Aquarius actors. Famous Aquarius

Among celebrities there are many representatives of this zodiac sign. Aquarians are actors, singers, scientists, politicians, and public figures. Every year from January 21 until February 18, many Aquarians are born who will one day appear on TV screens and magazine covers.

The secret of success of Aquarius celebrities

Among the celebrities according to the Aquarius horoscope there are a lot of scientists, inventors and public figures. Having discovered their inventive and inquisitive minds in their youth, they are often experimenters and engage in scientific research, psychology, sociology, philosophy and other types of scientific activities.

It's no surprise that Thomas Edison, who invented the light bulb, was an Aquarius. As well as the creator of many weapon models, John Browning and Umberto Nobile. There are many such examples.

Aquarius researchers, experimenters and scientists also left their mark in science:

Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Alessandro Volta (Italian physicist and physiologist), Charles Darwin, Andre Marie Ampère (founder of electrodynamics), Alessandro Volta (Italian physicist and physiologist), Thomas Edison, Robert Boyle (English physicist, chemist), Alessandro Volta ( Italian physicist and physiologist) and other famous Aquarius people.

The name of the sign comes from the ancient Greek - ruler of water. The graphic image of the sign is a trinity - a pair of winding lines that symbolize living and dead waters, which give life and death, as well as the air between them - the source of moisture.

Each person was born at a certain point in time - an hour, a day, even a minute has its own meaning. Interesting? How does the position of celestial bodies at this moment affect the fate of the person born? This is what astrology does.

Since ancient times, astrologers have been observing the stars, and have studied the nature of the influence of stars on people, and have drawn up an analogy. The planet that rules Aquarius is the planet Uranus, which was the first to be discovered by humanity.

This planet is a planet of changeability, surprise, revolutions, and influences science, innovation and scientific and technological progress.

The peculiarity of Uranus, which is strikingly different from other planets, fits perfectly into the characteristics of those born in the Aquarius zodiac, in their behavior and life, it is possible to clearly see the features of an unusual planet - such people are independent, original and love to express themselves.

It is useless to force an Aquarius: what he does not want to do, he will not do, no matter what the consequences of this decision await. Representatives of the Aquarius sign often look like “out of this world” personalities; they are reformers, transformers, or even revolutionaries!

If Aquarius appears in your life, expect changes, as he will turn everything that is the other way around, renew your life and everything that concerns it. And if you suddenly see a person in winter, dressed in shorts, do not hesitate - this is a typical Aquarius.

Which star was born under this zodiac sign? These are people who have specific thinking and an excellent sense of intuition. You can even find some connection between the zodiac sign and the fame of these persons.

Actors, singers Aquarius by horoscope

Famous Aquarius people are people whom almost everyone knows - Paris Hilton, Yulia Savicheva, Justin Timberlake, Jennifer Aniston.

Paris Hilton

Let's talk about them in more detail to understand how the zodiac sign influenced the celebrity:

Paris Hilton is the granddaughter of the famous owner of Hilton hotels, Conrad Hilton. She was born on February 17, 1981 in the beautiful city of New York.

Before embarking on the difficult path of a top model, and later an actress, Paris was notorious for her love of clubs. Her first screen appearance took place when Paris was only 10 years old, playing the role of a “girl on the beach” in a low-budget film.

After this debut, Paris took a rather long break of 9 years, after which at the age of 19 she returned to cinema and played a role in the film “Sweet Pie”.

The celebrity’s next role was the role in the film “Zoolander.” In 2003, Paris and her sister were invited to take part in the show “The Simple Life.” As soon as the show aired, Paris gained enormous popularity; many magazines wrote about her, as well as about her costar on the show, Nicole Richie. After the end of the show, Paris began to engage in fashion and even tried to record musical compositions.

Yulia Savicheva

Yulia Savicheva is a Russian celebrity, born on February 14, 1987. Julia's fame took root back in 2003 at the Star Factory. The young singer announced herself quite loudly, and all of Russia appreciated her talent.

These hits were heard in many clubs and restaurants in Moscow, and throughout Russia. Next, Savicheva took part in the internationally famous Eurovision Song Contest. Now the singer also continues to engage in singing activities.

Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake, whose celebrity is growing every year, was born on January 31, 1981 in Memphis. A singer, composer, producer, excellent dancer and actor, he is the winner of Emmy awards and six Grammy awards. The celebrity's first album was Justifield, which won the attention of many listeners.

In recent years, Justin Timberlake has taken part in several films that have become not only popular with audiences, they have become hits.

Jennifer Aniston, born on February 11, 1969, is still a very popular celebrity and is known all over the world. She is famous as an actress, performing many roles in popular films.

Undoubtedly, the zodiac sign had a beneficial effect on the fame of these people.

Representatives of this zodiac sign live with dreams of the future. Among them are many people who achieved the impossible and became idols of many. Among them are scientists, writers, artists, actors, singers, TV presenters and others. They all have one thing in common - the desire for excellence in life and work. They always achieve their goals and live in the future, which allows them to see the prospects of a particular business. They made many discoveries in life, some of them were human rights activists and members of charitable organizations, others will forever remain in our hearts, since they are no longer alive. Aquarius celebrities are the heroes of our time.

They are distinguished by the following qualities:

  • determination;
  • sincerity;
  • talent;
  • the pursuit of excellence.

Famous Aquarius women

Celebrities born under this sign include Oprah Winfrey, who is an American TV presenter, actress, and producer. She leads an active social life and The Oprah Winfrey Show. A couple of years ago she was the richest and most successful on the planet. Oprah has a fortune that has reached several billion dollars. She always dreamed of working in show business. She is one of the first black girls to achieve such amazing success. However, it should be said that, like every person of this sign, at the beginning of her career she was accompanied only by failures. She tried for a long time to become a TV presenter, but she succeeded only after a long period of time.

There are famous Aquarians from among the Russian presenters, one of them is Olga Shelest. It is worth noting that as a child, her parents never ceased to be amazed at her success in art and encouraged it in every possible way. Olga was able to graduate from three schools at once: regular, music and art. In her teenage years, she tried to enter VGIK, where disappointment and failure awaited her. Later, she decided to enroll in the journalism department at another university, and she succeeded, although she had only three days to prepare. It is worth saying that Olga is considered a rather sociable person, which is why she was able to become so indispensable. She hosted many programs on television and acted in films. She owes all her success only to her own hard work. Famous Aquarius women are charismatic.

Svetlana Khodchenkova, who played Erzbet Bathory in the 2014 film “Bloody Lady Bathory,” also belongs to this zodiac sign. Svetlana had long dreamed of playing some villainous role, and she succeeded with flying colors. It should be noted that as a child she did not have a father, she was raised solely by her mother. This gave rise to some complexes for the actress who is in demand today. And she, like Olga Shelest, was accompanied by failures in her youth. However, she managed to achieve significant success in the field of cinematography. Currently, she is considered the favorite Russian actress even among foreign viewers, since she succeeded in the role of the most brutal killer of humanity, who tortured and destroyed 600 children. As you can see, Aquarius actors are very talented.

Negative traits of celebrities:

  • cold;
  • naivety;
  • desire to be the center of attention.

Masha Malinovskaya, like Svetlana Khodchenkova, was raised by her mother and grandparents. The father at a certain point in time decided to leave the family. Maria studied at the University of the Arts in her youth and worked as a model. Later she had a friend who invited her to the casting of presenters. She worked in this position for a long time, and then Zhirinovsky persuaded her to join the LDPR party. A little later, she sat in the Duma for about three years. Masha Malinovskaya is known as a girl with exaggeratedly enlarged lips and breasts. However, she recently made the firm decision to remove the gel from her lips and have her breasts reduced. She admitted that she had long wanted to return her natural beauty, but for a long time did not dare to take this step. Maria got a short haircut and now enjoys her updated look and style.

Famous Aquarius men

Famous Aquarius men include Vladimir Vysotsky. He was born in 1938 and as a child he helped unload wagons with potatoes during the war years. At that time, he decided to prepare a gift for his mother and baked pancakes, which turned out to be completely inedible. During the war, food was limited. Vladimir Vysotsky is relevant not only in Soviet times, modern youth also remembers him. Many singers sing his songs on stages. Several films were made about him, which became very popular. Vladimir Vysotsky is famous for his brutal voice and songs that really touch the soul.

Elijah Wood is also an Aquarius. Everyone knows him for his role as Frodo from The Lord of the Rings. Then he played a small but very brave hobbit who was not afraid of almost anything. Representatives of the air element include Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer. Among them is Knyazev, who was the lead singer of a punk band of Russian origin called “The King and the Jester.” The group "King and the Jester" was popular for its scary songs, which were stories about ghouls, vampires, werewolves and other fantastic creatures.

You should also like this video collection about famous Aquarius people who conquered the world with their talent. We recommend you watch it!

A few years ago, the group Otto Dix became popular, releasing songs in a gothic style. And Michael Drau is currently the soloist. Some fans still argue that Michael is a woman, not a man. Until now, no one has been able to understand this, since he has a rather androgenic appearance and a high-pitched voice, like a woman. Michael performs in beautiful stage costumes and strives to become an ideal, which is so typical for representatives of the air element. This group has many fans both among goths and among ordinary people.

Ashton Kutcher and Mendeleev

Foreign actors include Ashton Kutcher, a star whose name once filled newspaper headlines. He was in great demand. However, he considers himself a rude guy who does not like to take care of his appearance. This happens among Aquarius if he wants to be loved for who he really is. Ashton has a twin brother who received a heart transplant as a child. This brought Ashton a lot of suffering and worry. Later he had a sister, and he and Cora lived in the care of his mother and stepfather, who at that time worked as an ordinary builder. The family did not live well, he decided to break into show business and over time he really became very popular.

Mendeleev, one of the most famous chemists, was also born under the sign of Aquarius. There is an opinion that he dreamed of the table of chemical substances in a dream. Perhaps this was indeed the case, because Aquarians have unique mystical abilities, including making scientists and artists, since they have a vulnerable and subtle soul, but at the same time a powerful intellect.

Celebrities of the air element have many things in common, but at the same time, each of them remains a unique personality. Many of them were very naive in their youth, but continued to believe in the dream, which allowed them to achieve their goals.

Freedom-loving Aquarians are mostly witty, original and independent, but they can also be timid, affectionate, diplomatic and compassionate. They love to use the words “friend” and “friends”.

Thus, President Roosevelt, also an Aquarius, invariably began his addresses to the people on the radio with the words: “My friends.” Aquarians do have a lot of friends, they easily make new acquaintances, but they are more interested in quantity than quality, and they rarely become attached to anyone for a long time. Such people can easily become friends with the rector of the university, as well as with the local drunkard or giggling schoolgirl. Aquarians are well versed in psychology, and the opportunity to analyze human nature attracts them to more and more new acquaintances. Nevertheless, they never abandon their former friends in trouble, and they can even say to their former lover or wife: “Let’s remain friends, huh?”

Many among Aquarius are truly geniuses, but genius often borders on madness, and it is not always easy to establish a “watershed” between the two. Aquarians have a rare ability to calm the mentally ill, hysterical people and frightened children, which is obviously explained by their highly organized nervous system.

Aquarians do not have a good memory and easily fall into the category of “absent-minded professors,” but this deficiency is fully compensated by subtle intuition, sometimes an almost magical premonition of future events and the ability to guess other people’s thoughts. So, when the phone rings, he almost always knows in advance who will be on the other end of the line. On the other hand, these people are unusually easy to hypnotize and, knowing this, rarely agree to hypnotic suggestion, which is a mistake, since medical hypnosis would quickly relieve them of many of the obsessions from which they suffer. There is nothing supernatural in their thinking. Being a true researcher by nature, Aquarius will never make a final conclusion in his field of knowledge until he analyzes everything thoroughly, and then nothing can change his point of view.

Aquarians are very truthful, do not tolerate lies, and also do not like to lend or borrow money to anyone. A person who borrowed a tenner and did not return it on time died in his eyes forever. Although Aquarians are considered to be idealists, they are actually very good at understanding what's what, while idealism is mainly based on blind faith and unfounded optimism. And this is not at all typical for them.

7 June 2014, 19:57

Nature endowed women born under the sign of Aquarius with wit, charm, grace, and elegance. They have a bright, amazing appearance and often find themselves in company, if not the most beautiful, then the most interesting. Many Aquarius women tend to dress unusually: with equal success they can wear something dug out of their grandmother’s chest and something that matches the latest fashion. The same extremes can appear in haircuts and hairstyles, and they will necessarily differ from the rest.

The variability of women of this zodiac sign makes communication with them very interesting and not boring. Charming, modest and even timid Aquarians can instantly amaze their interlocutor with a whole fountain of passions, causing even men who consider themselves experts in female psychology to be confused. A woman of this sign leads and acts as she pleases, regardless of any conventions. Obligations as such - both those of others and her own - are categorically unacceptable to her. Among Aquarius there are completely unpredictable, unbridled ladies, whose behavior remains a complete mystery to others.

Not everyone can understand why Aquarius acts or thinks one way or another. In order to come closer to understanding the inner world of this woman, a person must also live for tomorrow.

Focusing on the future does not at all prevent Aquarius women from having their head in the clouds, not being lazy, but working conscientiously. They are able to do much, if not everything, with their own hands. The only thing that disgusts them is strict discipline. The brilliance and grace inherent in representatives of this sign are manifested even in small, insignificant matters.

Being by nature very freedom-loving natures, Aquarius women always do as they please, and from the outside it often looks like a challenge to society. However, they are guided by common sense. They are faced with a certain clear final goal, which they strive for, choosing methods and means known only to themselves.

Aquarius women have such a feature as the ability to skillfully conduct a conversation, and at different levels. Talking and arguing with them is a pleasure. Representatives of this sign respect the personality of the interlocutor and do not seek to impose their opinion, at all costs to convince the opponent that they are right. Restraint, modesty, and graceful manners contribute to a pleasant impression. At the same time, they do not allow attempts to suppress their will or impose an opinion, becoming unavailable for further continuation of contact.

Aquarians never marry the first person they meet. Before putting a wedding ring on her finger, a woman of this sign will learn everything possible and impossible about the groom, about his potential. But even such a thoughtful approach does not make representatives of this sign happy in marriage. They are afraid to devote their lives to one person, to completely dissolve in him, which is tantamount to giving up freedom, which is the main life value of Aquarius.

It is quite difficult for men to go through life next to them. A marriage can only be successful if the husband does not encroach on her freedom and leaves her opportunities for research, experimentation, and spending leisure time in a friendly circle. Aquarius women do not see their main purpose in life as belonging exclusively to loved ones and family. They belong to no one and at the same time belong to everyone.

If true love settles in the heart of a woman of this sign, then she will undoubtedly remain faithful to this person. And yet, even a passionately in love Aquarius woman needs freedom.

There are always many friends next to Aquarius, so women of this sign are not in danger of loneliness. A friendly circle can consist of completely different people, and the Aquarius woman will consider the interests of each of them her own. If relatives or even just acquaintances have any problems, she tries to carefully analyze them in order to provide help, and with real action, and not just advice.

Women keep their secrets from everyone, even their loved ones. They are honest, do not deceive - they simply keep silent about something and do not support frank conversations.

Aquarians are distinguished by great tolerance, and jealousy in their eyes is a prejudice. For a representative of this sign, a man will be loved not for good material security or career success. Much more important for her is the ability to be her devoted, good friend, friend of her friends. Aquarius women see the future of their chosen ones and help them realize the potential given by nature, putting their feelings and intellectual abilities at the service of this.

The representative will not spy on her husband, she is not tormented by suspicion, but she will not forgive the fact of betrayal. A married Aquarius woman will not allow herself to have affairs, because, from her point of view, relations between spouses can only be honest.

Memories of her first love remain in her soul for the rest of her life. Aquarius women often maintain good relations with their former friends and lovers.

Sociable and charming representatives of this sign always have a lot of guests in their house, everyone feels the need for their pleasant company.

When an Aquarius woman has a child, due to natural restraint, she does not show great enthusiasm for this and does not openly demonstrate how much she loves her baby. However, from a very young age he will be a person to her; The Aquarius woman will not punish the child, but she will not be too protective either.

In their attitude towards love affairs, Aquarius women often rush to extremes - between arrogant, aloof coldness and high, ideal feelings. Those born under this constellation are excellent partners for men who are naturally endowed with a weak temperament.

Physical attraction and reason in the nature of Aquarius are connected with each other. The sexual sphere of life for women of this sign is not the main one, however, the love of a partner evokes a reciprocal passionate impulse in her soul and body.


INovercome woman - Aries man

Despite belonging to the weaker sex, Aquarius may initially resist Aries' attempts to become a leader in their relationship. And yet, sooner or later, a man will take control of the relationship, and everything will work out, especially since the partners share many qualities, for example, ingenuity in intimate life.

Aquarius woman - Taurus man

In the intimate sphere, people of this sign are not very compatible. They have plenty of differences in other areas as well. Aquarius needs, first of all, a friend, and Taurus needs a sex partner. Taurus is a reserved person, Aquarius is sociable, sometimes even too sociable. None of them are inclined to compromise, and therefore a long-term relationship is hardly possible.

Aquarius woman - Gemini man

This relationship has good prospects, provided that Aquarius dominates the changeable Gemini. There is no need to be afraid of this, because the influence of your partner will be very favorable. A long and intense relationship between partners is quite possible if Aquarius manages to arouse Gemini’s interest in his occupation, hobby and turn them into his assistant and like-minded person.

Aquarius woman - Cancer man

Relationships between people of this sign are not easy. Cancer is emotional and strives to communicate more with its other half. Aquarius, despite the fact that he values ​​​​his care, will find such attention to himself annoying and bothersome. He needs company, while the possessive Cancer does not approve of this lifestyle. If at first they still give in to each other, then Aquarius will begin to spend even more time in a friendly circle, and Cancer will be offended, considering this a lack of feelings for him.

Aquarius woman - Leo man

Not only do these people have the same desire for independence and dominance, but they also have different priorities. So, if the main thing for Aquarius is the warmth of relationships, attention and care for each other, then for Leo the carnal side of the union is more interesting. The latter will be deprived of the opportunity to lead in their pair, which he is unlikely to accept. In addition, Leo, who needs praise, will clearly not have enough attention from Aquarius. The connection between them, if possible, is very unstable and short.

Aquarius woman - Virgo man

Spiritual and intellectual communication is more important for people of these zodiac signs than physical communication. This unites them, but there are also nuances. Aquarius may get bored in the company of Virgo, and besides, the generosity of his nature will not evoke the proper response from a very practical person, such as Virgo. All these difficulties can be resolved provided that the partners are united by some common cause.

Aquarius woman - Libra man

Sexuality, sensitivity and some other personality traits make such a union great. Libra's passion for erotic fun will help instill in Aquarius a greater interest in the intimate side of life. Partners give in to each other in everything without any problems, and therefore all possible difficulties in the path of their relationship will be surmountable. The union will be harmonious and will last for a very long time.

Aquarius woman - Scorpio man

This union, even if it arises, will be short-lived. Scorpio's jealousy will not please the freedom-loving Aquarius. The suspicion of the first will be increased by the fact that Aquarius, compared to Scorpio, attaches less importance to the intimate sphere of life. If the partner tolerates attempts to infringe on her freedom for some time, it will be very short-lived.

Aquarius woman - Sagittarius man

The union of these people is harmonious, since they have a lot in common. These are activity, unpredictability, lack of jealousy, versatility of interests, the desire to be in public more often, and a love of fantasy. Full sexual compatibility makes an important contribution to the harmony of relationships. Partners have every chance of a long relationship.

Aquarius woman - Capricorn man

Unpromising union. Aquarius will perceive extremely negatively Capricorn’s attempts to set too narrow limits for his freedom. Sex life will also not please partners much: reserved, down-to-earth Capricorn will not be able to awaken eroticism in his Aquarius partner, and because of this, he will begin to consider her a cold and indifferent woman to him.

Aquarius Woman - Aquarius-man

In intimate life, the union is very successful; these inventors and dreamers will never get bored in each other's company. However, excessive moderation and rationality will not allow them to love very strongly and deeply. But this will not be a hindrance at all, since partners have other interests in addition to their personal lives. It is due to this circumstance that two Aquarius can become a wonderful couple.

Aquarius woman - Pisces man

This pair is not compatible. Pisces, being in a dependent position and experiencing self-doubt, will begin to demand that Aquarius constantly confirm their passionate feelings. But the problem is that such emotional manifestations are given to the rational Aquarius with great difficulty. He will not be able to demonstrate his feelings, but he will have time to feel not free. As a result, Aquarius will want to break off the relationship, and Pisces, offended to the core, will not prevent them from doing this.

About Gemini women :

About Cancer women :

About Sagittarius women .

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Aquarius great people - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Triplicity (element): Air

Quadruplicity (quality): Fixed

Aquarius is persistent, independent, progressive, analytical, original and inventive, with pronounced dislikes and strong judgments.

Ruling planet: Uranus, ancient Greek god of heaven, ruler of the universe. Uranus is the first planet discovered in the modern era (in 1781). In astrology, Uranus is considered the planet of change, surprise, invention and science.

Symbol: Aquarius. His free-flowing gift is for everyone. Aquarius symbolizes the creation of the world and the gift of life.

Glyph (graphic symbol):

This pictogram depicts water flowing from an Aquarian vessel, as well as a person's ankle in motion (the part of the body ruled by Aquarius). The symbolic meaning of zigzag lines is electrical energy, global thinking, wisdom of the future.

Aquarius is the sign of hopes and dreams, friendships and desires. Under it, idealistic thinkers are born, concerned with the problems of the universe, but dispassionate in personal relationships. Opposed to Aquarius, Leo is the sign of pleasure, love and romance. Leos need entertainment and pleasure to be happy, they need close connections with other people and tend to dominate them.

Part of the body ruled by Aquarius: Circulatory system, lower leg and ankle. Those born under this sign are prone to sprained and broken ankles, varicose veins and hardening of the arteries.


Stone: Amethyst, which brings fidelity in love and bestows the gift of foresight.

Color: Bright blue is the color of a clear sky.

Cities: Stockholm, Moscow, Buenos Aires, Salzburg

Countries: Russia, Sweden, Ethiopia

Animals ruled by Aquarius: Large birds

Your most attractive trait: FRIENDLY

Astrologers love the eleventh sign of the zodiac because it is the sign of the future, foresight, and, some believe, of astrology itself. Aquarians are unconventional individuals, originals who refuse to follow the crowd. You like to be quirky. You not only walk to the beat of another drum, but you also create your own music.

Your main feature is intellectual independence. Aquarius combines fixity (perseverance) and the element of air (intelligence and sociability); this alloy, under the influence of Uranus, the planet of change, forms a liberal, progressive personality, but firm in judgment. Your steadfastness appears when others least expect it (which is consistent with your tendency to behave out of the ordinary). Perhaps at the same time you will defend your idea, your intention to go on a planned journey, defend a habit that you do not want to give up - in any case, your opponent will suddenly encounter the stubbornness of Aquarius. You will easily ignore the opinions of others and go down the road less traveled, because there are many exciting discoveries waiting for you. You consider boredom a contagious disease and try in every possible way to protect yourself from it. Those born under this sign have the most intense intellectual life. You strive for knowledge, are reasonable, receptive to everything new, and have a broad outlook. You are able to be objective in an argument because you do not give free rein to your emotions. This gives you the ability to rise above yourself and ordinary human weaknesses, but it can cause internal conflict. You are facing people. Sociable and friendly, you find friends everywhere. You easily come into contact with a variety of personalities, get along well with them, but never lose your bright individuality. As a student of human behavior, you have great tolerance for the weaknesses and quirks inherited by the human race. You think globally, are concerned about the well-being of the whole world, but are superficial in personal relationships. Always maintain a distance, detachment or arrogance of spirit.

Independence is your life credo. To preserve it, you will sacrifice close relationships. Attempts to bind you or limit your freedom will not succeed. Feeling trapped, you will try to free yourself at any cost.

Being an idealist, you want to see everyone happy and strive to accomplish something important and significant. Many Aquarians are involved in politics or public affairs. This is the astrological sign of hopes and desires. You are one of those who follows a dream. History knows many progressive Aquarius thinkers, including Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Edison and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Aquarius will develop a grandiose plan for improving life, but your greatest interest is in generating an idea, rather than implementing it through action. Hard work doesn't appeal to you. You are creative, imaginative, and love to experiment, but boring details and painstaking organization are not your thing. You would rather come up with a new Utopia and leave others to struggle with the difficult reality.

Your weakness is exaggerating your own importance; you tend to pose as an expert in any field.

You are so anxious not to be like anyone else that you sometimes object only on principle. You have less regard for what is generally accepted than other signs, and this often earns you a reputation as an eccentric person. Tolerant of the weaknesses of others, you believe that people should overlook your shortcomings.

Sometimes you will get involved in an argument not because of strong feelings, but simply because you enjoy mental gymnastics. You quickly begin to get bored and willingly provoke with words those whom you consider boring.

Nevertheless, Aquarians are among the kindest people living on earth. Easy to communicate, prudent, non-offensive, not harboring anger, you live yourself and do not interfere with the lives of others. Honest, always ready to help, altruistic, entertaining, you can change the life of any person for the better by becoming a part of it.

Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac horoscope.

Sign element: Air.

Sign property: Fixed (constant, stable).

Ruling planet: Uranus, Saturn.

Chinese horoscope sign corresponding to Aquarius: Tiger.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Those born in the sign of Aquarius are governed by the energy of the independent planet Uranus, people born during this period have an excellent ability to plan the development of events in their own unique, unique way, inaccessible to understanding by other representatives of the zodiac.

No one is able to tell an Aquarius how to live, because from an early age they are broad in knowledge, and even at a young age they are able to identify the weak link in the chain of future events. Most likely, a typical Aquarius would prefer to see himself as an autonomous and independent person rather than wallow in the abyss of other people's doubts.

Communication is the strong point of Aquarius; they are perceived as a sociable and pleasant interlocutor with whom it is not boring to spend time. Uranus, your ruler, is edgy and exciting in nature and tends to fill Aquarius' life with a lot of surprises.

Celebrities born under the sign of Aquarius:

Aquarius: a zodiac sign distinguished by extraordinary abilities

Aquarius is one of the most controversial and interesting signs of the Zodiac. From ancient sources it is known that Aquarius is a person who pours water from a vessel. This symbol is found in many cultures of different peoples. It is one of the most ancient symbols known to mankind. Previously, a person pouring water from a jug was usually associated with the coming rainy season. He was especially revered in Egypt, where the wavy lines flowing from the vessel resembled the waves of the great Nile. Let's take a closer look at what the Aquarius zodiac sign means.

Astrological features of the sign

Aquarius is a zodiac sign that is influenced by two planets: Uranus and Saturn, the ruling element is air. The talisman is an ordinary key. Days such as Wednesday and Saturday are favorable for the start of important events. It is not advisable to start any business on Sunday. For Aquarius, all numbers that are divisible by 2 are lucky.

Let us begin to consider the psychological type of this symbol. Aquarius is a zodiac sign that has the ability to see the world in all its amazing diversity, while being able to notice the smallest details. All people born under this sign combine in their character both an integral, direct perception of the world and an analytical mind. Therefore, do not be surprised if Aquarius, while praising your appearance, suddenly declares that your style makes you look fat or that your lipstick does not suit your complexion. Aquarius is a zodiac sign that is alien to patterns and rules. He loves freedom and independence, so he will never do anything he doesn’t like. At the same time, this sign is very peaceful and not prone to conflicts; it is easier for him to move away from the fight, but at the same time remain unconvinced. As for the field of activity, Aquarius likes to work where there is no strict schedule, as well as pressure from management. It is known that Aquarius is a zodiac sign whose main active force is curiosity. He is interested in any topic, from the collider and explosion theory to the structure of a children's boat. However, having penetrated headlong into a trifle of interest, he can quickly lose all interest in it.

Aquarius' curiosity knows no bounds, and the breadth of his views can be the envy of any philosopher. The interesting thing is that he has many acquaintances who can lead different lifestyles and profess different religions. A homeless person or an academician of sciences - for Aquarius it makes absolutely no difference whether the person is interesting. At the same time, he can easily find a common topic for conversation with absolutely anyone.

As a rule, people born under this water symbol are subtle psychologists, have well-developed intuition, and many can even develop psychic abilities. In addition to all the above qualities, one cannot help but say that this sign is very truthful, friendly and insightful. People born under the symbol of the man pouring water love all the attributes associated with the unique air sign. For example, popular tattoos are those of the Aquarius zodiac sign, which can not only decorate the body, but also become a kind of talisman that saves you from unforeseen situations.

Famous Aquarius people:

Ashton Kutcher

, Christian Bale, John Travolta, Jennifer Aniston, Bob Marley, Vanga, Grigory Rasputin, Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Abraham Lincoln, Lewis Carroll, Francis Bacon, Pavel Florensky, Anton Chekhov, Boris Pasternak, Stendhal, Charles Dickens, Fyodor Chaliapin, Anna Pavlova, Christian Dior, Vladimir Vysotsky, Charles Darwin, Jules Verne, you will find many biographies and success stories of famous people, as well as quotes and rules of life for stars, interesting facts and photographs, and interesting materials related to their lives. In addition, here you will find a variety of online games, an electronic dream book, online fortune telling for every day, tests, horoscopes, folk signs, the meaning of the name, attracting money and wealth, materials on psychology and much more.

All information and files presented on this site are

are intended for informational purposes only.

Aquarius – celebrities (actors, musicians, writers, politicians)

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Key phrase: I know.

Key word: imagination.

Positive qualities: ingenuity, kindness, independence.

Aquarians are kind, gentle, ready to help people. They are very happy if people come to them for advice, and the best advisers are Aquarians. They do not rush forward to demonstrate victory in front of their comrades. In love, these people are distinguished by loyalty and devotion, but they are slightly reserved and not inclined to show emotions. Aquarius is a positive sign; about 80% of famous personalities were born under the constellation of Aquarius. Fate is favorable to those who happen to have such friends and partners, because Aquarians are able to awaken the best qualities in people, for example, courage, and also support in hope. Aquarius rules the house of friendship, so he is great at building personal relationships.

It will be very difficult for Aquarius to attract the attention of the totem animal of the year. They will have to work hard on their outfit. We can recommend that Aquarius choose accessories with rhinestones or sparkles. Aquarius women can buy floor-length skirts, trouser suits or long dresses with open shoulders to celebrate the New Year. Clothing should be in harmony with bright jewelry.

Success awaits those born under the zodiac sign Aquarius, because the stars greatly favor this zodiac sign. Aquarians are recommended to take on any new job, because the stars will help them cope with it. Failures will no longer cause emotional distress, and success will bring sincere joy and a sense of relevance. You just need to correctly calculate your options and be more attentive to your desires in your professional field.

The stars advise Aquarius to adjust their diet and be more responsible about their own health.

Arrowroot tricolor, poinsettia.

Maranta is good in companies where there are many bright individuals, each of whom strives for leadership. It is as if she lines them up in a voluntary line so that they do not interfere or suppress each other. Maranta helps with insomnia and regulates the rhythm of the night owls, forcing those who have lost the meaning of life to find it again. In business, it helps to make quick profits.

Euphorbia gives the joy of communication, helps a young man decide on a profession and discover new bright qualities in himself.

Aquarius: geniuses in human history

Great people were completely different. However, many of them had one thing in common: they were born under the constellation of Aquarius. However, there is nothing to be surprised here. After all, it is this zodiac sign that is characterized by intellectual independence.

Aquarians have always been able to look at the world with their own eyes, discarding established views and generally accepted theories. Thanks to this, they were able to become famous, because nothing dominated their opinion.

Aquarius: geniuses have been noted in almost all areas of human activity. In the history of mankind, one can recall such great people as Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus, who seriously advanced science forward. Among the brilliant creators, Lewis Carroll and Anton Chekhov, Stendhal and Boris Pasternak, Charles Dickens and Jules Verne found a place for themselves. Their works still attract the attention of people of all ages, from all countries.

Aquarius: the actors also became known throughout the world. You can remember, for example, John Travolta. However, no less famous are the singers, which include Vladimir Vysotsky, Fyodor Chaliapin and Bob Marley.

Famous Aquarians have never recognized conventional boundaries. The name of Grigory Rasputin will look at readers from the pages of history textbooks for a long time. There you can also find a mention of Abraham Lincoln, an American politician. And of course, the name of Vanga, the famous fortuneteller, is on everyone’s lips.

One of the most famous Aquarians, Charles Darwin, left behind a work that had a tremendous impact on the development of civilization. Did he think, as a barefoot boy, that he would be remembered among geniuses?

And which of the current Aquarius children will be among the most famous people in the world in the future?

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Born under the sign of Aquarius

Aquarius Celebrities

French fashion designer.

Russian model and TV presenter.

Russian theater, film and television actress.

American actress, producer, screenwriter and former fashion model.

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, producer.

Russian singer, former member of the Russian pop group "Ranetki".

Soviet theater and film director, artist, screenwriter, art theorist, teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1935).

English romantic poet who captivated the imagination of all Europe with his “dark selfishness.”

Dutch and American actor.

Former Russian scientist, entrepreneur and politician, currently in exile in the UK; in Russia he is accused of numerous crimes and sentenced to prison in absentia. Doctor of Technical Sciences (1983), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991).

Russian TV and radio presenter

radio "Mayak", etc.), actress, VJ, journalist.

Winner of the “Stylish Things” awards in the nomination “The most stylish presenter of the television screen” and “Radiomania” in the nomination “Best presenter of a program, show”, TEFI nominee as “Best

host of the entertainment program" ("Cheerful morning"), winner of the Super Cup of the project "Circus on the First", "Girl in the style of Incredible Me 2006", "Smile of the Year 2007" and "Diva of the Year 2011" according to Glamor magazine.

Russian theater and film actress.

English-American actress and model, best known for her role as Marissa Cooper in The O.C.

German and American actress. Winner of the 1981 Golden Globe Award, twice winner of the Deutscher Filmpreis (1975, 1983).

Russian actress and TV presenter.

Soviet and Russian pop singer and composer.

Ukrainian singer and actress, soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Honored Artist of Ukraine (2009).

Pianist, poet and composer, performing in the styles of rhythm and blues, soul and neo-soul, winner of fourteen Grammy awards.

Russian artist from Ulyanovsk, performing and writing songs in the genres of hip-hop and electrorap. He began his career as a member of the group “Sides of Ra” (together with Arthur Scott).

English writer, one of the most successful prose writers of the 1930s, British intelligence agent.

Ukrainian showman, screenwriter, actor,

artistic director of the Kvartal-95 studio.

In November 2010, he joined the board of the Inter TV channel and was appointed its general producer. In 2012 he left this post.

Portuguese football coach, and current coach of Real Madrid. Son of football goalkeeper and coach Felix Mourinho. Knight of the Order of the Infanta Don Enrique. Many experts, players and coaches call him one of the greatest coaches in modern football.

Russian journalist, TV presenter,

TV projects like “Namedni” and

"Russian Empire", broadcaster

Channel One “What are our years”

(since 2010) and “The Magical World of Disney”

(since 2011, replaced by Ivan Urgant), one of the presenters of the Parfyonov and Pozner program on the Dozhd TV channel. (The program was aired from April 6 to June 24, 2012). Five-time TEFI laureate (1995, 1999, 2000,

2002 and 2004). Member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights.

Russian writer, Ryazan and Tver vice-governor.

Russian actor, who gained fame after the release of the series “Gromovs” and the film “Bastards”.

English writer, mathematician, logician, philosopher, deacon and photographer. The most famous works are “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” as well as the humorous poem “The Hunting of the Snark.”

Austrian composer, bandmaster, virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist. Mozart is widely recognized as one of the greatest composers: his uniqueness lies in the fact that he worked in all musical forms of his time and achieved the greatest success in all of them.

American actor. He gained worldwide popularity by starring as Frodo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-2003).

American singer, musician, actor, member of the group "Backstreet Boys". He also released two solo albums: “Now or Never” (2002) and “I’m Taking Off” (2011).

Russian theater and film actor.

American film and television actress.

American singer, songwriter and actor.

American model, one of the first supermodels in the world.

An outstanding Russian writer, playwright, and doctor by profession. Honorary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of belles-lettres (1900-1902). He is a generally recognized classic of world literature. His plays, especially “The Cherry Orchard,” have been staged in many theaters around the world for a hundred years. One of the world's most famous playwrights.

Famous American TV presenter, actress, producer, public figure, host of the talk show “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Forbes magazine named her the most powerful celebrity in 2010 and the ninth most powerful woman in 2005, the first most powerful woman in 2007 and the most powerful person in show business in 2009. Oprah's net worth is estimated at $2.7 billion, more than any other woman in show business. She is the first and only black female billionaire in history.

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