A 53-year-old woman what cholesterol should be. What is the normal level of cholesterol in the blood in women? What level of cholesterol is considered normal in the blood of a man and how to change it

Cholesterol plays an important role in the body. At the same time, its increase can adversely affect health. How much cholesterol should be, the norm in women by age - is detected using a biochemical analysis. An increased content of a substance in the blood can lead to stroke, atherosclerosis and other serious diseases.

How are triglycerides and cholesterol related?

With age, the risk of high blood cholesterol increases. This fat-containing substance is mainly produced by the liver, the rest of the amount enters the body with food. With an increase in cholesterol levels, it begins to be deposited in the vascular walls. As a result, the normal blood supply is disrupted. This can lead to serious consequences - heart attack, stroke, etc.

Triglycerides are substances that are made up of fatty acids and alcohol that provide energy to cells and attach cholesterol to proteins. If there is a deviation of triglycerides from the norm, then there is a high risk of developing atherosclerosis. If at the same time a high level of cholesterol is fixed in the body, the development of the disease is greatly accelerated.

Table of the normal amount of cholesterol in women

There are certain norms within which all substances in the body must be. Cholesterol is paired with proteins. In another way, the substance is called cholesterol. It is divided into two types according to density. Low is considered "bad" (LDL cholesterol). It forms plaques on the walls of blood vessels. High density is considered "good". It protects the arteries.

For a person, a substance with a low density is dangerous, since it consists of larger molecules that easily clog blood vessels. The greatest harm to the body is low cholesterol, the norm for women varies somewhat by age and the value can be less than 5 mmol / l. The substance for analysis is taken on an empty stomach. Total cholesterol is divided into three categories of content (in mmol / l):

  • optimal (less than 5.2);
  • maximum (from 5.21 to 6.2);
  • increased (more than 6.2).

The norm of cholesterol also depends on the age of the woman. More accurate values ​​\u200b\u200bare contained in the table that is in this article. The general norm of cholesterol for women is: "good" - from 0.87 to 2.28, "bad" - from 1.93 to 4.52. A substance with a good density is produced by the body itself, and with a low density it comes with food.

Cholesterol has a separate normal value in pregnant women. In a healthy and young body, most often the level does not exceed the usual value. In the second and third trimester, cholesterol can increase by 1.5 - 2 times. The exact value depends on the age of the woman. With high cholesterol, you need to follow a diet. In this case, the value will quickly return to normal.

Nutrition and Diet to Prevent High Cholesterol

Despite the fact that most of the cholesterol is produced by the liver, a lot of the harmful substance comes in addition to food. Therefore, it must be controlled with proper nutrition. Its main principles:

  • refusal of fatty foods;
  • increase in products having soluble vegetable fibers;
  • giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • minimal consumption of salty, smoked and spicy foods.

Products with plant fibers, which should be preferred, remove excess cholesterol from the body and prevent it from being absorbed during digestion. Nutrition and diet should include:

  • berries;
  • fruits, vegetables and grains should make up 60 percent of the diet;
  • nuts;
  • oils;
  • fish.

Garlic must be included in the diet. This product can be added to almost all dishes. It not only prevents the oxidation of cholesterol, but also prevents clogging of blood vessels with plaques. Garlic is a good prevention of strokes. Dairy products should only be consumed in moderation.

How to avoid high cholesterol after 40?

Even "bad cholesterol" will rise slightly, this requires medical treatment. Older women, after 40 years of age, are at the greatest risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. At this age, it is already necessary to take vitamin complexes.

A properly formulated diet can reduce the amount of ldl cholesterol, with low density, by a quarter, but it is impossible to increase the amount of a useful substance with a diet. This requires physical activity. However, they should be moderate and periodic.

Training also prevents the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol. Sports are also recommended for women who have a sedentary job, who have had a stroke or heart attack. Loads after diseases should be determined only by the attending physician.

No less important is a diet that lowers cholesterol, the norm for women varies somewhat by age (values ​​​​can be from 5.2 to 6.2). Preference should be given to plant foods, salt intake should be reduced to a minimum. Hunger should not be allowed, at its first symptoms it is desirable to eliminate this feeling with fruits or light snacks (a glass of kefir, juice).

Approximate menu for a day at 56 years old:

  1. For breakfast - cottage cheese or oatmeal or buckwheat with milk, scrambled eggs, etc. You can supplement this with fruits, fruit drinks or tea.
  2. For lunch - vegetable soup, baked fish or meat with a side dish of greens or legumes.
  3. For an afternoon snack, you can eat cheesecakes, yogurts, fruits, drink kefir.
  4. For dinner - vegetable stew or salad. You can make meatballs, meatballs, chicken or steamed fish for them.

Cholesterol levels are strongly affected by the onset of menopause. During this period, the synthesis of estrogen decreases, which contributes to the production of "good cholesterol". Often, women during menopause begin to eat fatty and high-calorie foods, although they are not required to satisfy hunger. The right diet should include flax, sesame and sunflower seeds.

Medical treatment for high cholesterol

Persistently high cholesterol is treated with medication. Medicines are designed to destroy lipids and form new ones. This group of medicines includes. They help lower cholesterol and keep it normal. To reduce its absorption into the intestine, absorption inhibitors are prescribed.

They are effective if foods are the cause of high cholesterol. Fibrates are also included in the treatment. They help to increase the level of "good" cholesterol and at the same time reduce the amount of triglycerides (fat-like substances).

Treatment after 65 years with high blood cholesterol

For serious health problems, drugs are prescribed to help lower blood cholesterol levels. However, it is enough for a woman to change her diet and follow a diet. At the same time, moderate physical activity is necessary.

Wheat sprouts can be added to food, and salads can be seasoned with olive oil. Avocado and grape seed oil are also suitable for normalizing cholesterol. Citrus fruits that contain pectin are very useful. All purple and red vegetables contribute to the production of "good" cholesterol.

Treatment after 65 is primarily based on a strict diet. Greens (dill, spinach, green onions, etc.) should be present in the diet every day. Legumes well remove harmful cholesterol from the body, and in terms of protein content, such products completely replace meat.

Women need to include in their diet soy foods that contain phytoestrogens. Meat and fish should be steamed, boiled or baked in the oven. It is desirable to exclude the method of frying the product altogether. You also need to give up processed meat (sausages, sausages, smoked cuts, etc.) and strictly limit yourself to sweets. Fat and pork are strictly prohibited.

Even girls can have high cholesterol, the norm for women by age fits into the general framework, although it may vary somewhat. Most often, an increase in the level of a substance is observed after the 40-year milestone. Cholesterol levels are strongly influenced by diet, lifestyle and bad habits. To normalize the substance, it is enough to follow a diet, give up alcohol and cigarettes and play sports. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about the treatment of folk remedies.

According to the results of a blood test, you can find out the general condition of a person. One of its most important indicators is cholesterol. It is a natural fatty alcohol. An increase in this indicator is considered a pathology, this condition requires appropriate treatment. Consider what cholesterol should be, its norm in women by age.

What rises from

Cholesterol is an indicator that takes an active part in fat metabolism. Its increase can lead to serious violations of the functioning of the cardiovascular system. A specialized biochemical analysis helps to obtain information about the most important indicators that are involved in fat metabolism. These include:

  • total cholesterol;
  • HDL - high density lipoproteins;
  • LDL - low density lipoproteins.

The level of total cholesterol is determined by the sum of HDL and LDL.

Reasons why total cholesterol rises in women:

  • lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • long-term use of medications that provoke an increase or decrease in the indicator;
  • addictions such as excessive drinking or smoking;
  • junk food: dairy products with a high percentage of fat, fatty meat, butter, etc.;
  • advanced age, menopause.

The risk group also includes women who have been diagnosed with certain cardiovascular diseases.

It is important to know! At the age of 60 years and older, elevated cholesterol in a woman is normal! However, it must be controlled.

The norm of cholesterol in the blood in women

What cholesterol should be can be seen from the data from the table.

As for the indicator when carrying a child, the norm for pregnant women looks like this:

The level must be constantly monitored by passing the appropriate analysis.

It is important to know! Critically high cholesterol in pregnant women is especially dangerous! It can cause the development of dangerous diseases, both in the expectant mother and in the baby.

Symptoms of deviations from the norm

If cholesterol is elevated, what does it mean? An increase in bad cholesterol has no pronounced symptoms. Usually it manifests itself in the form of signs of concomitant diseases. An elevated level can only be detected by passing an appropriate study.

What does the increase mean? Prolonged stay in this state causes a lack of oxygen in the internal organs. An increase in this value can be suspected if the following symptoms appear:

  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pain in the lower extremities when performing physical exertion or when walking;
  • visually visible deposits of cholesterol, which are called xanthoma.

Xanthomas are small white dots that are usually localized in the upper part of the eyelid.

High cholesterol also causes circulatory problems. A woman feels a general weakness of the body, quickly overworks, especially in the morning. Less dangerous signs of an overestimated rate include:

  • violation of the functioning of the visual apparatus;
  • deterioration in the ability to remember;
  • itching and burning in the lower extremities.

These ailments for the most part indicate that the woman's cholesterol is elevated.

If this indicator is underestimated, then this is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • loss of appetite or its complete loss;
  • fatty feces - steatorrhea;
  • weakening of muscle tissue;
  • loss of sensation;
  • inhibition of reflex functions;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • a state of depression or aggression;
  • decreased sexual activity, sexual desire.

Low cholesterol can lead to such dangerous consequences:

  1. Loss of elasticity of blood vessels. This can lead to cerebrovascular accident. In this case, the vessels burst, which can cause a hemorrhagic stroke.
  2. The production of serotonin decreases, which leads to unreasonable aggression or a depressive state.
  3. Increased intestinal permeability. As a result, toxic and other harmful substances are not excreted from the body, but enter the bloodstream.
  4. The appearance of excess weight, which leads to obesity.
  5. Lack of cholesterol prevents the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which also causes serious health problems.

Important to remember! Regardless of the decrease or increase in this indicator, any deviation from the norm is considered a pathological condition!

Deciphering the result of a blood test

A blood test for cholesterol is a fairly common procedure. It can be taken at any medical laboratory. In order to get the most reliable result, you must first prepare.

It is important to remember that blood is taken on an empty stomach. At the same time, 2-3 days before the study, it is required to exclude alcohol, cigarettes, fatty foods, as well as medications.

For research, blood is taken from a vein. The duration of the fence takes a couple of minutes. The result should be expected in about 2-3 days. It all depends on the workload of the laboratory. The norm of cholesterol concentration in the blood is 3.1-5 mmol / l, the content of triglycerides is 0.14-1.82 mmol / l. The level of HDL and LDL is on average 1 mmol / l.

What to do with high cholesterol

How to reduce this figure? First of all, you need to review your diet. The foods you eat should be healthy and rich in vitamins. The diet consists in saturating the daily diet with such products:

  • fresh vegetables cooked in the form of salads, it is also useful to add a little olive oil to them;
  • dairy and sour-milk products with a low percentage of fat content;
  • rabbit meat, turkey, chicken and other low-fat varieties;
  • grain bread with bran;
  • any cereals;
  • protein-based omelettes;
  • juices with a minimum sugar content;
  • fruits.

At the same time, dishes should be prepared by the method of cooking, baking in the oven, steaming. It is better to refuse fatty, fried, spicy, salty and spicy dishes.

It is imperative to get rid of bad habits, such as smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

With a strong increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, the attending physician may prescribe medication. For this, a woman needs to take statins. Their advantage is that such drugs do not have side effects and contraindications. The most common drugs in this group are: Rosuvastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin.

Many women are interested in the question: is it necessary to lower cholesterol? Normalization of the state helps to cope with such problems:

  • a decrease in the number of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, due to which the lumen of the arteries expands;
  • stopping the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • minimizing the risk of heart attack or stroke;
  • prevention of rupture of cholesterol plaques;
  • reduced risk of peripheral arterial disease;
  • normalization of blood circulation in the lower extremities.

You can also lower cholesterol levels with the help of alternative medicines that are prepared at home. The most effective recipes are:

  1. Dill seeds, honey, valerian root. Grind valerian root. This ingredient will need 1 tsp. Add the same amount of dill seeds, pour 1 glass of water. Put on a small fire to cook for 10 minutes. After cooking, strain the broth, add 1 tsp. honey. This tool will help not only cleanse the blood vessels, but also strengthen the immune system.
  2. Garlic oil. To prepare it, you will need to pass 10 cloves of garlic through a press, add 0.5 liters of olive oil. Leave to infuse for 1 week in the refrigerator. It is useful to season vegetable salads with cooked oil.

During the period of treatment, women should not forget to keep themselves in good physical shape. Regular exercise will help prevent excess weight gain. In addition, the activity of muscle tissue helps to eliminate cholesterol blockade.

In order to maintain a normal cholesterol level, women must adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid stress and emotional overstrain;
  • give up bad habits forever;
  • spend enough time walking in the fresh air;
  • control blood pressure levels.

A decrease or increase in blood cholesterol in a woman negatively affects her health. Therefore, it is required to regularly take a blood test, which will help to detect deviations in a timely manner.

Our health largely depends on the chemical composition of the blood. Its change provokes various relapses requiring hospitalization. With each passing year, cholesterol, a natural fatty alcohol, behaves more and more capriciously.

Lipid levels change for many reasons. For women, for example, the norm will depend on age, female and endocrine diseases, pregnancy, heredity, immunity.

The organic fat-like compound plays a vital function in the body, promoting the renewal of the epithelium of the skin and organs.

  1. It, like cement, supports the cell frame;
  2. Embedding in the membrane, increases the density and makes it rigid;
  3. On the basis of cholesterol, progesterone, androgens, estrogen, testosterone and other hormones are synthesized;
  4. The baby receives cholesterol from breast milk for its development;
  5. Cholesterol is an important component of bile, which helps to absorb fats, and, therefore, cholesterol;
  6. The food compound helps maintain normal intestinal mucosa;
  7. Vitamin D, used for growth, immune support, insulin synthesis, steroid hormones, is produced from cholesterol with the help of sunlight.

In the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, intestines, 80% of cholesterol is formed. Another 20% the body receives from food. The substance does not dissolve in water, therefore, with the blood it is delivered along with proteins that form a soluble form. This substance is called lipoproteins.

There are several classes of lipoproteins: low density, very low, high, triglycerides, chylomicrons.

Each variety performs its own function. LDL is insoluble, therefore, it often precipitates and forms seals in the vessels, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis. In everyday life, they are called "bad" cholesterol. HDL transport cholesterol to the liver, from where the excess is excreted from the body.

This class of lipoproteins does not have an atherogenic effect, so they are called "good" cholesterol. Labeling does not mean that the first type only brings harm to the body, while the other works with benefit.

The low density of lipoproteins is dangerous because they do not always reach their goal (transportation of cholesterol into the cell) and settle in the vascular bed in the form of dense plaques. High density is a guarantee not only of proper transportation, but also the possibility of removing part of the accumulated cholesterol plaques.

If LDL can be seen as a provider, then HDL play the role of regulators, controlling excess cholesterol. If a disorder occurs, and the first type of lipoprotein dominates, suppressing the activity of the second, biochemical analysis shows elevated cholesterol.

Not only the doctor should know these features - it is the patients who have to take emergency measures.

Cholesterol: the norm in women by age

Scientists at Boston University studied how cholesterol affects mental performance. Of the 1894 volunteers who took part in the experiment, the majority were women.

The results of the trials showed that participants who had relatively high cholesterol were 49% more efficient at intellectual workloads compared to those who had low levels.

As a result, many have the impression that high cholesterol is good. And how are things in reality?

There is no life without cholesterol, but when its concentration crosses a certain barrier, it exfoliates the walls and clogs the blood vessels. When a blood clot occurs there, it threatens with a stroke, myocardial infarction or gangrene of the limb.

Whether cholesterol will carry fat into or out of a vessel depends on the indicators that the doctor studies in the general cholesterol formula. The norm of total cholesterol is 5.5 mmol / l. For triglycerides (TG) in women, the indicator will be 1.5 mmol / l, in men - up to 2 mmol / l. The fats accumulated by the body (most often at the waist) serve as a source of energy for muscle cells.

If they are not burned, obesity develops. Where does this transport molecule, called cholesterol, drag fat? It depends on two parameters: "bad" cholesterol - LDL and "good" - HDL. The ratio of all these components is calculated when identifying the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.

Lipid concentration is an important indicator of health status. This criterion is not static: what in youth could be considered the norm, with age is no longer satisfied. Correct the norm and various diseases (hypertension, diabetes, etc.). Therefore, physicians have developed age norms for LDL and HDL as a guide.

Understanding these processes will help prevent serious illness.

If we analyze the data showing normal cholesterol in women by age in the table (the total indicator is the sum of LDL and HDL values), we can see that the range of cholesterol norm changes with age.

To control the chemical composition, it is necessary to regularly donate blood for biochemical studies. For women over 35 years old, it is necessary to control the indicators once every 2 years.

All those at risk are screened annually. The examination is carried out on an empty stomach (8 hours without food).

In the presence of concomitant diseases of the endocrine system for 2 days before taking blood from a vein, you must follow a diet, avoid stress. Even if all the conditions are met, doctors sometimes suggest repeating the biochemical analysis after 2 months.

Some age features of the allowable range in women after /40 / 50 / 60 / years:

  • Until the age of 30, HDL and LDL values ​​in girls are usually low, since an accelerated metabolism copes well with lipids even with malnutrition. Pathological factors correct the norm: high blood glucose, kidney failure, high blood pressure. Indicative criterion: total cholesterol - 5.75 mmol / l, HDL - 2.15 mmol / l, LDL - 4.26.
  • After 40, total cholesterol is considered normal in the range of 3.9-6.6 mmol / l. For low density lipoproteins - 1.9-4.5 mmol / l, high - 0.89-2.29 mmol / l. This is an approximate guide, in reality, doctors evaluate the state of health and other test results. Smoking, low-fat diets can increase these figures, as metabolic processes will be less active.
  • After 50, a change in the concentration of cholesterol is due to a decrease in the permeability and elasticity of blood vessels, heart and other diseases. In general, 4.3-7.5 mmol / l is allowed. after a decline in reproductive function, the concentration of estrogen decreases, which protects women from changes in lipid levels.
  • After 60 years, not only standard indicators are taken into account, but also the presence of chronic diseases. Increases the concentration of "bad" cholesterol and menopause. At this age, it is important to regularly monitor the level of sugar and pressure. Everything that goes beyond 4.45-7.7 mmol / l is corrected with medications and diet. For HDL and LDL, the norms at this age are 0.98-2.38 mmol / l and 2.6-5.8 mmol / l, respectively.
  • After 70, the concentration of lipids should normally decrease. If your readings are not within the recommended range, this should be a reason to get tested. Age parameters for women of this age category: up to 2.38 mmol / l “good”, up to 5.34 mmol / l “bad” and up to 7.35 mmol / l - total cholesterol.

Cholesterol in the blood, the norm in women by age, it is convenient to compare in the table.

Age, years General cholesterol, mmol/ l LDL, mmol/ l HDL, mmol/ l
20-25 3,16-5,6 1.48-4,12 0,95-2,04
30-35 3,37-5,96 1,81-4,04 0,93-1,99
40-45 3,81-6,53 1,92-4,51 0,88-2,28
50-55 4,2-7,4 2,28-5,21 0,96-2,35
60-65 4,45-7,7 2,6-5,8 0,98-2,38
From70 4,48-7,25 2,28-5,21 0,85-2,38

The tendency to high cholesterol in women can be hereditary. Before menopause, women are not afraid of strokes and heart attacks, since their HDL concentration is higher than that of men.

Since the boundaries of the menopause are individual (as well as the features of its manifestation), it is important during this period to control all vital parameters, including fat metabolism in the blood.

What the cholesterol tests say (the norm in women) can be found in the program “Live Healthy”, where Professor E. Malysheva comments on them.

The chemical composition of blood in expectant mothers has its own characteristics associated with doubled blood supply, weight category, age, and additional load on the body. At 25-30 years old in the first trimester of pregnancy, the range from 3.3 to 5.8 mmol / l is considered normal. In the future, the concentration of triglycerides doubles.

In pregnant women over 40, normal cholesterol is close to 7 mmol / l. With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, a blood test for cholesterol changes the norm, since its indicators will also increase.

These standards can only be taken as indicative, since the concentration of lipids changes under the influence of provoking factors.

Symptoms of deviations from the norm

Signs of vascular disorders appear when stress, high blood pressure, inadequate loads provoke the appearance of blood clots, ruptures, and vasoconstriction. Violation of the blood flow of the brain is manifested by insomnia, headaches, problems with coordination, memory loss. Over time, cells die, causing dementia.

If there are problems with the veins of the legs, signs of the formation of thickenings will be pain and muscle cramps (especially when walking), numbness of the fingers, changes in the temperature of the limbs and the color of the skin.

Over time, the pain intensifies even in a horizontal position, trophic ulcers appear on the skin. If the process is not stopped, limb amputation is possible.

On the face, signs of cholesterol plaques can be seen in front of the eyes in the form of yellowish spots and seals on the eyelids. Elimination of cosmetic defects by surgical methods does not guarantee healing without a comprehensive treatment of the problem.

How to correct high cholesterol

As a rule, examinations of lipid metabolism disorders in women diagnose exactly elevated levels, since a low concentration is a rare occurrence. It is due to several reasons:

Many factors increase the concentration of cholesterol. Since only 20% of cholesterol enters the body with food, the diet does not have a decisive effect on its increase, unless, of course, one goes to extremes. First of all, you need to pay attention to your physical form, normalize weight, control emotions.

If these measures are not enough (genetic predisposition, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases that provoke the formation of cholesterol plaques), you should seek medical help.

The choice of treatment regimen and diet is within the competence of specialists, since the uncontrolled intake of such serious drugs can contribute to the accumulation of side effects. Excessive lowering of cholesterol is no less dangerous than its increase.

Particular care should be taken in patients of mature age: for example, fibrates can provoke gastrointestinal dysfunction.

The recovery process is long, often medicines and diets have to be followed for life. Various methods have been developed to normalize HDL and LDL:

  • Drug treatment - prescribe statins, fibrates, nicotinic acid, probucol;
  • Changing eating habits towards stabilizing fats;
  • The fight against obesity, the normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Application of alternative medicine methods;
  • Active lifestyle.

Cinnamon Fresh

It is useful to use fresh apples, carrots and cucumbers, taken in equal proportions. Drink a glass of juice every day for a week.

Grape, pear, pineapple juices have similar possibilities. Half a kilo of raw vegetables and fruits daily safely cleans blood vessels, normalizes metabolic processes.

Nutritionists add to these recommendations green tea, fish oil, garlic, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric. It worsens the indicators of reducing the frequency of food intake (less than 3 times a day). You should also monitor the timely release of the intestine.

See this video for an expert opinion on how to normalize cholesterol

It has been experimentally established that the norm of cholesterol is a dynamic criterion. It depends on age, hormonal background, pathologies of the endocrine system. The norm of HDL and LDL for 60-year-old women looks like an increased one for 30-year-old girls.

Pregnancy and menopause significantly affect fat metabolism. The longer the sex hormones are active, the better the indicators of the problem compound.

The qualitative composition of the blood depends both on total cholesterol and on the proportions of "bad" and "good". Attention deserves the constancy of the content of HDL. Its value normally does not change over the years. Monitoring your performance (lipidogram) will help prevent vascular pathologies with severe complications.

High cholesterol is a threat not only to health, but sometimes to life. As a rule, people over the age of 50 are at risk - it is from this period that the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels begins to noticeably affect the general condition of the body. In the article, we will pay attention to the norms of cholesterol in the blood in women: we will consider what kind of cholesterol is the norm in women by age, and what its excess can threaten.

A little about the problem of cholesterol in the blood

Cholesterol is a substance necessary for the normal functioning of the body. However, not all of it is "good". There is also the so-called "bad" cholesterol or LDL - low density lipoproteins. Such cholesterol enters the body of a woman exclusively from the outside: with low-quality fatty foods, trans fats, "fast food", as a result of bad habits, for other reasons. It is he who is the cause of serious diseases, sometimes leading to death.

Scientists have long proven that with age in women, the amount of fatty acids in the blood changes: and this is a normal, natural process. Understanding this fact allows you to correctly understand what cholesterol should be, correctly interpret the results of the tests, and take appropriate measures if necessary.

Bad cholesterol, unlike good (high density) cholesterol, can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming fatty plaques, sometimes seriously blocking the lumen in the vessels. Cholesterol plaques lead to stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis. Unlike bad cholesterol, good cholesterol is needed by the body for the normal functioning of many organs: in particular, the liver and brain. But HDL is generated only by the body itself, it cannot come from outside. The norm of cholesterol content takes into account both a bad substance and a good one.

Especially often, high cholesterol becomes a threat to women's health during menopause. Therefore, as the age of 50 approaches, women should pay increased attention to their health, and, of course, have an idea of ​​how much cholesterol blood should contain at different ages. We will talk about this in more detail later.


To obtain information about the level of cholesterol in the blood, it is necessary to take a blood test for a special study - a lipidogram. This analysis shows how much of the following substances are contained in the blood:

  • total cholesterol,
  • LDL
  • HDL.

At the same time, the norm of total cholesterol is the sum of the last two.

If you decide to determine the level of cholesterol by a general blood test, then we hasten to assure you that this is impossible. The fact is that only a lipid profile will show the amount of LDL and HDL, while a complete blood count and cholesterol will only show the total. But knowing the total number can give little - a more detailed decoding is needed, which is contained in the lipid profile.

At the age of 50 years, a blood test for this indicator, if there are no direct indications for this, is recommended every 4-5 years. After 50 years, the need for this study becomes an annual one. By passing the analysis regularly, a woman can protect herself from diseases, sometimes leading to disability.

For those who are seriously overweight, heart and vascular diseases, aggravated heredity and other risk factors, it is recommended to donate blood for this indicator once a year, even at a young age.

Before taking a blood test for cholesterol, it is important to give up food 10-12 hours before, and drink only water. Blood is given in the morning and on an empty stomach. Two days before the analysis, it is highly desirable to refuse to consume fatty foods. In addition, one day before the analysis, it is necessary to abandon exhausting physical exertion, it is desirable to avoid stress.


It should be noted that the rate of cholesterol in the blood in women by age, the value is relative. For a young girl, this figure is quite low, while for older women it increases every decade.

Even pregnant women have their own norms that are different from the norms for women in their normal state. As a rule, blood during pregnancy often has elevated cholesterol levels due to hormonal and general changes in the body. After the birth of a child, the level usually normalizes according to the age of the woman. Sometimes in the first trimester of pregnancy, the cholesterol level "jumps" as much as twice - but in this case, as already mentioned, this is not a reason for panic.

Age and norms

Table by age

The amount of cholesterol in the blood is measured in mmol per liter of blood. Below is a table detailing the norms of blood cholesterol in women, according to their age. It shows in detail how cholesterol and its norm correspond in women by age: the table will help to more easily monitor the level of this indicator in the blood, and take time to take action if necessary.

Age Cholesterol, mmol/l


(LDL norm)


(HDL norm)

20-25 years old 3,2-5,6 1,5-4,1 0,95-2,0
30-35 years old 3,4-6,0 1,8-4,0 0,93-2,0
40 years 3,8-6,5 1,9-4,5 0,88-2,3
50-55 years old 4,0-7,4 2,3-5,2 0,96-2,4
55-60 years old 4,5-7,7 3,3-5,4 0,96-2,4
60-65 years old 4,5-7,8 2,6-5,8 0,98-2,4
65-70 years old 4,4-7,9 2,4-5,7 0,91-2,5
Over 70 years old 4,5-7,3 2,5-5,3 0,85-2,4

Women over 40

Find out what the norm of cholesterol is characteristic of women at this age.

When a woman turns 40, her body begins to slow down the production of the hormone estrogen. And this hormone, among other things, helps to normalize the amount of fatty acids in the blood. As you understand, an increase in cholesterol levels for this reason in women after 40 years is almost inevitable.

The norm of cholesterol for women at this age is 3.8-6.19 mmol / liter of blood. If the norm in the blood is higher than the extreme indicator, then it is necessary to start treatment under the supervision of a doctor. If you ignore this indicator, then you can miss the onset of atherosclerosis - a dangerous vascular disease, sometimes leading to death.

In women after 40 years, it is important to pay attention to the following symptoms, indirectly hinting at the development of atherosclerosis:

varicose veins, leg pain,

yellow spots on the face - xanthoma or xanthelasma, which are deposits of cholesterol under the skin,

angina pectoris (angina pectoris).

The last symptom manifests itself as a feeling of tightness, pressing pain in the chest, especially during and after walking fast.

Women over 50

At this age, the norm for women is considered to be the extreme level of 7.7 mmol / liter. If the number is higher, the level is exceeded.

Permissible norms - from 4 to 7.3 mmol / liter. Concern should be shown if the figure is exceeded by 1-2 mmol. However, it is also important to notice if the analysis showed low blood cholesterol levels for women over 50: below 4 mmol. After all, this is also a very unfavorable indicator. A lower than normal level indicates diseases and conditions such as:



cirrhosis of the liver,


α-lipoprotein deficiency,

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,

Taking certain medications (clomiphene, estrogen, interferon, neomycin, thyroxine, ketoconazole)

Women over 60

Strange as it may seem, but after the age of 60, most women have normal blood cholesterol levels - lower than at 50 years old. This is due to the menopause, which had ended by this time, with its hormonal storms. The norm of cholesterol in women after 60 is up to 7.3 mmol / liter by the age of 70.

Reasons for the increase

Why women can have an increased level of total cholesterol in the blood, we will find out.

Menopause is a common and, perhaps, the main reason for the increase in this indicator in women. Menopause brings with it a lot of worries and anxieties, including problems with cholesterol.

Heredity can sometimes also play a cruel joke, "rewarding" a woman with a congenital increase in blood cholesterol levels: the same problem as her mother.

More reasons:

  • disorders in the work of the kidneys.
  • Liver disease and diabetes.
  • Pregnancy, especially the first trimester.
  • Obesity.
  • Diseases of the pancreas and hypertension.

Women's alcoholism is a dangerous thing from all sides. Alcohol has a negative impact on the level of this indicator. Some drugs can also affect: for example, diuretics. In this case, cholesterol can sometimes not be normal, but after the end of the course it comes into balance.

Improper and unbalanced nutrition is a serious cause of changes in cholesterol levels. An excess of low-quality fat, preservatives, and other substances harmful to the body bring many problems, and high cholesterol is one of them.

It should be noted that with age, all these causes begin to influence the increase in cholesterol faster and stronger. Therefore, women over 50 should have their lipid profile checked at least once a year. Since what is considered the norm at 20 years old, at 50 years old this norm is no longer.


If cholesterol in women is elevated, and treatment is not carried out, then the following alarming symptoms are possible:

Frequent headache, sometimes exhausting,

Loss of balance out of the blue

Problems with memory, remembering even working and everyday moments,


At the stage of detecting these symptoms, it is already necessary to take an analysis, and upon confirmation of the diagnosis, urgently begin treatment. If you “give up” to the warning signs, the problem can lead to atrophy of brain cells, and then to degradation and dementia. It is especially important for these symptoms to observe what is the norm in women after 60 years, and after 70 years.

What to do?

We will find out what measures should be taken if a woman has high cholesterol in her blood.

First of all, it is necessary to strictly refuse harmful fatty foods. Get rid of fast food, do not fry food, avoid eating frankly unhealthy food. This measure, among other things, will help to normalize the weight, which is important for a woman at any age.

Eat plant-based foods rich in fiber and natural fibers. Fish, nuts, garlic, low-fat dairy products should also be tightly included in your diet.

Avoid or minimize alcohol consumption. Smoking is also a bad habit from all sides: it is worth putting an end to it.

In addition to diet, you need to start to lead a more mobile lifestyle: do feasible sports, walk, go to fitness, swim, etc.

To quickly monitor the level of this indicator during treatment, it is recommended to purchase a portable meter designed for home use. This device comes with a set of test strips that allow you to quickly and conveniently measure your blood cholesterol without leaving your home.

And remember that for a woman, total cholesterol within normal limits is the most important indicator for health and beauty. Sometimes it happens that women lose weight to such an extent that a complete rejection of fats in food leads to dry hair, skin, brittle nails - cholesterol is responsible for all these important nuances of female beauty.

Medicines should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Every lady should take care not only of the beauty of her appearance, but also of her health. Low or high lipid content leads to the destruction of blood vessels, arthrosis, accompanied by external unpleasant signs. Having learned what is the norm of cholesterol in the blood of women, you can protect yourself from unwanted diseases. Remember that this substance plays a big role in metabolism, cell building, hormone functionality. What is cholesterol? How devastating can be the consequences of its shortage or excess?

How to Check Your Blood Cholesterol Level

Tiny lipids (cholesterol) disperse lipoproteins through the blood, which are divided by density: low "bad" LDL cholesterol; high "good" HDL. Their accumulation is measured in mmol | mmol / liter of blood. It is advisable to conduct a laboratory study of the level of normal cholesterol in the blood of women every year. People who lead an unhealthy lifestyle and have problems with blood vessels should be checked even more often.

To find out the content of lipoproteins and their decoding, you need to pass a biochemical blood test. The test is scheduled for a specific day/time on an empty stomach. According to the prepared conclusion, the doctor will give you the necessary recommendations. You can do the analysis at home. To do this, pharmacies sell special devices similar to those that check sugar levels. Follow exactly the instructions included with the kit.

Normal indicators in women

The amount of lipoprotein content in women after 50 years and after 60 years and in girls of a younger age differ significantly. The reasons for this difference is a change in lifestyle, the onset of menopause. Lipid concentrations change with age, but there are averages. The norm of cholesterol in the blood in all women:

  • Total cholesterol level - 5.7-7.85 mmol / l;
  • HDL - 1.3-1.89 mmol / l;
  • LDL - 2.6-5.6 mmol / l.

It may turn out that the total amount of the test substance is within the normal range, and LDL is elevated, which means there is a risk of blood clots and the development of pathologies. Then it is better to visit a doctor for a detailed examination and the appointment of adequate treatment. To know the normal level of cholesterol in the blood in women, check the table.

Table of cholesterol in the blood by age

The norm for women: total cholesterol, "good" HDL, harmful LDL:

Total cholesterol mmol/l

HDL mmol/l

LDL mmol/l

15 – 20 years old

21 - 25 years old

26 - 30 years old

31 - 35 years old

After 35 years

46 - 50 years old

50 - 55 years old

56 - 60 years old

60 - 70 years old

No more than 2.4

Not more than 5.7

After 70 years

Causes of deviation from the norm

If your parameters are not in this range, you should have a series of tests ordered by your doctor to check for health problems. There are several reasons why the content of "bad" LDL gets lost, gives serious complications for a person, such as arthrosis, blood clots, etc. Reasons for deviations from the norm:

  • Wrong nutrition. The use of trans fats, foods that contain cholesterol in excess of the norm (pork, fish, shrimp, milk, butter and vegetable oil, yolk, offal).
  • Obesity. This disease is directly related to the occurrence of problems of cardiovascular secretion.
  • Inactivity. Move more. Physical activity burns excess fat, increases the content of "good" HDL, while reducing the "bad" one.
  • Thyroid disease, diabetes, kidney disease,.
  • Bad habits. Smoking lowers HDL and damages the cardiovascular system.
  • Heredity.

Increased rates

Any deviation from the norm adversely affects health. Already running complications may not manifest themselves for a long time. Why is cholesterol elevated in women? In a pregnant woman, the level rises - this is normal. In other cases, it is directly related to nutrition. Since we get 20% of lipids through food. Excessive consumption of fatty meats, fried foods lead to their increase. The very first symptoms to recognize a failure in the body:

  • Pain in the legs when walking and running.
  • Yellow spots on the skin.
  • Pressing pains in the region of the heart.

With such symptoms, in order to avoid advanced complications, take an analysis, follow the prescribed doctor's prescription. To prevent excess cholesterol, lead a healthy lifestyle: follow a cholesterol diet, exercise, stop smoking. If you follow all the recommendations, after a few months the condition will improve, and the concentration of high and low density lipoproteins will normalize.

Low performance

What causes low blood cholesterol in women:

  • nutritional deficiencies (malnutrition, anorexia);
  • liver disease, thyroid gland;
  • constant stress;
  • anemia.

Together with these problems, low lipid content causes mental disorders, increases the risk of cancer, stroke, drug addiction, and develops senile insanity. Their decline can be recognized only by biochemical analysis with further decoding. If you notice a deterioration in your physical condition, emotional background, consult a doctor immediately.

Video: how to lower cholesterol

When should you pay attention to the state of vascular health? What will help to understand the abnormal content of cholesterol? Below is a video where you will find out specific examples of the symptoms and causes of the disease, who is in the reach of the disease, what the consequences are if the concentration of lipids is lower or too high. It is also useful to know an acceptable diet, foods that help lower cholesterol, external signals of poor metabolism, how long it will take to normalize processes.

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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