Viola landing distance. Types and varieties of viols: which ones to choose? Watering and fertilizing seedlings

If you want to decorate your site with attractive and unpretentious plants, then information on how viola flowers grow, growing from seeds in pots and in open ground will be useful. It is important to know when and how to sow in order to grow healthy pansies.

Viola - growing from seeds

First you need to decide on the place where the plant will grow, and one cannot but rejoice at the fact that the viola will take root both in the sunny area and in the shade. When figuring out how to grow a viola from seeds, it is worth noting that in the sun the flowers will be large and bright, but flowering will not last long. It is better to choose an area that is illuminated by the sun in the morning and at sunset, and at other times it should be protected by a shadow. Not suitable for growing and damp low places.

There are a few care tips that you can use to watch beautiful blooms:

  1. It is important to periodically water the flowers, since the root system is on the surface (at a depth of no more than 20 cm). Humidification should be carried out as needed. This should be done in the evening, using water heated in the sun.
  2. In order for the flower to receive nutrients, it is recommended to fertilize every 3-4 weeks. Considering that for each square meter there should be 25 g of superphosphate. The granules should be deepened into the ground, and then watered.
  3. When the sixth leaf appears, you can pinch the stem, so you can achieve better tillering.
  4. If flowering has deteriorated or when new buds are not formed, it is necessary to prune at a height of 9-12 cm from the ground. After that, top dressing and water are introduced, which will contribute to the growth of new shoots and re-blooming.

Viola - growing from seeds for seedlings

There are several important rules to consider in order to grow beautiful seedlings:

  1. Viola flowers, grown from seeds of which are carried out according to the rules, need to maintain the air temperature at 18-20 ° C. If the indicators are low, then the emergence of seedlings will have to wait a long time. When the sprouts are visible, rearrange the containers so that the temperature is 12-15 ° C.
  2. For the normal development of a flower, light is important, so the minimum daylight hours should last 14 hours. If necessary, use special ones. With a lack of light, viola seedlings will stretch out a lot.
  3. If the flowers are grown on a peat substrate, then pre-fertilization of the soil is not required, but the procedure should be carried out three weeks after sowing. You can use mineral supplements.

When to plant viola for seedlings?

There are three schemes that can be followed to grow any kind of this plant:

  1. In autumn, you can plant a flower in open ground, but flowering will occur only next year. Viola planting dates for seedlings - August-September.
  2. To see flowering in the year of sowing, you need to sow a flower in early spring. Suitable time from the end of February to the beginning of March.
  3. Flowering in the year of planting can be obtained by sowing seeds in the summer in open ground. The best time for the procedure is May-beginning of June.

How to germinate viola seeds?

To make seedlings appear faster, you can pre-germinate the seeds. To do this, first iterate over them to select damaged instances. Germination of viola seeds is not difficult: take a cloth or cotton pad, soak it in water and place it on the seeds, covering with a moistened cloth. Put it in a saucer or other container and put it in a warm place for several days. It is important to monitor the hydration of the matter. When sprouts hatch from seeds, then sowing can be carried out.

Viola planting for seedlings

When the seeds are ready, you can proceed to the sowing procedure, for which follow these instructions for growing:

  1. Fill the prepared containers with light and fertile soil. It is better to take store soil and combine it with sand and earth from the garden, observing the proportion 1:1:2. Be sure to pour the finished mixture with a fungicide for disinfection.
  2. The instructions on how to properly plant the viola for seedlings indicate that when the prepared mixture dries out, you need to make shallow grooves, spread the seeds, but not thickly, and sprinkle them with earth.
  3. To grow seeds, cover the container with film or glass. Put it in a place where it is warm and dark until sprouts appear. Be sure to ventilate regularly.
  4. When sprouts appear, take the container to the light and open it a little so that they get access to oxygen.
  5. Feed the flowers once a week using a weak solution of flower fertilizer. When the soil is dry, water it using a spray bottle.
  6. A flower is held, and at the end of April hardening should begin on the street or balcony.

How much does viola grow?

A question of interest to beginners, and here you should know that in most cases, if the seeds were good, then seedlings will appear in nine days. It is important at this time to control the soil moisture and gently loosen it to increase the access of oxygen, but do everything carefully so as not to damage the sprouts. There is one secret of experienced gardeners - viola shoots appear faster if the seed container is in a dark place.

Viola pick for seedlings

When a couple of true leaves appear on the seedlings, pick in separate containers. It is worth noting that the viola is hardy, so even if the roots were damaged during transplantation, they will quickly recover. It is important to know not only when you need to dive the viola after germination, but also some features, so often at the time of the procedure, the seedlings turn out to be elongated, so it should be deepened to the cotyledons during transplantation. This will improve the appearance of the flower and strengthen the root system. After that, growth will increase in 3-4 weeks.

Viola - planting and care in the open field

If you sow seeds in late August or September, before the snow falls, the plant will have time to sprout and develop a powerful root system. Pansies will bloom next year from April until frost. Viola cultivation in open ground is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Make shallow grooves, water them and spread the seeds sparsely. From above, crush them with earth and tamp with your palm, but do not press down hard. There should be a distance of 10 cm between the grooves.
  2. It is recommended to shade the bed, which will promote better growth and prevent the soil from drying out. For example, you can build a canopy or stick branches with leaves.
  3. When two true leaves form on the seedlings, the flower dives. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the central root by 1/3. Planting at a permanent place of cultivation is carried out according to the scheme 25x25 cm.
  4. Please note that the plant should not bloom this year, so be sure to cut off the buds that have appeared.

Viola soil

The beauty and duration of flowering is affected by the quality of the soil in which the planting will be carried out. Growing pansies is best done on loamy soils that are moist and fertile. Just keep in mind that stagnant water will cause root rot. The rules for planting viola indicate that drainage and loosening of the soil should first be carried out. If the land is not fertile, then fertilizer must be applied.

It should be borne in mind that it is forbidden to add humus, but the best choice is or ammonium nitrate. For the health of viola flowers, growing from seeds and planting the seedlings themselves can be carried out in peat, which retains heat and moisture does not stagnate in it. In addition, it contains many nutrients. It can be put in the holes intended for seeds.

Do I need to cover viola seeds with earth?

When sowing takes place in open ground, it is recommended to sprinkle the seeds with earth so that they do not scatter and take root faster. If you are interested in whether it is necessary to sprinkle viola seeds when planting them on seedlings, then you should indicate one of the sowing options that is popular with flower growers. Thanks to him, the sprouts will appear faster, because they do not have to spend energy trying to break through the soil. To germinate viola flowers, grow from seeds according to the following scheme:

Any grower has tried to grow pansies from seeds for a flower bed. But not everyone gets shoots, which means that the viola does not bloom in the garden. I have a similar situation.

Some plants already bought by seedlings propagated by self-sowing, but the seeds did not germinate. And I really like flowers. It turned out that at various stages of growing violets, certain conditions must be met.

I know that viola is one of the early and long-blooming flowers. It is easy to grow in the garden in flowerbeds, ridges and on the balcony, and on any side of the world. It is considered a biennial plant, but I will tell you how to prolong flowering and make a violet perennial.

Viola (viola) belongs to the violet family. Around the globe, where there is a temperate climate, pansies grow, of which there are up to 700 species. There are especially many of them in the mountains.

An amazing plant with a beautiful inflorescence attracted the attention of scientists. As early as the 17th century, breeders made attempts to develop a new variety, and they got fragrant and mountain violets.

Wittrock's garden viola, as the big-eyed flowers growing in central Russia are now called, were bred by crossing the Altai, yellow and tricolor viola. Work on the creation of new varieties of pansies continues to this day. In total there are several hundred varieties.

Viola horned is also good on flower beds. Compared to the hybrid (Viola Wittrock), it has simple inflorescences. Let me give you the differences using my own example.

  • I bought Frizzle Sizzle F1 frizzle flower seeds and a pure white color of the White Lady variety. On the sachet in Latin it is written that the inoculum of Wittrock's viola.
  • Another variety of Sunrise in the Alps with red flowers without such a signature is viola horned.

Fragrant violet is another type of viola, common in central Russia. The plant has flowers with a wonderful aroma and the original form of inflorescences. The bush is compact.

How do I grow flowers in my garden?

Pansies come in many varieties. They also have flowers of absolutely any color. They bloom from early spring to late autumn. They look good among tulips and next to lilies. For three years in a row, the Little Red Riding Hood variety adorned a small flower bed. The flowers produced seeds and they germinated.

Another variety of horned viola Jolly Johnny has been pleasing us for many years. Although the flowers are small, they sprouted quickly - growing from seeds was not a hassle. The seeds flew to the neighbors in the country, and now blue clouds of flowers also grow on their six acres. This variety reproduces well on its own. On the site grow plants among onions, garlic, strawberries. It remains only to transplant.

Neighborhood with other plants

  • Violet belongs to undersized plants. I plant in the foreground:
  • I make a clearing from one type of pansies.
  • On an alpine hill, I decorate the level with 1-2 plants.
  • I plant with silvery plants: seaside ragwort or chistets for contrast, to show the beauty of each flower.

In the photo, a variety of pansies Cheerful Johnny is next to the cleaner.

Once in winter, during the thaw period, the ground thawed from the snow, and pansies bloomed there. Seeing pansies in February is a miracle!

Plant rejuvenation

Often I already bought seedlings of pansies in May. In autumn and the next year, the plant lost its appearance due to regrown stems that lay on the ground.

To prolong the life of the plant, I cut off the shoots in the spring and fed the bush with mineral and organic fertilizers. Thanks to the nutrition from the roots, the plant gave new shoots and the flower was reborn for flowering in the new season.

It so happened that the plant produced seeds and bushes of violets, which sprouted by self-sowing.

How to grow pansies the right way

This year I decided to find out the main mistakes when planting flower seeds. I decided to grow pansies of different varieties: pure white, red and ruffled purple. At the same time, I found out what planting and care is required for cute green wards.

The first step is to plant fresh seeds. They have the best fit. For simple pansies, each bag contained 20 seeds, for corrugated ones - 5. Therefore, it was impossible to hesitate. It took about a month from the acquisition of seed to planting in the ground.

When buying, pay attention to the expiration date. All seeds must be fresh and, as they say, with a storage margin.

Outdoor temperature

In different sources, the temperature for growing pansies is written differently. I was waiting for cool weather up to 22-23 degrees Celsius to grow flowers on the site. In the heat, the earth will dry up without our supervision, and then the work will be wasted, the risk of not getting shoots will increase.

seed soaking

Previously, the seeds of pansies were not soaked. But after studying the experience on the forums, I concluded that the reception speeds up and improves germination. My mistake - I put the seeds on a cotton pad, from which it was difficult to take the seeds later. But then she got out of the situation - she rinsed it in a mug of water and the seeds were at the bottom.

Planting area for violets

Anyutki love a sunny place. There you can see lush bushes and rapid growth of the plant. The other thing is the seeds. In hot weather, they may be without moisture. Therefore, I chose a lighted, but slightly shaded area between a peony and a dahlia bush for planting.

  1. I weeded the ground, added humus and leveled it. Perennial garden viola loves drained soil.
  2. Divided into three strips for different varieties.
  3. Spilled the ground.
  4. I planted pre-soaked seeds.
  5. Sprinkled lightly with earth.
  6. I carefully watered the earth in several approaches from a garden watering can.

Then it rained on the ground. I also made sure the soil didn't dry out. A week later, the seedlings sprouted. Along with the violet, weeds also appeared, so I waited for 2 pairs of leaves to grow to identify the flower.

In August, when a bush 3-4 centimeters high was formed, she landed in a permanent place.

Supplement knowledge about growing pansies seedlings video:

Care for pansies

top dressing

Viola loves rich soil. Therefore, it is favorable to feeding. Feel free to feed organic. A solution of green manure gives strength to young plants and stimulates abundant flowering.

I apply a complex mineral fertilizer: nitrophoska or azophoska. You can pour a handful on the ground. But I dilute the granules in water and water them under the root, so that useful substances penetrate the ground to the root system of plants faster.

I alternate feeding:

  • in the first week I bring in organic matter;
  • after 1.5-2 weeks complex mineral fertilizer.

If possible, I pamper pansies with wood ash. It provides plants with potassium and protects against pests.

Attention! In no case do not apply fresh organic fertilizers to the ground when planting pansies and when growing!


In dry soil, the plant weakens. I water the flower bushes regularly until the rainy season. Then the bushes will get a second wind.

Delicate, refined viola, belonging to the famous Violet family, is so well known to everyone that it is impossible to find a person who is not familiar with the plant, which in Russia is also called "pansies". Everyone can grow such a flower.

Wild representatives of this genus - the oldest plants, common, as a rule, in the mountainous regions of the temperate climatic zones of the Northern Hemisphere, existed more than two millennia ago. There are up to seven hundred varieties of them, and some of them are endemic to certain areas, for example, there are species found exclusively in the South American Andes, the Brazilian subtropics, the forests of Australia or New Zealand.

In the 16th century, then the mountain was cultivated. Europeans got acquainted with the species, called Wittrock's viola, which is a hybrid of three plants - viola yellow, tricolor and Altai, in the 19th century. Today, this garden species has become the most popular culture, numbering several hundred varieties and varieties and decorating the gardens and parks of all European countries. Let's talk about this culture, its passions, cultivation and care features.

Viola Wittrock: description of the species

This famous violet is a perennial, biennial or annual herbaceous plant, reaching 15-30 cm in height, with a straight main shoot.

In different varieties, leaflets are arranged differently, simple or pinnate: equipped with stipules, they either develop from a basal rosette, or are alternately arranged on the stems. solitary, growing from axils on thin peduncles and reaching very large sizes (5-7 cm in diameter), given the overall diminutiveness of the bush. In shape, they are simple, terry with wavy, corrugated or fringed edges. The upper petals of the flowers have peculiar marigolds, the lower ones with a small spur. The colors of the flowers of cultivated varieties are the most diverse: one- and multi-color, spotted, striped. Gardeners are especially fond of the fact that Wittrock's viola blooms generously, blooming up to 25 buds at the same time. The flowering period depends on the time of planting: from April to June or from August to the very cold. There are hybrids that can bloom all summer season. Ripened small brown seeds are collected in a fruit box. They remain viable for more than 2 years.

garden classification

A perennial grown in gardens as a biennial plant and the most common type of violet in culture, called Wittrock's viola, combines varieties of garden pansies, classifying them into different categories: timing and duration of flowering, shape, size, color of flowers, their degree of cold resistance.

So, if the size of the flowers and their number, simultaneously blooming on a bush, are taken as the basis, then the viola varieties are divided into large-flowered varieties, called grandiflora and multi-flowered - multiflora. When selected as a criterion for coloring, varieties are conditionally classified into one-, two-, multi-color or spotted. A clear classification that defines the boundaries of varieties does not exist, since it is simply impossible to determine, because the same variety can be defined simultaneously in a group of spotted, two-color or multi-color.

Popular varieties

We will not dwell on listing all varieties and varieties, but let's talk about the most popular varieties today. For example, Wittrock's "Baroque" viola received recognition and love from gardeners - a spectacular, unpretentious culture that grows up to 30 cm and delights with abundant flowering of large bordered burgundy-terracotta flowers throughout the summer season. Planted in seedlings, this violet blooms in the year of planting. Wittrock's Baroque Viola captivates with its beauty and bright colors. Photos of this variety are presented in the article. The flowers reach a very significant size - 5-7 cm in diameter.

Wittrock's "Terry Lace" viola is even more decorative, from the name of which it becomes clear that this violet is the owner of large (6-8 cm) flowers of amazing beauty with a embossed corrugated edge. This variety is remarkable for a high degree of winter hardiness, unpretentiousness, the ability to develop excellently on soils of any composition and maintain continuous flowering throughout the season.

Viola Wittrock: cultivation

Viola is hardy and frost-resistant, it grows excellently in the shade, although it blooms more abundantly in the sun and its flowers are larger. Therefore, the site is chosen as sunny as possible, located at some elevation, without a close approach to groundwater. It has been noticed that violet can successfully grow on any, even the heaviest soils, but prefers moist, fertile loams. Before planting a plant, the soil on the site should be prepared by digging a shovel onto a bayonet and adding 10 kg of humus and peat and 5 kg of sand per 1 square meter.

Sowing for seedlings

Seedlings are considered the best way to grow viola. This makes it possible to get a flowering flower bed already in the summer, while the seeds sown in June in open ground will go through a two-year cycle of development and flowers will appear by the beginning of next summer.

These are the botanical features of a plant such as Viola Wittrock. Growing from seeds begins in February-March with soaking for a day in a biostimulant solution, for example, Epin, Zircon or Heteroauxin, the concentration of which corresponds to the recommendations in the instructions for the drug. Seedling containers are filled with a special substrate for violets purchased at the store, grooves are marked, prepared seeds are sown and watered with settled water. After sprinkling the seeds with soil, the containers are covered with a transparent film or glass and installed in a room with an air temperature of 15-17˚С.

Seedling and picking

Shoots appear after 10-15 days. As soon as germination begins, the film cover is removed, and the boxes with seedlings are placed in a bright, cool place (+10˚С). Seedling care during this period consists in regular watering with warm water and applying a solution of complex fertilizer for seedlings every two weeks. With the advent of several true leaves, the grown seedlings are seated in separate pots. As a rule, this happens about a month and a half after germination.

With intensive seedling growth, you have to dive the viola again, but usually one dive operation is enough. In addition, the amazing endurance of the violet allows it to take root well in the flower bed even after planting flowering plants.

Terms of landing on a flower bed

Viola seedlings are planted in open ground, focusing on the climatic features of the area. This usually happens at the end of April or May. The main thing is to plant the plant after the threat of return frosts has passed, since the fragile and unrooted violets will not endure sharp cold snaps. The planting technology is simple: the seedlings are placed in prepared holes at intervals of 10-15 cm, the roots are sprinkled with earth, the soil is compacted around the plants and watered generously. Perennial varieties of viola grow strongly and eventually lose their decorative effect. Their best varieties are easily propagated by cuttings.

Viola care in the open field

The complex of caring activities is simple and traditional for planting crops such as Wittrock's viola.

Care consists in periodic loosening of the soil and the removal of germinating weeds. Given the peculiarities of the development of the root system of the plant, and it is superficial and placed no deeper than 15-20 cm, the level of humidity should be controlled and the soil should be kept moist during hot periods. To prolong flowering, it is necessary to cut off the faded buds, since the ripening of the seeds draws on the strength of the plant, significantly reducing the intensity of flowering.

In addition, high-quality flowering is impossible without good top dressing. Viola Wittrock responds with luxurious flowering for the monthly application of ammonium nitrate or superphosphate in the amount of 25-30 grams per 1 square meter.

The listed care steps are acceptable for all varieties of garden violets, including those such as Wittrock's "Baroque" viola. Growing seedlings from seeds and subsequent planting in open ground is the most reliable way to get a bright, rainbow-colored flower bed.

Viola diseases and pests

The cultivation of violets is simple, but failure to follow these simple rules leads to problems. Pest attacks or diseases are often the result of not following these steps. Often Wittrock's viola suffers from powdery mildew, a white coating that appears on leaves, stems and flowers.

This happens when overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers and a lack of phosphorus-potassium or adverse weather conditions, when hot dry days alternate with cold matinees with heavy dew. Too much moisture can cause gray mold and blackleg. Eliminate such diseases by spraying with a solution of "Fundazol", caustic soda or infusion of ground sulfur with the removal of the affected parts of the plants.

Of insect pests, caterpillars of the clover scoop and violet mother-of-pearl, which quickly and quickly eat viola leaves, are of particular danger. They are destroyed by spraying a solution of chlorophos, karbofos or tobacco infusion.

Seed collection

The seeds left on the peduncles ripen in mid-August - September. After the flowers wither, small boxes with small brown seeds are formed. It is important not to miss the moment of their ripening, as the boxes open and scatter the seeds. The readiness of seeds for collection is manifested by turning the seed pods up. They are carefully cut, the seeds are removed and laid out to dry, and then stored in the basement or refrigerator, as they need stratification.

If the seed boxes are not specially removed, then the seeds are sown on their own, and such spontaneous seedlings can be seen already in the fall or next spring. In this case, the seedlings are planted in prepared places, bypassing the seedling period and the accompanying procedures, time and effort.

Winter chores

The bred varieties of perennial violets, to which Wittrock's viola belongs, (the photo is presented in the publication) can withstand even very severe frosts (up to -30 ºC), if, with the onset of real cold weather, the plantings are covered with spruce branches or mulched with dry plant residues.

These are the features of caring for cute and unpretentious violets that adorn garden and park interiors, pleasing life-affirming colors and an amazing duration of flowering for both amateur gardeners and professional flower growers.

In the gardening world, the viola plant is very popular. There are a large number of varieties and types of viola, popularly known as pansies.

The wide distribution of these wonderful flowers is due to their beauty and variety of colors and shapes. Viola flowers delight with a long flowering period with the right perfect planting and subsequent care - from early spring to late autumn.

Did you know? Viola has been known for a very long time - more than two and a half thousand years. At that time, the ancient peoples of Europe used these flowers for decoration during the holidays.

Where to plant a viola, choosing a place for a flower

Viola belongs to the Violet family, which is why it is also called garden violet. The plant is annual, biennial, and also perennial. Depending on the variety of viola flowers, planting and cultivation can be carried out even on the balcony, providing it with proper care.

Outdoors, a high flower bed will be an ideal place for a viola, as it meets the needs of the plant for moisture and lighting.

What kind of lighting and temperature does the viola like

These flowers grow best in a cool place, but they also need plenty of light. Therefore, the right choice for planting viola and further care in the open field will be places with slightly shaded areas.

For example, under young trees, which will not cover the main part of the lighting with leaves, but will protect from the dry influence of the direct rays of the sun. At home, a balcony on the west or east side is suitable.

If there is not enough light for the viola, then the flowering will not be so plentiful, and the flowers themselves will be small and not so bright.

What should be the soil for planting

The best type of soil for pansies is loamy soil, fertile and moist.

Important!Stagnation of moisture is detrimental to the viola, as it leads to rotting of the roots.

The soil for planting must be drained and loosened. Fresh humus cannot be used as a fertilizer, so superphosphate or ammonium nitrate is suitable.

Also, peat is ideal for viola as a soil, as it retains heat, moisture does not stagnate in it. In addition, peat contains the nutrients needed by the viola, so gardeners often use peat tablets to germinate plants.

How to plant pansies

Most often, viola is planted in open ground. This happens in April-May, as the plant loves coolness. The proportions for the soil are better to choose the following:

  • sod land - 2 parts;
  • peat - 2 parts;
  • humus - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.
Do not forget about drainage, crushed coal can perform its function. You should also choose a place without close groundwater to avoid stagnant water at the roots of the pansies.

It is fairly easy to follow the basic rules of how to plant viola flowers outdoors and how to care for them afterwards.

Holes are prepared for seedlings (the distance between them is 10-15 cm), flowers are placed there, then they are sprinkled with earth, the soil is lightly tamped around and watered.

Different varieties are best planted separately from each other, because the plant is cross-pollinated.

Did you know?The fragrant violet was introduced into the culture first, and then the mountain violet. Breeders bred the first violet hybrids in 1683.

Viola care rules

Often gardeners think about how to grow a beautiful and healthy viola. To do this, you need to regularly remove the flowers that wilted. In addition, mulching the roots of the plant in hot weather will help prolong the flowering of pansies. Be sure to also remove ripe seed pods.

If the viola blooms worse, few new buds form, then you can cut the plant, while leaving the length of the stems about 10 cm. After that, it is necessary to water and feed the viola abundantly, which will allow it to quickly grow young shoots and bloom with renewed vigor.

How to properly water pansies

Often in the heat, the reason for the drying of the roots is their close location to the soil surface. Therefore, garden violets should be watered regularly, but not too plentifully so that the roots do not rot. Optimal - 2-3 times a week, and in the heat it is possible to water the viola every day.

Fertilizer and top dressing of flowers

Viola should be fertilized once a month. To do this, use superphosphate or ammonium nitrate at the rate of 25-30 g per square meter. There are also special complex fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, microelements. Such fertilizers are sold in stores and used according to the instructions.

soil care

Viola flowers are unpretentious, but during cultivation it is necessary to keep the soil in a certain condition. Since the roots are close to the surface - at a depth of only 15-20 cm, timely watering and loosening of the soil is needed to allow air to enter the roots. In addition, it is important to remove weeds from the site where the viola grows in time.

Viola breeding methods

If you want to get a new viola plant with beautiful flowers on your own, you should choose a method for growing that is suitable and appropriate for your capabilities. Among them are propagation by seeds, cuttings of pansies, as well as propagation by layering.

Did you know? Pansies are divided into large-flowered (the flower diameter of this variety is 10 cm), and multi-flowered - varieties with small flowers with a diameter of about 6 cm.

Reproduction by seeds

Viola can be grown from seeds. Sowing occurs in several terms, depending on when you want to get flowering.

Sowing pansies in January-February, you will see the first flowers by the end of spring. However, in an apartment it is difficult to get good seedlings, since the sown seeds need coolness and an abundance of light.

If you sow viola seeds in March, then flowering will begin in late July - August. The following year, already in early spring, both those and other plants will give good flowering.

If sowing is carried out in the summer, flowers will also appear as early as next year in the spring. However, in the summer, you can sow directly in open ground, bypassing the cultivation of seedlings at home.

There are general rules for sowing viola seeds:

  1. Seeds are poured on moist soil, lightly sprinkled with earth on top.
  2. The temperature at which the seedlings stand should be 15-20 ° C. It is necessary to maintain constant sufficient moisture.
  3. Seedlings should be in a dark place until shoots appear.
  4. After 10-14 days, the seeds will sprout, then you need to provide good lighting, and lower the temperature to 10 ° C.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, it is necessary to dive seedlings.

Did you know? Many varieties of viola self-sow from mature seed pods.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cuttings of pansies are carried out in late spring - early summer in several stages.

- a great way to get a lot of beautiful plants for your balcony or yard. And, practically for next to nothing. Viola seeds are quite inexpensive, unlike already grown seedlings.

Viola seeds can be sown in seedling boxes or directly into the ground.

- biennial (viola Wittrock, viola Williams, tricolor violet) or perennial plant (viola Sororia, viola horned, fragrant violet). You can grow any type of viola according to three schemes:

1. Autumn sowing for flowering next year (in open ground)

This scheme is considered traditional and is usually recommended in the instructions on the seed packets. The meaning of such cultivation of viola is as follows: the seeds are sown in the soil in August-September. During the fall, the plants have time to sprout, get stronger and acquire a powerful root system. In this state, young violas go under the snow and overwinter. The following year, already in April, flowering begins, which lasts until frost.

2. Early spring sowing for flowering in the year of planting (for seedlings)

It is believed that the viola blooms only in the second year after planting. But it's not! It can bloom in the first summer. To do this, it is necessary to sow its seeds early - in late February or early March. It is advisable to use backlight. In this case, seedlings of viola from seeds will bloom 2-3 months after sowing, that is, in May-June, simultaneously with other annuals. Viola can bloom all summer long (especially if you choose the right landing site - without direct sunlight and withering heat), leave as a green bush before winter and bloom again next spring.

Growing viola from seeds, by spring sowing, is suitable for subsequent planting in open ground or in balcony boxes.

3. Summer sowing for flowering in the year of planting (in open ground)

Viola seeds can be sown directly into the ground in May-early June. Flowering of such plants begins in August-September. Under the snow, the violas grown in this way leave with flowers. And in early spring they bloom again!

Growing viola seeds for seedlings

Consider the technology of growing viola seeds for seedlings for subsequent planting in the ground or in balcony boxes.

In order for viola from seeds to bloom in early summer (or even late spring!), Plantings must be timed to the end of February or the beginning of March.

Step 1. Seeding

Viola seeds are sown in any seedling containers: cassettes, pots, used food containers. Choose loose and moisture-intensive soil - this is very important for viola seedlings, which suffer greatly from a lack of moisture in the soil.

You can make a suitable soil mixture for viola yourself according to the following scheme: fertile garden soil + peat + humus + humus in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1.

Fill seedling containers with soil.

It is convenient to grow viola seedlings in peat tablets placed in plastic cassettes.

Sowing option No. 1 - traditional, with incorporation into the ground

Now is the time to start planting. The classic viola cultivation scheme assumes that its sprouts sprout in the dark. Therefore, again traditionally, viola seeds are buried in the ground. Do you want to follow a generally accepted pattern? Then perform landings as follows:

  • In the prepared soil, form grooves (with a finger, pencil) with a depth of 0.3-0.6 cm. The distance between the grooves is about 1 cm.
  • Place the viola seeds in the resulting recesses in 1-2 cm increments.
  • Fill the grooves with soil.
  • Water the plantings with water (if you did not do this before sowing).
  • Cover the seedling container with a film to form a humid microclimate. Ventilate the soil 2 times a day for 10 minutes, opening the "greenhouse". Otherwise, mold may appear on the ground.
  • Place the container in a warm place with a temperature of 20-25 ° C, the degree of illumination before the first shoots of the viola does not matter - at least put it in a dark closet, even on a sunny windowsill.

Sowing option No. 2 - popular among flower growers, without embedding in the ground

Another, although not universally recognized, but very common among flower growers, a method of growing viola seedlings involves sowing seeds without embedding them in the ground. In this case, the sprouts appear faster, since they do not need to expend energy on germination through the soil layer. But! Since the nature of the viola involves germination in the dark, after sowing, the seedling container is placed in a dark place. Planting viola seeds according to this method can be done as follows:

  • Plentifully spill the soil with water (preferably warm, about 30-35 ° C).
  • Superficially spread viola seeds on the ground in 1-2 cm increments (the greater the distance, the later it will be possible to pick).
  • Place the container in a warm, dark place or cover with a sheet of cardboard.

Seeding Option #3 - Average Alternative

And you can do it according to the type - "neither yours, nor ours." Like this:

  • Sow the seeds superficially (as in option #2).
  • Sprinkle on top with a thin layer of soil (literally 1-2 mm) or sand.
  • Spill plantings with warm water.
  • Cover the container with film or glass, regularly ventilate the soil.
  • Put in a warm place, the light does not matter.

Step 2. Seedling Care

The first shoots of viola seedlings from seeds should appear on the 5-10th day - it depends on the variety. Although some "slow-thinkers" can rise for a very long time - up to a month. This delay is especially common if:

  • old seeds;
  • a thick layer of soil is sprinkled over the seeds;
  • seeds are sprinkled with dense, heavy soil.

The further development of the viola takes place in the light, therefore, if the container was in a dark place before germination, it must be rearranged to a light one, for example, on a windowsill. In spring, direct sunlight for viola seedlings is not terrible, so even a southern window will do.

viola sprouts sprouted

Despite the fact that viola seedlings are initially quite strong, do not rush to immediately remove the film from the container. Ventilate the soil 2 times a day, starting from 10-20 minutes. Gradually increase the ventilation time. After about a week, the film can be removed completely.

Many garden flowers have some degree of frost resistance. These flowers include viola, the seedlings of which can withstand about 5-10 ° C even in infancy, before the appearance of true leaves. Therefore, as soon as the sunny spring weather comes, you can safely take the viola babies to the balcony. Not only will they not freeze, but they will also get stronger faster in the fresh air.

Pansies (seedlings especially) really need good watering. Make sure that the soil in the seedling boxes does not dry out, water when the top layer of soil dries. But don't go to the other extreme - there shouldn't be a bay either. Flower growers often notice attacks of second-year violas in cold and rainy springs. This is because violas, despite their love of moisture, are prone to rapid decay when it is overabundant. This is the "duality" of viols!

Step 3. Pick

At the stage of 1-2 true leaves, viola sprouts can be dived into separate cups. If the roots are torn during transplantation - it's not scary. Viola tolerates transplanting very well, even during flowering. Sprouts with damaged roots may slow down a little in growth, but this will not affect their health.

Viola seedlings are often elongated at the time of picking. The central stem is extended to the cotyledon leaves. Therefore, so that the sprouts do not collapse and become more compact, when transplanting, bury them in the ground to the cotyledons. Such manipulation will not only improve the appearance of the viola, but also make the root system more powerful (additional roots will appear over the entire area of ​​the buried part of the stem).

After picking, viola seedlings begin to grow vigorously and in 3-4 weeks will be ready for planting in a permanent place

Step 4. Pinching

As soon as the viola seedlings kick out 2-3 pairs of true leaves, pinch the seedlings - for better tillering.

Step 5. Planting the viola in a permanent place

Viola seedlings can be planted in a permanent place after stable warm weather has been established, without night frosts. On the balcony, this can happen as early as March, in the open field - in May-June.

Planting viola seedlings in open ground

Plant viola bushes at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, crowding has a bad effect on the condition of the plants and can lead to disease. When growing violas in boxes or pots, it is enough to allocate 1-2 liters of soil for 1 specimen.

Flowering viola seedlings in a balcony box

Growing seedlings is hard work. Therefore, many decide to sow viola seeds directly into the ground. This can be done already in late spring or early summer - then the violas will bloom in August-September. If sowing work is timed to August, then flowering will be postponed to the next year - to early spring.

Sow viola seeds in grooves, 0.3-0.6 mm deep. The distance between the seeds should correspond to the distance between future plants - 10-15 cm. If there is a problem with the germination of seeds, you can plant them more crowded, and after germination, plant the violas at the required interval.

After sowing, water the soil abundantly and wait for the sprouts to appear. At the stage of 2-3 pairs of true leaves - pinch. Further care of the violas consists in regular watering and fertilizing.

Flowering of violas, when sowing seeds in open ground in early June, begins in August and lasts all autumn, until frost

Viola planting: where pansies grow and bloom best

It is important to choose the right place for planting viols. These flowers bloom best in a cool, but with an abundance of light. Therefore, the best place for violas is bright sunny areas, but with obligatory shading from midday rays. For example, violas grow well under young fruit trees with a sparse crown that protects them from the withering summer heat. Or on bright western and eastern balconies. On the southern balconies, the viola can also show itself in all its glory, but, unfortunately, only until June-July, that is, before the onset of heat.

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