An exercise in developing a strategy and tactics of communication. Communication exercises. Perceptual function of communication

A journey of 1000 li begins with the first step

Chinese proverb

Communication tactics are very important for the image of a business person. If we analyze our past day, we can certainly find that some miscalculations were made in its communication process or something didn’t turn out the way we would like, although everything was thought out in advance in a strategic plan.

Why did you fail to implement your communication strategy? The right strategy for live communication is not yet an absolute guarantee of success. In communication, the right choice of tactics for its implementation is of great importance.

Many people have repeatedly seen from their own experience how great the importance of variability and maneuverability in business communication is. Not everything, of course, can be calculated in advance, but worked out options are desirable. It is not difficult to verify the usefulness of this advice when familiarizing yourself with the practice of conducting business negotiations and conversations. Maximum success accompanies those who, even having a solid practice of participating in them, every time carefully prepare for them.

What are the requirements for communication tactics?

1. It is necessary to have several options for behavior in the same type of situation and be able to use them quickly.

2. In any communication, especially in business, one should not allow any confrontation, and even more so - a conflict. In a confrontation, communication will never be successful. With it, psychological losses are inevitable. Of course, heated disputes and disagreements of opponents on fundamental positions are possible. The main thing is that the confrontation does not turn into personal hostility

3. You should skillfully use the mechanisms of psychological interaction.

The mechanisms of psychological influence include:

Attachment, which is the result of people getting used to each other. Over the years of joint study or work, good relationships develop. Breaking habitual ties is often painful.

Sympathy is an emotional disposition, a directed attraction to someone. In a team in which sympathy is clearly manifested, an unusually warm psychological background is created, and therefore the comfort of relations. In such an atmosphere of communication, destructive conflicts do not flare up.

Confidence. If affection and sympathy are an unconscious (emotional) orientation towards someone, then trust acts as a belief in a particular person or in some of his qualities. It is very difficult to fix which psychological component - subconscious or conscious - played a decisive role. What is indisputable is that without sympathy it is not formed. Trust is a bunch of feelings and an evaluative attitude. The reliability of relationships depends decisively on the balance of trust that has developed between people.

Respect is a voluntary recognition of a person, his status. The claim for respect must be supported by the presence of outstanding data from the one who seeks it.

These requirements cannot be considered in isolation from each other. You can not give preference to one, ignoring the rest.

What elements does the optimal image consist of, what are the constituent elements of the image?

Each business person has his own image, his own style. What is common, fundamental for all? These are manners, appearance, gait, clothes, look and smile, makeup and hairstyle.

Manners make a person such that he becomes recognized by people. In manners, the image of a person is recreated, those of his qualities that are evaluated by people with a "plus" or "minus" sign are visually manifested.

Here is an excerpt from the book "Life in the Light, at Home and at Court", which was published in St. Petersburg in 1890:

“Good manners are indispensable for well-bred men or women, for they are a sign of moral refinement much more than worldliness.

Vicious people are very rarely distinguished by graceful manners.

Good manners are contagious... Man's manners are the measure of the social circle in which he lives.

Good manners communicate grace and nobility. Good manners are acquired primarily by self-observation. It becomes a lifelong habit. Then they are strengthened by visits from well-bred people with a noble mindset.

A woman with good manners is universally respected, pleasing to men and women. Manners of men largely depend on women. A decent woman, by her very presence, restrains the most unbridled people within the boundaries of decency.

In the manners of communication, the role of courtesies and compliments is great. For many of us, this is something invisible and distant-sounding, although we all need a pleasant word and tactful attention. At the same time, flattery, especially toadying, is unacceptable. The use of a compliment requires a certain tact and sense of proportion. Be wary of acting like an awkward person, always saying courtesies that are heavy, inappropriate, and even worse, stupid. However, avoid being complex. It is very important to feel your communication partners.

The most universal technique, with the skillful use of which it is almost always possible to win over the interlocutor, is to compliment him. A compliment satisfies the most important psychological human need for positive emotions.

Of course, good manners are not limited to the ability to give a compliment, although it plays a significant role. Manners are what give the image a visual shape. They do not create it completely, but play an important role in self-presentation. (We spoke in detail about the role and meaning of a compliment in chapter II, § 4.)

Appearance. Here we include postures, gait, gestures and beauty of the body 1 .

Socrates once said that a person is recognized as one who is able to control his body. The one who controls his body expressively asserts himself. The beauty of bodily forms, according to Leo Tolstoy, always coincides with the concept of active life energy. In order to learn to control your body, you do not need to have any special physical data. It is important to want and be able to do this.

For example, by postures one can accurately judge the relationship of communicating people. That is why it is useful to know the typical postures and their "language" in order to skillfully use them or, conversely, avoid them in your behavior. You should be attentive to them: not unceremoniously peer into poses, but as if inadvertently note the characterological features of your partners, navigate in their personal mood, in the presence of some kind of experience.

Gait. The body movement is fixed steadily in the gait. It is a kind of cartogram of personality. Its components are rhythm, step dynamics and body weight. All these data in different people appear with more or less difference. By gait, one can judge the well-being of a person, his age and character. To illustrate what has been said about the gait, and most importantly, to master the skills of reading it, it is useful to know the six main types of gaits.

1. Confident person. He walks quickly, waving his arms, has a clear goal and is ready to realize it.

2. Critical and secretive, overwhelming other person. Keeps hands in pockets even in warm weather.

3. A person who is in a depressed state. Hands in motion or in pockets, shuffling and usually looking down.

4. A person experiencing a burst of energy. Walks akimbo, intends to reach the goal by the shortest route.

5. Concerned person. He walks in the pose of a "thinker", his head is lowered, his hands are clasped behind his back.

6. An arrogant person. Highly raised chin, hands moving with emphasis on energy, legs as if made of wood, style - striding the leader.

In our time of rapidly developing contacts between representatives of different countries, it is especially important to navigate the "silent language" of gestures. Their performers are the hands. With many coincidences of hand movements, it should be remembered that the same gesture can have a different meaning for different peoples. This is the same trap that business people often find themselves in.

Our gestures are a bodily manifestation of emotions and thoughts. They are even sometimes referred to as spiritual communication tools. They carry a huge amount of information, which is often more sincere than spoken words.

Gestures are at the heart of pantomime. That is why they are not limited to hands. The turn of the neck, the movement of the legs, the posture - all this acquires a special information expressiveness due to hand gestures. When this is done artistically, a vivid personal image is created.

People are impressed by individuals who are not just physically strong, but also have a graceful body. Physical harmony always contributes to visual appeal. If we add personal identity and high culture to this, then such an image becomes irresistible. A graceful body plastically expresses the spirituality of the individual, and this is very important for creating an attractive image.

A lot has been said about the natural and visual attractiveness of women, let's turn to men. Few of them stand the test of time. By about the age of fifty, they lose interest in their physical data, become flabby, an exorbitant protruding belly disfigures the figure. On this occasion, it can be objected that with age, metabolic disorders inevitably occur, as well as the depletion of the compensatory mechanism for maintaining physical condition. However, this is more of an explanation than an excuse.

Both men and women should always remember that at any age, with some effort, you can be physically attractive.

Cloth. The expression is known: "They meet by clothes ...". It capaciously captures the role of clothing in the social representation of a person.

Our clothes are visual multidimensional information (for example, about our economic opportunities, aesthetic taste, belonging to a professional group, attitude towards people around us). Clothing is a kind of calling card. It has a psychological impact on communication partners, often predetermining their attitude towards each other.

The way you wear clothes is very important. You can have fashionable clothes, but not make the right impression, because first of all you should know what to wear. When choosing clothes, you can not ignore your physical data. In addition, you should take into account its functional purpose: where you go - to work, to visit or to an official reception.

Bad taste, extravagance, non-seasonality and simply sloppiness - these are the characteristics of the manner of wearing clothes that are detrimental to the image. They cross out many wonderful qualities of people, create a false idea about them.

There is such a thing - to dress with taste. It is universal in its interpretation, because the tastes of people depend on many circumstances. Among them, the leading role is given to the general culture, material opportunities, age, and ethno-psychological factors. There is also a certain standard of "good taste". In order to adhere to it, when choosing clothes and wearing them, you should take into account your kinesic data, the aesthetics of time, and social status. For a long time, dressing with taste meant dressing strictly and in one color. In times of democratization of tastes, you can dress in a variety of ways, but at the same time respect the principle of the ensemble.

I would especially like to draw attention to the clothes of men, to the fact that in their ensemble of clothes the effect of shirts is great. You can have a pair of suits and a pair of blazers and trousers, and this will be enough to look spectacular and fresh (but on a mandatory condition: you must have at least a dozen different shirts in your wardrobe). At one time, the palm was given to white shirts. Color television clearly demonstrates how unreliable a white shirt is in "sculpting" an image. Of course, there are situations when, according to etiquette or ritual, it is necessary to be in a white shirt. In general, men look more advantageous in those shirts that shade the face in the best way, harmoniously combined with a tie.

Among the Americans, the business style of clothing was called "basic". Basic unconditionally absorbs all the classics of a men's suit. It may seem only to an amateur that a classic suit is unchanged. In addition, the one who, nodding at democracy, walks in a sweater and pullover, is not right. Preference is given to a daytime work suit in gray, light gray or dark blue.

The main decoration of a man is ... a tie. It must be fashionable in length, width and color scheme. Looking at a tie, you can accurately assess the taste of its owner. An elegant suit may go unnoticed, but a beautiful tie will never. The choice of color or pattern of a tie allows you to demonstrate the individuality, and sometimes the mood in which its owner is.

Ties of any pattern, color and size look elegant when they are not conspicuous. The desired effect is achieved not by patterns, but by the correct selection of a tie for a suit. Each season dictates its fashion for color. It should be remembered that the dominant color of the tie should repeat one of the tones of the suit.

Now businessmen dress on a whim, relying on their own taste, perhaps listening to other people's advice. No study proves that a well-dressed entrepreneur closes more profitable deals, but you can vouch for the fact that every successful businessman looks impeccable.

Women have much more problems with clothes. Every woman is meant to be unique. That is why women's fashion is dynamic, varied and unpredictable. However, the main difficulty is that a woman cannot be dressed like others. For her, clothes are the backdrop for self-presentation of her best qualities.

Both in the past and at present, the purpose of women's clothing is to emphasize personal originality and elegance. A woman always has the right to the originality of her clothes, to her own style of wearing them. A woman who successfully solves the problem of a harmonious combination of colors in her clothes enjoys unconditional success.

For service, a long-sleeved dress is most acceptable, and the most "authoritative" dress is gray with small stripes. The best colors for a business dress are dark blue, tan, beige, dark brown, gray, light blue. The least suitable are bright colors.

The purpose of jewelry is to give a woman grace, to create that stroke in the image, without which it will not be complete. Wearing jewelry is not an indicator of a woman's material capabilities, but of her culture and refinement of taste. Specialists in the image of a business woman believe that a wedding ring is the correct decoration. A business woman should have a handbag made of good leather. Propriety requires that she use a good fountain pen of a decent class.

And a few words about the effect of accessories. Thanks to this effect, a woman can always give her visual image a special charm. A colored handkerchief (but not colorful), a brooch, a curly hairpin, an original belt, an elegant handbag - these and other simple details of a women's toilet give her individuality to her appearance. The desire to be noticeable is the deepest need of a woman. That is why she constantly invents means to satisfy her, and the effect of accessories is one of such means.

It is noteworthy that the achievement of this effect does not require any significant material costs. The accessories themselves lend themselves to numerous combinations. They perfectly fulfill the role of additional details in the development of the image. You can have two scarves or neckerchiefs in your purse, changing them during the working day. It seems that there is nothing easier, but the effect is obvious. The novelty that has appeared in the guise of a woman will not go unnoticed.

The face is the most expressive component of the image, it is our mirror. In popular science literature, there is a unanimous recognition that it reflects the physical and mental state of a person, the character and even the principles that guide him in his behavior.

A. Schopenhauer successfully said this: "A person's face says even more and more interesting things than his mouth, because it represents a compendium of everything that he will ever say, being a monogram of all the thoughts and aspirations of this person". He further adds that reading faces is a great and difficult art.

Image specialists distinguish three zones on the face: upper (forehead), middle (eyebrows, nose, eyes, lips) and lower (chin). Among these zones, the eyes are a catchy informative source. They have a special way of self-presentation (look).

The psychological effect of a glance is further enhanced by the fact that, as a rule, it carries information. As a matter of fact, thanks to the informativeness of the look, the face lends itself to reading.

An equally expressive part of the face is the lips.

They can be a silent source of information. Tightly compressed lips are an indicator of thoughtfulness, curved - doubts or sarcasm. With the help of eyes and lips, you can work out six facial expressions: pragmatic, decisive, open, closed, cautious and shy.

When mastering these facial expressions, the role of a smile is extremely important. You can learn a lot about them by the way people smile. There is a direct connection between the mental and physical state of a person and his smile. No matter how well-bred you are, you will not be able to shine with a smile if you are experiencing physical pain or some kind of mental suffering.

People appreciate smiles that express friendliness or friendliness. A smiling face more often evokes disposition towards its owner. A serious face is more successful in removing a possible confrontation than a gloomy one. The face was and remains a priority in the appearance of a person.

Makeup is one of the ways to take care of your face. Its strategic purpose is to hide age-related changes in the face and any defects inherent in it. Often, makeup is used to hide bad health. In such cases, it performs the function of makeup.

Makeup is decorative cosmetics. Its tactical purpose is to give the face aesthetics and attractiveness.

It should be borne in mind that makeup: is done at the "slightly" level. But you look in the mirror and see how your face is transformed. Now it looks fresh, with some charm. It is the ability not to upset others with your tired or sickly appearance.- This is an indicator of the culture of communication.

Make-up is a science and art, with the help of which aesthetics and individual attractiveness are given to the face, so not everyone knows it. Turning to make-up, you need to be sure that you have a good artistic taste, a systematic vision of the image, an objective assessment of your capabilities. Pretentiousness and aggressiveness in makeup immediately indicate the absence of such qualities.

When developing an image, such a detail as the right choice of makeup depending on the hair color is essential. In creating feminine charm, this determines the effect of "zest".

Hair does not make you attractive on its own, although a similar effect is not excluded, but in combination with a hairstyle. Her choice and ability to maintain on her head is not such a simple problem in the image as some people sometimes think.

A hairstyle makes a woman attractive, and a man gives character. Choosing a hairstyle has its own rules. 1. The hairstyle is chosen taking into account the figure. 2. The hairstyle is chosen according to the type of face. 3. When choosing a hairstyle, you should take into account the shape of the head.

Experts have developed recommendations on how, with the help of a well-chosen hairstyle, you can divert attention from a stooped back, an ugly neck, etc. Such manipulations with hair can be carried out under the condition that they are constantly monitored.

The image of personality is a polyphonic work. Its constituent components are those positions that have already been stated. Try to remove any of these components, and you will see that the whole composition of the image, its vital state, has been disturbed, and, as a result, an attractive personal image has been destroyed. That is why it is very important not to miss a single element of the components of the image, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you.

To create an image, it is very effective to engage in the psychology of personal self-government. In this regard, you can use the following advice from psychologist S. Klyuchnikov:

"Start to observe the state of the muscles of the face and its expression in various situations, in public and alone. Feel how comfortable the muscles of the face feel first individually (forehead, eyes, cheeks, lips), and then all together. Fix that usual expression the individual sensations of these muscles.Catch the physical well-being and emotional state that is imprinted in such an expression.Look at yourself in the mirror and ask again: is your momentary facial expression an accident?How is your typical facial expression related to your typical mood?

In general, try to develop in yourself the property of internal observation and controller of the state of the muscles of the face and its expression. Let this be helped by the image of an "instant mental mirror" that visibly and in relief shows you your face. Work on facial expressions in combination with gesture training. Learn to watch them. Observe what they are directed at, what emotions they express. Force yourself to pay close attention to the movements of the head, arms and torso that you make during communication and conversation.

An image is an external reflection of a human image, a visual and expressive "cut" of its personal characteristics. Creating an image is associated with creating an attractive image. Doing oneself is the most difficult work, but, of course, it is of interest to every person. This is due to the fact that the image is a kind of brand name (the better it is presented, the higher the person's reputation). It should be borne in mind that it is reputation that is the key to solving many business and life problems.

  • 5.1. Fundamentals of business communication strategy.
  • 5.2. Tactics and technologies of business communication.
  • 5.3. Manipulations in business communication and their neutralization

Fundamentals of Business Communication Strategy

Each organization in the course of its life develops certain strategies, tactics and technologies for the implementation of long-term and current plans. In the field of business communication, their development and application have the greatest difficulties and obstacles, since they are associated with the need to take into account many patterns of the functioning of the "human factor", its manifestations in the specific conditions of the organization.

It is important for managers of all ranks to understand the relationship between strategic goals (large-scale goals of the organization in the field of production, expanding product markets, gaining and maintaining leadership in the competition), tactical plans and actions (ways to achieve strategic goals - the acquisition of new technologies and equipment, professional training and development personnel) and techniques (development of methods for professional selection and motivation of personnel, product quality control, staff cohesion).

The overall strategy of the organization, usually formulated by top management, defines the goals of the organization and how to achieve them. This is done within the framework of strategic management in organizations.

Strategic management is a system of purposeful actions of the organization, leading to a long-term excess of the level of performance of the organization over the level of performance of competitors.

The task of strategic management is to prepare the organization for possible changes in the market situation, to withstand the adverse effects of the external environment in the long term.

The strategic management process, like any management process, is revealed through interrelated management functions: basic and specific. But the content of some basic functions changes and new specific management functions appear.

The relevance of such management is caused by changes in the business environment. These changes are:

  • - increase in the dynamism of the external environment of the organization;
  • - the emergence of new needs;
  • - increased competition for resources;
  • - internationalization and globalization of business;
  • - increasing role of scientific and technical progress and innovations;
  • - availability of modern technologies;
  • - development of information networks, which makes it possible to quickly disseminate and receive information;
  • - changing the role of human resources in the organization.

The overall strategy of the organization organically includes the strategy of business communication, which is a set of principles and methods of individual and group work with personnel in the interests of mobilizing them to solve near and distant goals of the organization.

In socio-psychological terms, the "goal" is the perceived result of the activity of an individual, a group of people (any community). The content of the goal to a certain extent is determined by the means of achieving it and the motivation of people in relation to it.

Goals can be distant, close, socially valuable or harmful (asocial), altruistic or selfish, professionally significant, creative, etc.

The strategic goals of the organization in the field of business communication in the context of its structural divisions (groups, microgroups, temporary teams) are specified in relation to employees, specialists, formal and informal leaders in the form of short-term (phased) goals and objectives. Objectives should be clear, focused, and certainly provide a sense of the way the work is done and the objectives that lead to success.

In psychological and pedagogical terms, significant goals (tasks) induce, mobilize, direct the will and behavior of employees. It is desirable for a manager as an organizer of professional interaction to take into account that each employee, as a member of a particular group (microgroup), sets a goal based on needs, interests, or awareness and acceptance of the tasks that are put forward by the manager or leader due to social ties and dependencies.

This happens at the individual and group level. goal setting. In effectively functioning business communication, goal-setting (at the strategic and tactical levels) plays a leading role, since the main elements in its structure are thinking, consideration, emotions, feelings and behavioral motives.

Hence the need for a manager to know the individual psychological characteristics of his subordinates, timely adjustments of the tactics and technology of business communication, taking into account the specifics of the professional activities of the personnel in line with the strategic goals of the organization.

The interrelation of strategy, tactics and technology of business communication in the conditions of the organization is clearly reflected in fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Cultural and historical environment. Strategy Relationship(WITH), tactics (T) and techniques, methods and means (P) of business communication

Communication is an important part of doing business. Communicating regularly with colleagues, bosses, subordinates, clients, we find out their needs, show ourselves, and present our results. Without the ability to clearly and tactfully express one's thoughts, as well as listen to others, it is impossible for either a business person or a politician to be realized.

Business communication is definitely an art in which a sense of tact and a sense of contact with a partner play an essential role. At the same time, certain techniques and developments have already appeared that recommend how to express your thoughts correctly and in an accessible way. What words are best suited for the chosen topic. In what cases is it worth emphasizing the personality of the partner, and in which - on his activities. You have to communicate in writing and orally, in person and by phone. Each type of communication has its own techniques and methods. Both a politician and a diplomat, and a businessman, should know: the features of each type of communication; specifics of preparation for diplomatic and business negotiations; strategy and tactics of behavior of participants in the negotiation process, issues of ethical norms for conducting diplomatic or business negotiations, taking into account the specifics of national negotiation styles. Within the framework of the subject “Business Communication”, types of business communication, techniques and methods are studied that allow you to better understand yourself and partners, achieve your goals in communication; types of business and diplomatic events; legal and moral norms of business etiquette; clothes and manners of a business person; ethics of official relations between men and women; etiquette of written business communication, telephone conversation and exchange of business information by fax; business souvenirs and gifts. The subject "Business Communication" also pays attention to the psychology of business communication: the psychological characteristics of establishing business partnerships; communication problems and ways to avoid them; non-verbal communication technique. Business communication is one of the main functions, both in business and in politics. There can be no successful leader who has difficulty communicating.

Business communication has several principles that have been verified over the years. Communication includes verbal and non-verbal channels of information transfer. At the same time, information received through non-verbal channels can both reinforce and contradict the message transmitted through words. Non-verbal language is less controlled by consciousness than verbal, and therefore more reliable. If the information coming through the non-verbal channel contradicts the information received through the verbal one, then one should believe in the non-verbal one. Communication is a two-way process, in which the perception of other people's ideas takes one and a half times more time than the presentation of one's own. Therefore, the ability to listen and confirm the partner's understanding of his ideas is critical to establishing mutual understanding. Communication includes the phases of the formation of an idea and putting it into words, the transmission and perception of a message, and feedback. At each stage, mistakes are possible, leading to a loss of mutual understanding. Participants in communication have different views of the world, interests and positions. The message should be built on the basis of the interlocutor's picture of the world and talk about his problems, and not about your own. Words and terms can also have their own, special meaning for each participant in communication. Different meanings lead to different interpretations of words. Possible confusion can be prevented by using the interlocutor's professional terms and specific (rather than abstract) words. At the same time, it is useful to agree on the meanings of those words that can have several interpretations. Words can also have emotional coloring, and different for different interlocutors. Words that have a negative connotation for the interlocutor should be avoided. Mutual understanding can also be hindered by interference in the transmission of a message. These include physical factors, conflicting signals, and an excessive number of intermediaries. The received message is perceived by the interlocutor. The perception of the message can be hindered by physical factors, emotional state, lack of attention. Competition from other messages also does not contribute to perception. Receipt of the message is confirmed by feedback, which allows you to assess the degree of perception and interest of the audience. To establish mutual understanding, it is necessary: ​​- to clearly represent the goals of the message and the audience; - focus on the essence and get rid of unnecessary details; - highlight key ideas and give them the necessary support; - eliminate interference; - use feedback.

Thus, business communication is, first of all, an art in which the rules are nothing more than a guide to action. However, not only a one-time business event, but the whole career may depend on the knowledge of the elementary rules of business communication.

Delegation of powers

Delegation is a key activity of a manager. Delegation in the general sense refers to the transfer of tasks to his subordinate from the sphere of activity of the leader himself, but at the same time, the chief retains responsibility for management, which cannot be delegated. Transfer of tasks or activities can be carried out for a long time or limited to one-time assignments. Refusal to delegate leads to an overload of the head, reduces the time required to perform their immediate duties. Delegation helps the manager free up time for important tasks and unload a little, and also promotes the use of professional knowledge and skills of employees, has a positive effect on the motivation of employees. In order to successfully carry out delegation, it is necessary to select suitable employees, clearly allocate responsibilities, coordinate the implementation of assigned tasks and monitor the work process and results, and prevent attempts to reverse or subsequent delegation. It is equally important to stimulate and advise subordinates, to evaluate them. Routine work, specialized activities, private matters and preparatory work should be delegated. In no case should you delegate such work as setting goals, managing employees, high-level tasks.

Characteristics of DA VINCI LLC

The WWTS company was founded in 1995 and is the official representative in Russia and the CIS countries of the leading Italian factories producing furniture and interior items for the home, hotels, bars and restaurants. The central office of WWTS is located in Udine (Italy). In addition, the company has representatives and technical support centers in all major cities where it operates, as well as regional managers who work throughout the territory where the exclusivity mandate is in effect.

Technical support is the pride of the company. Its level is very high, which makes it possible to better coordinate the actions of suppliers and customers and significantly speed up work. This is an indispensable service for customers who have the opportunity to receive prompt and accurate information on all issues of interest to them - both on individual orders and on the preparation of new collections.

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people. According to the goals and means of communication, they are divided into ideal (when people exchange ideas, ideas, experiences) and material (when people communicate through certain objects). When talking about means of communication, they mean the means by which people interact with each other or exchange information (words or gestures, facial expressions, etc.). If we are talking about communication techniques, then these are ways of encoding, transmitting information or influencing people on each other. Sometimes they talk about channels of communication - these are the ways or directions along which information is transmitted from one person to another.

Communication as a communicative activity is characterized by such concepts as "goals", "strategy", "tactics". The communicative goals of a person are determined by his needs, in particular: the need to interact with other people; need for information; the need for knowledge of oneself and the other, for self-actualization. However, the condition for effective communication is its correctly chosen strategy and tactics for its implementation. They say that a good chess player is something that provides for the situation at least two steps ahead, that is, as a rule, the one who is the best strategist wins. The world's leading schools define strategy in different ways: both as a unique and consistent way in which value is created, and as a generalizing model of the actions necessary to achieve the set goals, and as a principled decision on how to overcome everything that interferes with the achievement of the goal. Based on this, we can say that a communication strategy is a general scheme of actions or a general plan for achieving a goal, and tactics is the development of consistent actions that lead to the achievement of a specific goal. The strategy is to find and develop an individual, unique course of action, this is the creation of a special kind of value. Detachment from the results process strategy is wrong. According to M. Porter, the choice of strategy or non-strategy (which is more common) is influenced by everything that a person thinks about others, as well as how she evaluates herself and her capabilities. In general, there are a lot of people capable of strategic thinking, but among them there are only a few of those who, communicating with others, manifest themselves as strategists. These people seem to see something that will definitely take place sometime. They listen to others more than they speak themselves, they feel responsible for other people, for the cause, for the organization. And, according to observations, they live and work not for the sake of money, but according to the principle "to be".

Any business communication involves the solution of strategic and tactical tasks. A specific expected result is a tactical task of business communication. But it, in turn, may provide for the solution of a strategic task - the establishment of long-term business contacts.

To create an effective strategy in business communication, a manager should take into account certain patterns that determine the processes of interpersonal relationships, namely, that:

People's perception of external influences depends on their psychological structures;

A person's self-esteem is not adequate and she does not understand the other in the way that he would like;

When information is transmitted, it is lost or distorted;

The nature of communication is influenced by the instinct of human self-preservation (especially status, freedom, dignity);

There is a compensation of some qualities of a person by others, shortcomings in one - by positive qualities in another.

Whether or not a change in strategy requires a radical restructuring of the communication process, for which preparatory work should be carried out, tactics should be changed. When it comes to tactics, then the variance of behavior (depending on the situation) and its maneuverability (they get the style, methods, forms, etc.) are determined. The same strategy for communicating with different people can be achieved using different tactics. their selection depends on the individual's attitudes towards moral values, his interests, as well as on the ability to recognize the psychological characteristics of his interlocutors and use the psychological mechanisms of interaction.

When considering the nature of communication, style is traditionally distinguished as its integrated characteristics. By style is understood, of course, a system of techniques for influencing the behavior of other people. The manager's communication styles correspond to management styles, so they can be described as authoritarian, democratic, and liberal.

With an authoritarian style, the manager uses tough communication techniques, gives instructions, instructions, gives orders. He does not like it when others take the initiative, does not want to argue with him, discuss his decisions. That manager who adheres to an authoritarian style of communication, for example, in the presence of a problem will say this: "In connection with the problem, I demand that you do this and that ...". With a liberal style of communication, problems are discussed formally, while the manager is exposed to various influences, does not show initiative in joint activities. That manager who adheres to this style of communication will say this: "We have a problem, go, think and do as you like." The democratic style, on the contrary, assumes that the activity of the participants in the communication and their initiative are supported, the tasks and methods for their implementation are discussed, and the opinion of each participant in the communication is respected. That manager who adheres to the democratic style will say this: "We have a problem. What do you think is the best thing for us to do in this situation ...". That is, if for an authoritarian style of communication it is characteristic to highlight one's "I", then for a democratic one it is a typical pronoun "We". This is the most effective communication style for a manager.

Psychologists also distinguish communication styles by focus - on another or on themselves. If a person easily agrees with others, then they say that she has a malleable style. If the interlocutor seeks to achieve success in communication and activities, controlling others, his style is called aggressive. If a person maintains an emotional distance, independence in communication, her style is considered aloof. In addition, there are also such styles: altruistic (helping others), manipulative (achieving one's own goal at the expense of another) and missionary (cautious influence). As a rule, in real life, managers show the following styles of communication: joint creative activity; friendly affection; communication as a distance; communication as intimidation; communication as flirting.

Communicating, people discover various stereotypes of behavior, which are called the communication model. Among them, for example, are:

"Mont Blanc" (dictatorial model). For a person who demonstrates such a model of communication, detachment from the interlocutor is characteristic; the idea of ​​all people as a gray mass; creating a large distance between yourself and others; superiority, emphasizing one's social status or age; using communication primarily to receive or transmit information;

"Chinese Wall" (non-contact model). At the same time, unwillingness to cooperate is characteristic; large psychological distance; lack of feedback;

"Teterev" (hyporeflexive model). At the same time, there is a lot of self-centeredness. Such a person listens only to himself; she has no reactions to interlocutors; she does not know how to conduct a dialogue;

"Hamlet" (hypreflexive model). For such a person, it is important how the interlocutors perceive it; she reveals incredulity, resentment, often inadequately reacts to others;

"Robot" (hard response). Such a person does not know how to conduct a dialogue, does not perceive changes in the situation and the mood of the interlocutor; She is not interested in feedback. At the same time, rigid logic, communication according to a previously compiled program are characteristic;

"Locator" (differential attention). For such a person, the orientation is characteristic not of all interlocutors, but only of their friends (or enemies), the allocation of so-called favorites;

"Union" (active interaction). For a person who adheres to this model of communication, the ability to conduct a dialogue, attentive listening to others, maintaining a positive mood among the interlocutors, and attempts to make decisions through joint efforts are characteristic; the presence of direct and feedback links.

Although each of us is a unique person, the set of models, communication stereotypes is small. Of course, two or three models are used. Of these, the Soyuz model is the most effective. Other models are based on psychological defense mechanisms and the manager should not use them, as communication will not be effective.

A communication strategy is a general scheme of actions of interlocutors aimed at the realization of a particular goal. It can be quite long, so it is not limited to one conversation. The strategy consists of tactical actions, the implementation of which brings a person closer to the goal. Today we will talk about what communication tactics are and how they are classified.


Communication tactics consists of the following components:

  1. Motivational. Answers the question of whether one or two subjects achieve the goal during communication.
  2. Network. Determines the type of communication settings. They are humanistic or manipulative.
  3. Procedural. Defines the relationship between monologue and dialogue.

In a generalized concept, a strategy and its tactical actions can have the following directions:

  1. Humanist-dialogical.
  2. Humanist-monologic.
  3. Manipulative-dialogical.
  4. Manipulative-monologic.

Moreover, each of them can be directed both to achieve a common goal, and to achieve an individual goal.

E. Shostrom's classification

There are many examples of communication strategies and tactics described in the scientific literature. We will consider the main ones. Let's start with the classification of E. Shostrom, which is based on the manipulative characteristics of people.

1. Active manipulator

Such a person tries to establish control over others through active methods. In communication, he never shows weakness, and always tries to maintain the reputation of a person full of strength. At the same time, an active manipulator, as a rule, uses his position in society (boss, father, teacher, older brother, and so on). Doctors sometimes use this tactic when communicating with patients. Relying on the impotence of other people and controlling them, he receives satisfaction. In communication, an active manipulator often uses a system of rights, duties, requests, orders, tables of ranks, and so on.

2. Passive manipulator

Represents the opposite of an active manipulator. This type of people, complaining that he is not able to control his life, refuses any efforts and allows the active manipulator to dispose of himself. Often the passive manipulator pretends to be helpless and oppressed. His total passivity makes the active manipulator do everything on his own.

3. Competitive manipulator

Such people look at life as a competition, thereby forcing themselves to remain in constant vigilance. They perceive all other people as rivals or enemies, real or potential. In terms of communication tactics, a competitive manipulator is something between a passive and an active manipulator.

4. Indifferent manipulator

This type of people prefers to play indifference in communication. He moves away from unnecessary contacts and competition. The main secret of an indifferent manipulator is that he does not care at all what other people live and talk about - otherwise he would not start manipulative games. The communication tactics of an indifferent manipulator can play a trick on him. The fact is that, treating people like dolls, some inanimate objects, he involuntarily cultivates inanimateness in himself. Therefore, such an attitude towards people is considered suicidal.

5. Updater

An actualizer is the opposite of a manipulator. Such a person manifests his inner potential more actively than the average individual, so his life is more eventful.

The difference in the lifestyle of the manipulator and the actualizer is expressed by four factors:

  1. Truth or lie. The manipulator can play any role in order to impress and achieve his goals. The actualizer manifests his worldview and feelings honestly, even if they may not please the interlocutor.
  2. Consciousness and unawareness. The manipulator sees and hears only what he wants, which means that he does not realize the true meaning of life. The actualizer is always receptive both to himself and to others.
  3. control and will. Despite outward calmness, the manipulator always controls himself and those around him, hiding his true motives. The actualizer prefers the free expression of its inherent possibilities.
  4. Cynicism and trust. The manipulator does not trust anyone, believing that there can be only two strategies in a relationship: to control or to be controlled. The Actualizer trusts himself and others.

The transition from manipulation to actualization is a kind of continuum from apathy and deliberateness to spontaneity and cheerfulness.

Communication tactics according to the theory of V. Satire

The American psychologist V. Satir proposed his own classification of communication tactics:

  1. Prosecutor. The model of behavior of such a person is based on his belief that everything depends on him. He is not afraid to be branded as a dictator and finds someone to blame in any problem. People who profess the tactics of the accuser, as a rule, are accompanied by such psychological problems as loneliness, self-doubt, the need for self-affirmation, and so on.
  2. The one who pleases. Such people in conversation are always trying to please others, apologize a lot, avoid arguments, and use understanding communication tactics. They demonstrate their helplessness, guilt for everything that happens, and complete dependence on others. As a rule, self-doubt accompanies all people from this category.
  3. "Computer". This type includes people who are always correct, calm and collected. In dealing with such a person, it seems that he is devoid of any emotions.
  4. Destroyer. Such a person never does or says anything specific. His responses to questions tend to be unfocused and inappropriate.
  5. Equalizer. For this type of people, freedom, consistency and harmony in communication are characteristic. They openly express their opinion, but they will never humiliate the dignity of the interlocutor. A balanced and whole person who professes alignment tactics, unlike the four previous categories, does not experience his own inferiority and does not suffer from low self-esteem.

Thomas-Kilman concept

The concept of Thomas-Kilman, according to which there are five tactics (or strategies, types, styles) of human behavior in a situation of conflict communication, has gained great popularity and wide application in various fields of activity.

1. Competition, rivalry or confrontation

This speech tactic in business communication is especially common. It is accompanied by an undisguised struggle for their interests and assumes that only one participant in the conversation will emerge victorious. It can be effective if a person is endowed with a certain power (he knows what he is doing right, and insists on his own, using his own abilities), or when a person is capable of making strong-willed decisions and is not interested in cooperating with others. People who use this communication tactic tend to serve their own interests by forcing others not only to provide support but also to sacrifice their own interests.

If we talk about such a strategy and tactics of business communication as “competition”, then it is not recommended to use it in personal communication, as this can lead to alienation of the interlocutor. Well, in cases where a person’s power is limited or in question, and his opinion does not coincide with the opinions of others, he may fail altogether, trying to act through “competition”.

There are specific cases in the literature when this communication tactic can bear fruit:

  1. The result is fundamental for a person, so he makes a big bet on his own solution to the problem that has arisen.
  2. The authority of the leader is so great that any decision made by him is recognized as the most correct.
  3. It is necessary to make a decision quickly and the authority of a person allows him to do this without further explanation.
  4. A person feels that he has nothing to lose, he simply has no other choice.
  5. The leader understands that he is in a hopeless situation, but apart from him there is no one to lead people along.

2. Avoidance or evasion

This tactic of verbal communication, as a rule, is used when the problem that has arisen is not particularly important for the individual, he does not want to spend energy on solving it, or the problem is so aggravated that he felt hopeless and gave up. The avoidance strategy is used when the individual understands the correctness of the interlocutor or when there are no serious grounds for competition. Typically, the use of such tactics is observed in cases where the subject of the dispute is not fundamental.

The psychological literature describes the most typical situations in which avoidance tactics are most correct:

  1. The tension of the conversation is too great, and therefore it is necessary to weaken the aggravation.
  2. The outcome of the conflict is so indifferent to the person that he decides not to waste his energy on it.
  3. The individual has many problems, and he does not need to solve another one.
  4. A person understands that he cannot resolve the conflict in his favor.
  5. The situation is too complex, and handling it can be costly.
  6. A person does not have enough power to solve the problem in a way acceptable to him.
  7. Trying to fix problems can make things worse.

3. Smoothing out or adjusting contradictions

As a rule, a person uses this tactic when the outcome of the conflict is insignificant for him, but extremely important for the opponent. Also, this type of behavior can also become useful when a person understands that an escalation of confrontation can lead to his loss.

Conflict mitigation is similar to avoidance in that it can also be used to delay resolution of a problem. However, there is a significant difference between these two approaches. The smoothing tactic assumes that the individual who uses it acts in concert with the opponent, and agrees with his decisions. In the case of avoidance tactics, a person does not try to satisfy the interests of another, but simply pushes the problem away from himself.

The most popular use cases for smoothing tactics are:

  1. The person wants to maintain peace and good relations with the opponent.
  2. The individual understands that the result of the confrontation is much more important for the other person than for him.
  3. A person realizes that the truth is not on his side.
  4. A person understands that if he gives in to his opponent, he will receive a useful life lesson.

4. Compromise

In the case of using this strategy, the settlement of the problem occurs through mutual concessions. It is effective when both parties strive for the same thing, but understand that it is impossible to achieve this at the same time.

The most typical use cases for compromise tactics are:

  1. The parties have the same power, and have mutually exclusive interests.
  2. The person wants to get a quick solution.
  3. A temporary solution and a short-term benefit are attractive to a person.
  4. Other approaches to solving the problem did not bring results.
  5. Compromise allows the parties to maintain a healthy relationship.

5. Cooperation

This is the most constructive and fruitful communication tactic in psychology, as it is aimed at satisfying the interests of both parties. Confessing the principle of cooperation, a person actively participates in resolving the conflict, but does not give up his interests.

Compared to other conflict resolution tactics, cooperation requires more time and energy-intensive work, as a person first identifies the needs and concerns of both parties, and then discusses them. If the parties are interested in solving the problem, then this strategy can be a good way to work out a mutually beneficial solution.

As a rule, cooperation tactics are used in such situations:

  1. Solving the problem is important for both parties.
  2. The parties develop a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship.
  3. Opponents have time to solve the problem.
  4. Both sides of the conflict are endowed with the same level of power, or are ready to equalize in order to find ways to solve the problem.

Collaboration is the most successful business communication tactic. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Establish the true motives of both parties.
  2. Determine ways to compensate for disagreements.
  3. Develop new approaches to problem solving that meet the needs of everyone.
  4. Illustrate that opponents can be partners rather than rivals.

None of the conflict communication strategies we are considering can be called one hundred percent successful or unsuccessful, because each of them can become the only true one in a particular situation. At the same time, from the point of view of modern ideas about the tactics of business communication, which is based on dialogue and recognition of the value of a conversation partner, the primacy clearly belongs to the strategy of cooperation.


Psychological tactics of communication is a system of consistent actions aimed at achieving a specific goal and implementing a specific strategy. The same strategy can be implemented through different tactics. Tactics can be very diverse both in their content and in their focus, and directly depend on the psychological characteristics of the interacting people, their values, attitudes, as well as the socio-cultural and ethno-psychological context of the communication process. Tactics that are successful in one situation may be completely unsuccessful in another.

The currently available communication strategies and tactics were presented in their purest form. In life, it is rare to meet a person in whose behavior a certain tactic of communication would be observed. As a rule, people combine different types of communication tactics to achieve a particular goal. Nevertheless, having a general understanding of speech tactics, one can learn to feel people, recognize their true motives and draw up their psychological portrait. All this helps to turn the conversation in the right direction and achieve your goals.

The number of strategies and tactics of verbal communication can increase significantly if the subjects of activity are aware of the social consequences of interpersonal contacts. Knowledge of the relationship between the personal qualities of subjects, the sociocultural context and the type of communication tactics allows a participant in the communication process to more or less predict the nature of interpersonal influence.

When choosing the tactics of communication and interaction in general, it is worth relying on the type of business relationship and type of activity. For example, when analyzing the prospect of using a monologic and dialogic communication strategy in an educational environment, it is impossible to decide which of the strategies is better without considering the characteristics of the main pedagogical goals. So, the first group of pedagogical goals is based on the influence on the formation of the orientation of the individual. In this case, the most successful will be the use of dialogical influence. The second group involves arming the student with the necessary means of implementing the same direction. Here monologue influence will prevail.

It should be noted that dialogical tactics of verbal communication are extremely necessary in various spheres of human activity, since not all statements are irrefutable. With the help of dialogue, knowledge and skills can change their form and content depending on the context in which they are presented.

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