Life without pants read. “A new life without panties” () - download the book for free without registration. The history of the book. thanks

Cat/ 02/19/2016 Changed me)) from a nerd to a picky guy. Now I’m thinking of flying to training with Leslie. And finally tear down the tower for yourself and the girls)

Gena/ 08/2/2013 The book really helped, makes it easy to meet people and makes women think about you. The result is obvious. If someone is a snob, then even a prostitute will not give it to him.

Guest/ 03/30/2013 I remember when I served in the Army, and stood on the nightstand, I tried to count how many chicks I had, in the end, I lost count and started counting the floorboards.

Pasha/ 03/30/2013 “An article by one of Leslie’s former colleagues in the pick-up project “Style of Seduction” came across the Internet. He claimed that Alex brought only 7 girls to sex in 1.5 years. That Leslie himself admitted about his inability to promote pretentious beautiful girls "That the book is 80% the distilled work of Western pick-up artists and the technology of a certain guru-seducer Vadim Sova, and 20% is outright fantasy and a rip-off. That many of the stories described in the book never happened at all."Leslie has no associates; he is not engaged in pickup, but in seduction, he really took the idea from the West, but he changed it and added a lot of his own. This is all not true, but another nonsense of his competitors - he is the best in this matter.

young woman/ 02/21/2013 I read it to protect myself - forewarned is forearmed. It turned out there was nothing to worry about: all the tricks described can only work on nymphomaniacs and whores.

Dmitriy/ 05/10/2012 I won’t lie if I say that the book works! A real treasure for men. True, the advice in the book is somewhat arrogant and unacceptable for a person of deep faith.

Alexei/ 01/08/2012 Leslie is the best author in this field, all techniques work, the main thing is practice.

Wasya/ 02/17/2011 I don’t like Leslie in itself, but I consider this book the best in its genre. well, or on a par with Chillired's IPS, although there is still more autobiography there. not the point.
The book describes things that unfortunately 95% of men do not understand.
but as was already written above (or below, depending on where my comment appears), the information really needs to be filtered

Glory/ 01/12/2011 The book will not change anything.

Alexander/ 10/17/2010 Baphomet Please post the link where you found it, it’s interesting to read. Have not found.(

Baphomet/ 10/6/2010 So I mastered this “Talmud”. The book itself is charged with positivity, spontaneity and indifference. I also laughed constantly, there are a lot of funny stories, and the author’s writing style is also a delight.

As I read the book, I felt a sense of participation in the author's personal evolution in terms of the science of seduction. It’s as if together with him, step by step, you acquire useful skills, learn different “tricks”. By the end of the "guide" it seems that Leslie is your good friend whom you have known for a long time. He knows how to quickly win over))

After reading, you begin to relate to girls easier. To see not goddesses, but stupid females thirsting for a penis (of course, on an unconscious-natural level). The channel of arrogance and outrageousness certainly works. Even at such a primitive level as Alex’s.

Now on the other side. An article by one of Leslie’s former colleagues in the pickup and project “Style of Seduction” came across the Internet. He claimed that Alex brought only 7 girls to sex in 1.5 years. That Leslie himself admitted his inability to promote pretentious beautiful girls. That the book is 80% the distilled work of Western pick-up artists and the technology of a certain guru-seducer Vadim Sova, and 20% is outright fantasizing and a rip-off. That many of the stories described in the book never happened at all. That Leslie is now much more interested in commerce than in seduction itself. In general, you will find it and read it.

Dmitry/ 10/5/2010 Afftar is burning :-) I was especially amused by the story of how hidden infections in the CVD were diagnosed by a blood test :-) and having received a negative answer, they were released in peace :-) The doctors laugh amicably and for a long time.

serega/ 09/11/2010 guys, whom did the book really change? unsubscribe)

Mizu/ 07.25.2010 Guys! The book is one of the best in its series! Many pickup books vaguely describe the psychological subtleties of dating (various fears, complexes, excuses, jokes, persistence, etc.) but here all the main points are taken into account and presented more or less accessible! I give it 10 out of 10 - for amazing enlightenment, techniques and ideas on how to behave in such a way that it would be good for you and the girl :)

Denis/ 07/17/2010 Awesome book. And it works 100%.

Alexander/ 04/30/2010 Commodity specialist - it is clear that it was not Leslie who came up with the theory of the evolutionary social development of women in society, as well as pickup technology, but only brought it up for his part, how he goes about it and how he acts. Although most guys who read his books think that he invented everything.

Commodity expert/ 04/29/2010 The theory of the evolutionary social development of women in society was not invented by Leslie, he only brought it to the minds of the boys. This is a scientific theory. Actually, this book talks about how animal instincts control a woman through the transformation of their (instincts) by the subconscious, then by consciousness. She doesn’t even think about it, she will never understand that her behavior and actions are controlled by her animal part, the matrix laid down by nature.

Alexander/ 04/27/2010 Ella Humans have animal instincts, only humans also have reason. But when you FALL IN LOVE or have sex (unless, of course, you are frigid or you are not now 17 or 20 years old; although judging by your comment, it is so), the mind can disappear somewhere and those same animal instincts turn on. Another thing is that most people perceive Leslie’s books DIRECTLY as instructions for action, and he has a lot of things to filter out, although his methods work. And the whole question is whether this particular model of behavior that Leslie developed (and he is comfortable with) is suitable for most guys who read his books...?

Ella/ 04/20/2010 wow, you all have animal instincts... there’s no point in striving for love... you’re happy about a book like this... wow, COMPLETE degradation.

Newbie/ 04/07/2010 Well done Alex! these things are not taught anywhere))) Girls need men to become their husband and feed their family, this book should teach how to get from girls what we need without spending money))) If you think about it better, girls are bolder than everyone else" Males" because the girl only gives sex to males, and "husbands" spend money on it, work hard, and often don’t get anything))) I choose a new path in life))) Thanks Alex)))

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Other NLP centers What is very different from our center is that the programs NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis have a clearly applied nature. More precisely, our NLP programs are focused on the practical, real use of acquired knowledge and skills, as well as on solving problems in any sphere of life: business problems, personal relationships, personal growth problems. Not all NLP centers are ready to offer such applied courses.

Our NLP center gives you an absolute guarantee that the courses contain all the necessary and additional elements provided for by the programs of the Interregional Association of NLP Centers. Thanks to the fact that in our center training NLP always takes place using the latest NLP technologies based on Confinement modeling, The effectiveness of training in our center is an order of magnitude higher than others can offer NLP centers, and this allows students to master a much larger volume of material, spending significantly less time on learning.

Neuro-linguistic programming ( NLP), just like a huge number of other directions, began its path to development by looking for opportunities to find out how individuals who are successful in something achieve this success. NLP Its main task was to identify the structure of success, the visual structure of mastery. NLP has every reason to believe that if there is at least one person who knows how to do something specific, then another person is able to learn it. It is precisely this structure of experience that we strive to highlight NLP so that a person has the opportunity to teach the desired skill to himself and others. This is the main task NLP. Moreover NLP strives to ensure that this training is truly masterful, so that even experts cannot detect the difference between what is done by a newly trained student and a professional master.

The Interregional Association of NLP Centers is headed by its president, Timur Vladimirovich Gagin, who is a trainer NLP international class, developer of a fundamentally new system modeling technology, author of numerous books on NLP, Doctor of Psychology, Professor.

Absolutely all of the leading NLP courses at our center have a higher education (and often more than one), enormous experience in both individual consulting and conducting group classes, plus each has significant experience in practical business and management. The applied orientation of NLP programs and Ericksonian hypnosis programs of our center distinguishes it favorably from the services that others can offer NLP centers. The programs involve analyzing specific real-life problems proposed by course participants and solving these problems using techniques NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis. Tasks can relate to any area of ​​life - personal growth, business tasks, self-development.

For those who want to explore the field NLP In more detail and from unusual angles, our NLP center offers a number of specialized author’s trainings. Such trainings are recommended for attendance both by those who have been successfully engaged in NLP or hypnosis for a long time, and by those who are far from this topic, but are happy to comprehend new horizons for themselves.

Collocation "neuro-linguistic programming" (sometimes used without a hyphen, which is not an error), or abbreviated NLP derived from the English “Neuro-linguistic programming” and is a set of techniques, models, and operational principles that can be used as a personality development approach using modeling of effective mental and behavioral strategies.

We offer you a large assortment of books, articles and real stories about techniques neuro-linguistic programming and how to use it in everyday life.

As for Ericksonian hypnosis, it is based on the use of the natural ability inherent in all people without exception to plunge into an involuntary trance. This state has a beneficial effect on a person, because it is trance that allows the human unconscious to actively engage in the work and help its owner achieve his goals. Right-hemisphere resources are most clearly revealed in trance, intuition, the ability to be creative and solve various life problems and business problems are activated.

In the modern world, Ericksonian hypnosis is popular in many areas of human activity. After all, Ericksonian hypnosis is a universal tool that everyone can use according to their needs. The most popular way to use Ericksonian hypnosis is self-hypnosis - in other words, restoring mental and physical strength, getting rid of pain and unpleasant experiences, putting oneself in a good mood, etc. The most talented hypnotists with experience manage to master various hypnotic phenomena, such as , changing the course of time, discovering previously unknown reserves of the body. One way or another, Ericksonian hypnosis allows a person to learn to use those of his hidden abilities that previously existed only in his imagination.

A person who masters any skill (speaking in front of an audience, driving a car, building a personal life, writing articles or stories, making money, treating people, drawing pictures, composing music or something else) can teach this to other people. After all, if someone once did something, then another person can not only repeat it, but also perform it as masterfully as the master himself.

For those who are interested in the most detailed information about NLP techniques and methods, we recommend the section of our website “Articles on NLP”. We draw your attention to the fact that the articles only allow you to get acquainted with some theoretical information, but are by no means capable of instilling any lasting skills. You will not become a good judoka without a real coach and you will not be able to confidently snowboard just by reading a book with instructions on this sport; only practical classes at our NLP center will allow you to learn real NLP skills and do it in an interesting, effective and easy way.

Alex Leslie

Life without panties. The art of seduction. Tough as it is

How to meet a girl

How to make anyone fall in love with you

What to do on a date

From dating to sex – a couple of hours

How to 100% seduce two girls at once

How to arrange debauchery and realize any dreams

Lots of real stories and a lot-a lot of very tasty things!

The real stories of seduction that you will find in the book will help you entice any girl for sex..

Consider them a kind of cheat sheet, a step-by-step guide to action. By the way, you can print out the stories that caught your attention the most and peek at them during training! Keep in mind that my stories are not romantic troubadour doggerel, but rather the harsh and frank truth of life! Therefore, if you are shy and complex, get rid of it immediately. By the way, these stories in the original version were much more frank. But, unfortunately, publishers are also people on whom (as well as on you too - don’t flatter yourself!) the Morality of Society has worked. The ruthless hand of the editor crossed out the hottest details of the stories, eh! Well, I hope that some time later the editor will feel my ideas and stop looking at the world through the prism of “good and bad”! After all, he read the book willy-nilly, which means that my words could not help but penetrate his blinkered brain! Well, you, my desperate reader, can read all these and other stories in a tougher version on our website.

Who is this book for? The age of the reader does not matter! The methods given in this book have been tested on people from 16 to 55 years old. You may be ready to understand and accept them in a couple of years, or when you turn fifty, or right now! Only your psychological age matters. When you notice that the time has come for new emotions in life and knowledge in the field of seduction, then you will immediately read this book! And when you suddenly want to “blow your mind” and look at relationships differently, you will read and understand every letter that I wrote. All you have to do is wish you new women, and this book will be the best assistant for achieving your goals.

She will help you form or improve your model of seduction and communication with women. But I warn you: this exciting publication is for men. It is completely contraindicated for women. So if you are a girl, close my book and put it back on the shelf! Reading it is extremely dangerous for you!

Now it's time to speak frankly!

Every man, and in particular you, at least once in his life has questions: How to behave with a woman? How to meet and charm her? Is it possible to evoke reciprocal feelings in her? How to make her fall in love with you and how, in the end, to quickly move the relationship to a horizontal plane? This book was created to answer any such question. You can’t even imagine what a colossal effect the techniques that are described in detail have!

The goals, of course, may be different. Some want more sex, some want more prestigious girls, some want a permanent relationship, some just want variety. It doesn't matter what your personal goals are. This book will reveal complete information about women, and you will know what to do with any beauty you like or a permanent girl, wherever you find yourself. After all, to know and understand just one woman, you need to know and understand all women. And this opportunity is now open for you!

If you read and understand only 20% of the book, your efficiency in communicating with women will increase significantly.

And if you read the entire book from cover to cover and complete all its tasks, then you yourself, your friends, mom, dad simply won’t recognize you, you will change so much in life and communication! Of course, for the better.

After reading a few pages of the “Introduction”, you will begin to feel and understand that your thinking is changing, your outlook on life is becoming different, and you yourself are becoming different - more energetic and inspired, as new women will give you a colossal flow of energy. It probably won't happen right away, but it will definitely happen!

What else can this book do?

Every man at least once in his life has had difficulties communicating with a particular woman. Some are abandoned by their girls (wives), others leave their girls (wives) themselves. Both are difficult to survive. The facts say: now in Moscow, in order to forget about a breakup, a person leaves an average of one and a half bucks to a psychologist and spends at least a month (of hard work and torment, thoughts, etc.) to recuperate.

While after reading my book, just a few hours later, a person is already captivated by the process and methods of seduction, and exactly a day later he no longer remembers about ex-women, no matter what they were. Like this!

I wish you success in learning a new model of seducing women!


The idea for this book came to me about two years ago. Back then I didn’t even imagine what the outcome would be. Because I had no idea how much I would learn in the process! Now I can say with confidence that my book contains comprehensive information on how to be successful with women and get high in every sense of the word! And to be honest, I'm a little jealous of you! Because all you have to do is read my book. And you can’t even imagine how many people’s experience you are adopting, how many people have corrected and tested on themselves what you will so easily learn about here!

I started writing the book in Israel, where I conducted one of my trainings two years ago. That’s when the “Style of Seduction” project came into being. We came up with this name together with my friend, good coach and cool “Casanova” Grisha! We looked at the students and saw that one was tall and slender, the second was stooped and bald. One personifies the macho style, handsome, approaches the girl, and she is ready for anything... And the other is plump and not particularly noticeable, it would seem that he has no chance. But what miracles happened to such “inconspicuous” people during the training! We gasped when guys like that charmed girls that made everyone's mouths water. I remember one of the participants. He didn't look like a super cool macho guy at all! Just a guy in torn jeans, with disheveled hair. He looked like a crazy person from a mental hospital, and suddenly he lost it! We found his own style. He approached one girl and smoothly moved his hand under her nose so that she turned around. And he, smiling, said: “Girl, let me invite you to theaa-atrrrr”... Yes, he really looked like a theater director, and the girls began to leave him their phone numbers, seeing him as a very interesting person. But before that, two trainers “rejected” him, because he clearly could not look like a macho man and seduce the way they taught him. He needed his own style of seduction! And when Grisha and I saw the result, we were extremely happy because we were able to help him. This guy left the training happy! I still remember the moments of his victory over himself, and for us it was a triumph. That’s when we decided that we would call the new project “Style of Seduction.” Everyone has their own style. The technique is the same, but the style is developed individually. You don't need to be like anyone. You will have everything your own way.

Within a year, our track record included about twelve trainings conducted. About two hundred people successfully trained in our system, talked about their successes and failures, and we brought the program to universality and perfection, constantly changing techniques and seeing what happened. And within a year, “Style of Seduction” became the most effective training in seduction, producing results in a few days. This result cannot be called accidental, since it was preceded by six months of work and sleepless nights. Our goal was to make the best, most professional instrumental seduction training that has ever existed.

Current page: 1 (book has a total of 35 pages) [available reading passage: 9 pages]

Alex Leslie
Life without panties. The art of seduction. Tough as it is

How to meet a girl

How to make anyone fall in love with you

What to do on a date

From dating to sex – a couple of hours

How to 100% seduce two girls at once

How to arrange debauchery and realize any dreams

Lots of real stories and a lot-a lot of very tasty things!

The real stories of seduction that you will find in the book will help you entice any girl for sex..

Consider them a kind of cheat sheet, a step-by-step guide to action. By the way, you can print out the stories that caught your attention the most and peek at them during training! Keep in mind that my stories are not romantic troubadour doggerel, but rather the harsh and frank truth of life! Therefore, if you are shy and complex, get rid of it immediately. By the way, these stories in the original version were much more frank. But, unfortunately, publishers are also people on whom (as well as on you too - don’t flatter yourself!) the Morality of Society has worked. The ruthless hand of the editor crossed out the hottest details of the stories, eh! Well, I hope that some time later the editor will feel my ideas and stop looking at the world through the prism of “good and bad”! After all, he read the book willy-nilly, which means that my words could not help but penetrate his blinkered brain! Well, you, my desperate reader, can read all these and other stories in a tougher version on our website.

Be bolder!

From the author

Who is this book for? The age of the reader does not matter! The methods given in this book have been tested on people from 16 to 55 years old. You may be ready to understand and accept them in a couple of years, or when you turn fifty, or right now! Only your psychological age matters. When you notice that the time has come for new emotions in life and knowledge in the field of seduction, then you will immediately read this book! And when you suddenly want to “blow your mind” and look at relationships differently, you will read and understand every letter that I wrote. All you have to do is wish you new women, and this book will be the best assistant for achieving your goals.

She will help you form or improve your model of seduction and communication with women. But I warn you: this exciting publication is for men. It is completely contraindicated for women. So if you are a girl, close my book and put it back on the shelf! Reading it is extremely dangerous for you!

Now it's time to speak frankly!

Every man, and in particular you, at least once in his life has questions: How to behave with a woman? How to meet and charm her? Is it possible to evoke reciprocal feelings in her? How to make her fall in love with you and how, in the end, to quickly move the relationship to a horizontal plane? This book was created to answer any such question. You can’t even imagine what a colossal effect the techniques that are described in detail have!

The goals, of course, may be different. Some want more sex, some want more prestigious girls, some want a permanent relationship, some just want variety. It doesn't matter what your personal goals are. This book will reveal complete information about women, and you will know what to do with any beauty you like or a permanent girl, wherever you find yourself. After all, to know and understand just one woman, you need to know and understand all women. And this opportunity is now open for you!

How to read this book?

If you read and understand only 20% of the book, your efficiency in communicating with women will increase significantly.

And if you read the entire book from cover to cover and complete all its tasks, then you yourself, your friends, mom, dad simply won’t recognize you, you will change so much in life and communication! Of course, for the better.

After reading a few pages of the “Introduction”, you will begin to feel and understand that your thinking is changing, your outlook on life is becoming different, and you yourself are becoming different - more energetic and inspired, as new women will give you a colossal flow of energy. It probably won't happen right away, but it will definitely happen!

What else can this book do?

Every man at least once in his life has had difficulties communicating with a particular woman. Some are abandoned by their girls (wives), others leave their girls (wives) themselves. Both are difficult to survive. The facts say: now in Moscow, in order to forget about a breakup, a person leaves an average of one and a half bucks to a psychologist and spends at least a month (of hard work and torment, thoughts, etc.) to recuperate.

While after reading my book, just a few hours later, a person is already captivated by the process and methods of seduction, and exactly a day later he no longer remembers about ex-women, no matter what they were. Like this!

I wish you success in learning a new model of seducing women!


The idea for this book came to me about two years ago. Back then I didn’t even imagine what the outcome would be. Because I had no idea how much I would learn in the process! Now I can say with confidence that my book contains comprehensive information on how to be successful with women and get high in every sense of the word! And to be honest, I'm a little jealous of you! Because all you have to do is read my book. And you can’t even imagine how many people’s experience you are adopting, how many people have corrected and tested on themselves what you will so easily learn about here!

I started writing the book in Israel, where I conducted one of my trainings two years ago. That’s when the “Style of Seduction” project came into being. We came up with this name together with my friend, good coach and cool “Casanova” Grisha! We looked at the students and saw that one was tall and slender, the second was stooped and bald. One personifies the macho style, handsome, approaches the girl, and she is ready for anything... And the other is plump and not particularly noticeable, it would seem that he has no chance. But what miracles happened to such “inconspicuous” people during the training! We gasped when guys like that charmed girls that made everyone's mouths water. I remember one of the participants. He didn't look like a super cool macho guy at all! Just a guy in torn jeans, with disheveled hair. He looked like a crazy person from a mental hospital, and suddenly he lost it! We found his own style. He approached one girl and smoothly moved his hand under her nose so that she turned around. And he, smiling, said: “Girl, let me invite you to theaa-atrrrr”... Yes, he really looked like a theater director, and the girls began to leave him their phone numbers, seeing him as a very interesting person. But before that, two trainers “rejected” him, because he clearly could not look like a macho man and seduce the way they taught him. He needed his own style of seduction! And when Grisha and I saw the result, we were extremely happy because we were able to help him. This guy left the training happy! I still remember the moments of his victory over himself, and for us it was a triumph. That’s when we decided that we would call the new project “Style of Seduction.” Everyone has their own style. The technique is the same, but the style is developed individually. You don't need to be like anyone. You will have everything your own way.

Within a year, our track record included about twelve trainings conducted. About two hundred people successfully trained in our system, talked about their successes and failures, and we brought the program to universality and perfection, constantly changing techniques and seeing what happened. And within a year, “Style of Seduction” became the most effective training in seduction, producing results in a few days. This result cannot be called accidental, since it was preceded by six months of work and sleepless nights. Our goal was to make the best, most professional instrumental seduction training that has ever existed.

After one of the publications of the project’s methods in one of the Moscow magazines, the owner of the training company Dima contacted me. He wanted a private consultation because he was impressed with the techniques that had been published. I met with him and told him everything I taught in the training. We optimized everything that we tested on Dima once again. The goal was this: to teach seduction as quickly as possible, to create a two-day course, so that after visiting it, the result would be visible, as they say, on the face! At that time, in any training you had to study for a long time and study a lot of “water”, psychology and all sorts of unnecessary things not related to the topic of seduction. After testing on several groups, we got excellent results. And, most importantly, very quickly! And for a year and a half now, the training has been carried out according to a program that remains virtually unchanged, and the results of the participants are still as stunning. Other trainers still don't believe that seduction can be taught in two days.

“How did you achieve this?” - they asked.

We simply removed everything unnecessary from the program, all psychology and NLP, and left only the tools of seduction, simplifying them by an order of magnitude. And it works better! Everything ingenious is simple! Methods should be easy and accessible to everyone without exception.

I compiled my book on the same principle. Everything you see here will concern strategies, beliefs and states of seduction, and nothing more. The science of seduction is beautiful without the admixture of psychology.

The effectiveness of the methods constantly amazed us and still surprises us. I remember how an indicative incident occurred during a training in Rostov-on-Don. One guy was constantly wondering how to sleep with a girl he had known for 18 years. During all this time, he could not find an approach to her. When he learned one of our strategies for cheating on sex, he put her down 10 minutes after the start of the next meeting. The whole group was shocked at how easy it worked. And in the future there were many such examples. The point is that many of my former students have now opened their own schools with the same approach. About a dozen schools in Moscow have sprung up like mushrooms after rain in terms of seduction. And their approach is based on the concept of our project. We are proud that our students develop so quickly and begin to successfully teach others.

In 2005, I opened my website and the Institute of Extreme Communication, and in 2003 a website on seduction. The website now has about fifty articles written on the topic of seduction and the study of various approaches in this art. A crowd has formed around the site and the project, which constantly gathers and spends time together. The most interesting thing is that in our party there are people of different ages. For example, our youngest participant is 18 years old, and our oldest is 55. It’s great that we managed to unite people who are so different in age and status in life and society. We meet people of all possible specialties - businessmen, deputies, academics - which greatly contributes to the development of this interesting community of women lovers!

Our parties began to be advertised in magazines and TV. On their own initiative, because they like the topic. Yes, it is interesting to all people, and we didn’t have to fight our way to public fame for a long time - the media found us on their own. In 2004, several project methods were published in the press, and project trainers were featured on various central TV channels.

Similar parties now exist in several large cities in Russia and in Israel. They have been developing for three years and are gaining momentum.

In early 2005, I began conducting trainings for women because I realized that our methods are applicable to people of both sexes. It is only important to take into account specific goals. Although some women manage to get along in the same training with men. And I’ll note one more thing: with the appearance of girls in our trainings, efficiency has increased. Initially, we were afraid that they would embarrass the men, but, fortunately, we were wrong in our predictions. At each training, a trusting, friendly atmosphere is created, and the girls themselves often advise the guys what to change in themselves and how best to act in order to meet and seduce a specific person. And this circumstance plays an important role, because a woman’s help in such a matter turns out to be very useful, as well as vice versa. Our participants call each other “combat friends” and “combat friends” among themselves. They go to clubs together quite calmly. There they have a blast in order to satisfy their interests and achieve victory in relationships with certain people of the opposite sex. They simply “shoot” together and leave, and in the morning they exchange impressions. In other words, they do not lose “feedback”. This is how we live together. And nice :)


I thank my parents for their direct participation in my birth, which undoubtedly helped the creation of this book.

I also express gratitude for the help in creating the book to my coaching team and partners - people with whom I spent many years of practical training.

I express special gratitude to the researcher at the central research laboratory of the Mogilev State Medical University, Andrey Sergeevich Kritchenkov, for the research carried out in order to confirm and scientifically substantiate the main premises of the book, which I received in practice. I thank his laboratory for enduring all these experiments :)

I would like to express special gratitude to all the girls with whom I was inspired to create these techniques, and to the large number of girls with whom we rocked and are rocking together!

Special thanks to my friend Dima Koveshnikov for his support and participation in my research, who went with me for many days from the very beginning to the present day!

Special thanks to the owner of a business training company in Moscow, NLP trainer Dmitry L. for his professional assistance in developing trainers for the “Style of Seduction” project and constant coaching!

I thank Kirill Sekretny for providing his resources and life experience to develop the structure of this book.

Special thanks to those 256 girls in clubs and cafes in Moscow who, from January 28 to February 5, 2005, agreed to French kiss their friend. This experiment brought invaluable benefits for statistics to the material “Seducing two or more girls into sex”!

Special thanks to my friend Masha Sokolova (Moscow) for her help in systematically researching the topic of seducing two girls into a “threesome.”

Thanks to Vadim Sova for those positive memories of the adventures that we learned with him!

Thanks to Feda Moore for being a cool friend all this time, and for the memories that remained from our joint adventures!

Thanks to Misha Patriot for his help in creating and studying the topic of dating and attracting very beautiful girls.

I thank my friend, the organizer of the trainings, Grisha Kogan (Tel Aviv) for the rare emotions that we experienced there together during practice and in the process of training people.

I thank the 40 groups of the “Style of Seduction” project, all my students and students that I had, for the fact that it was your successes, your practice and activity that allowed me to test seduction techniques and now publish in the book the most effective of them - those that have been empirically tested on such a huge number of people.

I thank Fedya Ephraim (Canada) for leaving so many correct thoughts in my head.

I thank Andrey Galkin for his assistance in developing the material.

Thank you to all my friends for the great memories and constant practice together.

I thank all the women of the world for existing and for being so wonderful!

I thank my laptop for withstanding all the abuse during the creation of this book (for 2 years) and I thank the keyboard, which was “erased” a couple of times, but still withstood the development of this material!

Who am i?

Do you think I'm a psychologist with a thick beard and bulky glasses? No, I didn’t guess. I'm not a psychologist at all. Although I have a second specialty as a trainer. But it appeared to me after I started conducting seminars on seduction. I'm a man like you and many others. I just spent a lot of time practicing new acquaintances and seducing women. I also broke off and had no luck! I trained with friends eight hours a day to learn how to meet the most beautiful girls. We were such fanatics as history has probably never known. We did 50 approaches per hour and seduced three new women a day. It was a real frenzy. Only with such fanaticism can you understand the topic well. I have come a long way to teach myself and my friends the art of seduction. Now I have no doubt that only such a person has the moral right to write such a book. One of my friends told me how he came to a psychologist to learn how to meet girls. The psychologist gave him some advice. Then an acquaintance asked the psychologist: “Have you ever tried to get acquainted this way?” He replied: “No, I don’t need it!” Question: how can a person who has not tried anything himself teach something?

So, rest assured that in this book I tested every technique on myself and on several hundred of my students. But at the same time, you still doubt the veracity of what I said. Check everything I wrote here, knowing in advance that everything works, and knowing that it has been tested by thousands of people, that you are not the first. Practice a lot for your own pleasure, and only then will you be able to achieve a high level of “flight”.

This book is not theoretical discussions about how to communicate with women. Everything described here has been tested by life and works 200%.

Chapter I

Why are we doing this?

Every woman or every man at least once in their life thinks about how to find and seduce the best partner.

Every man or woman has a standard idea of ​​how this should happen. Let's see where it comes from.

We live in society and develop in society. Who tells us how to meet and seduce girls?

Mom, dad, newspapers, television, media, books, etc.

These are standard beliefs and strategies that are embedded in us by society.

What are these strategies?

1. Find an object.

It's either go to a club, or meet through friends, or through the Internet, or something else. You can also accidentally encounter the desired object. For example, in recreational areas - in a restaurant or cafe. Women look for men where there are a lot of them, for example in fitness clubs. Well, as a rule, in ordinary clubs. But most often women go to regular clubs to play dynamo. I will tell you the reasons for this game a little later.

2. Think about whether I need it.

It often happens that a man is simply too lazy to make any physical movements, he “swings” for a very long time and as a result comes to the conclusion that he doesn’t really need a girl. He strengthens his decision, either by looking for the girl’s non-existent shortcomings, or based on a situation that supposedly does not invite acquaintance, or because of his own unpreparedness at the moment, etc.

3. Think about how to act.

Since the man has made his decision, he now needs to act. He says to himself: “Yes, I need her.” And then: “What to do now?” And most often he doesn’t have a single thought in his head about what exactly needs to be done. Because fears arise: “What if he sends me?” Or: “What should I do next if I agree?” etc. Therefore, often a man eventually changes his mind. For some, this process occurs in seconds, for others it lasts 10–15 minutes. Depending on the situation and the girl. Even more often it happens like this: “How beautiful she is, if only I were richer/beautiful/better dressed/had a different car/brave/arrogant/… /…”. And there can be a thousand such “ifs”! And these “ifs” lead to the fact that he does not dare to come up and meet you. In the book we will talk about how to break this chain of “if only” automatically.

Let's say he nevertheless agreed to approach her (in one case out of ten, as a rule). So…

4. The stupid phrase “Can I meet you”?

When I ask women at the training what is customary to do in this case, they answer in unison: “sew it off.” If a man is stubborn, then he will continue to insist, and if the woman is initially positive, after a few “no” (in the “yes” style), she will begin to communicate with him. But only if it is initially located. If not, then the man has no chance. And we will further talk about how to act in such cases in order to achieve success without fail.

Let's imagine that she didn't turn him off after all.

5. Exchange of phrases, conversation.

There is a conversation, at the end of which he tries to take her phone. In one case out of ten, she still gives him the number. Let's say this happened. What does the man do next?

6. He thinks for a long time and decides: to call or not to call?

You will laugh. For some men, months pass before they decide to call her. Moreover, some men torment women with calls and silences on the phone. This, of course, is a clinic, but I came across one client who, at the age of 35, did this if he was very interested in the girl. In general, such behavior does not depend on age, but on life experience with women. You may be 25 years old, and you have more life experience than fifty-kopeck men.

Let’s imagine that the man finally decided to call the woman.

7. Call. Invitation to a date.

He will torment her for a long time with a telephone conversation and finding out how she is doing. And then he still invites her to meet. I'm talking about a man with little experience in communicating with women, who has had no more than a dozen of them in his life. As a rule, this is exactly how they act.

8. Date.

The most he will be allowed to do is touch her hand. On this date, he pays for the girl, takes her to a cafe, feeds her, gives her drinks, gives her gifts, etc.

9. Date with a kiss.

He will probably be able to afford to kiss her and give her flowers.

Girls call this the flower-candy period. One girl at the training said: “Sometimes you think how much you want to start sex, but the guy keeps being stupid and showers him with flowers.” This is a case of misunderstanding when a woman wants sex, and a guy thinks that all girls want a relationship. In one case out of ten, she allows herself to be kissed.

10. A date with a showdown.

The man may offer her to “sort things out” or try to confess his love. After this, you can move on to sex, and even then not right away. A woman can still mock him for a couple of dates, torment him. And then change your mind altogether and refuse.

11. Date with sex.

Well, one out of ten times sex happens!

Yes... what can I say. A guy with such a seduction strategy has little chance of success, but if he is stubborn, he will still get the girl!

What does the girl do in response to his actions?

1. Getting to know each other.

The girl tries to refuse acquaintance, but if the man attracts her, she agrees.

2. "Dynamo".

The girl tries to turn him off and does it in different ways. The game “dynamo” is very common among beautiful women. I have already mentioned her. This is a game that any attractive person loves to play. This game increases her self-esteem and self-confidence, just as every seduced girl increases the self-esteem of any male. The reasons for this are instincts, which we will talk about later.

If the male is persistent enough, then the girl begins to “fall for” his manipulations and enjoy it herself; she gives the phone number and agrees to a meeting.

3. Excuses.

When he calls, she will try to refuse the date. And he will do this in any way. Girls don’t do this only when the guy has a hard voice, but, in any case, any woman has a desire to refuse a meeting due to her nature, no matter how much she likes the guy. We will now look at the instinctive reasons for this behavior.

Let's say he acted correctly and took her out on a date (by the way, she may not come yet, well, we'll leave that out for now). So, the girl came on a date.

4. Date.

She will try to answer “no” to any sudden, unexpectedly active proposal or action of a man, no matter how much she herself would like to. She will try to avoid touching. In a delicate form or hard. But she will agree for a man to touch her only if the man proves to her that he has the right to do so.

5. Date with a kiss.

When a man tries to kiss a girl, she may try to sneak away if she is not yet aroused enough. If, nevertheless, he aroused her and she kisses him, then, as one of the women participating in the training correctly said: “She will raise the base and compare who kissed her before, evaluating the kiss of this man.”

6. Date with sex.

When a man tries to get close to a woman, she will act depending on whether he has proven that he can be trusted to take care of the offspring, whether he has given her a ton of gifts, etc. If so, then she may have sex with him sex. And he will do this on holidays. If not, then the girl’s consciousness will try to resist sex, no matter how much she wants it. And only if the man turns out to be a persistent enough male, she will give herself to him.

Where does this behavior pattern come from? And in general, why this particular model? This is a standard generally accepted model that does not cause any moral or ethical criticism. But why? After all, for a man this is a long and painful “road in the dunes,” and it would also be easier for a woman to act differently. So why isn't this happening? Unfortunately, this is accepted all over the world, not only in Russia. And if you pay attention, the system in animals is actually about the same. This is a model that does not go beyond the boundaries of generally accepted moral norms. Therefore, it has the right to exist and has existed for millions of years. After watching the program “In the Animal World”, you will see how the ritual of “courtship during the mating season” among walruses and seals is very similar to the model of a man courting a woman.

What will happen if you do not act according to the scenario of this model, but take a different path? What will society say if a woman gives herself to a guy on the first date? - “She’s a girl of easy virtue.”

The girl, of course, would often like to do this. But generally accepted MORALITY holds it back. And for this reason, girls do not give in on the first date. This is bad.

Let's look at the definition of morality. Morality is a list of norms and restrictions for human behavior in society. How is it regulated, where does it come from and why does it arise?

But the fact is that morality actually has a non-human nature. That is, morality was not invented by man, since morality does not exist only in human society.

And scientists received confirmation of this in the 70s, when they discovered the so-called “natural morality” in the animal world. I will give several examples of traditional morality in the animal world.

Animals of the same species never kill each other. In deer, during a fight, when the enemy exposes his side to him and the deer can flog him, his head instinctively turns away - he pulls back his antlers so as not to flog the enemy’s side. And this despite the fact that the males are having a real fight! Cobras and snakes do not use a poisonous tooth in a fight against each other. But why?

The fact is that morality is an invention of nature that exists so that the species survives! If there is an error in the mechanism of natural morality, then the entire species will die out. That is why there are standard norms and restrictions.

Now let's return to the topic of the seduction model.

Why are there so many seemingly unnecessary things in the standard model?

The fact is that by nature, any female must sooner or later conceive a child. And when this happens, the female becomes helpless, because she needs to give birth to a baby, try to protect him and feed him. How can she cope with all this alone? - Only by tying to herself some male who will be able to protect her and the cub!

And if she fails to attach a male to her, then it will be more difficult to survive. Therefore, the stereotypical behavior of the female is quite natural. She simply needs a male to protect her offspring. I warn you: for now we are only talking about instincts.

At the level of instincts, everywhere in nature, females try to tie one of the males. This is the first obvious strategy. In this regard, females always instinctively check the male according to several parameters:

– will he be able to protect her;

– will he feed her;

– will he take care of her and help her;

– does he have a roof over his head?

Every time a female of any species, including a woman, checks to what extent the male meets her instinctive requirements. As soon as she feels that the male is worthy of becoming a parent and can raise children, she makes a decision: it is not a sin to give herself up to this. Obvious, right?

Instincts dictate to us how to behave with the opposite sex. This is why the standard model of behavior is so confusing. But, besides the desire to attach a male, there is another instinctive strategy that is very important for us. It contains the meaning of studying this topic, since it is not an integral part of the considered standard model, thereby giving the opportunity to form a new (!) model of seduction, a new style of seduction, if you like!

Genes are the most important thing in survival. All living organisms strive to obtain the best genes. Naturally, in nature there is a law of gene filtration. Without this, every organism on earth would be overcome by viruses and diseases, and finally all life would disappear! Therefore, in any living creature there is a clear instinctive desire to fight for strong genes. And this attitude dominates over all other desires in our lives, since at the level of instincts this is the meaning of our existence - strong genes and strong offspring!

“Hunting for the male. Track, lure, tame. Practical guide"

How to behave so that he will distinguish you from thousands of other women? How to intrigue him and make him think about you all the time? Read the first true woman's guide to seducing men from bestselling relationship author Alex Leslie. No theory, only repeatedly tested practical techniques.

"New Life without panties"

Alex Leslie's new book offers a clear sequence of steps that must be taken to seduce absolutely any woman, no matter how inaccessible she may seem! This book? a practical guide that will give answers to any questions a man has when meeting or seducing girls, and will lay down a system of seduction that cannot be found in the whole world.

"Diary of Seducing a Billionaire"

The diary of a poor Belarusian student Nastya, in which she tells how she seduced a billionaire who was included in the list of the 100 richest people on the planet according to Forbes.

Nastya ends up on a yacht with a billionaire. Having hired a seduction coach, she, completing all his tasks, makes the oligarch fall in love with her. But not everything is so simple...


How to use people's fears and weaknesses? How much can you mock a Kremlin oligarch in order to survive, and even make him fall in love? Techniques of manipulation, falling in love, games and provocation, step-by-step strategy for the battle of the world's brilliant minds - seduction guru Alex Leslie and oil tycoon Ruslan Zolotov.

* * *

How to meet a girl

How to make anyone fall in love with you

What to do on a date

From dating to sex – a couple of hours

How to 100% seduce two girls at once

How to arrange debauchery and realize any dreams

Lots of real stories and a lot-a lot of very tasty things!

The real stories of seduction that you will find in the book will help you entice any girl for sex..

Consider them a kind of cheat sheet, a step-by-step guide to action. By the way, you can print out the stories that caught your attention the most and peek at them during training! Keep in mind that my stories are not romantic troubadour doggerel, but rather the harsh and frank truth of life! Therefore, if you are shy and complex, get rid of it immediately. By the way, these stories in the original version were much more frank. But, unfortunately, publishers are also people on whom (as well as on you too - don’t flatter yourself!) the Morality of Society has worked.

The ruthless hand of the editor crossed out the hottest details of the stories, eh! Well, I hope that some time later the editor will feel my ideas and stop looking at the world through the prism of “good and bad”! After all, he read the book willy-nilly, which means that my words could not help but penetrate his blinkered brain! Well, you, my desperate reader, can read all these and other stories in a tougher version on our website.

Be bolder!

From the author

Who is this book for? The age of the reader does not matter! The methods given in this book have been tested on people from 16 to 55 years old. You may be ready to understand and accept them in a couple of years, or when you turn fifty, or right now! Only your psychological age matters. When you notice that the time has come for new emotions in life and knowledge in the field of seduction, then you will immediately read this book! And when you suddenly want to “blow your mind” and look at relationships differently, you will read and understand every letter that I wrote. All you have to do is wish you new women, and this book will be the best assistant for achieving your goals.

She will help you form or improve your model of seduction and communication with women. But I warn you: this exciting publication is for men. It is completely contraindicated for women. So if you are a girl, close my book and put it back on the shelf! Reading it is extremely dangerous for you!

Now it's time to speak frankly!

Every man, and in particular you, at least once in his life has questions: How to behave with a woman? How to meet and charm her? Is it possible to evoke reciprocal feelings in her? How to make her fall in love with you and how, in the end, to quickly move the relationship to a horizontal plane? This book was created to answer any such question. You can’t even imagine what a colossal effect the techniques that are described in detail have!

The goals, of course, may be different. Some want more sex, some want more prestigious girls, some want a permanent relationship, some just want variety. It doesn't matter what your personal goals are. This book will reveal complete information about women, and you will know what to do with any beauty you like or a permanent girl, wherever you find yourself. After all, to know and understand just one woman, you need to know and understand all women. And this opportunity is now open for you!

How to read this book?

If you read and understand only 20% of the book, your efficiency in communicating with women will increase significantly.

And if you read the entire book from cover to cover and complete all its tasks, then you yourself, your friends, mom, dad simply won’t recognize you, you will change so much in life and communication! Of course, for the better.

After reading a few pages of the “Introduction”, you will begin to feel and understand that your thinking is changing, your outlook on life is becoming different, and you yourself are becoming different - more energetic and inspired, as new women will give you a colossal flow of energy. It probably won't happen right away, but it will definitely happen!

What else can this book do?

Every man at least once in his life has had difficulties communicating with a particular woman. Some are abandoned by their girls (wives), others leave their girls (wives) themselves. Both are difficult to survive. The facts say: now in Moscow, in order to forget about a breakup, a person leaves an average of one and a half bucks to a psychologist and spends at least a month (of hard work and torment, thoughts, etc.) to recuperate.

While after reading my book, just a few hours later, a person is already captivated by the process and methods of seduction, and exactly a day later he no longer remembers about ex-women, no matter what they were. Like this!

I wish you success in learning a new model of seducing women!


The idea for this book came to me about two years ago. Back then I didn’t even imagine what the outcome would be. Because I had no idea how much I would learn in the process! Now I can say with confidence that my book contains comprehensive information on how to be successful with women and get high in every sense of the word! And to be honest, I'm a little jealous of you! Because all you have to do is read my book. And you can’t even imagine how many people’s experience you are adopting, how many people have corrected and tested on themselves what you will so easily learn about here!

I started writing the book in Israel, where I conducted one of my trainings two years ago. That’s when the “Style of Seduction” project came into being. We came up with this name together with my friend, good coach and cool “Casanova” Grisha! We looked at the students and saw that one was tall and slender, the second was stooped and bald. One personifies the macho style, handsome, approaches the girl, and she is ready for anything... And the other is plump and not particularly noticeable, it would seem that he has no chance. But what miracles happened to such “inconspicuous” people during the training! We gasped when guys like that charmed girls that made everyone's mouths water. I remember one of the participants. He didn't look like a super cool macho guy at all! Just a guy in torn jeans, with disheveled hair. He looked like a crazy person from a mental hospital, and suddenly he lost it! We found his own style. He approached one girl and smoothly moved his hand under her nose so that she turned around. And he, smiling, said: “Girl, let me invite you to theaa-atrrrr”... Yes, he really looked like a theater director, and the girls began to leave him their phone numbers, seeing him as a very interesting person. But before that, two trainers “rejected” him, because he clearly could not look like a macho man and seduce the way they taught him. He needed his own style of seduction! And when Grisha and I saw the result, we were extremely happy because we were able to help him. This guy left the training happy! I still remember the moments of his victory over himself, and for us it was a triumph. That’s when we decided that we would call the new project “Style of Seduction.” Everyone has their own style. The technique is the same, but the style is developed individually. You don't need to be like anyone. You will have everything your own way.

Within a year, our track record included about twelve trainings conducted. About two hundred people successfully trained in our system, talked about their successes and failures, and we brought the program to universality and perfection, constantly changing techniques and seeing what happened. And within a year, “Style of Seduction” became the most effective training in seduction, producing results in a few days. This result cannot be called accidental, since it was preceded by six months of work and sleepless nights. Our goal was to make the best, most professional instrumental seduction training that has ever existed.

After one of the publications of the project’s methods in one of the Moscow magazines, the owner of the training company Dima contacted me. He wanted a private consultation because he was impressed with the techniques that had been published. I met with him and told him everything I taught in the training. We optimized everything that we tested on Dima once again. The goal was this: to teach seduction as quickly as possible, to create a two-day course, so that after visiting it, the result would be visible, as they say, on the face! At that time, in any training you had to study for a long time and study a lot of “water”, psychology and all sorts of unnecessary things not related to the topic of seduction. After testing on several groups, we got excellent results. And, most importantly, very quickly! And for a year and a half now, the training has been carried out according to a program that remains virtually unchanged, and the results of the participants are still as stunning. Other trainers still don't believe that seduction can be taught in two days.

“How did you achieve this?” - they asked.

We simply removed everything unnecessary from the program, all psychology and NLP, and left only the tools of seduction, simplifying them by an order of magnitude. And it works better! Everything ingenious is simple! Methods should be easy and accessible to everyone without exception.

I compiled my book on the same principle. Everything you see here will concern strategies, beliefs and states of seduction, and nothing more. The science of seduction is beautiful without the admixture of psychology.

The effectiveness of the methods constantly amazed us and still surprises us. I remember how an indicative incident occurred during a training in Rostov-on-Don. One guy was constantly wondering how to sleep with a girl he had known for 18 years. During all this time, he could not find an approach to her. When he learned one of our strategies for cheating on sex, he put her down 10 minutes after the start of the next meeting. The whole group was shocked at how easy it worked. And in the future there were many such examples. The point is that many of my former students have now opened their own schools with the same approach. About a dozen schools in Moscow have sprung up like mushrooms after rain in terms of seduction. And their approach is based on the concept of our project. We are proud that our students develop so quickly and begin to successfully teach others.

In 2005, I opened my website and the Institute of Extreme Communication, and in 2003 a website on seduction. The website now has about fifty articles written on the topic of seduction and the study of various approaches in this art. A crowd has formed around the site and the project, which constantly gathers and spends time together. The most interesting thing is that in our party there are people of different ages. For example, our youngest participant is 18 years old, and our oldest is 55. It’s great that we managed to unite people who are so different in age and status in life and society. We meet people of all possible specialties - businessmen, deputies, academics - which greatly contributes to the development of this interesting community of women lovers!

Our parties began to be advertised in magazines and TV. On their own initiative, because they like the topic. Yes, it is interesting to all people, and we didn’t have to fight our way to public fame for a long time - the media found us on their own. In 2004, several project methods were published in the press, and project trainers were featured on various central TV channels.

Similar parties now exist in several large cities in Russia and in Israel. They have been developing for three years and are gaining momentum.

In early 2005, I began conducting trainings for women because I realized that our methods are applicable to people of both sexes. It is only important to take into account specific goals. Although some women manage to get along in the same training with men. And I’ll note one more thing: with the appearance of girls in our trainings, efficiency has increased. Initially, we were afraid that they would embarrass the men, but, fortunately, we were wrong in our predictions. At each training, a trusting, friendly atmosphere is created, and the girls themselves often advise the guys what to change in themselves and how best to act in order to meet and seduce a specific person. And this circumstance plays an important role, because a woman’s help in such a matter turns out to be very useful, as well as vice versa. Our participants call each other “combat friends” and “combat friends” among themselves. They go to clubs together quite calmly. There they have a blast in order to satisfy their interests and achieve victory in relationships with certain people of the opposite sex. They simply “shoot” together and leave, and in the morning they exchange impressions. In other words, they do not lose “feedback”. This is how we live together. And nice :)


I thank my parents for their direct participation in my birth, which undoubtedly helped the creation of this book.

I also express gratitude for the help in creating the book to my coaching team and partners - people with whom I spent many years of practical training.

I express special gratitude to the researcher at the central research laboratory of the Mogilev State Medical University, Andrey Sergeevich Kritchenkov, for the research carried out in order to confirm and scientifically substantiate the main premises of the book, which I received in practice. I thank his laboratory for enduring all these experiments :)

I would like to express special gratitude to all the girls with whom I was inspired to create these techniques, and to the large number of girls with whom we rocked and are rocking together!

Special thanks to my friend Dima Koveshnikov for his support and participation in my research, who went with me for many days from the very beginning to the present day!

Special thanks to the owner of a business training company in Moscow, NLP trainer Dmitry L. for his professional assistance in developing trainers for the “Style of Seduction” project and constant coaching!

I thank Kirill Sekretny for providing his resources and life experience to develop the structure of this book.

Special thanks to those 256 girls in clubs and cafes in Moscow who, from January 28 to February 5, 2005, agreed to French kiss their friend. This experiment brought invaluable benefits for statistics to the material “Seducing two or more girls into sex”!

Special thanks to my friend Masha Sokolova (Moscow) for her help in systematically researching the topic of seducing two girls into a “threesome.”

Thanks to Vadim Sova for those positive memories of the adventures that we learned with him!

Thanks to Feda Moore for being a cool friend all this time, and for the memories that remained from our joint adventures!

Thanks to Misha Patriot for his help in creating and studying the topic of dating and attracting very beautiful girls.

I thank my friend, the organizer of the trainings, Grisha Kogan (Tel Aviv) for the rare emotions that we experienced there together during practice and in the process of training people.

I thank the 40 groups of the “Style of Seduction” project, all my students and students that I had, for the fact that it was your successes, your practice and activity that allowed me to test seduction techniques and now publish in the book the most effective of them - those that have been empirically tested on such a huge number of people.

I thank Fedya Ephraim (Canada) for leaving so many correct thoughts in my head.

I thank Andrey Galkin for his assistance in developing the material.

Thank you to all my friends for the great memories and constant practice together.

I thank all the women of the world for existing and for being so wonderful!

I thank my laptop for withstanding all the abuse during the creation of this book (for 2 years) and I thank the keyboard, which was “erased” a couple of times, but still withstood the development of this material!

Who am i?

Do you think I'm a psychologist with a thick beard and bulky glasses? No, I didn’t guess. I'm not a psychologist at all. Although I have a second specialty as a trainer. But it appeared to me after I started conducting seminars on seduction. I'm a man like you and many others. I just spent a lot of time practicing new acquaintances and seducing women. I also broke off and had no luck! I trained with friends eight hours a day to learn how to meet the most beautiful girls. We were such fanatics as history has probably never known. We did 50 approaches per hour and seduced three new women a day. It was a real frenzy. Only with such fanaticism can you understand the topic well. I have come a long way to teach myself and my friends the art of seduction. Now I have no doubt that only such a person has the moral right to write such a book. One of my friends told me how he came to a psychologist to learn how to meet girls. The psychologist gave him some advice. Then an acquaintance asked the psychologist: “Have you ever tried to get acquainted this way?” He replied: “No, I don’t need it!” Question: how can a person who has not tried anything himself teach something?

So, rest assured that in this book I tested every technique on myself and on several hundred of my students. But at the same time, you still doubt the veracity of what I said. Check everything I wrote here, knowing in advance that everything works, and knowing that it has been tested by thousands of people, that you are not the first. Practice a lot for your own pleasure, and only then will you be able to achieve a high level of “flight”.

This book is not theoretical discussions about how to communicate with women. Everything described here has been tested by life and works 200%.

Chapter I

Why are we doing this?

Every woman or every man at least once in their life thinks about how to find and seduce the best partner.

Every man or woman has a standard idea of ​​how this should happen. Let's see where it comes from.

We live in society and develop in society. Who tells us how to meet and seduce girls?

Mom, dad, newspapers, television, media, books, etc.

These are standard beliefs and strategies that are embedded in us by society.

What are these strategies?

1. Find an object.

It's either go to a club, or meet through friends, or through the Internet, or something else. You can also accidentally encounter the desired object. For example, in recreational areas - in a restaurant or cafe. Women look for men where there are a lot of them, for example in fitness clubs. Well, as a rule, in ordinary clubs. But most often women go to regular clubs to play dynamo. I will tell you the reasons for this game a little later.

2. Think about whether I need it.

It often happens that a man is simply too lazy to make any physical movements, he “swings” for a very long time and as a result comes to the conclusion that he doesn’t really need a girl. He strengthens his decision, either by looking for the girl’s non-existent shortcomings, or based on a situation that supposedly does not invite acquaintance, or because of his own unpreparedness at the moment, etc.

3. Think about how to act.

Since the man has made his decision, he now needs to act. He says to himself: “Yes, I need her.” And then: “What to do now?” And most often he doesn’t have a single thought in his head about what exactly needs to be done. Because fears arise: “What if he sends me?” Or: “What should I do next if I agree?” etc. Therefore, often a man eventually changes his mind. For some, this process occurs in seconds, for others it lasts 10–15 minutes. Depending on the situation and the girl. Even more often it happens like this: “How beautiful she is, if only I were richer/beautiful/better dressed/had a different car/brave/arrogant/… /…”. And there can be a thousand such “ifs”! And these “ifs” lead to the fact that he does not dare to come up and meet you. In the book we will talk about how to break this chain of “if only” automatically.

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