Temperature and microclimate in the office and production premises according to sanitary standards and rules

Updated 10/17/2017 23:55

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for PCs with CRT monitors - 6 sq.m per employee;
for PCs with LCD monitors - 4.5 sq.m per employee (SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03)

Excerpt from SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03:

III. Requirements for premises for working with PCs

3.1. Premises for PC operation must have natural and artificial lighting. The operation of PCs in rooms without natural light is permitted only with appropriate justification and the presence of a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued in the prescribed manner.

3.2. Natural and artificial lighting must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documentation. Windows in rooms where computer equipment is used should predominantly be oriented to the north and northeast.
Window openings must be equipped with adjustable devices such as blinds, curtains, external canopies, etc.

3.3. It is not allowed to place PC user seats in all educational, cultural and entertainment institutions for children and adolescents in basements and basements.
3.4. The area per workstation of PC users with a VDT based on a cathode ray tube (CRT) must be at least 6 m2, in the premises of cultural and entertainment institutions and with a VDT based on flat discrete screens (liquid crystal, plasma) - 4.5 m2.
When using a PCEM with a CRT-based VDT (without auxiliary devices - printer, scanner, etc.) that meet the requirements of international computer safety standards, with an operating time of less than 4 hours per day, a minimum area of ​​4.5 m2 per user workstation is allowed (adults and students of higher professional education).
3.5. For interior decoration of rooms where PCs are located, diffusely reflective materials with a reflection coefficient for the ceiling of 0.7 - 0.8 should be used; for walls - 0.5 - 0.6; for the floor - 0.3 - 0.5.
3.6. Polymer materials are used for interior decoration of premises with PCs in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
3.7. Premises where workstations with PCs are located must be equipped with protective grounding (grounding) in accordance with the technical requirements for operation.
3.8. Workplaces with PCs should not be placed near power cables and inputs, high-voltage transformers, or technological equipment that interferes with the operation of the PC.

In the event of a violation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, the administrative code (CAO) applies:

Article 6.3. Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and legislation on technical regulation

Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, expressed in violation of existing sanitary rules and hygienic standards, requirements of technical regulations, failure to comply with sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, -
(as amended by Federal Law dated December 28, 2009 N 380-FZ)
entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.
(as amended by Federal Laws dated 05/09/2005 N 45-FZ, dated 06/22/2007 N 116-FZ)

In the Russian Federation, in accordance with labor legislation, rules for the design of administrative premises and sanitary rules, the following standards and requirements for the workplace have been established:

1. A workplace equipped with a personal computer with a modern liquid crystal (or plasma) monitor should be located on an area of ​​at least 4.5 square meters - provided that it is not equipped with additional devices that consume electricity and are a source of additional electromagnetic radiation. Additional equipment (second monitor, printer, fax, scanner) requires additional space.

2. A computerized workstation with a monitor based on an ERT (cathode ray tube) requires at least 6 sq.m of office space. However, if an employee spends no more than half of the working day at the computer (less than 4 hours), then the area of ​​his workplace can be the same 4.5 sq.m. As in the first case, auxiliary devices, if necessary, must be installed in additional space.

3. In the premises for management employees, each of them is allocated at least 4 sq.m. - unless personal computers are used in this premises. If the manager’s workplace is equipped with a PC, then paragraphs 1 and 2 apply to it.

4. Each employee of a design bureau must have at least 6 square meters of office space at his disposal, regardless of whether he works on a drawing board or on a PC.

5. Employees from low-mobility groups (disabled people) must have a workplace with an area of ​​at least 5.65 sq.m per person, and wheelchair users - at least 7.65 sq.m.

It should be noted that all the area parameters given above relate specifically to workplaces, and do not include any passages between rows of tables, nor space for installing additional equipment for common use (for example, a photocopier) or furniture (wardrobe for coats, paper racks).

When choosing office space, you should take into account not only the recommended area standards per employee, but also other important aspects of the placement of workstations in the office space. Thus, the distance between tables should not be less than two meters, and the distance between the sides of the monitors should not be less than 1.2 meters. It is advisable that the windows in such a room face the north or northeast side, and the monitors are located at an angle to the window. If the work of employees involves high stress on the nervous system, partitions from one and a half to two meters high must be built between workstations.

Requirements for temperature and humidity, lighting in an office space, and sometimes even for furniture are strictly regulated. So, if the average daily temperature outside the window is above 10°C, in the office it should be, as a general rule, 23-25°C, and if below this limit - 22-24°C. It is also determined how the working day is shortened if the room is colder than permissible or, conversely, it is very hot. For example, if the air temperature in the office is 19°C, then you can stay in it for no more than seven hours, and if it is 18°C ​​- no more than six hours, etc. (SanPiN "", approved. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2016 No. 81).

There are separate standards for those who use computers in their work. The workplace area of ​​such employees cannot be less than 4.5 square meters. m (if a flat monitor is installed) or less than 6 sq. m (if the workplace is equipped with an old type monitor, with a kinescope). And after each hour of work, the room should be ventilated (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 ""; approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 30, 2003).

Some situations are not directly regulated by sanitary standards, but in practice they occur regularly. These include, for example, malfunctioning toilets in the building. In this case, according to Rostrud, the employee has the right to refuse work, and the employer must provide him with another job that does not threaten his health until the problem is resolved. If this is not possible, downtime is declared, and the employee can count on wages during downtime in the amount of at least 2/3 of his average salary ().

Find out what other sanitary standards and rules apply to office workers, as well as the employer’s responsibility for non-compliance, from our infographics.

The premises must have natural and artificial lighting. The location of workstations behind monitors for adult users in basements is not permitted.

Area per one with a computer for adult users should be at least 6 m2, and the volume should be at least -20 m3.

Rooms with computers must be equipped with heating, air conditioning or effective supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

For interior decoration of rooms with computers, diffusely reflective materials with a reflectance coefficient for the ceiling of 0.7-0.8 should be used; for walls - 0.5-0.6; for the floor - 0.3-0.5.

Floor surface in computer operation areas it must be level, without potholes, non-slip, easy to clean and wet, and have antistatic properties.

There should be a first aid kit and a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher in the room to extinguish a fire.

Requirements for microclimate, ionic composition and concentration of harmful chemicals in indoor air

At the workplaces of personal computer users, optimal microclimate parameters must be ensured in accordance with SanPin According to this document, for category of severity of work 1a, the air temperature should be no more than 22-24 o C in the cold period of the year, 20-25 o C in the warm period of the year. Relative humidity should be 40-60%, air movement speed -

ha - 0.1 m/s. To maintain optimal microclimate values, a heating and air conditioning system is used. To increase indoor air humidity, use humidifiers with distilled or boiled drinking water.

The ionic composition of the air must contain the following number of negative and positive air ions; the minimum required level is 600 and 400 ions per 1 cm 3 of air; the optimal level is 3,000-5,000 and 1,500-3,000 ions per 1 cm 3 of air; the maximum permissible is 50,000 ions per 1 cm 3 of air. To maintain the optimal ionic composition of the air, dust removal and disinfection of indoor air, it is recommended to use devices from the Diod plant of the Ellion series.

Requirements for lighting of premises and workplaces

Computer rooms should have natural and artificial lighting. Natural lighting is provided through window openings with a natural lighting coefficient KEO of no less than 1.2% in areas with stable snow cover and no less than 1.5% in the rest of the territory. The luminous flux from the window opening should fall on the operator’s workplace on the left side.

Artificial lighting in computer operating rooms should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting.

The illumination on the table surface in the area where the document is placed should be 300-500 lux. It is allowed to install local lighting fixtures to illuminate documents. Local lighting should not create glare on the surface of the screen and increase the screen illumination to more than 300 lux. Direct glare from light sources should be limited. The brightness of luminous surfaces (windows, lamps) in the field of view should be no more than 200 cd/m2.

Reflected glare on work surfaces is limited by the correct choice of luminaire and the location of workstations in relation to the natural light source. The brightness of glare on the monitor screen should not exceed 40 cd/m2. The glare index for sources of general artificial lighting in premises should be no more than 20, the discomfort index in administrative and public premises should not be more than 40. The brightness ratio between working surfaces should not exceed 3:1 - 5:1, and between working surfaces and wall surfaces and equipment 10:1.

For artificial lighting of rooms with personal computers, lamps of the LPO36 type with mirrored grilles, equipped with high-frequency ballasts, should be used. It is allowed to use luminaires of direct light, mainly reflected light of type LPO13, LPO5, LSO4, LPO34, LPO31 with fluorescent lamps of type LB. It is allowed to use local lighting fixtures with incandescent lamps. Lamps should be located in the form of solid or broken lines on the side of workstations parallel to the user's line of sight for different locations of computers. With a perimeter arrangement, the lines of lamps should be located locally above the desktop closer to its front edge, facing the operator. The protective angle of the lamps must be at least 40 degrees. Local lighting fixtures must have a non-translucent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40 degrees.

To ensure the standard values ​​of illumination in the premises, the glass of window openings and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year and burnt-out lamps should be replaced in a timely manner.

Requirements for noise and vibration in premises

At the workplaces of personal computer users, they should not exceed the values ​​​​established by SanPiN 2.2.4/ and amount to no more than 50 dBA. At workplaces in premises housing noisy units, the noise level should not exceed 75 dBA, and the vibration level in the premises is within the permissible values ​​according to SN 2.2.4/ category 3, type “b”.

The noise level in rooms can be reduced by using sound-absorbing materials with maximum sound absorption coefficients in the frequency range 63-8000 Hz for finishing the walls and ceilings of rooms. An additional sound-absorbing effect is created by plain curtains made of thick fabric, hung in a fold at a distance of 15-20 cm from the fence. The width of the curtain should be 2 times the width of the window.

Requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces

Workplaces with personal computers in relation to the light openings should be located so that natural light falls from the side, preferably from the left.

Workplace layouts with personal computers, the distances between desktops with monitors must be taken into account: the distance between the side surfaces of the monitors is at least 1.2 m, and the distance between the monitor screen and the back of another monitor is at least 2.0 m.

Desk can be of any design that meets modern ergonomic requirements and allows for convenient placement of equipment on the work surface, taking into account its quantity, size and nature of the work performed. It is advisable to use tables that have a special work surface separate from the main tabletop for placing the keyboard. Work tables with adjustable and non-adjustable working surface height are used. If there is no adjustment, the table height should be between 680 and 800 mm.

Table working surface depth should be 800 mm (allowed at least 600 mm), width - 1,600 mm and 1,200 mm, respectively. Work surface The table should not have sharp corners and edges, have a matte or semi-matte finish.

The work desk must have legroom with a height of at least 600 mm, a width of at least 500 mm, a depth at knee level of at least 450 mm and at the level of the outstretched legs of at least 650 mm.

Fast and accurate reading of information is ensured by positioning the screen plane below the user's eye level, preferably perpendicular to the normal line of sight (normal line of sight 15 degrees down from the horizontal).

Keyboard should be located on the table surface at a distance of 100-300 mm from the edge facing the user.

To make it easier to read information from documents, movable stands (lecterns) are used, the dimensions of which in length and width correspond to the dimensions of the documents placed on them. The music rest is placed in the same plane and at the same height as the screen.

To ensure a physiologically rational working posture and create conditions for changing it during the working day, lift-and-swivel work chairs with a seat and backrest that are adjustable in height and tilt angles, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat, are used.

The design of the chair should ensure:
  • the width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm;
  • seat surface with rounded front edge;
  • adjustment of the height of the seat surface within the range of 400-550 mm and tilt angle forward up to 15 degrees and back up to 5 degrees.;
  • the height of the back support surface is 300±20 mm, the width is at least 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm;
  • the angle of inclination of the backrest in the vertical plane is within 0±30 degrees;
  • adjustment of the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat within 260-400 mm;
  • stationary or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50-70 mm;
  • adjustment of the armrests in height above the seat within 230±30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350-500 mm;
  • the surface of the seat, back and armrests should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, non-electrifying, airtight coating, easily cleaned from contamination.

The workplace must be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment up to 150 mm and an inclination angle of the supporting surface of the stand up to 20 degrees. The surface of the stand should be corrugated and have a rim 10 mm high along the front edge.

Work and rest mode when working with a computer

The work and rest regime provides for compliance with a certain duration of continuous work on a PC and breaks, regulated taking into account the duration of the work shift, types and categories of work activity.

Types of work activities on a PC are divided into 3 groups: group A - work on reading information from the screen with a preliminary request; group B - work on entering information; Group B - creative work in dialogue mode with a PC.

If during a work shift the user performs different types of work, then his activity is classified as a group of work for which at least 50% of the work shift time is spent.

Categories of severity and intensity of work on a PC are determined by the level of load during the work shift: for group A - by the total number of characters read; for group B - by the total number of characters read or entered; for group B - based on the total time of direct work on the PC. The table shows the categories of severity and intensity of work depending on the level of load during the work shift.

The number and duration of regulated breaks, their distribution during the work shift is established depending on the category of work on the PC and the duration of the work shift.

With an 8-hour work shift and working on a PC, regulated breaks should be set:
  • for the first category of work, 2 hours from the start of the shift and 2 hours after a lunch break of 15 minutes each;
  • for the second category of work - 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 1.5-2.0 hours after a lunch break lasting 15 minutes each or lasting 10 minutes every hour of work;
  • for the third category of work - 1.5-2.0 hours from the start of the work shift and 1.5-2.0 hours after a lunch break lasting 20 minutes each or lasting 15 minutes every hour of work.

With a 12-hour work shift, regulated breaks should be established in the first 8 hours of work similar to breaks in an 8-hour work shift, and during the last 4 hours of work, regardless of the category and type of work, every hour lasting 15 minutes.

The duration of continuous work on a PC without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

When working on a PC during the night shift, the duration of regulated breaks increases by 60 minutes, regardless of the category and type of work activity.

Unregulated breaks (micro-pauses) lasting 1-3 minutes are effective.

It is advisable to use regulated breaks and micro-pauses to perform a set of exercises and gymnastics for the eyes, fingers, as well as massage. It is advisable to change sets of exercises after 2-3 weeks.

PC users who perform work with a high level of tension are advised to have psychological relief during regulated breaks and at the end of the working day in specially equipped rooms (psychological relief rooms).

Medical, preventive and health measures. All professional PC users must undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations upon entry to work, periodic medical examinations with the mandatory participation of a therapist, neurologist and ophthalmologist, as well as a general blood test and ECG.

Women are not allowed to work on a PC from the time of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Myopia, farsightedness and other refractive errors must be fully corrected with glasses. For work, glasses must be used that are selected taking into account the working distance from the eyes to the display screen. In case of more serious visual impairments, the question of the possibility of working on a PC is decided by an ophthalmologist.

To relieve fatigue of accommodative muscles and train them, computer programs such as Relax are used.

For those who work intensively, it is advisable to use the latest means of vision prevention, such as LPO-trainer glasses and DAK and Sniper-Ultra ophthalmological simulators.

Leisure is recommended to be used for passive and active recreation (exercise on exercise machines, swimming, cycling, running, playing tennis, football, skiing, aerobics, walks in the park, forest, excursions, listening to music, etc.). Twice a year (in spring and late autumn) it is recommended to take a course of vitamin therapy for a month. You should stop smoking. Smoking should be strictly prohibited in workplaces and in rooms with PCs.

Ensuring electrical and fire safety in the workplace

Electrical safety.

At the user's workplace there is a display, keyboard and system unit. When the display is turned on, a high voltage of several kilovolts is created on the cathode ray tube. Therefore, it is forbidden to touch the back of the display, wipe dust from the computer while it is turned on, or work on the computer in wet clothes and with wet hands.

Before starting work, you should make sure that there are no power cords hanging from the table or hanging under the table, that the plug and power cord are intact, that there is no visible damage to the equipment and work furniture, that the near-screen filter is not damaged and that it is grounded.

Static electricity currents induced during computer operation on the monitor, system unit and keyboard cases can lead to discharges when touching these elements. Such discharges do not pose a danger to humans, but can lead to computer failure. To reduce the magnitude of static electricity currents, neutralizers, local and general air humidification, and the use of floor coverings with antistatic impregnation are used.

Fire safety

Fire safety - the state of an object in which the possibility of a fire is excluded, and in the event of one occurring, the impact on people of its dangerous factors is prevented and the protection of material assets is ensured.

Fire protection is a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring the safety of people, preventing fire, limiting its spread, as well as creating conditions for successful fire extinguishing.

Fire safety is ensured by a fire prevention system and a fire protection system. All office premises must have a “Fire Evacuation Plan”, which regulates the actions of personnel in the event of a fire and indicates the location of fire equipment.

Fires in CCs pose a particular danger as they are associated with large material losses. Feature

CC - small areas of premises. As is known, a fire can occur due to the interaction of flammable substances, an oxidizer and ignition sources. All three main factors necessary for a fire to occur are present in the premises of the CC.

Combustible components at the CC are: building materials for acoustic and aesthetic finishing of premises, partitions, doors, floors, punched cards and punched tape, cable insulation, etc.

Sources of ignition in a computer center can be electrical circuits from a computer, devices used for maintenance, power supply devices, air conditioning, where, as a result of various violations, overheated elements, electric sparks and arcs are formed that can cause ignition of flammable materials.

Modern computers have a very high density of electronic circuit elements. Connecting wires and cables are located in close proximity to each other. When electric current flows through them, a significant amount of heat is released. In this case, the insulation may melt. Ventilation and air conditioning systems are used to remove excess heat from the computer. When operated continuously, these systems pose an additional fire hazard.

Fire hazard category B is established for most premises of the CC.

One of the most important tasks of fire protection— protecting building premises from destruction and ensuring their sufficient strength in conditions of exposure to high temperatures during a fire. Taking into account the high cost of electronic equipment of a computer center, as well as the category of its fire hazard, buildings for a computer center and parts of a building for other purposes in which computers are located must be of the first and second degree of fire resistance. For the manufacture of building structures, as a rule, brick, reinforced concrete, glass, metal and other non-combustible materials are used. The use of wood should be limited, and if used, it must be impregnated with fire retardants.

A well-maintained workplace is the key to high employee productivity. Of course, comfort is a broad concept, often depending on the direction of a person’s work. Sanitary standards and regulations for manufacturing plants and office premises vary. However, both the first and second are established by SanPiN 2.24.54896 entitled “Hygienic standards for microclimate in production”.

Since the beginning of 2017, new sanitary and hygienic requirements for production premises have come into force. They were approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor by his Resolution No. 81 on June 21 last year. The updated SanPiN standards put forward requirements for:

  • Microclimate;
  • Noise and vibration levels;
  • Exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields.

These norms are marginally possible indicators of factors. Compliance with the requirements for production premises can protect employees who are at the workplace eight hours a day (forty hours a week) from the development of pathologies or occupational diseases associated with the specific performance of work duties.

The introduction of new hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises cancels the previously approved standards. For example, SanPiN 2.2.41191-03 regarding the effects of electromagnetic fields.

The most important issues regulated by SanPiNs are temperature and microclimate in the workplace of office employees.

Temperature in the office

Maintaining normal temperature is an important condition for the normal functioning of the company. Not only the health of workers, but also their labor productivity, as well as the normal functioning of the entire enterprise, depend on the temperature in the office.

Temperature standards are regulated by SanPin 2.2.4 548 96. The fifth and sixth sections of the Rules are devoted to optimization and temperature limits depending on the season (warm or cold).

Office workers whose work can be classified as intellectual, characterized by a low level of physical activity, as well as a sedentary position, are included in category Ia by the Labor Code and SanPin. For this category of employees, a temperature of twenty-three to twenty-five degrees (in summer) and twenty-two to twenty-four degrees (in winter) must be provided.

If the room temperature does not meet the specified standards, employees have the right to demand that the employer reduce the duration of work shifts.

If the temperature exceeds plus twenty-nine, labor time is reduced to three to six hours (in accordance with the functions performed). If the temperature in the office exceeds thirty-two degrees, working for more than one hour is prohibited.

There are indicators for the cold season. At temperatures below nineteen degrees, the shift duration is reduced by an hour. At temperatures below thirteen degrees Celsius, the working day cannot exceed one hour.

The work of an organization whose management constantly violates the temperature conditions of the premises can be temporarily stopped for a period of up to three months.

Requirements for the microclimate in the office

Sanitary rules include requirements not only for temperature conditions, but also for air quality in the office. Therefore, the ventilation equipment of an organization is one of the significant criteria for workplace comfort.

Office service requires workers to remain in the building for a long time. Each employee has his own preferences and needs to improve productivity. Some prefer coolness, others are afraid of drafts and air conditioning.

To create a comfortable office microclimate, a set of measures is required to meet the standards:

  • Temperature conditions;
  • Air humidity level;
  • Ventilation of air flows;
  • Air circulation speeds;
  • The presence of foreign particles (dust) in the air.

These standards are provided for by SanPin, as well as GOST 30494 96 regarding the microclimate parameters of residential and non-residential premises. A comfortable office microclimate in the warm season includes:

  • Temperature range between twenty-two and twenty-five degrees;
  • Air humidity thirty to sixty percent;
  • The air flow speed is not higher than 0.25 meters per second.

For the cold season, the indicators change:

  • Temperatures range from twenty to twenty-two degrees;
  • Air humidity - from thirty to forty-five percent;
  • Air movement is 0.1 - 0.15 meters per second.

Acceptable temperature differences are one to two degrees.

Moisture level is a necessary component of comfortable work for office workers. What humidity should be directly depends on the temperature conditions of the room. High humidity at normal temperatures does not have a negative effect on the human body. And dry warm air can cause diseases of the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract.

Light level

Office lighting is an important component that employers should not forget about. Low light levels lead to rapid eye fatigue and also reduce a person’s overall performance.

SanPin sets lighting standards for the average office containing computers at five hundred lux. Acceptable indoor lighting values ​​range from two hundred to three hundred lux.

What to do if there is not enough light? It will be necessary to install an additional light source at each workplace. When choosing light bulbs, preference should be given to energy-saving ones with “cool” white light. Such lamps do not heat up, which is important for the summer period.

Noise level

Background noise affects the productivity of office workers. The upper limit of the norm for such noise should not exceed fifty-five dB. Old computers, lamps, and conversations on the street produce noise.

New office equipment, metal-plastic windows, and soundproofed partitions can cope with the problem of extraneous noise.

Employer's liability

Providing comfortable conditions in the workplace is the responsibility of the employer, and not a gesture of his good will. Only by creating proper working conditions, the employer has the right to require employees to work according to the schedule. This rule is enshrined in Article 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If the norms stipulated by sanitary rules are violated, the employer takes immediate measures to eliminate them.

An employee has the right to apply to the State Labor Inspectorate for the protection of his rights.

The sanitary and epidemiological service can inspect the enterprise upon a complaint from any worker. If violations are detected, a fine is imposed (from ten to twenty thousand rubles).

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