Aquarium maintenance and care for beginners. What does it take to get fish? Tips for beginners. Secrets of proper feeding of aquarium fish


Starting an aquarium for beginners is never easy. More precisely, this matter seems quite simple. However, mistakes are often made, which then lead to the death of plants and fish. To prevent this, you need to take a responsible approach to starting an aquarium. It is not enough to be guided only by “I want”; you also need to be confident in your “I can”. In this article we will look at the main stages of creating a correct, beautiful and harmonious underwater world at home, and also indicate useful tips.

Aquarium size: rules of choice

Where to begin? Of course, it is important to decide on the aquarium. And here you can’t just say: “I want this one.” The choice must be conscious. Often the rule about the connection between an aquarium and fish becomes fundamental for beginners. And this rule is as follows: for one centimeter of the length of the fish there should be one liter of water. At first glance, the rule seems quite simple. But an experienced aquarist knows that this rule is not bad for calculating the optimal size of an aquarium, but still cannot be applied without reservations. What are these reservations?

Firstly, the length of an aquarium fish is an indicator by which it is impossible to evaluate and determine the impact of the fish on the closed aquarium system. For example, some have a round body and, accordingly, greater mass, despite the fact that they have the same length as others, who are smaller in mass. So it turns out that home aquarium may correspond to the stated principle, but in fact be overpopulated.

Secondly, the rule does not take into account such a characteristic as the surface area of ​​​​the water in the aquarium. But it is the area that is the real deterrent. The inhabitants of the aquarium need oxygen; they release carbon dioxide during breathing. The amount of oxygen dissolved in water largely determines how many fish can live in it and develop fully. Oxygen comes from the air, carbon dioxide, on the contrary, goes into the air. From this we can conclude: the larger the surface area of ​​the aquarium, the more intense the replacement of carbon dioxide with oxygen occurs.

Thus, to choose the size of the aquarium, you need to pay attention not only to the body length of the fish, but also to their weight, and to the surface area of ​​the aquarium. What is said in next rule: per centimeter of the fish’s body, not including the tail, there should be at least 12 square centimeters of area.

Aquarium shape

Since we have indicated that the main thing to start with is the aquarium, we will also decide on its shape to make the choice easier. What forms are there? So:

  • regular sizes - used for various fish;
  • elongated in height - intended for monitoring the inhabitants of the aquarium. They have a large height, which provides a fairly large area of ​​​​the front glass. At the same time, such aquariums have a small width.
  • elongated – ideal for small schooling fish.

In turn, aquariums elongated in height or elongated in length can be, for example, hexagonal or even octagonal. When planning to choose an aquarium of a specific shape, you need to remember that a hexagonal aquarium has a smaller surface area than a regular one. In general, you should not opt ​​for aquariums that are too wide or narrow. This ratio is not suitable for any fish to live comfortably.

The choice between beauty and convenience for the fish is, of course, yours.

List of acquisitions

What is one thing you definitely can’t get into the underwater world without? The list of necessary equipment along with the aquarium includes:

  • filtration system;
  • priming;
  • lighting;
  • heater;
  • water quality test;
  • plants;
  • fish;
  • devices for cleaning soil and glass;
  • net;
  • etc.

Before purchasing all these devices, you can look up their prices online to estimate the costs. If they are quite feasible, then it’s time to move on to the second stage of the plan – buying all these things.


Provide care. They are of two types - external and internal. Which one do you need? For beginner aquarists, it is better to choose an internal filter. It will provide the air needs of the inhabitants of the water kingdom and is several times cheaper than external ones. It is recommended to choose filters with a small reserve, 50 liters.


Maintenance includes installing a proper heater. It performs a very important function - it maintains the temperature optimal for the life of fish and plants. Like filters, heaters should indicate on the packaging the volume of the aquarium that the heater can support.


Plants and fish need a very special spectrum of the beam. Special lamps provide best growth plants and fish development. Beginners are recommended to choose Sylvania Gro-lux and Sylvania Aquastar lamps. The lighting in the aquarium must meet the intensity criterion: no less than 0.6 W per 1 liter of water. Thus, a 100-liter aquarium needs 60W. That's the minimum. If the intensity increases to 0.9-1W, it will not be good, but excellent.

CO2 saturation system

Another component that is needed to ensure proper care. There is no mistake here; not only oxygen is important, but also a certain content of carbon dioxide. It is needed for plant growth daytime days. The role of the carbon dioxide saturation system especially increases in those aquariums where few fish live. However, novice aquarists do not need to install this system, and if they do, then after the biological balance has formed in the aquarium, the plants will gradually begin to grow.


It should consist of small pebbles, the diameter of which ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 centimeters. But it's very general rule: This soil is suitable for most, but not all plants will accept it. Before placing the purchased one, you need to boil it. Such soil care will eliminate the possibility of harmful microorganisms and bacteria entering the aquarium.

The soil must be mixed with starting fertilizer in a ratio of 2/3. The procedure is as follows: lay the soil on the bottom of the aquarium, then add fertilizer. The layer of soil can and even should be made uneven: for the front glass it is less - 4 cm, for the rear - 8 cm.

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In this article, we will try to help a beginner in starting a freshwater aquarium for the first time. We will start with a list of equipment that you will need first, and then, step by step, we will tell you how it is recommended to start your first aquarium.

List of equipment you will need:
Aquarium soil
Filter (internal or external)
Spare filter material
Plants (also optional decorations, etc.)
Water tests (optional, but we highly recommend purchasing them to monitor the condition of the water)
Food for fish
Air pump if the filter is external
Glass scraper
10 liter bucket

Let's start launching and arranging the aquarium

STEP 1: Responsibility.

Keeping and maintaining an aquarium is not that difficult, but there are steps that require commitment and consistency. Firstly, an aquarium can be compared with other pets, cats and dogs - it also needs attention, responsibility and care. In order for it to be beautiful and healthy, you will need to make some efforts.
Once a week (on as a last resort once every 2 weeks, but this is the maximum) will need to be carried out Maintenance Your aquarium. Changing the water usually takes most of the time. You should also feed the fish according to at least once a day, in small portions and make sure that the remaining food does not remain to rot at the bottom, because this will spoil the water and therefore harm the inhabitants. You should also pay attention to the money issue - aquarium keeping is not the cheapest hobby. There are fixed costs, such as replacing filter materials, feed, fertilizers, etc.
It also happens that fish get sick and need to be treated; for this there are special medicines, usually not expensive and special techniques treatment.

STEP 2: Decide on the size of the aquarium.

To begin with, decide what kind of fish you want to see in your aquarium - small, medium or large; the future size of the aquarium directly depends on this. Some types of fish grow up to 3-4cm, and some can be 30-40cm or more in length! Knowing what kind of fish you will buy will make it easier for you to choose the size of the aquarium. The rule applies - the larger the aquarium, the more difficult it will be to disturb its biobalance after launch and, accordingly, it will be less problems. In our opinion, the most optimal size an aquarium for a beginner is up to 150 liters, but not less than 100. But if you are not sure whether you can handle this hobby (not in financial terms), buy a smaller aquarium.
Why big and not small? As already written above, it is easier to maintain biobalance, with a small one there will be a lot of trouble - the water spoils faster, the fish are not comfortable in small volumes, the slightest fluctuation in any parameters will lead to an outbreak of algae growth or the death of plants due to a lack of something. Also, dissolved oxygen quickly leaves the water in small volumes, and if there is suddenly a problem with the air supply, the fish will die from suffocation.

STEP 3: Decide on where to install the aquarium.

The aquarium should be placed where there will be no external influence on it, such as sunlight from a window or a heating radiator. sunlight can heat the water in the aquarium, this is especially true in summer, as well as very strong growth of blue-green and green algae on the walls of the aquarium, etc. Take care of the cabinet or other device on which the aquarium will stand, will it support the weight? To check this, stand on a pedestal and lightly jump on it. Did you survive? This means that the aquarium will survive. If you assembled the cabinet yourself or took it from old furniture, then be sure to strengthen it, for example, strengthen the corners with corners or bars. In general, how and what to fasten with is up to your imagination, but usually these are corners and screws, wooden ties, etc. Don’t forget about the floor, this is more relevant in private houses; in apartments the floor is usually strong. The displacement and weight are approximately the same, but it is better to take it on the basis that a 100 liter aquarium will weigh 150 kg!

STEP 4: Buy an aquarium and equipment.

Now you need to decide on the size of the aquarium and, accordingly, the performance and type of filtration equipment.
Filter selection important point, if it is weak, then it simply cannot cope with the volume, and if it is strong, then there will be a constant storm in the aquarium, which means stress for the fish.
Filters can be internal or external; each has its own pros and cons. Let's look at internal filters first.

Pros of internal:
The most important thing is the price. Internal filters are always cheaper than external filters.
Easy to maintain, it will take no more than 10 minutes a week.
Built-in air supply on most models.
The internal filter cannot leak - it is already in water!
And now the disadvantages of internal filters:
Small area of ​​filter material (sponges, ceramics, etc.) compared to external filters.
The use of filter materials is limited; usually it is only a foam sponge with different cells. Most often it is impossible to use due to the design of the add-on. filter materials, e.g. Activated carbon etc.
It is also more dangerous - the cable from the electrical network is immersed in the water of the aquarium. In external filters, the cable usually does not come into contact with water.
Frequent cleaning of the filter due to its small size means it will become clogged faster.
External filter, pros and cons.
Great performance.
Possibility of using various filter components.
Multi-stage filtration, resulting in better water filtration.
Less attention is required because... cleaning is carried out once every six months, more often from 1 to 2 years.

Price. External filters are much more expensive than internal ones.
Possibility of leakage. It is not closed tightly, there is a crack, debris has gotten into the connection - this leads to a leak, but it is not immediately large, but small, so after cleaning, watch the filter during the day to see if there are any leaks.
Although the service is rare, it is long. If you decide to clean it, then be prepared to spend at least 20 minutes on it.

You also need to purchase a heater that can heat the volume of the future aquarium.
It should be purchased with a thermostat (automatic temperature control). A heater is not always a necessary thing; it often happens that there is always normal temperature and the water in the aquarium will remain at the optimal 27-28 Cº. But the temperature does not always have to be like this, it depends on the specific fish and plants that you purchase, take care of this information in advance.

Stores usually have a large selection of soils - different colour, size, nutritional value.

Priming– is a nutrient substrate for plants, in the soil is a medium for the emergence and development beneficial bacteria, mosses. The soil participates in filtration thanks to bacteria and plant roots. For more detailed information about its choice, see our forum in the topic: Diamix - the experiment has begun!

You also need to decide how many plants you will have. To begin with, of course, you should buy the simplest and not too many in order to understand how to care for them, how to plant them in the ground, weed them, then with experience you can purchase more complex and expensive plants, but here There will already be a need to modernize lighting and purchase other lamps, because... Usually the standard lamps that come with the aquarium are weak and not suitable for demanding plants; they simply will not grow under such light and will die.

Examples of simple plants:
Vallisneria - grows very quickly, reproduces vegetatively (by shoots from the roots), looks beautiful.
Various types of mosses, such as Java moss.
Hornwort - can either float in water or be planted in the ground.
Duckweed and Riccia float on the surface of the water.
Echinodorus are large-leaved plants with very short stems.
Cryptocarines, like Vallisneria, are suitable for the background, because has long leaves.

Lighting - it all depends on the specific plants, but we will rely on simple ones, which means the rule will work - 30 lumes/liter (no less than 20 and no more than 45 lums/liter)

You should use T5 lamps, these are special aquarium lamps. These lamps are different sizes and, accordingly, different wattages, the labeling of the tubes will contain information on lumes, which is needed to calculate the number of lamps.

There are also spotlights LED bulbs, but at the first stage you don’t need to bother with this, because You have little experience and this may be a simple waste of money or even harmful.

One more thing, if there are a lot of plants and good light, then the application of CO2 and fertilizers will be required. CO2 generators can be either store-bought or home-made. On our forum, aquarists discussed various ways implementation of generators. To give you an idea of ​​what it looks like:

STEP 5: Installing the aquarium.

You bought an aquarium, now check the level of the cabinet; if it is crooked, be sure to adjust its levelness, because this is fraught with big problems; at a large angle of inclination, the aquarium may burst. Place a backing on the cabinet that is the size of the aquarium; you can buy it where you bought the aquarium or make it yourself from a travel rug.

Now the aquarium needs to be washed with water. Water only, no soap or detergent! Residues of soap or products can harm future inhabitants of the aquarium.

STEP 6: Wash the soil, plants (if they are plastic) and decorations.

Be sure to rinse the soil before adding it to the aquarium, rinse until the water runs clear. The easiest way to rinse is to put the soil in a pasta sieve and rinse under running water; you can also rinse in a basin, this way you will control the purity of the water. Then carefully pour the soil into the aquarium. When all the soil has been washed and poured into the aquarium, distribute it throughout the aquarium, creating a slight rise towards the back wall, this way you will visually expand the aquarium, and there is also a rule - long-stemmed plants always back wall, and short ones and ground cover in the foreground, accordingly they will have different root systems and long-stemmed ones need a thicker layer of soil for the root system. Now plant the plants after pouring some water.

Planting is like this: take a plant and tear off the 2 bottom leaves. Make a depression in the soil with your finger or stick. The plant is carefully planted and sprinkled with soil. If the plant has roots, then the root is trimmed, leaving 2-3 cm. Further actions are the same. Don't forget about the rule - big ones back to the wall of the aquarium, small ones to the front.

STEP 7: Pour water into the aquarium.

In order not to spoil the soil and plants with a stream of water, you can put a plate or saucer in the aquarium and pour water into it. Water should be used at room temperature. To remove chlorine from water, use something like Tetra AquaSafe for aquariums. Fill the aquarium halfway and see if everything suits you, if there are any leaks and if the aquarium is level.

STEP 8: Installation of equipment.

Install the heater, but do not turn it on until the thermostat in the heater reaches the water temperature. This usually takes about 15 minutes or so. Install and connect the filter equipment and add water to the end, but leave about 3-5cm to the edge. Visually inspect the lamps in the cover; they may come loose during transportation, etc. Place the lid on the aquarium, make sure that all cables are dry from water and only then connect the plugs to the sockets.

STEP 9. Patience, patience and more patience.

I know you want to add fish. But before doing this, you need to wait until the biological balance in the aquarium is established and all indicators return to normal. There are ways to speed up this process, but that's another story. Usually 2 weeks are enough to establish balance. At this time, you can add a few ampoules to speed up the process at least a little. Once again about the plants - at the start-up and training stage they should be the simplest and most unpretentious; it is recommended to plant the aquarium tightly. Lighting no more than 8 hours a day. If the water suddenly becomes cloudy, do not be alarmed, this is a normal reaction.

A bacterial film will also form on the surface; to remove it, take a sheet of newspaper or loose paper, place it on the surface of the water and lift it up.

Water changes should not be done, i.e. there are no fish and biological balance, this will harm the process.
Just wait and take your time to check in.

STEP 10. Fish.

After 2 weeks, you can add a couple of simple fish (guppies, swordtails) and carefully monitor their behavior; if the fish suddenly die, it means something went wrong and you need to check the water with tests to make sure that there are no toxic objects in the aquarium.

Also, the small amount of fish is determined so that there is no disturbance in the biological balance, because fish produce waste through their vital activity.

And after this, if the fish react well, you can buy those that you like, but not complex ones, for example, zebrafish, neons, speckled catfish, Siamese algae eaters, mollies, barbs (they are aggressive, they will chase others, it is recommended to buy only separately flock). There is no need to buy fish in 2 pieces, buy in schools, at least 6 pieces.

After buying fish, do not rush to immediately pour everything into the aquarium, let the bag float in the aquarium so that the water temperature is equalized and the fish acclimatize. After 5 minutes, add some water from the aquarium into the bag and wait, after another 5 minutes do the same. Do this 3-4 times, this will help the fish get used to the pH and avoid stress. But in any case, the fish will most likely be stressed.

There is no need to feed the fish on the first day. Let them get used to their new home.

Most likely, they will become pale and lose color - this is a reaction to stress.

STEP 11: Be prepared for regular maintenance.

Be prepared to spend a little time cleaning the aquarium - 1-2 times a week. Once a week, replace 25-30% of the aquarium volume, clean the glass, remove rotten parts of plants, rinse the filter materials in aquarium water(in a separate container), it is not recommended to rinse in a flow tank, because beneficial bacteria colonize there.
Once a month it is recommended to siphon the soil, but this is done if you have few plants; if you have a lot, then the plants must process everything themselves.

Sometimes beginners make mistakes such as replanting plants from time to time after cleaning - this should never be done, as this will prevent the plant from taking root and growing.

It often happens that before cleaning the aquarium, a beginner removes all the fish, removes the plants, drains all the water, pours clean water, mixes all the soil, and drains the water. Plants plants (if they survive, of course), pours water, plants fish. And so in a circle from time to time. Yes, there are such novice aquarists. You can’t do that, don’t make those mistakes. All cleaning and maintenance of the aquarium is carried out with the inhabitants in the aquarium; there is no need to disturb the plants or replant them unless absolutely necessary.

As you can see, everything is not so complicated! We hope you will have your own aquarium in your home, which will delight you with its beauty and health of fish and plants.

If you have any questions or problems, hurry up and ask them on our forum, they will definitely help you.

An aquarium is not only a decoration for the home. An aquarium and fish are a real hobby that requires a lot of attention. Slowly swimming fish in soft lighting fascinate and calm, making you take your mind off external problems.

If you have decided to get fish and set up an aquarium for the first time, then you need to know exactly what is needed for this.

What you need for an aquarium

Aquarium and stand

Aquariums are absolutely different forms and volumes - here the choice remains only with the buyer and there is no special advice.

Aquariums are made from two types of glass: silicate and acrylic.

Silicate glass fragile but solid. It is very difficult to scratch, but breaking it will not be difficult.

Acrylic glass- a softer, lighter, more flexible, viscous material that is difficult to break, but at the same time it scratches very easily.

The aquarium can be open or closed. A closed aquarium with a lid still outperforms the first one. You can attach a light to the lid, which is simply necessary for fish.

The larger the aquarium, the more fish it can live in. Remember that the water must be changed regularly; the more liters in your “jar”, ​​the more difficult it is to replace.

Stand or cabinet

The stand must be durable, moisture-resistant and not spoil appearance premises. The stand performs only one function - holding the aquarium, but you can put equipment, food and anything else in the cabinet.


There are three types of filters: mechanical, biological and chemical.

Any aquarium must have biological filter, as it kills the toxic ammonia released by fish. This is the most sustainable, effective filtration available.

Mechanical filter is responsible for purifying water from pieces of plants, food residues and other dirt, preventing environmental pollution.

Chemical system filtration removes ammonia, organics, metals, and so on.

It is advisable to choose a filter that combines 2 or 3 filtration systems at once; biological filtration should be present in any case.

Remember that filters become clogged over time and therefore need to be cleaned regularly.


The aquarium must have an aerator or compressor. These devices have a common goal: saturating the aquarium with oxygen, which is equally necessary for fish and algae.

There is a difference between a compressor and an aerator. The compressor operates much louder than the second device, but its vibration is also quieter. A classic compressor pumps air from outside the aquarium itself, while an aerator, on the contrary, sucks in air from the middle of the “can.”


If you are going to have tropical fish or in winter the room in which the aquarium is located is poorly heated, then purchasing a heater is simply necessary.

Heaters are divided into fully immersed and partially immersed. In a classic partially submerged heater, part of the coil is in the water, and the other half is above its level.

Heaters that are completely immersed in water can be located at the bottom of the aquarium, they can be disguised under the ground. They are stable, invisible and do not need to be turned off when changing water, unlike classic devices.

If the difference in the air temperature of the water and the room is no more than 6 degrees, then the power of the device should be 0.6 W per liter. If the difference exceeds 6 degrees, then the heater must be at least 1 W per liter of water.

Naturally, to measure the water temperature in the aquarium, you need to attach a special thermometer.


Three reasons why your aquarium must have soil:

  1. Decoration of the “can”
  2. Substrate and soil provide plants with life and nutrition
  3. The soil collects bacteria, which are subsequently “selected” by the filter

The color of the soil, its shape– it’s a matter of everyone’s taste, but, for example, dark soil reflects the colors of the fish much better. If the soil is too light, then the fish will be light and not colorful.

Recently on sale special kind pebbles covered with a thin layer of plastic. It cannot be boiled. It costs more than usual.

Before pouring soil into the bottom, it must be thoroughly disinfected. To remove dirt, you need to rinse it under running water several times, and then completely boil it for 20 minutes in salt water.


Algae is sold real and artificial. The latter look more impressive, since their colors are brighter, more stable, and they practically do not require any care other than washing.

But real algae, although not so bright, are useful for the inhabitants. They release oxygen and various trace elements. Some fish even eat individual species seaweed

Here the choice is yours.


Some consider the device useless, but in vain. If you simply pour food into the water without a limiter, it will quickly clog the entire aquarium, and it is advisable to avoid this.


The choice of fish should not only come from simple desire and preference. Large fish in a small aquarium look ridiculous, and it is difficult for them to live in a small space.

When buying fish different types Be sure to check whether they can live in the same aquarium without harming each other. Some fish simply cannot tolerate being in the neighborhood with representatives of another species.

Breeding fish in an aquarium is a hobby for millions of people. Both adults and children enjoy watching living creatures of unique beauty splashing in the water.

Do you love nature and animals, but don't know which pet is right for you? Get an aquarium. Caring for fish is simple and does not require much time. And watching the movement of a colorful flock will bring many interesting and pleasant minutes. The question that a beginner asks himself when he decides to start an aquarium is where to start? First of all, you should familiarize yourself with general recommendations to decide if this hobby is right for you.

What a beginner aquarist needs

When buying an aquarium you need to be responsible. If you simply fill it with tap water and add tenants purchased on the same day, you will be greatly disappointed. The water will become cloudy and the fish will most likely die.

An aquarium is a fragile ecosystem. The most important task is to establish balance in it. When the water is clear, the plants are lush and green, and the fish are happy. It is best to start getting acquainted with aquariums by reading literature and communicating on forums of like-minded people. And when you feel that the issue has been sufficiently studied, feel free to go to the pet store.

Pet stores have everything a beginner needs for an aquarium. At the first stage you need to buy:

  1. Aquarium. Many people think that it is better to buy the smallest one to start with. But this is not true; it is more difficult to establish balance in a small container. Therefore, choose a fish house with a volume of at least 40-50 liters, and preferably more. Stop at the simplest rectangular aquarium - it is easier to care for than a round or shaped one.
  2. Lighting. Both fish and plants require additional light, especially if the aquarium is located in the back of the room. Usually the lid sold with the aquarium already contains the required minimum of lamps. The best ones are fluorescent lamps and ordinary energy-saving lamps. For a volume of 50 liters, lighting of 25-30 watts is sufficient.
  3. Filter. In order for the water in your aqua world to remain clean and clear, it must be purified. So your next purchase will be a filter. They are internal and external. For a beginner, it is better to purchase an internal filter. Almost all filters have an aeration system - air from the room is supplied to the water and sprayed there with small bubbles so that the fish have something to breathe.
  4. Heater and thermometer. Majority aquarium fish ok thermophilic. To keep your residents from freezing, you need to maintain a temperature in the aquarium of about 22-23 degrees.
  5. Priming. If you want to admire not only fish, but also lush thickets of aquatic plants, you need to take care of suitable soil. Do not buy a color mixture; poor quality paint can be toxic. The best soil– quartz, basalt, granite with a grain diameter of 2-4 mm. Smaller ones often cake and sour, and in larger ones it will be difficult for plants to take root. .
  6. Net, feeder, siphon. No aquarist can do without these little things.

Launching an aquarium: secrets of mastery

So, all the equipment has been purchased and is waiting in the wings. The question arises: what about the fish? When will their turn come? There is no need to rush with the fish. Their turn will come only in two to three weeks. In the meantime, we need to start starting the aquarium. Launching is a process during which the balance necessary for the life of fish is established in a container filled with water.

You need to act strictly according to plan:

  1. Preparing the soil and container. The aquarium needs to be thoroughly washed and rinsed. The soil should also be rinsed several times to remove dust and very small particles. Stones and driftwood to decorate the composition are also washed.
  2. Creating an underwater landscape. The aquarium is put in place and they begin to conjure to create a beautiful landscape. First, fill the soil with a layer of 4-5 cm, making a slight slope towards the front wall. Then they install decorative elements - pebbles, driftwood, grottoes. Fill in a third of the volume of water.
  3. Planting an underwater garden. Now it's the turn of the plants. For beginners, unpretentious species are suitable - vallisneria, hornwort, rotala, cryptocorynes, elodea. When planting, proceed as with ordinary land plants. The long roots are lightly trimmed, the bush is buried in the soil and the hole is sprinkled. At first, you can weigh down the bushes with pebbles so that they do not float up.
  4. Filling water and installing equipment. The work is nearing completion. Water is poured into the aquarium, and then a filter, a heating pad and a thermometer are attached to the glass. The equipment is turned on immediately.
  5. Balance. Now you need to forget about the aquarium for a while. Yes, yes, you don’t have to worry that the water has become cloudy and the overall composition looks unpresentable. After a week, the water will gradually clear, the plants will straighten their leaves. This will mean that balance is being established in your underwater world. But even now there is no need to rush with the fish. If you really want to, you can throw snails in there and wait another week.

What kind of fish should a beginner get?

In the pet store, your eyes widen from the abundance of fish - big and small, bright and not so bright, nimble and calm. How not to get confused among this splendor and choose those pets that will please the eye and will not require complex care?

It is best to introduce the most unpretentious fish into an aquarium for beginners. Here is an incomplete list of aquarium residents that are undemanding to living conditions:

  • Guppy. The most popular fish. Bright males and gray females live in almost any conditions. And when proper care They will also delight you with offspring.
  • Swordtails, platies, mollies. Viviparous fish of bright colors - red, black, yellow.
  • Gourami. beautiful, unpretentious fish with lower fins in the form of long whiskers.
  • Barbs. Striped, very active pets. It is better to keep them separately, because many individuals are pugnacious and offend more peaceful fish.
  • Catfish. Be sure to get yourself some Corydoras or Ancitrus. It's very interesting to watch them.
  • Danio. A cheerful flock of these minke whales will decorate any aquarium.

How to care for an aquarium

Finally, your aquarium is populated with residents. It is not difficult to care for it; it is enough to spend a couple of minutes every day and half an hour to an hour once a week.

The fish are fed daily. If you do this every time certain time, they will soon get used to the regime and will swim to the feeder in anticipation of a meal. There is a lot of ready-made dry food in stores, but it is still better if you can feed the fish with live food - daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex. You can buy live food at bird markets or arm yourself with a net, walk along nearby bodies of water and get the food yourself.

On weekends, it’s time for more thorough care of the aquarium. You will have to replace some of the water, remove debris from the bottom, rinse the filter, and clean the glass. Water for replacement must first be settled. Approximately 15-20% of the total volume is changed. For example, if your aquarium holds 50 liters, then replace 7-10 liters of water.

Aquarium hobby often becomes a lifelong hobby, because creating underwater worlds brings peace and tranquility to a busy life. This hobby is much more interesting and useful than fishing.

Don't believe your eyes. For beginners in aquarium keeping.

« I want to have an aquarium to make it beautiful», « Is it possible to make a jar with fish in a simpler way?"- such words are often pronounced in pet stores by beginners who have previously fished and aquariums seen only in pictures, with friends or at work. Often from the store such a person brings an aquarium, various equipment for it (often not what was actually needed), a bag of various fish and a couple of beauties such as ceramic decorations or artificial plants. I installed it, launched it (approximately as the seller explained) - and discovered that there was no special beauty. The water is cloudy, the fish are clearly not healthy (few of them will survive a week in a fresh aquarium) and it is far from beautiful. Some beginners give up a new hobby, deciding that fish- it’s complicated and absolutely not worth the money spent, others buy different fish over and over again in the hope that at least something will take root, a third begin to interrogate sellers, study literature on aquarium management and sooner or later they actually create a living and beautiful aquarium. But you can take care in advance of solving problems associated with the start-up and life of the aquarium, and avoid fairly common beginner mistakes. This article is devoted to the analysis of these errors.

The first thing you need to understand is that not a single animal is bred “for beauty.” Whether it is a cat, a turtle or fish, the owner of the animals must take care of their health and adequate living conditions. Fish and other aquatic animals (invertebrates and some amphibians) are fundamentally different from most pets (animals, reptiles and birds) in that they live in water. This is obvious and banal, but it is difficult for us, as land animals, to understand that water - even crystal clear - may not be suitable for life, since it carries various toxic compounds. Likewise, water in an aquarium cannot be sterile, just as it is not sterile in natural bodies of water. And most importantly, even the largest aquarium (and these are aquariums of 500 liters or more, and not at all 30 liters, which beginners are so eager to purchase) cannot satisfy the needs of fish that live in rivers and lakes, where they have thousands and thousands of liters at their disposal water.

Second: you should never rush to create an aquarium. Ecosystems in natural reservoirs have been created over centuries; no one will be able to repeat this in a day. The best solution will think in advance about who will live and grow in the aquarium, what this aquarium will be like. And only after thinking through everything, go buy an aquarium.

Now about the most common mistakes:

  1. Laziness. It’s a shame, but because of laziness, fish are most often destroyed and unattractive jars are created with muddy water and sick fish. Too lazy to read books on aquarium keeping, too lazy to keep the aquarium in order, too lazy to look for the cause of the disease (it doesn’t matter, as many say, if they die, we’ll buy new ones), too lazy to create normal conditions for plant life, which is why in aquariums there are only artificial ones, but lushly overgrown with all sorts of algae. Caring for an aquarium is actually a little more complicated than caring for a terrarium or rodent cage, but it is just as necessary. If this seems so difficult to you, is it worth getting fish?
  2. A salesperson in a pet store as the only source of information. Alas, they will not always tell you adequate information - most often they will sell you everything you want, and it doesn’t matter whether it all gets along together in your aquarium. The origins of this error must be sought in the first point - the beginner pays (literally) for his reluctance to read information about different fish, plants or equipment in books or on websites dedicated to aquarium keeping.
  3. Stereotypes. There are several common myths about aquariums that many beginners and not only aquarists believe. These stereotypes include:

    a) " Fishbowl with a goldfish." If you learn a little about the history of the goldfish, it turns out that the fish lived in ponds and pools. Is it possible to put pond fish in a small jar? Probably the same as guard dog- in a cramped cage where she can barely turn around.

    b) “Round aquariums are harmful to fish.” Probably, this stereotype came from the previous one - people put the same goldfish into round aquariums, and it became worse - therefore, a round aquarium is harmful. A round aquarium is more difficult to maintain, but no more harmful than a rectangular or hexagonal one, and is suitable for keeping small fish or shrimp.

    c) “The fish grows to the size of the aquarium.” This phrase should be translated as “the fish will not grow larger than the aquarium.” Most likely, this stereotype arose due to the fact that a rare fish could grow to a normal size in a small aquarium before dying from unsuitable conditions. And since people often don’t know how long fish actually live, and fish cannot tell their owners about their problems, it seems that she has lived a long time happy life. In fact, on various aquarium forums you can see advertisements for hefty catfish, gourami and other fish that are given away for free because they feel cramped in their native aquarium.

    e) “Snails clean the glass of the aquarium.” Of course, when you look at the giant leg of the ampularia that crawls along the glass, you believe in the correctness of this statement. But you need to look not at the leg, but at the small mouth of this snail - it cleans the glass with its mouth, and not at all with its foot. The ampularia's mouth is the diameter of a pinhead - compare this with the size of the front glass of the aquarium alone. In addition, it is easier for any snail to feast on tender plants or leftover fish food (or even the fish itself) than to systematically clean the glass to the delight of its owner. Alas, snails are practically useless as glass cleaners. Sticky catfish, which are asked second after snails, are not much better. It is impossible to explain to a catfish that the glass must be cleaned evenly. The glass can only be cleaned evenly by the owner using a scraper or sponge. This is not a reason to refuse to keep snails in the aquarium, since they can perform other important functions(which beginners don’t even know about), for example, serve as indicators of different water parameters or good pioneers in only neglected aquarium.

    f) “You can’t keep anyone with a cockerel.” Yes, the betta is an aggressive fighting fish. But in fact, he is absolutely indifferent to fish, which are unlike him. Moreover, the cockerel can get it from barbs or other peaceful lovers of veil fins.

  4. “There’s a pair for every creature.” Also, one of the consequences of laziness is a lack of understanding of the nature of a particular fish. Fish can be divided into “paired” and “schooled” - and this is the roughest division, since the pairs of paired fish are not always constant or the structure of the fish school is the same. Thus, requests to catch a couple of fish (“definitely a boy and a girl!”) look very strange. Firstly, even if these are paired fish, it is not a fact that they will be bred in community aquarium a beginner (with the exception of viviparous poeciliids - the favorites of beginners - guppies, swordtails, mollies and others), secondly, they often try to get a pair from two schooling fish. But schooling fish are supposed to swim in a school. The proposal to catch a pair of each type of schooling fish (“let them swim together in a school!”) also looks rather stupid - with the same success you can make a herd of two horses, two cows, two goats, two sheep and two dogs.
  5. “Well, they’re small – you can plant more of them!” Required in Once again read point 1. Pet stores sell adolescent fish (and not only fish - it’s quite stupid to sell an adult animal that is already accustomed to certain conditions and risking dying of old age in the hands of a new owner) and you need to know how big the fish will grow in order to calculate the “living space” for it normal sizes. And - re-read point 1 again before saying “well, we’ll buy a bigger aquarium later” or “well, she may not live to adult size.” You should also not confuse ordinary and commercial aquariums, chock full of fish. You shouldn’t say: “Well, you have so many fish in your aquarium!” - look that in a cage with hamsters for sale there can be five or ten of these same hamsters - you will still buy one, and not all of them.
  6. “I want everything at once.” Never buy everything at once - in the sense of an aquarium, equipment and fish. Even if you want to arrange a surprise for a child, believe me, an aquarium and a “surprise” are incompatible concepts. If you have forgotten biology and chemistry, and the phrases “nitrogen cycle” or “ecosystem” are a dark forest for you, then just put yourself in the place of the fish. Imagine what you bought new apartment, in which there is no wiring, no bathroom, not to mention bare walls or the absence of windows and doors (and this is exactly what a new aquarium is like without equipment, soil, etc.). What would you prefer: to live in this “box” and at the same time arrange your life or to renovate it first new house, and then move in there? At the same time, before the fish move in, you will have the opportunity to check all the equipment (what if something doesn’t work as it should?) and change something in accordance with your desires. It’s not surprising, but the fish, for which everything was started, should be bought last. Perhaps the only exception to this rule is the gentleman’s set “small aquarium with a cockerel”. In this case, a certain compromise is achieved between a “humane aquarium” and the desire to make a surprise or a gift.
  7. “I want everything at once” - 2. Many people immediately buy a bag of various fish to start an aquarium. This cannot be done either. Fish vary in habits and difficulty of keeping. It turns out to be a double problem - some of the fish die in an improperly run aquarium from stress and poor conditions, and the other part - from evil neighbors. Once again, re-read point 1 and look for information on each of the fish you like in the pet store. Several pitfalls await you here. Firstly, the concept of friendliness in fish is relative. Neons, angelfish, and barbs are also called peaceful, but in reality, barbs often bite angelfish, and angelfish, in turn, diversify their diet with neons. A fish can be friendly towards another fish only because it cannot yet eat it. Secondly, the concepts of “predator”, “aggressive” and “vegetarian”, “peaceful” may not coincide at all for individual fish. For example, the cichlids of Lake Malawi, despite plant-based diet, are quite aggressive, and the macrognathus, which feeds on bloodworms, is quite loyal to other fish. And thirdly, there are exceptions to any rule, and it is necessary to distinguish between these exceptions and the rules themselves. For example, if your friend has goldfish and piranhas living peacefully in his aquarium, you should not follow him, hoping that everything will work out. It won't work.
  8. "I'll start with small aquarium- it's easier". It's not easier, on the contrary, it's more difficult. If you are still not comfortable with biology and chemistry, it is easier to clutter a small room. And as soon as you add an extra object to a small room, you will find that it is impossible to walk through or simply live in this room. In addition, after purchasing such an aquarium, it turns out that the number of types of fish that can be planted in such an aquarium is extremely limited, which upsets the novice aquarist.
  9. “I want it more beautiful.” This is not such a fatal mistake as those described above, but it also affects the creation of a beautiful aquarium. Any fish is beautiful in its own way and is often more interesting in behavior than recognized beauties such as goldfish or purebred guppies. It should also be noted that reality sometimes differs from what you see in photographs in books on aquarium keeping. Most often, fish are photographed in their nuptial plumage, when they are most spectacular. And when you come to the store, there are pale and small fish swimming there, so different from those that shine in the photographs. Not everyone would think of buying such a runt, planting it in their aquarium and watching it grow, spread its fins and gain color.
  10. The last, but not least, mistake is saving on equipment and plants, but going wild when buying fish. Remember - there are never enough fish in an aquarium. But sometimes there is a bad filter, few plants, unsuitable soil or lamps. When counting the number of fish in an aquarium, it is better to use the rule “one centimeter of body length of a fish (an adult! With a tail!) – one liter of water.” Moreover, this works for “skinny” fish, and for “fat” ones, such as parrots or goldfish - per centimeter - 5 liters. You can, of course, say that this rule is outdated, since before the filters were worse, but with it you probably won’t get overpopulation. And one more thing - all fish without exception are taken into account when counting (for some reason many people forget about catfish or fry).

This list of errors is certainly not complete guide on creation good aquarium, but should help a beginner in this difficult matter. It is necessary to understand that “healthy” and “beautiful” for an aquarium are practically synonymous, and only after mastering the principles of creating a “healthy” aquarium can you begin to experiment with its design.

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