addition, L-theanine increases the amount of dopamine 5, a hormone that improves mood and increases endurance during physical training. However, unlike caffeine, which is also found in green tea and has a similar effect on the body, L-theanine does not increase blood pressure.

One capsule of the dietary supplement "Theanine" from the company "Evalar" contains 250 mg of L-theanine. When used in the recommended amounts, the daily intake of this amino acid is ensured by the body. For comparison, one cup of green tea contains an average of 10 to 20 mg of this substance, so it is impossible to ensure the intake of a sufficient amount of L-theanine with tea.

Instructions for use of the remedy "Theanine" from "Evalar"

The dietary supplement is taken 1 capsule twice a day for a month. If necessary, continue taking dietary supplements. You can buy "Theanine" from "Evalar" in the company's pharmacy chain or on the website, as well as in the pharmacies of the company's partners. Additional information about the tool can be obtained by phone or through the feedback form.

2 Kenta Kimura, Makoto Ozeki, Leh Raj Janja, Hideki Ohira (2007) L-Theanine Reduces Psychological and Physiological Stress Responses // Biological Psychology 74(1): 39-45
3 Park, Sun Key; Jung, In-Chul; Lee Young Sun; Park, Hong Kuk; Go, Hyo Jin; Kim, Kiseong et al. (2011). // "The combination of green tea extract and l-theanine improves memory and attention in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a double-blind placebo-controlled study." // Journal of Medicinal Food 14(4): 334-43.
4 Owen, Gale N.; Parnell, Holly; Rycroft, Jane A. (2008). "Combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood". // Nutritional Neuroscience 11(4): 193-8.
5 Nathan P, Lou K, Gray M, Oliver S (2006). "Neuropharmacology of L-theanine (N-ethyl-L-glutamine.

Product availability subject to country laws and distributor availability.

L-theanine is able to qualitatively relax the body, go into a state of rest, without depression of the central nervous system. In this state, the activity of the cardiac and vascular systems is supported, attention and memory improve. The patient is collected and not overwhelmed with emotions. The drug reduces emotional and nervous tension. The state of rest leads to improved blood circulation and normalization of blood pressure. It has a positive effect on night sleep, its duration and quality improves. The calming and relaxing effect occurs due to the increase in gamma-aminobutyric acid in the body. The amino acid controls important functions. It transmits information from one amino acid to another, as a result of which the body is able to feel and feel pleasure or pain. An increase in gamma-aminobutyric acid leads to a decrease in excitability, nervousness, increased anxiety, and anxiety. After taking the drug, the mood improves. A positive emotional upsurge occurs due to the fact that L-theanine stimulates the production of dopamine (the hormone of happiness). L-Theanine leads to relaxation and mental clarity, but the drug does not have a sedative effect, which increases the benefits of the drug. The drug regulates well the distribution of nitric oxide in the system. Nitric oxide improves the functioning of the heart system. The residual voltage is removed. In laboratory studies, it has been observed that the remedy helps to reduce the perception of bitter taste. The drug after entering the body undergoes metabolic processes. After that, part of the concentration enters the brain through the encephalographic barrier. The active substance reaches an average concentration in the brain after one hour, and a maximum concentration after five hours. At the moment of maximum concentration in patients, the activity of the alpha rhythm of the brain is noted. A complete balanced state occurs thirty minutes after ingestion. Patients become calm and relaxed, while visual and spatial perception improves. After one day, the substance is completely split. It is excreted from the body by the renal system, and a small part through the digestive system.

Stressful situations and nervous overstrain, which accompany a person almost constantly, reduce the quality of life and negatively affect well-being. In order to minimize anxiety symptoms, the dietary supplement "Theanine" from "Evalar" is used. Reviews about it are in large numbers on various forums. This dietary supplement is positioned by the manufacturer as a source of calm and cheerful mood.

This is a remedy of natural origin, which has a stimulating effect on mental activity and normalizes the level of pressure. Even being not a drug, but a dietary supplement, Theanine has its own contraindications and is not intended for uncontrolled independent use. It is best to take this drug after consulting your doctor. In this article we will talk about this drug: its composition, features of use, etc.

Reviews about "Teanine" from "Evalar" will also be presented.

What it is?

This drug is based on the natural amino acid L-theanine. This substance is an excellent relaxant and antidepressant. On the basis of experimental research data of specialists, it has been established that taking L-theanine affects the brain in such a way that the nature of its activity changes after half an hour.

Stressful beta waves give way to relaxed alpha waves. Therefore, as a result of taking this drug, patients have a good mood, a clear mind, they feel calm and relaxed.

If your job involves a lot of mental work or a lot of computer time, this supplement may help you get rid of some health problems. It can significantly improve performance and overall well-being. The dietary supplement can be used for general fatigue, severe fatigue, during the rehabilitation period after a stroke, as a means of improving attention and memory.

In addition, it is used in the treatment of depression, as an aid in neurosis and neurasthenia. As one of the components of the complex therapy of epilepsy. In the treatment of diseases of the peripheral nervous system, with resistance to learning, with the complex implementation of anti-aging procedures. Reviews about "Theanine" from "Evalar" are mostly positive.

Source of L-theanine

People regularly drink tea. Modern science has revealed the reasons for the popularity of this drink. According to research, tea contains molecules that prevent many diseases, improve mood and cognitive brain function, reduce anxiety, and help prevent weight gain.

Useful properties have caffeine, polyphenols and L-theanine. The last substance listed was discovered in 1949. But its beneficial properties became known not so long ago. Japanese scientists have discovered that L-theanine has unique properties: it helps to relax the body, reduces the negative effects of stress, and normalizes blood pressure, which in case of stressful situations can rise even in a healthy person. Also, this substance helps to maintain a high concentration of attention.

L-theanine is a natural neurotransmitter, that is, a substance that ensures the transmission of nerve impulses from one brain cell to another.

Needs of the brain

The brain cannot do without neurotransmitters. The natural source of L-theanine is green tea. But with the classical method of brewing tea leaves, this substance practically does not remain in the drink, since the molecular structure of tea leaves is difficult to split. And L-theanine is firmly "built into" it.

In one brewed cup of tea, theanine content is minimal - about 10-20 mg. The daily dose, which will allow you to get the effect of taking the drug, should be at least 200 mg. It is possible to release theanine molecules only under production conditions using special technologies. Each capsule of this dietary supplement contains 250 mg of natural theanine.

How does BAD work?

Just two capsules a day, i.e. 500 mg provide:

  • maintaining mental activity and good mood at the proper level;
  • calmness and relaxation;
  • maintaining clarity of mind and consciousness;
  • pressure normalization.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews on "Theanine" from "Evalar".

In addition, this substance increases the amount of the hormone of joy - dopamine, which, accordingly, improves mood and increases resistance to physical exertion.

Importantly, L-theanine does not affect blood pressure, unlike caffeine, which is also found in green tea.

Clinical trials have shown that this substance increases the effective effect of drugs intended for the treatment of cancer, reduces the possibility of developing diabetes and heart pathologies.

Features of the drug

The new dietary supplement, released by the company "Evalar", has the following features that distinguish it from other drugs of this kind:

  • does not affect concentration;
  • does not have a sedative effect;
  • not addictive;
  • the composition of the drug includes high-quality components that are produced in Japan;
  • favorable cost, especially in comparison with foreign analogues;
  • the drug is produced in accordance with international quality standards on the latest equipment.

According to reviews, the instructions for use and the price of Theanine from Evalar are quite satisfactory for buyers.

Method of application and dosage

Adults are prescribed two capsules daily. The course is 30 days. If necessary, taking this remedy can be continued further.

This is confirmed by the instruction and reviews on "Teanin" from "Evalar".


Contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Before taking the supplement, you should consult your doctor for advice.

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