The child has pain on the left side under the ribs. What hurts on the left side under the rib?

Parents often find themselves in situations where their baby suffers from discomfort on the left side for no apparent reason. Pain in a child’s left side can be aching or acute, long-term, or bothersome with attacks.

There are cases when children do not tell their parents about such a symptom, which can lead to serious consequences. Infants and newly born children are simply not able to explain what exactly is bothering them. Therefore, if the child is lethargic, inactive, cries a lot, or curls up, pressing his legs to his chest, you need to call a doctor, or go to the clinic yourself.

If painful sensations are accompanied by a lack of appetite, a strong increase in temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as pale skin, cold perspiration, and weakening of the abdominal pressure, it is necessary to urgently call emergency help. Pain in the left side of a child can warn of the formation of dangerous pathological conditions that can significantly harm the baby’s health.

If a child complains of painful symptoms on the left side, there may be many reasons for this. Only a doctor can find out. Let's look at the most common pathologies that cause this symptom:

  1. . The appendix is ​​located on the right side, but pain can radiate to the left side. When some organs in a baby are underdeveloped, especially the omentum, the clinical picture changes somewhat. This leads to a delay in surgical intervention. During this time, ordinary appendicitis manages to become destructive.
  2. . It occurs as an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. The disease is characterized by pain localized in the upper abdomen or on the left under the ribs. The age period when pathology most often develops is 5-6 and 10-15 years (periods of active growth). In preschoolers, the formation of inflammation is associated with frequent infectious diseases, in adolescents - food from McDonald's, drinks with gas and the presence of negative habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  3. Inguinal hernia strangulation. The pathological phenomenon occurs in children under two years of age. Manifested by increased sweating and pale skin. The child often feels sick.
  4. Accumulation of feces in (coprostasis). It is formed due to congenital characteristics of the body. It often causes intestinal obstruction. Typical symptoms here are pain in the upper or lower abdomen of a spasmodic nature.
  5. Volvulus. It often occurs in newborn babies. Most of them are chubby babies, hyperactive or bottle-fed. Characteristic symptoms here are severe pain, alternating with calm periods, and fever. During painful attacks, the child begins to cry and draw his legs towards his chest.

To avoid the development of such diseases, parents should closely monitor the behavior and condition of the baby and not neglect scheduled visits to the pediatrician.

Physiological pain

Acute pain often occurs after physical exercise. Especially if the child is not physically prepared in advance. During exercise, blood circulation and energy production are accelerated. Because of this, the body temperature rises. Over time, the baby's muscles and ligaments become stronger, and he tolerates physical activity more easily.

At this moment, two types of painful sensations arise - immediate and delayed. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Immediate pain in the lower abdomen is caused by lactic acid produced during increased physical activity. It is a negative consequence of increased physical activity. When playing sports, the amount of the substance increases, which provokes severe painful discomfort on the left side in a boy or girl. At the same time, this kind of symptom can signal the development of pathology of the genitourinary system. Therefore, there is a need to consult a doctor.
  2. Delayed pain appears after 2-3 days. It occurs when the load increases, or if the child has had a break from sports for a couple of days. Small wounds or tears in muscle fibers cause similar sensations. But the body can react in this way due to the onset of the inflammatory process. In this case, it would also be a good idea to check with a pediatrician.

Only the attending physician can accurately diagnose the disease after examining the child, determining the location of the manifestation and the factors that provoke it. Sensations may first appear in the navel area, then radiate to the left. This speaks of urological diseases. This also includes diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Here the reason lies in the not yet fully formed growing organism, which is not yet able to cope with the physical activity required of the baby.

Important! To prevent pain in the left side, you need to prepare the body for physical activity: eat right, do exercises every day, and breathing exercises.

When doing physical exercise, painful sensations are sometimes not dangerous. But you still need to play it safe and show the baby to the doctor. After all, when the abdominal muscles, as a result of the load, begin to put pressure on the inflamed organ, pain occurs. Therefore, in case of prolonged discomfort, you need to undergo a full examination so as not to start a developing disease.

Painful sensations in girls over eleven

If a teenage girl complains of acute pain and cramps in the lower abdomen, then this is the body’s preparation for approaching menstruation. The discomfort can be aching or pulling. Girls are able to feel the movement of a blood clot through the pharynx and vagina, especially if they are virgins. Sometimes such a movement can cause acute pain in the lower abdomen as a result of the fact that it is difficult for the clot to penetrate through the hymen.

When the discomfort is severe and does not go away for a long period of time, it is worth visiting a gynecologist. After all, this may indicate problems in the reproductive system or the opening of hemorrhage.

Functional problems in the body that cause pain

Pain in the left side often signals the development of various diseases. After all, many vital organs are located in this zone. Discomfort can indicate both a mild inflammatory process and the formation of oncology. Therefore, it is important to send the child to the clinic in a timely manner and conduct an appropriate examination.

Pathologies of the pancreas and stomach

Painful sensations in the stomach area signal inflammation and destructive processes that are the result of the progression of pancreatitis (manifested by a strong process of inflammation). What to do if a child experiences a dull, nagging pain, accompanied by swelling, necrosis, irritation, as well as peritonitis and palpation of organs? Call an ambulance immediately. Most likely, hospitalization will be required.

Important! Such signs cannot be ignored. Sharp acute pain can cause suppuration, the appearance of cystic formations, inflammation of the peritoneum and bleeding.

Spleen diseases

This type of disease develops as a consequence of external and internal trauma to the organ. Painful sensations occur in the lower abdomen and manifest as sharp and sharp spasms. Often the discomfort radiates to the shoulder and shoulder blade. They can intensify during physical activity, or when pressing on the affected area.

The pathology is often accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, body tremors, shortness of breath, as well as signs of intoxication of the body (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), and lack of blood. The spleen is mainly affected by infections. Damage occurs as a result of the child suffering from sepsis, malaria, typhus, anthrax and other things.

To ease the baby's condition, place him in a horizontal position, or reclining on his left side.

Renal pathologies

Mostly, diseases of paired organs are characterized by pain in the lumbar region, but often radiate to the left side. The symptomatic picture is complemented by severe hematuria (blood in the urine), swelling in the morning, greenish color of the skin, lack of desire to eat, as well as severe headaches, weakness, fever, chills and fatigue.

The causes of such symptoms, accompanied by pain radiating to the left side, are a severe inflammatory process in the kidneys.

Heart muscle diseases

If persistent pain on the left side develops, cardiovascular diseases may also develop. Such a symptom can signal damage to the coronary vessels, congenital defects or inflammation. The pain is dull, compressive, sharp or cutting in nature. Painful sensations radiating to the left side due to diseases of the heart muscle and its vessels are accompanied by shortness of breath in the child. His breathing quickens. The child may feel a lack of oxygen.

Diseases of the reproductive system

Girls under 6 years of age or older may suffer from pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), the symptoms of which are complemented by high fever, weakness, chills and aching discomfort in the lower back, extending under the left rib. If emptying the bladder is painful, we can talk about the development of cystitis in growing girls. In a neglected state, blood may appear in the urine. In girls with pain, vulvovaginitis or vulvitis can still be suspected.

Pain on the left side in girls is a symptom of vaginal inflammation. The pathology is expressed by dermatitis, irritation, E. coli, and an allergic reaction.

Boys are characterized by the development of phimosis (exposure of the head of the male genitalia, accumulation of sebaceous glands and the formation of an inflammatory process). Premature boys can develop cryptorchidism, which is the failure of the testicle to descend into the scrotum. If hormonal therapy fails, the boy undergoes surgery.


Why do painful sensations of a sharp and pulling nature occur under the ribs on the left side? This may be the result of progression of intercostal neuralgia. Develops due to irritation or pinching of the intercostal nerve. Localization of discomfort occurs in the chest, abdomen or between the ribs (both left and right).

The symptoms here are quite pronounced: burning, tingling and numbness of the muscles, tension in the back muscles when coughing, sneezing or while laughing or taking a deep breath. Children also experience increased sweating, numbness, and a sharp change from high to low blood pressure, and vice versa.

Broken ribs

Typically, this type of injury is internal. In case of severe injuries, the skin and organs located under the ribs may be damaged. In such a situation, the baby experiences sharp pain, which intensifies with inhalation and movement. The child also experiences discomfort in the chest area and painful attacks in the abdominal area. By feeling the damaged area, you can detect a swelling, when pressed the child reacts painfully. The baby needs to be urgently taken to the clinic for a full examination and special medical measures.

Under what circumstances can you not worry?

In most cases, children do not control the amount of food they eat. Especially if the parents prepared a lot of delicious dishes for the holiday. After overeating, a child often feels. This is completely natural and does not require medical attention. After digestion of food, the pain will go away.

If such sensations bother your child after each meal, it is worth reconsidering his regime and diet.

Diagnostic measures

The clinical picture in the first stages of the formation of various diseases is similar. Therefore, if any pathological signs occur, you need to go to the clinic, where experienced doctors will conduct a medical examination, make an accurate diagnosis, and prescribe further treatment.

If there is pain on the left side, you need to take the child to a urologist. He will conduct diagnostics using devices and prescribe the necessary tests. Girls with severe pain on the left side should be sent to a pediatric gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, examine the affected area by palpation, and, if necessary, prescribe laboratory tests. Additionally, a hardware examination may be required.

Important! If your baby experiences constant pain on the left side during physical activity, the student needs to register for group A or B in physical education, adjust the diet, and consult with a specialist.

How to relieve pain

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of pain on the left side. It is prohibited to independently treat pathology, especially in children. If the pain is unbearable, you are allowed to take an analgesic and go to the hospital.

After identifying the cause, the doctor prescribes treatment for the baby: conservative or surgical.

Conservative therapy includes taking various medications:

  1. Analgesics. Taken to eliminate pain. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor. Popular among them are Colfarit, Novalgin and others.
  2. Antispasmodics. You can take No-shpa, Spazgan, Baralgin and others for severe pain of a spasmodic nature.
  3. Antibiotics. The drug is selected individually for each patient in the presence of a bacterial infection.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Nise, Ketorolac and other medications are prescribed for the development of an inflammatory process in internal organs.
  5. Carminatives. Eliminates increased gas formation. Drugs such as Espumisan and Almagel will be useful for children suffering from flatulence and adults with gastrointestinal problems.
  6. Antacindic medications. They can quickly reduce the acidity of gastric juice if gastritis occurs.
  7. Diuretics. Diuretics are prescribed in case of development of renal pathologies. Prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Otherwise, the consequences are fraught with the formation of severe complications.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes massage, physiotherapy sessions, chemotherapy or exercise therapy for the child.

Surgical treatment is carried out when a baby has a hernia, a malignant or benign tumor, a serious gynecological disease or a violation of the anatomical structure of an organ.

Often, alternative treatment is an additional method. For gastritis, it is recommended to eat green apples, and for diseases of paired organs, drink special kidney tea. Corn silk will be beneficial for liver pathologies, and an infusion of yarrow, valerian and lily of the valley, rosemary, and peppermint will save the heart.

Propolis tincture will help heal the spleen, and foods rich in vitamin E will help improve the functioning of the child’s reproductive system.

If your baby is bothered by frequent painful sensations on the left side, they bother him almost constantly, it is worth visiting a doctor who will conduct a full examination. After studying the results, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment. But self-medication of a child both after 7 years and at an early age is strictly contraindicated. After all, at first glance, the most harmless medicine can significantly harm a child’s health.

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

In each such case, you need to consult a pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist, or surgeon as quickly as possible.

In order to correctly navigate the symptoms of possible diseases and maintain the necessary composure, parents need to know why the child’s right side hurts under the ribs.

When you urgently need medical help

If you have pain in the right side under the ribs, you should seek help from a specialist.

Diagnosis of abdominal pain in a child is the prerogative of a specialist. Parents should fully assist the physician by accurately describing visible symptoms.

Depending on the age of the child, diagnosing abdominal pain has its own characteristics. So, for example, an infant and a toddler who cannot speak, under the age of about 2 years, is unlikely to be able to clearly understand what and where it hurts.

The only thing his parents will have to focus on is desperate crying, bending of his legs towards his stomach, refusal to eat, unusual stool, and rising temperature.

An older child can be asked to show the place where pain is concentrated and asked to describe its nature. In all cases, the following causes of pain in the right side under the ribs on the right are distinguished:

  • Organic pain – caused by a pathological process or a change in the structure of the tissues and organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gallbladder dyskinesia, appendicitis).
  • Pains of a functional nature are caused by a violation of the proper functioning of the digestive organs (colic in newborns, an allergic reaction to a certain product).

Symptoms indicating urgent medical attention:

  1. Severe cutting pain in right side;
  2. The child is inactive, constantly takes a forced position - lies on his side, legs bent;
  3. The muscles of the abdominal wall are extremely tense;
  4. Nausea and vomiting appear;
  5. The pain is accompanied by diarrhea, unusual-looking stools;
  6. The child is excited or, conversely, unusually lethargic;
  7. Hypo- or hyperthermia is noted;
  8. The baby is pale and feels unusually weak.

What you can and cannot do for pain in the right hypochondrium

It is strictly forbidden to press on the area of ​​acute pain.

While waiting for the doctor, the only thing you can do on your own to help the child is to put him to bed and ensure peace.

Any other manipulations, even those dictated by the best intentions, can worsen the child’s condition and lead to unpredictable consequences. What not to do if you have abdominal pain:

  • Applying a heating pad to the sore spot can aggravate the inflammatory process and create the danger of peritonitis;
  • Giving an enema - the consequences are the same as in the previous paragraph;
  • Offer food and drink before the doctor's examination - if the child is undergoing surgery under anesthesia, food and liquid in the stomach will cause vomiting;
  • Give the child medications: analgesics, laxatives, probiotics, antispasmodics - under the influence of drugs, the bright symptoms will be smoothed out, the doctor will not be able to make the correct diagnosis;
  • Press on the area of ​​acute pain - in case of inflammation of the appendix, the intestinal appendix may burst and create a risk of peritonitis.

While waiting for the doctor, you should try to maintain external calm and reassure the anxious child, so as not to aggravate the problem with a stressful situation.

Possible causes of abdominal pain on the right under the ribs

A variety of pathologies can cause such unpleasant sensations in children. The pain is accompanied by additional symptoms, which, by carefully analyzing, the doctor can accurately diagnose the disease.

Inflammation of the gallbladder and dysfunction

A bitter taste in the mouth indicates inflammation of the gallbladder.

Pain in the right side in children may be a sign of biliary dyskinesia (excessive or insufficient contraction), angiocholitis (inflammation of the biliary tract), cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).

Pain due to pathologies of the gallbladder can be either dull or quite intense, radiating to the area of ​​the right shoulder. They are accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. Lack of appetite;
  2. Nausea;
  3. Bitter taste and dry mouth;
  4. Pale skin during attacks of gallbladder colic;
  5. Alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  6. The feces are the color of light clay;
  7. Headache.

A violation of the diet (excess of sweets, excessively fried or fatty foods), or excess of physical activity can provoke an attack of pain. Gallbladder pathologies develop gradually.

After the release of bile, which was preceded by pain from a full gallbladder, loose, dark brown stools may begin. This color of stool is characteristic of the release of a large amount of bile.

After such an attack, pain is not felt for some time until the next attack. For gallbladder pathologies, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder parenchyma, take a biochemical blood test, and examine the condition of the biliary tract. It is recommended to correct the child’s diet by excluding the following products:

  • canned products,
  • fatty, smoked, salty dishes,
  • sweets,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • cocoa, chocolate.

Exacerbations of the disease must be treated in a hospital, with bed rest and a strict diet, and tubeless drainage of the duodenum.

Acute appendicitis

Pain in the right abdomen may indicate an attack of appendicitis.

Pain in the upper right abdomen can be triggered by an attack of appendicitis, which in the initial stage can cause characteristic symptoms not at all in the location of the inflammation.

The condition of children during an attack of appendicitis deteriorates much faster than that of adults, so the main thing is to quickly deliver the child to the hospital. Signs of appendicitis:

  1. The child strives to take a forced position, turning on his right side;
  2. The pain begins to appear in the navel area, then it moves to the right, radiating under the ribs, then spreads throughout the abdomen, and can “radiate” to the legs or arms;
  3. The child is lethargic or irritable;
  4. There is a slight increase in temperature;
  5. There is diarrhea;
  6. Nausea is felt, in some cases accompanied by vomiting.

Even if at least a few symptoms from the picture described above appear, this is a reason to urgently seek medical help.


Hepatitis is damage to the liver by viruses.

Damage to the liver by viruses, toxic substances during poisoning, and autoimmune pathologies can cause pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the abdomen.

The pain syndrome in a child is complemented by yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes, weakness, and a slight increase in temperature.

Having noted such manifestations, you should immediately show the child to a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist.

Diseases of the stomach or intestines

Pain in the right half of the abdomen 1-2 hours after eating can be a symptom of gastritis and even stomach ulcers in children. These diseases are accompanied by such symptoms as alternating constipation and diarrhea, sour belching, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and decreased appetite.

Psychogenic pain

Children with a fine mental organization can take advantage of their situation by complaining of abdominal pain, including on the right side.

The reason for this may be the desire to get some advantages, not to go to school or kindergarten, or to attract the attention of loved ones. Attacks of pain look so organic that subsequently the child himself begins to experience them. Outside of a traumatic situation, pain is usually not felt.

Regardless of what symptoms accompany pain in the right half of the abdomen, you need to consult a doctor as quickly as possible without self-medicating.

For information about what hurts in the right hypochondrium, watch the video:

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Pain under the ribs in a child: what’s the matter?

The causes of pain in the subcostal region in children vary. Depending on the type and location, it may indicate various diseases. Therefore, if pain periodically occurs under the ribs in a child, you cannot ignore them; you should visit a pediatrician. A timely visit to the doctor can relieve many health problems. Unfortunately, many mothers consider such symptoms not dangerous, especially if the pain occurs rarely, and let the situation take its course. To prevent this from happening, parents need to know what different types of pain under the ribs in children mean.

In order to know what subcostal pain on the left side signals, you need to study the location of the internal organs in this part of the body. On the left are the pancreas, spleen, left parts of the stomach and diaphragm, left lung and heart. Most often, children cannot describe what kind of pain it is: sharp, cutting, dull or aching, so you need to pay attention to its intensity - strong or not strong.

Severe pain may indicate the following troubles:

  1. Spleen contusion. This organ is as close as possible to the skin, so it is most susceptible to damage during falls or collisions. If the pain gradually subsides (within minutes), there is nothing to worry about; you can apply cold to the bruised area and make sure that the child behaves calmly for a while. Read with him, watch a family movie, or play board games. In case of severe pain for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as there may be a tear or even rupture of the spleen.
  2. An attack of pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas can occur due to malnutrition, fast food abuse, or due to a genetic predisposition. In any case, you need to stop the attack with antispasmodics and then consult a doctor. Sometimes the pain can be so severe that you have to call an ambulance. Pancreatitis is considered an “adult” disease, but in recent years its age has decreased significantly due to environmental deterioration and malnutrition in children.
  3. Gastritis. During an exacerbation of gastritis, severe pain may occur on the left side under the ribs, especially on an empty stomach.

A mild pain syndrome on the left side of the hypochondrium can occur with inflammation of the lower part of the left lung; accompanying symptoms are a cough and a fever that does not subside for several days.

On the right is the liver, gall bladder, right parts of the stomach and diaphragm, appendix and right lung. If a child complains of pain on the right side under the ribs, and at the same time he vomits or feels sick in the near future, then there is a problem with the gallbladder. Often an accompanying symptom is pain in the right arm. The same signs, but with chills and frequent vomiting, indicate cholecystitis, and if the pain radiates to the groin, then cholelithiasis or liver stones are possible. All these diseases are considered serious, therefore, at the first complaint of a child about pain on the right side under the ribs, you should consult a doctor.

Sometimes appendicitis can also give off a dull pain in the right hypochondrium; the pain does not decrease, but with light tapping it intensifies. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

Pain under the ribs in the iliac fossa

Pain in the middle of the body under the ribs, where the iliac region is located, can be one of the symptoms of various diseases. In children, pain in this area sometimes occurs from running quickly or drinking a large sip of water. In this case, you need to ask the child to inhale and exhale deeply several times, and the pain will quickly disappear. In addition, pain may occur after lifting weights or prolonged exercise, especially during the first sessions.

Among the diseases, the symptom of which may be pain under the ribs in the middle, the most common are the following:

  • hernia;
  • gastritis or other stomach diseases;
  • bruise of the abdomen, abdominal cavity;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

In any case, you need to check the child’s health with a pediatrician and specialists recommended by the pediatrician.

Parents should remember that any disease is easier to cure in its first stages. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to all the child’s complaints about pain under the ribs. It is better to make sure once again that your child is healthy than to undergo long-term treatment later.

The baby is healthy!

Blog of a practicing pediatrician with a free consultation on the website

Pain in the right side under the ribs in a child - why does this symptom occur?

A frequent cause of concern for parents and their visits to a pediatrician is the child’s complaint of pain in the right side under the ribs.

This symptom can accompany the development of various diseases affecting both the digestive tract and other body systems.

Therefore, if persistent and frequent pain in this localization occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist for examination and clarification of the diagnosis with the obligatory determination of the cause of the pain syndrome.

The pain, which is localized in the right side under the ribs, can have a different nature, duration and combination of associated symptoms for different diseases.

In some cases, the localization of pain corresponds to the immediate location of the affected organ:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • stomach;
  • diaphragm;
  • lower parts of the lungs;
  • abnormally located kidneys or appendix.
  • with damage to the pancreas (girdling pain radiating to the right hypochondrium);
  • diseases of the duodenum;
  • with intestinal inflammation (enteritis and enterocolitis);
  • for right-sided gynecological diseases (adnexitis, cystic diseases).

The acute nature of the pain is more characteristic of an active inflammatory process, which requires immediate diagnosis

When the pain is aching, not only a subacute or chronic inflammatory process is more often diagnosed, but also functional disorders of the affected organ.

Liver and gallbladder diseases

Most often, pain localized in the right side under the ribs is characteristic of pathology of the liver or biliary tract.

These include:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • hepatitis;
  • less commonly, cholecystitis or cholelithiasis.

Biliary dyskinesia

Dull aching pain in the right hypochondrium is characteristic of biliary dyskinesia of the hypertensive type.

Biliary dyskinesia is a functional disorder of the evacuation function of the gallbladder due to congenital anomalies of the gallbladder (constrictions, sphincter abnormalities) or spasm of its duct and is characterized by stagnation of bile.

This pathology most often occurs in childhood and adolescence and with timely treatment is completely cured or controlled.

But with late treatment, this process is complicated by inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

Pain in the right side under the ribs due to hepatitis (acute or chronic inflammation of the liver) is accompanied by the appearance of additional symptoms:

  • pallor of the skin, and then the development of jaundice of varying degrees of intensity;
  • severe weakness;
  • headaches;
  • loss of body weight;
  • constant nausea;
  • pain in the joints with an increase in temperature to low-grade levels;
  • decreased appetite;
  • itchy skin;
  • Subsequently, darkening of urine (beer color) and discoloration of feces are noted.

The pain syndrome is characterized as constant aching pain with heaviness in the right hypochondrium.

If these symptoms appear in a child, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

It is important to remember that sick children with acute forms of hepatitis A are contagious for a long time and require urgent hospitalization and treatment.

With cholecystitis, the pain syndrome intensifies with dietary violations - consumption of fatty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks or alcohol (in adolescents).

Pain can also radiate to the right shoulder blade and shoulder and is accompanied by:

  • severe nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • belching bitter;
  • heartburn;
  • skin itching or rash;
  • joint pain;
  • headache and dizziness.

Diseases of the stomach and duodenum

Most often in childhood, functional stomach disorders, inflammatory or ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum occur.

The most common functional stomach disorder is stomach spasm.

It is associated with a violation of the motor function of the stomach and manifests itself in the form of contraction of its muscles as a result of a decrease in the threshold of excitability from the autonomic nervous system and increased tone of the vagus nerve. Therefore, in children and adolescents, this condition is also called “nervous gastralgia.”

The clinical picture of gastrospasm is caused by increased motor activity of the stomach or tetanic spasm of the wall muscles and is characterized by the sudden onset of cramping pain in the upper abdomen.

Pain does not have a clear relationship with food intake, but in most cases is associated with stress factors.

It is generally accepted that all functional disorders, especially when they recur more often, are the first signs of the initial stages of organic diseases of the stomach, endocrine or nervous system, kidney pathology or helminth infections.

Therefore, timely diagnosis and proper treatment of all functional disorders and differential diagnosis of somatic diseases are considered an important factor.

This pathology is characterized by dull aching pain in the epigastric region (behind the sternum) and in the right hypochondrium, which appear more often on an empty stomach in the morning and/or two hours after eating.

Pain syndrome in most cases is accompanied by:

  • decreased appetite;
  • belching (sour or air);
  • nausea;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • irritability.

This disease manifests itself as aching pain two hours after eating.

The child complains of pain in the right hypochondrium with irradiation to the back or right shoulder blade; less often, the pain syndrome has a girdling character.

As with gastritis, this pathology is combined with dyspeptic disorders, belching, heartburn, nausea (less often vomiting), periodic headaches, sweating and general malaise.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and/or duodenum

Ulcerative defects in the area of ​​the stomach and/or duodenum manifest themselves in the form of periodic aching pain in the right hypochondrium and in the epigastrium.

They are often accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, especially if the ulcer is located in the cardiac zone of the stomach.

Additionally, peptic ulcer disease manifests itself:

Also, the pain syndrome in this pathology is accompanied by a disturbance in general well-being - severe weakness, malaise, headaches (usually at night), sleep disturbances, and emotional lability.

Pain syndrome during ulcerative processes in the upper parts of the digestive tract is characterized by periodicity during the day (hunger and night pains), seasonality (absence of pain in the spring-summer period).

Parents need to know that in children, peptic ulcer disease (in 50% of cases) may have an asymptomatic onset with a gradual increase in aching pain in the right hypochondrium with periodic causeless vomiting(stress stomach ulcers in adolescents due to hormonal changes in the body).

Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to this type of complaint in older schoolchildren and adolescents.

All patients with diseases of the stomach and duodenum who complain of dull aching pain in the right hypochondrium require consultation with a pediatrician or gastroenterologist and additional examination methods:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • fecal occult blood analysis (for the differential diagnosis of erosive forms of gastritis or gastric ulcers);
  • urease tests;
  • Ultrasound of the digestive tract;
  • fibrogastroscopy;
  • pH – metry;
  • teleendoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum (if necessary).

Diseases of the right kidney

Dull, aching pain in the right side under the ribs may be a symptom of diseases of the right kidney if it is abnormally high.

Referred pain is also possible:

  • with severe inflammatory diseases of the right kidney (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis);
  • hereditary or dysmetabolic nephropathies.

Dysmetabolic nephropathies Today they are often found in pediatric practice and are characterized by frequent migrating abdominal pain, quite often localized in the right hypochondrium.

This disease develops as a result of severe metabolic disorders with damage to the interstitial tissue of the kidneys and salt deposition.

In addition, the pathology is often combined with biliary dyskinesia.

Therefore, pain is localized mainly in the right hypochondrium with irradiation to the lower abdomen, periumbilical region and lower back.

Pain syndrome is accompanied by:

  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • malaise;
  • pale skin;
  • recurrent joint pain (often at night);
  • dysuric disorders (pain and burning during urination, development of enuresis in children and nocturia);
  • headaches;
  • persistent loss of appetite.

Often, against the background of dysmetabolic nephropathies, inflammatory diseases of the right kidney develop:

  • nephritis of various etiologies (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis);
  • urinary tract infections;
  • cystitis.

When aching pain appears in the right hypochondrium, which is combined:

  • with urinary disorders;
  • with general symptoms;
  • with the presence of salts in the urine (sediment after prolonged standing or unpleasant odor of urine).

It is necessary to consult a doctor (pediatrician, urologist or nephrologist) to clarify the diagnosis and additional examination (general urinalysis, ultrasound of the kidneys).

Pancreatic diseases

Chronic inflammation of the head of the pancreas is characterized by the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium with periodic attacks of girdle pain, especially with errors in diet.

They are accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief. Also observed:

  • weakness;
  • heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • persistent loss of appetite;
  • belching;
  • rumbling and bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • sweating;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in body temperature;
  • brittle nails and hair;
  • “jams” in the area of ​​the corners of the lips;
  • change in urine color;
  • skin itching.

Right lower lobe pneumonia and/or pleurisy

Inflammation of the lungs in the lower parts on the right is often manifested by aching pain in the right hypochondrium at the site of projection of the affected lower lobe.

In this case, the pain syndrome is accompanied by an acute onset of the disease with high fever with malaise, weakness and sweating, which is combined with cough and shortness of breath. Most often this pathology occurs in children.

Right-sided diaphragmatic pleurisy (inflammation of the pleural layers that surround the right lung) may be accompanied by:

  • stabbing or aching pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • dry irritating painful cough;
  • severe painful hiccups;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain when swallowing.

The patient’s forced position is also typical – sitting, leaning forward.


Most often, helminthiasis develops in childhood.

The main diseases are ascariasis (infection of the intestines with roundworms), giardiasis (infection with Giardia) and enterobiasis (infection with pinworms).

These diseases are accompanied by:

  • the appearance of pain in the right side under the ribs or in the umbilical area;
  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased appetite;
  • itching of the perianal area;
  • skin rash;
  • grinding teeth.

With giardiasis, blockage of the bile ducts by Giardia may occur and jaundice, arthralgia, skin rash, discoloration of urine and discoloration of feces may develop.

Pain under the ribs in a child: what is the reason?

Any pain in the subcostal area should never be ignored. This is a kind of signal about problems in the body. Depending on the location, pain under the ribs in a child may indicate various diseases. Unfortunately, often the baby is not able to accurately describe the nature of the discomfort he is experiencing. Therefore, you should not “guess from the tea leaves”; urgently seek medical help from a specialist. And if discomfort under the ribs in a child occurs periodically without causing severe pain, do not ignore these symptoms; perhaps a sluggish inflammatory process is occurring in the child’s body, which at any moment can develop into a serious disease.

What does pain under the ribs mean depending on their location?

Pain under the ribs on the left side

First of all, it is important to understand which internal organs are located on the right side of the body. This will require minimal knowledge of the anatomy of the human body. So, on the right side of the body are the heart, left lung, spleen, pancreas, left side of the diaphragm and stomach. Due to their age, children cannot give a clear description of the nature of the pain, whether it is sharp, cutting, dull or pulling. Therefore, doctors pay attention specifically to the intensity of pain (strong or not strong).

What does severe pain under the left rib mean:

1. Severe pain, especially on an empty stomach, usually occurs with exacerbation of gastritis.

2. If you fall or collide with a heavy object, the spleen is likely to be bruised. The pain from such an injury is quite severe, but usually goes away quite quickly within 15 minutes. A cold compress to the site of the bruise will help relieve the condition. But if the pain does not go away for a long time, be sure to seek medical help.

3. Inflammation of the pancreas, in other words pancreatitis, is considered to be a disease of adults. However, in recent years, children have been diagnosed with this condition more and more often. This is due to the deterioration of the environment and the quality of nutrition of children. Frequent consumption of fast food and poor nutrition negatively affect the proper functioning of the pancreas. An attack of pancreatitis is very dangerous and cannot be avoided without the help of doctors. Sometimes the pain is so severe that you have to call an ambulance.

Mild pain on the left side is often a symptom of inflammation of the lower lobe of the left lung. Companions here can be high body temperature and cough.

Pain under the ribs on the right side

If a child complains of pain on the right side, this may indicate problems in the right lung, gall bladder, liver, right side of the diaphragm and stomach, as well as appendicitis. Nausea and vomiting in combination with pain under the right rib and in the right arm is nothing more than inflammation of the gallbladder. Also, similar symptoms can occur with cholecystitis. The only difference here is chills and more frequent vomiting.

Stones in the liver and cholelithiasis, in addition to pain in the right hypochondrium, are characterized by painful sensations in the groin.

With inflammation of appendicitis, a dull pain may be felt on the right side, which does not go away, but only increases with light tapping. In this case, calling an ambulance is mandatory.

Most parents have encountered a situation where their child experienced short-term or long-term, sharp or aching pain in the left side or under the ribs, and it is worth noting that there are no specific reasons that cause discomfort in the child, compared to adults - No. But many children hide the appearance of pain from their parents. It is especially difficult to understand the health status of infants and newborns. They are unable to communicate what and where they have pain or cannot explain the causes of the pain.
Therefore, parents need to be very careful. If the first symptoms appear in the form of inactivity, lethargy, causeless crying, any anxiety, as well as uncharacteristic postures when the child curls up, tucking his legs to his chest, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist. Of particular concern, which requires calling an ambulance, should be caused by symptoms such as refusal to eat and sleep, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, cold sweat, pale skin, complete lack of tension, and abdominal weakness.

Main diseases in children characterized by pain on the left

Gastritis - manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, affects its walls, and is characterized by pain in the left hypochondrium or upper abdomen. More often occurs in children during the period of active growth, i.e. at 5-6 years old, and then at 10-15. If in preschoolers it is mainly associated with complications after acute infectious diseases (influenza, measles, diphtheria, etc.), then in adolescents it is more often a consequence of consuming large amounts of carbonated drinks, fast food, as well as bad habits (alcohol, smoking). Appendicitis – Although the appendix is ​​on the right side, sometimes the pain occurs on the left side. Often in children, due to the underdevelopment of internal organs, in particular the greater omentum, the clinical picture is somewhat altered, which leads to a delay in surgical interventions, thereby simple appendicitis turns into destructive (destructive). Coprostasis (accumulation of feces in the intestines) can occur due to congenital characteristics of the body and become one of the causes of intestinal obstruction, manifested in the form of spasmodic pain in the abdominal area. Volvulus is a fairly common disease in newborns, especially babies who are overweight or, on the contrary, very active, as well as those who are bottle-fed. In addition to elevated body temperature, a clear sign of the disease is the alternation of periods of calm with attacks of sudden pain, as a result of which the child begins to cry and press his legs to his stomach. Inguinal hernia strangulation develops in children under two years of age. Symptoms include paleness, sweating, and vomiting.

In order to avoid the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s health.

Physiological causes of pain

During and after physical activity

Sharp pain in the left hypochondrium may occur after exercise. During training, blood circulation begins to increase. Energy production increases. Therefore, an elevated temperature is often observed. The child’s ligaments and muscles warm up and begin to withstand more intense physical activity.

There are two types of pain - immediate and delayed.

Immediate pain in the lower abdomen may be due to lactic acid. This substance accumulates in the muscles. It is a by-product of all physiological processes. During physical activity, the concentration of the substance increases, which leads to pain in the left side. Typically, identical pain is pathological in nature. May indicate problems with the genitourinary system. Delayed pain appears on days 2-3. It manifests itself with increasing loads or after a long break of more than three days. It consists of microscopic wounds and tears in muscle fibers. It may also indicate the development of various inflammations.

To determine an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to know where exactly the pain is localized. To eliminate it, it is necessary to identify the cause. Sometimes, discomfort may occur in the navel area, then slowly localize to the left side. Pain under the ribs occurs due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, various diseases of a urological nature, and due to the musculoskeletal system. Children's bodies are growing and not fully formed. Therefore, the child may not cope with the assigned physical activity.

In order to prevent pain in the left side from appearing as a result of strong physical exertion, it is necessary to prepare the body for it. To do this, do additional exercises and simple exercises. Watch your diet. Heavy foods can cause discomfort. It is necessary to monitor the frequency and depth of your breathing. Proper oxygen supply affects the child's physical condition during and after exercise.

It is also worth noting that in most cases, pain under the ribs after physical activity is not dangerous. But they can signal various problems with internal organs. This happens because after exercise, the abdominal muscles begin to put pressure on the organs, and if they are inflamed, they respond with pain. Therefore, if pain manifests itself over a long period, then a comprehensive examination is urgently necessary.

Pain in teenage girls

Unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen can occur in girls during adolescence. This phenomenon may signal the body’s preparation for menstrual cycles. Girls may feel sharp pain in the form of contractions. Unpleasant sensations manifest themselves in the form of nagging discomfort. Girls can feel the movement of coagulated pieces of blood passing through the pharynx and vagina. Especially acute pain is present in virgins. Blood flow does not pass well through the hymen, which leads to acute pain in the lower abdomen.

But if the discomfort is too strong and does not go away for a long time (more than 5-7 days), then you need to urgently consult a gynecologist. Such pain may indicate diseases of the reproductive system. If the lower abdomen hurts for a long period, then this phenomenon is not considered to be the menstrual cycle, but the presence of bleeding.

Functional disorders

If a child often has pain on his left side, this may indicate the presence of some kind of disease. There are many organs on the left side. Each of them can present themselves with a variety of diseases, ranging from minor inflammation to cancer. Therefore, we will give a brief overview of what can hurt in the left side.

Spleen diseases

Occur due to external or internal damage. The most dangerous injuries are accompanied by internal hemorrhage. The pain is very intense and sharp. Localized in the lower abdomen. Pain can also affect the area from the shoulder to the shoulder blade. May occur when pressing or performing physical activity. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, trembling throughout the body, decreased blood pressure, lack of blood, and shortness of breath. If these symptoms occur, the child needs to lie on his back or recline on his left side. The spleen is damaged by various infectious diseases. Severe pain in a child in the abdominal area can be a consequence of malaria, typhus, lymphocytosis, anthrax, and sepsis.

Diseases of the stomach and pancreas

They indicate inflammation and destructive processes, so almost any pain that occurs in the stomach area is a consequence of pancreatitis. It manifests itself in the form of severe inflammatory processes. It is necessary to urgently consult a specialist if you experience dull, nagging or sharp pain, swelling, necrosis, peritonitis, irritation, or palpation of organs. Painful sensations are accompanied by pressing and releasing the hands. Acute pain can cause bacterial suppuration, cyst formation, bleeding, and inflammation of the abdominal cavity.

Intestinal diseases

They manifest themselves in the form of problems with stool - constipation, diarrhea. Symptoms of the disease may include rumbling, a feeling of fullness, flatulence, discomfort in the anus and lower abdomen. Symptoms may subside or disappear after bowel movements and passing gas. If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner, these symptoms may begin to progress. The child may develop hypertension, and mucus, pus or blood will begin to be released from the anus, which is usually accompanied by sharp pain in the anus. “Embarrassments” will appear during the passage of gases and feces. The absorption of vitamins and nutrients will worsen, as a result the child may begin to lose weight and experience severe weakness. Vitamin deficiency, developmental and growth disorders will appear.

Such symptoms may be due to ulcerative, ischemic, pseudomembranous colitis, Crohn's disease, neoplasms, irritable bowel syndrome or diverticulitis.

Diverticulitis manifests itself in the form of stretching of the intestinal walls, forming a kind of “pocket” that begins to protrude into the abdominal cavity. The consequence of the disease may be

chronic constipation

Weakened tone of the intestinal walls.

Kidney diseases

Accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, as well as between the ribs. Change the color of urine, turning it bloody. They manifest themselves as bulging in the lumbar region, severe discomfort or burning. The diseases have symptoms in the form of headaches, greenish tint of the skin, morning swelling, loss of appetite, chills, fever, weakness, and fatigue. With such symptoms, severe inflammatory processes can develop.

Diseases of the reproductive organs

Pain in the left side may be accompanied by diseases of the genitourinary system.

Girls can suffer from pyelonephritis, an infectious kidney disease. The disease manifests itself in the form of an increase in temperature to 38-40°C, chills, weakness, aching discomfort in the hypochondrium and lower back. Another cause of pain in teenage girls is cystitis. This causes painful urination. Sometimes it is accompanied by blood. In the absence of signs of such a disease, intestinal problems can be suspected. Another major disease in girls is vulvitis and vulvovaginitis. Diseases develop in young children. If the left side hurts, this may be a consequence of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. The disease manifests itself in the form of dermatitis, E. coli, allergies, and irritation.

Boys can get phimosis. The disease manifests itself in the form of exposure of the head of the penis. There is an accumulation of sebaceous glands. Inflammatory processes begin to appear. Premature boys suffer from cryptorchidism. The disease manifests itself in the form of failure of the testicle to descend into the scrotum. In this case, hormonal therapy should be done. If treatment does not produce results, then such children require surgical intervention.

Heart diseases

If the left side hurts, the child may develop heart disease. In this case, the coronary vessels may be affected. Inflammatory processes and congenital defects may also be the cause. The nature of the pain is sharp, dull, cutting, squeezing. It can occur in the hypochondrium, lower back, or radiate to the right or left side. Children may experience shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and lack of oxygen.

Intercostal neuralgia

If the hypochondrium hurts, sharp and nagging pains are observed, then this may be a consequence of intercostal neuralgia. The disease consists of compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves. Pain may be in the chest, abdomen, or between the ribs. The main symptoms are numbness, burning, tingling, tension in the back muscles during coughing, laughing, sneezing, and deep breathing. Children experience increased sweating, sudden changes in blood pressure, and numbness.

Fractured ribs

In most cases, it is accompanied by closed chest injuries; with severe traumatic injuries, damage occurs to the outer skin, as well as internal organs located in the hypochondrium. Typically, the child complains of sharp pain in the area of ​​injury, which may intensify with breathing, straining, and involuntary movements. At the same time, the stomach hurts, there is discomfort in the chest area. On palpation, a painful swelling can be detected. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations.


The symptoms of many diseases, especially at the initial stage, are very similar. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a professional specialist can make a correct diagnosis. If there is pain in the hypochondrium, you should contact a pediatric urologist. The child will have to undergo diagnostic testing in the form of hardware tests. The equipment must reveal the correct diagnosis. You should also take a clinical blood test. If there is pain under the ribs in girls, you should consult a pediatric gynecologist. Acute pain should be detected by palpation by the doctor and after hardware examination.

If a child has discomfort in the left side, then it is necessary to refuse any physical activity. You should write an application for the student to transfer to special education. group A or B in physical education lessons. You need to start watching your diet. If the pain increases or blood appears, you should consult a specialist.


Treatment is inextricably linked with the diagnosis and can consist of:

Massage therapy; Physiotherapy; Chemotherapy; Physical therapy; Medication method; Surgical intervention; Therapeutic methods.

After identifying the disease, the child can be helped using folk remedies.

For example, gastritis can be cured with green apples. 2 medium-sized fruits are peeled and finely chopped or grated on a fine grater, and then eaten on an empty stomach 2-3 hours before meals. For kidney disease, it is necessary to consume large amounts of special tea, which has a diuretic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effect. It is brewed from linden, mint, raspberry or sage leaves. For liver diseases, it is necessary to consume corn silk. They easily reduce the level of bilirubin in the blood. For heart diseases, you can use infusions of yarrow, valerian, peppermint, lily of the valley, and rosemary. For diseases of the spleen, it is necessary to consume propolis tincture. It is necessary to eat more pomegranate and nuts, which restore its ability to produce blood. For diseases of the reproductive organs, it is necessary to consume a decoction of spruce needles, tea from hawthorn fruits, and foods rich in vitamin E.

Do you still think that healing your stomach and intestines is difficult?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, bowel dysfunction... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? Here is the story of Galina Savina, about how she got rid of all these unpleasant symptoms... Read the article >>>

The appearance of any recurring pain in a child is an alarming symptom that parents need to respond to in a timely manner.

Pain is a signal of trouble in a certain organ or system, a functional change in its function or organic dysfunction.

Pain occurs:

with spasms of hollow organs; when their motor activity changes (digestion, peristalsis); with inflammation; with neurogenic changes (local or central); with endocrine disruption or metabolic disorders; for tumors.

Quite often, children complain of pain in the hypochondrium on the right or left.

You can read more about the causes of pain in the right hypochondrium in this article:

Pain in the right side under the ribs in a child - why does this symptom occur?

Pain syndrome in the left side under the ribs in front can occur:

with pathology of the spleen; for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, duodenitis, enteritis, toxic infections); with pathology of the diaphragm; for heart diseases and vascular pathologies; for pathologies of the left kidney and urinary tract; with left-sided lower lobe pneumonia and pleurisy; with osteochondrosis and intercostal neuralgia on the left; for diseases of the nervous system (abdominal migraine); for endocrine pathology (hormonal status disorders with vegetative disorders).

Spleen diseases

The spleen is anatomically located in the left side under the ribs in front, and any pathological processes of this organ are manifested by acute or chronic pain in the left hypochondrium.

Inflammation and enlargement of the spleen can occur:

with infectious mononucleosis; for injuries; for blood diseases (hemolytic anemia, leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, aplastic processes and deficiency anemia).

Pain syndrome develops when the organ capsule is stretched due to its inflammation and enlargement.

Infectious mononucleosis is a rather complex viral disease, which is accompanied by generalized lymphadenopathy - enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes, spleen and liver.

The disease is accompanied by severe weakness, malaise, persistent decreased immunity, muscle and joint pain and headaches.

It must be remembered that this infectious process occurs frequently and occurs in complex, severe forms, complicated by purulent sore throats and hepatitis.

In addition, today infectious mononucleosis is more often diagnosed in adolescents (from 13 to 17 years old).

The Epstein-Barra virus can reside in the human body for a long time, but is not stable in the external environment. Therefore, the disease is transmitted through close contact from a person who has been ill or a carrier - this disease in Europe is also called “kissing disease.”

Other infectious diseases (pseudotuberculosis, mumps, salmonellosis, typhoid fever) can also be manifested by an enlargement of the spleen and liver (hepatosplenomegaly) and manifest as aching and nagging pain in the left hypochondrium region in front.

Therefore, if you experience constant aching pain in the left hypochondrium, you should immediately consult a pediatrician and undergo examination.

The spleen is a delicate organ located superficially, therefore for any abdominal injuries , especially in the projection of its location, ruptures and hemorrhages under the capsule may occur, which are manifested by acute or aching and shooting pains in the left hypochondrium region in front. In addition, splenic ruptures are complicated by internal bleeding, so in case of blunt abdominal injuries, you should urgently consult a pediatric surgeon or go to the emergency room.

Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs The following conditions are considered severe and life-threatening:

hemolytic anemia (congenital and acquired); lymphogranulomatosis; leukemia; various deficiency states.

These diseases are accompanied by hepatosplenomegaly (enlarged liver and spleen), severe weakness, enlarged regional lymph nodes, persistent headaches and dizziness.

The diagnosis is clarified after a full examination - laboratory and instrumental examination methods.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases of the digestive tract - pancreatitis with localization of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the tail and body of the gland, duodenitis and colienteritis, often manifest as pain in the left hypochondrium region in front.

Duodenitis manifests itself aching pain that appears two hours after eating. The pain syndrome is localized in the left hypochondrium in front and can radiate to the back or right shoulder blade.

Pain is often accompanied by:

belching; dyspeptic disorders; heartburn; nausea and vomiting; weakness; periodic persistent headaches; general malaise.

Pain in the left hypochondrium is often associated with pathological processes in the left corner of the large intestine:

with inflammation ( colitis); with functional disorders ( irritable bowel syndrome); with toxic infections.

These diseases are manifested by stabbing or aching pain in the left hypochondrium with irradiation to the periumbilical region and the left iliac region.


nausea; flatulence; constipation or diarrhea; general weakness and malaise; headaches.

Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) when the focus of inflammation is localized in the area of ​​the tail and body, the following appears:

pain syndrome in the left hypochondrium with the occurrence of attacks of girdling pain, especially with errors in the diet (eating spicy, fatty and fried foods); sometimes it is accompanied by persistent nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief.

Also occurs:

severe weakness; heaviness in the left hypochondrium; rumbling and bloating; sweating; persistent loss of appetite; belching; flatulence; a sharp decrease or increase in body temperature.

Pathology of the diaphragm

Pain in the left side under the ribs occurs when the diaphragm weakens and a diaphragmatic hernia forms due to the expansion of its esophageal opening, as a result of which the abdominal part of the esophagus and stomach penetrate into the chest cavity.

In children, this pathology can be congenital or acquired.

Most often, a diaphragmatic hernia in children develops in the presence of congenital defects of the posterior part of the diaphragm, as a result of which organs from the abdominal cavity (stomach, liver, intestinal loops, spleen) move into the chest cavity.

Diaphragmatic hernias, like other types of hernias, are considered today to be a severe congenital pathology, but with early diagnosis and immediate surgical treatment, a significant part of children have the opportunity to live a full, healthy life.

With small sizes of the diaphragm defect, this type of hernia is often asymptomatic, but babies often suffer from respiratory infections, and the functioning of the digestive tract organs is disrupted, which manifests itself in regurgitation and constipation.

A complete comprehensive examination of the baby reveals the presence of a diaphragmatic hernia. If a small diaphragmatic hernia is not diagnosed at an early age, as the child grows, he begins to complain of constant discomfort and pain in the left hypochondrium.

With large diaphragmatic hernias, all clinical manifestations are associated with compression of the lungs and disturbances in the normal functioning of the circulatory system, which is associated with displacement of the heart and mediastinum.

After childbirth, the lungs do not fully open and straighten and breathing is difficult.

The most important and persistent symptom of diaphragmatic hernia is cyanosis and attacks of shortness of breath. Due to the fact that most diaphragmatic hernias are left-sided, dextrocardia (displacement of the heart to the right) is noted.

Visible symptoms of a hernia with its large size may be asymmetry of the chest: on the side of the hernia it is motionless and slightly bulges, and the other half sinks.

To clarify the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is performed - fluoroscopy and radiography of the child’s chest.

The only treatment for diaphragmatic hernias of any size is immediate surgery, preferably within the first 24 hours after birth. Newborns tolerate surgery better and are less likely to develop postoperative complications.

Acquired diaphragmatic hernias can occur when the muscles of the diaphragm are weakened, which develops as a result of increased intra-abdominal pressure, which is provoked by:

heavy physical labor; complex sports loads; with the development of obesity; during early pregnancy in adolescents.

The pain syndrome associated with a diaphragmatic hernia is aching or pulling and is often accompanied by nausea.

Diagnosis of this pathology, as with congenital hernias, is carried out using x-ray examination methods.

Cardiovascular diseases

Pain localized in the left hypochondrium may be a consequence of pathology of the heart and blood vessels:

with myocardial dystrophies; with cardioneurosis; for arrhythmias (bradycardia, rhythm disturbances, tachyarrhythmias); others for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The pain is localized in the left hypochondrium, but often radiates to the left shoulder blade, back, lower jaw, and left arm.

Pain syndrome is accompanied by:

severe weakness; shortness of breath; heartbeats.

If the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is suspected, an ECG diagnosis and echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) are performed to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Diseases of the left kidney and urinary tract

Dull, aching pain in the left side under the ribs, radiating to the lumbar region in front, may be a sign of inflammatory diseases of the left kidney if it is located high.

“Referred” pain may also occur:

with pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis; for various nephropathies; with dysmetabolic nephropathies or urolithiasis; with renal-ureteral reflux on the left; with severe cystitis.

Renal pathology is characterized by frequent migrating abdominal pain and frequent localization in the left hypochondrium with damage to the left kidney.

Pain syndrome is accompanied by:

weakness and malaise; pronounced pallor of the skin; swelling of the face in the morning; dysuric disorders - pain and burning during urination, difficulty urinating, increased urine output at night (nocturia); development of enuresis in children; persistent loss of appetite (anorexia); headaches.

Often, against the background of nephropathies of various origins or toxic lesions of the parenchyma of the left kidney, inflammatory diseases develop - nephritis of various etiologies, urinary tract infections, pathological reflux (renal-ureteral) and cystitis.

Left-sided lower lobe pneumonia and/or pleurisy

Pneumonia or inflammation of the lower parts of the lungs on the left may manifest as aching pain in the left hypochondrium.

With this pathology, the pain syndrome is combined with the acute onset of the disease:

high body temperature up to febrile levels, but it must be remembered that fever does not always appear and the disease can occur against the background of low-grade fever or even at normal body temperature; malaise; sweating; dizziness, especially when taking deep breaths; cough with copious purulent sputum; shortness of breath.

Often left-sided lower lobe pneumonia is localized in the area of ​​the cardiophrenic angle and has an interstitial inflammatory process. Atypical (interstitial) pneumonia cardio-diaphragmatic angle can occur without a pronounced intoxication syndrome and manifest itself:

stabbing or aching pain in the left hypochondrium; discomfort; mild shortness of breath; sweating; unproductive frequent cough.

You can read more about pneumonia in newborns in this article:

Pneumonia in a newborn: types, symptoms, treatment

Left-sided pleurisy may be accompanied aching pain in the left hypochondrium in combination:

with frequent dry painful cough; with severe hiccups; with an increase in body temperature to febrile or subfebrile levels; with pain when swallowing.

The patient is in a forced position - sitting, leaning forward.

Less commonly, aching and stabbing pain in the left hypochondrium region occurs with lung tumors with growth of the tumor into the pleural cavity, severe adhesions (after abscesses or pyopneumothorax).

Other causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

Pain syndrome with pain localized in the left hypochondrium may be caused by an attack abdominal migraine , manifested in childhood and adolescence, by neuroses that are accompanied by intestinal spasms.

This is a pathology of the nervous system that occurs as a result of spasm of the abdominal vessels.

With abdominal migraine there are paroxysmal sharp or aching pain in the left hypochondrium accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal muscle cramps.

Also, pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by dishormonal disorders in teenage girls and/or be “referred” pain due to pathological processes in the left mammary gland ( left-sided mastalgia).

Examinations by a mammologist and gynecologist-endocrinologist with the elimination of the main cause of the disease leads to the restoration of hormonal imbalances and the disappearance of pain.

pediatrician Olga Ivanovna Sazonova

No parents are immune from the fact that their child may suffer from pain in the left side. Most often this manifests itself during various physical activities, for example, when running. If such cases are isolated, there is no reason to worry. But if the pain in the side is systematic, you should definitely contact a medical facility. After all, only a doctor, after a thorough examination of the child, can determine its causes. You may need to undergo necessary tests.


Quite often, pain in the left side appears in children who have not yet begun to speak and are not able to say what is bothering them. To determine this, parents should know the signs of this negative manifestation.

If a child has pain on the left side, the symptoms are as follows:

restlessness; sudden crying for no apparent reason; low mobility and lethargy; diarrhea or vomiting; poor sleep and refusal to eat.

In addition, if a child has pain in the lower left side, he can take a position in which the pain stops or becomes less severe. In particular, this is the “curl” position, when the baby sits with his knees tightly pressed to his stomach or chest.

Symptoms of pain in the left side also include protruding cold sweat, pale skin, and weakness of the abdominal muscles. The last one is most important! If parents notice that their child's abdominal muscles are weak, they should immediately call an ambulance.

It is necessary to clearly understand that if a child regularly has pain in his left side, he should definitely contact the appropriate specialist. After all, in order to cope with it, it is necessary to accurately determine its causes and undergo a course of treatment.

What organs are located on the left side?

The left side contains the lung, heart, pancreas, diaphragm, spleen, part of the stomach and other important organs. If one of them malfunctions, pain may occur.

Of course, it is impossible to find out exactly which organ has the pathology without conducting appropriate medical research. This can only be determined by passing tests prescribed by your doctor.

Causes of pain

If a child has pain on the left side, then you need to not only know the location of the pain, but also its nature. There are three main types:

chronic; acute; false.

Chronic pain in the side is characteristic of any digestive system disorder. In particular, diarrhea, gastroduodenitis, gastritis. Such pain can be associated with various stressful situations. For example, with overeating or starvation of a child, a change in diet or time of feeding. In such cases, the pain is short-lived. Parents are required to carefully monitor how many times a day and at what time the child eats.

Acute pain can be paroxysmal and sharp. It can be caused by various injuries, infections or pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the cause is a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, then stretching or compression of the intestinal muscles occurs, and the child has pain in the left side of the lower abdomen. This phenomenon is a direct signal to immediately contact a medical institution for surgical intervention. Of course, before this an accurate diagnosis must be made. Please note that you should under no circumstances hesitate in such a situation, as the baby’s condition may worsen in a short time.

If a sharp pain in the baby's left side is caused by an infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. Its cause may be a hernia, colitis, volvulus or diverticulitis. Quite often the latter is typical for children who are overweight. This is due to the fact that the intestines are capable of “getting confused.” This can happen unexpectedly, for no apparent reason. It also stops suddenly. After pain in the left side caused by infection, the baby may experience loose stools and vomiting.

False pain in the side is associated with problems with organs located in the abdominal cavity. It can also be called “mirror” or reflex. If a child has pain on the left side, this may be a sign of pyelonephritis, pleurisy, diabetes, various diseases of the esophagus or an insect bite.

Pain in left side after eating

Quite often it can appear after eating. If a child has pain on the left side under the ribs, this may be caused by pancreatitis, gastritis with low acidity, or a stomach ulcer. When parents and their child visit a doctor, they will need to describe in as much detail as possible exactly when the pain appears. For example, it can be caused by food intake, physical activity, or hunger. This information is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

Bottom line

If a child has pain on the left side, it can be caused by various reasons, and its nature may be different. If it is not isolated, but regular, you should immediately contact a medical institution for a thorough examination of the child, diagnosis and the necessary treatment.

anonymous, Male, 10 years old

Hello! My son is 10 years old, he has pain on the left under the second rib from below, circled in the photo. Ultrasound is normal, there is a little suspension in the gallbladder. Clinical blood and biochemistry are normal, with the exception of slightly elevated alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin (my son has Gilbert's syndrome). Once I got sick while playing hockey (I thought maybe I hit myself?), but it went away after a few days. About 2 weeks later the pain began to hurt sharply and severely: burning and stabbing, with spasms. We don’t live in Russia, there was no medical care, we started drinking phosphalugel and eating table No. 5. A week passed and things didn't get any better. Then we withstood the fast for 2 days with phosphalugel and switched to table No. 5, rubbed for pancreatitis (very similar to the pancreas). 2 weeks have passed, but no significant improvements are observed. The pain may worsen during or after eating. It may hurt a lot before eating, but it doesn’t get better after eating. The stool is normal, I have never suffered from constipation or diarrhea. The pediatrician listened to the lungs, everything is fine. A cardiologist friend said that the heart cannot hurt there. In January, an ultrasound was done in Moscow at a clinic with gallbladder function and a suspension was detected. We contacted a gastroenterologist because... sometimes when walking, sometimes after eating, sometimes it just hurt, sometimes in the right, sometimes in the left side. They prescribed Ursofalk with Chofitol. After 5 days, my liver started to hurt (under my right ribs at the top), I stopped taking the medicine, and the pain went away. They also prescribed Creon 10,000, which they took for 2 weeks. But that pain, sometimes on the right, sometimes on the left, somehow went away by itself before I started taking the medications. Tell me, if this pain under the left ribs can be related to gastroenterology, then in what organ can we talk about pain? If not the gastrointestinal tract, then what? Diaphragmatic hernia? Which doctor should I go to with her? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Photo attached to the question

Good afternoon The pancreas hurts so much, this means that there is a load on it, and you need to adjust your diet. He only deals with this, especially since when there are problems with the gall, the pancreas often suffers, since the organs depend on each other. Often the pancreas is overloaded with milk protein, semolina, sweets, flour, fatty foods - this should be greatly limited. Creon and hophytol are prescribed in combination to prevent bile and enzymes from stagnating. Combined with diet, this usually gives good results. Health to you! Sincerely, Ekaterina Anatolyevna


Thank you very much! They also immediately thought about the pancreas, and remembered scrambled eggs and ham in the mornings lately... What’s confusing is that after a week of table No. 5, two days of fasting and 2 weeks of a pureed pancreatitis diet on the background of phosphalugel, they did not give practically any relief. Could this be? But the spa doesn’t help at all, it’s scary to give hofitol in the acute period (is it possible?), they started giving Creon 2 days ago.

Any pain in the subcostal area should never be ignored. This is a kind of signal about problems in the body. Depending on the location, pain under the ribs in a child may indicate various diseases. Unfortunately, often the baby is not able to accurately describe the nature of the discomfort he is experiencing. Therefore, you should not “guess from the tea leaves”; urgently seek medical help from a specialist. And if discomfort under the ribs in a child occurs periodically without causing severe pain, do not ignore these symptoms; perhaps a sluggish inflammatory process is occurring in the child’s body, which at any moment can develop into a serious disease.

What does pain under the ribs mean depending on their location?

Pain under the ribs on the left side

First of all, it is important to understand which internal organs are located on the right side of the body. This will require minimal knowledge of the anatomy of the human body. So, on the right side of the body are the heart, left lung, spleen, pancreas, left side of the diaphragm and stomach. Due to their age, children cannot give a clear description of the nature of the pain, whether it is sharp, cutting, dull or pulling. Therefore, doctors pay attention specifically to the intensity of pain (strong or not strong).

What does severe pain under the left rib mean:

1. Severe pain, especially on an empty stomach, usually occurs with exacerbation of gastritis.

2. If you fall or collide with a heavy object, the spleen is likely to be bruised. The pain from such an injury is quite severe, but usually goes away quite quickly within 15 minutes. A cold compress to the site of the bruise will help relieve the condition. But if the pain does not go away for a long time, be sure to seek medical help.

3. Inflammation of the pancreas, in other words pancreatitis, is considered to be a disease of adults. However, in recent years, children have been diagnosed with this condition more and more often. This is due to the deterioration of the environment and the quality of nutrition of children. Frequent consumption of fast food and poor nutrition negatively affect the proper functioning of the pancreas. An attack of pancreatitis is very dangerous and cannot be avoided without the help of doctors. Sometimes the pain is so severe that you have to call an ambulance.

Mild pain on the left side is often a symptom of inflammation of the lower lobe of the left lung. Companions here can be high body temperature and cough.

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