Harm and benefits of boiled water. Reboiling water. Why You Can't Boil Water Twice

What happens to all these substances during boiling water? Definitely, bacteria and viruses die at the first boil, so this is simply necessary to disinfect water. Especially if the water is taken from a dubious source - a river or a well.

Heavy metal salts, unfortunately, do not disappear from water, and when boiled, their concentration can only increase due to the fact that a certain volume of water evaporates. The greater the number of boilings, the higher the concentration of harmful salts. But, according to scientists, their number is still not enough to cause significant harm to the body at a time.

As for chlorine, during boiling it forms a lot of organochlorine compounds. And the longer the boiling process lasts, the more such compounds appear. These include carcinogens and dioxins that can have a negative effect on the cells of the human body. Scientists in the course of laboratory studies have found that such compounds appear even if the water was purified with inert gases before boiling. Of course, the harmful effect of such water will not be noticeable immediately, aggressive substances can accumulate in the body for quite a long time, and then lead to the development of serious diseases. To harm the body, you need to drink such water every day for several years.

According to the British Julie Harrison, who has extensive experience in researching the impact of lifestyle and nutrition on the occurrence of cancerous tumors, every time water is boiled, the content of nitrates, arsenic and sodium fluoride becomes higher. Nitrates are converted to carcinogenic nitrosamines, which in some cases cause leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other types of cancer. Arsenic can also cause cancer, heart disease, infertility, neurological problems and, of course, poisoning. Sodium fluoride adversely affects the cardiovascular system, and in large doses can lead to sudden changes in blood pressure and dental fluorosis. Substances that are harmless in small quantities, such as calcium salts, become dangerous when water is repeatedly boiled: they affect the kidneys, contribute to the formation of stones in them, and also provoke arthrosis and arthritis. Especially not recommended repeatedly boiled water for children, because the high content of sodium fluoride in it can seriously harm their mental and neurological development.

Another fact in favor of the inadmissibility of repeated boiling is the formation of deuterium in water - heavy hydrogen, the density of which also increases. Ordinary water turns into "dead" water, the constant use of which threatens with a fatal outcome.

However, scientists are of the opinion that the concentration of deuterium in water, even after several heat treatments, is negligible. According to the research of academician I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov, to obtain one liter of water with a lethal concentration of deuterium, you will have to boil more than two tons of liquid from the tap.

By the way, water boiled several times does not change its taste for the better, so tea or coffee made from it will not be what it should be!


Can you re-boil water in a kettle?

You can boil water several times, but it is not necessary. The main factor in the benefits and purity of water is not the amount of boiling, but the degree of quality of the original liquid. Therefore, before use, it is important to purify the water in any existing way.

By the way, the use of bottled water is also not recommended, since there is no single standard and quality requirements for such products. In addition, plastic containers adversely affect the contents.

In everyday life, it is better to use standard tap water, but before use, clean it with filters or other available and effective methods. And in this article we will consider whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to boil water several times.

Harm of tap water

The water that we pour into the kettle from the tap contains both useful and harmful elements. On the one hand, it contains such important substances as calcium and magnesium, oxygen and carbon dioxide. On the other hand, the composition includes dangerous uranium and barium, bleach, fluorine and nitrates. Such components can cause serious harm and damage to human health.

Regular use of untreated tap water for a long period of time causes the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, worsens the microflora in the intestines and the condition of the mucous membranes, and contributes to the occurrence and development of an allergic reaction.

Poor-quality tap water after cleaning with bleach has an unpleasant taste and worsens the taste of cooked dishes and drinks. Impurities in its composition will easily spoil the value of tea and coffee.

In addition, tap water is often hard, which degrades the quality of things after washing. It makes the material rough and unpleasant to the touch, leaves stains and stains on clothes. To eliminate such harm, you need to clean and soften the water.

Boiling to purify and soften water

The benefit of boiling is that it kills dangerous bacteria and makes the water softer. This is the easiest and most affordable way to cleanse at home. If you boil water for 15 minutes along with steam, harmful chemical compounds will leave. But along with these elements, the concentration of calcium and other beneficial minerals decreases. At the same time, chlorine and non-volatile substances remain in the composition. In boiled water, they turn into more dangerous carcinogens.

The longer and more you boil water, the more nutrients will go away, the more useless it will become. In addition, after boiling, salt deposits and stains remain on the walls of the dishes, and scale forms. At the same time, the level of dangerous pollutants in the water is low enough that it will not cause serious harm to health.

If you use an electric kettle, it turns off quickly and the boiling time is short. Therefore, repeated and even repeated boiling will not become a harmful effect. However, many experts still do not recommend repeating this procedure and consider it overkill. Let's see why you can't boil water twice.

Is it possible to boil water twice

Boiling water again is not recommended. With repeated and subsequent boiling, harmful elements turn into carcinogens that are dangerous to humans. This can lead to oncological and neurological diseases, problems in the functioning of the heart, loss of vascular elasticity, impaired development and growth of children.

Note that the danger lies not in the number of boils, but in the duration of the procedure. The longer the water boils, the more active the production of negative and harmful substances.

With prolonged and repeated boiling, the hydrogen isotope precipitates and deuterium is formed. It disrupts the material metabolism in the body and impairs the absorption of vitamins. This is a scientific fact that explains why you can't boil water twice.

In addition, boiled water acquires an unpleasant taste. And with each new boil, it gets worse. The reason for this process is that harmful impurities in the composition of water at a temperature of 100 degrees react and become active, as a result they give an unpleasant aftertaste.

Six Reasons Why You Shouldn't Reboil Water

  1. After you have boiled water in a kettle, especially repeatedly, it first loses its taste and then acquires an unpleasant aftertaste;
  2. When heated to 100 degrees, chlorine interacts with organic substances, which forms carcinogens that are harmful to the body and human health. Each subsequent boiling increases the concentration of the latter;
  3. The more often heat treatment occurs, the more useful substances and properties the water loses. As a result, it becomes useless and “dead”;
  4. When reheated, oxygen leaves, water evaporates, and the content of salts and impurities increases. Such water is no longer suitable for making broths and soups, tea and coffee, cooking pasta;
  5. If after the first boil the water becomes softer, then after the second and subsequent it becomes heavier. This will lead to increased scale formation in the kettle or pan, deterioration in the quality of linen after washing, the taste of cooked food and drinks;
  6. When water is boiled again in a kettle or other utensils, an isotope of hydrogen is precipitated, which is called toxic deuterium. Gradually, it accumulates, which is dangerous for human health.

How to purify tap water

To get high-quality, healthy and tasty water, it is enough to defend the contents before use. Half an hour is enough for harmful chlorine to disappear. Before boiling, it is better to stand for several hours so that harmful gases and compounds evaporate. If you are pouring the contents into a thermos, leave it open for a few minutes and only then close the lid.

It is healthier and safer to use new fresh water for each boil. Do not boil the liquid again and do not add fresh water to the water left after the previous boil. To make tea or coffee, boiled water can be slightly heated without bringing the liquid back to a boil. Do not do this in the microwave, as it kills all the beneficial elements.

To clean the water as much as possible, use special filters or products. For more information on how and how to purify tap water for drinking, see the link https://vsepodomu.ru/uborka/kak-ochistit-vodu-iz-pod-krana/#i-2.


What does repeated boiling with water do?

Doctors advise using only water that has been boiled once to make tea and coffee. That is, each time the kettle must be completely renewed, pouring out the remnants of the old liquid before adding a new one.

What is the prejudice about re-boiling? Why can't you boil water twice? We will have to touch not only the physical, but also the chemical properties of the precious moisture.

What happens to water when heated?

Without water, the human body cannot exist. Eighty percent of our body consists of liquid. Fresh water is necessary for normal metabolism, removal of toxins from the body.

But there are certain problems with water in the modern world. Not every resident of a metropolis can get the required amount of liquid from a well or from a natural source. In addition, we must not forget about the natural pollution of the modern world. Life-giving moisture enters our homes through miles of pipes. Naturally, disinfectants are added to it. For example, chlorine. If we talk about cleaning systems, then their quality leaves much to be desired. In some cities, they have not changed for decades.

Boiling was invented to use this water for cooking and drinking. There is only one reason - to destroy, if possible, all the bacteria and microbes that are in raw water. There is an anecdote on this topic:

The girl asks her mother:

Why are you boiling water? To kill all microbes.

Is it that I will drink tea with the corpses of microbes?

Indeed, most bacteria and microbes die under the influence of high temperatures. But what else happens to the composition of h3O when the temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius?

1) Boiling evaporates oxygen and water molecules.

2) Any water contains certain impurities. At high temperatures, they do not go anywhere. Is it possible to drink sea water if it is boiled? At 100°C, oxygen and water atoms will be removed, but all salts will remain. But the most interesting thing is that their concentration will increase, as the water itself has become less. Therefore, sea water after boiling is unsuitable for drinking.

3) Hydrogen isotopes are present in water molecules. These are heavy chemical elements that are resistant to temperatures up to 100°C. They settle to the bottom, "weighting" the liquid.

Is re-boiling dangerous?

Why do it? The bacteria died during the first boil. There is no need for re-heat treatment. Too lazy to change the contents of the teapot? Well, let's figure it out, is it possible to boil again?

1. Boiled water is completely tasteless. If it is boiled several times, it becomes very, very tasteless. Some may argue that raw water also has no taste. Not at all. Do a little experiment.

At regular intervals, drink tap water, filtered water, boiled once and boiled many times. All of these liquids will taste DIFFERENT. When you drink the last version (boiled many times), there will even be an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth, some kind of metallic taste.

2. Boiling "kills" water. The more often the heat treatment occurs, the more useless the liquid is in the long run. Oxygen evaporates, in fact, the usual formula of H2O is violated from the point of view of chemistry. For this reason, the name of such a drink arose - "dead water".

3. As mentioned above, after boiling, all impurities and salts remain. What happens with each reheat? Oxygen leaves, water too. Consequently, the concentration of salts increases. Of course, the body does not immediately feel it.

The toxicity of such a drink is negligible. But in "heavy" water, all reactions occur more slowly. Deuterium (a substance that is released from hydrogen during boiling) tends to accumulate. And this is already harmful.

4. We usually boil chlorinated water. In the process of heating to 100 ° C, chlorine reacts with organic substances. As a result, carcinogens are formed. Frequent boiling increases their concentration. And these substances are extremely undesirable for humans, as they provoke cancer.

Boiled water is no longer useful. Re-processing makes it harmful. Therefore, follow these simple rules:

  • for boiling each time pour fresh water;
  • do not boil the liquid again and do not add fresh water to its remains;
  • before boiling the water, let it stand for several hours;
  • after pouring boiling water into a thermos (for preparing a medicinal collection, for example), close it with a cork after a few minutes, not immediately.

Drink for health!


Why You Can't Boil Water Twice: A Scientific Fact

Any zealous housewife knows that water intended for drinking can be boiled no more than once. However, only specialists in the field of molecular physics and chemistry can explain the physicochemical mechanism of this prohibition. Despite the preservation of the organoleptic characteristics of the liquid during boiling, its structure and composition of substances change. Why you can not boil water twice, the scientific fact is confirmed by experiments. This phenomenon is caused by several reasons.

Physical and chemical characteristics of water

The structure of the water molecule is known from the school chemistry course. It consists of two hydrogen atoms connected to one oxygen atom. The chemical formula of water is H2O. The liquid is colorless, transparent, tasteless and odorless. Tap water and natural water (river, lake, spring) contain many dissolved mineral chemical impurities, most of which are harmful to the human body. In addition, natural water contains complex macromolecular organic compounds, microflora and microfauna.

Why you can't boil water twice is a scientific fact

The main purpose of boiling water is to destroy harmful and pathogenic microorganisms that die when the temperature of the liquid rises.

Without denying the correctness of all the scientific facts presented, a completely legitimate question arises - why can't you drink distilled water? There are no prohibitions here, but it has been noticed that the distillate, which has neither taste nor smell, also negatively affects human health. Moreover, there is no consensus among scientists about the causes of this phenomenon. According to some scientists, in distilled water, which has passed the stage of steam and then re-condensed, the direction of the charge changes and the magnitude of the dipole moment changes. To restore the original properties, some healers recommend freezing distilled water, which has a high degree of purification and, from the point of view of chemistry, is absolutely harmless to humans. For drinking and cooking, it is recommended to use melted liquid.

At one time, the television charlatan Alan Vladimirovich Chumak restored the quality of water, who cleaned and charged the water in front of the viewers without leaving the Ostankino studio. According to him, neither single nor double boiling was required after that. So why you can not boil water twice - the scientific fact explains quite clearly.

What happens to all these substances during boiling water? Definitely, bacteria and viruses die at the first boil, so this is simply necessary to disinfect water. Especially if the water is taken from a dubious source - a river or a well.

Heavy metal salts, unfortunately, do not disappear from water, and when boiled, their concentration can only increase due to the fact that a certain volume of water evaporates. The greater the number of boilings, the higher the concentration of harmful salts. But, according to scientists, their number is still not enough to cause significant harm to the body at a time.

As for chlorine, during boiling it forms a lot of organochlorine compounds. And the longer the boiling process lasts, the more such compounds appear. These include carcinogens and dioxins that can have a negative effect on the cells of the human body. Scientists in the course of laboratory studies have found that such compounds appear even if the water was purified with inert gases before boiling. Of course, the harmful effect of such water will not be noticeable immediately, aggressive substances can accumulate in the body for quite a long time, and then lead to the development of serious diseases. To harm the body, you need to drink such water every day for several years.

According to the British Julie Harrison, who has extensive experience in researching the impact of lifestyle and nutrition on the occurrence of cancerous tumors, every time water is boiled, the content of nitrates, arsenic and sodium fluoride becomes higher. Nitrates are converted to carcinogenic nitrosamines, which in some cases cause leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other types of cancer. Arsenic can also cause cancer, heart disease, infertility, neurological problems and, of course, poisoning. Sodium fluoride adversely affects the cardiovascular system, and in large doses can lead to sudden changes in blood pressure and dental fluorosis. Substances that are harmless in small quantities, such as calcium salts, become dangerous when water is repeatedly boiled: they affect the kidneys, contribute to the formation of stones in them, and also provoke arthrosis and arthritis. Especially not recommended repeatedly boiled water for children, because the high content of sodium fluoride in it can seriously harm their mental and neurological development.

Another fact in favor of the inadmissibility of repeated boiling is the formation of deuterium in water - heavy hydrogen, the density of which also increases. Ordinary water turns into "dead" water, the constant use of which threatens with a fatal outcome.

However, scientists are of the opinion that the concentration of deuterium in water, even after several heat treatments, is negligible. According to the research of academician I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov, to obtain one liter of water with a lethal concentration of deuterium, you will have to boil more than two tons of liquid from the tap.

By the way, water boiled several times does not change its taste for the better, so tea or coffee made from it will not be what it should be!

The water that we use must be of high quality, since our health and well-being directly depend on it. But, since we have something remotely resembling real water in the tap, many people decide to boil it twice to improve the quality. And is it really so?

Does prolonged boiling really improve the quality of tap water? Or is it still impossible to boil the kettle twice?

What happens to water during boiling?

Tap water, which we often use in everyday life, contains a lot of harmful substances. Here you can find not only chlorine, which is used for disinfection, but also various heavy compounds. It is strictly not recommended to drink such water without preliminary treatment (boiling).

As water begins to boil, organochlorine compounds are formed in it. Moreover, the longer the water boils, the more such compounds are formed. Organochlorine compounds (dioxins and carcinogens) have a depressing effect on our body. And it's not that the result can be felt immediately after drinking water of this quality. All this will accumulate in the body for quite a long time, until it results in consequences in the form of chronic diseases.

Surely you have noticed that boiled water tastes different. This is also the merit of dioxins, the more of them, the harder the water turns out. But at the same time, chlorine itself has a much more unpleasant effect on the body. That is why it is simply not worth drinking unboiled water. Pediatricians even recommend boiling it for bathing babies. Chlorine can cause skin flaking, itching and other unpleasant effects, especially in young children.

What happens if you boil water for a long time?

Here the result is natural, during the boiling process dioxins are formed, and the longer you boil, the more these compounds will be formed. True, in order to bring their content to a critical level (in order to feel an instant effect on your body), the liquid will have to be boiled not two, but even twenty times.

At the same time, do not forget that the taste of water changes, respectively, the water boiled again is already far from ideal. This will change the taste of the tea or coffee you are about to brew. Often employees of various companies and offices sin like this, they are just too lazy to go for water again.

Is it dangerous to boil water several times?

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question unambiguously. The concentration of organochlorine compounds increases with each boil, but their content will not be so significant as to cause poisoning or death. Perhaps the main disadvantage of repeated boiling can be called a change in the taste of water. This greatly spoils tea or coffee, and does not allow you to enjoy the fullness of the taste of these drinks.

At the same time, the content of microbes in boiled water (at least several times turn on the kettle) decreases after the first boil. Everything that could not survive at a temperature of 100 degrees died, and what was able to survive will not kill the second and third boiling. The boiling point is constant and equal to 100 degrees, from the fact that you boil water again, the boiling point will not become higher.

Boiling also rids the water of the so-called hardness salts, since they have a lower boiling point. They settle on the kettle in the form of scale, as you can see for yourself.

In any case, boil or not boil water several times, it's up to you. However, many experts believe that it is impossible to boil water twice, since the process of accumulation of organochlorine compounds in the body still occurs (despite a slight concentration), and no one knows what this can lead to in the future. So is it worth the risk, and then look for the cause of your ailments?

Mom, why are you boiling water?
- To kill microbes.
- Do you want me to drink tea with dead microbes?)))

Let's say right away that repeated boiling of water in itself does not bring much harm, but there will be no benefit either.
So why not boil water again or add raw boiled water and boil together? Consider the main opinions.

1. Heavy water.
In the process of prolonged boiling, large masses of water evaporate from the water and in this way the proportion of "heavy" water D2O increases. Heavy water settles at the bottom of the kettle. Therefore, if you do not pour out the remains of boiled water, but add fresh water to it, then when boiling again, the percentage of heavy water in this vessel will increase even more. With repeated additions of new quantities of fresh water to the remains of old boiled water, a rather large concentration of heavy water can be obtained. And this is dangerous for human health. If you boil the same water for a long time, then it becomes "heavy" - like treated water from nuclear reactors.

Heavy water is water with deuterium (deuterium oxide). Deuterium- heavy hydrogen, denoted by the symbols D and 2H. Deuterium is found in small doses in ordinary water (1:5500). The increase in the concentration of heavy water, even with prolonged boiling, is so negligible that it lies beyond the sensitivity of the organism and can only be detected by precise equipment. An increase in concentration does not mean an increase in the amount of heavy water itself.

Heavy water(also deuterium oxide) - this term is usually used to refer to heavy hydrogen water. Heavy hydrogen water has the same chemical formula as ordinary water, but instead of atoms of the usual light hydrogen isotope (protium), it contains two atoms of the heavy hydrogen isotope, deuterium. The formula for heavy hydrogen water is usually written as or 2H2O. Outwardly, heavy water looks like ordinary water - a colorless liquid without taste and smell.
However, heavy water is not as poisonous as many think. A person can drink a glass of pure 100% heavy water without any visible harm to health, all deuterium will be removed from the body in a few days.

Experiments on mammals have shown that tangible consequences for the body occur at very high concentrations of deuterium in tissues (25%-50%). A person weighing 70 kg should drink 3 liters of 100% heavy water daily for a week so that its concentration in tissues is 25%.

The final answer will be given to us by the school problem book in chemistry for the 11th grade. In one of the tasks, a quote is given from Pokhlebkin's book "Tea", where the author writes about "heavy water", the inadmissibility of making tea from it and the need to pour new water into the kettle every time. Further, the authors of the problem book ask: how many times do you need to add water and boil it in a 1.5-liter kettle so that the concentration of heavy water increases 10 times? There are all sorts of moths, shares, X's and, finally, the answer. "In order to increase the content of heavy water by 10 times, it is necessary to evaporate half of the water 157 times in a row, that is, to reduce its initial amount by some unimaginable number with powers of times, which seems meaningless." So drink calmly tea from boiled water several times!

2. Decrease in oxygen in water.

The statement that it is impossible to boil water twice, because it “becomes less oxygen” is not true. There is as little oxygen in freshly boiled water as in twice boiled water - and several times less than in water, say, 90 degrees A supersaturated solution of oxygen in water does not exist under normal conditions, therefore neither the number of boilings nor the rate of heating of water are important.

3. Increase in salt concentration.

It is believed that repeated boiling in water increases the concentration of either just salts, or heavy metal salts, and all this is very harmful, of course. With each boiling, the water evaporates and the concentration of dissolved salts in the residue increases. At the same time, everything depends on the purity of the source water, if the water is clean, you boil it for as long as you like, nothing will happen.
This is wrong. All salts of reversible hardness decompose during the first boiling. When water is heated, hardness salts rapidly decompose with the release of carbon dioxide - this explains the "whitening" of water and the release of a large number of small bubbles before boiling. Accordingly, boiled water, as a rule (with the initial presence of significant reversible hardness, is softer than unboiled water, but it does not matter how many times the water was boiled.

3. Water becomes "dead".

Filtered water is "alive", i.e. saves because "information structure" of flowing water. Boiled, respectively, is inanimate. (Not to be confused with "dead" acidic and "live" alkaline water after hydrolysis!) This is well felt by animals that are more willing to drink running water from a tap (even with chlorine!) or a filter (as well as from puddles and open reservoirs), than boiled from a kettle. This is not officially recognized by science. So to believe or not to believe is your choice.

* * *
So, of course, water can be boiled repeatedly, but from the point of view of benefits, it is most useful to drink filtered water, but not boiled. For tea and coffee, it is enough to heat the water to 80 degrees. And if you boil water, then not immediately from the tap! The water must settle so that the chlorine evaporates, as already mentioned here

Any zealous housewife knows that water intended for drinking can be boiled no more than once. However, the physical and chemical mechanism of this prohibition can be explained only in the field of molecular physics and chemistry. Despite the preservation of the organoleptic characteristics of the liquid during boiling, its structure and composition of substances change. Why you can not boil water twice, the scientific fact is confirmed by experiments. This phenomenon is caused by several reasons.

Physical and chemical characteristics of water

The structure of the water molecule is known from the school chemistry course. It consists of two hydrogen atoms connected to one oxygen atom. The chemical formula of water is H2O. The liquid is colorless, transparent, tasteless and odorless. Tap water and natural water (river, lake, spring) contain many dissolved mineral chemical impurities, most of which are harmful to the human body. In addition, natural water contains complex macromolecular organic compounds, microflora and microfauna.

Why you can't boil water twice is a scientific fact

The main purpose of boiling water is to destroy harmful and pathogenic microorganisms that die when the temperature of the liquid rises.

Without denying the correctness of all the scientific facts presented, a completely legitimate question arises - Why can't you drink distilled water? ? There are no prohibitions here, but it has been noticed that the distillate, which has neither taste nor smell, also negatively affects human health. Moreover, there is no consensus among scientists about the causes of this phenomenon. According to some scientists, in distilled water, which has passed the stage of steam and then re-condensed, the direction of the charge changes and the magnitude of the dipole moment changes. To restore the original properties, some healers recommend freezing distilled water, which has a high degree of purification and, from the point of view of chemistry, is absolutely harmless to humans. For drinking and cooking, it is recommended to use melted liquid.

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