Temperature at 4 months after vaccination. Is fever in a child after vaccination normal or alarming? Why does the temperature rise after the DTP vaccine

When does a child have a fever after vaccination? What to do about it? A rise in temperature (hyperthermia) in a child not higher than 38.5 ° C after the vaccination is a normal reaction of the child's body. Hyperthermia is due to the fact that the immune system, during the process of neutralizing the vaccination antigen and the formation of immunity to infection, releases special pyrogenic substances, which lead to an increase in body temperature. That is why there is an opinion that the temperature after vaccination is URGENT!!! is a guarantee of the formation of an excellent immunity to infection in the child. The vaccine contains antigens of microbes, which can be in the form of whole but killed microorganisms, live and attenuated, or parts of them. Each pathogen has its own properties, and the child also has individual qualities. It is the properties of the antigens of the vaccine and the individual qualities of the child that determine the presence of a temperature reaction to the vaccine. Some types of vaccines may have a more pronounced reaction, while others may have a lesser reaction. Also, the rise in temperature after vaccination depends on the purity, degree of purification and properties of the vaccine. For example, DTP is a reactogenic drug because it often causes fever. At the same time, there are vaccines in which the pertussis component is contained in a cell-free form (for example, Infanrix). These vaccines are much less likely to cause a rise in temperature than regular DTP. Therefore, if a child is prone to developing a temperature reaction to vaccination, then if there is a financial opportunity, it is better to purchase purified vaccines with reduced reactogenicity. Such vaccines will not be offered to you at the clinic, since a cheaper version is purchased at public expense for vaccinations for children. These cheaper vaccines available in clinics are as effective as the more expensive ones, but they cause a fever more often. Hyperthermia after vaccination is a normal condition of the child, which indicates the active formation of immunity. But if the temperature did not rise after vaccination, then this is not a reason to believe that the child's immunity has not been formed. This is a purely individual reaction, which depends both on the vaccine and on the qualities of the child. Sometimes hyperthermia occurs if a scar has formed in a child at the injection site, which has festered and become inflamed. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammation at the injection site, and the temperature returns to normal on its own. At what time does the temperature rise after vaccination? If you have been vaccinated, the vaccine of which contains weakened particles of microorganisms (this is DPT, DTP, against hepatitis B), then the temperature may rise within two days after the injection. Usually, such hyperthermia resolves on its own, and does not require special treatment. After DTP vaccination, it can last for 5 days, but this is a normal reaction of the child's body. If the vaccination was made with a vaccine with live but weakened microorganisms (for example, against polio, measles, rubella or mumps), then the temperature may rise a few days after the injection, most often on days 7-10.

What vaccines most commonly cause fever? Since vaccinations have different reactogenicity (the ability to cause responses in the body), the likelihood of a rise in temperature depends on the type of vaccine that is administered to the child. So, how often do vaccinations from the calendar cause a rise in temperature in a child: Against hepatitis B - very rarely, the vaccine has a low reactogenicity. BCG vaccine - some children develop hyperthermia. With suppuration of the injection site or crust, the temperature almost always rises. A vaccine against polio is almost never available, since the vaccine has an extremely low reactogenicity. DTP vaccine - causes a rise in temperature quite often. This vaccine has the highest reactogenicity among other mandatory for children, according to the national vaccination schedule. Against mumps (mumps) - the temperature rises in rare cases. Against rubella - hyperthermia is a relatively rare occurrence. Against measles - usually this vaccine passes without any reactions. But some children may experience hyperthermia, and a few days after vaccination. Physiological temperature remains no longer than two days. The above reactions in the form of hyperthermia in response to vaccination are normal, that is, physiological. If the child's temperature rises above 39oC, you should consult a doctor. How high can she rise? After vaccination, the development of a weak, moderate and strong reaction to the vaccine is possible. A weak reaction to the introduction of the vaccine is expressed in an increase in temperature to a maximum of 37.5 ° C and a slight malaise. The average reaction to the introduction of the vaccine is an increase in temperature in the range of 37.5 - 38.5oC, combined with a deterioration in the general condition. A strong reaction is manifested in a significant increase in body temperature above 38.5 ° C with serious violations of the child's condition. In rare cases, the DPT vaccine can provoke a rise in temperature even up to 40 ° C, which stubbornly holds for two to three days, despite attempts to lower it with the help of medications. In such a situation, the following vaccinations are administered without the pertussis component, continuing to vaccinate the child only against diphtheria and tetanus (DT). In the case of DTP, a temperature reaction can develop after any vaccination in a row. In some children, the most severe reaction is observed in response to the initial administration of the vaccine, while in others - on the contrary, on the third dose.

How to behave after vaccination? Complete formation of immunity to infection after vaccination occurs within 21 days, so the child's condition should be monitored within two weeks after vaccination. Let's consider what needs to be done at various times after the introduction of the vaccine, and what to pay attention to: The first day after the introduction of the vaccine Usually, most of the temperature reactions develop during this period. The most reactogenic is the DTP vaccine. Therefore, after DPT vaccination, before bed at night at a body temperature not exceeding 38 ° C, and even against the background of normal temperature, it is necessary to put a suppository with paracetamol (for example, Panadol, Efferalgan, Tylenol and others) or ibuprofen for the child. If the child's temperature has risen above 38.5 ° C, then it is necessary to give antipyretic drugs with paracetamol in the form of syrup, and analgin. Analgin is given in half or a third of the tablet. If the temperature does not decrease, stop giving the child antipyretics and call a doctor. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), which can lead to serious complications, should not be used to relieve hyperthermia. Also, do not wipe the child's body with vodka or vinegar, which will dry out the skin and aggravate the situation in the future. If you want to use a rubdown to reduce body temperature, use a soft cloth or towel dampened with warm water. Two days after vaccination If you have been vaccinated with any vaccine containing inactivated components (for example, DPT, DTP, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae, or polio (IPV)), be sure to give your child the antihistamines recommended by the attending physician. This is necessary to prevent the development of allergies. If the temperature continues to hold - knock it down with the help of antipyretic drugs that you gave from the very beginning. Be sure to monitor the child's body temperature, do not allow it to rise above 38.5 ° C. Hyperthermia over 38.5 ° C can provoke the development of a convulsive syndrome in a child, and in this case, you will definitely have to consult a doctor. Two weeks after vaccination If you have been vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella or polio (drops in the mouth), then it is during this period that you should expect reactions to vaccination. In the period from 5 to 14 days, hyperthermia is possible. The rise in temperature is almost never strong, so you can get by with antipyretic suppositories with paracetamol. If the vaccination was made with any other vaccine, then the temperature increase during this period does not indicate a reaction to the drug, but the child's illness. Hyperthermia is also possible during teething.

What to do if the temperature rises? First, prepare the necessary preparations in advance. You may need antipyretics with paracetamol (for example, Panadol, Tylenol, Efferalgan, etc.) in the form of suppositories, medicines with ibuprofen (for example, Nurofen, Burana, etc.) in the form of syrups, as well as nimesulide (Nise, Nimesil, Nimid, etc.) in the form of solutions. The child needs to be given plenty of water, for which use special solutions that make up for the loss of essential minerals that will leave with sweat. To prepare solutions, you will need the following powders - Regidron, Gastrolit, Glucosolan and others. Buy all these medicines in advance so that they, if necessary, are at home, at hand. Hyperthermia in a child more than 37.3 ° C after vaccination (according to the measurement under the armpit) is a signal to take antipyretic drugs. You should not wait for a more serious temperature, which is much more difficult to bring down. At the same time, adhere to the following simple rules regarding the necessary drugs: 1. When the temperature rises to 38.0 ° C, use rectal suppositories with paracetamol or ibuprofen, and it is always better to use suppositories before going to bed. 2. If hyperthermia is more than 38.0 ° C, give the child syrups with ibuprofen. 3. If suppositories and syrups with paracetamol and ibuprofen did not affect the temperature in any way, and it remained elevated, then use solutions and syrups with nimesulide. In addition to the use of antipyretic drugs after vaccination, it is necessary to provide the child with the following optimal conditions against the background of hyperthermia: create coolness in the room where the child is (the air temperature should be 18 - 20oC); humidify the air in the room to a level of 50 - 79%; reduce the feeding of the child as much as possible; let's drink a lot and often, and try to use solutions to replenish the balance of fluid in the body. If you can not bring down the temperature and control the situation, it is better to call a doctor. When trying to reduce body temperature, use the listed antipyretics. Some parents try to use exclusively homeopathic remedies to reduce fever, but in this situation, these drugs are practically ineffective. Remember the importance of contact between parents and child. Take the baby in your arms, rock it, play with it, in a word - pay attention, and such psychological help will help the child quickly cope with the reaction to the vaccine. If the injection site is inflamed, then the temperature can rise and stay precisely because of this. In this case, try putting a lotion with a novocaine solution at the injection site, which will relieve pain and inflammation. A seal or bruise at the injection site can be lubricated with Troxevasin ointment. As a result, the temperature can drop by itself, without the use of antipyretic drugs.

Hyperthermia (temperature rise) in a baby not higher than 38.5 degrees after vaccination is considered quite normal for the child's body. The rise in temperature is due to the fact that the system responsible for immunity begins its reaction against the introduced antigen and tries to develop immunity to this virus. The immune system secretes certain pyrogenic substances, as a result of which the temperature rises. It is because of this theory that it is generally accepted that if a child has a fever after vaccination, then this is a guarantee of the development of stable immunity against this infection.

The vaccine contains microbial antigens as a whole or a certain number of their parts. Microorganisms in a vaccine can be dead, live, or weakened. Each microorganism has its own properties, just like a child has individual characteristics. It is because of these properties of pathogenic organisms in the vaccine, as well as the individual characteristics of the child, that the temperature present is explained.

There may be a strong reaction to one type of vaccination, and almost imperceptible to another.

Hyperthermia also depends on factors such as the degree of purification of the vaccine and its properties. For example, DTP (a vaccine against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria) is classified as a reactogenic drug, because it often causes a fever. There are also drugs based on a pertussis acellular species. Such vaccinations, unlike DPTs, do not cause fever.

If the child has a very sensitive reaction to vaccinations, and his temperature immediately rises, with a normal financial situation of the parents, it is better to purchase vaccines that are purified and have a reduced reactogenicity. This type of vaccine will not be offered in the clinic, since the state budget provides for cheaper types. The more inexpensive types provided by the state have the same effect as the more expensive ones, but cause hyperthermia much more often.

A rise in temperature after vaccination is a completely adequate reaction of the child's body, indicating a normal non-perception of the infection.

However, if hyperthermia did not occur after vaccination, this does not mean at all that the immune system is not formed. It only means that the child has such a feature of the body, and the immune system is already strong.
In some cases, the temperature rises, possibly due to suppuration and inflammation of the scar that appears after the vaccination procedure. In this case, you need to neutralize the abscess at the injection site, and the temperature will pass on its own.

How long does hyperthermia occur, and what to do about it?

If the baby was vaccinated, the vaccine of which consists of individual particles of microorganisms (dtd, against hepatitis B, ads), then the high temperature can last for two days. Such an increase in temperature is considered normal and should pass on its own, nothing needs to be done. After the DTP vaccine, a temperature in the region of 38 degrees can be stable for up to 5 days, and this is usually considered quite normal as well.
If the vaccination was done with live weakened microorganisms, for example, against measles, mumps, rubella or poliomyelitis, then hyperthermia can form only after some time, often 7-10 days after vaccination.

What vaccines are most likely to cause high fever? What to do at the highest temperatures?

Since each vaccine has its own ability to react to the child's body (reactogenicity), the likelihood of a hyperthermia level directly depends on the type of vaccine administered. Here is a list of which vaccinations often cause fever:
Against hepatitis B- quite rarely causes hyperthermia, as it has a low reactogenicity.
BCG vaccine- in itself causes an increase in temperature rarely, but always with suppuration of a crust or puncture.
Polio vaccine- practically does not cause fever, as low reactogenicity.
Vaccination based on DTP vaccine- quite often causes hyperthermia. The DTP vaccine is characterized by the highest reactogenicity among other vaccinations that are mandatory for a child according to the national vaccination calendar.
Against mumps (mumps). Causes hyperthermia only in individual cases.
rubella vaccine has a low reactogenicity and practically does not cause hyperthermia.
measles vaccine- in general, it is not accompanied by any reactions. However, some children may develop a fever after a few days. It should last no more than two days.
The above reactions, in which an elevated temperature level is observed, are considered physiological, that is, quite normal. If the temperature fluctuates around 38.8 - 39 degrees, you should immediately consult a doctor.

At what level can hyperthermia stay?

The reaction to the vaccine can develop in varying degrees: weak, moderate or strong. A weak reaction after the introduction of the vaccine is considered a slight malaise and if the temperature has risen to only 37.5 degrees. If the temperature after the introduction of the vaccine fluctuates around 37.5 - 38.5, then the reaction is average. At the same time, a general deterioration in the condition of the child is noticeable. Doctors consider a temperature increase beyond 38.5 degrees to be a strong reaction, which causes a severe deterioration in the child's condition.

In individual cases, DTP can be accompanied by hyperthermia, even about 40 degrees. In this case, the reactions of the DTP on the body may not help even medications to lower the temperature. If such a process has occurred, then the next time in a few months, it is not DTP that is administered, but ads against tetanus and diphtheria (without whooping cough pathogens).
In the reactogenic process of DTP on the body, hyperthermia can occur with any number of vaccinations. In some children, the reaction develops immediately for the first time, while in others - only on the third.

What should be done after vaccination?

Immunity to infection is fully developed only 21 days after the introduction of the vaccine, so the child's condition should be monitored for two weeks.
First day after vaccination
Usually it is during this period that most hyperthermic reactions develop. Most of all, the body reacts to DTP, so before going to bed at night at a temperature of around 38 degrees or even at normal temperature, you need to put a candle with ibuprofen or paracetamol.
If the temperature has risen above 38.5, then you need to give the child a syrup with paracetamol. If hyperthermia does not go away, you need to stop giving the baby antipyretics and call a doctor.
To reduce hyperthermia, in no case should aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) be given to the child, it will only lead to undesirable complications. Also, do not wipe the baby with vodka or vinegar, this will only lead to dry skin and undesirable consequences. Wipe the child only with warm water using a soft cloth.
Two days after vaccination
If the child has been vaccinated containing inactivated components (DTP, ADS, against Haemophilus influenzae, hepatitis B and polio), then the child should be given antihistamines to avoid allergies, which are prescribed by the doctor. Hyperthermia must be brought down with antipyretics.
Two weeks after vaccination
Hyperthermia is possible between 5-14 days of measles, polio, rubella and mumps vaccinations, but not severe. You need to shoot it down with candles with paracetamol (Panadol, Tylenol, Efferalgan and others).

The introduction of the DTCV vaccine helps protect the child from dangerous infections such as whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria, which cause severe developmental disorders and disability. This is one of the first vaccinations given to children at 3 months. The vaccine is reactogenic, so the child often develops general and local post-vaccination symptoms. The most common reaction is fever after DPT.

A little about the DPT vaccination

Immunization allows you to create artificial immunity in a child against dangerous infections. The vaccine is a turbid liquid, which includes particles of pertussis microorganisms, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids. The drug is administered intramuscularly in the upper third of the shoulder (deltoid muscle) or in the thigh.

In the clinic, you can vaccinate with the Russian DTP vaccine or imported analogues, which are created on the basis of a cell-free pertussis component. This reduces the reactogenicity of the drug. These include:

  • Infanrix;
  • Infanrix IPV (also protects against polio);
  • Infanrix Hexa (with additional protection against polio, hepatitis and Hib);
  • Pentaxim (additionally protects against HIB and poliomyelitis).

The body's response to vaccination

After injection, foreign agents enter the bloodstream. Therefore, the body begins to actively develop immunity to the components of the vaccine through the synthesis of antibodies, interferon, phagocytes. This allows leukocytes to remember the pathogenic agent, and when pathogens enter the body, to overcome the infection.

These processes provoke the development of local and systemic reactions. Local side effects include:

  • Redness of the skin at the injection site, soreness, slight swelling;
  • Violation of the motor function of the limb where the drug was injected.

The systemic reaction of the body involves the development of the following symptoms:

  • Temperature increase;
  • Capriciousness, irritability, tearfulness, anxiety;
  • Slight lethargy, drowsiness;
  • Violation of the stool;
  • Vomiting and loss of appetite.

These symptoms usually develop within 1-3 days after vaccination. If the symptoms appeared later, then they indicate the development of an infection that coincided with immunization.

Important! Normal temperature after vaccination is not a deviation. This only characterizes the individual characteristics of the child's body.

Hyperthermia after vaccination: norm or complication?

An increase in body temperature or hyperthermia is a normal response of the immune system to the introduction of infectious agents. Therefore, pediatricians urge parents not to worry. However, hyperthermia does not contribute to the development of immunity, so it should be knocked down.

Important! It is necessary not to postpone calling an ambulance if the temperature after vaccination in a child exceeds 39 ° C, does not go astray after taking antipyretics.

Experts consider it normal for the temperature to rise in the range of 38.5 ° C. However, antipyretics should be used as early as 38°C to reduce the risk of developing
convulsions. WHO representatives recommend to bring down even a slight hyperthermia, which develops against the background of vaccination against DPT.

Many parents are interested in how many days the temperature lasts after DTP. Normally, hyperthermia lasts no more than 3 days after immunization. However, in 70% of cases, the child's condition returns to normal the very next day.

How to eliminate hyperthermia in a child?

To bring down the temperature after DTP vaccination, pediatricians recommend using:

  • Panadol, Tylenol, Cefekon, Efferalgan and other paracetamol-based medicines, which are available in the form of syrup or suppositories. It is recommended to drink at night to prevent hyperthermia;
  • Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Burana and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are released in syrup. Products should be used at temperatures above 38 °C;
  • Wipe the child with cool water or a solution of vinegar;
  • Compresses from chamomile decoction.

Important! With hyperthermia, you should not wipe the child's body with vodka, which dries the skin. It is also not recommended to use aspirin as an antipyretic, which is prohibited in children under 12 years of age.

After vaccination, pediatricians are advised to refrain from water procedures and walks for 2-3 days. To normalize the well-being of the child, during hyperthermia, you can use Regidron, Glucosolan, Hydrovit. These drugs allow you to restore water and electrolyte balance, remove toxins.


DTP vaccination should be abandoned in such situations:

  • Any acute pathology;
  • The presence of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • Immunodeficiency states;
  • If hyperthermia in a child is accompanied by neurological symptoms or convulsions. It is recommended to use a vaccine without a pertussis component;
  • Leukemia and pregnancy.

Postponing immunization until recovery is necessary for the following pathologies:

  • Diathesis and other allergic reactions;
  • Perinatal encephalopathy;
  • Prematurity.

In such cases, the child needs to be examined before DTP vaccination, the use of purified vaccines.

How to prepare for DTP vaccination?

To reduce the risk of developing adverse reactions, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • 1-2 days before vaccination, take antihistamines, do not introduce new foods into the diet. It is recommended to continue taking medications for 3 days after vaccination.
  • After the injection, you need to stay in the clinic for 20-30 minutes so that the child can receive medical help with the development of allergies.
  • To prevent hyperthermia, you should take an antipyretic after returning home. It is important for 2 days after vaccination to control the temperature not only during the day, but also at night.

The dosage of medicines should be determined by the district pediatrician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Why does a child have a fever after vaccination? Should I be vaccinated or not? Young mothers are concerned about rumors about the dangers of vaccination for babies and are wary of going to the vaccination room. Are such fears justified?

Harm or benefit?

Are vaccinations harmful to the baby? Temperature is a completely natural reaction of the body to a vaccine. The temperature indicates the beginning of the production of antibodies to the introduced viruses. However, not every temperature in a baby after a vaccine is safe: if the thermometer scale shows 38.6 C and above, you should immediately call a doctor.

The meaning of vaccination is the development of immune bodies in a child for a certain type of pathogenic microbes. However, if the baby's body was weakened by the disease or its immunity is very weak, the reaction to the introduction of foreign bodies can be critical. To protect the baby from a critical condition after vaccination, it is forbidden:

  • vaccinate a sick child;
  • vaccinate a child earlier than 14 days after illness;
  • vaccinate a child without prior examination by a pediatrician;
  • vaccinate after an exacerbation of allergic rashes;
  • do any vaccinations after a change in climatic conditions (arrival from vacation).

In these cases, the high temperature is a consequence of the weakness of the body in front of an additional burden on the immune system. The crisis after vaccination can manifest itself:

  • high temperature;
  • refusal to eat;
  • stool disorder;
  • the appearance of vomit.

The baby looks weak and lethargic, falls asleep on the go, is apathetic to everything, often cries. Mom should clarify in advance the necessary medicinal dose to reduce hyperthermia in a child.

Important! Mom can write a written refusal to vaccinate a child. However, in this case, the baby will have problems with admission to a nursery or school.

Child Care Rules

What should be done after vaccination? It is not recommended to immediately take the baby home, you need to stay with him in the clinic for some time. Watch to see if:

  • dyspnea;
  • blanching;
  • redness;
  • cold sweat.

The temperature does not appear immediately, in the late afternoon. If you notice that the temperature of the crumbs has risen, mark the time and degree in the diary. The reaction to the injection manifests itself in different ways:

  1. low: the temperature rose to 37.5C;
  2. moderate: the temperature rose to 38.5C;
  3. critical: temperature above 38.6C.

Important! In case of hyperthermia (fever), you should immediately give an antipyretic and inform the doctor about what is happening.

Why is it necessary to bring down the temperature? Because with hyperthermia, convulsions can appear (a dangerous condition for a child). Antipyretic is given immediately after the degree rises to 38.5C. Up to 38.5C, you can put children's candles with paracetamol.

If the injection site begins to become inflamed after vaccination, it is necessary to make lotions with novocaine. Also, measures to alleviate the condition of the baby include:

  • air humidification in the room;
  • rubbing the body with a damp cloth;
  • lightweight clothing;
  • frequent drinking.

If the baby refuses to drink, moisten the sponges with a cotton swab or napkin soaked in drinking water. Apply a damp towel to the forehead, do not wrap the baby in a warm blanket.

What is prohibited?

You should not listen to the illiterate advice of "experienced" mothers and grandmothers, and even more so, follow them. It is strictly forbidden after vaccination:

  1. give aspirin tablets;
  2. force to eat in the absence of appetite;
  3. do rubdowns with vodka;
  4. bathe the child and take him for a walk.

Old people explain that vodka can bring down hyperthermia, but they do not know about the dangers of alcohol fumes for a child. Alcohol can harm the delicate skin of the crumbs, and wine fumes can harm the lungs and nasopharyngeal mucosa when inhaled. Do not forget that the skin is an organ that absorbs liquids: vodka will get inside the baby's body.

In conclusion, watch a video about methods for reducing fever in babies:

Mandatory vaccinations - list of essential vaccines Do-it-yourself injections for children from A to Z: tips and tricks

The immune system of the newborn is weak, completely unformed. Therefore, the body is not able to resist infections and viruses. To protect the child from dangerous diseases, vaccination is carried out from the first days of his birth.

Often, after vaccination, the temperature rises. This symptom may indicate a normal reaction or a side effect. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what the temperature after vaccination means and how to respond to high thermometer numbers.

Mandatory vaccinations for infants and preschool children

All vaccinations are classified into mandatory and optional. Vaccines of the first group are included in the National Immunization Calendar of the Russian Federation. Basically, they are made up to a year, and revaccination is carried out for preschool children.

The list of mandatory vaccinations for infants:

  • . In Russia, they inject Regevak B and Euvax B.
  • against tuberculosis. Healthy children are vaccinated, weakened and premature - BCG-M.
  • from pneumococcal infection. Preparations 13 and Pneumo-23 are used.
  • Against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria. This is DTP, AD-M,.
  • . Doctors use Pentaxim and.
  • , parotitis. This is Priorix, MMP-II.

List of mandatory vaccinations for preschool children:

  • From tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria - DPT.
  • Against infection with poliomyelitis. The drugs Imovax Polio, Pentaxim, Infanrix are used.
  • From type B hepatitis. Children are vaccinated with Regevak B, Euvax B, Engerix B.
  • against tuberculosis. This is BCG - the "Bacillus Calmette-Guerin" vaccination.
  • From measles, mumps and rubella. The mumps-measles rubella vaccine, Priorix, is used.
  • Seasonal flu shot with Grippol Plus.
  • against pneumococcal infections. These are Pneumo-23 and Prevenar.

In the first 24 hours after birth, a hepatitis B vaccine is given. This is an inactivated vaccine, so it does not harm the baby.

Normal response to immunization and symptoms suggestive of complications

After the introduction of the DPT vaccine, the child may have an increase in temperature, weakness and apathy may appear, and appetite may worsen. In the first days after the manipulation, this is a completely normal reaction to immunization.

After the tuberculosis vaccine, an infiltrate forms on the baby’s shoulder, which disappears after 3 months. A scar is formed at the injection site. The polio vaccine usually does not cause any reaction.

After DTP, appetite may worsen, the temperature rises to 38 degrees, drowsiness or irritability may appear. A local reaction is also allowed in the form of redness and a slight induration in the injection area.

From vaccinations against measles and mumps, the temperature can rise to 39 degrees. Nasal congestion without a runny nose, redness of the cheeks and eyes are often observed. the temperature rises to the level of subfebrile condition. Rubella vaccine can cause swollen lymph nodes.

All these reactions are considered normal, since they are the body's response to the introduction of antigenic material. But there are a number of symptoms that should alert parents. For example, a high temperature that persists for about a week and is not brought down by antipyretic drugs; violation of sensitivity; the cry of a baby for about three hours in a row; rashes on the body; the appearance of puffiness; convulsions; paralysis. All these symptoms indicate the development of side effects.

List of complications for all types of vaccinations:

  • allergic manifestations (angioedema, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, Lyell and Stevens-Johnson syndromes, anaphylaxis);
  • encephalopathy;
  • serum sickness;
  • neuritis;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • polyneuritis;
  • osteitis;
  • collagenosis;
  • polio;
  • myocarditis;
  • hypoplastic anemia;
  • abscess;
  • sudden death.

Complex vaccines most often provoke allergies. With subcutaneous administration, side effects develop on the second day, symptoms appear gradually. Local negative manifestations of vaccination persist from 1 to 4 days. General reactions occur after 8-10 hours and disappear after 1-2 days.

Why does a child have a high temperature after vaccination

A vaccine is an antigenic material obtained from a live attenuated virus or a fragment of a bacterium. When this substance enters the bloodstream, the body begins to react with the development of immunity.

An increase in temperature after a vaccine is a normal phenomenon, which indicates the activation of protective forces. Most often, fever is observed in hypersensitive individuals.

Each vaccination has a certain reactogenicity (the ability to provoke a reaction, complications). Live vaccines containing attenuated viruses, whole cells of killed bacteria, often cause fevers to rise.

So, after DTP, almost 90% of children have a fever. Those drugs that are created on the basis of fragments of viruses, pathogen toxins, are products of genetic engineering, provoke a weaker reaction (after which the temperature indicators usually remain within the normal range). So, Pentaxim, which contains a cell-free pertussis component, causes side effects several times less than DPT.

The appearance of fever is also explained by the following:

  • After vaccination, the mechanisms for the production of cytokines, prostaglandins, interleukin, interferon are launched, which reduce heat transfer.
  • Many viruses and bacteria are vulnerable to high temperatures.
  • The body synthesizes antibodies better during hyperthermia.

How long can it take to rise

The temperature after pertussis vaccination usually rises for 2-3 days.

After the introduction of the measles vaccine, fever occurs on the 5-8th day. BCG provokes an increase in temperature for the next day.

In some children, after immunization, the temperature remains within the normal range, in others it reaches high numbers.

This is due to the individual characteristics of the organism. Doctors note the presence of such addictions:

  • the younger the child, the less risk of developing hyperthermia;
  • with each revaccination with the same type of vaccination, the likelihood and degree of fever increases.

This is because after immunization there are memory cells that are responsible for the development of protection during re-infection. After the next vaccination, the reaction develops much faster and it manifests itself more strongly.

Do I need to bring down the temperature after vaccination

If the temperature is a normal reaction of the body to the introduced antigenic material, then it is not required to bring it down. Antipyretic drugs are recommended only when the thermometer shows above 38 degrees and the child feels unwell. Some pediatricians advise giving babies fever-reducing medication as a prophylactic on the day of immunization.

If the high temperature lasts for more than two days, does not decrease and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then it must be brought down. This condition increases the risk of an allergic child developing anaphylactic shock. Severe hyperthermia can cause convulsions.

It is better to consult a doctor on the question of whether it is worth bringing down the temperature after vaccination. It should be borne in mind that hyperthermia may be due to the development of side effects.

What can be done to relieve the condition of the baby at home

If the baby has a fever, he feels bad, refuses to eat, then you need to try to alleviate his condition.

You can use Ibuprofen and Paracetamol on your own. These are safe drugs that help to lower the temperature well, without provoking side reactions. Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are produced in different forms: syrups, suppositories, tablets.

When vomiting occurs against the background of heat, it is worth using candles, and for diarrhea - syrup. The effectiveness of the medicine will be higher with the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid.

It is important to choose the correct dosage of medication for the child. Therefore, you should first consult with a pediatrician.

It happens that after vaccination, hyperthermia develops rapidly and it is not possible to overcome it on its own due to severe vasospasm. Then you need to call the emergency team.

When trying to help a child at home, it is important to remember that when the temperature is high, you cannot:

  • wipe the body with vinegar or vodka;
  • give aspirin;
  • supercool.

It is necessary to lower the temperature in the room, humidify the air and give a lot to drink.

What to do if it has risen a lot and does not subside for several days

If the temperature rises to 38.5-39 degrees and does not subside for several days, you should consult a doctor.

If hyperthermia does not go away after antipyretic drugs, it is worth calling an ambulance.

This condition may indicate the development of adverse reactions or complications. After the introduction of DPT, babies often develop an allergy to tetanus toxoid.

Parents should pay attention to the condition of the injection site. If this area is swollen, reddened, festering and sore, this indicates infection and severe inflammation. Infection can occur if the physician, when administering the drug, did not follow the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the parents did not take care of the papule that had formed.

It is forbidden to try to improve the condition of the baby on your own in case of strong and prolonged heat: this can result in serious consequences.

Thus, the temperature after vaccination is a frequent and in some cases normal phenomenon. Hyperthermia indicates that the body is struggling with the introduced weakened virus and develops specific immunity. The fever may persist for up to two days. If the temperature after this time does not go away, but continues to grow, is supplemented by other unpleasant symptoms, then the baby should be shown to the pediatrician. In severe cases, it is recommended to call an ambulance.

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